1 // FIXME: add classList. it is a live list and removes whitespace and duplicates when you use it.
2 // FIXME: xml namespace support???
3 // FIXME: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentHTML
4 // FIXME: parentElement is parentNode that skips DocumentFragment etc but will be hard to work in with my compatibility...
6 // FIXME: the scriptable list is quite arbitrary
9 // xml entity references?!
11 /++
12 	This is an html DOM implementation, started with cloning
13 	what the browser offers in Javascript, but going well beyond
14 	it in convenience.
16 	If you can do it in Javascript, you can probably do it with
17 	this module, and much more.
19 	---
20 	import arsd.dom;
22 	void main() {
23 		auto document = new Document("<html><p>paragraph</p></html>");
24 		writeln(document.querySelector("p"));
25 		document.root.innerHTML = "<p>hey</p>";
26 		writeln(document);
27 	}
28 	---
30 	BTW: this file optionally depends on `arsd.characterencodings`, to
31 	help it correctly read files from the internet. You should be able to
32 	get characterencodings.d from the same place you got this file.
34 	If you want it to stand alone, just always use the `Document.parseUtf8`
35 	function or the constructor that takes a string.
37 	Symbol_groups:
39 	core_functionality =
41 	These members provide core functionality. The members on these classes
42 	will provide most your direct interaction.
44 	bonus_functionality =
46 	These provide additional functionality for special use cases.
48 	implementations =
50 	These provide implementations of other functionality.
51 +/
52 module arsd.dom;
54 // FIXME: support the css standard namespace thing in the selectors too
56 version(with_arsd_jsvar)
57 	import arsd.jsvar;
58 else {
59 	enum scriptable = "arsd_jsvar_compatible";
60 }
62 // this is only meant to be used at compile time, as a filter for opDispatch
63 // lists the attributes we want to allow without the use of .attr
64 bool isConvenientAttribute(string name) {
65 	static immutable list = [
66 		"name", "id", "href", "value",
67 		"checked", "selected", "type",
68 		"src", "content", "pattern",
69 		"placeholder", "required", "alt",
70 		"rel",
71 		"method", "action", "enctype"
72 	];
73 	foreach(l; list)
74 		if(name == l) return true;
75 	return false;
76 }
79 // FIXME: something like <ol>spam <ol> with no closing </ol> should read the second tag as the closer in garbage mode
80 // FIXME: failing to close a paragraph sometimes messes things up too
82 // FIXME: it would be kinda cool to have some support for internal DTDs
83 // and maybe XPath as well, to some extent
84 /*
85 	we could do
86 	meh this sux
88 	auto xpath = XPath(element);
90 	     // get the first p
91 	xpath.p[0].a["href"]
92 */
95 /// The main document interface, including a html parser.
96 /// Group: core_functionality
97 class Document : FileResource {
98 	/// Convenience method for web scraping. Requires [arsd.http2] to be
99 	/// included in the build as well as [arsd.characterencodings].
100 	static Document fromUrl()(string url, bool strictMode = false) {
101 		import arsd.http2;
102 		auto client = new HttpClient();
104 		auto req = client.navigateTo(Uri(url), HttpVerb.GET);
105 		auto res = req.waitForCompletion();
107 		auto document = new Document();
108 		if(strictMode) {
109 			document.parse(cast(string) res.content, true, true, res.contentTypeCharset);
110 		} else {
111 			document.parseGarbage(cast(string) res.content);
112 		}
114 		return document;
115 	}
117 	///.
118 	this(string data, bool caseSensitive = false, bool strict = false) {
119 		parseUtf8(data, caseSensitive, strict);
120 	}
122 	/**
123 		Creates an empty document. It has *nothing* in it at all.
124 	*/
125 	this() {
127 	}
129 	/// This is just something I'm toying with. Right now, you use opIndex to put in css selectors.
130 	/// It returns a struct that forwards calls to all elements it holds, and returns itself so you
131 	/// can chain it.
132 	///
133 	/// Example: document["p"].innerText("hello").addClass("modified");
134 	///
135 	/// Equivalent to: foreach(e; document.getElementsBySelector("p")) { e.innerText("hello"); e.addClas("modified"); }
136 	///
137 	/// Note: always use function calls (not property syntax) and don't use toString in there for best results.
138 	///
139 	/// You can also do things like: document["p"]["b"] though tbh I'm not sure why since the selector string can do all that anyway. Maybe
140 	/// you could put in some kind of custom filter function tho.
141 	ElementCollection opIndex(string selector) {
142 		auto e = ElementCollection(this.root);
143 		return e[selector];
144 	}
146 	string _contentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
148 	/// If you're using this for some other kind of XML, you can
149 	/// set the content type here.
150 	///
151 	/// Note: this has no impact on the function of this class.
152 	/// It is only used if the document is sent via a protocol like HTTP.
153 	///
154 	/// This may be called by parse() if it recognizes the data. Otherwise,
155 	/// if you don't set it, it assumes text/html; charset=utf-8.
156 	@property string contentType(string mimeType) {
157 		_contentType = mimeType;
158 		return _contentType;
159 	}
161 	/// implementing the FileResource interface, useful for sending via
162 	/// http automatically.
163 	@property string filename() const { return null; }
165 	/// implementing the FileResource interface, useful for sending via
166 	/// http automatically.
167 	override @property string contentType() const {
168 		return _contentType;
169 	}
171 	/// implementing the FileResource interface; it calls toString.
172 	override immutable(ubyte)[] getData() const {
173 		return cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) this.toString();
174 	}
177 	/// Concatenates any consecutive text nodes
178 	/*
179 	void normalize() {
181 	}
182 	*/
184 	/// This will set delegates for parseSaw* (note: this overwrites anything else you set, and you setting subsequently will overwrite this) that add those things to the dom tree when it sees them.
185 	/// Call this before calling parse().
187 	/// Note this will also preserve the prolog and doctype from the original file, if there was one.
188 	void enableAddingSpecialTagsToDom() {
189 		parseSawComment = (string) => true;
190 		parseSawAspCode = (string) => true;
191 		parseSawPhpCode = (string) => true;
192 		parseSawQuestionInstruction = (string) => true;
193 		parseSawBangInstruction = (string) => true;
194 	}
196 	/// If the parser sees a html comment, it will call this callback
197 	/// <!-- comment --> will call parseSawComment(" comment ")
198 	/// Return true if you want the node appended to the document.
199 	bool delegate(string) parseSawComment;
201 	/// If the parser sees <% asp code... %>, it will call this callback.
202 	/// It will be passed "% asp code... %" or "%= asp code .. %"
203 	/// Return true if you want the node appended to the document.
204 	bool delegate(string) parseSawAspCode;
206 	/// If the parser sees <?php php code... ?>, it will call this callback.
207 	/// It will be passed "?php php code... ?" or "?= asp code .. ?"
208 	/// Note: dom.d cannot identify  the other php <? code ?> short format.
209 	/// Return true if you want the node appended to the document.
210 	bool delegate(string) parseSawPhpCode;
212 	/// if it sees a <?xxx> that is not php or asp
213 	/// it calls this function with the contents.
214 	/// <?SOMETHING foo> calls parseSawQuestionInstruction("?SOMETHING foo")
215 	/// Unlike the php/asp ones, this ends on the first > it sees, without requiring ?>.
216 	/// Return true if you want the node appended to the document.
217 	bool delegate(string) parseSawQuestionInstruction;
219 	/// if it sees a <! that is not CDATA or comment (CDATA is handled automatically and comments call parseSawComment),
220 	/// it calls this function with the contents.
221 	/// <!SOMETHING foo> calls parseSawBangInstruction("SOMETHING foo")
222 	/// Return true if you want the node appended to the document.
223 	bool delegate(string) parseSawBangInstruction;
225 	/// Given the kind of garbage you find on the Internet, try to make sense of it.
226 	/// Equivalent to document.parse(data, false, false, null);
227 	/// (Case-insensitive, non-strict, determine character encoding from the data.)
229 	/// NOTE: this makes no attempt at added security.
230 	///
231 	/// It is a template so it lazily imports characterencodings.
232 	void parseGarbage()(string data) {
233 		parse(data, false, false, null);
234 	}
236 	/// Parses well-formed UTF-8, case-sensitive, XML or XHTML
237 	/// Will throw exceptions on things like unclosed tags.
238 	void parseStrict(string data) {
239 		parseStream(toUtf8Stream(data), true, true);
240 	}
242 	/// Parses well-formed UTF-8 in loose mode (by default). Tries to correct
243 	/// tag soup, but does NOT try to correct bad character encodings.
244 	///
245 	/// They will still throw an exception.
246 	void parseUtf8(string data, bool caseSensitive = false, bool strict = false) {
247 		parseStream(toUtf8Stream(data), caseSensitive, strict);
248 	}
250 	// this is a template so we get lazy import behavior
251 	Utf8Stream handleDataEncoding()(in string rawdata, string dataEncoding, bool strict) {
252 		import arsd.characterencodings;
253 		// gotta determine the data encoding. If you know it, pass it in above to skip all this.
254 		if(dataEncoding is null) {
255 			dataEncoding = tryToDetermineEncoding(cast(const(ubyte[])) rawdata);
256 			// it can't tell... probably a random 8 bit encoding. Let's check the document itself.
257 			// Now, XML and HTML can both list encoding in the document, but we can't really parse
258 			// it here without changing a lot of code until we know the encoding. So I'm going to
259 			// do some hackish string checking.
260 			if(dataEncoding is null) {
261 				auto dataAsBytes = cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) rawdata;
262 				// first, look for an XML prolog
263 				auto idx = indexOfBytes(dataAsBytes, cast(immutable ubyte[]) "encoding=\"");
264 				if(idx != -1) {
265 					idx += "encoding=\"".length;
266 					// we're probably past the prolog if it's this far in; we might be looking at
267 					// content. Forget about it.
268 					if(idx > 100)
269 						idx = -1;
270 				}
271 				// if that fails, we're looking for Content-Type http-equiv or a meta charset (see html5)..
272 				if(idx == -1) {
273 					idx = indexOfBytes(dataAsBytes, cast(immutable ubyte[]) "charset=");
274 					if(idx != -1) {
275 						idx += "charset=".length;
276 						if(dataAsBytes[idx] == '"')
277 							idx++;
278 					}
279 				}
281 				// found something in either branch...
282 				if(idx != -1) {
283 					// read till a quote or about 12 chars, whichever comes first...
284 					auto end = idx;
285 					while(end < dataAsBytes.length && dataAsBytes[end] != '"' && end - idx < 12)
286 						end++;
288 					dataEncoding = cast(string) dataAsBytes[idx .. end];
289 				}
290 				// otherwise, we just don't know.
291 			}
292 		}
294 		if(dataEncoding is null) {
295 			if(strict)
296 				throw new MarkupException("I couldn't figure out the encoding of this document.");
297 			else
298 			// if we really don't know by here, it means we already tried UTF-8,
299 			// looked for utf 16 and 32 byte order marks, and looked for xml or meta
300 			// tags... let's assume it's Windows-1252, since that's probably the most
301 			// common aside from utf that wouldn't be labeled.
303 			dataEncoding = "Windows 1252";
304 		}
306 		// and now, go ahead and convert it.
308 		string data;
310 		if(!strict) {
311 			// if we're in non-strict mode, we need to check
312 			// the document for mislabeling too; sometimes
313 			// web documents will say they are utf-8, but aren't
314 			// actually properly encoded. If it fails to validate,
315 			// we'll assume it's actually Windows encoding - the most
316 			// likely candidate for mislabeled garbage.
317 			dataEncoding = dataEncoding.toLower();
318 			dataEncoding = dataEncoding.replace(" ", "");
319 			dataEncoding = dataEncoding.replace("-", "");
320 			dataEncoding = dataEncoding.replace("_", "");
321 			if(dataEncoding == "utf8") {
322 				try {
323 					validate(rawdata);
324 				} catch(UTFException e) {
325 					dataEncoding = "Windows 1252";
326 				}
327 			}
328 		}
330 		if(dataEncoding != "UTF-8") {
331 			if(strict)
332 				data = convertToUtf8(cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) rawdata, dataEncoding);
333 			else {
334 				try {
335 					data = convertToUtf8(cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) rawdata, dataEncoding);
336 				} catch(Exception e) {
337 					data = convertToUtf8(cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) rawdata, "Windows 1252");
338 				}
339 			}
340 		} else
341 			data = rawdata;
343 		return toUtf8Stream(data);
344 	}
346 	private
347 	Utf8Stream toUtf8Stream(in string rawdata) {
348 		string data = rawdata;
349 		static if(is(Utf8Stream == string))
350 			return data;
351 		else
352 			return new Utf8Stream(data);
353 	}
355 	/++
356 		List of elements that can be assumed to be self-closed
357 		in this document. The default for a Document are a hard-coded
358 		list of ones appropriate for HTML. For [XmlDocument], it defaults
359 		to empty. You can modify this after construction but before parsing.
361 		History:
362 			Added February 8, 2021 (included in dub release 9.2)
363 	+/
364 	string[] selfClosedElements = htmlSelfClosedElements;
366 	/**
367 		Take XMLish data and try to make the DOM tree out of it.
369 		The goal isn't to be perfect, but to just be good enough to
370 		approximate Javascript's behavior.
372 		If strict, it throws on something that doesn't make sense.
373 		(Examples: mismatched tags. It doesn't validate!)
374 		If not strict, it tries to recover anyway, and only throws
375 		when something is REALLY unworkable.
377 		If strict is false, it uses a magic list of tags that needn't
378 		be closed. If you are writing a document specifically for this,
379 		try to avoid such - use self closed tags at least. Easier to parse.
381 		The dataEncoding argument can be used to pass a specific
382 		charset encoding for automatic conversion. If null (which is NOT
383 		the default!), it tries to determine from the data itself,
384 		using the xml prolog or meta tags, and assumes UTF-8 if unsure.
386 		If this assumption is wrong, it can throw on non-ascii
387 		characters!
390 		Note that it previously assumed the data was encoded as UTF-8, which
391 		is why the dataEncoding argument defaults to that.
393 		So it shouldn't break backward compatibility.
395 		But, if you want the best behavior on wild data - figuring it out from the document
396 		instead of assuming - you'll probably want to change that argument to null.
398 		This is a template so it lazily imports arsd.characterencodings, which is required
399 		to fix up data encodings.
401 		If you are sure the encoding is good, try parseUtf8 or parseStrict to avoid the
402 		dependency. If it is data from the Internet though, a random website, the encoding
403 		is often a lie. This function, if dataEncoding == null, can correct for that, or
404 		you can try parseGarbage. In those cases, arsd.characterencodings is required to
405 		compile.
406 	*/
407 	void parse()(in string rawdata, bool caseSensitive = false, bool strict = false, string dataEncoding = "UTF-8") {
408 		auto data = handleDataEncoding(rawdata, dataEncoding, strict);
409 		parseStream(data, caseSensitive, strict);
410 	}
412 	// note: this work best in strict mode, unless data is just a simple string wrapper
413 	void parseStream(Utf8Stream data, bool caseSensitive = false, bool strict = false) {
414 		// FIXME: this parser could be faster; it's in the top ten biggest tree times according to the profiler
415 		// of my big app.
417 		assert(data !is null);
419 		// go through character by character.
420 		// if you see a <, consider it a tag.
421 		// name goes until the first non tagname character
422 		// then see if it self closes or has an attribute
424 		// if not in a tag, anything not a tag is a big text
425 		// node child. It ends as soon as it sees a <
427 		// Whitespace in text or attributes is preserved, but not between attributes
429 		// &amp; and friends are converted when I know them, left the same otherwise
432 		// this it should already be done correctly.. so I'm leaving it off to net a ~10% speed boost on my typical test file (really)
433 		//validate(data); // it *must* be UTF-8 for this to work correctly
435 		sizediff_t pos = 0;
437 		clear();
439 		loose = !caseSensitive;
441 		bool sawImproperNesting = false;
442 		bool paragraphHackfixRequired = false;
444 		int getLineNumber(sizediff_t p) {
445 			int line = 1;
446 			foreach(c; data[0..p])
447 				if(c == '\n')
448 					line++;
449 			return line;
450 		}
452 		void parseError(string message) {
453 			throw new MarkupException(format("char %d (line %d): %s", pos, getLineNumber(pos), message));
454 		}
456 		bool eatWhitespace() {
457 			bool ateAny = false;
458 			while(pos < data.length && data[pos].isSimpleWhite) {
459 				pos++;
460 				ateAny = true;
461 			}
462 			return ateAny;
463 		}
465 		string readTagName() {
466 			// remember to include : for namespaces
467 			// basically just keep going until >, /, or whitespace
468 			auto start = pos;
469 			while(data[pos] != '>' && data[pos] != '/' && !data[pos].isSimpleWhite)
470 			{
471 				pos++;
472 				if(pos == data.length) {
473 					if(strict)
474 						throw new Exception("tag name incomplete when file ended");
475 					else
476 						break;
477 				}
478 			}
480 			if(!caseSensitive)
481 				return toLower(data[start..pos]);
482 			else
483 				return data[start..pos];
484 		}
486 		string readAttributeName() {
487 			// remember to include : for namespaces
488 			// basically just keep going until >, /, or whitespace
489 			auto start = pos;
490 			while(data[pos] != '>' && data[pos] != '/'  && data[pos] != '=' && !data[pos].isSimpleWhite)
491 			{
492 				if(data[pos] == '<') {
493 					if(strict)
494 						throw new MarkupException("The character < can never appear in an attribute name. Line " ~ to!string(getLineNumber(pos)));
495 					else
496 						break; // e.g. <a href="something" <img src="poo" /></a>. The > should have been after the href, but some shitty files don't do that right and the browser handles it, so we will too, by pretending the > was indeed there
497 				}
498 				pos++;
499 				if(pos == data.length) {
500 					if(strict)
501 						throw new Exception("unterminated attribute name");
502 					else
503 						break;
504 				}
505 			}
507 			if(!caseSensitive)
508 				return toLower(data[start..pos]);
509 			else
510 				return data[start..pos];
511 		}
513 		string readAttributeValue() {
514 			if(pos >= data.length) {
515 				if(strict)
516 					throw new Exception("no attribute value before end of file");
517 				else
518 					return null;
519 			}
520 			switch(data[pos]) {
521 				case '\'':
522 				case '"':
523 					auto started = pos;
524 					char end = data[pos];
525 					pos++;
526 					auto start = pos;
527 					while(pos < data.length && data[pos] != end)
528 						pos++;
529 					if(strict && pos == data.length)
530 						throw new MarkupException("Unclosed attribute value, started on char " ~ to!string(started));
531 					string v = htmlEntitiesDecode(data[start..pos], strict);
532 					pos++; // skip over the end
533 				return v;
534 				default:
535 					if(strict)
536 						parseError("Attributes must be quoted");
537 					// read until whitespace or terminator (/> or >)
538 					auto start = pos;
539 					while(
540 						pos < data.length &&
541 						data[pos] != '>' &&
542 						// unquoted attributes might be urls, so gotta be careful with them and self-closed elements
543 						!(data[pos] == '/' && pos + 1 < data.length && data[pos+1] == '>') &&
544 						!data[pos].isSimpleWhite)
545 							pos++;
547 					string v = htmlEntitiesDecode(data[start..pos], strict);
548 					// don't skip the end - we'll need it later
549 					return v;
550 			}
551 		}
553 		TextNode readTextNode() {
554 			auto start = pos;
555 			while(pos < data.length && data[pos] != '<') {
556 				pos++;
557 			}
559 			return TextNode.fromUndecodedString(this, data[start..pos]);
560 		}
562 		// this is obsolete!
563 		RawSource readCDataNode() {
564 			auto start = pos;
565 			while(pos < data.length && data[pos] != '<') {
566 				pos++;
567 			}
569 			return new RawSource(this, data[start..pos]);
570 		}
573 		struct Ele {
574 			int type; // element or closing tag or nothing
575 				/*
576 					type == 0 means regular node, self-closed (element is valid)
577 					type == 1 means closing tag (payload is the tag name, element may be valid)
578 					type == 2 means you should ignore it completely
579 					type == 3 means it is a special element that should be appended, if possible, e.g. a <!DOCTYPE> that was chosen to be kept, php code, or comment. It will be appended at the current element if inside the root, and to a special document area if not
580 					type == 4 means the document was totally empty
581 				*/
582 			Element element; // for type == 0 or type == 3
583 			string payload; // for type == 1
584 		}
585 		// recursively read a tag
586 		Ele readElement(string[] parentChain = null) {
587 			// FIXME: this is the slowest function in this module, by far, even in strict mode.
588 			// Loose mode should perform decently, but strict mode is the important one.
589 			if(!strict && parentChain is null)
590 				parentChain = [];
592 			static string[] recentAutoClosedTags;
594 			if(pos >= data.length)
595 			{
596 				if(strict) {
597 					throw new MarkupException("Gone over the input (is there no root element or did it never close?), chain: " ~ to!string(parentChain));
598 				} else {
599 					if(parentChain.length)
600 						return Ele(1, null, parentChain[0]); // in loose mode, we just assume the document has ended
601 					else
602 						return Ele(4); // signal emptiness upstream
603 				}
604 			}
606 			if(data[pos] != '<') {
607 				return Ele(0, readTextNode(), null);
608 			}
610 			enforce(data[pos] == '<');
611 			pos++;
612 			if(pos == data.length) {
613 				if(strict)
614 					throw new MarkupException("Found trailing < at end of file");
615 				// if not strict, we'll just skip the switch
616 			} else
617 			switch(data[pos]) {
618 				// I don't care about these, so I just want to skip them
619 				case '!': // might be a comment, a doctype, or a special instruction
620 					pos++;
622 						// FIXME: we should store these in the tree too
623 						// though I like having it stripped out tbh.
625 					if(pos == data.length) {
626 						if(strict)
627 							throw new MarkupException("<! opened at end of file");
628 					} else if(data[pos] == '-' && (pos + 1 < data.length) && data[pos+1] == '-') {
629 						// comment
630 						pos += 2;
632 						// FIXME: technically, a comment is anything
633 						// between -- and -- inside a <!> block.
634 						// so in <!-- test -- lol> , the " lol" is NOT a comment
635 						// and should probably be handled differently in here, but for now
636 						// I'll just keep running until --> since that's the common way
638 						auto commentStart = pos;
639 						while(pos+3 < data.length && data[pos..pos+3] != "-->")
640 							pos++;
642 						auto end = commentStart;
644 						if(pos + 3 >= data.length) {
645 							if(strict)
646 								throw new MarkupException("unclosed comment");
647 							end = data.length;
648 							pos = data.length;
649 						} else {
650 							end = pos;
651 							assert(data[pos] == '-');
652 							pos++;
653 							assert(data[pos] == '-');
654 							pos++;
655 							assert(data[pos] == '>');
656 							pos++;
657 						}
659 						if(parseSawComment !is null)
660 							if(parseSawComment(data[commentStart .. end])) {
661 								return Ele(3, new HtmlComment(this, data[commentStart .. end]), null);
662 							}
663 					} else if(pos + 7 <= data.length && data[pos..pos + 7] == "[CDATA[") {
664 						pos += 7;
666 						auto cdataStart = pos;
668 						ptrdiff_t end = -1;
669 						typeof(end) cdataEnd;
671 						if(pos < data.length) {
672 							// cdata isn't allowed to nest, so this should be generally ok, as long as it is found
673 							end = data[pos .. $].indexOf("]]>");
674 						}
676 						if(end == -1) {
677 							if(strict)
678 								throw new MarkupException("Unclosed CDATA section");
679 							end = pos;
680 							cdataEnd = pos;
681 						} else {
682 							cdataEnd = pos + end;
683 							pos = cdataEnd + 3;
684 						}
686 						return Ele(0, new TextNode(this, data[cdataStart .. cdataEnd]), null);
687 					} else {
688 						auto start = pos;
689 						while(pos < data.length && data[pos] != '>')
690 							pos++;
692 						auto bangEnds = pos;
693 						if(pos == data.length) {
694 							if(strict)
695 								throw new MarkupException("unclosed processing instruction (<!xxx>)");
696 						} else pos++; // skipping the >
698 						if(parseSawBangInstruction !is null)
699 							if(parseSawBangInstruction(data[start .. bangEnds])) {
700 								// FIXME: these should be able to modify the parser state,
701 								// doing things like adding entities, somehow.
703 								return Ele(3, new BangInstruction(this, data[start .. bangEnds]), null);
704 							}
705 					}
707 					/*
708 					if(pos < data.length && data[pos] == '>')
709 						pos++; // skip the >
710 					else
711 						assert(!strict);
712 					*/
713 				break;
714 				case '%':
715 				case '?':
716 					/*
717 						Here's what we want to support:
719 						<% asp code %>
720 						<%= asp code %>
721 						<?php php code ?>
722 						<?= php code ?>
724 						The contents don't really matter, just if it opens with
725 						one of the above for, it ends on the two char terminator.
727 						<?something>
728 							this is NOT php code
729 							because I've seen this in the wild: <?EM-dummyText>
731 							This could be php with shorttags which would be cut off
732 							prematurely because if(a >) - that > counts as the close
733 							of the tag, but since dom.d can't tell the difference
734 							between that and the <?EM> real world example, it will
735 							not try to look for the ?> ending.
737 						The difference between this and the asp/php stuff is that it
738 						ends on >, not ?>. ONLY <?php or <?= ends on ?>. The rest end
739 						on >.
740 					*/
742 					char end = data[pos];
743 					auto started = pos;
744 					bool isAsp = end == '%';
745 					int currentIndex = 0;
746 					bool isPhp = false;
747 					bool isEqualTag = false;
748 					int phpCount = 0;
750 				    more:
751 					pos++; // skip the start
752 					if(pos == data.length) {
753 						if(strict)
754 							throw new MarkupException("Unclosed <"~end~" by end of file");
755 					} else {
756 						currentIndex++;
757 						if(currentIndex == 1 && data[pos] == '=') {
758 							if(!isAsp)
759 								isPhp = true;
760 							isEqualTag = true;
761 							goto more;
762 						}
763 						if(currentIndex == 1 && data[pos] == 'p')
764 							phpCount++;
765 						if(currentIndex == 2 && data[pos] == 'h')
766 							phpCount++;
767 						if(currentIndex == 3 && data[pos] == 'p' && phpCount == 2)
768 							isPhp = true;
770 						if(data[pos] == '>') {
771 							if((isAsp || isPhp) && data[pos - 1] != end)
772 								goto more;
773 							// otherwise we're done
774 						} else
775 							goto more;
776 					}
778 					//writefln("%s: %s", isAsp ? "ASP" : isPhp ? "PHP" : "<? ", data[started .. pos]);
779 					auto code = data[started .. pos];
782 					assert((pos < data.length && data[pos] == '>') || (!strict && pos == data.length));
783 					if(pos < data.length)
784 						pos++; // get past the >
786 					if(isAsp && parseSawAspCode !is null) {
787 						if(parseSawAspCode(code)) {
788 							return Ele(3, new AspCode(this, code), null);
789 						}
790 					} else if(isPhp && parseSawPhpCode !is null) {
791 						if(parseSawPhpCode(code)) {
792 							return Ele(3, new PhpCode(this, code), null);
793 						}
794 					} else if(!isAsp && !isPhp && parseSawQuestionInstruction !is null) {
795 						if(parseSawQuestionInstruction(code)) {
796 							return Ele(3, new QuestionInstruction(this, code), null);
797 						}
798 					}
799 				break;
800 				case '/': // closing an element
801 					pos++; // skip the start
802 					auto p = pos;
803 					while(pos < data.length && data[pos] != '>')
804 						pos++;
805 					//writefln("</%s>", data[p..pos]);
806 					if(pos == data.length && data[pos-1] != '>') {
807 						if(strict)
808 							throw new MarkupException("File ended before closing tag had a required >");
809 						else
810 							data ~= ">"; // just hack it in
811 					}
812 					pos++; // skip the '>'
814 					string tname = data[p..pos-1];
815 					if(!caseSensitive)
816 						tname = tname.toLower();
818 				return Ele(1, null, tname); // closing tag reports itself here
819 				case ' ': // assume it isn't a real element...
820 					if(strict) {
821 						parseError("bad markup - improperly placed <");
822 						assert(0); // parseError always throws
823 					} else
824 						return Ele(0, TextNode.fromUndecodedString(this, "<"), null);
825 				default:
827 					if(!strict) {
828 						// what about something that kinda looks like a tag, but isn't?
829 						auto nextTag = data[pos .. $].indexOf("<");
830 						auto closeTag = data[pos .. $].indexOf(">");
831 						if(closeTag != -1 && nextTag != -1)
832 							if(nextTag < closeTag) {
833 								// since attribute names cannot possibly have a < in them, we'll look for an equal since it might be an attribute value... and even in garbage mode, it'd have to be a quoted one realistically
835 								auto equal = data[pos .. $].indexOf("=\"");
836 								if(equal != -1 && equal < closeTag) {
837 									// this MIGHT be ok, soldier on
838 								} else {
839 									// definitely no good, this must be a (horribly distorted) text node
840 									pos++; // skip the < we're on - don't want text node to end prematurely
841 									auto node = readTextNode();
842 									node.contents = "<" ~ node.contents; // put this back
843 									return Ele(0, node, null);
844 								}
845 							}
846 					}
848 					string tagName = readTagName();
849 					string[string] attributes;
851 					Ele addTag(bool selfClosed) {
852 						if(selfClosed)
853 							pos++;
854 						else {
855 							if(!strict)
856 								if(tagName.isInArray(selfClosedElements))
857 									// these are de-facto self closed
858 									selfClosed = true;
859 						}
861 						import std.algorithm.comparison;
863 						if(strict) {
864 						enforce(data[pos] == '>', format("got %s when expecting > (possible missing attribute name)\nContext:\n%s", data[pos], data[max(0, pos - 100) .. min(data.length, pos + 100)]));
865 						} else {
866 							// if we got here, it's probably because a slash was in an
867 							// unquoted attribute - don't trust the selfClosed value
868 							if(!selfClosed)
869 								selfClosed = tagName.isInArray(selfClosedElements);
871 							while(pos < data.length && data[pos] != '>')
872 								pos++;
874 							if(pos >= data.length) {
875 								// the tag never closed
876 								assert(data.length != 0);
877 								pos = data.length - 1; // rewinding so it hits the end at the bottom..
878 							}
879 						}
881 						auto whereThisTagStarted = pos; // for better error messages
883 						pos++;
885 						auto e = createElement(tagName);
886 						e.attributes = attributes;
887 						version(dom_node_indexes) {
888 							if(e.dataset.nodeIndex.length == 0)
889 								e.dataset.nodeIndex = to!string(&(e.attributes));
890 						}
891 						e.selfClosed = selfClosed;
892 						e.parseAttributes();
895 						// HACK to handle script and style as a raw data section as it is in HTML browsers
896 						if(tagName == "script" || tagName == "style") {
897 							if(!selfClosed) {
898 								string closer = "</" ~ tagName ~ ">";
899 								ptrdiff_t ending;
900 								if(pos >= data.length)
901 									ending = -1;
902 								else
903 									ending = indexOf(data[pos..$], closer);
905 								ending = indexOf(data[pos..$], closer, 0, (loose ? CaseSensitive.no : CaseSensitive.yes));
906 								/*
907 								if(loose && ending == -1 && pos < data.length)
908 									ending = indexOf(data[pos..$], closer.toUpper());
909 								*/
910 								if(ending == -1) {
911 									if(strict)
912 										throw new Exception("tag " ~ tagName ~ " never closed");
913 									else {
914 										// let's call it totally empty and do the rest of the file as text. doing it as html could still result in some weird stuff like if(a<4) being read as <4 being a tag so it comes out if(a<4></4> and other weirdness) It is either a closed script tag or the rest of the file is forfeit.
915 										if(pos < data.length) {
916 											e = new TextNode(this, data[pos .. $]);
917 											pos = data.length;
918 										}
919 									}
920 								} else {
921 									ending += pos;
922 									e.innerRawSource = data[pos..ending];
923 									pos = ending + closer.length;
924 								}
925 							}
926 							return Ele(0, e, null);
927 						}
929 						bool closed = selfClosed;
931 						void considerHtmlParagraphHack(Element n) {
932 							assert(!strict);
933 							if(e.tagName == "p" && e.tagName == n.tagName) {
934 								// html lets you write <p> para 1 <p> para 1
935 								// but in the dom tree, they should be siblings, not children.
936 								paragraphHackfixRequired = true;
937 							}
938 						}
940 						//writef("<%s>", tagName);
941 						while(!closed) {
942 							Ele n;
943 							if(strict)
944 								n = readElement();
945 							else
946 								n = readElement(parentChain ~ tagName);
948 							if(n.type == 4) return n; // the document is empty
950 							if(n.type == 3 && n.element !is null) {
951 								// special node, append if possible
952 								if(e !is null)
953 									e.appendChild(n.element);
954 								else
955 									piecesBeforeRoot ~= n.element;
956 							} else if(n.type == 0) {
957 								if(!strict)
958 									considerHtmlParagraphHack(n.element);
959 								e.appendChild(n.element);
960 							} else if(n.type == 1) {
961 								bool found = false;
962 								if(n.payload != tagName) {
963 									if(strict)
964 										parseError(format("mismatched tag: </%s> != <%s> (opened on line %d)", n.payload, tagName, getLineNumber(whereThisTagStarted)));
965 									else {
966 										sawImproperNesting = true;
967 										// this is so we don't drop several levels of awful markup
968 										if(n.element) {
969 											if(!strict)
970 												considerHtmlParagraphHack(n.element);
971 											e.appendChild(n.element);
972 											n.element = null;
973 										}
975 										// is the element open somewhere up the chain?
976 										foreach(i, parent; parentChain)
977 											if(parent == n.payload) {
978 												recentAutoClosedTags ~= tagName;
979 												// just rotating it so we don't inadvertently break stuff with vile crap
980 												if(recentAutoClosedTags.length > 4)
981 													recentAutoClosedTags = recentAutoClosedTags[1 .. $];
983 												n.element = e;
984 												return n;
985 											}
987 										// if not, this is a text node; we can't fix it up...
989 										// If it's already in the tree somewhere, assume it is closed by algorithm
990 										// and we shouldn't output it - odds are the user just flipped a couple tags
991 										foreach(ele; e.tree) {
992 											if(ele.tagName == n.payload) {
993 												found = true;
994 												break;
995 											}
996 										}
998 										foreach(ele; recentAutoClosedTags) {
999 											if(ele == n.payload) {
1000 												found = true;
1001 												break;
1002 											}
1003 										}
1005 										if(!found) // if not found in the tree though, it's probably just text
1006 										e.appendChild(TextNode.fromUndecodedString(this, "</"~n.payload~">"));
1007 									}
1008 								} else {
1009 									if(n.element) {
1010 										if(!strict)
1011 											considerHtmlParagraphHack(n.element);
1012 										e.appendChild(n.element);
1013 									}
1014 								}
1016 								if(n.payload == tagName) // in strict mode, this is always true
1017 									closed = true;
1018 							} else { /*throw new Exception("wtf " ~ tagName);*/ }
1019 						}
1020 						//writef("</%s>\n", tagName);
1021 						return Ele(0, e, null);
1022 					}
1024 					// if a tag was opened but not closed by end of file, we can arrive here
1025 					if(!strict && pos >= data.length)
1026 						return addTag(false);
1027 					//else if(strict) assert(0); // should be caught before
1029 					switch(data[pos]) {
1030 						default: assert(0);
1031 						case '/': // self closing tag
1032 							return addTag(true);
1033 						case '>':
1034 							return addTag(false);
1035 						case ' ':
1036 						case '\t':
1037 						case '\n':
1038 						case '\r':
1039 							// there might be attributes...
1040 							moreAttributes:
1041 							eatWhitespace();
1043 							// same deal as above the switch....
1044 							if(!strict && pos >= data.length)
1045 								return addTag(false);
1047 							if(strict && pos >= data.length)
1048 								throw new MarkupException("tag open, didn't find > before end of file");
1050 							switch(data[pos]) {
1051 								case '/': // self closing tag
1052 									return addTag(true);
1053 								case '>': // closed tag; open -- we now read the contents
1054 									return addTag(false);
1055 								default: // it is an attribute
1056 									string attrName = readAttributeName();
1057 									string attrValue = attrName;
1059 									bool ateAny = eatWhitespace();
1060 									if(strict && ateAny)
1061 										throw new MarkupException("inappropriate whitespace after attribute name");
1063 									if(pos >= data.length) {
1064 										if(strict)
1065 											assert(0, "this should have thrown in readAttributeName");
1066 										else {
1067 											data ~= ">";
1068 											goto blankValue;
1069 										}
1070 									}
1071 									if(data[pos] == '=') {
1072 										pos++;
1074 										ateAny = eatWhitespace();
1075 										// the spec actually allows this!
1076 										//if(strict && ateAny)
1077 											//throw new MarkupException("inappropriate whitespace after attribute equals");
1079 										attrValue = readAttributeValue();
1081 										eatWhitespace();
1082 									}
1084 									blankValue:
1086 									if(strict && attrName in attributes)
1087 										throw new MarkupException("Repeated attribute: " ~ attrName);
1089 									if(attrName.strip().length)
1090 										attributes[attrName] = attrValue;
1091 									else if(strict) throw new MarkupException("wtf, zero length attribute name");
1093 									if(!strict && pos < data.length && data[pos] == '<') {
1094 										// this is the broken tag that doesn't have a > at the end
1095 										data = data[0 .. pos] ~ ">" ~ data[pos.. $];
1096 										// let's insert one as a hack
1097 										goto case '>';
1098 									}
1100 									goto moreAttributes;
1101 							}
1102 					}
1103 			}
1105 			return Ele(2, null, null); // this is a <! or <? thing that got ignored prolly.
1106 			//assert(0);
1107 		}
1109 		eatWhitespace();
1110 		Ele r;
1111 		do {
1112 			r = readElement(); // there SHOULD only be one element...
1114 			if(r.type == 3 && r.element !is null)
1115 				piecesBeforeRoot ~= r.element;
1117 			if(r.type == 4)
1118 				break; // the document is completely empty...
1119 		} while (r.type != 0 || r.element.nodeType != 1); // we look past the xml prologue and doctype; root only begins on a regular node
1121 		root = r.element;
1123 		if(!strict) // in strict mode, we'll just ignore stuff after the xml
1124 		while(r.type != 4) {
1125 			r = readElement();
1126 			if(r.type != 4 && r.type != 2) { // if not empty and not ignored
1127 				if(r.element !is null)
1128 					piecesAfterRoot ~= r.element;
1129 			}
1130 		}
1132 		if(root is null)
1133 		{
1134 			if(strict)
1135 				assert(0, "empty document should be impossible in strict mode");
1136 			else
1137 				parseUtf8(`<html><head></head><body></body></html>`); // fill in a dummy document in loose mode since that's what browsers do
1138 		}
1140 		if(paragraphHackfixRequired) {
1141 			assert(!strict); // this should never happen in strict mode; it ought to never set the hack flag...
