1 // FIXME: if an exception is thrown, we shouldn't necessarily cache...
2 // FIXME: there's some annoying duplication of code in the various versioned mains
4 // add the Range header in there too. should return 206
6 // FIXME: cgi per-request arena allocator
8 // i need to add a bunch of type templates for validations... mayne @NotNull or NotNull!
10 // FIXME: I might make a cgi proxy class which can change things; the underlying one is still immutable
11 // but the later one can edit and simplify the api. You'd have to use the subclass tho!
13 /*
14 void foo(int f, @("test") string s) {}
16 void main() {
17 	static if(is(typeof(foo) Params == __parameters))
18 		//pragma(msg, __traits(getAttributes, Params[0]));
19 		pragma(msg, __traits(getAttributes, Params[1..2]));
20 	else
21 		pragma(msg, "fail");
22 }
23 */
25 // Note: spawn-fcgi can help with fastcgi on nginx
27 // FIXME: to do: add openssl optionally
28 // make sure embedded_httpd doesn't send two answers if one writes() then dies
30 // future direction: websocket as a separate process that you can sendfile to for an async passoff of those long-lived connections
32 /*
33 	Session manager process: it spawns a new process, passing a
34 	command line argument, to just be a little key/value store
35 	of some serializable struct. On Windows, it CreateProcess.
36 	On Linux, it can just fork or maybe fork/exec. The session
37 	key is in a cookie.
39 	Server-side event process: spawns an async manager. You can
40 	push stuff out to channel ids and the clients listen to it.
42 	websocket process: spawns an async handler. They can talk to
43 	each other or get info from a cgi request.
45 	Tempting to put web.d 2.0 in here. It would:
46 		* map urls and form generation to functions
47 		* have data presentation magic
48 		* do the skeleton stuff like 1.0
49 		* auto-cache generated stuff in files (at least if pure?)
50 		* introspect functions in json for consumers
53 	https://linux.die.net/man/3/posix_spawn
54 */
56 /++
57 	Provides a uniform server-side API for CGI, FastCGI, SCGI, and HTTP web applications. Offers both lower- and higher- level api options among other common (optional) things like websocket and event source serving support, session management, and job scheduling.
59 	---
60 	import arsd.cgi;
62 	// Instead of writing your own main(), you should write a function
63 	// that takes a Cgi param, and use mixin GenericMain
64 	// for maximum compatibility with different web servers.
65 	void hello(Cgi cgi) {
66 		cgi.setResponseContentType("text/plain");
68 		if("name" in cgi.get)
69 			cgi.write("Hello, " ~ cgi.get["name"]);
70 		else
71 			cgi.write("Hello, world!");
72 	}
74 	mixin GenericMain!hello;
75 	---
77 	Or:
78 	---
79 	import arsd.cgi;
81 	class MyApi : WebObject {
82 		@UrlName("")
83 		string hello(string name = null) {
84 			if(name is null)
85 				return "Hello, world!";
86 			else
87 				return "Hello, " ~ name;
88 		}
89 	}
90 	mixin DispatcherMain!(
91 		"/".serveApi!MyApi
92 	);
93 	---
95 	$(NOTE
96 		Please note that using the higher-level api will add a dependency on arsd.dom and arsd.jsvar to your application.
97 		If you use `dmd -i` or `ldc2 -i` to build, it will just work, but with dub, you will have do `dub add arsd-official:jsvar`
98 		and `dub add arsd-official:dom` yourself.
99 	)
101 	Test on console (works in any interface mode):
102 	$(CONSOLE
103 		$ ./cgi_hello GET / name=whatever
104 	)
106 	If using http version (default on `dub` builds, or on custom builds when passing `-version=embedded_httpd` to dmd):
107 	$(CONSOLE
108 		$ ./cgi_hello --port 8080
109 		# now you can go to http://localhost:8080/?name=whatever
110 	)
112 	Please note: the default port for http is 8085 and for scgi is 4000. I recommend you set your own by the command line argument in a startup script instead of relying on any hard coded defaults. It is possible though to code your own with [RequestServer], however.
115 	Build_Configurations:
117 	cgi.d tries to be flexible to meet your needs. It is possible to configure it both at runtime (by writing your own `main` function and constructing a [RequestServer] object) or at compile time using the `version` switch to the compiler or a dub `subConfiguration`.
119 	If you are using `dub`, use:
121 	```sdlang
122 	subConfiguration "arsd-official:cgi" "VALUE_HERE"
123 	```
125 	or to dub.json:
127 	```json
128         	"subConfigurations": {"arsd-official:cgi": "VALUE_HERE"}
129 	```
131 	to change versions. The possible options for `VALUE_HERE` are:
133 	$(LIST
134 		* `embedded_httpd` for the embedded httpd version (built-in web server). This is the default for dub builds. You can run the program then connect directly to it from your browser. Note: prior to version 11, this would be embedded_httpd_processes on Linux and embedded_httpd_threads everywhere else. It now means embedded_httpd_hybrid everywhere supported and embedded_httpd_threads everywhere else.
