
Structure representing a list value. Can be used on any process and thread.

version(cef && embedded_cef_bindings)
extern (C)
struct cef_list_value_t {}



cef_base_ref_counted_t base;

Base structure.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self) nothrow clear;

Removes all values. Returns true (1) on success.

cef_list_value_t* function(cef_list_value_t* self) nothrow copy;

Returns a writable copy of this object.

cef_binary_value_t* function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_binary;

Returns the value at the specified index as type binary. The returned value will reference existing data.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_bool;

Returns the value at the specified index as type bool.

cef_dictionary_value_t* function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_dictionary;

Returns the value at the specified index as type dictionary. The returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object.

double function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_double;

Returns the value at the specified index as type double.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_int;

Returns the value at the specified index as type int.

cef_list_value_t* function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_list;

Returns the value at the specified index as type list. The returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object.

size_t function(cef_list_value_t* self) nothrow get_size;

Returns the number of values.

cef_string_userfree_t function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_string;

Returns the value at the specified index as type string.

cef_value_type_t function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_type;

Returns the value type at the specified index.

cef_value_t* function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow get_value;

Returns the value at the specified index. For simple types the returned value will copy existing data and modifications to the value will not modify this object. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, cef_list_value_t* that) nothrow is_equal;

Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have an equivalent underlying value but are not necessarily the same object.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self) nothrow is_owned;

Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self) nothrow is_read_only;

Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, cef_list_value_t* that) nothrow is_same;

Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have the same underlying data. If true (1) modifications to this object will also affect |that| object and vice-versa.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self) nothrow is_valid;

Returns true (1) if this object is valid. This object may become invalid if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not call any other functions if this function returns false (0).

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow remove;

Removes the value at the specified index.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, cef_binary_value_t* value) nothrow set_binary;

Sets the value at the specified index as type binary. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, int value) nothrow set_bool;

Sets the value at the specified index as type bool. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, cef_dictionary_value_t* value) nothrow set_dictionary;

Sets the value at the specified index as type dict. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, double value) nothrow set_double;

Sets the value at the specified index as type double. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, int value) nothrow set_int;

Sets the value at the specified index as type int. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, cef_list_value_t* value) nothrow set_list;

Sets the value at the specified index as type list. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index) nothrow set_null;

Sets the value at the specified index as type null. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t size) nothrow set_size;

Sets the number of values. If the number of values is expanded all new value slots will default to type null. Returns true (1) on success.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, const(cef_string_t)* value) nothrow set_string;

Sets the value at the specified index as type string. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully.

int function(cef_list_value_t* self, size_t index, cef_value_t* value) nothrow set_value;

Sets the value at the specified index. Returns true (1) if the value was set successfully. If |value| represents simple data then the underlying data will be copied and modifications to |value| will not modify this object. If |value| represents complex data (binary, dictionary or list) then the underlying data will be referenced and modifications to |value| will modify this object.