1143 			// in loose mode, we can see some "bad" nesting (it's valid html, but poorly formed xml).
1144 			// It's hard to handle above though because my code sucks. So, we'll fix it here.
1146 			// Where to insert based on the parent (for mixed closed/unclosed <p> tags). See #120
1147 			// Kind of inefficient because we can't detect when we recurse back out of a node.
1148 			Element[Element] insertLocations;
1149 			auto iterator = root.tree;
1150 			foreach(ele; iterator) {
1151 				if(ele.parentNode is null)
1152 					continue;
1154 				if(ele.tagName == "p" && ele.parentNode.tagName == ele.tagName) {
1155 					auto shouldBePreviousSibling = ele.parentNode;
1156 					auto holder = shouldBePreviousSibling.parentNode; // this is the two element's mutual holder...
1157 					if (auto p = holder in insertLocations) {
1158 						shouldBePreviousSibling = *p;
1159 						assert(shouldBePreviousSibling.parentNode is holder);
1160 					}
1161 					ele = holder.insertAfter(shouldBePreviousSibling, ele.removeFromTree());
1162 					insertLocations[holder] = ele;
1163 					iterator.currentKilled(); // the current branch can be skipped; we'll hit it soon anyway since it's now next up.
1164 				}
1165 			}
1166 		}
1167 	}
1169 	/* end massive parse function */
1171 	/// Gets the <title> element's innerText, if one exists
1172 	@property string title() {
1173 		bool doesItMatch(Element e) {
1174 			return (e.tagName == "title");
1175 		}
1177 		auto e = findFirst(&doesItMatch);
1178 		if(e)
1179 			return e.innerText();
1180 		return "";
1181 	}
1183 	/// Sets the title of the page, creating a <title> element if needed.
1184 	@property void title(string t) {
1185 		bool doesItMatch(Element e) {
1186 			return (e.tagName == "title");
1187 		}
1189 		auto e = findFirst(&doesItMatch);
1191 		if(!e) {
1192 			e = createElement("title");
1193 			auto heads = getElementsByTagName("head");
1194 			if(heads.length)
1195 				heads[0].appendChild(e);
1196 		}
1198 		if(e)
1199 			e.innerText = t;
1200 	}
1202 	// FIXME: would it work to alias root this; ???? might be a good idea
1203 	/// These functions all forward to the root element. See the documentation in the Element class.
1204 	Element getElementById(string id) {
1205 		return root.getElementById(id);
1206 	}
1208 	/// ditto
1209 	final SomeElementType requireElementById(SomeElementType = Element)(string id, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
1210 		if( is(SomeElementType : Element))
1211 		out(ret) { assert(ret !is null); }
1212 	body {
1213 		return root.requireElementById!(SomeElementType)(id, file, line);
1214 	}
1216 	/// ditto
1217 	final SomeElementType requireSelector(SomeElementType = Element)(string selector, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
1218 		if( is(SomeElementType : Element))
1219 		out(ret) { assert(ret !is null); }
1220 	body {
1221 		auto e = cast(SomeElementType) querySelector(selector);
1222 		if(e is null)
1223 			throw new ElementNotFoundException(SomeElementType.stringof, selector, this.root, file, line);
1224 		return e;
1225 	}
1227 	final MaybeNullElement!SomeElementType optionSelector(SomeElementType = Element)(string selector, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
1228 		if(is(SomeElementType : Element))
1229 	{
1230 		auto e = cast(SomeElementType) querySelector(selector);
1231 		return MaybeNullElement!SomeElementType(e);
1232 	}
1234 	/// ditto
1235 	@scriptable
1236 	Element querySelector(string selector) {
1237 		// see comment below on Document.querySelectorAll
1238 		auto s = Selector(selector);//, !loose);
1239 		foreach(ref comp; s.components)
1240 			if(comp.parts.length && comp.parts[0].separation == 0)
1241 				comp.parts[0].separation = -1;
1242 		foreach(e; s.getMatchingElementsLazy(this.root))
1243 			return e;
1244 		return null;
1246 	}
1248 	/// ditto
1249 	@scriptable
1250 	Element[] querySelectorAll(string selector) {
1251 		// In standards-compliant code, the document is slightly magical
1252 		// in that it is a pseudoelement at top level. It should actually
1253 		// match the root as one of its children.
1254 		//
1255 		// In versions of dom.d before Dec 29 2019, this worked because
1256 		// querySelectorAll was willing to return itself. With that bug fix
1257 		// (search "arbitrary id asduiwh" in this file for associated unittest)
1258 		// this would have failed. Hence adding back the root if it matches the
1259 		// selector itself.
1260 		//
1261 		// I'd love to do this better later.
1263 		auto s = Selector(selector);//, !loose);
1264 		foreach(ref comp; s.components)
1265 			if(comp.parts.length && comp.parts[0].separation == 0)
1266 				comp.parts[0].separation = -1;
1267 		return s.getMatchingElements(this.root);
1268 	}
1270 	/// ditto
1271 	deprecated("use querySelectorAll instead")
1272 	Element[] getElementsBySelector(string selector) {
1273 		return root.getElementsBySelector(selector);
1274 	}
1276 	/// ditto
1277 	@scriptable
1278 	Element[] getElementsByTagName(string tag) {
1279 		return root.getElementsByTagName(tag);
1280 	}
1282 	/// ditto
1283 	@scriptable
1284 	Element[] getElementsByClassName(string tag) {
1285 		return root.getElementsByClassName(tag);
1286 	}
1288 	/** FIXME: btw, this could just be a lazy range...... */
1289 	Element getFirstElementByTagName(string tag) {
1290 		if(loose)
1291 			tag = tag.toLower();
1292 		bool doesItMatch(Element e) {
1293 			return e.tagName == tag;
1294 		}
1295 		return findFirst(&doesItMatch);
1296 	}
1298 	/// This returns the <body> element, if there is one. (It different than Javascript, where it is called 'body', because body is a keyword in D.)
1299 	Element mainBody() {
1300 		return getFirstElementByTagName("body");
1301 	}
1303 	/// this uses a weird thing... it's [name=] if no colon and
1304 	/// [property=] if colon
1305 	string getMeta(string name) {
1306 		string thing = name.indexOf(":") == -1 ? "name" : "property";
1307 		auto e = querySelector("head meta["~thing~"="~name~"]");
1308 		if(e is null)
1309 			return null;
1310 		return e.content;
1311 	}
1313 	/// Sets a meta tag in the document header. It is kinda hacky to work easily for both Facebook open graph and traditional html meta tags/
1314 	void setMeta(string name, string value) {
1315 		string thing = name.indexOf(":") == -1 ? "name" : "property";
1316 		auto e = querySelector("head meta["~thing~"="~name~"]");
1317 		if(e is null) {
1318 			e = requireSelector("head").addChild("meta");
1319 			e.setAttribute(thing, name);
1320 		}
1322 		e.content = value;
1323 	}
1325 	///.
1326 	Form[] forms() {
1327 		return cast(Form[]) getElementsByTagName("form");
1328 	}
1330 	///.
1331 	Form createForm()
1332 		out(ret) {
1333 			assert(ret !is null);
1334 		}
1335 	body {
1336 		return cast(Form) createElement("form");
1337 	}
1339 	///.
1340 	Element createElement(string name) {
1341 		if(loose)
1342 			name = name.toLower();
1344 		auto e = Element.make(name, null, null, selfClosedElements);
1345 		e.parentDocument = this;
1347 		return e;
1349 //		return new Element(this, name, null, selfClosed);
1350 	}
1352 	///.
1353 	Element createFragment() {
1354 		return new DocumentFragment(this);
1355 	}
1357 	///.
1358 	Element createTextNode(string content) {
1359 		return new TextNode(this, content);
1360 	}
1363 	///.
1364 	Element findFirst(bool delegate(Element) doesItMatch) {
1365 		if(root is null)
1366 			return null;
1367 		Element result;
1369 		bool goThroughElement(Element e) {
1370 			if(doesItMatch(e)) {
1371 				result = e;
1372 				return true;
1373 			}
1375 			foreach(child; e.children) {
1376 				if(goThroughElement(child))
1377 					return true;
1378 			}
1380 			return false;
1381 		}
1383 		goThroughElement(root);
1385 		return result;
1386 	}
1388 	///.
1389 	void clear() {
1390 		root = null;
1391 		loose = false;
1392 	}
1394 	///.
1395 	void setProlog(string d) {
1396 		_prolog = d;
1397 		prologWasSet = true;
1398 	}
1400 	///.
1401 	private string _prolog = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
1402 	private bool prologWasSet = false; // set to true if the user changed it
1404 	@property string prolog() const {
1405 		// if the user explicitly changed it, do what they want
1406 		// or if we didn't keep/find stuff from the document itself,
1407 		// we'll use the builtin one as a default.
1408 		if(prologWasSet || piecesBeforeRoot.length == 0)
1409 			return _prolog;
1411 		string p;
1412 		foreach(e; piecesBeforeRoot)
1413 			p ~= e.toString() ~ "\n";
1414 		return p;
1415 	}
1417 	///.
1418 	override string toString() const {
1419 		return prolog ~ root.toString();
1420 	}
1422 	/++
1423 		Writes it out with whitespace for easier eyeball debugging
1425 		Do NOT use for anything other than eyeball debugging,
1426 		because whitespace may be significant content in XML.
1427 	+/
1428 	string toPrettyString(bool insertComments = false, int indentationLevel = 0, string indentWith = "\t") const {
1429 		import std.string;
1430 		string s = prolog.strip;
1432 		/*
1433 		if(insertComments) s ~= "<!--";
1434 		s ~= "\n";
1435 		if(insertComments) s ~= "-->";
1436 		*/
1438 		s ~= root.toPrettyString(insertComments, indentationLevel, indentWith);
1439 		foreach(a; piecesAfterRoot)
1440 			s ~= a.toPrettyString(insertComments, indentationLevel, indentWith);
1441 		return s;
1442 	}
1444 	///.
1445 	Element root;
1447 	/// if these were kept, this is stuff that appeared before the root element, such as <?xml version ?> decls and <!DOCTYPE>s
1448 	Element[] piecesBeforeRoot;
1450 	/// stuff after the root, only stored in non-strict mode and not used in toString, but available in case you want it
1451 	Element[] piecesAfterRoot;
1453 	///.
1454 	bool loose;
1458 	// what follows are for mutation events that you can observe
1459 	void delegate(DomMutationEvent)[] eventObservers;
1461 	void dispatchMutationEvent(DomMutationEvent e) {
1462 		foreach(o; eventObservers)
1463 			o(e);
1464 	}
1465 }
1467 /// This represents almost everything in the DOM.
1468 /// Group: core_functionality
1469 class Element {
1470 	/// Returns a collection of elements by selector.
1471 	/// See: [Document.opIndex]
1472 	ElementCollection opIndex(string selector) {
1473 		auto e = ElementCollection(this);
1474 		return e[selector];
1475 	}
1477 	/++
1478 		Returns the child node with the particular index.
1480 		Be aware that child nodes include text nodes, including
1481 		whitespace-only nodes.
1482 	+/
1483 	Element opIndex(size_t index) {
1484 		if(index >= children.length)
1485 			return null;
1486 		return this.children[index];
1487 	}
1489 	/// Calls getElementById, but throws instead of returning null if the element is not found. You can also ask for a specific subclass of Element to dynamically cast to, which also throws if it cannot be done.
1490 	final SomeElementType requireElementById(SomeElementType = Element)(string id, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
1491 	if(
1492 		is(SomeElementType : Element)
1493 	)
1494 	out(ret) {
1495 		assert(ret !is null);
1496 	}
1497 	body {
1498 		auto e = cast(SomeElementType) getElementById(id);
1499 		if(e is null)
1500 			throw new ElementNotFoundException(SomeElementType.stringof, "id=" ~ id, this, file, line);
1501 		return e;
1502 	}
1504 	/// ditto but with selectors instead of ids
1505 	final SomeElementType requireSelector(SomeElementType = Element)(string selector, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
1506 	if(
1507 		is(SomeElementType : Element)
1508 	)
1509 	out(ret) {
1510 		assert(ret !is null);
1511 	}
1512 	body {
1513 		auto e = cast(SomeElementType) querySelector(selector);
1514 		if(e is null)
1515 			throw new ElementNotFoundException(SomeElementType.stringof, selector, this, file, line);
1516 		return e;
1517 	}
1520 	/++
1521 		If a matching selector is found, it returns that Element. Otherwise, the returned object returns null for all methods.
1522 	+/
1523 	final MaybeNullElement!SomeElementType optionSelector(SomeElementType = Element)(string selector, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
1524 		if(is(SomeElementType : Element))
1525 	{
1526 		auto e = cast(SomeElementType) querySelector(selector);
1527 		return MaybeNullElement!SomeElementType(e);
1528 	}
1532 	/// get all the classes on this element
1533 	@property string[] classes() {
1534 		return split(className, " ");
1535 	}
1537 	/// Adds a string to the class attribute. The class attribute is used a lot in CSS.
1538 	@scriptable
1539 	Element addClass(string c) {
1540 		if(hasClass(c))
1541 			return this; // don't add it twice
1543 		string cn = getAttribute("class");
1544 		if(cn.length == 0) {
1545 			setAttribute("class", c);
1546 			return this;
1547 		} else {
1548 			setAttribute("class", cn ~ " " ~ c);
1549 		}
1551 		return this;
1552 	}
1554 	/// Removes a particular class name.
1555 	@scriptable
1556 	Element removeClass(string c) {
1557 		if(!hasClass(c))
1558 			return this;
1559 		string n;
1560 		foreach(name; classes) {
1561 			if(c == name)
1562 				continue; // cut it out
1563 			if(n.length)
1564 				n ~= " ";
1565 			n ~= name;
1566 		}
1568 		className = n.strip();
1570 		return this;
1571 	}
1573 	/// Returns whether the given class appears in this element.
1574 	bool hasClass(string c) {
1575 		string cn = className;
1577 		auto idx = cn.indexOf(c);
1578 		if(idx == -1)
1579 			return false;
1581 		foreach(cla; cn.split(" "))
1582 			if(cla == c)
1583 				return true;
1584 		return false;
1586 		/*
1587 		int rightSide = idx + c.length;
1589 		bool checkRight() {
1590 			if(rightSide == cn.length)
1591 				return true; // it's the only class
1592 			else if(iswhite(cn[rightSide]))
1593 				return true;
1594 			return false; // this is a substring of something else..
1595 		}
1597 		if(idx == 0) {
1598 			return checkRight();
1599 		} else {
1600 			if(!iswhite(cn[idx - 1]))
1601 				return false; // substring
1602 			return checkRight();
1603 		}
1605 		assert(0);
1606 		*/
1607 	}
1610 	/* *******************************
1611 		  DOM Mutation
1612 	*********************************/
1613 	/// convenience function to quickly add a tag with some text or
1614 	/// other relevant info (for example, it's a src for an <img> element
1615 	/// instead of inner text)
1616 	Element addChild(string tagName, string childInfo = null, string childInfo2 = null)
1617 		in {
1618 			assert(tagName !is null);
1619 		}
1620 		out(e) {
1621 			//assert(e.parentNode is this);
1622 			//assert(e.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
1623 		}
1624 	body {
1625 		auto e = Element.make(tagName, childInfo, childInfo2);
1626 		// FIXME (maybe): if the thing is self closed, we might want to go ahead and
1627 		// return the parent. That will break existing code though.
1628 		return appendChild(e);
1629 	}
1631 	/// Another convenience function. Adds a child directly after the current one, returning
1632 	/// the new child.
1633 	///
1634 	/// Between this, addChild, and parentNode, you can build a tree as a single expression.
1635 	Element addSibling(string tagName, string childInfo = null, string childInfo2 = null)
1636 		in {
1637 			assert(tagName !is null);
1638 			assert(parentNode !is null);
1639 		}
1640 		out(e) {
1641 			assert(e.parentNode is this.parentNode);
1642 			assert(e.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
1643 		}
1644 	body {
1645 		auto e = Element.make(tagName, childInfo, childInfo2);
1646 		return parentNode.insertAfter(this, e);
1647 	}
1649 	///
1650 	Element addSibling(Element e) {
1651 		return parentNode.insertAfter(this, e);
1652 	}
1654 	///
1655 	Element addChild(Element e) {
1656 		return this.appendChild(e);
1657 	}
1659 	/// Convenience function to append text intermixed with other children.
1660 	/// For example: div.addChildren("You can visit my website by ", new Link("mysite.com", "clicking here"), ".");
1661 	/// or div.addChildren("Hello, ", user.name, "!");
1663 	/// See also: appendHtml. This might be a bit simpler though because you don't have to think about escaping.
1664 	void addChildren(T...)(T t) {
1665 		foreach(item; t) {
1666 			static if(is(item : Element))
1667 				appendChild(item);
1668 			else static if (is(isSomeString!(item)))
1669 				appendText(to!string(item));
1670 			else static assert(0, "Cannot pass " ~ typeof(item).stringof ~ " to addChildren");
1671 		}
1672 	}
1674 	///.
1675 	Element addChild(string tagName, Element firstChild, string info2 = null)
1676 	in {
1677 		assert(firstChild !is null);
1678 	}
1679 	out(ret) {
1680 		assert(ret !is null);
1681 		assert(ret.parentNode is this);
1682 		assert(firstChild.parentNode is ret);
1684 		assert(ret.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
1685 		//assert(firstChild.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
1686 	}
1687 	body {
1688 		auto e = Element.make(tagName, "", info2);
1689 		e.appendChild(firstChild);
1690 		this.appendChild(e);
1691 		return e;
1692 	}
1694 	///
1695 	Element addChild(string tagName, in Html innerHtml, string info2 = null)
1696 	in {
1697 	}
1698 	out(ret) {
1699 		assert(ret !is null);
1700 		assert((cast(DocumentFragment) this !is null) || (ret.parentNode is this), ret.toString);// e.parentNode ? e.parentNode.toString : "null");
1701 		assert(ret.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
1702 	}
1703 	body {
1704 		auto e = Element.make(tagName, "", info2);
1705 		this.appendChild(e);
1706 		e.innerHTML = innerHtml.source;
1707 		return e;
1708 	}
1711 	/// .
1712 	void appendChildren(Element[] children) {
1713 		foreach(ele; children)
1714 			appendChild(ele);
1715 	}
1717 	///.
1718 	void reparent(Element newParent)
1719 		in {
1720 			assert(newParent !is null);
1721 			assert(parentNode !is null);
1722 		}
1723 		out {
1724 			assert(this.parentNode is newParent);
1725 			//assert(isInArray(this, newParent.children));
1726 		}
1727 	body {
1728 		parentNode.removeChild(this);
1729 		newParent.appendChild(this);
1730 	}
1732 	/**
1733 		Strips this tag out of the document, putting its inner html
1734 		as children of the parent.
1736 		For example, given: `<p>hello <b>there</b></p>`, if you
1737 		call `stripOut` on the `b` element, you'll be left with
1738 		`<p>hello there<p>`.
1740 		The idea here is to make it easy to get rid of garbage
1741 		markup you aren't interested in.
1742 	*/
1743 	void stripOut()
1744 		in {
1745 			assert(parentNode !is null);
1746 		}
1747 		out {
1748 			assert(parentNode is null);
1749 			assert(children.length == 0);
1750 		}
1751 	body {
1752 		foreach(c; children)
1753 			c.parentNode = null; // remove the parent
1754 		if(children.length)
1755 			parentNode.replaceChild(this, this.children);
1756 		else
1757 			parentNode.removeChild(this);
1758 		this.children.length = 0; // we reparented them all above
1759 	}
1761 	/// shorthand for `this.parentNode.removeChild(this)` with `parentNode` `null` check
1762 	/// if the element already isn't in a tree, it does nothing.
1763 	Element removeFromTree()
1764 		in {
1766 		}
1767 		out(var) {
1768 			assert(this.parentNode is null);
1769 			assert(var is this);
1770 		}
1771 	body {
1772 		if(this.parentNode is null)
1773 			return this;
1775 		this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
1777 		return this;
1778 	}
1780 	/++
1781 		Wraps this element inside the given element.
1782 		It's like `this.replaceWith(what); what.appendchild(this);`
1784 		Given: `<b>cool</b>`, if you call `b.wrapIn(new Link("site.com", "my site is "));`
1785 		you'll end up with: `<a href="site.com">my site is <b>cool</b></a>`.
1786 	+/
1787 	Element wrapIn(Element what)
1788 		in {
1789 			assert(what !is null);
1790 		}
1791 		out(ret) {
1792 			assert(this.parentNode is what);
1793 			assert(ret is what);
1794 		}
1795 	body {
1796 		this.replaceWith(what);
1797 		what.appendChild(this);
1799 		return what;
1800 	}
1802 	/// Replaces this element with something else in the tree.
1803 	Element replaceWith(Element e)
1804 	in {
1805 		assert(this.parentNode !is null);
1806 	}
1807 	body {
1808 		e.removeFromTree();
1809 		this.parentNode.replaceChild(this, e);
1810 		return e;
1811 	}
1813 	/**
1814 		Splits the className into an array of each class given
1815 	*/
1816 	string[] classNames() const {
1817 		return className().split(" ");
1818 	}
1820 	/**
1821 		Fetches the first consecutive text nodes concatenated together.
1824 		`firstInnerText` of `<example>some text<span>more text</span></example>` is `some text`. It stops at the first child tag encountered.
1826 		See_also: [directText], [innerText]
1827 	*/
1828 	string firstInnerText() const {
1829 		string s;
1830 		foreach(child; children) {
1831 			if(child.nodeType != NodeType.Text)
1832 				break;
1834 			s ~= child.nodeValue();
1835 		}
1836 		return s;
1837 	}
1840 	/**
1841 		Returns the text directly under this element.
1844 		Unlike [innerText], it does not recurse, and unlike [firstInnerText], it continues
1845 		past child tags. So, `<example>some <b>bold</b> text</example>`
1846 		will return `some  text` because it only gets the text, skipping non-text children.
1848 		See_also: [firstInnerText], [innerText]
1849 	*/
1850 	@property string directText() {
1851 		string ret;
1852 		foreach(e; children) {
1853 			if(e.nodeType == NodeType.Text)
1854 				ret ~= e.nodeValue();
1855 		}
1857 		return ret;
1858 	}
1860 	/**
1861 		Sets the direct text, without modifying other child nodes.
1864 		Unlike [innerText], this does *not* remove existing elements in the element.
1866 		It only replaces the first text node it sees.
1868 		If there are no text nodes, it calls [appendText].
1870 		So, given `<div><img />text here</div>`, it will keep the `<img />`, and replace the `text here`.
1871 	*/
1872 	@property void directText(string text) {
1873 		foreach(e; children) {
1874 			if(e.nodeType == NodeType.Text) {
1875 				auto it = cast(TextNode) e;
1876 				it.contents = text;
1877 				return;
1878 			}
1879 		}
1881 		appendText(text);
1882 	}
1884 	// do nothing, this is primarily a virtual hook
1885 	// for links and forms
1886 	void setValue(string field, string value) { }
1889 	// this is a thing so i can remove observer support if it gets slow
1890 	// I have not implemented all these yet
1891 	private void sendObserverEvent(DomMutationOperations operation, string s1 = null, string s2 = null, Element r = null, Element r2 = null) {
1892 		if(parentDocument is null) return;
1893 		DomMutationEvent me;
1894 		me.operation = operation;
1895 		me.target = this;
1896 		me.relatedString = s1;
1897 		me.relatedString2 = s2;
1898 		me.related = r;
1899 		me.related2 = r2;
1900 		parentDocument.dispatchMutationEvent(me);
1901 	}
1903 	// putting all the members up front
1905 	// this ought to be private. don't use it directly.
1906 	Element[] children;
1908 	/// The name of the tag. Remember, changing this doesn't change the dynamic type of the object.
1909 	string tagName;
1911 	/// This is where the attributes are actually stored. You should use getAttribute, setAttribute, and hasAttribute instead.
1912 	string[string] attributes;
1914 	/// In XML, it is valid to write <tag /> for all elements with no children, but that breaks HTML, so I don't do it here.
1915 	/// Instead, this flag tells if it should be. It is based on the source document's notation and a html element list.
1916 	private bool selfClosed;
1918 	/// Get the parent Document object that contains this element.
1919 	/// It may be null, so remember to check for that.
1920 	Document parentDocument;
1922 	///.
1923 	inout(Element) parentNode() inout {
1924 		auto p = _parentNode;
1926 		if(cast(DocumentFragment) p)
1927 			return p._parentNode;
1929 		return p;
1930 	}
1932 	//protected
1933 	Element parentNode(Element e) {
1934 		return _parentNode = e;
1935 	}
1937 	private Element _parentNode;
1939 	// the next few methods are for implementing interactive kind of things
1940 	private CssStyle _computedStyle;
1942 	// these are here for event handlers. Don't forget that this library never fires events.
1943 	// (I'm thinking about putting this in a version statement so you don't have the baggage. The instance size of this class is 56 bytes right now.)
1944 	EventHandler[][string] bubblingEventHandlers;
1945 	EventHandler[][string] capturingEventHandlers;
1946 	EventHandler[string] defaultEventHandlers;
1948 	void addEventListener(string event, EventHandler handler, bool useCapture = false) {
1949 		if(event.length > 2 && event[0..2] == "on")
1950 			event = event[2 .. $];
1952 		if(useCapture)
1953 			capturingEventHandlers[event] ~= handler;
1954 		else
1955 			bubblingEventHandlers[event] ~= handler;
1956 	}
1959 	// and now methods
1961 	/++
1962 		Convenience function to try to do the right thing for HTML. This is the main way I create elements.
1964 		History:
1965 			On February 8, 2021, the `selfClosedElements` parameter was added. Previously, it used a private
1966 			immutable global list for HTML. It still defaults to the same list, but you can change it now via
1967 			the parameter.
1968 	+/
1969 	static Element make(string tagName, string childInfo = null, string childInfo2 = null, const string[] selfClosedElements = htmlSelfClosedElements) {
1970 		bool selfClosed = tagName.isInArray(selfClosedElements);
1972 		Element e;
1973 		// want to create the right kind of object for the given tag...
1974 		switch(tagName) {
1975 			case "#text":
1976 				e = new TextNode(null, childInfo);
1977 				return e;
1978 			// break;
1979 			case "table":
1980 				e = new Table(null);
1981 			break;
1982 			case "a":
1983 				e = new Link(null);
1984 			break;
1985 			case "form":
1986 				e = new Form(null);
1987 			break;
1988 			case "tr":
1989 				e = new TableRow(null);
1990 			break;
1991 			case "td", "th":
1992 				e = new TableCell(null, tagName);
1993 			break;
1994 			default:
1995 				e = new Element(null, tagName, null, selfClosed); // parent document should be set elsewhere
1996 		}
1998 		// make sure all the stuff is constructed properly FIXME: should probably be in all the right constructors too
1999 		e.tagName = tagName;
2000 		e.selfClosed = selfClosed;
2002 		if(childInfo !is null)
2003 			switch(tagName) {
2004 				/* html5 convenience tags */
2005 				case "audio":
2006 					if(childInfo.length)
2007 						e.addChild("source", childInfo);
2008 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2009 						e.appendText(childInfo2);
2010 				break;
2011 				case "source":
2012 					e.src = childInfo;
2013 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2014 						e.type = childInfo2;
2015 				break;
2016 				/* regular html 4 stuff */
2017 				case "img":
2018 					e.src = childInfo;
2019 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2020 						e.alt = childInfo2;
2021 				break;
2022 				case "link":
2023 					e.href = childInfo;
2024 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2025 						e.rel = childInfo2;
2026 				break;
2027 				case "option":
2028 					e.innerText = childInfo;
2029 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2030 						e.value = childInfo2;
2031 				break;
2032 				case "input":
2033 					e.type = "hidden";
2034 					e.name = childInfo;
2035 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2036 						e.value = childInfo2;
2037 				break;
2038 				case "button":
2039 					e.innerText = childInfo;
2040 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2041 						e.type = childInfo2;
2042 				break;
2043 				case "a":
2044 					e.innerText = childInfo;
2045 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2046 						e.href = childInfo2;
2047 				break;
2048 				case "script":
2049 				case "style":
2050 					e.innerRawSource = childInfo;
2051 				break;
2052 				case "meta":
2053 					e.name = childInfo;
2054 					if(childInfo2 !is null)
2055 						e.content = childInfo2;
2056 				break;
2057 				/* generically, assume we were passed text and perhaps class */
2058 				default:
2059 					e.innerText = childInfo;
2060 					if(childInfo2.length)
2061 						e.className = childInfo2;
2062 			}
2064 		return e;
2065 	}
2067 	static Element make(string tagName, in Html innerHtml, string childInfo2 = null) {
2068 		// FIXME: childInfo2 is ignored when info1 is null
2069 		auto m = Element.make(tagName, "not null"[0..0], childInfo2);
2070 		m.innerHTML = innerHtml.source;
2071 		return m;
2072 	}
2074 	static Element make(string tagName, Element child, string childInfo2 = null) {
2075 		auto m = Element.make(tagName, cast(string) null, childInfo2);
2076 		m.appendChild(child);
2077 		return m;
2078 	}
2081 	/// Generally, you don't want to call this yourself - use Element.make or document.createElement instead.
2082 	this(Document _parentDocument, string _tagName, string[string] _attributes = null, bool _selfClosed = false) {
2083 		parentDocument = _parentDocument;
2084 		tagName = _tagName;
2085 		if(_attributes !is null)
2086 			attributes = _attributes;
2087 		selfClosed = _selfClosed;
2089 		version(dom_node_indexes)
2090 			this.dataset.nodeIndex = to!string(&(this.attributes));
2092 		assert(_tagName.indexOf(" ") == -1);//, "<" ~ _tagName ~ "> is invalid");
2093 	}
2095 	/++
2096 		Convenience constructor when you don't care about the parentDocument. Note this might break things on the document.
2097 		Note also that without a parent document, elements are always in strict, case-sensitive mode.
2099 		History:
2100 			On February 8, 2021, the `selfClosedElements` parameter was added. It defaults to the same behavior as
2101 			before: using the hard-coded list of HTML elements, but it can now be overridden. If you use
2102 			[Document.createElement], it will use the list set for the current document. Otherwise, you can pass
2103 			something here if you like.
2104 	+/
2105 	this(string _tagName, string[string] _attributes = null, const string[] selfClosedElements = htmlSelfClosedElements) {
2106 		tagName = _tagName;
2107 		if(_attributes !is null)
2108 			attributes = _attributes;
2109 		selfClosed = tagName.isInArray(selfClosedElements);
2111 		// this is meant to reserve some memory. It makes a small, but consistent improvement.
2112 		//children.length = 8;
2113 		//children.length = 0;
2115 		version(dom_node_indexes)
2116 			this.dataset.nodeIndex = to!string(&(this.attributes));
2117 	}
2119 	private this(Document _parentDocument) {
2120 		parentDocument = _parentDocument;
2122 		version(dom_node_indexes)
2123 			this.dataset.nodeIndex = to!string(&(this.attributes));
2124 	}
2127 	/* *******************************
2128 	       Navigating the DOM
2129 	*********************************/
2131 	/// Returns the first child of this element. If it has no children, returns null.
2132 	/// Remember, text nodes are children too.
2133 	@property Element firstChild() {
2134 		return children.length ? children[0] : null;
2135 	}
2137 	///
2138 	@property Element lastChild() {
2139 		return children.length ? children[$ - 1] : null;
2140 	}
2142 	/// UNTESTED
2143 	/// the next element you would encounter if you were reading it in the source
2144 	Element nextInSource() {
2145 		auto n = firstChild;
2146 		if(n is null)
2147 			n = nextSibling();
2148 		if(n is null) {
2149 			auto p = this.parentNode;
2150 			while(p !is null && n is null) {
2151 				n = p.nextSibling;
2152 			}
2153 		}
2155 		return n;
2156 	}
2158 	/// UNTESTED
2159 	/// ditto
2160 	Element previousInSource() {
2161 		auto p = previousSibling;
2162 		if(p is null) {
2163 			auto par = parentNode;
2164 			if(par)
2165 				p = par.lastChild;
2166 			if(p is null)
2167 				p = par;
2168 		}
2169 		return p;
2170 	}
2172 	///.
2173 	@property Element previousElementSibling() {
2174 		return previousSibling("*");
2175 	}
2177 	///.
2178 	@property Element previousSibling(string tagName = null) {
2179 		if(this.parentNode is null)
2180 			return null;
2181 		Element ps = null;
2182 		foreach(e; this.parentNode.childNodes) {
2183 			if(e is this)
2184 				break;
2185 			if(tagName == "*" && e.nodeType != NodeType.Text) {
2186 				ps = e;
2187 			} else if(tagName is null || e.tagName == tagName)
2188 				ps = e;
2189 		}
2191 		return ps;
2192 	}
2194 	///.
2195 	@property Element nextElementSibling() {
2196 		return nextSibling("*");
2197 	}
2199 	///.
2200 	@property Element nextSibling(string tagName = null) {
2201 		if(this.parentNode is null)
2202 			return null;
2203 		Element ns = null;
2204 		bool mightBe = false;
2205 		foreach(e; this.parentNode.childNodes) {
2206 			if(e is this) {
2207 				mightBe = true;
2208 				continue;
2209 			}
2210 			if(mightBe) {
2211 				if(tagName == "*" && e.nodeType != NodeType.Text) {
2212 					ns = e;
2213 					break;
2214 				}
2215 				if(tagName is null || e.tagName == tagName) {
2216 					ns = e;
2217 					break;
2218 				}
2219 			}
2220 		}
2222 		return ns;
2223 	}
2226 	/// Gets the nearest node, going up the chain, with the given tagName
2227 	/// May return null or throw.
2228 	T getParent(T = Element)(string tagName = null) if(is(T : Element)) {
2229 		if(tagName is null) {
2230 			static if(is(T == Form))
2231 				tagName = "form";
2232 			else static if(is(T == Table))
2233 				tagName = "table";
2234 			else static if(is(T == Link))
2235 				tagName == "a";
2236 		}
2238 		auto par = this.parentNode;
2239 		while(par !is null) {
2240 			if(tagName is null || par.tagName == tagName)
2241 				break;
2242 			par = par.parentNode;
2243 		}
2245 		static if(!is(T == Element)) {
2246 			auto t = cast(T) par;
2247 			if(t is null)
2248 				throw new ElementNotFoundException("", tagName ~ " parent not found", this);
2249 		} else
2250 			auto t = par;
2252 		return t;
2253 	}
2255 	///.
2256 	Element getElementById(string id) {
2257 		// FIXME: I use this function a lot, and it's kinda slow
2258 		// not terribly slow, but not great.
2259 		foreach(e; tree)
2260 			if(e.id == id)
2261 				return e;
2262 		return null;
2263 	}
2265 	/++
2266 		Returns a child element that matches the given `selector`.
2268 		Note: you can give multiple selectors, separated by commas.
2269 	 	It will return the first match it finds.
2270 	+/
2271 	@scriptable
2272 	Element querySelector(string selector) {
2273 		Selector s = Selector(selector);
2274 		foreach(ele; tree)
2275 			if(s.matchesElement(ele))
2276 				return ele;
2277 		return null;
2278 	}
2280 	/// a more standards-compliant alias for getElementsBySelector
2281 	@scriptable
2282 	Element[] querySelectorAll(string selector) {
2283 		return getElementsBySelector(selector);
2284 	}
2286 	/// If the element matches the given selector. Previously known as `matchesSelector`.
2287 	@scriptable
2288 	bool matches(string selector) {
2289 		/+
2290 		bool caseSensitiveTags = true;
2291 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2292 			caseSensitiveTags = false;
2293 		+/
2295 		Selector s = Selector(selector);
2296 		return s.matchesElement(this);
2297 	}
2299 	/// Returns itself or the closest parent that matches the given selector, or null if none found
2300 	/// See_also: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest
2301 	@scriptable
2302 	Element closest(string selector) {
2303 		Element e = this;
2304 		while(e !is null) {
2305 			if(e.matches(selector))
2306 				return e;
2307 			e = e.parentNode;
2308 		}
2309 		return null;
2310 	}
2312 	/**
2313 		Returns elements that match the given CSS selector
2315 		* -- all, default if nothing else is there
2317 		tag#id.class.class.class:pseudo[attrib=what][attrib=what] OP selector
2319 		It is all additive
2321 		OP
2323 		space = descendant
2324 		>     = direct descendant
2325 		+     = sibling (E+F Matches any F element immediately preceded by a sibling element E)
2327 		[foo]        Foo is present as an attribute
2328 		[foo="warning"]   Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning".
2329 		E[foo~="warning"] Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "warning"
2330 		E[lang|="en"] Matches any E element whose "lang" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en".
2332 		[item$=sdas] ends with
2333 		[item^-sdsad] begins with
2335 		Quotes are optional here.
2337 		Pseudos:
2338 			:first-child
2339 			:last-child
2340 			:link (same as a[href] for our purposes here)
2343 		There can be commas separating the selector. A comma separated list result is OR'd onto the main.
2347 		This ONLY cares about elements. text, etc, are ignored
2350 		There should be two functions: given element, does it match the selector? and given a selector, give me all the elements
2351 	*/
2352 	Element[] getElementsBySelector(string selector) {
2353 		// FIXME: this function could probably use some performance attention
2354 		// ... but only mildly so according to the profiler in the big scheme of things; probably negligible in a big app.
2357 		bool caseSensitiveTags = true;
2358 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2359 			caseSensitiveTags = false;
2361 		Element[] ret;
2362 		foreach(sel; parseSelectorString(selector, caseSensitiveTags))
2363 			ret ~= sel.getElements(this);
2364 		return ret;
2365 	}
2367 	/// .
2368 	Element[] getElementsByClassName(string cn) {
2369 		// is this correct?
2370 		return getElementsBySelector("." ~ cn);
2371 	}
2373 	///.
2374 	Element[] getElementsByTagName(string tag) {
2375 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2376 			tag = tag.toLower();
2377 		Element[] ret;
2378 		foreach(e; tree)
2379 			if(e.tagName == tag)
2380 				ret ~= e;
2381 		return ret;
2382 	}
2385 	/* *******************************
2386 	          Attributes
2387 	*********************************/
2389 	/**
2390 		Gets the given attribute value, or null if the
2391 		attribute is not set.
