
Execute a function call over the DevTools protocol. This is a more structured version of SendDevToolsMessage. |message_id| is an incremental number that uniquely identifies the message (pass 0 to have the next number assigned automatically based on previous values). |function| is the function name. |params| are the function parameters, which may be NULL. See the DevTools protocol documentation (linked above) for details of supported functions and the expected |params| dictionary contents. This function will return the assigned message ID if called on the UI thread and the message was successfully submitted for validation, otherwise 0. See the SendDevToolsMessage documentation for additional usage information.

struct cef_browser_host_t
extern (System)
int function(cef_browser_host_t* self, int message_id, const(cef_string_t)* method, cef_dictionary_value_t* params) nothrow execute_dev_tools_method;
