
Call this function when the user drags the mouse into the web view (before calling DragTargetDragOver/DragTargetLeave/DragTargetDrop). |drag_data| should not contain file contents as this type of data is not allowed to be dragged into the web view. File contents can be removed using

struct cef_browser_host_t
extern (System)
void function(cef_browser_host_t* self, cef_drag_data_t* drag_data, const(cef_mouse_event_t)* event, cef_drag_operations_mask_t allowed_ops) nothrow drag_target_drag_enter;

Detailed Description

cef drag data t

:ResetFileContents (for example, if |drag_data| comes from

cef render handler t

:StartDragging). This function is only used when window rendering is disabled.