2393 		Note that the returned string is decoded, so it no longer contains any xml entities.
2394 	*/
2395 	@scriptable
2396 	string getAttribute(string name) const {
2397 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2398 			name = name.toLower();
2399 		auto e = name in attributes;
2400 		if(e)
2401 			return *e;
2402 		else
2403 			return null;
2404 	}
2406 	/**
2407 		Sets an attribute. Returns this for easy chaining
2408 	*/
2409 	@scriptable
2410 	Element setAttribute(string name, string value) {
2411 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2412 			name = name.toLower();
2414 		// I never use this shit legitimately and neither should you
2415 		auto it = name.toLower();
2416 		if(it == "href" || it == "src") {
2417 			auto v = value.strip().toLower();
2418 			if(v.startsWith("vbscript:"))
2419 				value = value[9..$];
2420 			if(v.startsWith("javascript:"))
2421 				value = value[11..$];
2422 		}
2424 		attributes[name] = value;
2426 		sendObserverEvent(DomMutationOperations.setAttribute, name, value);
2428 		return this;
2429 	}
2431 	/**
2432 		Returns if the attribute exists.
2433 	*/
2434 	@scriptable
2435 	bool hasAttribute(string name) {
2436 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2437 			name = name.toLower();
2439 		if(name in attributes)
2440 			return true;
2441 		else
2442 			return false;
2443 	}
2445 	/**
2446 		Removes the given attribute from the element.
2447 	*/
2448 	@scriptable
2449 	Element removeAttribute(string name)
2450 	out(ret) {
2451 		assert(ret is this);
2452 	}
2453 	body {
2454 		if(parentDocument && parentDocument.loose)
2455 			name = name.toLower();
2456 		if(name in attributes)
2457 			attributes.remove(name);
2459 		sendObserverEvent(DomMutationOperations.removeAttribute, name);
2460 		return this;
2461 	}
2463 	/**
2464 		Gets the class attribute's contents. Returns
2465 		an empty string if it has no class.
2466 	*/
2467 	@property string className() const {
2468 		auto c = getAttribute("class");
2469 		if(c is null)
2470 			return "";
2471 		return c;
2472 	}
2474 	///.
2475 	@property Element className(string c) {
2476 		setAttribute("class", c);
2477 		return this;
2478 	}
2480 	/**
2481 		Provides easy access to common HTML attributes, object style.
2483 		---
2484 		auto element = Element.make("a");
2485 		a.href = "cool.html"; // this is the same as a.setAttribute("href", "cool.html");
2486 		string where = a.href; // same as a.getAttribute("href");
2487 		---
2489 	*/
2490 	@property string opDispatch(string name)(string v = null) if(isConvenientAttribute(name)) {
2491 		if(v !is null)
2492 			setAttribute(name, v);
2493 		return getAttribute(name);
2494 	}
2496 	/**
2497 		Old access to attributes. Use [attrs] instead.
2499 		DEPRECATED: generally open opDispatch caused a lot of unforeseen trouble with compile time duck typing and UFCS extensions.
2500 		so I want to remove it. A small whitelist of attributes is still allowed, but others are not.
2502 		Instead, use element.attrs.attribute, element.attrs["attribute"],
2503 		or element.getAttribute("attribute")/element.setAttribute("attribute").
2504 	*/
2505 	@property string opDispatch(string name)(string v = null) if(!isConvenientAttribute(name)) {
2506 		static assert(0, "Don't use " ~ name ~ " direct on Element, instead use element.attrs.attributeName");
2507 	}
2509 	/*
2510 	// this would be nice for convenience, but it broke the getter above.
2511 	@property void opDispatch(string name)(bool boolean) if(name != "popFront") {
2512 		if(boolean)
2513 			setAttribute(name, name);
2514 		else
2515 			removeAttribute(name);
2516 	}
2517 	*/
2519 	/**
2520 		Returns the element's children.
2521 	*/
2522 	@property const(Element[]) childNodes() const {
2523 		return children;
2524 	}
2526 	/// Mutable version of the same
2527 	@property Element[] childNodes() { // FIXME: the above should be inout
2528 		return children;
2529 	}
2531 	/++
2532 		HTML5's dataset property. It is an alternate view into attributes with the data- prefix.
2533 		Given `<a data-my-property="cool" />`, we get `assert(a.dataset.myProperty == "cool");`
2534 	+/
2535 	@property DataSet dataset() {
2536 		return DataSet(this);
2537 	}
2539 	/++
2540 		Gives dot/opIndex access to attributes
2541 		---
2542 		ele.attrs.largeSrc = "foo"; // same as ele.setAttribute("largeSrc", "foo")
2543 		---
2544 	+/
2545 	@property AttributeSet attrs() {
2546 		return AttributeSet(this);
2547 	}
2549 	/++
2550 		Provides both string and object style (like in Javascript) access to the style attribute.
2552 		---
2553 		element.style.color = "red"; // translates into setting `color: red;` in the `style` attribute
2554 		---
2555 	+/
2556 	@property ElementStyle style() {
2557 		return ElementStyle(this);
2558 	}
2560 	/++
2561 		This sets the style attribute with a string.
2562 	+/
2563 	@property ElementStyle style(string s) {
2564 		this.setAttribute("style", s);
2565 		return this.style;
2566 	}
2568 	private void parseAttributes(string[] whichOnes = null) {
2569 /+
2570 		if(whichOnes is null)
2571 			whichOnes = attributes.keys;
2572 		foreach(attr; whichOnes) {
2573 			switch(attr) {
2574 				case "id":
2576 				break;
2577 				case "class":
2579 				break;
2580 				case "style":
2582 				break;
2583 				default:
2584 					// we don't care about it
2585 			}
2586 		}
2587 +/
2588 	}
2591 	// if you change something here, it won't apply... FIXME const? but changing it would be nice if it applies to the style attribute too though you should use style there.
2592 	/// Don't use this.
2593 	@property CssStyle computedStyle() {
2594 		if(_computedStyle is null) {
2595 			auto style = this.getAttribute("style");
2596 		/* we'll treat shitty old html attributes as css here */
2597 			if(this.hasAttribute("width"))
2598 				style ~= "; width: " ~ this.attrs.width;
2599 			if(this.hasAttribute("height"))
2600 				style ~= "; height: " ~ this.attrs.height;
2601 			if(this.hasAttribute("bgcolor"))
2602 				style ~= "; background-color: " ~ this.attrs.bgcolor;
2603 			if(this.tagName == "body" && this.hasAttribute("text"))
2604 				style ~= "; color: " ~ this.attrs.text;
2605 			if(this.hasAttribute("color"))
2606 				style ~= "; color: " ~ this.attrs.color;
2607 		/* done */
2610 			_computedStyle = new CssStyle(null, style); // gives at least something to work with
2611 		}
2612 		return _computedStyle;
2613 	}
2615 	/// These properties are useless in most cases, but if you write a layout engine on top of this lib, they may be good
2616 	version(browser) {
2617 		void* expansionHook; ///ditto
2618 		int offsetWidth; ///ditto
2619 		int offsetHeight; ///ditto
2620 		int offsetLeft; ///ditto
2621 		int offsetTop; ///ditto
2622 		Element offsetParent; ///ditto
2623 		bool hasLayout; ///ditto
2624 		int zIndex; ///ditto
2626 		///ditto
2627 		int absoluteLeft() {
2628 			int a = offsetLeft;
2629 			auto p = offsetParent;
2630 			while(p) {
2631 				a += p.offsetLeft;
2632 				p = p.offsetParent;
2633 			}
2635 			return a;
2636 		}
2638 		///ditto
2639 		int absoluteTop() {
2640 			int a = offsetTop;
2641 			auto p = offsetParent;
2642 			while(p) {
2643 				a += p.offsetTop;
2644 				p = p.offsetParent;
2645 			}
2647 			return a;
2648 		}
2649 	}
2651 	// Back to the regular dom functions
2653     public:
2656 	/* *******************************
2657 	          DOM Mutation
2658 	*********************************/
2660 	/// Removes all inner content from the tag; all child text and elements are gone.
2661 	void removeAllChildren()
2662 		out {
2663 			assert(this.children.length == 0);
2664 		}
2665 	body {
2666 		children = null;
2667 	}
2669 	/// History: added June 13, 2020
2670 	Element appendSibling(Element e) {
2671 		parentNode.insertAfter(this, e);
2672 		return e;
2673 	}
2675 	/// History: added June 13, 2020
2676 	Element prependSibling(Element e) {
2677 		parentNode.insertBefore(this, e);
2678 		return e;
2679 	}
2682     	/++
2683 		Appends the given element to this one. If it already has a parent, it is removed from that tree and moved to this one.
2685 		See_also: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/appendChild
2687 		History:
2688 			Prior to 1 Jan 2020 (git tag v4.4.1 and below), it required that the given element must not have a parent already. This was in violation of standard, so it changed the behavior to remove it from the existing parent and instead move it here.
2689 	+/
2690 	Element appendChild(Element e)
2691 		in {
2692 			assert(e !is null);
2693 		}
2694 		out (ret) {
2695 			assert((cast(DocumentFragment) this !is null) || (e.parentNode is this), e.toString);// e.parentNode ? e.parentNode.toString : "null");
2696 			assert(e.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
2697 			assert(e is ret);
2698 		}
2699 	body {
2700 		if(e.parentNode !is null)
2701 			e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
2703 		selfClosed = false;
2704 		e.parentNode = this;
2705 		e.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2706 		if(auto frag = cast(DocumentFragment) e)
2707 			children ~= frag.children;
2708 		else
2709 			children ~= e;
2711 		sendObserverEvent(DomMutationOperations.appendChild, null, null, e);
2713 		return e;
2714 	}
2716 	/// Inserts the second element to this node, right before the first param
2717 	Element insertBefore(in Element where, Element what)
2718 		in {
2719 			assert(where !is null);
2720 			assert(where.parentNode is this);
2721 			assert(what !is null);
2722 			assert(what.parentNode is null);
2723 		}
2724 		out (ret) {
2725 			assert(where.parentNode is this);
2726 			assert(what.parentNode is this);
2728 			assert(what.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
2729 			assert(ret is what);
2730 		}
2731 	body {
2732 		foreach(i, e; children) {
2733 			if(e is where) {
2734 				if(auto frag = cast(DocumentFragment) what)
2735 					children = children[0..i] ~ frag.children ~ children[i..$];
2736 				else
2737 					children = children[0..i] ~ what ~ children[i..$];
2738 				what.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2739 				what.parentNode = this;
2740 				return what;
2741 			}
2742 		}
2744 		return what;
2746 		assert(0);
2747 	}
2749 	/++
2750 		Inserts the given element `what` as a sibling of the `this` element, after the element `where` in the parent node.
2751 	+/
2752 	Element insertAfter(in Element where, Element what)
2753 		in {
2754 			assert(where !is null);
2755 			assert(where.parentNode is this);
2756 			assert(what !is null);
2757 			assert(what.parentNode is null);
2758 		}
2759 		out (ret) {
2760 			assert(where.parentNode is this);
2761 			assert(what.parentNode is this);
2762 			assert(what.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
2763 			assert(ret is what);
2764 		}
2765 	body {
2766 		foreach(i, e; children) {
2767 			if(e is where) {
2768 				if(auto frag = cast(DocumentFragment) what)
2769 					children = children[0 .. i + 1] ~ what.children ~ children[i + 1 .. $];
2770 				else
2771 					children = children[0 .. i + 1] ~ what ~ children[i + 1 .. $];
2772 				what.parentNode = this;
2773 				what.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2774 				return what;
2775 			}
2776 		}
2778 		return what;
2780 		assert(0);
2781 	}
2783 	/// swaps one child for a new thing. Returns the old child which is now parentless.
2784 	Element swapNode(Element child, Element replacement)
2785 		in {
2786 			assert(child !is null);
2787 			assert(replacement !is null);
2788 			assert(child.parentNode is this);
2789 		}
2790 		out(ret) {
2791 			assert(ret is child);
2792 			assert(ret.parentNode is null);
2793 			assert(replacement.parentNode is this);
2794 			assert(replacement.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
2795 		}
2796 	body {
2797 		foreach(ref c; this.children)
2798 			if(c is child) {
2799 				c.parentNode = null;
2800 				c = replacement;
2801 				c.parentNode = this;
2802 				c.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2803 				return child;
2804 			}
2805 		assert(0);
2806 	}
2809 	/++
2810 		Appends the given to the node.
2813 		Calling `e.appendText(" hi")` on `<example>text <b>bold</b></example>`
2814 		yields `<example>text <b>bold</b> hi</example>`.
2816 		See_Also:
2817 			[firstInnerText], [directText], [innerText], [appendChild]
2818 	+/
2819 	@scriptable
2820 	Element appendText(string text) {
2821 		Element e = new TextNode(parentDocument, text);
2822 		appendChild(e);
2823 		return this;
2824 	}
2826 	/++
2827 		Returns child elements which are of a tag type (excludes text, comments, etc.).
2830 		childElements of `<example>text <b>bold</b></example>` is just the `<b>` tag.
2832 		Params:
2833 			tagName = filter results to only the child elements with the given tag name.
2834 	+/
2835 	@property Element[] childElements(string tagName = null) {
2836 		Element[] ret;
2837 		foreach(c; children)
2838 			if(c.nodeType == 1 && (tagName is null || c.tagName == tagName))
2839 				ret ~= c;
2840 		return ret;
2841 	}
2843 	/++
2844 		Appends the given html to the element, returning the elements appended
2847 		This is similar to `element.innerHTML += "html string";` in Javascript.
2848 	+/
2849 	@scriptable
2850 	Element[] appendHtml(string html) {
2851 		Document d = new Document("<root>" ~ html ~ "</root>");
2852 		return stealChildren(d.root);
2853 	}
2856 	///.
2857 	void insertChildAfter(Element child, Element where)
2858 		in {
2859 			assert(child !is null);
2860 			assert(where !is null);
2861 			assert(where.parentNode is this);
2862 			assert(!selfClosed);
2863 			//assert(isInArray(where, children));
2864 		}
2865 		out {
2866 			assert(child.parentNode is this);
2867 			assert(where.parentNode is this);
2868 			//assert(isInArray(where, children));
2869 			//assert(isInArray(child, children));
2870 		}
2871 	body {
2872 		foreach(ref i, c; children) {
2873 			if(c is where) {
2874 				i++;
2875 				if(auto frag = cast(DocumentFragment) child)
2876 					children = children[0..i] ~ child.children ~ children[i..$];
2877 				else
2878 					children = children[0..i] ~ child ~ children[i..$];
2879 				child.parentNode = this;
2880 				child.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2881 				break;
2882 			}
2883 		}
2884 	}
2886 	/++
2887 		Reparents all the child elements of `e` to `this`, leaving `e` childless.
2889 		Params:
2890 			e = the element whose children you want to steal
2891 			position = an existing child element in `this` before which you want the stolen children to be inserted. If `null`, it will append the stolen children at the end of our current children.
2892 	+/
2893 	Element[] stealChildren(Element e, Element position = null)
2894 		in {
2895 			assert(!selfClosed);
2896 			assert(e !is null);
2897 			//if(position !is null)
2898 				//assert(isInArray(position, children));
2899 		}
2900 		out (ret) {
2901 			assert(e.children.length == 0);
2902 			// all the parentNode is this checks fail because DocumentFragments do not appear in the parent tree, they are invisible...
2903 			version(none)
2904 			debug foreach(child; ret) {
2905 				assert(child.parentNode is this);
2906 				assert(child.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
2907 			}
2908 		}
2909 	body {
2910 		foreach(c; e.children) {
2911 			c.parentNode = this;
2912 			c.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2913 		}
2914 		if(position is null)
2915 			children ~= e.children;
2916 		else {
2917 			foreach(i, child; children) {
2918 				if(child is position) {
2919 					children = children[0..i] ~
2920 						e.children ~
2921 						children[i..$];
2922 					break;
2923 				}
2924 			}
2925 		}
2927 		auto ret = e.children[];
2928 		e.children.length = 0;
2930 		return ret;
2931 	}
2933     	/// Puts the current element first in our children list. The given element must not have a parent already.
2934 	Element prependChild(Element e)
2935 		in {
2936 			assert(e.parentNode is null);
2937 			assert(!selfClosed);
2938 		}
2939 		out {
2940 			assert(e.parentNode is this);
2941 			assert(e.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
2942 			assert(children[0] is e);
2943 		}
2944 	body {
2945 		e.parentNode = this;
2946 		e.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2947 		if(auto frag = cast(DocumentFragment) e)
2948 			children = e.children ~ children;
2949 		else
2950 			children = e ~ children;
2951 		return e;
2952 	}
2955 	/**
2956 		Returns a string containing all child elements, formatted such that it could be pasted into
2957 		an XML file.
2958 	*/
2959 	@property string innerHTML(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
2960 		if(children is null)
2961 			return "";
2963 		auto start = where.data.length;
2965 		foreach(child; children) {
2966 			assert(child !is null);
2968 			child.writeToAppender(where);
2969 		}
2971 		return where.data[start .. $];
2972 	}
2974 	/**
2975 		Takes some html and replaces the element's children with the tree made from the string.
2976 	*/
2977 	@property Element innerHTML(string html, bool strict = false) {
2978 		if(html.length)
2979 			selfClosed = false;
2981 		if(html.length == 0) {
2982 			// I often say innerHTML = ""; as a shortcut to clear it out,
2983 			// so let's optimize that slightly.
2984 			removeAllChildren();
2985 			return this;
2986 		}
2988 		auto doc = new Document();
2989 		doc.parseUtf8("<innerhtml>" ~ html ~ "</innerhtml>", strict, strict); // FIXME: this should preserve the strictness of the parent document
2991 		children = doc.root.children;
2992 		foreach(c; children) {
2993 			c.parentNode = this;
2994 			c.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
2995 		}
2997 		reparentTreeDocuments();
2999 		doc.root.children = null;
3001 		return this;
3002 	}
3004 	/// ditto
3005 	@property Element innerHTML(Html html) {
3006 		return this.innerHTML = html.source;
3007 	}
3009 	private void reparentTreeDocuments() {
3010 		foreach(c; this.tree)
3011 			c.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
3012 	}
3014 	/**
3015 		Replaces this node with the given html string, which is parsed
3017 		Note: this invalidates the this reference, since it is removed
3018 		from the tree.
3020 		Returns the new children that replace this.
3021 	*/
3022 	@property Element[] outerHTML(string html) {
3023 		auto doc = new Document();
3024 		doc.parseUtf8("<innerhtml>" ~ html ~ "</innerhtml>"); // FIXME: needs to preserve the strictness
3026 		children = doc.root.children;
3027 		foreach(c; children) {
3028 			c.parentNode = this;
3029 			c.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
3030 		}
3033 		reparentTreeDocuments();
3036 		stripOut();
3038 		return doc.root.children;
3039 	}
3041 	/++
3042 		Returns all the html for this element, including the tag itself.
3044 		This is equivalent to calling toString().
3045 	+/
3046 	@property string outerHTML() {
3047 		return this.toString();
3048 	}
3050 	/// This sets the inner content of the element *without* trying to parse it.
3051 	/// You can inject any code in there; this serves as an escape hatch from the dom.
3052 	///
3053 	/// The only times you might actually need it are for < style > and < script > tags in html.
3054 	/// Other than that, innerHTML and/or innerText should do the job.
3055 	@property void innerRawSource(string rawSource) {
3056 		children.length = 0;
3057 		auto rs = new RawSource(parentDocument, rawSource);
3058 		rs.parentNode = this;
3060 		children ~= rs;
3061 	}
3063 	///.
3064 	Element replaceChild(Element find, Element replace)
3065 		in {
3066 			assert(find !is null);
3067 			assert(replace !is null);
3068 			assert(replace.parentNode is null);
3069 		}
3070 		out(ret) {
3071 			assert(ret is replace);
3072 			assert(replace.parentNode is this);
3073 			assert(replace.parentDocument is this.parentDocument);
3074 			assert(find.parentNode is null);
3075 		}
3076 	body {
3077 		// FIXME
3078 		//if(auto frag = cast(DocumentFragment) replace)
3079 			//return this.replaceChild(frag, replace.children);
3080 		for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
3081 			if(children[i] is find) {
3082 				replace.parentNode = this;
3083 				children[i].parentNode = null;
3084 				children[i] = replace;
3085 				replace.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
3086 				return replace;
3087 			}
3088 		}
3090 		throw new Exception("no such child");
3091 	}
3093 	/**
3094 		Replaces the given element with a whole group.
3095 	*/
3096 	void replaceChild(Element find, Element[] replace)
3097 		in {
3098 			assert(find !is null);
3099 			assert(replace !is null);
3100 			assert(find.parentNode is this);
3101 			debug foreach(r; replace)
3102 				assert(r.parentNode is null);
3103 		}
3104 		out {
3105 			assert(find.parentNode is null);
3106 			assert(children.length >= replace.length);
3107 			debug foreach(child; children)
3108 				assert(child !is find);
3109 			debug foreach(r; replace)
3110 				assert(r.parentNode is this);
3111 		}
3112 	body {
3113 		if(replace.length == 0) {
3114 			removeChild(find);
3115 			return;
3116 		}
3117 		assert(replace.length);
3118 		for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
3119 			if(children[i] is find) {
3120 				children[i].parentNode = null; // this element should now be dead
3121 				children[i] = replace[0];
3122 				foreach(e; replace) {
3123 					e.parentNode = this;
3124 					e.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
3125 				}
3127 				children = .insertAfter(children, i, replace[1..$]);
3129 				return;
3130 			}
3131 		}
3133 		throw new Exception("no such child");
3134 	}
3137 	/**
3138 		Removes the given child from this list.
3140 		Returns the removed element.
3141 	*/
3142 	Element removeChild(Element c)
3143 		in {
3144 			assert(c !is null);
3145 			assert(c.parentNode is this);
3146 		}
3147 		out {
3148 			debug foreach(child; children)
3149 				assert(child !is c);
3150 			assert(c.parentNode is null);
3151 		}
3152 	body {
3153 		foreach(i, e; children) {
3154 			if(e is c) {
3155 				children = children[0..i] ~ children [i+1..$];
3156 				c.parentNode = null;
3157 				return c;
3158 			}
3159 		}
3161 		throw new Exception("no such child");
3162 	}
3164 	/// This removes all the children from this element, returning the old list.
3165 	Element[] removeChildren()
3166 		out (ret) {
3167 			assert(children.length == 0);
3168 			debug foreach(r; ret)
3169 				assert(r.parentNode is null);
3170 		}
3171 	body {
3172 		Element[] oldChildren = children.dup;
3173 		foreach(c; oldChildren)
3174 			c.parentNode = null;
3176 		children.length = 0;
3178 		return oldChildren;
3179 	}
3181 	/**
3182 		Fetch the inside text, with all tags stripped out.
3184 		<p>cool <b>api</b> &amp; code dude<p>
3185 		innerText of that is "cool api & code dude".
3187 		This does not match what real innerText does!
3188 		http://perfectionkills.com/the-poor-misunderstood-innerText/
3190 		It is more like textContent.
3191 	*/
3192 	@scriptable
3193 	@property string innerText() const {
3194 		string s;
3195 		foreach(child; children) {
3196 			if(child.nodeType != NodeType.Text)
3197 				s ~= child.innerText;
3198 			else
3199 				s ~= child.nodeValue();
3200 		}
3201 		return s;
3202 	}
3204 	///
3205 	alias textContent = innerText;
3207 	/**
3208 		Sets the inside text, replacing all children. You don't
3209 		have to worry about entity encoding.
3210 	*/
3211 	@scriptable
3212 	@property void innerText(string text) {
3213 		selfClosed = false;
3214 		Element e = new TextNode(parentDocument, text);
3215 		e.parentNode = this;
3216 		children = [e];
3217 	}
3219 	/**
3220 		Strips this node out of the document, replacing it with the given text
3221 	*/
3222 	@property void outerText(string text) {
3223 		parentNode.replaceChild(this, new TextNode(parentDocument, text));
3224 	}
3226 	/**
3227 		Same result as innerText; the tag with all inner tags stripped out
3228 	*/
3229 	@property string outerText() const {
3230 		return innerText;
3231 	}
3234 	/* *******************************
3235 	          Miscellaneous
3236 	*********************************/
3238 	/// This is a full clone of the element. Alias for cloneNode(true) now. Don't extend it.
3239 	@property Element cloned()
3240 	/+
3241 		out(ret) {
3242 			// FIXME: not sure why these fail...
3243 			assert(ret.children.length == this.children.length, format("%d %d", ret.children.length, this.children.length));
3244 			assert(ret.tagName == this.tagName);
3245 		}
3246 	body {
3247 	+/
3248 	{
3249 		return this.cloneNode(true);
3250 	}
3252 	/// Clones the node. If deepClone is true, clone all inner tags too. If false, only do this tag (and its attributes), but it will have no contents.
3253 	Element cloneNode(bool deepClone) {
3254 		auto e = Element.make(this.tagName);
3255 		e.parentDocument = this.parentDocument;
3256 		e.attributes = this.attributes.aadup;
3257 		e.selfClosed = this.selfClosed;
3259 		if(deepClone) {
3260 			foreach(child; children) {
3261 				e.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true));
3262 			}
3263 		}
3266 		return e;
3267 	}
3269 	/// W3C DOM interface. Only really meaningful on [TextNode] instances, but the interface is present on the base class.
3270 	string nodeValue() const {
3271 		return "";
3272 	}
3274 	// should return int
3275 	///.
3276 	@property int nodeType() const {
3277 		return 1;
3278 	}
3281 	invariant () {
3282 		assert(tagName.indexOf(" ") == -1);
3284 		if(children !is null)
3285 		debug foreach(child; children) {
3286 		//	assert(parentNode !is null);
3287 			assert(child !is null);
3288 	//		assert(child.parentNode is this, format("%s is not a parent of %s (it thought it was %s)", tagName, child.tagName, child.parentNode is null ? "null" : child.parentNode.tagName));
3289 			assert(child !is this);
3290 			//assert(child !is parentNode);
3291 		}
3293 		/+ // only depend on parentNode's accuracy if you shuffle things around and use the top elements - where the contracts guarantee it on out
3294 		if(parentNode !is null) {
3295 			// if you have a parent, you should share the same parentDocument; this is appendChild()'s job
3296 			auto lol = cast(TextNode) this;
3297 			assert(parentDocument is parentNode.parentDocument, lol is null ? this.tagName : lol.contents);
3298 		}
3299 		+/
3300 		//assert(parentDocument !is null); // no more; if it is present, we use it, but it is not required
3301 		// reason is so you can create these without needing a reference to the document
3302 	}
3304 	/**
3305 		Turns the whole element, including tag, attributes, and children, into a string which could be pasted into
3306 		an XML file.
3307 	*/
3308 	override string toString() const {
3309 		return writeToAppender();
3310 	}
3312 	protected string toPrettyStringIndent(bool insertComments, int indentationLevel, string indentWith) const {
3313 		if(indentWith is null)
3314 			return null;
3315 		string s;
3317 		if(insertComments) s ~= "<!--";
3318 		s ~= "\n";
3319 		foreach(indent; 0 .. indentationLevel)
3320 			s ~= indentWith;
3321 		if(insertComments) s ~= "-->";
3323 		return s;
3324 	}
3326 	/++
3327 		Writes out with formatting. Be warned: formatting changes the contents. Use ONLY
3328 		for eyeball debugging.
3329 	+/
3330 	string toPrettyString(bool insertComments = false, int indentationLevel = 0, string indentWith = "\t") const {
3332 		// first step is to concatenate any consecutive text nodes to simplify
3333 		// the white space analysis. this changes the tree! but i'm allowed since
3334 		// the comment always says it changes the comments
3335 		//
3336 		// actually i'm not allowed cuz it is const so i will cheat and lie
3337 		/+
3338 		TextNode lastTextChild = null;
3339 		for(int a = 0; a < this.children.length; a++) {
3340 			auto child = this.children[a];
3341 			if(auto tn = cast(TextNode) child) {
3342 				if(lastTextChild) {
3343 					lastTextChild.contents ~= tn.contents;
3344 					for(int b = a; b < this.children.length - 1; b++)
3345 						this.children[b] = this.children[b + 1];
3346 					this.children = this.children[0 .. $-1];
3347 				} else {
3348 					lastTextChild = tn;
3349 				}
3350 			} else {
3351 				lastTextChild = null;
3352 			}
3353 		}
3354 		+/
3356 		const(Element)[] children;
3358 		TextNode lastTextChild = null;
3359 		for(int a = 0; a < this.children.length; a++) {
3360 			auto child = this.children[a];
3361 			if(auto tn = cast(const(TextNode)) child) {
3362 				if(lastTextChild !is null) {
3363 					lastTextChild.contents ~= tn.contents;
3364 				} else {
3365 					lastTextChild = new TextNode("");
3366 					lastTextChild.parentNode = cast(Element) this;
3367 					lastTextChild.contents ~= tn.contents;
3368 					children ~= lastTextChild;
3369 				}
3370 			} else {
3371 				lastTextChild = null;
3372 				children ~= child;
3373 			}
3374 		}
3376 		string s = toPrettyStringIndent(insertComments, indentationLevel, indentWith);
3378 		s ~= "<";
3379 		s ~= tagName;
3381 		// i sort these for consistent output. might be more legible
3382 		// but especially it keeps it the same for diff purposes.
3383 		import std.algorithm : sort;
3384 		auto keys = sort(attributes.keys);
3385 		foreach(n; keys) {
3386 			auto v = attributes[n];
3387 			s ~= " ";
3388 			s ~= n;
3389 			s ~= "=\"";
3390 			s ~= htmlEntitiesEncode(v);
3391 			s ~= "\"";
3392 		}
3394 		if(selfClosed){
3395 			s ~= " />";
3396 			return s;
3397 		}
3399 		s ~= ">";
3401 		// for simple `<collection><item>text</item><item>text</item></collection>`, let's
3402 		// just keep them on the same line
3403 		if(tagName.isInArray(inlineElements) || allAreInlineHtml(children)) {
3404 			foreach(child; children) {
3405 				s ~= child.toString();//toPrettyString(false, 0, null);
3406 			}
3407 		} else {
3408 			foreach(child; children) {
3409 				assert(child !is null);
3411 				s ~= child.toPrettyString(insertComments, indentationLevel + 1, indentWith);
3412 			}
3414 			s ~= toPrettyStringIndent(insertComments, indentationLevel, indentWith);
3415 		}
3417 		s ~= "</";
3418 		s ~= tagName;
3419 		s ~= ">";
3421 		return s;
3422 	}
3424 	/+
3425 	/// Writes out the opening tag only, if applicable.
3426 	string writeTagOnly(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
3427 	+/
3429 	/// This is the actual implementation used by toString. You can pass it a preallocated buffer to save some time.
3430 	/// Note: the ordering of attributes in the string is undefined.
3431 	/// Returns the string it creates.
3432 	string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
3433 		assert(tagName !is null);
3435 		where.reserve((this.children.length + 1) * 512);
3437 		auto start = where.data.length;
3439 		where.put("<");
3440 		where.put(tagName);
3442 		import std.algorithm : sort;
3443 		auto keys = sort(attributes.keys);
3444 		foreach(n; keys) {
3445 			auto v = attributes[n]; // I am sorting these for convenience with another project. order of AAs is undefined, so I'm allowed to do it.... and it is still undefined, I might change it back later.
3446 			//assert(v !is null);
3447 			where.put(" ");
3448 			where.put(n);
3449 			where.put("=\"");
3450 			htmlEntitiesEncode(v, where);
3451 			where.put("\"");
3452 		}
3454 		if(selfClosed){
3455 			where.put(" />");
3456 			return where.data[start .. $];
3457 		}
3459 		where.put('>');
3461 		innerHTML(where);
3463 		where.put("</");
3464 		where.put(tagName);
3465 		where.put('>');
3467 		return where.data[start .. $];
3468 	}
3470 	/**
3471 		Returns a lazy range of all its children, recursively.
3472 	*/
3473 	@property ElementStream tree() {
3474 		return new ElementStream(this);
3475 	}
3477 	// I moved these from Form because they are generally useful.
3478 	// Ideally, I'd put them in arsd.html and use UFCS, but that doesn't work with the opDispatch here.
3479 	/// Tags: HTML, HTML5
3480 	// FIXME: add overloads for other label types...
3481 	Element addField(string label, string name, string type = "text", FormFieldOptions fieldOptions = FormFieldOptions.none) {
3482 		auto fs = this;
3483 		auto i = fs.addChild("label");
3485 		if(!(type == "checkbox" || type == "radio"))
3486 			i.addChild("span", label);
3488 		Element input;
3489 		if(type == "textarea")
3490 			input = i.addChild("textarea").
3491 			setAttribute("name", name).
3492 			setAttribute("rows", "6");
3493 		else
3494 			input = i.addChild("input").
3495 			setAttribute("name", name).
3496 			setAttribute("type", type);
3498 		if(type == "checkbox" || type == "radio")
3499 			i.addChild("span", label);
3501 		// these are html 5 attributes; you'll have to implement fallbacks elsewhere. In Javascript or maybe I'll add a magic thing to html.d later.
3502 		fieldOptions.applyToElement(input);
3503 		return i;
3504 	}
3506 	Element addField(Element label, string name, string type = "text", FormFieldOptions fieldOptions = FormFieldOptions.none) {
3507 		auto fs = this;
3508 		auto i = fs.addChild("label");
3509 		i.addChild(label);
3510 		Element input;
3511 		if(type == "textarea")
3512 			input = i.addChild("textarea").
3513 			setAttribute("name", name).
3514 			setAttribute("rows", "6");
3515 		else
3516 			input = i.addChild("input").
3517 			setAttribute("name", name).
3518 			setAttribute("type", type);
3520 		// these are html 5 attributes; you'll have to implement fallbacks elsewhere. In Javascript or maybe I'll add a magic thing to html.d later.
3521 		fieldOptions.applyToElement(input);
3522 		return i;
3523 	}
3525 	Element addField(string label, string name, FormFieldOptions fieldOptions) {
3526 		return addField(label, name, "text", fieldOptions);
3527 	}
3529 	Element addField(string label, string name, string[string] options, FormFieldOptions fieldOptions = FormFieldOptions.none) {
3530 		auto fs = this;
3531 		auto i = fs.addChild("label");
3532 		i.addChild("span", label);
3533 		auto sel = i.addChild("select").setAttribute("name", name);
3535 		foreach(k, opt; options)
3536 			sel.addChild("option", opt, k);
3538 		// FIXME: implement requirements somehow
3540 		return i;
3541 	}
3543 	Element addSubmitButton(string label = null) {
3544 		auto t = this;
3545 		auto holder = t.addChild("div");
3546 		holder.addClass("submit-holder");
3547 		auto i = holder.addChild("input");
3548 		i.type = "submit";
3549 		if(label.length)
3550 			i.value = label;
3551 		return holder;
3552 	}
3554 }
3556 // FIXME: since Document loosens the input requirements, it should probably be the sub class...
3557 /// Specializes Document for handling generic XML. (always uses strict mode, uses xml mime type and file header)
3558 /// Group: core_functionality
3559 class XmlDocument : Document {
3560 	this(string data) {
3561 		selfClosedElements = null;
3562 		contentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
3563 		_prolog = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>` ~ "\n";
3565 		parseStrict(data);
3566 	}
3567 }
3572 import std.string;
3574 /* domconvenience follows { */
3576 /// finds comments that match the given txt. Case insensitive, strips whitespace.
3577 /// Group: core_functionality
3578 Element[] findComments(Document document, string txt) {
3579 	return findComments(document.root, txt);
3580 }
3582 /// ditto
3583 Element[] findComments(Element element, string txt) {
3584 	txt = txt.strip().toLower();
3585 	Element[] ret;
3587 	foreach(comment; element.getElementsByTagName("#comment")) {
3588 		string t = comment.nodeValue().strip().toLower();
3589 		if(t == txt)
3590 			ret ~= comment;
3591 	}
3593 	return ret;
3594 }
3596 /// An option type that propagates null. See: [Element.optionSelector]
3597 /// Group: implementations
3598 struct MaybeNullElement(SomeElementType) {
3599 	this(SomeElementType ele) {
3600 		this.element = ele;
3601 	}
3602 	SomeElementType element;
3604 	/// Forwards to the element, wit a null check inserted that propagates null.
3605 	auto opDispatch(string method, T...)(T args) {
3606 		alias type = typeof(__traits(getMember, element, method)(args));
3607 		static if(is(type : Element)) {
3608 			if(element is null)
3609 				return MaybeNullElement!type(null);
3610 			return __traits(getMember, element, method)(args);
3611 		} else static if(is(type == string)) {
3612 			if(element is null)
3613 				return cast(string) null;
3614 			return __traits(getMember, element, method)(args);
3615 		} else static if(is(type == void)) {
3616 			if(element is null)
3617 				return;
3618 			__traits(getMember, element, method)(args);
3619 		} else {
3620 			static assert(0);
3621 		}
3622 	}
3624 	/// Allows implicit casting to the wrapped element.
3625 	alias element this;
3626 }
3628 /++
3629 	A collection of elements which forwards methods to the children.
3630 +/
3631 /// Group: implementations
3632 struct ElementCollection {
3633 	///
3634 	this(Element e) {
3635 		elements = [e];
3636 	}
3638 	///
3639 	this(Element e, string selector) {
3640 		elements = e.querySelectorAll(selector);
3641 	}
3643 	///
3644 	this(Element[] e) {
3645 		elements = e;
3646 	}
3648 	Element[] elements;
3649 	//alias elements this; // let it implicitly convert to the underlying array
3651 	///
3652 	ElementCollection opIndex(string selector) {
3653 		ElementCollection ec;
3654 		foreach(e; elements)
3655 			ec.elements ~= e.getElementsBySelector(selector);
3656 		return ec;
3657 	}
3659 	///
3660 	Element opIndex(int i) {
3661 		return elements[i];
3662 	}
3664 	/// if you slice it, give the underlying array for easy forwarding of the
3665 	/// collection to range expecting algorithms or looping over.
3666 	Element[] opSlice() {
3667 		return elements;
3668 	}
3670 	/// And input range primitives so we can foreach over this
3671 	void popFront() {
3672 		elements = elements[1..$];
3673 	}
3675 	/// ditto
3676 	Element front() {
3677 		return elements[0];
3678 	}
3680 	/// ditto
3681 	bool empty() {
3682 		return !elements.length;
3683 	}
3685 	/++
3686 		Collects strings from the collection, concatenating them together
3687 		Kinda like running reduce and ~= on it.
3689 		---
3690 		document["p"].collect!"innerText";
3691 		---
3692 	+/
3693 	string collect(string method)(string separator = "") {
3694 		string text;
3695 		foreach(e; elements) {
3696 			text ~= mixin("e." ~ method);
3697 			text ~= separator;
3698 		}
3699 		return text;
3700 	}
3702 	/// Forward method calls to each individual [Element|element] of the collection
3703 	/// returns this so it can be chained.
3704 	ElementCollection opDispatch(string name, T...)(T t) {
3705 		foreach(e; elements) {
3706 			mixin("e." ~ name)(t);
3707 		}
3708 		return this;
3709 	}
3711 	/++
3712 		Calls [Element.wrapIn] on each member of the collection, but clones the argument `what` for each one.
3713 	+/
3714 	ElementCollection wrapIn(Element what) {
3715 		foreach(e; elements) {
3716 			e.wrapIn(what.cloneNode(false));
3717 		}
3719 		return this;
3720 	}
3722 	/// Concatenates two ElementCollection together.
3723 	ElementCollection opBinary(string op : "~")(ElementCollection rhs) {
3724 		return ElementCollection(this.elements ~ rhs.elements);
3725 	}
3726 }
3729 /// this puts in operators and opDispatch to handle string indexes and properties, forwarding to get and set functions.
