Only valid from inside a worker fiber, see makeFiber.
These are convenience functions that forward to bindDatagram.
Connects a streaming socket to the given address that will yield to this FiberManager instead of blocking.
Convenience functions that forward to connectStream for the given protocol. They connect, send, and receive in an async manner, but do not create their own fibers - you must already be in one when you call this function.
Core listen function for streaming connection-oriented sockets (TCP, etc.)
Convenience functions for creating listening sockets. These are trivial forwarders to listenStream, constructing the appropriate std.socket.Address object for you. Note the address lookup does NOT at this time use the fiber io and may thus block your thread.
Convenience functions for creating listening sockets. These are trivial forwarders to listenStream, constructing the appropriate std.socket.Address object for you. Note the address lookup does NOT at this time use the fiber io and may thus block your thread.
Convenience function to make a worker fiber based on the manager's configuration.
Runs the program and manages the fibers and connections for you, calling the appropriate functions when new events arrive.
The FiberManager is responsible for running your socket event loop and dispatching events to your fibers. It is your main point of interaction with this library.
Generally, a FiberManager will exist in your main function and take over that thread when you call run. You construct one, set up your listeners, etc., then call run and let it do its thing.