135 		* `cgi` for traditional cgi binaries. These are run by an outside web server as-needed to handle requests.
136 		* `fastcgi` for FastCGI builds. FastCGI is managed from an outside helper, there's one built into Microsoft IIS, Apache httpd, and Lighttpd, and a generic program you can use with nginx called `spawn-fcgi`. If you don't already know how to use it, I suggest you use one of the other modes.
137 		* `scgi` for SCGI builds. SCGI is a simplified form of FastCGI, where you run the server as an application service which is proxied by your outside webserver.
138 		* `stdio_http` for speaking raw http over stdin and stdout. This is made for systemd services. See [RequestServer.serveSingleHttpConnectionOnStdio] for more information.
139 	)
141 	With dmd, use:
145 		* + Interfaces
146 		  + (mutually exclusive)
148 		* - `-version=plain_cgi`
149 			- The default building the module alone without dub - a traditional, plain CGI executable will be generated.
150 		* - `-version=embedded_httpd`
151 			- A HTTP server will be embedded in the generated executable. This is default when building with dub.
152 		* - `-version=fastcgi`
153 			- A FastCGI executable will be generated.
154 		* - `-version=scgi`
155 			- A SCGI (SimpleCGI) executable will be generated.
156 		* - `-version=embedded_httpd_hybrid`
157 			- A HTTP server that uses a combination of processes, threads, and fibers to better handle large numbers of idle connections. Recommended if you are going to serve websockets in a non-local application.
158 		* - `-version=embedded_httpd_threads`
159 			- The embedded HTTP server will use a single process with a thread pool. (use instead of plain `embedded_httpd` if you want this specific implementation)
160 		* - `-version=embedded_httpd_processes`
161 			- The embedded HTTP server will use a prefork style process pool. (use instead of plain `embedded_httpd` if you want this specific implementation)
162 		* - `-version=embedded_httpd_processes_accept_after_fork`
163 			- It will call accept() in each child process, after forking. This is currently the only option, though I am experimenting with other ideas. You probably should NOT specify this right now.
164 		* - `-version=stdio_http`
165 			- The embedded HTTP server will be spoken over stdin and stdout.
167 		* + Tweaks
168 		  + (can be used together with others)
170 		* - `-version=cgi_with_websocket`
171 			- The CGI class has websocket server support. (This is on by default now.)
173 		* - `-version=with_openssl`
174 			- not currently used
175 		* - `-version=cgi_embedded_sessions`
176 			- The session server will be embedded in the cgi.d server process
177 		* - `-version=cgi_session_server_process`
178 			- The session will be provided in a separate process, provided by cgi.d.
179 	)
181 	For example,
183 	For CGI, `dmd yourfile.d cgi.d` then put the executable in your cgi-bin directory.
185 	For FastCGI: `dmd yourfile.d cgi.d -version=fastcgi` and run it. spawn-fcgi helps on nginx. You can put the file in the directory for Apache. On IIS, run it with a port on the command line (this causes it to call FCGX_OpenSocket, which can work on nginx too).
187 	For SCGI: `dmd yourfile.d cgi.d -version=scgi` and run the executable, providing a port number on the command line.
189 	For an embedded HTTP server, run `dmd yourfile.d cgi.d -version=embedded_httpd` and run the generated program. It listens on port 8085 by default. You can change this on the command line with the --port option when running your program.
191 	Simulating_requests:
193 	If you are using one of the [GenericMain] or [DispatcherMain] mixins, or main with your own call to [RequestServer.trySimulatedRequest], you can simulate requests from your command-ine shell. Call the program like this:
195 	$(CONSOLE
196 	./yourprogram GET / name=adr
197 	)
199 	And it will print the result to stdout instead of running a server, regardless of build more..
201 	CGI_Setup_tips:
203 	On Apache, you may do `SetHandler cgi-script` in your `.htaccess` file to set a particular file to be run through the cgi program. Note that all "subdirectories" of it also run the program; if you configure `/foo` to be a cgi script, then going to `/foo/bar` will call your cgi handler function with `cgi.pathInfo == "/bar"`.