3730 /// Group: implementations
3731 mixin template JavascriptStyleDispatch() {
3732 	///
3733 	string opDispatch(string name)(string v = null) if(name != "popFront") { // popFront will make this look like a range. Do not want.
3734 		if(v !is null)
3735 			return set(name, v);
3736 		return get(name);
3737 	}
3739 	///
3740 	string opIndex(string key) const {
3741 		return get(key);
3742 	}
3744 	///
3745 	string opIndexAssign(string value, string field) {
3746 		return set(field, value);
3747 	}
3749 	// FIXME: doesn't seem to work
3750 	string* opBinary(string op)(string key)  if(op == "in") {
3751 		return key in fields;
3752 	}
3753 }
3755 /// A proxy object to do the Element class' dataset property. See Element.dataset for more info.
3756 ///
3757 /// Do not create this object directly.
3758 /// Group: implementations
3759 struct DataSet {
3760 	///
3761 	this(Element e) {
3762 		this._element = e;
3763 	}
3765 	private Element _element;
3766 	///
3767 	string set(string name, string value) {
3768 		_element.setAttribute("data-" ~ unCamelCase(name), value);
3769 		return value;
3770 	}
3772 	///
3773 	string get(string name) const {
3774 		return _element.getAttribute("data-" ~ unCamelCase(name));
3775 	}
3777 	///
3778 	mixin JavascriptStyleDispatch!();
3779 }
3781 /// Proxy object for attributes which will replace the main opDispatch eventually
3782 /// Group: implementations
3783 struct AttributeSet {
3784 	///
3785 	this(Element e) {
3786 		this._element = e;
3787 	}
3789 	private Element _element;
3790 	///
3791 	string set(string name, string value) {
3792 		_element.setAttribute(name, value);
3793 		return value;
3794 	}
3796 	///
3797 	string get(string name) const {
3798 		return _element.getAttribute(name);
3799 	}
3801 	///
3802 	mixin JavascriptStyleDispatch!();
3803 }
3807 /// for style, i want to be able to set it with a string like a plain attribute,
3808 /// but also be able to do properties Javascript style.
3810 /// Group: implementations
3811 struct ElementStyle {
3812 	this(Element parent) {
3813 		_element = parent;
3814 	}
3816 	Element _element;
3818 	@property ref inout(string) _attribute() inout {
3819 		auto s = "style" in _element.attributes;
3820 		if(s is null) {
3821 			auto e = cast() _element; // const_cast
3822 			e.attributes["style"] = ""; // we need something to reference
3823 			s = cast(inout) ("style" in e.attributes);
3824 		}
3826 		assert(s !is null);
3827 		return *s;
3828 	}
3830 	alias _attribute this; // this is meant to allow element.style = element.style ~ " string "; to still work.
3832 	string set(string name, string value) {
3833 		if(name.length == 0)
3834 			return value;
3835 		if(name == "cssFloat")
3836 			name = "float";
3837 		else
3838 			name = unCamelCase(name);
3839 		auto r = rules();
3840 		r[name] = value;
3842 		_attribute = "";
3843 		foreach(k, v; r) {
3844 			if(v is null || v.length == 0) /* css can't do empty rules anyway so we'll use that to remove */
3845 				continue;
3846 			if(_attribute.length)
3847 				_attribute ~= " ";
3848 			_attribute ~= k ~ ": " ~ v ~ ";";
3849 		}
3851 		_element.setAttribute("style", _attribute); // this is to trigger the observer call
3853 		return value;
3854 	}
3855 	string get(string name) const {
3856 		if(name == "cssFloat")
3857 			name = "float";
3858 		else
3859 			name = unCamelCase(name);
3860 		auto r = rules();
3861 		if(name in r)
3862 			return r[name];
3863 		return null;
3864 	}
3866 	string[string] rules() const {
3867 		string[string] ret;
3868 		foreach(rule;  _attribute.split(";")) {
3869 			rule = rule.strip();
3870 			if(rule.length == 0)
3871 				continue;
3872 			auto idx = rule.indexOf(":");
3873 			if(idx == -1)
3874 				ret[rule] = "";
3875 			else {
3876 				auto name = rule[0 .. idx].strip();
3877 				auto value = rule[idx + 1 .. $].strip();
3879 				ret[name] = value;
3880 			}
3881 		}
3883 		return ret;
3884 	}
3886 	mixin JavascriptStyleDispatch!();
3887 }
3889 /// Converts a camel cased propertyName to a css style dashed property-name
3890 string unCamelCase(string a) {
3891 	string ret;
3892 	foreach(c; a)
3893 		if((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))
3894 			ret ~= "-" ~ toLower("" ~ c)[0];
3895 		else
3896 			ret ~= c;
3897 	return ret;
3898 }
3900 /// Translates a css style property-name to a camel cased propertyName
3901 string camelCase(string a) {
3902 	string ret;
3903 	bool justSawDash = false;
3904 	foreach(c; a)
3905 		if(c == '-') {
3906 			justSawDash = true;
3907 		} else {
3908 			if(justSawDash) {
3909 				justSawDash = false;
3910 				ret ~= toUpper("" ~ c);
3911 			} else
3912 				ret ~= c;
3913 		}
3914 	return ret;
3915 }
3925 // domconvenience ends }
3937 // @safe:
3939 // NOTE: do *NOT* override toString on Element subclasses. It won't work.
3940 // Instead, override writeToAppender();
3942 // FIXME: should I keep processing instructions like <?blah ?> and <!-- blah --> (comments too lol)? I *want* them stripped out of most my output, but I want to be able to parse and create them too.
3944 // Stripping them is useful for reading php as html.... but adding them
3945 // is good for building php.
3947 // I need to maintain compatibility with the way it is now too.
3949 import std.string;
3950 import std.exception;
3951 import std.uri;
3952 import std.array;
3953 import std.range;
3955 //import std.stdio;
3957 // tag soup works for most the crap I know now! If you have two bad closing tags back to back, it might erase one, but meh
3958 // that's rarer than the flipped closing tags that hack fixes so I'm ok with it. (Odds are it should be erased anyway; it's
3959 // most likely a typo so I say kill kill kill.
3962 /++
3963 	This might belong in another module, but it represents a file with a mime type and some data.
3964 	Document implements this interface with type = text/html (see Document.contentType for more info)
3965 	and data = document.toString, so you can return Documents anywhere web.d expects FileResources.
3966 +/
3967 /// Group: bonus_functionality
3968 interface FileResource {
3969 	/// the content-type of the file. e.g. "text/html; charset=utf-8" or "image/png"
3970 	@property string contentType() const;
3971 	/// the data
3972 	immutable(ubyte)[] getData() const;
3973 	/++
3974 		filename, return null if none
3976 		History:
3977 			Added December 25, 2020
3978 	+/
3979 	@property string filename() const;
3980 }
3985 ///.
3986 /// Group: bonus_functionality
3987 enum NodeType { Text = 3 }
3990 /// You can use this to do an easy null check or a dynamic cast+null check on any element.
3991 /// Group: core_functionality
3992 T require(T = Element, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)(Element e) if(is(T : Element))
3993 	in {}
3994 	out(ret) { assert(ret !is null); }
3995 body {
3996 	auto ret = cast(T) e;
3997 	if(ret is null)
3998 		throw new ElementNotFoundException(T.stringof, "passed value", e, file, line);
3999 	return ret;
4000 }
4003 ///.
4004 /// Group: core_functionality
4005 class DocumentFragment : Element {
4006 	///.
4007 	this(Document _parentDocument) {
4008 		tagName = "#fragment";
4009 		super(_parentDocument);
4010 	}
4012 	/++
4013 		Creates a document fragment from the given HTML. Note that the HTML is assumed to close all tags contained inside it.
4015 		Since: March 29, 2018 (or git tagged v2.1.0)
4016 	+/
4017 	this(Html html) {
4018 		this(null);
4020 		this.innerHTML = html.source;
4021 	}
4023 	///.
4024 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
4025 		return this.innerHTML(where);
4026 	}
4028 	override string toPrettyString(bool insertComments, int indentationLevel, string indentWith) const {
4029 		string s;
4030 		foreach(child; children)
4031 			s ~= child.toPrettyString(insertComments, indentationLevel, indentWith);
4032 		return s;
4033 	}
4035 	/// DocumentFragments don't really exist in a dom, so they ignore themselves in parent nodes
4036 	/*
4037 	override inout(Element) parentNode() inout {
4038 		return children.length ? children[0].parentNode : null;
4039 	}
4040 	*/
4041 	override Element parentNode(Element p) {
4042 		this._parentNode = p;
4043 		foreach(child; children)
4044 			child.parentNode = p;
4045 		return p;
4046 	}
4047 }
4049 /// Given text, encode all html entities on it - &, <, >, and ". This function also
4050 /// encodes all 8 bit characters as entities, thus ensuring the resultant text will work
4051 /// even if your charset isn't set right. You can suppress with by setting encodeNonAscii = false
4052 ///
4053 /// The output parameter can be given to append to an existing buffer. You don't have to
4054 /// pass one; regardless, the return value will be usable for you, with just the data encoded.
4055 /// Group: core_functionality
4056 string htmlEntitiesEncode(string data, Appender!string output = appender!string(), bool encodeNonAscii = true) {
4057 	// if there's no entities, we can save a lot of time by not bothering with the
4058 	// decoding loop. This check cuts the net toString time by better than half in my test.
4059 	// let me know if it made your tests worse though, since if you use an entity in just about
4060 	// every location, the check will add time... but I suspect the average experience is like mine
4061 	// since the check gives up as soon as it can anyway.
4063 	bool shortcut = true;
4064 	foreach(char c; data) {
4065 		// non ascii chars are always higher than 127 in utf8; we'd better go to the full decoder if we see it.
4066 		if(c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '"' || c == '&' || (encodeNonAscii && cast(uint) c > 127)) {
4067 			shortcut = false; // there's actual work to be done
4068 			break;
4069 		}
4070 	}
4072 	if(shortcut) {
4073 		output.put(data);
4074 		return data;
4075 	}
4077 	auto start = output.data.length;
4079 	output.reserve(data.length + 64); // grab some extra space for the encoded entities
4081 	foreach(dchar d; data) {
4082 		if(d == '&')
4083 			output.put("&amp;");
4084 		else if (d == '<')
4085 			output.put("&lt;");
4086 		else if (d == '>')
4087 			output.put("&gt;");
4088 		else if (d == '\"')
4089 			output.put("&quot;");
4090 //		else if (d == '\'')
4091 //			output.put("&#39;"); // if you are in an attribute, it might be important to encode for the same reason as double quotes
4092 			// FIXME: should I encode apostrophes too? as &#39;... I could also do space but if your html is so bad that it doesn't
4093 			// quote attributes at all, maybe you deserve the xss. Encoding spaces will make everything really ugly so meh
4094 			// idk about apostrophes though. Might be worth it, might not.
4095 		else if (!encodeNonAscii || (d < 128 && d > 0))
4096 			output.put(d);
4097 		else
4098 			output.put("&#" ~ std.conv.to!string(cast(int) d) ~ ";");
4099 	}
4101 	//assert(output !is null); // this fails on empty attributes.....
4102 	return output.data[start .. $];
4104 //	data = data.replace("\u00a0", "&nbsp;");
4105 }
4107 /// An alias for htmlEntitiesEncode; it works for xml too
4108 /// Group: core_functionality
4109 string xmlEntitiesEncode(string data) {
4110 	return htmlEntitiesEncode(data);
4111 }
4113 /// This helper function is used for decoding html entities. It has a hard-coded list of entities and characters.
4114 /// Group: core_functionality
4115 dchar parseEntity(in dchar[] entity) {
4116 	switch(entity[1..$-1]) {
4117 		case "quot":
4118 			return '"';
4119 		case "apos":
4120 			return '\'';
4121 		case "lt":
4122 			return '<';
4123 		case "gt":
4124 			return '>';
4125 		case "amp":
4126 			return '&';
4127 		// the next are html rather than xml
4129 		// Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_and_HTML_character_entity_references
4130 		// Only entities that resolve to U+0009 ~ U+1D56B are stated.
4131 		case "Tab": return '\u0009';
4132 		case "NewLine": return '\u000A';
4133 		case "excl": return '\u0021';
4134 		case "QUOT": return '\u0022';
4135 		case "num": return '\u0023';
4136 		case "dollar": return '\u0024';
4137 		case "percnt": return '\u0025';
4138 		case "AMP": return '\u0026';
4139 		case "lpar": return '\u0028';
4140 		case "rpar": return '\u0029';
4141 		case "ast": case "midast": return '\u002A';
4142 		case "plus": return '\u002B';
4143 		case "comma": return '\u002C';
4144 		case "period": return '\u002E';
4145 		case "sol": return '\u002F';
4146 		case "colon": return '\u003A';
4147 		case "semi": return '\u003B';
4148 		case "LT": return '\u003C';
4149 		case "equals": return '\u003D';
4150 		case "GT": return '\u003E';
4151 		case "quest": return '\u003F';
4152 		case "commat": return '\u0040';
4153 		case "lsqb": case "lbrack": return '\u005B';
4154 		case "bsol": return '\u005C';
4155 		case "rsqb": case "rbrack": return '\u005D';
4156 		case "Hat": return '\u005E';
4157 		case "lowbar": case "UnderBar": return '\u005F';
4158 		case "grave": case "DiacriticalGrave": return '\u0060';
4159 		case "lcub": case "lbrace": return '\u007B';
4160 		case "verbar": case "vert": case "VerticalLine": return '\u007C';
4161 		case "rcub": case "rbrace": return '\u007D';
4162 		case "nbsp": case "NonBreakingSpace": return '\u00A0';
4163 		case "iexcl": return '\u00A1';
4164 		case "cent": return '\u00A2';
4165 		case "pound": return '\u00A3';
4166 		case "curren": return '\u00A4';
4167 		case "yen": return '\u00A5';
4168 		case "brvbar": return '\u00A6';
4169 		case "sect": return '\u00A7';
4170 		case "Dot": case "die": case "DoubleDot": case "uml": return '\u00A8';
4171 		case "copy": case "COPY": return '\u00A9';
4172 		case "ordf": return '\u00AA';
4173 		case "laquo": return '\u00AB';
4174 		case "not": return '\u00AC';
4175 		case "shy": return '\u00AD';
4176 		case "reg": case "circledR": case "REG": return '\u00AE';
4177 		case "macr": case "strns": return '\u00AF';
4178 		case "deg": return '\u00B0';
4179 		case "plusmn": case "pm": case "PlusMinus": return '\u00B1';
4180 		case "sup2": return '\u00B2';
4181 		case "sup3": return '\u00B3';
4182 		case "acute": case "DiacriticalAcute": return '\u00B4';
4183 		case "micro": return '\u00B5';
4184 		case "para": return '\u00B6';
4185 		case "middot": case "centerdot": case "CenterDot": return '\u00B7';
4186 		case "cedil": case "Cedilla": return '\u00B8';
4187 		case "sup1": return '\u00B9';
4188 		case "ordm": return '\u00BA';
4189 		case "raquo": return '\u00BB';
4190 		case "frac14": return '\u00BC';
4191 		case "frac12": case "half": return '\u00BD';
4192 		case "frac34": return '\u00BE';
4193 		case "iquest": return '\u00BF';
4194 		case "Agrave": return '\u00C0';
4195 		case "Aacute": return '\u00C1';
4196 		case "Acirc": return '\u00C2';
4197 		case "Atilde": return '\u00C3';
4198 		case "Auml": return '\u00C4';
4199 		case "Aring": case "angst": return '\u00C5';
4200 		case "AElig": return '\u00C6';
4201 		case "Ccedil": return '\u00C7';
4202 		case "Egrave": return '\u00C8';
4203 		case "Eacute": return '\u00C9';
4204 		case "Ecirc": return '\u00CA';
4205 		case "Euml": return '\u00CB';
4206 		case "Igrave": return '\u00CC';
4207 		case "Iacute": return '\u00CD';
4208 		case "Icirc": return '\u00CE';
4209 		case "Iuml": return '\u00CF';
4210 		case "ETH": return '\u00D0';
4211 		case "Ntilde": return '\u00D1';
4212 		case "Ograve": return '\u00D2';
4213 		case "Oacute": return '\u00D3';
4214 		case "Ocirc": return '\u00D4';
4215 		case "Otilde": return '\u00D5';
4216 		case "Ouml": return '\u00D6';
4217 		case "times": return '\u00D7';
4218 		case "Oslash": return '\u00D8';
4219 		case "Ugrave": return '\u00D9';
4220 		case "Uacute": return '\u00DA';
4221 		case "Ucirc": return '\u00DB';
4222 		case "Uuml": return '\u00DC';
4223 		case "Yacute": return '\u00DD';
4224 		case "THORN": return '\u00DE';
4225 		case "szlig": return '\u00DF';
4226 		case "agrave": return '\u00E0';
4227 		case "aacute": return '\u00E1';
4228 		case "acirc": return '\u00E2';
4229 		case "atilde": return '\u00E3';
4230 		case "auml": return '\u00E4';
4231 		case "aring": return '\u00E5';
4232 		case "aelig": return '\u00E6';
4233 		case "ccedil": return '\u00E7';
4234 		case "egrave": return '\u00E8';
4235 		case "eacute": return '\u00E9';
4236 		case "ecirc": return '\u00EA';
4237 		case "euml": return '\u00EB';
4238 		case "igrave": return '\u00EC';
4239 		case "iacute": return '\u00ED';
4240 		case "icirc": return '\u00EE';
4241 		case "iuml": return '\u00EF';
4242 		case "eth": return '\u00F0';
4243 		case "ntilde": return '\u00F1';
4244 		case "ograve": return '\u00F2';
4245 		case "oacute": return '\u00F3';
4246 		case "ocirc": return '\u00F4';
4247 		case "otilde": return '\u00F5';
4248 		case "ouml": return '\u00F6';
4249 		case "divide": case "div": return '\u00F7';
4250 		case "oslash": return '\u00F8';
4251 		case "ugrave": return '\u00F9';
4252 		case "uacute": return '\u00FA';
4253 		case "ucirc": return '\u00FB';
4254 		case "uuml": return '\u00FC';
4255 		case "yacute": return '\u00FD';
4256 		case "thorn": return '\u00FE';
4257 		case "yuml": return '\u00FF';
4258 		case "Amacr": return '\u0100';
4259 		case "amacr": return '\u0101';
4260 		case "Abreve": return '\u0102';
4261 		case "abreve": return '\u0103';
4262 		case "Aogon": return '\u0104';
4263 		case "aogon": return '\u0105';
4264 		case "Cacute": return '\u0106';
4265 		case "cacute": return '\u0107';
4266 		case "Ccirc": return '\u0108';
4267 		case "ccirc": return '\u0109';
4268 		case "Cdot": return '\u010A';
4269 		case "cdot": return '\u010B';
4270 		case "Ccaron": return '\u010C';
4271 		case "ccaron": return '\u010D';
4272 		case "Dcaron": return '\u010E';
4273 		case "dcaron": return '\u010F';
4274 		case "Dstrok": return '\u0110';
4275 		case "dstrok": return '\u0111';
4276 		case "Emacr": return '\u0112';
4277 		case "emacr": return '\u0113';
4278 		case "Edot": return '\u0116';
4279 		case "edot": return '\u0117';
4280 		case "Eogon": return '\u0118';
4281 		case "eogon": return '\u0119';
4282 		case "Ecaron": return '\u011A';
4283 		case "ecaron": return '\u011B';
4284 		case "Gcirc": return '\u011C';
4285 		case "gcirc": return '\u011D';
4286 		case "Gbreve": return '\u011E';
4287 		case "gbreve": return '\u011F';
4288 		case "Gdot": return '\u0120';
4289 		case "gdot": return '\u0121';
4290 		case "Gcedil": return '\u0122';
4291 		case "Hcirc": return '\u0124';
4292 		case "hcirc": return '\u0125';
4293 		case "Hstrok": return '\u0126';
4294 		case "hstrok": return '\u0127';
4295 		case "Itilde": return '\u0128';
4296 		case "itilde": return '\u0129';
4297 		case "Imacr": return '\u012A';
4298 		case "imacr": return '\u012B';
4299 		case "Iogon": return '\u012E';
4300 		case "iogon": return '\u012F';
4301 		case "Idot": return '\u0130';
4302 		case "imath": case "inodot": return '\u0131';
4303 		case "IJlig": return '\u0132';
4304 		case "ijlig": return '\u0133';
4305 		case "Jcirc": return '\u0134';
4306 		case "jcirc": return '\u0135';
4307 		case "Kcedil": return '\u0136';
4308 		case "kcedil": return '\u0137';
4309 		case "kgreen": return '\u0138';
4310 		case "Lacute": return '\u0139';
4311 		case "lacute": return '\u013A';
4312 		case "Lcedil": return '\u013B';
4313 		case "lcedil": return '\u013C';
4314 		case "Lcaron": return '\u013D';
4315 		case "lcaron": return '\u013E';
4316 		case "Lmidot": return '\u013F';
4317 		case "lmidot": return '\u0140';
4318 		case "Lstrok": return '\u0141';
4319 		case "lstrok": return '\u0142';
4320 		case "Nacute": return '\u0143';
4321 		case "nacute": return '\u0144';
4322 		case "Ncedil": return '\u0145';
4323 		case "ncedil": return '\u0146';
4324 		case "Ncaron": return '\u0147';
4325 		case "ncaron": return '\u0148';
4326 		case "napos": return '\u0149';
4327 		case "ENG": return '\u014A';
4328 		case "eng": return '\u014B';
4329 		case "Omacr": return '\u014C';
4330 		case "omacr": return '\u014D';
4331 		case "Odblac": return '\u0150';
4332 		case "odblac": return '\u0151';
4333 		case "OElig": return '\u0152';
4334 		case "oelig": return '\u0153';
4335 		case "Racute": return '\u0154';
4336 		case "racute": return '\u0155';
4337 		case "Rcedil": return '\u0156';
4338 		case "rcedil": return '\u0157';
4339 		case "Rcaron": return '\u0158';
4340 		case "rcaron": return '\u0159';
4341 		case "Sacute": return '\u015A';
4342 		case "sacute": return '\u015B';
4343 		case "Scirc": return '\u015C';
4344 		case "scirc": return '\u015D';
4345 		case "Scedil": return '\u015E';
4346 		case "scedil": return '\u015F';
4347 		case "Scaron": return '\u0160';
4348 		case "scaron": return '\u0161';
4349 		case "Tcedil": return '\u0162';
4350 		case "tcedil": return '\u0163';
4351 		case "Tcaron": return '\u0164';
4352 		case "tcaron": return '\u0165';
4353 		case "Tstrok": return '\u0166';
4354 		case "tstrok": return '\u0167';
4355 		case "Utilde": return '\u0168';
4356 		case "utilde": return '\u0169';
4357 		case "Umacr": return '\u016A';
4358 		case "umacr": return '\u016B';
4359 		case "Ubreve": return '\u016C';
4360 		case "ubreve": return '\u016D';
4361 		case "Uring": return '\u016E';
4362 		case "uring": return '\u016F';
4363 		case "Udblac": return '\u0170';
4364 		case "udblac": return '\u0171';
4365 		case "Uogon": return '\u0172';
4366 		case "uogon": return '\u0173';
4367 		case "Wcirc": return '\u0174';
4368 		case "wcirc": return '\u0175';
4369 		case "Ycirc": return '\u0176';
4370 		case "ycirc": return '\u0177';
4371 		case "Yuml": return '\u0178';
4372 		case "Zacute": return '\u0179';
4373 		case "zacute": return '\u017A';
4374 		case "Zdot": return '\u017B';
4375 		case "zdot": return '\u017C';
4376 		case "Zcaron": return '\u017D';
4377 		case "zcaron": return '\u017E';
4378 		case "fnof": return '\u0192';
4379 		case "imped": return '\u01B5';
4380 		case "gacute": return '\u01F5';
4381 		case "jmath": return '\u0237';
4382 		case "circ": return '\u02C6';
4383 		case "caron": case "Hacek": return '\u02C7';
4384 		case "breve": case "Breve": return '\u02D8';
4385 		case "dot": case "DiacriticalDot": return '\u02D9';
4386 		case "ring": return '\u02DA';
4387 		case "ogon": return '\u02DB';
4388 		case "tilde": case "DiacriticalTilde": return '\u02DC';
4389 		case "dblac": case "DiacriticalDoubleAcute": return '\u02DD';
4390 		case "DownBreve": return '\u0311';
4391 		case "Alpha": return '\u0391';
4392 		case "Beta": return '\u0392';
4393 		case "Gamma": return '\u0393';
4394 		case "Delta": return '\u0394';
4395 		case "Epsilon": return '\u0395';
4396 		case "Zeta": return '\u0396';
4397 		case "Eta": return '\u0397';
4398 		case "Theta": return '\u0398';
4399 		case "Iota": return '\u0399';
4400 		case "Kappa": return '\u039A';
4401 		case "Lambda": return '\u039B';
4402 		case "Mu": return '\u039C';
4403 		case "Nu": return '\u039D';
4404 		case "Xi": return '\u039E';
4405 		case "Omicron": return '\u039F';
4406 		case "Pi": return '\u03A0';
4407 		case "Rho": return '\u03A1';
4408 		case "Sigma": return '\u03A3';
4409 		case "Tau": return '\u03A4';
4410 		case "Upsilon": return '\u03A5';
4411 		case "Phi": return '\u03A6';
4412 		case "Chi": return '\u03A7';
4413 		case "Psi": return '\u03A8';
4414 		case "Omega": case "ohm": return '\u03A9';
4415 		case "alpha": return '\u03B1';
4416 		case "beta": return '\u03B2';
4417 		case "gamma": return '\u03B3';
4418 		case "delta": return '\u03B4';
4419 		case "epsi": case "epsilon": return '\u03B5';
4420 		case "zeta": return '\u03B6';
4421 		case "eta": return '\u03B7';
4422 		case "theta": return '\u03B8';
4423 		case "iota": return '\u03B9';
4424 		case "kappa": return '\u03BA';
4425 		case "lambda": return '\u03BB';
4426 		case "mu": return '\u03BC';
4427 		case "nu": return '\u03BD';
4428 		case "xi": return '\u03BE';
4429 		case "omicron": return '\u03BF';
4430 		case "pi": return '\u03C0';
4431 		case "rho": return '\u03C1';
4432 		case "sigmav": case "varsigma": case "sigmaf": return '\u03C2';
4433 		case "sigma": return '\u03C3';
4434 		case "tau": return '\u03C4';
4435 		case "upsi": case "upsilon": return '\u03C5';
4436 		case "phi": return '\u03C6';
4437 		case "chi": return '\u03C7';
4438 		case "psi": return '\u03C8';
4439 		case "omega": return '\u03C9';
4440 		case "thetav": case "vartheta": case "thetasym": return '\u03D1';
4441 		case "Upsi": case "upsih": return '\u03D2';
4442 		case "straightphi": case "phiv": case "varphi": return '\u03D5';
4443 		case "piv": case "varpi": return '\u03D6';
4444 		case "Gammad": return '\u03DC';
4445 		case "gammad": case "digamma": return '\u03DD';
4446 		case "kappav": case "varkappa": return '\u03F0';
4447 		case "rhov": case "varrho": return '\u03F1';
4448 		case "epsiv": case "varepsilon": case "straightepsilon": return '\u03F5';
4449 		case "bepsi": case "backepsilon": return '\u03F6';
4450 		case "IOcy": return '\u0401';
4451 		case "DJcy": return '\u0402';
4452 		case "GJcy": return '\u0403';
4453 		case "Jukcy": return '\u0404';
4454 		case "DScy": return '\u0405';
4455 		case "Iukcy": return '\u0406';
4456 		case "YIcy": return '\u0407';
4457 		case "Jsercy": return '\u0408';
4458 		case "LJcy": return '\u0409';
4459 		case "NJcy": return '\u040A';
4460 		case "TSHcy": return '\u040B';
4461 		case "KJcy": return '\u040C';
4462 		case "Ubrcy": return '\u040E';
4463 		case "DZcy": return '\u040F';
4464 		case "Acy": return '\u0410';
4465 		case "Bcy": return '\u0411';
4466 		case "Vcy": return '\u0412';
4467 		case "Gcy": return '\u0413';
4468 		case "Dcy": return '\u0414';
4469 		case "IEcy": return '\u0415';
4470 		case "ZHcy": return '\u0416';
4471 		case "Zcy": return '\u0417';
4472 		case "Icy": return '\u0418';
4473 		case "Jcy": return '\u0419';
4474 		case "Kcy": return '\u041A';
4475 		case "Lcy": return '\u041B';
4476 		case "Mcy": return '\u041C';
4477 		case "Ncy": return '\u041D';
4478 		case "Ocy": return '\u041E';
4479 		case "Pcy": return '\u041F';
4480 		case "Rcy": return '\u0420';
4481 		case "Scy": return '\u0421';
4482 		case "Tcy": return '\u0422';
4483 		case "Ucy": return '\u0423';
4484 		case "Fcy": return '\u0424';
4485 		case "KHcy": return '\u0425';
4486 		case "TScy": return '\u0426';
4487 		case "CHcy": return '\u0427';
4488 		case "SHcy": return '\u0428';
4489 		case "SHCHcy": return '\u0429';
4490 		case "HARDcy": return '\u042A';
4491 		case "Ycy": return '\u042B';
4492 		case "SOFTcy": return '\u042C';
4493 		case "Ecy": return '\u042D';
4494 		case "YUcy": return '\u042E';
4495 		case "YAcy": return '\u042F';
4496 		case "acy": return '\u0430';
4497 		case "bcy": return '\u0431';
4498 		case "vcy": return '\u0432';
4499 		case "gcy": return '\u0433';
4500 		case "dcy": return '\u0434';
4501 		case "iecy": return '\u0435';
4502 		case "zhcy": return '\u0436';
4503 		case "zcy": return '\u0437';
4504 		case "icy": return '\u0438';
4505 		case "jcy": return '\u0439';
4506 		case "kcy": return '\u043A';
4507 		case "lcy": return '\u043B';
4508 		case "mcy": return '\u043C';
4509 		case "ncy": return '\u043D';
4510 		case "ocy": return '\u043E';
4511 		case "pcy": return '\u043F';
4512 		case "rcy": return '\u0440';
4513 		case "scy": return '\u0441';
4514 		case "tcy": return '\u0442';
4515 		case "ucy": return '\u0443';
4516 		case "fcy": return '\u0444';
4517 		case "khcy": return '\u0445';
4518 		case "tscy": return '\u0446';
4519 		case "chcy": return '\u0447';
4520 		case "shcy": return '\u0448';
4521 		case "shchcy": return '\u0449';
4522 		case "hardcy": return '\u044A';
4523 		case "ycy": return '\u044B';
4524 		case "softcy": return '\u044C';
4525 		case "ecy": return '\u044D';
4526 		case "yucy": return '\u044E';
4527 		case "yacy": return '\u044F';
4528 		case "iocy": return '\u0451';
4529 		case "djcy": return '\u0452';
4530 		case "gjcy": return '\u0453';
4531 		case "jukcy": return '\u0454';
4532 		case "dscy": return '\u0455';
4533 		case "iukcy": return '\u0456';
4534 		case "yicy": return '\u0457';
4535 		case "jsercy": return '\u0458';
4536 		case "ljcy": return '\u0459';
4537 		case "njcy": return '\u045A';
4538 		case "tshcy": return '\u045B';
4539 		case "kjcy": return '\u045C';
4540 		case "ubrcy": return '\u045E';
4541 		case "dzcy": return '\u045F';
4542 		case "ensp": return '\u2002';
4543 		case "emsp": return '\u2003';
4544 		case "emsp13": return '\u2004';
4545 		case "emsp14": return '\u2005';
4546 		case "numsp": return '\u2007';
4547 		case "puncsp": return '\u2008';
4548 		case "thinsp": case "ThinSpace": return '\u2009';
4549 		case "hairsp": case "VeryThinSpace": return '\u200A';
4550 		case "ZeroWidthSpace": case "NegativeVeryThinSpace": case "NegativeThinSpace": case "NegativeMediumSpace": case "NegativeThickSpace": return '\u200B';
4551 		case "zwnj": return '\u200C';
4552 		case "zwj": return '\u200D';
4553 		case "lrm": return '\u200E';
4554 		case "rlm": return '\u200F';
4555 		case "hyphen": case "dash": return '\u2010';
4556 		case "ndash": return '\u2013';
4557 		case "mdash": return '\u2014';
4558 		case "horbar": return '\u2015';
4559 		case "Verbar": case "Vert": return '\u2016';
4560 		case "lsquo": case "OpenCurlyQuote": return '\u2018';
4561 		case "rsquo": case "rsquor": case "CloseCurlyQuote": return '\u2019';
4562 		case "lsquor": case "sbquo": return '\u201A';
4563 		case "ldquo": case "OpenCurlyDoubleQuote": return '\u201C';
4564 		case "rdquo": case "rdquor": case "CloseCurlyDoubleQuote": return '\u201D';
4565 		case "ldquor": case "bdquo": return '\u201E';
4566 		case "dagger": return '\u2020';
4567 		case "Dagger": case "ddagger": return '\u2021';
4568 		case "bull": case "bullet": return '\u2022';
4569 		case "nldr": return '\u2025';
4570 		case "hellip": case "mldr": return '\u2026';
4571 		case "permil": return '\u2030';
4572 		case "pertenk": return '\u2031';
4573 		case "prime": return '\u2032';
4574 		case "Prime": return '\u2033';
4575 		case "tprime": return '\u2034';
4576 		case "bprime": case "backprime": return '\u2035';
4577 		case "lsaquo": return '\u2039';
4578 		case "rsaquo": return '\u203A';
4579 		case "oline": case "OverBar": return '\u203E';
4580 		case "caret": return '\u2041';
4581 		case "hybull": return '\u2043';
4582 		case "frasl": return '\u2044';
4583 		case "bsemi": return '\u204F';
4584 		case "qprime": return '\u2057';
4585 		case "MediumSpace": return '\u205F';
4586 		case "NoBreak": return '\u2060';
4587 		case "ApplyFunction": case "af": return '\u2061';
4588 		case "InvisibleTimes": case "it": return '\u2062';
4589 		case "InvisibleComma": case "ic": return '\u2063';
4590 		case "euro": return '\u20AC';
4591 		case "tdot": case "TripleDot": return '\u20DB';
4592 		case "DotDot": return '\u20DC';
4593 		case "Copf": case "complexes": return '\u2102';
4594 		case "incare": return '\u2105';
4595 		case "gscr": return '\u210A';
4596 		case "hamilt": case "HilbertSpace": case "Hscr": return '\u210B';
4597 		case "Hfr": case "Poincareplane": return '\u210C';
4598 		case "quaternions": case "Hopf": return '\u210D';
4599 		case "planckh": return '\u210E';
4600 		case "planck": case "hbar": case "plankv": case "hslash": return '\u210F';
4601 		case "Iscr": case "imagline": return '\u2110';
4602 		case "image": case "Im": case "imagpart": case "Ifr": return '\u2111';
4603 		case "Lscr": case "lagran": case "Laplacetrf": return '\u2112';
4604 		case "ell": return '\u2113';
4605 		case "Nopf": case "naturals": return '\u2115';
4606 		case "numero": return '\u2116';
4607 		case "copysr": return '\u2117';
4608 		case "weierp": case "wp": return '\u2118';
4609 		case "Popf": case "primes": return '\u2119';
4610 		case "rationals": case "Qopf": return '\u211A';
4611 		case "Rscr": case "realine": return '\u211B';
4612 		case "real": case "Re": case "realpart": case "Rfr": return '\u211C';
4613 		case "reals": case "Ropf": return '\u211D';
4614 		case "rx": return '\u211E';
4615 		case "trade": case "TRADE": return '\u2122';
4616 		case "integers": case "Zopf": return '\u2124';
4617 		case "mho": return '\u2127';
4618 		case "Zfr": case "zeetrf": return '\u2128';
4619 		case "iiota": return '\u2129';
4620 		case "bernou": case "Bernoullis": case "Bscr": return '\u212C';
4621 		case "Cfr": case "Cayleys": return '\u212D';
4622 		case "escr": return '\u212F';
4623 		case "Escr": case "expectation": return '\u2130';
4624 		case "Fscr": case "Fouriertrf": return '\u2131';
4625 		case "phmmat": case "Mellintrf": case "Mscr": return '\u2133';
4626 		case "order": case "orderof": case "oscr": return '\u2134';
4627 		case "alefsym": case "aleph": return '\u2135';
4628 		case "beth": return '\u2136';
4629 		case "gimel": return '\u2137';
4630 		case "daleth": return '\u2138';
4631 		case "CapitalDifferentialD": case "DD": return '\u2145';
4632 		case "DifferentialD": case "dd": return '\u2146';
4633 		case "ExponentialE": case "exponentiale": case "ee": return '\u2147';
4634 		case "ImaginaryI": case "ii": return '\u2148';
4635 		case "frac13": return '\u2153';
4636 		case "frac23": return '\u2154';
4637 		case "frac15": return '\u2155';
4638 		case "frac25": return '\u2156';
4639 		case "frac35": return '\u2157';
4640 		case "frac45": return '\u2158';
4641 		case "frac16": return '\u2159';
4642 		case "frac56": return '\u215A';
4643 		case "frac18": return '\u215B';
4644 		case "frac38": return '\u215C';
4645 		case "frac58": return '\u215D';
4646 		case "frac78": return '\u215E';
4647 		case "larr": case "leftarrow": case "LeftArrow": case "slarr": case "ShortLeftArrow": return '\u2190';
4648 		case "uarr": case "uparrow": case "UpArrow": case "ShortUpArrow": return '\u2191';
4649 		case "rarr": case "rightarrow": case "RightArrow": case "srarr": case "ShortRightArrow": return '\u2192';
4650 		case "darr": case "downarrow": case "DownArrow": case "ShortDownArrow": return '\u2193';
4651 		case "harr": case "leftrightarrow": case "LeftRightArrow": return '\u2194';
4652 		case "varr": case "updownarrow": case "UpDownArrow": return '\u2195';
4653 		case "nwarr": case "UpperLeftArrow": case "nwarrow": return '\u2196';
4654 		case "nearr": case "UpperRightArrow": case "nearrow": return '\u2197';
4655 		case "searr": case "searrow": case "LowerRightArrow": return '\u2198';
4656 		case "swarr": case "swarrow": case "LowerLeftArrow": return '\u2199';
4657 		case "nlarr": case "nleftarrow": return '\u219A';
