
Prepares a recorder for encoding a video file into the provided pipe.

FFmpeg cannot produce certain formats in pipes. Look out for error messages such as:
[mp4 @ 0xdead1337beef] muxer does not support non-seekable output

This is not a limitation of this library (but rather one of FFmpeg).

Nevertheless, it’s still possible to use the affected formats. Let FFmpeg output the video to the file path instead; check out the other constructor overloads.

  1. this(double frameRate, File output, string outputFormat, File log, string ffmpegExecutablePath)
    class PixmapRecorder
    double frameRate
    File output
    File log = stderr
    string ffmpegExecutablePath = "ffmpeg"
  2. this(double frameRate, string outputPath, File log, string outputFormat, string ffmpegExecutablePath)


frameRate double

Framerate of the video output; in frames per second.

output File

File handle to write the video output to.

outputFormat string

Video (container) format to output. This value is passed to FFmpeg via the -f option.

log File

Target file for the stderr log output of FFmpeg. This is where error messages are written to.

ffmpegExecutablePath string

Path to the FFmpeg executable (e.g. ffmpeg, ffmpeg.exe or /usr/bin/ffmpeg).
