Create Matrix with the given values.
Sets this matrix to identity matrix.
Inverts this matrix. If inverted matrix cannot be calculated, this.valid fill be false.
Returns new inverse matrix. If inverted matrix cannot be calculated, res.valid fill be false.
Sets this matrix to the result of multiplication of this and s (this * S).
Multiply this matrix by s, return result as new matrix. Performs operations in this left-to-right order.
Multiply this matrix by s. Performs operations in this left-to-right order.
Transform point with this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the result of multiplication of s and this (S * this). Sets the transform to the result of multiplication of two transforms, of A = B*A.
Rotate this matrix.
This is the same as doing: mat.identity.rotate(a).translate(tx, ty), only faster
Scale this matrix.
Utility function to be used in setXXX(). This is the same as doing: mat.identity.rotate(a).scale(xs, ys).translate(tx, ty), only faster
Skew this matrix by X axis.
Skew this matrix by Y axis.
Skew this matrix by both axes.
Translate this matrix.
Returns true if this matrix is identity matrix.
Can be used to check validity of inverted result
Returns new identity matrix.
Returns new rotation matrix. Angle is specified in radians.
This is the same as doing: NVGMatrix.Identity.rotate(a).translate(tx, ty), only faster
Returns new scaling matrix.
Utility function to be used in setXXX(). This is the same as doing: NVGMatrix.Identity.rotate(a).scale(xs, ys).translate(tx, ty), only faster
Returns new x-skewing matrix. Angle is specified in radians.
Returns new xy-skewing matrix. Angles are specified in radians.
Returns new y-skewing matrix. Angle is specified in radians.
Returns new translation matrix.
Matrix values. Initial value is identity matrix.
Matrix class.