4658 		case "nrarr": case "nrightarrow": return '\u219B';
4659 		case "rarrw": case "rightsquigarrow": return '\u219D';
4660 		case "Larr": case "twoheadleftarrow": return '\u219E';
4661 		case "Uarr": return '\u219F';
4662 		case "Rarr": case "twoheadrightarrow": return '\u21A0';
4663 		case "Darr": return '\u21A1';
4664 		case "larrtl": case "leftarrowtail": return '\u21A2';
4665 		case "rarrtl": case "rightarrowtail": return '\u21A3';
4666 		case "LeftTeeArrow": case "mapstoleft": return '\u21A4';
4667 		case "UpTeeArrow": case "mapstoup": return '\u21A5';
4668 		case "map": case "RightTeeArrow": case "mapsto": return '\u21A6';
4669 		case "DownTeeArrow": case "mapstodown": return '\u21A7';
4670 		case "larrhk": case "hookleftarrow": return '\u21A9';
4671 		case "rarrhk": case "hookrightarrow": return '\u21AA';
4672 		case "larrlp": case "looparrowleft": return '\u21AB';
4673 		case "rarrlp": case "looparrowright": return '\u21AC';
4674 		case "harrw": case "leftrightsquigarrow": return '\u21AD';
4675 		case "nharr": case "nleftrightarrow": return '\u21AE';
4676 		case "lsh": case "Lsh": return '\u21B0';
4677 		case "rsh": case "Rsh": return '\u21B1';
4678 		case "ldsh": return '\u21B2';
4679 		case "rdsh": return '\u21B3';
4680 		case "crarr": return '\u21B5';
4681 		case "cularr": case "curvearrowleft": return '\u21B6';
4682 		case "curarr": case "curvearrowright": return '\u21B7';
4683 		case "olarr": case "circlearrowleft": return '\u21BA';
4684 		case "orarr": case "circlearrowright": return '\u21BB';
4685 		case "lharu": case "LeftVector": case "leftharpoonup": return '\u21BC';
4686 		case "lhard": case "leftharpoondown": case "DownLeftVector": return '\u21BD';
4687 		case "uharr": case "upharpoonright": case "RightUpVector": return '\u21BE';
4688 		case "uharl": case "upharpoonleft": case "LeftUpVector": return '\u21BF';
4689 		case "rharu": case "RightVector": case "rightharpoonup": return '\u21C0';
4690 		case "rhard": case "rightharpoondown": case "DownRightVector": return '\u21C1';
4691 		case "dharr": case "RightDownVector": case "downharpoonright": return '\u21C2';
4692 		case "dharl": case "LeftDownVector": case "downharpoonleft": return '\u21C3';
4693 		case "rlarr": case "rightleftarrows": case "RightArrowLeftArrow": return '\u21C4';
4694 		case "udarr": case "UpArrowDownArrow": return '\u21C5';
4695 		case "lrarr": case "leftrightarrows": case "LeftArrowRightArrow": return '\u21C6';
4696 		case "llarr": case "leftleftarrows": return '\u21C7';
4697 		case "uuarr": case "upuparrows": return '\u21C8';
4698 		case "rrarr": case "rightrightarrows": return '\u21C9';
4699 		case "ddarr": case "downdownarrows": return '\u21CA';
4700 		case "lrhar": case "ReverseEquilibrium": case "leftrightharpoons": return '\u21CB';
4701 		case "rlhar": case "rightleftharpoons": case "Equilibrium": return '\u21CC';
4702 		case "nlArr": case "nLeftarrow": return '\u21CD';
4703 		case "nhArr": case "nLeftrightarrow": return '\u21CE';
4704 		case "nrArr": case "nRightarrow": return '\u21CF';
4705 		case "lArr": case "Leftarrow": case "DoubleLeftArrow": return '\u21D0';
4706 		case "uArr": case "Uparrow": case "DoubleUpArrow": return '\u21D1';
4707 		case "rArr": case "Rightarrow": case "Implies": case "DoubleRightArrow": return '\u21D2';
4708 		case "dArr": case "Downarrow": case "DoubleDownArrow": return '\u21D3';
4709 		case "hArr": case "Leftrightarrow": case "DoubleLeftRightArrow": case "iff": return '\u21D4';
4710 		case "vArr": case "Updownarrow": case "DoubleUpDownArrow": return '\u21D5';
4711 		case "nwArr": return '\u21D6';
4712 		case "neArr": return '\u21D7';
4713 		case "seArr": return '\u21D8';
4714 		case "swArr": return '\u21D9';
4715 		case "lAarr": case "Lleftarrow": return '\u21DA';
4716 		case "rAarr": case "Rrightarrow": return '\u21DB';
4717 		case "zigrarr": return '\u21DD';
4718 		case "larrb": case "LeftArrowBar": return '\u21E4';
4719 		case "rarrb": case "RightArrowBar": return '\u21E5';
4720 		case "duarr": case "DownArrowUpArrow": return '\u21F5';
4721 		case "loarr": return '\u21FD';
4722 		case "roarr": return '\u21FE';
4723 		case "hoarr": return '\u21FF';
4724 		case "forall": case "ForAll": return '\u2200';
4725 		case "comp": case "complement": return '\u2201';
4726 		case "part": case "PartialD": return '\u2202';
4727 		case "exist": case "Exists": return '\u2203';
4728 		case "nexist": case "NotExists": case "nexists": return '\u2204';
4729 		case "empty": case "emptyset": case "emptyv": case "varnothing": return '\u2205';
4730 		case "nabla": case "Del": return '\u2207';
4731 		case "isin": case "isinv": case "Element": case "in": return '\u2208';
4732 		case "notin": case "NotElement": case "notinva": return '\u2209';
4733 		case "niv": case "ReverseElement": case "ni": case "SuchThat": return '\u220B';
4734 		case "notni": case "notniva": case "NotReverseElement": return '\u220C';
4735 		case "prod": case "Product": return '\u220F';
4736 		case "coprod": case "Coproduct": return '\u2210';
4737 		case "sum": case "Sum": return '\u2211';
4738 		case "minus": return '\u2212';
4739 		case "mnplus": case "mp": case "MinusPlus": return '\u2213';
4740 		case "plusdo": case "dotplus": return '\u2214';
4741 		case "setmn": case "setminus": case "Backslash": case "ssetmn": case "smallsetminus": return '\u2216';
4742 		case "lowast": return '\u2217';
4743 		case "compfn": case "SmallCircle": return '\u2218';
4744 		case "radic": case "Sqrt": return '\u221A';
4745 		case "prop": case "propto": case "Proportional": case "vprop": case "varpropto": return '\u221D';
4746 		case "infin": return '\u221E';
4747 		case "angrt": return '\u221F';
4748 		case "ang": case "angle": return '\u2220';
4749 		case "angmsd": case "measuredangle": return '\u2221';
4750 		case "angsph": return '\u2222';
4751 		case "mid": case "VerticalBar": case "smid": case "shortmid": return '\u2223';
4752 		case "nmid": case "NotVerticalBar": case "nsmid": case "nshortmid": return '\u2224';
4753 		case "par": case "parallel": case "DoubleVerticalBar": case "spar": case "shortparallel": return '\u2225';
4754 		case "npar": case "nparallel": case "NotDoubleVerticalBar": case "nspar": case "nshortparallel": return '\u2226';
4755 		case "and": case "wedge": return '\u2227';
4756 		case "or": case "vee": return '\u2228';
4757 		case "cap": return '\u2229';
4758 		case "cup": return '\u222A';
4759 		case "int": case "Integral": return '\u222B';
4760 		case "Int": return '\u222C';
4761 		case "tint": case "iiint": return '\u222D';
4762 		case "conint": case "oint": case "ContourIntegral": return '\u222E';
4763 		case "Conint": case "DoubleContourIntegral": return '\u222F';
4764 		case "Cconint": return '\u2230';
4765 		case "cwint": return '\u2231';
4766 		case "cwconint": case "ClockwiseContourIntegral": return '\u2232';
4767 		case "awconint": case "CounterClockwiseContourIntegral": return '\u2233';
4768 		case "there4": case "therefore": case "Therefore": return '\u2234';
4769 		case "becaus": case "because": case "Because": return '\u2235';
4770 		case "ratio": return '\u2236';
4771 		case "Colon": case "Proportion": return '\u2237';
4772 		case "minusd": case "dotminus": return '\u2238';
4773 		case "mDDot": return '\u223A';
4774 		case "homtht": return '\u223B';
4775 		case "sim": case "Tilde": case "thksim": case "thicksim": return '\u223C';
4776 		case "bsim": case "backsim": return '\u223D';
4777 		case "ac": case "mstpos": return '\u223E';
4778 		case "acd": return '\u223F';
4779 		case "wreath": case "VerticalTilde": case "wr": return '\u2240';
4780 		case "nsim": case "NotTilde": return '\u2241';
4781 		case "esim": case "EqualTilde": case "eqsim": return '\u2242';
4782 		case "sime": case "TildeEqual": case "simeq": return '\u2243';
4783 		case "nsime": case "nsimeq": case "NotTildeEqual": return '\u2244';
4784 		case "cong": case "TildeFullEqual": return '\u2245';
4785 		case "simne": return '\u2246';
4786 		case "ncong": case "NotTildeFullEqual": return '\u2247';
4787 		case "asymp": case "ap": case "TildeTilde": case "approx": case "thkap": case "thickapprox": return '\u2248';
4788 		case "nap": case "NotTildeTilde": case "napprox": return '\u2249';
4789 		case "ape": case "approxeq": return '\u224A';
4790 		case "apid": return '\u224B';
4791 		case "bcong": case "backcong": return '\u224C';
4792 		case "asympeq": case "CupCap": return '\u224D';
4793 		case "bump": case "HumpDownHump": case "Bumpeq": return '\u224E';
4794 		case "bumpe": case "HumpEqual": case "bumpeq": return '\u224F';
4795 		case "esdot": case "DotEqual": case "doteq": return '\u2250';
4796 		case "eDot": case "doteqdot": return '\u2251';
4797 		case "efDot": case "fallingdotseq": return '\u2252';
4798 		case "erDot": case "risingdotseq": return '\u2253';
4799 		case "colone": case "coloneq": case "Assign": return '\u2254';
4800 		case "ecolon": case "eqcolon": return '\u2255';
4801 		case "ecir": case "eqcirc": return '\u2256';
4802 		case "cire": case "circeq": return '\u2257';
4803 		case "wedgeq": return '\u2259';
4804 		case "veeeq": return '\u225A';
4805 		case "trie": case "triangleq": return '\u225C';
4806 		case "equest": case "questeq": return '\u225F';
4807 		case "ne": case "NotEqual": return '\u2260';
4808 		case "equiv": case "Congruent": return '\u2261';
4809 		case "nequiv": case "NotCongruent": return '\u2262';
4810 		case "le": case "leq": return '\u2264';
4811 		case "ge": case "GreaterEqual": case "geq": return '\u2265';
4812 		case "lE": case "LessFullEqual": case "leqq": return '\u2266';
4813 		case "gE": case "GreaterFullEqual": case "geqq": return '\u2267';
4814 		case "lnE": case "lneqq": return '\u2268';
4815 		case "gnE": case "gneqq": return '\u2269';
4816 		case "Lt": case "NestedLessLess": case "ll": return '\u226A';
4817 		case "Gt": case "NestedGreaterGreater": case "gg": return '\u226B';
4818 		case "twixt": case "between": return '\u226C';
4819 		case "NotCupCap": return '\u226D';
4820 		case "nlt": case "NotLess": case "nless": return '\u226E';
4821 		case "ngt": case "NotGreater": case "ngtr": return '\u226F';
4822 		case "nle": case "NotLessEqual": case "nleq": return '\u2270';
4823 		case "nge": case "NotGreaterEqual": case "ngeq": return '\u2271';
4824 		case "lsim": case "LessTilde": case "lesssim": return '\u2272';
4825 		case "gsim": case "gtrsim": case "GreaterTilde": return '\u2273';
4826 		case "nlsim": case "NotLessTilde": return '\u2274';
4827 		case "ngsim": case "NotGreaterTilde": return '\u2275';
4828 		case "lg": case "lessgtr": case "LessGreater": return '\u2276';
4829 		case "gl": case "gtrless": case "GreaterLess": return '\u2277';
4830 		case "ntlg": case "NotLessGreater": return '\u2278';
4831 		case "ntgl": case "NotGreaterLess": return '\u2279';
4832 		case "pr": case "Precedes": case "prec": return '\u227A';
4833 		case "sc": case "Succeeds": case "succ": return '\u227B';
4834 		case "prcue": case "PrecedesSlantEqual": case "preccurlyeq": return '\u227C';
4835 		case "sccue": case "SucceedsSlantEqual": case "succcurlyeq": return '\u227D';
4836 		case "prsim": case "precsim": case "PrecedesTilde": return '\u227E';
4837 		case "scsim": case "succsim": case "SucceedsTilde": return '\u227F';
4838 		case "npr": case "nprec": case "NotPrecedes": return '\u2280';
4839 		case "nsc": case "nsucc": case "NotSucceeds": return '\u2281';
4840 		case "sub": case "subset": return '\u2282';
4841 		case "sup": case "supset": case "Superset": return '\u2283';
4842 		case "nsub": return '\u2284';
4843 		case "nsup": return '\u2285';
4844 		case "sube": case "SubsetEqual": case "subseteq": return '\u2286';
4845 		case "supe": case "supseteq": case "SupersetEqual": return '\u2287';
4846 		case "nsube": case "nsubseteq": case "NotSubsetEqual": return '\u2288';
4847 		case "nsupe": case "nsupseteq": case "NotSupersetEqual": return '\u2289';
4848 		case "subne": case "subsetneq": return '\u228A';
4849 		case "supne": case "supsetneq": return '\u228B';
4850 		case "cupdot": return '\u228D';
4851 		case "uplus": case "UnionPlus": return '\u228E';
4852 		case "sqsub": case "SquareSubset": case "sqsubset": return '\u228F';
4853 		case "sqsup": case "SquareSuperset": case "sqsupset": return '\u2290';
4854 		case "sqsube": case "SquareSubsetEqual": case "sqsubseteq": return '\u2291';
4855 		case "sqsupe": case "SquareSupersetEqual": case "sqsupseteq": return '\u2292';
4856 		case "sqcap": case "SquareIntersection": return '\u2293';
4857 		case "sqcup": case "SquareUnion": return '\u2294';
4858 		case "oplus": case "CirclePlus": return '\u2295';
4859 		case "ominus": case "CircleMinus": return '\u2296';
4860 		case "otimes": case "CircleTimes": return '\u2297';
4861 		case "osol": return '\u2298';
4862 		case "odot": case "CircleDot": return '\u2299';
4863 		case "ocir": case "circledcirc": return '\u229A';
4864 		case "oast": case "circledast": return '\u229B';
4865 		case "odash": case "circleddash": return '\u229D';
4866 		case "plusb": case "boxplus": return '\u229E';
4867 		case "minusb": case "boxminus": return '\u229F';
4868 		case "timesb": case "boxtimes": return '\u22A0';
4869 		case "sdotb": case "dotsquare": return '\u22A1';
4870 		case "vdash": case "RightTee": return '\u22A2';
4871 		case "dashv": case "LeftTee": return '\u22A3';
4872 		case "top": case "DownTee": return '\u22A4';
4873 		case "bottom": case "bot": case "perp": case "UpTee": return '\u22A5';
4874 		case "models": return '\u22A7';
4875 		case "vDash": case "DoubleRightTee": return '\u22A8';
4876 		case "Vdash": return '\u22A9';
4877 		case "Vvdash": return '\u22AA';
4878 		case "VDash": return '\u22AB';
4879 		case "nvdash": return '\u22AC';
4880 		case "nvDash": return '\u22AD';
4881 		case "nVdash": return '\u22AE';
4882 		case "nVDash": return '\u22AF';
4883 		case "prurel": return '\u22B0';
4884 		case "vltri": case "vartriangleleft": case "LeftTriangle": return '\u22B2';
4885 		case "vrtri": case "vartriangleright": case "RightTriangle": return '\u22B3';
4886 		case "ltrie": case "trianglelefteq": case "LeftTriangleEqual": return '\u22B4';
4887 		case "rtrie": case "trianglerighteq": case "RightTriangleEqual": return '\u22B5';
4888 		case "origof": return '\u22B6';
4889 		case "imof": return '\u22B7';
4890 		case "mumap": case "multimap": return '\u22B8';
4891 		case "hercon": return '\u22B9';
4892 		case "intcal": case "intercal": return '\u22BA';
4893 		case "veebar": return '\u22BB';
4894 		case "barvee": return '\u22BD';
4895 		case "angrtvb": return '\u22BE';
4896 		case "lrtri": return '\u22BF';
4897 		case "xwedge": case "Wedge": case "bigwedge": return '\u22C0';
4898 		case "xvee": case "Vee": case "bigvee": return '\u22C1';
4899 		case "xcap": case "Intersection": case "bigcap": return '\u22C2';
4900 		case "xcup": case "Union": case "bigcup": return '\u22C3';
4901 		case "diam": case "diamond": case "Diamond": return '\u22C4';
4902 		case "sdot": return '\u22C5';
4903 		case "sstarf": case "Star": return '\u22C6';
4904 		case "divonx": case "divideontimes": return '\u22C7';
4905 		case "bowtie": return '\u22C8';
4906 		case "ltimes": return '\u22C9';
4907 		case "rtimes": return '\u22CA';
4908 		case "lthree": case "leftthreetimes": return '\u22CB';
4909 		case "rthree": case "rightthreetimes": return '\u22CC';
4910 		case "bsime": case "backsimeq": return '\u22CD';
4911 		case "cuvee": case "curlyvee": return '\u22CE';
4912 		case "cuwed": case "curlywedge": return '\u22CF';
4913 		case "Sub": case "Subset": return '\u22D0';
4914 		case "Sup": case "Supset": return '\u22D1';
4915 		case "Cap": return '\u22D2';
4916 		case "Cup": return '\u22D3';
4917 		case "fork": case "pitchfork": return '\u22D4';
4918 		case "epar": return '\u22D5';
4919 		case "ltdot": case "lessdot": return '\u22D6';
4920 		case "gtdot": case "gtrdot": return '\u22D7';
4921 		case "Ll": return '\u22D8';
4922 		case "Gg": case "ggg": return '\u22D9';
4923 		case "leg": case "LessEqualGreater": case "lesseqgtr": return '\u22DA';
4924 		case "gel": case "gtreqless": case "GreaterEqualLess": return '\u22DB';
4925 		case "cuepr": case "curlyeqprec": return '\u22DE';
4926 		case "cuesc": case "curlyeqsucc": return '\u22DF';
4927 		case "nprcue": case "NotPrecedesSlantEqual": return '\u22E0';
4928 		case "nsccue": case "NotSucceedsSlantEqual": return '\u22E1';
4929 		case "nsqsube": case "NotSquareSubsetEqual": return '\u22E2';
4930 		case "nsqsupe": case "NotSquareSupersetEqual": return '\u22E3';
4931 		case "lnsim": return '\u22E6';
4932 		case "gnsim": return '\u22E7';
4933 		case "prnsim": case "precnsim": return '\u22E8';
4934 		case "scnsim": case "succnsim": return '\u22E9';
4935 		case "nltri": case "ntriangleleft": case "NotLeftTriangle": return '\u22EA';
4936 		case "nrtri": case "ntriangleright": case "NotRightTriangle": return '\u22EB';
4937 		case "nltrie": case "ntrianglelefteq": case "NotLeftTriangleEqual": return '\u22EC';
4938 		case "nrtrie": case "ntrianglerighteq": case "NotRightTriangleEqual": return '\u22ED';
4939 		case "vellip": return '\u22EE';
4940 		case "ctdot": return '\u22EF';
4941 		case "utdot": return '\u22F0';
4942 		case "dtdot": return '\u22F1';
4943 		case "disin": return '\u22F2';
4944 		case "isinsv": return '\u22F3';
4945 		case "isins": return '\u22F4';
4946 		case "isindot": return '\u22F5';
4947 		case "notinvc": return '\u22F6';
4948 		case "notinvb": return '\u22F7';
4949 		case "isinE": return '\u22F9';
4950 		case "nisd": return '\u22FA';
4951 		case "xnis": return '\u22FB';
4952 		case "nis": return '\u22FC';
4953 		case "notnivc": return '\u22FD';
4954 		case "notnivb": return '\u22FE';
4955 		case "barwed": case "barwedge": return '\u2305';
4956 		case "Barwed": case "doublebarwedge": return '\u2306';
4957 		case "lceil": case "LeftCeiling": return '\u2308';
4958 		case "rceil": case "RightCeiling": return '\u2309';
4959 		case "lfloor": case "LeftFloor": return '\u230A';
4960 		case "rfloor": case "RightFloor": return '\u230B';
4961 		case "drcrop": return '\u230C';
4962 		case "dlcrop": return '\u230D';
4963 		case "urcrop": return '\u230E';
4964 		case "ulcrop": return '\u230F';
4965 		case "bnot": return '\u2310';
4966 		case "profline": return '\u2312';
4967 		case "profsurf": return '\u2313';
4968 		case "telrec": return '\u2315';
4969 		case "target": return '\u2316';
4970 		case "ulcorn": case "ulcorner": return '\u231C';
4971 		case "urcorn": case "urcorner": return '\u231D';
4972 		case "dlcorn": case "llcorner": return '\u231E';
4973 		case "drcorn": case "lrcorner": return '\u231F';
4974 		case "frown": case "sfrown": return '\u2322';
4975 		case "smile": case "ssmile": return '\u2323';
4976 		case "cylcty": return '\u232D';
4977 		case "profalar": return '\u232E';
4978 		case "topbot": return '\u2336';
4979 		case "ovbar": return '\u233D';
4980 		case "solbar": return '\u233F';
4981 		case "angzarr": return '\u237C';
4982 		case "lmoust": case "lmoustache": return '\u23B0';
4983 		case "rmoust": case "rmoustache": return '\u23B1';
4984 		case "tbrk": case "OverBracket": return '\u23B4';
4985 		case "bbrk": case "UnderBracket": return '\u23B5';
4986 		case "bbrktbrk": return '\u23B6';
4987 		case "OverParenthesis": return '\u23DC';
4988 		case "UnderParenthesis": return '\u23DD';
4989 		case "OverBrace": return '\u23DE';
4990 		case "UnderBrace": return '\u23DF';
4991 		case "trpezium": return '\u23E2';
4992 		case "elinters": return '\u23E7';
4993 		case "blank": return '\u2423';
4994 		case "oS": case "circledS": return '\u24C8';
4995 		case "boxh": case "HorizontalLine": return '\u2500';
4996 		case "boxv": return '\u2502';
4997 		case "boxdr": return '\u250C';
4998 		case "boxdl": return '\u2510';
4999 		case "boxur": return '\u2514';
5000 		case "boxul": return '\u2518';
5001 		case "boxvr": return '\u251C';
5002 		case "boxvl": return '\u2524';
5003 		case "boxhd": return '\u252C';
5004 		case "boxhu": return '\u2534';
5005 		case "boxvh": return '\u253C';
5006 		case "boxH": return '\u2550';
5007 		case "boxV": return '\u2551';
5008 		case "boxdR": return '\u2552';
5009 		case "boxDr": return '\u2553';
5010 		case "boxDR": return '\u2554';
5011 		case "boxdL": return '\u2555';
5012 		case "boxDl": return '\u2556';
5013 		case "boxDL": return '\u2557';
5014 		case "boxuR": return '\u2558';
5015 		case "boxUr": return '\u2559';
5016 		case "boxUR": return '\u255A';
5017 		case "boxuL": return '\u255B';
5018 		case "boxUl": return '\u255C';
5019 		case "boxUL": return '\u255D';
5020 		case "boxvR": return '\u255E';
5021 		case "boxVr": return '\u255F';
5022 		case "boxVR": return '\u2560';
5023 		case "boxvL": return '\u2561';
5024 		case "boxVl": return '\u2562';
5025 		case "boxVL": return '\u2563';
5026 		case "boxHd": return '\u2564';
5027 		case "boxhD": return '\u2565';
5028 		case "boxHD": return '\u2566';
5029 		case "boxHu": return '\u2567';
5030 		case "boxhU": return '\u2568';
5031 		case "boxHU": return '\u2569';
5032 		case "boxvH": return '\u256A';
5033 		case "boxVh": return '\u256B';
5034 		case "boxVH": return '\u256C';
5035 		case "uhblk": return '\u2580';
5036 		case "lhblk": return '\u2584';
5037 		case "block": return '\u2588';
5038 		case "blk14": return '\u2591';
5039 		case "blk12": return '\u2592';
5040 		case "blk34": return '\u2593';
5041 		case "squ": case "square": case "Square": return '\u25A1';
5042 		case "squf": case "squarf": case "blacksquare": case "FilledVerySmallSquare": return '\u25AA';
5043 		case "EmptyVerySmallSquare": return '\u25AB';
5044 		case "rect": return '\u25AD';
5045 		case "marker": return '\u25AE';
5046 		case "fltns": return '\u25B1';
5047 		case "xutri": case "bigtriangleup": return '\u25B3';
5048 		case "utrif": case "blacktriangle": return '\u25B4';
5049 		case "utri": case "triangle": return '\u25B5';
5050 		case "rtrif": case "blacktriangleright": return '\u25B8';
5051 		case "rtri": case "triangleright": return '\u25B9';
5052 		case "xdtri": case "bigtriangledown": return '\u25BD';
5053 		case "dtrif": case "blacktriangledown": return '\u25BE';
5054 		case "dtri": case "triangledown": return '\u25BF';
5055 		case "ltrif": case "blacktriangleleft": return '\u25C2';
5056 		case "ltri": case "triangleleft": return '\u25C3';
5057 		case "loz": case "lozenge": return '\u25CA';
5058 		case "cir": return '\u25CB';
5059 		case "tridot": return '\u25EC';
5060 		case "xcirc": case "bigcirc": return '\u25EF';
5061 		case "ultri": return '\u25F8';
5062 		case "urtri": return '\u25F9';
5063 		case "lltri": return '\u25FA';
5064 		case "EmptySmallSquare": return '\u25FB';
5065 		case "FilledSmallSquare": return '\u25FC';
5066 		case "starf": case "bigstar": return '\u2605';
5067 		case "star": return '\u2606';
5068 		case "phone": return '\u260E';
5069 		case "female": return '\u2640';
5070 		case "male": return '\u2642';
5071 		case "spades": case "spadesuit": return '\u2660';
5072 		case "clubs": case "clubsuit": return '\u2663';
5073 		case "hearts": case "heartsuit": return '\u2665';
5074 		case "diams": case "diamondsuit": return '\u2666';
5075 		case "sung": return '\u266A';
5076 		case "flat": return '\u266D';
5077 		case "natur": case "natural": return '\u266E';
5078 		case "sharp": return '\u266F';
5079 		case "check": case "checkmark": return '\u2713';
5080 		case "cross": return '\u2717';
5081 		case "malt": case "maltese": return '\u2720';
5082 		case "sext": return '\u2736';
5083 		case "VerticalSeparator": return '\u2758';
5084 		case "lbbrk": return '\u2772';
5085 		case "rbbrk": return '\u2773';
5086 		case "bsolhsub": return '\u27C8';
5087 		case "suphsol": return '\u27C9';
5088 		case "lobrk": case "LeftDoubleBracket": return '\u27E6';
5089 		case "robrk": case "RightDoubleBracket": return '\u27E7';
5090 		case "lang": case "LeftAngleBracket": case "langle": return '\u27E8';
5091 		case "rang": case "RightAngleBracket": case "rangle": return '\u27E9';
5092 		case "Lang": return '\u27EA';
5093 		case "Rang": return '\u27EB';
5094 		case "loang": return '\u27EC';
5095 		case "roang": return '\u27ED';
5096 		case "xlarr": case "longleftarrow": case "LongLeftArrow": return '\u27F5';
5097 		case "xrarr": case "longrightarrow": case "LongRightArrow": return '\u27F6';
5098 		case "xharr": case "longleftrightarrow": case "LongLeftRightArrow": return '\u27F7';
5099 		case "xlArr": case "Longleftarrow": case "DoubleLongLeftArrow": return '\u27F8';
5100 		case "xrArr": case "Longrightarrow": case "DoubleLongRightArrow": return '\u27F9';
5101 		case "xhArr": case "Longleftrightarrow": case "DoubleLongLeftRightArrow": return '\u27FA';
5102 		case "xmap": case "longmapsto": return '\u27FC';
5103 		case "dzigrarr": return '\u27FF';
5104 		case "nvlArr": return '\u2902';
5105 		case "nvrArr": return '\u2903';
5106 		case "nvHarr": return '\u2904';
5107 		case "Map": return '\u2905';
5108 		case "lbarr": return '\u290C';
5109 		case "rbarr": case "bkarow": return '\u290D';
5110 		case "lBarr": return '\u290E';
5111 		case "rBarr": case "dbkarow": return '\u290F';
5112 		case "RBarr": case "drbkarow": return '\u2910';
5113 		case "DDotrahd": return '\u2911';
5114 		case "UpArrowBar": return '\u2912';
5115 		case "DownArrowBar": return '\u2913';
5116 		case "Rarrtl": return '\u2916';
5117 		case "latail": return '\u2919';
5118 		case "ratail": return '\u291A';
5119 		case "lAtail": return '\u291B';
5120 		case "rAtail": return '\u291C';
5121 		case "larrfs": return '\u291D';
5122 		case "rarrfs": return '\u291E';
5123 		case "larrbfs": return '\u291F';
5124 		case "rarrbfs": return '\u2920';
5125 		case "nwarhk": return '\u2923';
5126 		case "nearhk": return '\u2924';
5127 		case "searhk": case "hksearow": return '\u2925';
5128 		case "swarhk": case "hkswarow": return '\u2926';
5129 		case "nwnear": return '\u2927';
5130 		case "nesear": case "toea": return '\u2928';
5131 		case "seswar": case "tosa": return '\u2929';
5132 		case "swnwar": return '\u292A';
5133 		case "rarrc": return '\u2933';
5134 		case "cudarrr": return '\u2935';
5135 		case "ldca": return '\u2936';
5136 		case "rdca": return '\u2937';
5137 		case "cudarrl": return '\u2938';
5138 		case "larrpl": return '\u2939';
5139 		case "curarrm": return '\u293C';
5140 		case "cularrp": return '\u293D';
5141 		case "rarrpl": return '\u2945';
5142 		case "harrcir": return '\u2948';
5143 		case "Uarrocir": return '\u2949';
5144 		case "lurdshar": return '\u294A';
5145 		case "ldrushar": return '\u294B';
5146 		case "LeftRightVector": return '\u294E';
5147 		case "RightUpDownVector": return '\u294F';
5148 		case "DownLeftRightVector": return '\u2950';
5149 		case "LeftUpDownVector": return '\u2951';
5150 		case "LeftVectorBar": return '\u2952';
5151 		case "RightVectorBar": return '\u2953';
5152 		case "RightUpVectorBar": return '\u2954';
5153 		case "RightDownVectorBar": return '\u2955';
5154 		case "DownLeftVectorBar": return '\u2956';
5155 		case "DownRightVectorBar": return '\u2957';
5156 		case "LeftUpVectorBar": return '\u2958';
5157 		case "LeftDownVectorBar": return '\u2959';
5158 		case "LeftTeeVector": return '\u295A';
5159 		case "RightTeeVector": return '\u295B';
5160 		case "RightUpTeeVector": return '\u295C';
5161 		case "RightDownTeeVector": return '\u295D';
5162 		case "DownLeftTeeVector": return '\u295E';
5163 		case "DownRightTeeVector": return '\u295F';
5164 		case "LeftUpTeeVector": return '\u2960';
5165 		case "LeftDownTeeVector": return '\u2961';
5166 		case "lHar": return '\u2962';
5167 		case "uHar": return '\u2963';
5168 		case "rHar": return '\u2964';
5169 		case "dHar": return '\u2965';
5170 		case "luruhar": return '\u2966';
5171 		case "ldrdhar": return '\u2967';
5172 		case "ruluhar": return '\u2968';
5173 		case "rdldhar": return '\u2969';
5174 		case "lharul": return '\u296A';
5175 		case "llhard": return '\u296B';
5176 		case "rharul": return '\u296C';
5177 		case "lrhard": return '\u296D';
5178 		case "udhar": case "UpEquilibrium": return '\u296E';
5179 		case "duhar": case "ReverseUpEquilibrium": return '\u296F';
5180 		case "RoundImplies": return '\u2970';
5181 		case "erarr": return '\u2971';
5182 		case "simrarr": return '\u2972';
5183 		case "larrsim": return '\u2973';
5184 		case "rarrsim": return '\u2974';
5185 		case "rarrap": return '\u2975';
5186 		case "ltlarr": return '\u2976';
5187 		case "gtrarr": return '\u2978';
5188 		case "subrarr": return '\u2979';
5189 		case "suplarr": return '\u297B';
5190 		case "lfisht": return '\u297C';
5191 		case "rfisht": return '\u297D';
5192 		case "ufisht": return '\u297E';
5193 		case "dfisht": return '\u297F';
5194 		case "lopar": return '\u2985';
5195 		case "ropar": return '\u2986';
5196 		case "lbrke": return '\u298B';
5197 		case "rbrke": return '\u298C';
5198 		case "lbrkslu": return '\u298D';
5199 		case "rbrksld": return '\u298E';
5200 		case "lbrksld": return '\u298F';
5201 		case "rbrkslu": return '\u2990';
5202 		case "langd": return '\u2991';
5203 		case "rangd": return '\u2992';
5204 		case "lparlt": return '\u2993';
5205 		case "rpargt": return '\u2994';
5206 		case "gtlPar": return '\u2995';
5207 		case "ltrPar": return '\u2996';
5208 		case "vzigzag": return '\u299A';
5209 		case "vangrt": return '\u299C';
5210 		case "angrtvbd": return '\u299D';
5211 		case "ange": return '\u29A4';
5212 		case "range": return '\u29A5';
5213 		case "dwangle": return '\u29A6';
5214 		case "uwangle": return '\u29A7';
5215 		case "angmsdaa": return '\u29A8';
5216 		case "angmsdab": return '\u29A9';
5217 		case "angmsdac": return '\u29AA';
5218 		case "angmsdad": return '\u29AB';
5219 		case "angmsdae": return '\u29AC';
5220 		case "angmsdaf": return '\u29AD';
5221 		case "angmsdag": return '\u29AE';
5222 		case "angmsdah": return '\u29AF';
5223 		case "bemptyv": return '\u29B0';
5224 		case "demptyv": return '\u29B1';
5225 		case "cemptyv": return '\u29B2';
5226 		case "raemptyv": return '\u29B3';
5227 		case "laemptyv": return '\u29B4';
5228 		case "ohbar": return '\u29B5';
5229 		case "omid": return '\u29B6';
5230 		case "opar": return '\u29B7';
5231 		case "operp": return '\u29B9';
5232 		case "olcross": return '\u29BB';
5233 		case "odsold": return '\u29BC';
5234 		case "olcir": return '\u29BE';
5235 		case "ofcir": return '\u29BF';
5236 		case "olt": return '\u29C0';
5237 		case "ogt": return '\u29C1';
5238 		case "cirscir": return '\u29C2';
5239 		case "cirE": return '\u29C3';
5240 		case "solb": return '\u29C4';
5241 		case "bsolb": return '\u29C5';
5242 		case "boxbox": return '\u29C9';
5243 		case "trisb": return '\u29CD';
5244 		case "rtriltri": return '\u29CE';
5245 		case "LeftTriangleBar": return '\u29CF';
5246 		case "RightTriangleBar": return '\u29D0';
5247 		case "iinfin": return '\u29DC';
5248 		case "infintie": return '\u29DD';
5249 		case "nvinfin": return '\u29DE';
5250 		case "eparsl": return '\u29E3';
5251 		case "smeparsl": return '\u29E4';
5252 		case "eqvparsl": return '\u29E5';
5253 		case "lozf": case "blacklozenge": return '\u29EB';
5254 		case "RuleDelayed": return '\u29F4';
5255 		case "dsol": return '\u29F6';
5256 		case "xodot": case "bigodot": return '\u2A00';
5257 		case "xoplus": case "bigoplus": return '\u2A01';
5258 		case "xotime": case "bigotimes": return '\u2A02';
5259 		case "xuplus": case "biguplus": return '\u2A04';
5260 		case "xsqcup": case "bigsqcup": return '\u2A06';
5261 		case "qint": case "iiiint": return '\u2A0C';
5262 		case "fpartint": return '\u2A0D';
5263 		case "cirfnint": return '\u2A10';
5264 		case "awint": return '\u2A11';
5265 		case "rppolint": return '\u2A12';
5266 		case "scpolint": return '\u2A13';
5267 		case "npolint": return '\u2A14';
5268 		case "pointint": return '\u2A15';
5269 		case "quatint": return '\u2A16';
5270 		case "intlarhk": return '\u2A17';
5271 		case "pluscir": return '\u2A22';
5272 		case "plusacir": return '\u2A23';
5273 		case "simplus": return '\u2A24';
5274 		case "plusdu": return '\u2A25';
5275 		case "plussim": return '\u2A26';
5276 		case "plustwo": return '\u2A27';
5277 		case "mcomma": return '\u2A29';
5278 		case "minusdu": return '\u2A2A';
5279 		case "loplus": return '\u2A2D';
5280 		case "roplus": return '\u2A2E';
5281 		case "Cross": return '\u2A2F';
5282 		case "timesd": return '\u2A30';
5283 		case "timesbar": return '\u2A31';
5284 		case "smashp": return '\u2A33';
5285 		case "lotimes": return '\u2A34';
5286 		case "rotimes": return '\u2A35';
5287 		case "otimesas": return '\u2A36';
5288 		case "Otimes": return '\u2A37';
5289 		case "odiv": return '\u2A38';
5290 		case "triplus": return '\u2A39';
5291 		case "triminus": return '\u2A3A';
5292 		case "tritime": return '\u2A3B';
5293 		case "iprod": case "intprod": return '\u2A3C';
5294 		case "amalg": return '\u2A3F';
5295 		case "capdot": return '\u2A40';
5296 		case "ncup": return '\u2A42';
5297 		case "ncap": return '\u2A43';
5298 		case "capand": return '\u2A44';
5299 		case "cupor": return '\u2A45';
5300 		case "cupcap": return '\u2A46';
5301 		case "capcup": return '\u2A47';
5302 		case "cupbrcap": return '\u2A48';
5303 		case "capbrcup": return '\u2A49';
5304 		case "cupcup": return '\u2A4A';
5305 		case "capcap": return '\u2A4B';
5306 		case "ccups": return '\u2A4C';
5307 		case "ccaps": return '\u2A4D';
5308 		case "ccupssm": return '\u2A50';
5309 		case "And": return '\u2A53';
5310 		case "Or": return '\u2A54';
5311 		case "andand": return '\u2A55';
5312 		case "oror": return '\u2A56';
5313 		case "orslope": return '\u2A57';
5314 		case "andslope": return '\u2A58';
5315 		case "andv": return '\u2A5A';
5316 		case "orv": return '\u2A5B';
5317 		case "andd": return '\u2A5C';
5318 		case "ord": return '\u2A5D';
5319 		case "wedbar": return '\u2A5F';
5320 		case "sdote": return '\u2A66';
5321 		case "simdot": return '\u2A6A';
5322 		case "congdot": return '\u2A6D';
5323 		case "easter": return '\u2A6E';
5324 		case "apacir": return '\u2A6F';
5325 		case "apE": return '\u2A70';
5326 		case "eplus": return '\u2A71';
5327 		case "pluse": return '\u2A72';
5328 		case "Esim": return '\u2A73';
5329 		case "Colone": return '\u2A74';
5330 		case "Equal": return '\u2A75';
5331 		case "eDDot": case "ddotseq": return '\u2A77';
5332 		case "equivDD": return '\u2A78';
5333 		case "ltcir": return '\u2A79';
5334 		case "gtcir": return '\u2A7A';
