Displays a color-picker dialog box. On Windows, uses the standard system dialog you know from Paint. On X, uses a custom one with hsla and rgba support.
Add-on to arsd.minigui to provide date and time widgets.
An arsd.minigui widget that can embed arsd.nanovega.
Creates a UNIX terminal emulator, nested in a minigui widget.
A webview (based on arsd.webview) for minigui.
When writing a minigui addon module, keep the following in mind:
This package consists of additional widgets for arsd.minigui.
Each module stands alone on top of minigui.d; none in this package depend on each other, so you can pick and choose the modules that look useful to you and ignore the others.
These modules may or may not expose native widgets, refer to the documentation in each individual to see what it does.