An abstract class that does terminal emulation. You'll have to subclass it to make it work.
clear the screen
you can pass this as PtySupport's arguments when you just don't care
sends raw input data to the terminal as if the application printf()'d it or it echoed or whatever
this is good
this is good. best to call it with plink.exe so it can talk to unix note that plink asks for the password out of band, so it won't actually work like that. thus specify the password on the command line or better yet, use a private key file e.g. startChild!something("plink.exe", "plink.exe user@server -i key.ppk \"/home/user/terminal-emulator/serverside\"");
Writes the text in the scrollback buffer to the given delegate, one character at a time.
Writes the text in the scrollback buffer to the given file.
Implementation of TerminalEmulator's abstract functions that forward them to output
You must implement a function called redraw() and initialize the members in your constructor
Cursor position, zero based. (0,0) == upper left. (0, 1) == second row, first column.
iff hasNonCharacterData
This is an extendible unix terminal emulator and some helper functions to help actually implement one.
You'll have to subclass TerminalEmulator and implement the abstract functions as well as write a drawing function for it.
See minigui_addons/terminal_emulator_widget in arsd repo or nestedterminalemulator.d or main.d in my terminal-emulator repo for how I did it.