5335 		case "ltquest": return '\u2A7B';
5336 		case "gtquest": return '\u2A7C';
5337 		case "les": case "LessSlantEqual": case "leqslant": return '\u2A7D';
5338 		case "ges": case "GreaterSlantEqual": case "geqslant": return '\u2A7E';
5339 		case "lesdot": return '\u2A7F';
5340 		case "gesdot": return '\u2A80';
5341 		case "lesdoto": return '\u2A81';
5342 		case "gesdoto": return '\u2A82';
5343 		case "lesdotor": return '\u2A83';
5344 		case "gesdotol": return '\u2A84';
5345 		case "lap": case "lessapprox": return '\u2A85';
5346 		case "gap": case "gtrapprox": return '\u2A86';
5347 		case "lne": case "lneq": return '\u2A87';
5348 		case "gne": case "gneq": return '\u2A88';
5349 		case "lnap": case "lnapprox": return '\u2A89';
5350 		case "gnap": case "gnapprox": return '\u2A8A';
5351 		case "lEg": case "lesseqqgtr": return '\u2A8B';
5352 		case "gEl": case "gtreqqless": return '\u2A8C';
5353 		case "lsime": return '\u2A8D';
5354 		case "gsime": return '\u2A8E';
5355 		case "lsimg": return '\u2A8F';
5356 		case "gsiml": return '\u2A90';
5357 		case "lgE": return '\u2A91';
5358 		case "glE": return '\u2A92';
5359 		case "lesges": return '\u2A93';
5360 		case "gesles": return '\u2A94';
5361 		case "els": case "eqslantless": return '\u2A95';
5362 		case "egs": case "eqslantgtr": return '\u2A96';
5363 		case "elsdot": return '\u2A97';
5364 		case "egsdot": return '\u2A98';
5365 		case "el": return '\u2A99';
5366 		case "eg": return '\u2A9A';
5367 		case "siml": return '\u2A9D';
5368 		case "simg": return '\u2A9E';
5369 		case "simlE": return '\u2A9F';
5370 		case "simgE": return '\u2AA0';
5371 		case "LessLess": return '\u2AA1';
5372 		case "GreaterGreater": return '\u2AA2';
5373 		case "glj": return '\u2AA4';
5374 		case "gla": return '\u2AA5';
5375 		case "ltcc": return '\u2AA6';
5376 		case "gtcc": return '\u2AA7';
5377 		case "lescc": return '\u2AA8';
5378 		case "gescc": return '\u2AA9';
5379 		case "smt": return '\u2AAA';
5380 		case "lat": return '\u2AAB';
5381 		case "smte": return '\u2AAC';
5382 		case "late": return '\u2AAD';
5383 		case "bumpE": return '\u2AAE';
5384 		case "pre": case "preceq": case "PrecedesEqual": return '\u2AAF';
5385 		case "sce": case "succeq": case "SucceedsEqual": return '\u2AB0';
5386 		case "prE": return '\u2AB3';
5387 		case "scE": return '\u2AB4';
5388 		case "prnE": case "precneqq": return '\u2AB5';
5389 		case "scnE": case "succneqq": return '\u2AB6';
5390 		case "prap": case "precapprox": return '\u2AB7';
5391 		case "scap": case "succapprox": return '\u2AB8';
5392 		case "prnap": case "precnapprox": return '\u2AB9';
5393 		case "scnap": case "succnapprox": return '\u2ABA';
5394 		case "Pr": return '\u2ABB';
5395 		case "Sc": return '\u2ABC';
5396 		case "subdot": return '\u2ABD';
5397 		case "supdot": return '\u2ABE';
5398 		case "subplus": return '\u2ABF';
5399 		case "supplus": return '\u2AC0';
5400 		case "submult": return '\u2AC1';
5401 		case "supmult": return '\u2AC2';
5402 		case "subedot": return '\u2AC3';
5403 		case "supedot": return '\u2AC4';
5404 		case "subE": case "subseteqq": return '\u2AC5';
5405 		case "supE": case "supseteqq": return '\u2AC6';
5406 		case "subsim": return '\u2AC7';
5407 		case "supsim": return '\u2AC8';
5408 		case "subnE": case "subsetneqq": return '\u2ACB';
5409 		case "supnE": case "supsetneqq": return '\u2ACC';
5410 		case "csub": return '\u2ACF';
5411 		case "csup": return '\u2AD0';
5412 		case "csube": return '\u2AD1';
5413 		case "csupe": return '\u2AD2';
5414 		case "subsup": return '\u2AD3';
5415 		case "supsub": return '\u2AD4';
5416 		case "subsub": return '\u2AD5';
5417 		case "supsup": return '\u2AD6';
5418 		case "suphsub": return '\u2AD7';
5419 		case "supdsub": return '\u2AD8';
5420 		case "forkv": return '\u2AD9';
5421 		case "topfork": return '\u2ADA';
5422 		case "mlcp": return '\u2ADB';
5423 		case "Dashv": case "DoubleLeftTee": return '\u2AE4';
5424 		case "Vdashl": return '\u2AE6';
5425 		case "Barv": return '\u2AE7';
5426 		case "vBar": return '\u2AE8';
5427 		case "vBarv": return '\u2AE9';
5428 		case "Vbar": return '\u2AEB';
5429 		case "Not": return '\u2AEC';
5430 		case "bNot": return '\u2AED';
5431 		case "rnmid": return '\u2AEE';
5432 		case "cirmid": return '\u2AEF';
5433 		case "midcir": return '\u2AF0';
5434 		case "topcir": return '\u2AF1';
5435 		case "nhpar": return '\u2AF2';
5436 		case "parsim": return '\u2AF3';
5437 		case "parsl": return '\u2AFD';
5438 		case "fflig": return '\uFB00';
5439 		case "filig": return '\uFB01';
5440 		case "fllig": return '\uFB02';
5441 		case "ffilig": return '\uFB03';
5442 		case "ffllig": return '\uFB04';
5443 		case "Ascr": return '\U0001D49C';
5444 		case "Cscr": return '\U0001D49E';
5445 		case "Dscr": return '\U0001D49F';
5446 		case "Gscr": return '\U0001D4A2';
5447 		case "Jscr": return '\U0001D4A5';
5448 		case "Kscr": return '\U0001D4A6';
5449 		case "Nscr": return '\U0001D4A9';
5450 		case "Oscr": return '\U0001D4AA';
5451 		case "Pscr": return '\U0001D4AB';
5452 		case "Qscr": return '\U0001D4AC';
5453 		case "Sscr": return '\U0001D4AE';
5454 		case "Tscr": return '\U0001D4AF';
5455 		case "Uscr": return '\U0001D4B0';
5456 		case "Vscr": return '\U0001D4B1';
5457 		case "Wscr": return '\U0001D4B2';
5458 		case "Xscr": return '\U0001D4B3';
5459 		case "Yscr": return '\U0001D4B4';
5460 		case "Zscr": return '\U0001D4B5';
5461 		case "ascr": return '\U0001D4B6';
5462 		case "bscr": return '\U0001D4B7';
5463 		case "cscr": return '\U0001D4B8';
5464 		case "dscr": return '\U0001D4B9';
5465 		case "fscr": return '\U0001D4BB';
5466 		case "hscr": return '\U0001D4BD';
5467 		case "iscr": return '\U0001D4BE';
5468 		case "jscr": return '\U0001D4BF';
5469 		case "kscr": return '\U0001D4C0';
5470 		case "lscr": return '\U0001D4C1';
5471 		case "mscr": return '\U0001D4C2';
5472 		case "nscr": return '\U0001D4C3';
5473 		case "pscr": return '\U0001D4C5';
5474 		case "qscr": return '\U0001D4C6';
5475 		case "rscr": return '\U0001D4C7';
5476 		case "sscr": return '\U0001D4C8';
5477 		case "tscr": return '\U0001D4C9';
5478 		case "uscr": return '\U0001D4CA';
5479 		case "vscr": return '\U0001D4CB';
5480 		case "wscr": return '\U0001D4CC';
5481 		case "xscr": return '\U0001D4CD';
5482 		case "yscr": return '\U0001D4CE';
5483 		case "zscr": return '\U0001D4CF';
5484 		case "Afr": return '\U0001D504';
5485 		case "Bfr": return '\U0001D505';
5486 		case "Dfr": return '\U0001D507';
5487 		case "Efr": return '\U0001D508';
5488 		case "Ffr": return '\U0001D509';
5489 		case "Gfr": return '\U0001D50A';
5490 		case "Jfr": return '\U0001D50D';
5491 		case "Kfr": return '\U0001D50E';
5492 		case "Lfr": return '\U0001D50F';
5493 		case "Mfr": return '\U0001D510';
5494 		case "Nfr": return '\U0001D511';
5495 		case "Ofr": return '\U0001D512';
5496 		case "Pfr": return '\U0001D513';
5497 		case "Qfr": return '\U0001D514';
5498 		case "Sfr": return '\U0001D516';
5499 		case "Tfr": return '\U0001D517';
5500 		case "Ufr": return '\U0001D518';
5501 		case "Vfr": return '\U0001D519';
5502 		case "Wfr": return '\U0001D51A';
5503 		case "Xfr": return '\U0001D51B';
5504 		case "Yfr": return '\U0001D51C';
5505 		case "afr": return '\U0001D51E';
5506 		case "bfr": return '\U0001D51F';
5507 		case "cfr": return '\U0001D520';
5508 		case "dfr": return '\U0001D521';
5509 		case "efr": return '\U0001D522';
5510 		case "ffr": return '\U0001D523';
5511 		case "gfr": return '\U0001D524';
5512 		case "hfr": return '\U0001D525';
5513 		case "ifr": return '\U0001D526';
5514 		case "jfr": return '\U0001D527';
5515 		case "kfr": return '\U0001D528';
5516 		case "lfr": return '\U0001D529';
5517 		case "mfr": return '\U0001D52A';
5518 		case "nfr": return '\U0001D52B';
5519 		case "ofr": return '\U0001D52C';
5520 		case "pfr": return '\U0001D52D';
5521 		case "qfr": return '\U0001D52E';
5522 		case "rfr": return '\U0001D52F';
5523 		case "sfr": return '\U0001D530';
5524 		case "tfr": return '\U0001D531';
5525 		case "ufr": return '\U0001D532';
5526 		case "vfr": return '\U0001D533';
5527 		case "wfr": return '\U0001D534';
5528 		case "xfr": return '\U0001D535';
5529 		case "yfr": return '\U0001D536';
5530 		case "zfr": return '\U0001D537';
5531 		case "Aopf": return '\U0001D538';
5532 		case "Bopf": return '\U0001D539';
5533 		case "Dopf": return '\U0001D53B';
5534 		case "Eopf": return '\U0001D53C';
5535 		case "Fopf": return '\U0001D53D';
5536 		case "Gopf": return '\U0001D53E';
5537 		case "Iopf": return '\U0001D540';
5538 		case "Jopf": return '\U0001D541';
5539 		case "Kopf": return '\U0001D542';
5540 		case "Lopf": return '\U0001D543';
5541 		case "Mopf": return '\U0001D544';
5542 		case "Oopf": return '\U0001D546';
5543 		case "Sopf": return '\U0001D54A';
5544 		case "Topf": return '\U0001D54B';
5545 		case "Uopf": return '\U0001D54C';
5546 		case "Vopf": return '\U0001D54D';
5547 		case "Wopf": return '\U0001D54E';
5548 		case "Xopf": return '\U0001D54F';
5549 		case "Yopf": return '\U0001D550';
5550 		case "aopf": return '\U0001D552';
5551 		case "bopf": return '\U0001D553';
5552 		case "copf": return '\U0001D554';
5553 		case "dopf": return '\U0001D555';
5554 		case "eopf": return '\U0001D556';
5555 		case "fopf": return '\U0001D557';
5556 		case "gopf": return '\U0001D558';
5557 		case "hopf": return '\U0001D559';
5558 		case "iopf": return '\U0001D55A';
5559 		case "jopf": return '\U0001D55B';
5560 		case "kopf": return '\U0001D55C';
5561 		case "lopf": return '\U0001D55D';
5562 		case "mopf": return '\U0001D55E';
5563 		case "nopf": return '\U0001D55F';
5564 		case "oopf": return '\U0001D560';
5565 		case "popf": return '\U0001D561';
5566 		case "qopf": return '\U0001D562';
5567 		case "ropf": return '\U0001D563';
5568 		case "sopf": return '\U0001D564';
5569 		case "topf": return '\U0001D565';
5570 		case "uopf": return '\U0001D566';
5571 		case "vopf": return '\U0001D567';
5572 		case "wopf": return '\U0001D568';
5573 		case "xopf": return '\U0001D569';
5574 		case "yopf": return '\U0001D56A';
5575 		case "zopf": return '\U0001D56B';
5577 		// and handling numeric entities
5578 		default:
5579 			if(entity[1] == '#') {
5580 				if(entity[2] == 'x' /*|| (!strict && entity[2] == 'X')*/) {
5581 					auto hex = entity[3..$-1];
5583 					auto p = intFromHex(to!string(hex).toLower());
5584 					return cast(dchar) p;
5585 				} else {
5586 					auto decimal = entity[2..$-1];
5588 					// dealing with broken html entities
5589 					while(decimal.length && (decimal[0] < '0' || decimal[0] >   '9'))
5590 						decimal = decimal[1 .. $];
5592 					if(decimal.length == 0)
5593 						return ' '; // this is really broken html
5594 					// done with dealing with broken stuff
5596 					auto p = std.conv.to!int(decimal);
5597 					return cast(dchar) p;
5598 				}
5599 			} else
5600 				return '\ufffd'; // replacement character diamond thing
5601 	}
5603 	assert(0);
5604 }
5606 import std.utf;
5607 import std.stdio;
5609 /// This takes a string of raw HTML and decodes the entities into a nice D utf-8 string.
5610 /// By default, it uses loose mode - it will try to return a useful string from garbage input too.
5611 /// Set the second parameter to true if you'd prefer it to strictly throw exceptions on garbage input.
5612 /// Group: core_functionality
5613 string htmlEntitiesDecode(string data, bool strict = false) {
5614 	// this check makes a *big* difference; about a 50% improvement of parse speed on my test.
5615 	if(data.indexOf("&") == -1) // all html entities begin with &
5616 		return data; // if there are no entities in here, we can return the original slice and save some time
5618 	char[] a; // this seems to do a *better* job than appender!
5620 	char[4] buffer;
5622 	bool tryingEntity = false;
5623 	dchar[16] entityBeingTried;
5624 	int entityBeingTriedLength = 0;
5625 	int entityAttemptIndex = 0;
5627 	foreach(dchar ch; data) {
5628 		if(tryingEntity) {
5629 			entityAttemptIndex++;
5630 			entityBeingTried[entityBeingTriedLength++] = ch;
5632 			// I saw some crappy html in the wild that looked like &0&#1111; this tries to handle that.
5633 			if(ch == '&') {
5634 				if(strict)
5635 					throw new Exception("unterminated entity; & inside another at " ~ to!string(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]));
5637 				// if not strict, let's try to parse both.
5639 				if(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength] == "&&")
5640 					a ~= "&"; // double amp means keep the first one, still try to parse the next one
5641 				else
5642 					a ~= buffer[0.. std.utf.encode(buffer, parseEntity(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]))];
5644 				// tryingEntity is still true
5645 				entityBeingTriedLength = 1;
5646 				entityAttemptIndex = 0; // restarting o this
5647 			} else
5648 			if(ch == ';') {
5649 				tryingEntity = false;
5650 				a ~= buffer[0.. std.utf.encode(buffer, parseEntity(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]))];
5651 			} else if(ch == ' ') {
5652 				// e.g. you &amp i
5653 				if(strict)
5654 					throw new Exception("unterminated entity at " ~ to!string(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]));
5655 				else {
5656 					tryingEntity = false;
5657 					a ~= to!(char[])(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]);
5658 				}
5659 			} else {
5660 				if(entityAttemptIndex >= 9) {
5661 					if(strict)
5662 						throw new Exception("unterminated entity at " ~ to!string(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]));
5663 					else {
5664 						tryingEntity = false;
5665 						a ~= to!(char[])(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]);
5666 					}
5667 				}
5668 			}
5669 		} else {
5670 			if(ch == '&') {
5671 				tryingEntity = true;
5672 				entityBeingTriedLength = 0;
5673 				entityBeingTried[entityBeingTriedLength++] = ch;
5674 				entityAttemptIndex = 0;
5675 			} else {
5676 				a ~= buffer[0 .. std.utf.encode(buffer, ch)];
5677 			}
5678 		}
5679 	}
5681 	if(tryingEntity) {
5682 		if(strict)
5683 			throw new Exception("unterminated entity at " ~ to!string(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]));
5685 		// otherwise, let's try to recover, at least so we don't drop any data
5686 		a ~= to!string(entityBeingTried[0 .. entityBeingTriedLength]);
5687 		// FIXME: what if we have "cool &amp"? should we try to parse it?
5688 	}
5690 	return cast(string) a; // assumeUnique is actually kinda slow, lol
5691 }
5693 /// Group: implementations
5694 abstract class SpecialElement : Element {
5695 	this(Document _parentDocument) {
5696 		super(_parentDocument);
5697 	}
5699 	///.
5700 	override Element appendChild(Element e) {
5701 		assert(0, "Cannot append to a special node");
5702 	}
5704 	///.
5705 	@property override int nodeType() const {
5706 		return 100;
5707 	}
5708 }
5710 ///.
5711 /// Group: implementations
5712 class RawSource : SpecialElement {
5713 	///.
5714 	this(Document _parentDocument, string s) {
5715 		super(_parentDocument);
5716 		source = s;
5717 		tagName = "#raw";
5718 	}
5720 	///.
5721 	override string nodeValue() const {
5722 		return this.toString();
5723 	}
5725 	///.
5726 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
5727 		where.put(source);
5728 		return source;
5729 	}
5731 	override string toPrettyString(bool, int, string) const {
5732 		return source;
5733 	}
5736 	override RawSource cloneNode(bool deep) {
5737 		return new RawSource(parentDocument, source);
5738 	}
5740 	///.
5741 	string source;
5742 }
5744 /// Group: implementations
5745 abstract class ServerSideCode : SpecialElement {
5746 	this(Document _parentDocument, string type) {
5747 		super(_parentDocument);
5748 		tagName = "#" ~ type;
5749 	}
5751 	///.
5752 	override string nodeValue() const {
5753 		return this.source;
5754 	}
5756 	///.
5757 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
5758 		auto start = where.data.length;
5759 		where.put("<");
5760 		where.put(source);
5761 		where.put(">");
5762 		return where.data[start .. $];
5763 	}
5765 	override string toPrettyString(bool, int, string) const {
5766 		return "<" ~ source ~ ">";
5767 	}
5769 	///.
5770 	string source;
5771 }
5773 ///.
5774 /// Group: implementations
5775 class PhpCode : ServerSideCode {
5776 	///.
5777 	this(Document _parentDocument, string s) {
5778 		super(_parentDocument, "php");
5779 		source = s;
5780 	}
5782 	override PhpCode cloneNode(bool deep) {
5783 		return new PhpCode(parentDocument, source);
5784 	}
5785 }
5787 ///.
5788 /// Group: implementations
5789 class AspCode : ServerSideCode {
5790 	///.
5791 	this(Document _parentDocument, string s) {
5792 		super(_parentDocument, "asp");
5793 		source = s;
5794 	}
5796 	override AspCode cloneNode(bool deep) {
5797 		return new AspCode(parentDocument, source);
5798 	}
5799 }
5801 ///.
5802 /// Group: implementations
5803 class BangInstruction : SpecialElement {
5804 	///.
5805 	this(Document _parentDocument, string s) {
5806 		super(_parentDocument);
5807 		source = s;
5808 		tagName = "#bpi";
5809 	}
5811 	///.
5812 	override string nodeValue() const {
5813 		return this.source;
5814 	}
5816 	override BangInstruction cloneNode(bool deep) {
5817 		return new BangInstruction(parentDocument, source);
5818 	}
5820 	///.
5821 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
5822 		auto start = where.data.length;
5823 		where.put("<!");
5824 		where.put(source);
5825 		where.put(">");
5826 		return where.data[start .. $];
5827 	}
5829 	override string toPrettyString(bool, int, string) const {
5830 		string s;
5831 		s ~= "<!";
5832 		s ~= source;
5833 		s ~= ">";
5834 		return s;
5835 	}
5837 	///.
5838 	string source;
5839 }
5841 ///.
5842 /// Group: implementations
5843 class QuestionInstruction : SpecialElement {
5844 	///.
5845 	this(Document _parentDocument, string s) {
5846 		super(_parentDocument);
5847 		source = s;
5848 		tagName = "#qpi";
5849 	}
5851 	override QuestionInstruction cloneNode(bool deep) {
5852 		return new QuestionInstruction(parentDocument, source);
5853 	}
5855 	///.
5856 	override string nodeValue() const {
5857 		return this.source;
5858 	}
5860 	///.
5861 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
5862 		auto start = where.data.length;
5863 		where.put("<");
5864 		where.put(source);
5865 		where.put(">");
5866 		return where.data[start .. $];
5867 	}
5869 	override string toPrettyString(bool, int, string) const {
5870 		string s;
5871 		s ~= "<";
5872 		s ~= source;
5873 		s ~= ">";
5874 		return s;
5875 	}
5878 	///.
5879 	string source;
5880 }
5882 ///.
5883 /// Group: implementations
5884 class HtmlComment : SpecialElement {
5885 	///.
5886 	this(Document _parentDocument, string s) {
5887 		super(_parentDocument);
5888 		source = s;
5889 		tagName = "#comment";
5890 	}
5892 	override HtmlComment cloneNode(bool deep) {
5893 		return new HtmlComment(parentDocument, source);
5894 	}
5896 	///.
5897 	override string nodeValue() const {
5898 		return this.source;
5899 	}
5901 	///.
5902 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
5903 		auto start = where.data.length;
5904 		where.put("<!--");
5905 		where.put(source);
5906 		where.put("-->");
5907 		return where.data[start .. $];
5908 	}
5910 	override string toPrettyString(bool, int, string) const {
5911 		string s;
5912 		s ~= "<!--";
5913 		s ~= source;
5914 		s ~= "-->";
5915 		return s;
5916 	}
5919 	///.
5920 	string source;
5921 }
5926 ///.
5927 /// Group: implementations
5928 class TextNode : Element {
5929   public:
5930 	///.
5931 	this(Document _parentDocument, string e) {
5932 		super(_parentDocument);
5933 		contents = e;
5934 		tagName = "#text";
5935 	}
5937 	///
5938 	this(string e) {
5939 		this(null, e);
5940 	}
5942 	string opDispatch(string name)(string v = null) if(0) { return null; } // text nodes don't have attributes
5944 	///.
5945 	static TextNode fromUndecodedString(Document _parentDocument, string html) {
5946 		auto e = new TextNode(_parentDocument, "");
5947 		e.contents = htmlEntitiesDecode(html, _parentDocument is null ? false : !_parentDocument.loose);
5948 		return e;
5949 	}
5951 	///.
5952 	override @property TextNode cloneNode(bool deep) {
5953 		auto n = new TextNode(parentDocument, contents);
5954 		return n;
5955 	}
5957 	///.
5958 	override string nodeValue() const {
5959 		return this.contents; //toString();
5960 	}
5962 	///.
5963 	@property override int nodeType() const {
5964 		return NodeType.Text;
5965 	}
5967 	///.
5968 	override string writeToAppender(Appender!string where = appender!string()) const {
5969 		string s;
5970 		if(contents.length)
5971 			s = htmlEntitiesEncode(contents, where);
5972 		else
5973 			s = "";
5975 		assert(s !is null);
5976 		return s;
5977 	}
5979 	override string toPrettyString(bool insertComments = false, int indentationLevel = 0, string indentWith = "\t") const {
5980 		string s;
5982 		string contents = this.contents;
5983 		// we will first collapse the whitespace per html
5984 		// sort of. note this can break stuff yo!!!!
5985 		if(this.parentNode is null || this.parentNode.tagName != "pre") {
5986 			string n = "";
5987 			bool lastWasWhitespace = indentationLevel > 0;
5988 			foreach(char c; contents) {
5989 				if(c.isSimpleWhite) {
5990 					if(!lastWasWhitespace)
5991 						n ~= ' ';
5992 					lastWasWhitespace = true;
5993 				} else {
5994 					n ~= c;
5995 					lastWasWhitespace = false;
5996 				}
5997 			}
5999 			contents = n;
6000 		}
6002 		if(this.parentNode !is null && this.parentNode.tagName != "p") {
6003 			contents = contents.strip;
6004 		}
6006 		auto e = htmlEntitiesEncode(contents);
6007 		import std.algorithm.iteration : splitter;
6008 		bool first = true;
6009 		foreach(line; splitter(e, "\n")) {
6010 			if(first) {
6011 				s ~= toPrettyStringIndent(insertComments, indentationLevel, indentWith);
6012 				first = false;
6013 			} else {
6014 				s ~= "\n";
6015 				if(insertComments)
6016 					s ~= "<!--";
6017 				foreach(i; 0 .. indentationLevel)
6018 					s ~= "\t";
6019 				if(insertComments)
6020 					s ~= "-->";
6021 			}
6022 			s ~= line.stripRight;
6023 		}
6024 		return s;
6025 	}
6027 	///.
6028 	override Element appendChild(Element e) {
6029 		assert(0, "Cannot append to a text node");
6030 	}
6032 	///.
6033 	string contents;
6034 	// alias contents content; // I just mistype this a lot,
6035 }
6037 /**
6038 	There are subclasses of Element offering improved helper
6039 	functions for the element in HTML.
6040 */
6042 ///.
6043 /// Group: implementations
6044 class Link : Element {
6046 	///.
6047 	this(Document _parentDocument) {
6048 		super(_parentDocument);
6049 		this.tagName = "a";
6050 	}
6053 	///.
6054 	this(string href, string text) {
6055 		super("a");
6056 		setAttribute("href", href);
6057 		innerText = text;
6058 	}
6059 /+
6060 	/// Returns everything in the href EXCEPT the query string
6061 	@property string targetSansQuery() {
6063 	}
6065 	///.
6066 	@property string domainName() {
6068 	}
6070 	///.
6071 	@property string path
6072 +/
6073 	/// This gets a variable from the URL's query string.
6074 	string getValue(string name) {
6075 		auto vars = variablesHash();
6076 		if(name in vars)
6077 			return vars[name];
6078 		return null;
6079 	}
6081 	private string[string] variablesHash() {
6082 		string href = getAttribute("href");
6083 		if(href is null)
6084 			return null;
6086 		auto ques = href.indexOf("?");
6087 		string str = "";
6088 		if(ques != -1) {
6089 			str = href[ques+1..$];
6091 			auto fragment = str.indexOf("#");
6092 			if(fragment != -1)
6093 				str = str[0..fragment];
6094 		}
6096 		string[] variables = str.split("&");
6098 		string[string] hash;
6100 		foreach(var; variables) {
6101 			auto index = var.indexOf("=");
6102 			if(index == -1)
6103 				hash[var] = "";
6104 			else {
6105 				hash[decodeComponent(var[0..index])] = decodeComponent(var[index + 1 .. $]);
6106 			}
6107 		}
6109 		return hash;
6110 	}
6112 	///.
6113 	/*private*/ void updateQueryString(string[string] vars) {
6114 		string href = getAttribute("href");
6116 		auto question = href.indexOf("?");
6117 		if(question != -1)
6118 			href = href[0..question];
6120 		string frag = "";
6121 		auto fragment = href.indexOf("#");
6122 		if(fragment != -1) {
6123 			frag = href[fragment..$];
6124 			href = href[0..fragment];
6125 		}
6127 		string query = "?";
6128 		bool first = true;
6129 		foreach(name, value; vars) {
6130 			if(!first)
6131 				query ~= "&";
6132 			else
6133 				first = false;
6135 			query ~= encodeComponent(name);
6136 			if(value.length)
6137 				query ~= "=" ~ encodeComponent(value);
6138 		}
6140 		if(query != "?")
6141 			href ~= query;
6143 		href ~= frag;
6145 		setAttribute("href", href);
6146 	}
6148 	/// Sets or adds the variable with the given name to the given value
6149 	/// It automatically URI encodes the values and takes care of the ? and &.
6150 	override void setValue(string name, string variable) {
6151 		auto vars = variablesHash();
6152 		vars[name] = variable;
6154 		updateQueryString(vars);
6155 	}
6157 	/// Removes the given variable from the query string
6158 	void removeValue(string name) {
6159 		auto vars = variablesHash();
6160 		vars.remove(name);
6162 		updateQueryString(vars);
6163 	}
6165 	/*
6166 	///.
6167 	override string toString() {
6169 	}
6171 	///.
6172 	override string getAttribute(string name) {
6173 		if(name == "href") {
6175 		} else
6176 			return super.getAttribute(name);
6177 	}
6178 	*/
6179 }
6181 ///.
6182 /// Group: implementations
6183 class Form : Element {
6185 	///.
6186 	this(Document _parentDocument) {
6187 		super(_parentDocument);
6188 		tagName = "form";
6189 	}
6191 	override Element addField(string label, string name, string type = "text", FormFieldOptions fieldOptions = FormFieldOptions.none) {
6192 		auto t = this.querySelector("fieldset div");
6193 		if(t is null)
6194 			return super.addField(label, name, type, fieldOptions);
6195 		else
6196 			return t.addField(label, name, type, fieldOptions);
6197 	}
6199 	override Element addField(string label, string name, FormFieldOptions fieldOptions) {
6200 		auto type = "text";
6201 		auto t = this.querySelector("fieldset div");
6202 		if(t is null)
6203 			return super.addField(label, name, type, fieldOptions);
6204 		else
6205 			return t.addField(label, name, type, fieldOptions);
6206 	}
6208 	override Element addField(string label, string name, string[string] options, FormFieldOptions fieldOptions = FormFieldOptions.none) {
6209 		auto t = this.querySelector("fieldset div");
6210 		if(t is null)
6211 			return super.addField(label, name, options, fieldOptions);
6212 		else
6213 			return t.addField(label, name, options, fieldOptions);
6214 	}
6216 	override void setValue(string field, string value) {
6217 		setValue(field, value, true);
6218 	}
6220 	// FIXME: doesn't handle arrays; multiple fields can have the same name
6222 	/// Set's the form field's value. For input boxes, this sets the value attribute. For
6223 	/// textareas, it sets the innerText. For radio boxes and select boxes, it removes
6224 	/// the checked/selected attribute from all, and adds it to the one matching the value.
6225 	/// For checkboxes, if the value is non-null and not empty, it checks the box.
6227 	/// If you set a value that doesn't exist, it throws an exception if makeNew is false.
6228 	/// Otherwise, it makes a new input with type=hidden to keep the value.
6229 	void setValue(string field, string value, bool makeNew) {
6230 		auto eles = getField(field);
6231 		if(eles.length == 0) {
6232 			if(makeNew) {
6233 				addInput(field, value);
6234 				return;
6235 			} else
6236 				throw new Exception("form field does not exist");
6237 		}
6239 		if(eles.length == 1) {
6240 			auto e = eles[0];
6241 			switch(e.tagName) {
6242 				default: assert(0);
6243 				case "textarea":
6244 					e.innerText = value;
6245 				break;
6246 				case "input":
6247 					string type = e.getAttribute("type");
6248 					if(type is null) {
6249 						e.value = value;
6250 						return;
6251 					}
6252 					switch(type) {
6253 						case "checkbox":
6254 						case "radio":
6255 							if(value.length && value != "false")
6256 								e.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
6257 							else
6258 								e.removeAttribute("checked");
6259 						break;
6260 						default:
6261 							e.value = value;
6262 							return;
6263 					}
6264 				break;
6265 				case "select":
6266 					bool found = false;
6267 					foreach(child; e.tree) {
6268 						if(child.tagName != "option")
6269 							continue;
6270 						string val = child.getAttribute("value");
6271 						if(val is null)
6272 							val = child.innerText;
6273 						if(val == value) {
6274 							child.setAttribute("selected", "selected");
6275 							found = true;
6276 						} else
6277 							child.removeAttribute("selected");
6278 					}
6280 					if(!found) {
6281 						e.addChild("option", value)
6282 						.setAttribute("selected", "selected");
6283 					}
6284 				break;
6285 			}
6286 		} else {
6287 			// assume radio boxes
6288 			foreach(e; eles) {
6289 				string val = e.getAttribute("value");
6290 				//if(val is null)
6291 				//	throw new Exception("don't know what to do with radio boxes with null value");
6292 				if(val == value)
6293 					e.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
6294 				else
6295 					e.removeAttribute("checked");
6296 			}
6297 		}
6298 	}
6300 	/// This takes an array of strings and adds hidden <input> elements for each one of them. Unlike setValue,
6301 	/// it makes no attempt to find and modify existing elements in the form to the new values.
6302 	void addValueArray(string key, string[] arrayOfValues) {
6303 		foreach(arr; arrayOfValues)
6304 			addChild("input", key, arr);
6305 	}
6307 	/// Gets the value of the field; what would be given if it submitted right now. (so
6308 	/// it handles select boxes and radio buttons too). For checkboxes, if a value isn't
6309 	/// given, but it is checked, it returns "checked", since null and "" are indistinguishable
6310 	string getValue(string field) {
6311 		auto eles = getField(field);
6312 		if(eles.length == 0)
6313 			return "";
6314 		if(eles.length == 1) {
6315 			auto e = eles[0];
6316 			switch(e.tagName) {
6317 				default: assert(0);
6318 				case "input":
6319 					if(e.type == "checkbox") {
6320 						if(e.checked)
6321 							return e.value.length ? e.value : "checked";
6322 						return "";
6323 					} else
6324 						return e.value;
6325 				case "textarea":
6326 					return e.innerText;
6327 				case "select":
6328 					foreach(child; e.tree) {
6329 						if(child.tagName != "option")
6330 							continue;
6331 						if(child.selected)
6332 							return child.value;
6333 					}
6334 				break;
6335 			}
6336 		} else {
6337 			// assuming radio
6338 			foreach(e; eles) {
6339 				if(e.checked)
6340 					return e.value;
6341 			}
6342 		}
6344 		return "";
6345 	}
6347 	// FIXME: doesn't handle multiple elements with the same name (except radio buttons)
6348 	///.
6349 	string getPostableData() {
6350 		bool[string] namesDone;
6352 		string ret;
6353 		bool outputted = false;
6355 		foreach(e; getElementsBySelector("[name]")) {
6356 			if(e.name in namesDone)
6357 				continue;
6359 			if(outputted)
6360 				ret ~= "&";
6361 			else
6362 				outputted = true;
6364 			ret ~= std.uri.encodeComponent(e.name) ~ "=" ~ std.uri.encodeComponent(getValue(e.name));
6366 			namesDone[e.name] = true;
6367 		}
6369 		return ret;
6370 	}
6372 	/// Gets the actual elements with the given name
6373 	Element[] getField(string name) {
6374 		Element[] ret;
6375 		foreach(e; tree) {
6376 			if(e.name == name)
6377 				ret ~= e;
6378 		}
6379 		return ret;
6380 	}
6382 	/// Grabs the <label> with the given for tag, if there is one.
6383 	Element getLabel(string forId) {
6384 		foreach(e; tree)
6385 			if(e.tagName == "label" && e.getAttribute("for") == forId)
6386 				return e;
6387 		return null;
6388 	}
6390 	/// Adds a new INPUT field to the end of the form with the given attributes.
6391 	Element addInput(string name, string value, string type = "hidden") {
6392 		auto e = new Element(parentDocument, "input", null, true);
6393 		e.name = name;
6394 		e.value = value;
6395 		e.type = type;
6397 		appendChild(e);
6399 		return e;
6400 	}
6402 	/// Removes the given field from the form. It finds the element and knocks it right out.
6403 	void removeField(string name) {
6404 		foreach(e; getField(name))
6405 			e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
6406 	}
6408 	/+
6409 	/// Returns all form members.
6410 	@property Element[] elements() {
6412 	}
6414 	///.
6415 	string opDispatch(string name)(string v = null)
6416 		// filter things that should actually be attributes on the form
6417 		if( name != "method" && name != "action" && name != "enctype"
6418 		 && name != "style"  && name != "name" && name != "id" && name != "class")
6419 	{
6421 	}
6422 	+/
6423 /+
6424 	void submit() {
6425 		// take its elements and submit them through http
6426 	}
6427 +/
6428 }
6430 import std.conv;
6432 ///.
6433 /// Group: implementations
6434 class Table : Element {
6436 	///.
6437 	this(Document _parentDocument) {
6438 		super(_parentDocument);
6439 		tagName = "table";
6440 	}
6442 	/// Creates an element with the given type and content.
6443 	Element th(T)(T t) {
6444 		Element e;
6445 		if(parentDocument !is null)
6446 			e = parentDocument.createElement("th");
6447 		else
6448 			e = Element.make("th");
6449 		static if(is(T == Html))
6450 			e.innerHTML = t;
6451 		else
6452 			e.innerText = to!string(t);
6453 		return e;
6454 	}
6456 	/// ditto
6457 	Element td(T)(T t) {
6458 		Element e;
6459 		if(parentDocument !is null)
6460 			e = parentDocument.createElement("td");
6461 		else
6462 			e = Element.make("td");
6463 		static if(is(T == Html))
6464 			e.innerHTML = t;
6465 		else
6466 			e.innerText = to!string(t);
6467 		return e;
6468 	}
6470 	/// .
6471 	Element appendHeaderRow(T...)(T t) {
6472 		return appendRowInternal("th", "thead", t);
6473 	}
6475 	/// .
6476 	Element appendFooterRow(T...)(T t) {
6477 		return appendRowInternal("td", "tfoot", t);
6478 	}
6480 	/// .
