Loads a ico file off the given file or from the given memory block.
void main() { auto thing = loadIco("test.ico"); import std.stdio; writeln(thing.length); // tell how many things it found /+ // just to display one import arsd.simpledisplay; auto img = new SimpleWindow(thing[0].width, thing[0].height); { auto paint = img.draw(); paint.drawImage(Point(0, 0), Image.fromMemoryImage(thing[0])); } img.eventLoop(0); +/ // and this converts all its versions import arsd.png; import std.format; foreach(idx, t; thing) writePng(format("test-converted-%d-%dx%d.png", idx, t.width, t.height), t); }
Written July 21, 2022 (dub v10.9)
Load (and, in the future, save) support for Windows .ico icon files.