
Resize image. Partial gamma correction looks better on mips; set to 1.0 to disable gamma correction. Filter scale: values < 1.0 cause aliasing, but create sharper looking mips (0.75f, for example).

  1. TrueColorImage imageResize(MemoryImage msrcimg, int dstwdt, int dsthgt, const(char)[] filter, float gamma, float filterScale)
  2. TrueColorImage imageResize(MemoryImage msrcimg, int dstwdt, int dsthgt, int filter, float gamma, float filterScale)
  3. void imageResize(void delegate(Color[] destrow, int y) srcGetRow, void delegate(int y, const(Color)[] row) dstPutRow, int srcwdt, int srchgt, int dstwdt, int dsthgt, int filter, float gamma, float filterScale)
    int Components = 4
    scope void delegate
    int y
    scope void delegate
    int y
    const(Color)[] row
    int srcwdt
    int srchgt
    int dstwdt
    int dsthgt
    int filter = -1
    float gamma = 1.0f
    float filterScale = 1.0f