6481 	Element appendRow(T...)(T t) {
6482 		return appendRowInternal("td", "tbody", t);
6483 	}
6485 	void addColumnClasses(string[] classes...) {
6486 		auto grid = getGrid();
6487 		foreach(row; grid)
6488 		foreach(i, cl; classes) {
6489 			if(cl.length)
6490 			if(i < row.length)
6491 				row[i].addClass(cl);
6492 		}
6493 	}
6495 	private Element appendRowInternal(T...)(string innerType, string findType, T t) {
6496 		Element row = Element.make("tr");
6498 		foreach(e; t) {
6499 			static if(is(typeof(e) : Element)) {
6500 				if(e.tagName == "td" || e.tagName == "th")
6501 					row.appendChild(e);
6502 				else {
6503 					Element a = Element.make(innerType);
6505 					a.appendChild(e);
6507 					row.appendChild(a);
6508 				}
6509 			} else static if(is(typeof(e) == Html)) {
6510 				Element a = Element.make(innerType);
6511 				a.innerHTML = e.source;
6512 				row.appendChild(a);
6513 			} else static if(is(typeof(e) == Element[])) {
6514 				Element a = Element.make(innerType);
6515 				foreach(ele; e)
6516 					a.appendChild(ele);
6517 				row.appendChild(a);
6518 			} else static if(is(typeof(e) == string[])) {
6519 				foreach(ele; e) {
6520 					Element a = Element.make(innerType);
6521 					a.innerText = to!string(ele);
6522 					row.appendChild(a);
6523 				}
6524 			} else {
6525 				Element a = Element.make(innerType);
6526 				a.innerText = to!string(e);
6527 				row.appendChild(a);
6528 			}
6529 		}
6531 		foreach(e; children) {
6532 			if(e.tagName == findType) {
6533 				e.appendChild(row);
6534 				return row;
6535 			}
6536 		}
6538 		// the type was not found if we are here... let's add it so it is well-formed
6539 		auto lol = this.addChild(findType);
6540 		lol.appendChild(row);
6542 		return row;
6543 	}
6545 	///.
6546 	Element captionElement() {
6547 		Element cap;
6548 		foreach(c; children) {
6549 			if(c.tagName == "caption") {
6550 				cap = c;
6551 				break;
6552 			}
6553 		}
6555 		if(cap is null) {
6556 			cap = Element.make("caption");
6557 			appendChild(cap);
6558 		}
6560 		return cap;
6561 	}
6563 	///.
6564 	@property string caption() {
6565 		return captionElement().innerText;
6566 	}
6568 	///.
6569 	@property void caption(string text) {
6570 		captionElement().innerText = text;
6571 	}
6573 	/// Gets the logical layout of the table as a rectangular grid of
6574 	/// cells. It considers rowspan and colspan. A cell with a large
6575 	/// span is represented in the grid by being referenced several times.
6576 	/// The tablePortition parameter can get just a <thead>, <tbody>, or
6577 	/// <tfoot> portion if you pass one.
6578 	///
6579 	/// Note: the rectangular grid might include null cells.
6580 	///
6581 	/// This is kinda expensive so you should call once when you want the grid,
6582 	/// then do lookups on the returned array.
6583 	TableCell[][] getGrid(Element tablePortition = null)
6584 		in {
6585 			if(tablePortition is null)
6586 				assert(tablePortition is null);
6587 			else {
6588 				assert(tablePortition !is null);
6589 				assert(tablePortition.parentNode is this);
6590 				assert(
6591 					tablePortition.tagName == "tbody"
6592 					||
6593 					tablePortition.tagName == "tfoot"
6594 					||
6595 					tablePortition.tagName == "thead"
6596 				);
6597 			}
6598 		}
6599 	body {
6600 		if(tablePortition is null)
6601 			tablePortition = this;
6603 		TableCell[][] ret;
6605 		// FIXME: will also return rows of sub tables!
6606 		auto rows = tablePortition.getElementsByTagName("tr");
6607 		ret.length = rows.length;
6609 		int maxLength = 0;
6611 		int insertCell(int row, int position, TableCell cell) {
6612 			if(row >= ret.length)
6613 				return position; // not supposed to happen - a rowspan is prolly too big.
6615 			if(position == -1) {
6616 				position++;
6617 				foreach(item; ret[row]) {
6618 					if(item is null)
6619 						break;
6620 					position++;
6621 				}
6622 			}
6624 			if(position < ret[row].length)
6625 				ret[row][position] = cell;
6626 			else
6627 				foreach(i; ret[row].length .. position + 1) {
6628 					if(i == position)
6629 						ret[row] ~= cell;
6630 					else
6631 						ret[row] ~= null;
6632 				}
6633 			return position;
6634 		}
6636 		foreach(i, rowElement; rows) {
6637 			auto row = cast(TableRow) rowElement;
6638 			assert(row !is null);
6639 			assert(i < ret.length);
6641 			int position = 0;
6642 			foreach(cellElement; rowElement.childNodes) {
6643 				auto cell = cast(TableCell) cellElement;
6644 				if(cell is null)
6645 					continue;
6647 				// FIXME: colspan == 0 or rowspan == 0
6648 				// is supposed to mean fill in the rest of
6649 				// the table, not skip it
6650 				foreach(int j; 0 .. cell.colspan) {
6651 					foreach(int k; 0 .. cell.rowspan)
6652 						// if the first row, always append.
6653 						insertCell(k + cast(int) i, k == 0 ? -1 : position, cell);
6654 					position++;
6655 				}
6656 			}
6658 			if(ret[i].length > maxLength)
6659 				maxLength = cast(int) ret[i].length;
6660 		}
6662 		// want to ensure it's rectangular
6663 		foreach(ref r; ret) {
6664 			foreach(i; r.length .. maxLength)
6665 				r ~= null;
6666 		}
6668 		return ret;
6669 	}
6670 }
6672 /// Represents a table row element - a <tr>
6673 /// Group: implementations
6674 class TableRow : Element {
6675 	///.
6676 	this(Document _parentDocument) {
6677 		super(_parentDocument);
6678 		tagName = "tr";
6679 	}
6681 	// FIXME: the standard says there should be a lot more in here,
6682 	// but meh, I never use it and it's a pain to implement.
6683 }
6685 /// Represents anything that can be a table cell - <td> or <th> html.
6686 /// Group: implementations
6687 class TableCell : Element {
6688 	///.
6689 	this(Document _parentDocument, string _tagName) {
6690 		super(_parentDocument, _tagName);
6691 	}
6693 	@property int rowspan() const {
6694 		int ret = 1;
6695 		auto it = getAttribute("rowspan");
6696 		if(it.length)
6697 			ret = to!int(it);
6698 		return ret;
6699 	}
6701 	@property int colspan() const {
6702 		int ret = 1;
6703 		auto it = getAttribute("colspan");
6704 		if(it.length)
6705 			ret = to!int(it);
6706 		return ret;
6707 	}
6709 	@property int rowspan(int i) {
6710 		setAttribute("rowspan", to!string(i));
6711 		return i;
6712 	}
6714 	@property int colspan(int i) {
6715 		setAttribute("colspan", to!string(i));
6716 		return i;
6717 	}
6719 }
6722 ///.
6723 /// Group: implementations
6724 class MarkupException : Exception {
6726 	///.
6727 	this(string message, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
6728 		super(message, file, line);
6729 	}
6730 }
6732 /// This is used when you are using one of the require variants of navigation, and no matching element can be found in the tree.
6733 /// Group: implementations
6734 class ElementNotFoundException : Exception {
6736 	/// type == kind of element you were looking for and search == a selector describing the search.
6737 	this(string type, string search, Element searchContext, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
6738 		this.searchContext = searchContext;
6739 		super("Element of type '"~type~"' matching {"~search~"} not found.", file, line);
6740 	}
6742 	Element searchContext;
6743 }
6745 /// The html struct is used to differentiate between regular text nodes and html in certain functions
6746 ///
6747 /// Easiest way to construct it is like this: `auto html = Html("<p>hello</p>");`
6748 /// Group: core_functionality
6749 struct Html {
6750 	/// This string holds the actual html. Use it to retrieve the contents.
6751 	string source;
6752 }
6754 // for the observers
6755 enum DomMutationOperations {
6756 	setAttribute,
6757 	removeAttribute,
6758 	appendChild, // tagname, attributes[], innerHTML
6759 	insertBefore,
6760 	truncateChildren,
6761 	removeChild,
6762 	appendHtml,
6763 	replaceHtml,
6764 	appendText,
6765 	replaceText,
6766 	replaceTextOnly
6767 }
6769 // and for observers too
6770 struct DomMutationEvent {
6771 	DomMutationOperations operation;
6772 	Element target;
6773 	Element related; // what this means differs with the operation
6774 	Element related2;
6775 	string relatedString;
6776 	string relatedString2;
6777 }
6780 private immutable static string[] htmlSelfClosedElements = [
6781 	// html 4
6782 	"img", "hr", "input", "br", "col", "link", "meta",
6783 	// html 5
6784 	"source" ];
6786 private immutable static string[] inlineElements = [
6787 	"span", "strong", "em", "b", "i", "a"
6788 ];
6791 static import std.conv;
6793 ///.
6794 int intFromHex(string hex) {
6795 	int place = 1;
6796 	int value = 0;
6797 	for(sizediff_t a = hex.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
6798 		int v;
6799 		char q = hex[a];
6800 		if( q >= '0' && q <= '9')
6801 			v = q - '0';
6802 		else if (q >= 'a' && q <= 'f')
6803 			v = q - 'a' + 10;
6804 		else throw new Exception("Illegal hex character: " ~ q);
6806 		value += v * place;
6808 		place *= 16;
6809 	}
6811 	return value;
6812 }
6815 // CSS selector handling
6818 // dd - dt means get the dt directly before that dd (opposite of +)                  NOT IMPLEMENTED
6819 // dd -- dt means rewind siblings until you hit a dt, go as far as you need to       NOT IMPLEMENTED
6820 // dt < dl means get the parent of that dt iff it is a dl (usable for "get a dt that are direct children of dl")
6821 // dt << dl  means go as far up as needed to find a dl (you have an element and want its containers)      NOT IMPLEMENTED
6822 // :first  means to stop at the first hit, don't do more (so p + p == p ~ p:first
6826 // CSS4 draft currently says you can change the subject (the element actually returned) by putting a ! at the end of it.
6827 // That might be useful to implement, though I do have parent selectors too.
6829 		///.
6830 		static immutable string[] selectorTokens = [
6831 			// It is important that the 2 character possibilities go first here for accurate lexing
6832 		    "~=", "*=", "|=", "^=", "$=", "!=",
6833 		    "::", ">>",
6834 		    "<<", // my any-parent extension (reciprocal of whitespace)
6835 		    // " - ", // previous-sibling extension (whitespace required to disambiguate tag-names)
6836 		    ".", ">", "+", "*", ":", "[", "]", "=", "\"", "#", ",", " ", "~", "<", "(", ")"
6837 		]; // other is white space or a name.
6839 		///.
6840 		sizediff_t idToken(string str, sizediff_t position) {
6841 			sizediff_t tid = -1;
6842 			char c = str[position];
6843 			foreach(a, token; selectorTokens)
6845 				if(c == token[0]) {
6846 					if(token.length > 1) {
6847 						if(position + 1 >= str.length   ||   str[position+1] != token[1])
6848 							continue; // not this token
6849 					}
6850 					tid = a;
6851 					break;
6852 				}
6853 			return tid;
6854 		}
6856 	///.
6857 	// look, ma, no phobos!
6858 	// new lexer by ketmar
6859 	string[] lexSelector (string selstr) {
6861 		static sizediff_t idToken (string str, size_t stpos) {
6862 			char c = str[stpos];
6863 			foreach (sizediff_t tidx, immutable token; selectorTokens) {
6864 				if (c == token[0]) {
6865 					if (token.length > 1) {
6866 						assert(token.length == 2, token); // we don't have 3-char tokens yet
6867 						if (str.length-stpos < 2 || str[stpos+1] != token[1]) continue;
6868 					}
6869 					return tidx;
6870 				}
6871 			}
6872 			return -1;
6873 		}
6875 		// skip spaces and comments
6876 		static string removeLeadingBlanks (string str) {
6877 			size_t curpos = 0;
6878 			while (curpos < str.length) {
6879 				immutable char ch = str[curpos];
6880 				// this can overflow on 4GB strings on 32-bit; 'cmon, don't be silly, nobody cares!
6881 				if (ch == '/' && str.length-curpos > 1 && str[curpos+1] == '*') {
6882 					// comment
6883 					curpos += 2;
6884 					while (curpos < str.length) {
6885 						if (str[curpos] == '*' && str.length-curpos > 1 && str[curpos+1] == '/') {
6886 							curpos += 2;
6887 							break;
6888 						}
6889 						++curpos;
6890 					}
6891 				} else if (ch < 32) { // The < instead of <= is INTENTIONAL. See note from adr below.
6892 					++curpos;
6894 					// FROM ADR: This does NOT catch ' '! Spaces have semantic meaning in CSS! While
6895 					// "foo bar" is clear, and can only have one meaning, consider ".foo .bar".
6896 					// That is not the same as ".foo.bar". If the space is stripped, important
6897 					// information is lost, despite the tokens being separatable anyway.
6898 					//
6899 					// The parser really needs to be aware of the presence of a space.
6900 				} else {
6901 					break;
6902 				}
6903 			}
6904 			return str[curpos..$];
6905 		}
6907 		static bool isBlankAt() (string str, size_t pos) {
6908 			// we should consider unicode spaces too, but... unicode sux anyway.
6909 			return
6910 				(pos < str.length && // in string
6911 				 (str[pos] <= 32 || // space
6912 					(str.length-pos > 1 && str[pos] == '/' && str[pos+1] == '*'))); // comment
6913 		}
6915 		string[] tokens;
6916 		// lexx it!
6917 		while ((selstr = removeLeadingBlanks(selstr)).length > 0) {
6918 			if(selstr[0] == '\"' || selstr[0] == '\'') {
6919 				auto end = selstr[0];
6920 				auto pos = 1;
6921 				bool escaping;
6922 				while(pos < selstr.length && !escaping && selstr[pos] != end) {
6923 					if(escaping)
6924 						escaping = false;
6925 					else if(selstr[pos] == '\\')
6926 						escaping = true;
6927 					pos++;
6928 				}
6930 				// FIXME: do better unescaping
6931 				tokens ~= selstr[1 .. pos].replace(`\"`, `"`).replace(`\'`, `'`).replace(`\\`, `\`);
6932 				if(pos+1 >= selstr.length)
6933 					assert(0, selstr);
6934 				selstr = selstr[pos + 1.. $];
6935 				continue;
6936 			}
6939 			// no tokens starts with escape
6940 			immutable tid = idToken(selstr, 0);
6941 			if (tid >= 0) {
6942 				// special token
6943 				tokens ~= selectorTokens[tid]; // it's funnier this way
6944 				selstr = selstr[selectorTokens[tid].length..$];
6945 				continue;
6946 			}
6947 			// from start to space or special token
6948 			size_t escapePos = size_t.max;
6949 			size_t curpos = 0; // i can has chizburger^w escape at the start
6950 			while (curpos < selstr.length) {
6951 				if (selstr[curpos] == '\\') {
6952 					// this is escape, just skip it and next char
6953 					if (escapePos == size_t.max) escapePos = curpos;
6954 					curpos = (selstr.length-curpos >= 2 ? curpos+2 : selstr.length);
6955 				} else {
6956 					if (isBlankAt(selstr, curpos) || idToken(selstr, curpos) >= 0) break;
6957 					++curpos;
6958 				}
6959 			}
6960 			// identifier
6961 			if (escapePos != size_t.max) {
6962 				// i hate it when it happens
6963 				string id = selstr[0..escapePos];
6964 				while (escapePos < curpos) {
6965 					if (curpos-escapePos < 2) break;
6966 					id ~= selstr[escapePos+1]; // escaped char
6967 					escapePos += 2;
6968 					immutable stp = escapePos;
6969 					while (escapePos < curpos && selstr[escapePos] != '\\') ++escapePos;
6970 					if (escapePos > stp) id ~= selstr[stp..escapePos];
6971 				}
6972 				if (id.length > 0) tokens ~= id;
6973 			} else {
6974 				tokens ~= selstr[0..curpos];
6975 			}
6976 			selstr = selstr[curpos..$];
6977 		}
6978 		return tokens;
6979 	}
6980 	version(unittest_domd_lexer) unittest {
6981 		assert(lexSelector(r" test\=me  /*d*/") == [r"test=me"]);
6982 		assert(lexSelector(r"div/**/. id") == ["div", ".", "id"]);
6983 		assert(lexSelector(r" < <") == ["<", "<"]);
6984 		assert(lexSelector(r" <<") == ["<<"]);
6985 		assert(lexSelector(r" <</") == ["<<", "/"]);
6986 		assert(lexSelector(r" <</*") == ["<<"]);
6987 		assert(lexSelector(r" <\</*") == ["<", "<"]);
6988 		assert(lexSelector(r"heh\") == ["heh"]);
6989 		assert(lexSelector(r"alice \") == ["alice"]);
6990 		assert(lexSelector(r"alice,is#best") == ["alice", ",", "is", "#", "best"]);
6991 	}
6993 	///.
6994 	struct SelectorPart {
6995 		string tagNameFilter; ///.
6996 		string[] attributesPresent; /// [attr]
6997 		string[2][] attributesEqual; /// [attr=value]
6998 		string[2][] attributesStartsWith; /// [attr^=value]
6999 		string[2][] attributesEndsWith; /// [attr$=value]
7000 		// split it on space, then match to these
7001 		string[2][] attributesIncludesSeparatedBySpaces; /// [attr~=value]
7002 		// split it on dash, then match to these
7003 		string[2][] attributesIncludesSeparatedByDashes; /// [attr|=value]
7004 		string[2][] attributesInclude; /// [attr*=value]
7005 		string[2][] attributesNotEqual; /// [attr!=value] -- extension by me
7007 		string[] hasSelectors; /// :has(this)
7008 		string[] notSelectors; /// :not(this)
7010 		string[] isSelectors; /// :is(this)
7011 		string[] whereSelectors; /// :where(this)
7013 		ParsedNth[] nthOfType; /// .
7014 		ParsedNth[] nthLastOfType; /// .
7015 		ParsedNth[] nthChild; /// .
7017 		bool firstChild; ///.
7018 		bool lastChild; ///.
7020 		bool firstOfType; /// .
7021 		bool lastOfType; /// .
7023 		bool emptyElement; ///.
7024 		bool whitespaceOnly; ///
7025 		bool oddChild; ///.
7026 		bool evenChild; ///.
7028 		bool scopeElement; /// the css :scope thing; matches just the `this` element. NOT IMPLEMENTED
7030 		bool rootElement; ///.
7032 		int separation = -1; /// -1 == only itself; the null selector, 0 == tree, 1 == childNodes, 2 == childAfter, 3 == youngerSibling, 4 == parentOf
7034 		bool isCleanSlateExceptSeparation() {
7035 			auto cp = this;
7036 			cp.separation = -1;
7037 			return cp is SelectorPart.init;
7038 		}
7040 		///.
7041 		string toString() {
7042 			string ret;
7043 			switch(separation) {
7044 				default: assert(0);
7045 				case -1: break;
7046 				case 0: ret ~= " "; break;
7047 				case 1: ret ~= " > "; break;
7048 				case 2: ret ~= " + "; break;
7049 				case 3: ret ~= " ~ "; break;
7050 				case 4: ret ~= " < "; break;
7051 			}
7052 			ret ~= tagNameFilter;
7053 			foreach(a; attributesPresent) ret ~= "[" ~ a ~ "]";
7054 			foreach(a; attributesEqual) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7055 			foreach(a; attributesEndsWith) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "$=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7056 			foreach(a; attributesStartsWith) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "^=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7057 			foreach(a; attributesNotEqual) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "!=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7058 			foreach(a; attributesInclude) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "*=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7059 			foreach(a; attributesIncludesSeparatedByDashes) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "|=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7060 			foreach(a; attributesIncludesSeparatedBySpaces) ret ~= "[" ~ a[0] ~ "~=\"" ~ a[1] ~ "\"]";
7062 			foreach(a; notSelectors) ret ~= ":not(" ~ a ~ ")";
7063 			foreach(a; hasSelectors) ret ~= ":has(" ~ a ~ ")";
7065 			foreach(a; isSelectors) ret ~= ":is(" ~ a ~ ")";
7066 			foreach(a; whereSelectors) ret ~= ":where(" ~ a ~ ")";
7068 			foreach(a; nthChild) ret ~= ":nth-child(" ~ a.toString ~ ")";
7069 			foreach(a; nthOfType) ret ~= ":nth-of-type(" ~ a.toString ~ ")";
7070 			foreach(a; nthLastOfType) ret ~= ":nth-last-of-type(" ~ a.toString ~ ")";
7072 			if(firstChild) ret ~= ":first-child";
7073 			if(lastChild) ret ~= ":last-child";
7074 			if(firstOfType) ret ~= ":first-of-type";
7075 			if(lastOfType) ret ~= ":last-of-type";
7076 			if(emptyElement) ret ~= ":empty";
7077 			if(whitespaceOnly) ret ~= ":whitespace-only";
7078 			if(oddChild) ret ~= ":odd-child";
7079 			if(evenChild) ret ~= ":even-child";
7080 			if(rootElement) ret ~= ":root";
7081 			if(scopeElement) ret ~= ":scope";
7083 			return ret;
7084 		}
7086 		// USEFUL
7087 		///.
7088 		bool matchElement(Element e) {
7089 			// FIXME: this can be called a lot of times, and really add up in times according to the profiler.
7090 			// Each individual call is reasonably fast already, but it adds up.
7091 			if(e is null) return false;
7092 			if(e.nodeType != 1) return false;
7094 			if(tagNameFilter != "" && tagNameFilter != "*")
7095 				if(e.tagName != tagNameFilter)
7096 					return false;
7097 			if(firstChild) {
7098 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7099 					return false;
7100 				if(e.parentNode.childElements[0] !is e)
7101 					return false;
7102 			}
7103 			if(lastChild) {
7104 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7105 					return false;
7106 				auto ce = e.parentNode.childElements;
7107 				if(ce[$-1] !is e)
7108 					return false;
7109 			}
7110 			if(firstOfType) {
7111 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7112 					return false;
7113 				auto ce = e.parentNode.childElements;
7114 				foreach(c; ce) {
7115 					if(c.tagName == e.tagName) {
7116 						if(c is e)
7117 							return true;
7118 						else
7119 							return false;
7120 					}
7121 				}
7122 			}
7123 			if(lastOfType) {
7124 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7125 					return false;
7126 				auto ce = e.parentNode.childElements;
7127 				foreach_reverse(c; ce) {
7128 					if(c.tagName == e.tagName) {
7129 						if(c is e)
7130 							return true;
7131 						else
7132 							return false;
7133 					}
7134 				}
7135 			}
7136 			/+
7137 			if(scopeElement) {
7138 				if(e !is this_)
7139 					return false;
7140 			}
7141 			+/
7142 			if(emptyElement) {
7143 				if(e.children.length)
7144 					return false;
7145 			}
7146 			if(whitespaceOnly) {
7147 				if(e.innerText.strip.length)
7148 					return false;
7149 			}
7150 			if(rootElement) {
7151 				if(e.parentNode !is null)
7152 					return false;
7153 			}
7154 			if(oddChild || evenChild) {
7155 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7156 					return false;
7157 				foreach(i, child; e.parentNode.childElements) {
7158 					if(child is e) {
7159 						if(oddChild && !(i&1))
7160 							return false;
7161 						if(evenChild && (i&1))
7162 							return false;
7163 						break;
7164 					}
7165 				}
7166 			}
7168 			bool matchWithSeparator(string attr, string value, string separator) {
7169 				foreach(s; attr.split(separator))
7170 					if(s == value)
7171 						return true;
7172 				return false;
7173 			}
7175 			foreach(a; attributesPresent)
7176 				if(a !in e.attributes)
7177 					return false;
7178 			foreach(a; attributesEqual)
7179 				if(a[0] !in e.attributes || e.attributes[a[0]] != a[1])
7180 					return false;
7181 			foreach(a; attributesNotEqual)
7182 				// FIXME: maybe it should say null counts... this just bit me.
7183 				// I did [attr][attr!=value] to work around.
7184 				//
7185 				// if it's null, it's not equal, right?
7186 				//if(a[0] !in e.attributes || e.attributes[a[0]] == a[1])
7187 				if(e.getAttribute(a[0]) == a[1])
7188 					return false;
7189 			foreach(a; attributesInclude)
7190 				if(a[0] !in e.attributes || (e.attributes[a[0]].indexOf(a[1]) == -1))
7191 					return false;
7192 			foreach(a; attributesStartsWith)
7193 				if(a[0] !in e.attributes || !e.attributes[a[0]].startsWith(a[1]))
7194 					return false;
7195 			foreach(a; attributesEndsWith)
7196 				if(a[0] !in e.attributes || !e.attributes[a[0]].endsWith(a[1]))
7197 					return false;
7198 			foreach(a; attributesIncludesSeparatedBySpaces)
7199 				if(a[0] !in e.attributes || !matchWithSeparator(e.attributes[a[0]], a[1], " "))
7200 					return false;
7201 			foreach(a; attributesIncludesSeparatedByDashes)
7202 				if(a[0] !in e.attributes || !matchWithSeparator(e.attributes[a[0]], a[1], "-"))
7203 					return false;
7204 			foreach(a; hasSelectors) {
7205 				if(e.querySelector(a) is null)
7206 					return false;
7207 			}
7208 			foreach(a; notSelectors) {
7209 				auto sel = Selector(a);
7210 				if(sel.matchesElement(e))
7211 					return false;
7212 			}
7213 			foreach(a; isSelectors) {
7214 				auto sel = Selector(a);
7215 				if(!sel.matchesElement(e))
7216 					return false;
7217 			}
7218 			foreach(a; whereSelectors) {
7219 				auto sel = Selector(a);
7220 				if(!sel.matchesElement(e))
7221 					return false;
7222 			}
7224 			foreach(a; nthChild) {
7225 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7226 					return false;
7228 				auto among = e.parentNode.childElements;
7230 				if(!a.solvesFor(among, e))
7231 					return false;
7232 			}
7233 			foreach(a; nthOfType) {
7234 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7235 					return false;
7237 				auto among = e.parentNode.childElements(e.tagName);
7239 				if(!a.solvesFor(among, e))
7240 					return false;
7241 			}
7242 			foreach(a; nthLastOfType) {
7243 				if(e.parentNode is null)
7244 					return false;
7246 				auto among = retro(e.parentNode.childElements(e.tagName));
7248 				if(!a.solvesFor(among, e))
7249 					return false;
7250 			}
7252 			return true;
7253 		}
7254 	}
7256 	struct ParsedNth {
7257 		int multiplier;
7258 		int adder;
7260 		string of;
7262 		this(string text) {
7263 			auto original = text;
7264 			consumeWhitespace(text);
7265 			if(text.startsWith("odd")) {
7266 				multiplier = 2;
7267 				adder = 1;
7269 				text = text[3 .. $];
7270 			} else if(text.startsWith("even")) {
7271 				multiplier = 2;
7272 				adder = 1;
7274 				text = text[4 .. $];
7275 			} else {
7276 				int n = (text.length && text[0] == 'n') ? 1 : parseNumber(text);
7277 				consumeWhitespace(text);
7278 				if(text.length && text[0] == 'n') {
7279 					multiplier = n;
7280 					text = text[1 .. $];
7281 					consumeWhitespace(text);
7282 					if(text.length) {
7283 						if(text[0] == '+') {
7284 							text = text[1 .. $];
7285 							adder = parseNumber(text);
7286 						} else if(text[0] == '-') {
7287 							text = text[1 .. $];
7288 							adder = -parseNumber(text);
7289 						} else if(text[0] == 'o') {
7290 							// continue, this is handled below
7291 						} else
7292 							throw new Exception("invalid css string at " ~ text ~ " in " ~ original);
7293 					}
7294 				} else {
7295 					adder = n;
7296 				}
7297 			}
7299 			consumeWhitespace(text);
7300 			if(text.startsWith("of")) {
7301 				text = text[2 .. $];
7302 				consumeWhitespace(text);
7303 				of = text[0 .. $];
7304 			}
7305 		}
7307 		string toString() {
7308 			return format("%dn%s%d%s%s", multiplier, adder >= 0 ? "+" : "", adder, of.length ? " of " : "", of);
7309 		}
7311 		bool solvesFor(R)(R elements, Element e) {
7312 			int idx = 1;
7313 			bool found = false;
7314 			foreach(ele; elements) {
7315 				if(of.length) {
7316 					auto sel = Selector(of);
7317 					if(!sel.matchesElement(ele))
7318 						continue;
7319 				}
7320 				if(ele is e) {
7321 					found = true;
7322 					break;
7323 				}
7324 				idx++;
7325 			}
7326 			if(!found) return false;
7328 			// multiplier* n + adder = idx
7329 			// if there is a solution for integral n, it matches
7331 			idx -= adder;
7332 			if(multiplier) {
7333 				if(idx % multiplier == 0)
7334 					return true;
7335 			} else {
7336 				return idx == 0;
7337 			}
7338 			return false;
7339 		}
7341 		private void consumeWhitespace(ref string text) {
7342 			while(text.length && text[0] == ' ')
7343 				text = text[1 .. $];
7344 		}
7346 		private int parseNumber(ref string text) {
7347 			consumeWhitespace(text);
7348 			if(text.length == 0) return 0;
7349 			bool negative = text[0] == '-';
7350 			if(text[0] == '+')
7351 				text = text[1 .. $];
7352 			if(negative) text = text[1 .. $];
7353 			int i = 0;
7354 			while(i < text.length && (text[i] >= '0' && text[i] <= '9'))
7355 				i++;
7356 			if(i == 0)
7357 				return 0;
7358 			int cool = to!int(text[0 .. i]);
7359 			text = text[i .. $];
7360 			return negative ? -cool : cool;
7361 		}
7362 	}
7364 	// USEFUL
7365 	///.
7366 	Element[] getElementsBySelectorParts(Element start, SelectorPart[] parts) {
7367 		Element[] ret;
7368 		if(!parts.length) {
7369 			return [start]; // the null selector only matches the start point; it
7370 				// is what terminates the recursion
7371 		}
7373 		auto part = parts[0];
7374 		//writeln("checking ", part, " against ", start, " with ", part.separation);
7375 		switch(part.separation) {
7376 			default: assert(0);
7377 			case -1:
7378 			case 0: // tree
7379 				foreach(e; start.tree) {
7380 					if(part.separation == 0 && start is e)
7381 						continue; // space doesn't match itself!
7382 					if(part.matchElement(e)) {
7383 						ret ~= getElementsBySelectorParts(e, parts[1..$]);
7384 					}
7385 				}
7386 			break;
7387 			case 1: // children
7388 				foreach(e; start.childNodes) {
7389 					if(part.matchElement(e)) {
7390 						ret ~= getElementsBySelectorParts(e, parts[1..$]);
7391 					}
7392 				}
7393 			break;
7394 			case 2: // next-sibling
7395 				auto e = start.nextSibling("*");
7396 				if(part.matchElement(e))
7397 					ret ~= getElementsBySelectorParts(e, parts[1..$]);
7398 			break;
7399 			case 3: // younger sibling
7400 				auto tmp = start.parentNode;
7401 				if(tmp !is null) {
7402 					sizediff_t pos = -1;
7403 					auto children = tmp.childElements;
7404 					foreach(i, child; children) {
7405 						if(child is start) {
7406 							pos = i;
7407 							break;
7408 						}
7409 					}
7410 					assert(pos != -1);
7411 					foreach(e; children[pos+1..$]) {
7412 						if(part.matchElement(e))
7413 							ret ~= getElementsBySelectorParts(e, parts[1..$]);
7414 					}
7415 				}
7416 			break;
7417 			case 4: // immediate parent node, an extension of mine to walk back up the tree
7418 				auto e = start.parentNode;
7419 				if(part.matchElement(e)) {
7420 					ret ~= getElementsBySelectorParts(e, parts[1..$]);
7421 				}
7422 				/*
7423 					Example of usefulness:
7425 					Consider you have an HTML table. If you want to get all rows that have a th, you can do:
7427 					table th < tr
7429 					Get all th descendants of the table, then walk back up the tree to fetch their parent tr nodes
7430 				*/
7431 			break;
7432 			case 5: // any parent note, another extension of mine to go up the tree (backward of the whitespace operator)
7433 				/*
7434 					Like with the < operator, this is best used to find some parent of a particular known element.
7436 					Say you have an anchor inside a
7437 				*/
7438 		}
7440 		return ret;
7441 	}
7443 	/++
7444 		Represents a parsed CSS selector. You never have to use this directly, but you can if you know it is going to be reused a lot to avoid a bit of repeat parsing.
7446 		See_Also:
7447 			$(LIST
7448 				* [Element.querySelector]
7449 				* [Element.querySelectorAll]
7450 				* [Element.matches]
7451 				* [Element.closest]
7452 				* [Document.querySelector]
7453 				* [Document.querySelectorAll]
7454 			)
7455 	+/
7456 	/// Group: core_functionality
7457 	struct Selector {
7458 		SelectorComponent[] components;
7459 		string original;
7460 		/++
7461 			Parses the selector string and constructs the usable structure.
7462 		+/
7463 		this(string cssSelector) {
7464 			components = parseSelectorString(cssSelector);
7465 			original = cssSelector;
7466 		}
7468 		/++
7469 			Returns true if the given element matches this selector,
7470 			considered relative to an arbitrary element.
7472 			You can do a form of lazy [Element.querySelectorAll|querySelectorAll] by using this
7473 			with [std.algorithm.iteration.filter]:
7475 			---
7476 			Selector sel = Selector("foo > bar");
7477 			auto lazySelectorRange = element.tree.filter!(e => sel.matchElement(e))(document.root);
7478 			---
7479 		+/
7480 		bool matchesElement(Element e, Element relativeTo = null) {
7481 			foreach(component; components)
7482 				if(component.matchElement(e, relativeTo))
7483 					return true;
7485 			return false;
7486 		}
7488 		/++
7489 			Reciprocal of [Element.querySelectorAll]
7490 		+/
7491 		Element[] getMatchingElements(Element start) {
7492 			Element[] ret;
7493 			foreach(component; components)
7494 				ret ~= getElementsBySelectorParts(start, component.parts);
7495 			return removeDuplicates(ret);
7496 		}
7498 		/++
7499 			Like [getMatchingElements], but returns a lazy range. Be careful
7500 			about mutating the dom as you iterate through this.
7501 		+/
7502 		auto getMatchingElementsLazy(Element start, Element relativeTo = null) {
7503 			import std.algorithm.iteration;
7504 			return start.tree.filter!(a => this.matchesElement(a, relativeTo));
7505 		}
7508 		/// Returns the string this was built from
7509 		string toString() {
7510 			return original;
7511 		}
7513 		/++
7514 			Returns a string from the parsed result
7517 			(may not match the original, this is mostly for debugging right now but in the future might be useful for pretty-printing)
7518 		+/
7519 		string parsedToString() {
7520 			string ret;
7522 			foreach(idx, component; components) {
7523 				if(idx) ret ~= ", ";
7524 				ret ~= component.toString();
7525 			}
7527 			return ret;
7528 		}
7529 	}
7531 	///.
7532 	struct SelectorComponent {
7533 		///.
7534 		SelectorPart[] parts;
7536 		///.
7537 		string toString() {
7538 			string ret;
7539 			foreach(part; parts)
7540 				ret ~= part.toString();
7541 			return ret;
7542 		}
7544 		// USEFUL
7545 		///.
7546 		Element[] getElements(Element start) {
7547 			return removeDuplicates(getElementsBySelectorParts(start, parts));
7548 		}
7550 		// USEFUL (but not implemented)
7551 		/// If relativeTo == null, it assumes the root of the parent document.
7552 		bool matchElement(Element e, Element relativeTo = null) {
7553 			if(e is null) return false;
7554 			Element where = e;
7555 			int lastSeparation = -1;
7557 			auto lparts = parts;
7559 			if(parts.length && parts[0].separation > 0) {
7560 				// if it starts with a non-trivial separator, inject
7561 				// a "*" matcher to act as a root. for cases like document.querySelector("> body")
7562 				// which implies html
7564 				// there is probably a MUCH better way to do this.
7565 				auto dummy = SelectorPart.init;
7566 				dummy.tagNameFilter = "*";
7567 				dummy.separation = 0;
7568 				lparts = dummy ~ lparts;
7569 			}
7571 			foreach(part; retro(lparts)) {
7573 				 // writeln("matching ", where, " with ", part, " via ", lastSeparation);
7574 				 // writeln(parts);
7576 				if(lastSeparation == -1) {
7577 					if(!part.matchElement(where))
7578 						return false;
7579 				} else if(lastSeparation == 0) { // generic parent
7580 					// need to go up the whole chain
7581 					where = where.parentNode;
7583 					while(where !is null) {
7584 						if(part.matchElement(where))
7585 							break;
7587 						if(where is relativeTo)
7588 							return false;
7590 						where = where.parentNode;
7591 					}
7593 					if(where is null)
7594 						return false;
7595 				} else if(lastSeparation == 1) { // the > operator
7596 					where = where.parentNode;
7598 					if(!part.matchElement(where))
7599 						return false;
7600 				} else if(lastSeparation == 2) { // the + operator
7601 				//writeln("WHERE", where, " ", part);
7602 					where = where.previousSibling("*");
7604 					if(!part.matchElement(where))
7605 						return false;
7606 				} else if(lastSeparation == 3) { // the ~ operator
7607 					where = where.previousSibling("*");
7608 					while(where !is null) {
7609 						if(part.matchElement(where))
7610 							break;
7612 						if(where is relativeTo)
7613 							return false;
7615 						where = where.previousSibling("*");
7616 					}
7618 					if(where is null)
7619 						return false;
7620 				} else if(lastSeparation == 4) { // my bad idea extension < operator, don't use this anymore
7621 					// FIXME
7622 				}
7624 				lastSeparation = part.separation;
7626 				if(where is relativeTo)
7627 					return false; // at end of line, if we aren't done by now, the match fails
7628 			}
7629 			return true; // if we got here, it is a success
7630 		}
7632 		// the string should NOT have commas. Use parseSelectorString for that instead
7633 		///.
7634 		static SelectorComponent fromString(string selector) {
7635 			return parseSelector(lexSelector(selector));
7636 		}
7637 	}
7639 	///.
7640 	SelectorComponent[] parseSelectorString(string selector, bool caseSensitiveTags = true) {
7641 		SelectorComponent[] ret;
7642 		auto tokens = lexSelector(selector); // this will parse commas too
7643 		// and now do comma-separated slices (i haz phobosophobia!)
7644 		int parensCount = 0;
7645 		while (tokens.length > 0) {
7646 			size_t end = 0;
7647 			while (end < tokens.length && (parensCount > 0 || tokens[end] != ",")) {
7648 				if(tokens[end] == "(") parensCount++;
7649 				if(tokens[end] == ")") parensCount--;
7650 				++end;
7651 			}
7652 			if (end > 0) ret ~= parseSelector(tokens[0..end], caseSensitiveTags);
7653 			if (tokens.length-end < 2) break;
7654 			tokens = tokens[end+1..$];
7655 		}
7656 		return ret;
7657 	}
7659 	///.
