
These three functions, processTagOpen, processTagClose, and processNodeWhileParsing, allow you to process elements as they are parsed and choose to not append them to the dom tree.

class Document

Detailed Description

processTagOpen is called as soon as it reads the tag name and attributes into the passed Element structure, in order of appearance in the file. processTagClose is called similarly, when that tag has been closed. In between, all descendant nodes - including tags as well as text and other nodes - are passed to processNodeWhileParsing. Finally, after processTagClose, the node itself is passed to processNodeWhileParsing only after its children.

So, given:


It would call:

  1. processTagOpen(thing)
  2. processNodeWhileParsing(thing, whitespace text) // the newlines, spaces, and tabs between the thing tag and child tag
  3. processTagOpen(child)
  4. processNodeWhileParsing(child, whitespace text)
  5. processTagOpen(grandchild)
  6. processTagClose(grandchild)
  7. processNodeWhileParsing(child, grandchild)
  8. processNodeWhileParsing(child, whitespace text) // whitespace after the grandchild
  9. processTagClose(child)
  10. processNodeWhileParsing(thing, child)
  11. processNodeWhileParsing(thing, whitespace text)
  12. processTagClose(thing)

The Element objects passed to those functions are the same ones you'd see; the tag open and tag close calls receive the same object, so you can compare them with the is operator if you want.

The default behavior of each function is that processTagOpen and processTagClose do nothing. processNodeWhileParsing's default behavior is to call parent.appendChild(child), in order to build the dom tree. If you do not want the dom tree, you can do override this function to do nothing.

If you do not choose to append child to parent in processNodeWhileParsing, the garbage collector is free to clean up the node even as the document is not finished parsing, allowing memory use to stay lower. Memory use will tend to scale approximately with the max depth in the element tree rather the entire document size.

To cancel processing before the end of a document, you'll have to throw an exception and catch it at your call to parse. There is no other way to stop early and there are no concrete plans to add one.

There are several approaches to use this: you might might use processTagOpen and processTagClose to keep a stack or other state variables to process nodes as they come and never add them to the actual tree. You might also build partial subtrees to use all the convenient methods in processTagClose, but then not add that particular node to the rest of the tree to keep memory usage down.


Even if you use a Utf8Stream to feed data and decline to append to the tree, the entire xml text is likely to end up in memory anyway.


Suppose you have a large array of items under the root element you'd like to process individually, without taking all the items into memory at once. You can do that with code like this:

import arsd.dom;
class MyStream : XmlDocument {
	this(string s) { super(s); } // need to forward the constructor we use

	override void processNodeWhileParsing(Element parent, Element child) {
		// don't append anything to the root node, since we don't need them
		// all in the tree - that'd take too much memory -
		// but still build any subtree for each individual item for ease of processing
		if(parent is root)
			super.processNodeWhileParsing(parent, child);

	int count;
	override void processTagClose(Element element) {
		if(element.tagName == "item") {
			// process the element here with all the regular dom functions on `element`
			// can still use dom functions on the subtree we built
			assert(element.requireSelector("name").textContent == "sample");

void main() {
	// generate an example file with a million items
	string xml = "<list>";
	foreach(i; 0 .. 1_000_000) {
		xml ~= "<item><name>sample</name><type>example</type></item>";
	xml ~= "</list>";

	auto document = new MyStream(xml);
	assert(document.count == 1_000_000);

This example runs in about 1/10th of the memory and 2/3 of the time on my computer relative to a default XmlDocument full tree dom.

By overriding these three functions to fit the specific document and processing requirements you have, you might realize even bigger gains over the normal full document tree while still getting most the benefits of the convenient dom functions.

Tip: if you use a Utf8Stream instead of a string, you might be able to bring the memory use further down. The easiest way to do that is something like this when loading from a file:

import std.stdio;
auto file = File("filename.xml", "rb");
auto textStream = new Utf8Stream(() {
	 // get more
	 auto buffer = new char[](32 * 1024);
	 return cast(string) file.rawRead(buffer);
}, () {
	 // has more
	 return !file.eof;

auto document = new XmlDocument(textStream);

You'll need to forward a constructor in your subclasses that takes Utf8Stream too if you want to subclass to override the streaming parsing functions.

Note that if you do save parts of the document strings or objects, it might prevent the GC from freeing that string block anyway, since dom.d will often slice into its buffer while parsing instead of copying strings. It will depend on your specific case to know if this actually saves memory or not for you.

See Also

Document#examples's high level streaming example.



processNodeWhileParsing was added January 6, 2023.

processTagOpen and processTagClose were added February 21, 2025.