A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
delegate can accept: NSVG.Path* const(NSVG.Path)* ref NSVG.Path in ref NSVG.Path delegate can return: void bool (true means stop)
Tight bounding box of the shape [minx,miny,maxx,maxy].
Fill paint
Fill rule, see FillRule.
Logical or of NSVG_FLAGS_* flags
Optional 'id' attr of the shape or its group
Miter limit
Pointer to next shape, or null if last element.
Opacity of the shape.
Linked list of paths in the image.
Stroke paint
Stroke dash array (scaled).
Number of dash values in dash array.
Stroke dash offset (scaled).
Stroke cap type.
Stroke join type.
Stroke width (scaled).