7660 	SelectorComponent parseSelector(string[] tokens, bool caseSensitiveTags = true) {
7661 		SelectorComponent s;
7663 		SelectorPart current;
7664 		void commit() {
7665 			// might as well skip null items
7666 			if(!current.isCleanSlateExceptSeparation()) {
7667 				s.parts ~= current;
7668 				current = current.init; // start right over
7669 			}
7670 		}
7671 		enum State {
7672 			Starting,
7673 			ReadingClass,
7674 			ReadingId,
7675 			ReadingAttributeSelector,
7676 			ReadingAttributeComparison,
7677 			ExpectingAttributeCloser,
7678 			ReadingPseudoClass,
7679 			ReadingAttributeValue,
7681 			SkippingFunctionalSelector,
7682 		}
7683 		State state = State.Starting;
7684 		string attributeName, attributeValue, attributeComparison;
7685 		int parensCount;
7686 		foreach(idx, token; tokens) {
7687 			string readFunctionalSelector() {
7688 				string s;
7689 				if(tokens[idx + 1] != "(")
7690 					throw new Exception("parse error");
7691 				int pc = 1;
7692 				foreach(t; tokens[idx + 2 .. $]) {
7693 					if(t == "(")
7694 						pc++;
7695 					if(t == ")")
7696 						pc--;
7697 					if(pc == 0)
7698 						break;
7699 					s ~= t;
7700 				}
7702 				return s;
7703 			}
7705 			sizediff_t tid = -1;
7706 			foreach(i, item; selectorTokens)
7707 				if(token == item) {
7708 					tid = i;
7709 					break;
7710 				}
7711 			final switch(state) {
7712 				case State.Starting: // fresh, might be reading an operator or a tagname
7713 					if(tid == -1) {
7714 						if(!caseSensitiveTags)
7715 							token = token.toLower();
7717 						if(current.isCleanSlateExceptSeparation()) {
7718 							current.tagNameFilter = token;
7719 							// default thing, see comment under "*" below
7720 							if(current.separation == -1) current.separation = 0;
7721 						} else {
7722 							// if it was already set, we must see two thingies
7723 							// separated by whitespace...
7724 							commit();
7725 							current.separation = 0; // tree
7726 							current.tagNameFilter = token;
7727 						}
7728 					} else {
7729 						// Selector operators
7730 						switch(token) {
7731 							case "*":
7732 								current.tagNameFilter = "*";
7733 								// the idea here is if we haven't actually set a separation
7734 								// yet (e.g. the > operator), it should assume the generic
7735 								// whitespace (descendant) mode to avoid matching self with -1
7736 								if(current.separation == -1) current.separation = 0;
7737 							break;
7738 							case " ":
7739 								// If some other separation has already been set,
7740 								// this is irrelevant whitespace, so we should skip it.
7741 								// this happens in the case of "foo > bar" for example.
7742 								if(current.isCleanSlateExceptSeparation() && current.separation > 0)
7743 									continue;
7744 								commit();
7745 								current.separation = 0; // tree
7746 							break;
7747 							case ">>":
7748 								commit();
7749 								current.separation = 0; // alternate syntax for tree from html5 css
7750 							break;
7751 							case ">":
7752 								commit();
7753 								current.separation = 1; // child
7754 							break;
7755 							case "+":
7756 								commit();
7757 								current.separation = 2; // sibling directly after
7758 							break;
7759 							case "~":
7760 								commit();
7761 								current.separation = 3; // any sibling after
7762 							break;
7763 							case "<":
7764 								commit();
7765 								current.separation = 4; // immediate parent of
7766 							break;
7767 							case "[":
7768 								state = State.ReadingAttributeSelector;
7769 								if(current.separation == -1) current.separation = 0;
7770 							break;
7771 							case ".":
7772 								state = State.ReadingClass;
7773 								if(current.separation == -1) current.separation = 0;
7774 							break;
7775 							case "#":
7776 								state = State.ReadingId;
7777 								if(current.separation == -1) current.separation = 0;
7778 							break;
7779 							case ":":
7780 							case "::":
7781 								state = State.ReadingPseudoClass;
7782 								if(current.separation == -1) current.separation = 0;
7783 							break;
7785 							default:
7786 								assert(0, token);
7787 						}
7788 					}
7789 				break;
7790 				case State.ReadingClass:
7791 					current.attributesIncludesSeparatedBySpaces ~= ["class", token];
7792 					state = State.Starting;
7793 				break;
7794 				case State.ReadingId:
7795 					current.attributesEqual ~= ["id", token];
7796 					state = State.Starting;
7797 				break;
7798 				case State.ReadingPseudoClass:
7799 					switch(token) {
7800 						case "first-of-type":
7801 							current.firstOfType = true;
7802 						break;
7803 						case "last-of-type":
7804 							current.lastOfType = true;
7805 						break;
7806 						case "only-of-type":
7807 							current.firstOfType = true;
7808 							current.lastOfType = true;
7809 						break;
7810 						case "first-child":
7811 							current.firstChild = true;
7812 						break;
7813 						case "last-child":
7814 							current.lastChild = true;
7815 						break;
7816 						case "only-child":
7817 							current.firstChild = true;
7818 							current.lastChild = true;
7819 						break;
7820 						case "scope":
7821 							current.scopeElement = true;
7822 						break;
7823 						case "empty":
7824 							// one with no children
7825 							current.emptyElement = true;
7826 						break;
7827 						case "whitespace-only":
7828 							current.whitespaceOnly = true;
7829 						break;
7830 						case "link":
7831 							current.attributesPresent ~= "href";
7832 						break;
7833 						case "root":
7834 							current.rootElement = true;
7835 						break;
7836 						case "nth-child":
7837 							current.nthChild ~= ParsedNth(readFunctionalSelector());
7838 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7839 						continue;
7840 						case "nth-of-type":
7841 							current.nthOfType ~= ParsedNth(readFunctionalSelector());
7842 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7843 						continue;
7844 						case "nth-last-of-type":
7845 							current.nthLastOfType ~= ParsedNth(readFunctionalSelector());
7846 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7847 						continue;
7848 						case "is":
7849 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7850 							current.isSelectors ~= readFunctionalSelector();
7851 						continue; // now the rest of the parser skips past the parens we just handled
7852 						case "where":
7853 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7854 							current.whereSelectors ~= readFunctionalSelector();
7855 						continue; // now the rest of the parser skips past the parens we just handled
7856 						case "not":
7857 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7858 							current.notSelectors ~= readFunctionalSelector();
7859 						continue; // now the rest of the parser skips past the parens we just handled
7860 						case "has":
7861 							state = State.SkippingFunctionalSelector;
7862 							current.hasSelectors ~= readFunctionalSelector();
7863 						continue; // now the rest of the parser skips past the parens we just handled
7864 						// back to standards though not quite right lol
7865 						case "disabled":
7866 							current.attributesPresent ~= "disabled";
7867 						break;
7868 						case "checked":
7869 							current.attributesPresent ~= "checked";
7870 						break;
7872 						case "visited", "active", "hover", "target", "focus", "selected":
7873 							current.attributesPresent ~= "nothing";
7874 							// FIXME
7875 						/+
7876 						// extensions not implemented
7877 						//case "text": // takes the text in the element and wraps it in an element, returning it
7878 						+/
7879 							goto case;
7880 						case "before", "after":
7881 							current.attributesPresent ~= "FIXME";
7883 						break;
7884 						// My extensions
7885 						case "odd-child":
7886 							current.oddChild = true;
7887 						break;
7888 						case "even-child":
7889 							current.evenChild = true;
7890 						break;
7891 						default:
7892 							//if(token.indexOf("lang") == -1)
7893 							//assert(0, token);
7894 						break;
7895 					}
7896 					state = State.Starting;
7897 				break;
7898 				case State.SkippingFunctionalSelector:
7899 					if(token == "(") {
7900 						parensCount++;
7901 					} else if(token == ")") {
7902 						parensCount--;
7903 					}
7905 					if(parensCount == 0)
7906 						state = State.Starting;
7907 				break;
7908 				case State.ReadingAttributeSelector:
7909 					attributeName = token;
7910 					attributeComparison = null;
7911 					attributeValue = null;
7912 					state = State.ReadingAttributeComparison;
7913 				break;
7914 				case State.ReadingAttributeComparison:
7915 					// FIXME: these things really should be quotable in the proper lexer...
7916 					if(token != "]") {
7917 						if(token.indexOf("=") == -1) {
7918 							// not a comparison; consider it
7919 							// part of the attribute
7920 							attributeValue ~= token;
7921 						} else {
7922 							attributeComparison = token;
7923 							state = State.ReadingAttributeValue;
7924 						}
7925 						break;
7926 					}
7927 					goto case;
7928 				case State.ExpectingAttributeCloser:
7929 					if(token != "]") {
7930 						// not the closer; consider it part of comparison
7931 						if(attributeComparison == "")
7932 							attributeName ~= token;
7933 						else
7934 							attributeValue ~= token;
7935 						break;
7936 					}
7938 					// Selector operators
7939 					switch(attributeComparison) {
7940 						default: assert(0);
7941 						case "":
7942 							current.attributesPresent ~= attributeName;
7943 						break;
7944 						case "=":
7945 							current.attributesEqual ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7946 						break;
7947 						case "|=":
7948 							current.attributesIncludesSeparatedByDashes ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7949 						break;
7950 						case "~=":
7951 							current.attributesIncludesSeparatedBySpaces ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7952 						break;
7953 						case "$=":
7954 							current.attributesEndsWith ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7955 						break;
7956 						case "^=":
7957 							current.attributesStartsWith ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7958 						break;
7959 						case "*=":
7960 							current.attributesInclude ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7961 						break;
7962 						case "!=":
7963 							current.attributesNotEqual ~= [attributeName, attributeValue];
7964 						break;
7965 					}
7967 					state = State.Starting;
7968 				break;
7969 				case State.ReadingAttributeValue:
7970 					attributeValue = token;
7971 					state = State.ExpectingAttributeCloser;
7972 				break;
7973 			}
7974 		}
7976 		commit();
7978 		return s;
7979 	}
7981 ///.
7982 Element[] removeDuplicates(Element[] input) {
7983 	Element[] ret;
7985 	bool[Element] already;
7986 	foreach(e; input) {
7987 		if(e in already) continue;
7988 		already[e] = true;
7989 		ret ~= e;
7990 	}
7992 	return ret;
7993 }
7995 // done with CSS selector handling
7998 // FIXME: use the better parser from html.d
7999 /// This is probably not useful to you unless you're writing a browser or something like that.
8000 /// It represents a *computed* style, like what the browser gives you after applying stylesheets, inline styles, and html attributes.
8001 /// From here, you can start to make a layout engine for the box model and have a css aware browser.
8002 class CssStyle {
8003 	///.
8004 	this(string rule, string content) {
8005 		rule = rule.strip();
8006 		content = content.strip();
8008 		if(content.length == 0)
8009 			return;
8011 		originatingRule = rule;
8012 		originatingSpecificity = getSpecificityOfRule(rule); // FIXME: if there's commas, this won't actually work!
8014 		foreach(part; content.split(";")) {
8015 			part = part.strip();
8016 			if(part.length == 0)
8017 				continue;
8018 			auto idx = part.indexOf(":");
8019 			if(idx == -1)
8020 				continue;
8021 				//throw new Exception("Bad css rule (no colon): " ~ part);
8023 			Property p;
8025 			p.name = part[0 .. idx].strip();
8026 			p.value = part[idx + 1 .. $].replace("! important", "!important").replace("!important", "").strip(); // FIXME don't drop important
8027 			p.givenExplicitly = true;
8028 			p.specificity = originatingSpecificity;
8030 			properties ~= p;
8031 		}
8033 		foreach(property; properties)
8034 			expandShortForm(property, originatingSpecificity);
8035 	}
8037 	///.
8038 	Specificity getSpecificityOfRule(string rule) {
8039 		Specificity s;
8040 		if(rule.length == 0) { // inline
8041 		//	s.important = 2;
8042 		} else {
8043 			// FIXME
8044 		}
8046 		return s;
8047 	}
8049 	string originatingRule; ///.
8050 	Specificity originatingSpecificity; ///.
8052 	///.
8053 	union Specificity {
8054 		uint score; ///.
8055 		// version(little_endian)
8056 		///.
8057 		struct {
8058 			ubyte tags; ///.
8059 			ubyte classes; ///.
8060 			ubyte ids; ///.
8061 			ubyte important; /// 0 = none, 1 = stylesheet author, 2 = inline style, 3 = user important
8062 		}
8063 	}
8065 	///.
8066 	struct Property {
8067 		bool givenExplicitly; /// this is false if for example the user said "padding" and this is "padding-left"
8068 		string name; ///.
8069 		string value; ///.
8070 		Specificity specificity; ///.
8071 		// do we care about the original source rule?
8072 	}
8074 	///.
8075 	Property[] properties;
8077 	///.
8078 	string opDispatch(string nameGiven)(string value = null) if(nameGiven != "popFront") {
8079 		string name = unCamelCase(nameGiven);
8080 		if(value is null)
8081 			return getValue(name);
8082 		else
8083 			return setValue(name, value, 0x02000000 /* inline specificity */);
8084 	}
8086 	/// takes dash style name
8087 	string getValue(string name) {
8088 		foreach(property; properties)
8089 			if(property.name == name)
8090 				return property.value;
8091 		return null;
8092 	}
8094 	/// takes dash style name
8095 	string setValue(string name, string value, Specificity newSpecificity, bool explicit = true) {
8096 		value = value.replace("! important", "!important");
8097 		if(value.indexOf("!important") != -1) {
8098 			newSpecificity.important = 1; // FIXME
8099 			value = value.replace("!important", "").strip();
8100 		}
8102 		foreach(ref property; properties)
8103 			if(property.name == name) {
8104 				if(newSpecificity.score >= property.specificity.score) {
8105 					property.givenExplicitly = explicit;
8106 					expandShortForm(property, newSpecificity);
8107 					return (property.value = value);
8108 				} else {
8109 					if(name == "display")
8110 					{}//writeln("Not setting ", name, " to ", value, " because ", newSpecificity.score, " < ", property.specificity.score);
8111 					return value; // do nothing - the specificity is too low
8112 				}
8113 			}
8115 		// it's not here...
8117 		Property p;
8118 		p.givenExplicitly = true;
8119 		p.name = name;
8120 		p.value = value;
8121 		p.specificity = originatingSpecificity;
8123 		properties ~= p;
8124 		expandShortForm(p, originatingSpecificity);
8126 		return value;
8127 	}
8129 	private void expandQuadShort(string name, string value, Specificity specificity) {
8130 		auto parts = value.split(" ");
8131 		switch(parts.length) {
8132 			case 1:
8133 				setValue(name ~"-left", parts[0], specificity, false);
8134 				setValue(name ~"-right", parts[0], specificity, false);
8135 				setValue(name ~"-top", parts[0], specificity, false);
8136 				setValue(name ~"-bottom", parts[0], specificity, false);
8137 			break;
8138 			case 2:
8139 				setValue(name ~"-left", parts[1], specificity, false);
8140 				setValue(name ~"-right", parts[1], specificity, false);
8141 				setValue(name ~"-top", parts[0], specificity, false);
8142 				setValue(name ~"-bottom", parts[0], specificity, false);
8143 			break;
8144 			case 3:
8145 				setValue(name ~"-top", parts[0], specificity, false);
8146 				setValue(name ~"-right", parts[1], specificity, false);
8147 				setValue(name ~"-bottom", parts[2], specificity, false);
8148 				setValue(name ~"-left", parts[2], specificity, false);
8150 			break;
8151 			case 4:
8152 				setValue(name ~"-top", parts[0], specificity, false);
8153 				setValue(name ~"-right", parts[1], specificity, false);
8154 				setValue(name ~"-bottom", parts[2], specificity, false);
8155 				setValue(name ~"-left", parts[3], specificity, false);
8156 			break;
8157 			default:
8158 				assert(0, value);
8159 		}
8160 	}
8162 	///.
8163 	void expandShortForm(Property p, Specificity specificity) {
8164 		switch(p.name) {
8165 			case "margin":
8166 			case "padding":
8167 				expandQuadShort(p.name, p.value, specificity);
8168 			break;
8169 			case "border":
8170 			case "outline":
8171 				setValue(p.name ~ "-left", p.value, specificity, false);
8172 				setValue(p.name ~ "-right", p.value, specificity, false);
8173 				setValue(p.name ~ "-top", p.value, specificity, false);
8174 				setValue(p.name ~ "-bottom", p.value, specificity, false);
8175 			break;
8177 			case "border-top":
8178 			case "border-bottom":
8179 			case "border-left":
8180 			case "border-right":
8181 			case "outline-top":
8182 			case "outline-bottom":
8183 			case "outline-left":
8184 			case "outline-right":
8186 			default: {}
8187 		}
8188 	}
8190 	///.
8191 	override string toString() {
8192 		string ret;
8193 		if(originatingRule.length)
8194 			ret = originatingRule ~ " {";
8196 		foreach(property; properties) {
8197 			if(!property.givenExplicitly)
8198 				continue; // skip the inferred shit
8200 			if(originatingRule.length)
8201 				ret ~= "\n\t";
8202 			else
8203 				ret ~= " ";
8205 			ret ~= property.name ~ ": " ~ property.value ~ ";";
8206 		}
8208 		if(originatingRule.length)
8209 			ret ~= "\n}\n";
8211 		return ret;
8212 	}
8213 }
8215 string cssUrl(string url) {
8216 	return "url(\"" ~ url ~ "\")";
8217 }
8219 /// This probably isn't useful, unless you're writing a browser or something like that.
8220 /// You might want to look at arsd.html for css macro, nesting, etc., or just use standard css
8221 /// as text.
8222 ///
8223 /// The idea, however, is to represent a kind of CSS object model, complete with specificity,
8224 /// that you can apply to your documents to build the complete computedStyle object.
8225 class StyleSheet {
8226 	///.
8227 	CssStyle[] rules;
8229 	///.
8230 	this(string source) {
8231 		// FIXME: handle @ rules and probably could improve lexer
8232 		// add nesting?
8233 		int state;
8234 		string currentRule;
8235 		string currentValue;
8237 		string* currentThing = &currentRule;
8238 		foreach(c; source) {
8239 			handle: switch(state) {
8240 				default: assert(0);
8241 				case 0: // starting - we assume we're reading a rule
8242 					switch(c) {
8243 						case '@':
8244 							state = 4;
8245 						break;
8246 						case '/':
8247 							state = 1;
8248 						break;
8249 						case '{':
8250 							currentThing = &currentValue;
8251 						break;
8252 						case '}':
8253 							if(currentThing is &currentValue) {
8254 								rules ~= new CssStyle(currentRule, currentValue);
8256 								currentRule = "";
8257 								currentValue = "";
8259 								currentThing = &currentRule;
8260 							} else {
8261 								// idk what is going on here.
8262 								// check sveit.com to reproduce
8263 								currentRule = "";
8264 								currentValue = "";
8265 							}
8266 						break;
8267 						default:
8268 							(*currentThing) ~= c;
8269 					}
8270 				break;
8271 				case 1: // expecting *
8272 					if(c == '*')
8273 						state = 2;
8274 					else {
8275 						state = 0;
8276 						(*currentThing) ~= "/" ~ c;
8277 					}
8278 				break;
8279 				case 2: // inside comment
8280 					if(c == '*')
8281 						state = 3;
8282 				break;
8283 				case 3: // expecting / to end comment
8284 					if(c == '/')
8285 						state = 0;
8286 					else
8287 						state = 2; // it's just a comment so no need to append
8288 				break;
8289 				case 4:
8290 					if(c == '{')
8291 						state = 5;
8292 					if(c == ';')
8293 						state = 0; // just skipping import
8294 				break;
8295 				case 5:
8296 					if(c == '}')
8297 						state = 0; // skipping font face probably
8298 			}
8299 		}
8300 	}
8302 	/// Run through the document and apply this stylesheet to it. The computedStyle member will be accurate after this call
8303 	void apply(Document document) {
8304 		foreach(rule; rules) {
8305 			if(rule.originatingRule.length == 0)
8306 				continue; // this shouldn't happen here in a stylesheet
8307 			foreach(element; document.querySelectorAll(rule.originatingRule)) {
8308 				// note: this should be a different object than the inline style
8309 				// since givenExplicitly is likely destroyed here
8310 				auto current = element.computedStyle;
8312 				foreach(item; rule.properties)
8313 					current.setValue(item.name, item.value, item.specificity);
8314 			}
8315 		}
8316 	}
8317 }
8320 /// This is kinda private; just a little utility container for use by the ElementStream class.
8321 final class Stack(T) {
8322 	this() {
8323 		internalLength = 0;
8324 		arr = initialBuffer[];
8325 	}
8327 	///.
8328 	void push(T t) {
8329 		if(internalLength >= arr.length) {
8330 			auto oldarr = arr;
8331 			if(arr.length < 4096)
8332 				arr = new T[arr.length * 2];
8333 			else
8334 				arr = new T[arr.length + 4096];
8335 			arr[0 .. oldarr.length] = oldarr[];
8336 		}
8338 		arr[internalLength] = t;
8339 		internalLength++;
8340 	}
8342 	///.
8343 	T pop() {
8344 		assert(internalLength);
8345 		internalLength--;
8346 		return arr[internalLength];
8347 	}
8349 	///.
8350 	T peek() {
8351 		assert(internalLength);
8352 		return arr[internalLength - 1];
8353 	}
8355 	///.
8356 	@property bool empty() {
8357 		return internalLength ? false : true;
8358 	}
8360 	///.
8361 	private T[] arr;
8362 	private size_t internalLength;
8363 	private T[64] initialBuffer;
8364 	// the static array is allocated with this object, so if we have a small stack (which we prolly do; dom trees usually aren't insanely deep),
8365 	// using this saves us a bunch of trips to the GC. In my last profiling, I got about a 50x improvement in the push()
8366 	// function thanks to this, and push() was actually one of the slowest individual functions in the code!
8367 }
8369 /// This is the lazy range that walks the tree for you. It tries to go in the lexical order of the source: node, then children from first to last, each recursively.
8370 final class ElementStream {
8372 	///.
8373 	@property Element front() {
8374 		return current.element;
8375 	}
8377 	/// Use Element.tree instead.
8378 	this(Element start) {
8379 		current.element = start;
8380 		current.childPosition = -1;
8381 		isEmpty = false;
8382 		stack = new Stack!(Current);
8383 	}
8385 	/*
8386 		Handle it
8387 		handle its children
8389 	*/
8391 	///.
8392 	void popFront() {
8393 	    more:
8394 	    	if(isEmpty) return;
8396 		// FIXME: the profiler says this function is somewhat slow (noticeable because it can be called a lot of times)
8398 		current.childPosition++;
8399 		if(current.childPosition >= current.element.children.length) {
8400 			if(stack.empty())
8401 				isEmpty = true;
8402 			else {
8403 				current = stack.pop();
8404 				goto more;
8405 			}
8406 		} else {
8407 			stack.push(current);
8408 			current.element = current.element.children[current.childPosition];
8409 			current.childPosition = -1;
8410 		}
8411 	}
8413 	/// You should call this when you remove an element from the tree. It then doesn't recurse into that node and adjusts the current position, keeping the range stable.
8414 	void currentKilled() {
8415 		if(stack.empty) // should never happen
8416 			isEmpty = true;
8417 		else {
8418 			current = stack.pop();
8419 			current.childPosition--; // when it is killed, the parent is brought back a lil so when we popFront, this is then right
8420 		}
8421 	}
8423 	///.
8424 	@property bool empty() {
8425 		return isEmpty;
8426 	}
8428 	private:
8430 	struct Current {
8431 		Element element;
8432 		int childPosition;
8433 	}
8435 	Current current;
8437 	Stack!(Current) stack;
8439 	bool isEmpty;
8440 }
8444 // unbelievable.
8445 // Don't use any of these in your own code. Instead, try to use phobos or roll your own, as I might kill these at any time.
8446 sizediff_t indexOfBytes(immutable(ubyte)[] haystack, immutable(ubyte)[] needle) {
8447 	static import std.algorithm;
8448 	auto found = std.algorithm.find(haystack, needle);
8449 	if(found.length == 0)
8450 		return -1;
8451 	return haystack.length - found.length;
8452 }
8454 private T[] insertAfter(T)(T[] arr, int position, T[] what) {
8455 	assert(position < arr.length);
8456 	T[] ret;
8457 	ret.length = arr.length + what.length;
8458 	int a = 0;
8459 	foreach(i; arr[0..position+1])
8460 		ret[a++] = i;
8462 	foreach(i; what)
8463 		ret[a++] = i;
8465 	foreach(i; arr[position+1..$])
8466 		ret[a++] = i;
8468 	return ret;
8469 }
8471 package bool isInArray(T)(T item, T[] arr) {
8472 	foreach(i; arr)
8473 		if(item == i)
8474 			return true;
8475 	return false;
8476 }
8478 private string[string] aadup(in string[string] arr) {
8479 	string[string] ret;
8480 	foreach(k, v; arr)
8481 		ret[k] = v;
8482 	return ret;
8483 }
8485 // dom event support, if you want to use it
8487 /// used for DOM events
8488 alias EventHandler = void delegate(Element handlerAttachedTo, Event event);
8490 /// This is a DOM event, like in javascript. Note that this library never fires events - it is only here for you to use if you want it.
8491 class Event {
8492 	this(string eventName, Element target) {
8493 		this.eventName = eventName;
8494 		this.srcElement = target;
8495 	}
8497 	/// Prevents the default event handler (if there is one) from being called
8498 	void preventDefault() {
8499 		defaultPrevented = true;
8500 	}
8502 	/// Stops the event propagation immediately.
8503 	void stopPropagation() {
8504 		propagationStopped = true;
8505 	}
8507 	bool defaultPrevented;
8508 	bool propagationStopped;
8509 	string eventName;
8511 	Element srcElement;
8512 	alias srcElement target;
8514 	Element relatedTarget;
8516 	int clientX;
8517 	int clientY;
8519 	int button;
8521 	bool isBubbling;
8523 	/// this sends it only to the target. If you want propagation, use dispatch() instead.
8524 	void send() {
8525 		if(srcElement is null)
8526 			return;
8528 		auto e = srcElement;
8530 		if(eventName in e.bubblingEventHandlers)
8531 		foreach(handler; e.bubblingEventHandlers[eventName])
8532 			handler(e, this);
8534 		if(!defaultPrevented)
8535 			if(eventName in e.defaultEventHandlers)
8536 				e.defaultEventHandlers[eventName](e, this);
8537 	}
8539 	/// this dispatches the element using the capture -> target -> bubble process
8540 	void dispatch() {
8541 		if(srcElement is null)
8542 			return;
8544 		// first capture, then bubble
8546 		Element[] chain;
8547 		Element curr = srcElement;
8548 		while(curr) {
8549 			auto l = curr;
8550 			chain ~= l;
8551 			curr = curr.parentNode;
8553 		}
8555 		isBubbling = false;
8557 		foreach(e; chain.retro()) {
8558 			if(eventName in e.capturingEventHandlers)
8559 			foreach(handler; e.capturingEventHandlers[eventName])
8560 				handler(e, this);
8562 			// the default on capture should really be to always do nothing
8564 			//if(!defaultPrevented)
8565 			//	if(eventName in e.defaultEventHandlers)
8566 			//		e.defaultEventHandlers[eventName](e.element, this);
8568 			if(propagationStopped)
8569 				break;
8570 		}
8572 		isBubbling = true;
8573 		if(!propagationStopped)
8574 		foreach(e; chain) {
8575 			if(eventName in e.bubblingEventHandlers)
8576 			foreach(handler; e.bubblingEventHandlers[eventName])
8577 				handler(e, this);
8579 			if(propagationStopped)
8580 				break;
8581 		}
8583 		if(!defaultPrevented)
8584 		foreach(e; chain) {
8585 				if(eventName in e.defaultEventHandlers)
8586 					e.defaultEventHandlers[eventName](e, this);
8587 		}
8588 	}
8589 }
8591 struct FormFieldOptions {
8592 	// usable for any
8594 	/// this is a regex pattern used to validate the field
8595 	string pattern;
8596 	/// must the field be filled in? Even with a regex, it can be submitted blank if this is false.
8597 	bool isRequired;
8598 	/// this is displayed as an example to the user
8599 	string placeholder;
8601 	// usable for numeric ones
8604 	// convenience methods to quickly get some options
8605 	@property static FormFieldOptions none() {
8606 		FormFieldOptions f;
8607 		return f;
8608 	}
8610 	static FormFieldOptions required() {
8611 		FormFieldOptions f;
8612 		f.isRequired = true;
8613 		return f;
8614 	}
8616 	static FormFieldOptions regex(string pattern, bool required = false) {
8617 		FormFieldOptions f;
8618 		f.pattern = pattern;
8619 		f.isRequired = required;
8620 		return f;
8621 	}
8623 	static FormFieldOptions fromElement(Element e) {
8624 		FormFieldOptions f;
8625 		if(e.hasAttribute("required"))
8626 			f.isRequired = true;
8627 		if(e.hasAttribute("pattern"))
8628 			f.pattern = e.pattern;
8629 		if(e.hasAttribute("placeholder"))
8630 			f.placeholder = e.placeholder;
8631 		return f;
8632 	}
8634 	Element applyToElement(Element e) {
8635 		if(this.isRequired)
8636 			e.required = "required";
8637 		if(this.pattern.length)
8638 			e.pattern = this.pattern;
8639 		if(this.placeholder.length)
8640 			e.placeholder = this.placeholder;
8641 		return e;
8642 	}
8643 }
8645 // this needs to look just like a string, but can expand as needed
8646 version(no_dom_stream)
8647 alias string Utf8Stream;
8648 else
8649 class Utf8Stream {
8650 	protected:
8651 		// these two should be overridden in subclasses to actually do the stream magic
8652 		string getMore() {
8653 			if(getMoreHelper !is null)
8654 				return getMoreHelper();
8655 			return null;
8656 		}
8658 		bool hasMore() {
8659 			if(hasMoreHelper !is null)
8660 				return hasMoreHelper();
8661 			return false;
8662 		}
8663 		// the rest should be ok
8665 	public:
8666 		this(string d) {
8667 			this.data = d;
8668 		}
8670 		this(string delegate() getMoreHelper, bool delegate() hasMoreHelper) {
8671 			this.getMoreHelper = getMoreHelper;
8672 			this.hasMoreHelper = hasMoreHelper;
8674 			if(hasMore())
8675 				this.data ~= getMore();
8677 			stdout.flush();
8678 		}
8680 		@property final size_t length() {
8681 			// the parser checks length primarily directly before accessing the next character
8682 			// so this is the place we'll hook to append more if possible and needed.
8683 			if(lastIdx + 1 >= data.length && hasMore()) {
8684 				data ~= getMore();
8685 			}
8686 			return data.length;
8687 		}
8689 		final char opIndex(size_t idx) {
8690 			if(idx > lastIdx)
8691 				lastIdx = idx;
8692 			return data[idx];
8693 		}
8695 		final string opSlice(size_t start, size_t end) {
8696 			if(end > lastIdx)
8697 				lastIdx = end;
8698 			return data[start .. end];
8699 		}
8701 		final size_t opDollar() {
8702 			return length();
8703 		}
8705 		final Utf8Stream opBinary(string op : "~")(string s) {
8706 			this.data ~= s;
8707 			return this;
8708 		}
8710 		final Utf8Stream opOpAssign(string op : "~")(string s) {
8711 			this.data ~= s;
8712 			return this;
8713 		}
8715 		final Utf8Stream opAssign(string rhs) {
8716 			this.data = rhs;
8717 			return this;
8718 		}
8719 	private:
8720 		string data;
8722 		size_t lastIdx;
8724 		bool delegate() hasMoreHelper;
8725 		string delegate() getMoreHelper;
8728 		/+
8729 		// used to maybe clear some old stuff
8730 		// you might have to remove elements parsed with it too since they can hold slices into the
8731 		// old stuff, preventing gc
8732 		void dropFront(int bytes) {
8733 			posAdjustment += bytes;
8734 			data = data[bytes .. $];
8735 		}
8737 		int posAdjustment;
8738 		+/
8739 }
8741 void fillForm(T)(Form form, T obj, string name) { 
8742 	import arsd.database; 
8743 	fillData((k, v) => form.setValue(k, v), obj, name); 
8744 } 
8747 /+
8748 /+
8749 Syntax:
8751 Tag: tagname#id.class
8752 Tree: Tag(Children, comma, separated...)
8753 Children: Tee or Variable
8754 Variable: $varname with optional |funcname following.
8756 If a variable has a tree after it, it breaks the variable down:
8757 	* if array, foreach it does the tree
8758 	* if struct, it breaks down the member variables
8760 stolen from georgy on irc, see: https://github.com/georgy7/stringplate
8761 +/
8762 struct Stringplate {
8763 	/++
8765 	+/
8766 	this(string s) {
8768 	}
8770 	/++
8772 	+/
8773 	Element expand(T...)(T vars) {
8774 		return null;
8775 	}
8776 }
8777 ///
8778 unittest {
8779 	auto stringplate = Stringplate("#bar(.foo($foo), .baz($baz))");
8780 	assert(stringplate.expand.innerHTML == `<div id="bar"><div class="foo">$foo</div><div class="baz">$baz</div></div>`);
8781 }
8782 +/
8784 bool allAreInlineHtml(const(Element)[] children) {
8785 	foreach(child; children) {
8786 		if(child.nodeType == NodeType.Text && child.nodeValue.strip.length) {
8787 			// cool
8788 		} else if(child.tagName.isInArray(inlineElements) && allAreInlineHtml(child.children)) {
8789 			// cool
8790 		} else {
8791 			// prolly block
8792 			return false;
8793 		}
8794 	}
8795 	return true;
8796 }
8798 private bool isSimpleWhite(dchar c) {
8799 	return c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t';
8800 }
8802 unittest {
8803 	// Test for issue #120
8804 	string s = `<html>
8805 	<body>
8806 		<P>AN
8807 		<P>bubbles</P>
8808 		<P>giggles</P>
8809 	</body>
8810 </html>`;
8811 	auto doc = new Document();
8812 	doc.parseUtf8(s, false, false);
8813 	auto s2 = doc.toString();
8814 	assert(
8815 			s2.indexOf("bubbles") < s2.indexOf("giggles"),
8816 			"paragraph order incorrect:\n" ~ s2);
8817 }
8819 unittest {
8820 	// test for suncarpet email dec 24 2019
8821 	// arbitrary id asduiwh
8822 	auto document = new Document("<html>
8823         <head>
8824                 <meta charset=\"utf-8\"></meta>
8825                 <title>Element.querySelector Test</title>
8826         </head>
8827         <body>
8828                 <div id=\"foo\">
8829                         <div>Foo</div>
8830                         <div>Bar</div>
8831                 </div>
8832         </body>
8833 </html>");
8835 	auto doc = document;
8837 	assert(doc.querySelectorAll("div div").length == 2);
8838 	assert(doc.querySelector("div").querySelectorAll("div").length == 2);
8839 	assert(doc.querySelectorAll("> html").length == 0);
8840 	assert(doc.querySelector("head").querySelectorAll("> title").length == 1);
8841 	assert(doc.querySelector("head").querySelectorAll("> meta[charset]").length == 1);
8844 	assert(doc.root.matches("html"));
8845 	assert(!doc.root.matches("nothtml"));
8846 	assert(doc.querySelector("#foo > div").matches("div"));
8847 	assert(doc.querySelector("body > #foo").matches("#foo"));
8849 	assert(doc.root.querySelectorAll(":root > body").length == 0); // the root has no CHILD root!
8850 	assert(doc.querySelectorAll(":root > body").length == 1); // but the DOCUMENT does
8851 	assert(doc.querySelectorAll(" > body").length == 1); //  should mean the same thing
8852 	assert(doc.root.querySelectorAll(" > body").length == 1); // the root of HTML has this
8853 	assert(doc.root.querySelectorAll(" > html").length == 0); // but not this
8855 	// also confirming the querySelector works via the mdn definition
8856 	auto foo = doc.requireSelector("#foo");
8857 	assert(foo.querySelector("#foo > div") !is null);
8858 	assert(foo.querySelector("body #foo > div") !is null);
8860 	// this is SUPPOSED to work according to the spec but never has in dom.d since it limits the scope.
8861 	// the new css :scope thing is designed to bring this in. and meh idk if i even care.
8862 	//assert(foo.querySelectorAll("#foo > div").length == 2);
8863 }
8865 unittest {
8866 	// based on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest example
8867 	auto document = new Document(`<article>
8868   <div id="div-01">Here is div-01
8869     <div id="div-02">Here is div-02
8870       <div id="div-03">Here is div-03</div>
8871     </div>
8872   </div>
8873 </article>`, true, true);
8875 	auto el = document.getElementById("div-03");
8876 	assert(el.closest("#div-02").id == "div-02");
8877 	assert(el.closest("div div").id == "div-03");
8878 	assert(el.closest("article > div").id == "div-01");
8879 	assert(el.closest(":not(div)").tagName == "article");
8881 	assert(el.closest("p") is null);
8882 	assert(el.closest("p, div") is el);
8883 }
8885 unittest {
8886 	// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:is
8887 	auto document = new Document(`<test>
8888 		<div class="foo"><p>cool</p><span>bar</span></div>
8889 		<main><p>two</p></main>
8890 	</test>`);
8892 	assert(document.querySelectorAll(":is(.foo, main) p").length == 2);
8893 	assert(document.querySelector("div:where(.foo)") !is null);
8894 }
8896 unittest {
8897 immutable string html = q{
8898 <root>
8899 <div class="roundedbox">
8900  <table>
8901   <caption class="boxheader">Recent Reviews</caption>
8902   <tr>
8903    <th>Game</th>
8904    <th>User</th>
8905    <th>Rating</th>
8906    <th>Created</th>
8907   </tr>
8909   <tr>
8910    <td>June 13, 2020 15:10</td>
8911    <td><a href="/reviews/8833">[Show]</a></td>
8912   </tr>
8914   <tr>
8915    <td>June 13, 2020 15:02</td>
8916    <td><a href="/reviews/8832">[Show]</a></td>
8917   </tr>
8919   <tr>
8920    <td>June 13, 2020 14:41</td>
8921    <td><a href="/reviews/8831">[Show]</a></td>
8922   </tr>
8923  </table>
8924 </div>
8925 </root>
8926 };
8928   auto doc = new Document(cast(string)html);
8929   // this should select the second table row, but...
8930   auto rd = doc.root.querySelector(`div.roundedbox > table > caption.boxheader + tr + tr + tr > td > a[href^=/reviews/]`);
8931   assert(rd !is null);
8932   assert(rd.href == "/reviews/8832");
8934   rd = doc.querySelector(`div.roundedbox > table > caption.boxheader + tr + tr + tr > td > a[href^=/reviews/]`);
8935   assert(rd !is null);
8936   assert(rd.href == "/reviews/8832");
8937 }
8939 unittest {
8940 	try {
8941 		auto doc = new XmlDocument("<testxmlns:foo=\"/\"></test>");
8942 		assert(0);
8943 	} catch(Exception e) {
8944 		// good; it should throw an exception, not an error.
8945 	}
8946 }
8948 /*
8949 Copyright: Adam D. Ruppe, 2010 - 2021
8950 License:   <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">Boost License 1.0</a>.
8951 Authors: Adam D. Ruppe, with contributions by Nick Sabalausky, Trass3r, and ketmar among others
8953         Copyright Adam D. Ruppe 2010-2021.
8954 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
8955    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
8956         http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8957 */