AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled is used when loading a new HTML
document. If set to FALSE, WebView2 does not render the default JavaScript
dialog box (Specifically those displayed by the JavaScript alert,
confirm, prompt functions and beforeunload event). Instead, if an
event handler is set using add_ScriptDialogOpening, WebView sends an
event that contains all of the information for the dialog and allow the
host app to show a custom UI.
The default value is TRUE.
AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled is used when loading a new HTML document. If set to FALSE, WebView2 does not render the default JavaScript dialog box (Specifically those displayed by the JavaScript alert, confirm, prompt functions and beforeunload event). Instead, if an event handler is set using add_ScriptDialogOpening, WebView sends an event that contains all of the information for the dialog and allow the host app to show a custom UI. The default value is TRUE.