Id of a touch point. Must be unique per touch, can be any number except -1. Note that a maximum of 16 concurrent touches will be tracked; touches beyond that will be ignored.
Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See cef_event_flags_t for values.
The device type that caused the event.
The normalized pressure of the pointer input in the range of [0,1]. Set to 0 if not applicable.
X radius in pixels. Set to 0 if not applicable.
Y radius in pixels. Set to 0 if not applicable.
Rotation angle in radians. Set to 0 if not applicable.
The state of the touch point. Touches begin with one CEF_TET_PRESSED event followed by zero or more CEF_TET_MOVED events and finally one CEF_TET_RELEASED or CEF_TET_CANCELLED event. Events not respecting this order will be ignored.
X coordinate relative to the left side of the view.
Y coordinate relative to the top side of the view.
Structure representing touch event information.