
Feature set to be understood by the parser.

enum myDialect = (IniDialect.defaults | IniDialect.inlineComments);



Minimum feature set.

No comments, no extras, no nothing. Only sections, keys and values. Everything fits into these categories from a certain point of view.


Parse line comments (starting with ;).

; This is a line comment.
;This one too.

key = value ;But this isn't one.

Parse inline comments (starting with ;).

key1 = value2 ; Inline comment.
key2 = value2 ;Inline comment.
key3 = value3; Inline comment.
;Not a true inline comment (but technically equivalent).

Parse line comments starting with #.

# This is a comment.
key = value # Not a line comment.

Parse inline comments starting with #.

key1 = value2 # Inline comment.
key2 = value2 #Inline comment.
key3 = value3# Inline comment.
#Not a true inline comment (but technically equivalent).

Parse quoted strings.

key1 = non-quoted value
key2 = "quoted value"

"quoted key" = value
non-quoted key = value

"another key" = "another value"

multi line = "line 1
line 2"

Parse quoted strings using single-quotes.

key1 = non-quoted value
key2 = 'quoted value'

'quoted key' = value
non-quoted key = value

'another key' = 'another value'

multi line = 'line 1
line 2'

Parse key/value pairs separated with a colon (:).

key: value
key= value

Concats substrings and emits them as a single token.

  • For a mutable char[] input, this will rewrite the data in the input array.
  • For a non-mutable immutable(char)[] (=string) or const(char)[] input, this will allocate a new array with the GC.
key = "Value1" "Value2"
; → Value1Value2

Evaluates escape sequences in the input string.

  • For a mutable char[] input, this will rewrite the data in the input array.
  • For a non-mutable immutable(char)[] (=string) or const(char)[] input, this will allocate a new array with the GC.
Special escape sequences
\0Null character
\nLine feed
\rCarriage return
key1 = Line 1\nLine 2
; → Line 1
;   Line 2

key2 = One \\ and one \;
; → One \ and one ;

Folds lines on escaped linebreaks.

  • For a mutable char[] input, this will rewrite the data in the input array.
  • For a non-mutable immutable(char)[] (=string) or const(char)[] input, this will allocate a new array with the GC.
key1 = word1\
; → word1word2

key2 = foo \
; → foo bar
presetPhp(lineComments | inlineComments | hashLineComments | hashInlineComments | quotedStrings | singleQuoteQuotedStrings | concatSubstrings)

Imitates the behavior of the INI parser implementation found in PHP.

This preset may be adjusted without further notice in the future in cases where it increases alignment with PHP’s implementation.
presetDefaults(lineComments | quotedStrings | singleQuoteQuotedStrings)
