Note that all Colors in here are 24 bit colors.
If true, the window will close automatically when the main thread exits. Otherwise, the window will remain open so the user can work with output before it disappears.
The default key control is ctrl+c sends an interrupt character and ctrl+shift+c does copy to clipboard. If you set this to true, it swaps those two bindings.
Default background color of the terminal.
Default foreground color of the terminal.
Set this to true if you want Terminal to fallback to the user's existing native terminal in the event that creating the custom terminal is impossible for whatever reason.
Font to use in the window. It should be a monospace font, and your selection may not actually be used if not available on the user's system, in which case it will fallback to one.
Requested initial terminal size in character cells. You may not actually get exactly this.
Requested initial terminal size in character cells. You may not actually get exactly this.
Gives you a chance to modify the window as it is constructed. Intended to let you add custom menu options.
When using the integrated terminal emulator, the default is to assume you want it. But some users may wish to force the in-terminal fallback anyway at start up time.
Font to use in the window. It should be a monospace font, and your selection may not actually be used if not available on the user's system, in which case it will fallback to one.
Allows customization of the integrated emulator window. You may change the default colors, font, and other aspects of GUI integration.
Test for its presence before using with static if(arsd.terminal.IntegratedEmulator).
All settings here must be set BEFORE you construct any Terminal instances.