Asynchronously create a new WebView.
Create a new web resource response object. The headers parameter is the raw response header string delimited by newline. It is also possible to create this object with null headers string and then use the ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders to construct the headers line by line. For more information about other parameters, navigate to ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponse.
Add an event handler for the NewBrowserVersionAvailable event. NewBrowserVersionAvailable runs when a newer version of the WebView2 Runtime is installed and available using WebView2. To use the newer version of the browser you must create a new environment and WebView. The event only runs for new version from the same WebView2 Runtime from which the code is running. When not running with installed WebView2 Runtime, no event is run.
The browser version info of the current ICoreWebView2Environment, including channel name if it is not the WebView2 Runtime. It matches the format of the GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString API. Channel names are beta, dev, and canary.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_NewBrowserVersionAvailable.