Value | Meaning |
Escape0xff1b | |
F10xffbe | |
F20xffbf | |
F30xffc0 | |
F40xffc1 | |
F50xffc2 | |
F60xffc3 | |
F70xffc4 | |
F80xffc5 | |
F90xffc6 | |
F100xffc7 | |
F110xffc8 | |
F120xffc9 | |
PrintScreen0xff61 | |
ScrollLock0xff14 | |
Pause0xff13 | |
Grave0x60 | The ` ~ key |
N10x31 | Number key atop the keyboard |
N20x32 | |
N30x33 | |
N40x34 | |
N50x35 | |
N60x36 | |
N70x37 | |
N80x38 | |
N90x39 | |
N00x30 | |
Dash0x2d | |
Equals0x3d | |
Backslash0x5c | The \ | key |
Backspace0xff08 | |
Insert0xff63 | |
Home0xff50 | |
PageUp0xff55 | |
Delete0xffff | |
End0xff57 | |
PageDown0xff56 | |
Up0xff52 | |
Down0xff54 | |
Left0xff51 | |
Right0xff53 | |
Tab0xff09 | |
Q0x71 | |
W0x77 | |
E0x65 | |
R0x72 | |
T0x74 | |
Y0x79 | |
U0x75 | |
I0x69 | |
O0x6f | |
P0x70 | |
LeftBracket0x5b | the [ { key |
RightBracket0x5d | the ] } key |
CapsLock0xffe5 | |
A0x61 | |
S0x73 | |
D0x64 | |
F0x66 | |
G0x67 | |
H0x68 | |
J0x6a | |
K0x6b | |
L0x6c | |
Semicolon0x3b | |
Apostrophe0x27 | |
Enter0xff0d | |
Shift0xffe1 | |
Z0x7a | |
X0x78 | |
C0x63 | |
V0x76 | |
B0x62 | |
N0x6e | |
M0x6d | |
Comma0x2c | |
Period0x2e | |
Slash0x2f | the / ? key |
Shift_r0xffe2 | Note: this isn't sent on all computers, sometimes it just sends Shift, so don't rely on it. If it is supported though, it is the right Shift key, as opposed to the left Shift key |
Ctrl0xffe3 | |
Windows0xffeb | |
Alt0xffe9 | |
Space0x20 | |
Alt_r0xffea | ditto of shift_r |
Windows_r0xffec | |
Menu0xff67 | |
Ctrl_r0xffe4 | |
NumLock0xff7f | |
Divide0xffaf | The / key on the number pad |
Multiply0xffaa | The * key on the number pad |
Minus0xffad | The - key on the number pad |
Plus0xffab | The + key on the number pad |
PadEnter0xff8d | Numberpad enter key |
Pad10xff9c | Numberpad keys |
Pad20xff99 | |
Pad30xff9b | |
Pad40xff96 | |
Pad50xff9d | |
Pad60xff98 | |
Pad70xff95 | |
Pad80xff97 | |
Pad90xff9a | |
Pad00xff9e | |
PadDot0xff9f |
Do not trust the numeric values as they are platform-specific. Always use the symbolic name.