Adds a header to be automatically appended to each request created through this client.
Checks if the given uri should be proxied according to the httpProxy, httpsProxy, proxyIgnore variables and returns either httpProxy, httpsProxy or null.
Loads the system-default proxy. Note that the constructor does this automatically so you should rarely need to call this explicitly.
High level function that works similarly to entering a url into a browser.
Creates a request without updating the current url state. If you want to save cookies, either call retainCookies with the response yourself or set request.retainCookies to true on the returned object. But see important implementation shortcomings on retainCookies.
HttpClient does NOT automatically store cookies. You must explicitly retain them from a response by calling this method.
Sets the client certificate used as a log in identifier on https connections. The certificate and key must be unencrypted at this time and both must be in the same file format.
See retainCookies for important caveats.
Returns true if the given no_proxy rule matches the uri.
Default timeout for requests created on this client.
Sets whether HttpRequests created through this object (with navigateTo, request, etc.), will have the value of HttpRequest.verifyPeer of true or false upon construction.
Proxies to use for requests. The HttpClient constructor will set these to the system values, then you can reset it to null if you want to override and not use the proxy after all, or you can set it after construction to whatever.
List of hosts or ips, optionally including a port, where not to proxy.
HttpClient keeps cookies, location, and some other state to reuse connections, when possible, like a web browser. You can use it as your entry point to make http requests.
See the example on arsd.http2#examples.