To add listeners for file events on a specific file dispatcher, use this.
See FileEventDispatcher.addFile for the parameters
When you get an event that a file is ready, you MUST read all of it until
exhausted (that is, read until it would block - you could use select() for
this or set the file to nonblocking mode) because you only get an event
when the state changes. Failure to read it all will leave whatever is left
in the buffer sitting there unnoticed until even more stuff comes in.
To add listeners for file events on a specific file dispatcher, use this. See FileEventDispatcher.addFile for the parameters
When you get an event that a file is ready, you MUST read all of it until exhausted (that is, read until it would block - you could use select() for this or set the file to nonblocking mode) because you only get an event when the state changes. Failure to read it all will leave whatever is left in the buffer sitting there unnoticed until even more stuff comes in.