205 	Overview_Of_Basic_Concepts:
207 	cgi.d offers both lower-level handler apis as well as higher-level auto-dispatcher apis. For a lower-level handler function, you'll probably want to review the following functions:
209 		Input: [Cgi.get], [Cgi.post], [Cgi.request], [Cgi.files], [Cgi.cookies], [Cgi.pathInfo], [Cgi.requestMethod],
210 		       and HTTP headers ([Cgi.headers], [Cgi.userAgent], [Cgi.referrer], [Cgi.accept], [Cgi.authorization], [Cgi.lastEventId])
212 		Output: [Cgi.write], [Cgi.header], [Cgi.setResponseStatus], [Cgi.setResponseContentType], [Cgi.gzipResponse]
214 		Cookies: [Cgi.setCookie], [Cgi.clearCookie], [Cgi.cookie], [Cgi.cookies]
216 		Caching: [Cgi.setResponseExpires], [Cgi.updateResponseExpires], [Cgi.setCache]
218 		Redirections: [Cgi.setResponseLocation]
220 		Other Information: [Cgi.remoteAddress], [Cgi.https], [Cgi.port], [Cgi.scriptName], [Cgi.requestUri], [Cgi.getCurrentCompleteUri], [Cgi.onRequestBodyDataReceived]
222 		Websockets: [Websocket], [websocketRequested], [acceptWebsocket]. For websockets, use the `embedded_httpd_hybrid` build mode for best results, because it is optimized for handling large numbers of idle connections compared to the other build modes.
224 		Overriding behavior for special cases streaming input data: see the virtual functions [Cgi.handleIncomingDataChunk], [Cgi.prepareForIncomingDataChunks], [Cgi.cleanUpPostDataState]
226 	A basic program using the lower-level api might look like:
228 		---
229 		import arsd.cgi;
231 		// you write a request handler which always takes a Cgi object
232 		void handler(Cgi cgi) {
233 			/+
234 				when the user goes to your site, suppose you are being hosted at http://example.com/yourapp
236 				If the user goes to http://example.com/yourapp/test?name=value
237 				then the url will be parsed out into the following pieces:
239 					cgi.pathInfo == "/test". This is everything after yourapp's name. (If you are doing an embedded http server, your app's name is blank, so pathInfo will be the whole path of the url.)
241 					cgi.scriptName == "yourapp". With an embedded http server, this will be blank.
243 					cgi.host == "example.com"
245 					cgi.https == false
247 					cgi.queryString == "name=value" (there's also cgi.search, which will be "?name=value", including the ?)
249 					The query string is further parsed into the `get` and `getArray` members, so:
251 					cgi.get == ["name": "value"], meaning you can do `cgi.get["name"] == "value"`
253 					And
255 					cgi.getArray == ["name": ["value"]].
257 					Why is there both `get` and `getArray`? The standard allows names to be repeated. This can be very useful,
258 					it is how http forms naturally pass multiple items like a set of checkboxes. So `getArray` is the complete data
259 					if you need it. But since so often you only care about one value, the `get` member provides more convenient access.
261 				We can use these members to process the request and build link urls. Other info from the request are in other members, we'll look at them later.
262 			+/
263 			switch(cgi.pathInfo) {
264 				// the home page will be a small html form that can set a cookie.
265 				case "/":
266 					cgi.write(`<!DOCTYPE html>
267 					<html>
268 					<body>
269 						<form method="POST" action="set-cookie">
270 							<label>Your name: <input type="text" name="name" /></label>
271 							<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
272 						</form>
273 					</body>
274 					</html>
275 					`, true); // the , true tells it that this is the one, complete response i want to send, allowing some optimizations.
276 				break;
277 				// POSTing to this will set a cookie with our submitted name
278 				case "/set-cookie":
279 					// HTTP has a number of request methods (also called "verbs") to tell
280 					// what you should do with the given resource.
281 					// The most common are GET and POST, the ones used in html forms.
282 					// You can check which one was used with the `cgi.requestMethod` property.
283 					if(cgi.requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.POST) {
285 						// headers like redirections need to be set before we call `write`
286 						cgi.setResponseLocation("read-cookie");
288 						// just like how url params go into cgi.get/getArray, form data submitted in a POST
289 						// body go to cgi.post/postArray. Please note that a POST request can also have get
290 						// params in addition to post params.
291 						//
292 						// There's also a convenience function `cgi.request("name")` which checks post first,
293 						// then get if it isn't found there, and then returns a default value if it is in neither.
294 						if("name" in cgi.post) {
295 							// we can set cookies with a method too
296 							// again, cookies need to be set before calling `cgi.write`, since they
297 							// are a kind of header.
298 							cgi.setCookie("name" , cgi.post["name"]);
299 						}
301 						// the user will probably never see this, since the response location
302 						// is an automatic redirect, but it is still best to say something anyway
303 						cgi.write("Redirecting you to see the cookie...", true);
304 					} else {
305 						// you can write out response codes and headers
306 						// as well as response bodies
307 						//
308 						// But always check the cgi docs before using the generic
309 						// `header` method - if there is a specific method for your
310 						// header, use it before resorting to the generic one to avoid
311 						// a header value from being sent twice.
312 						cgi.setResponseLocation("405 Method Not Allowed");
313 						// there is no special accept member, so you can use the generic header function
314 						cgi.header("Accept: POST");
315 						// but content type does have a method, so prefer to use it:
316 						cgi.setResponseContentType("text/plain");
318 						// all the headers are buffered, and will be sent upon the first body
319 						// write. you can actually modify some of them before sending if need be.
320 						cgi.write("You must use the POST http verb on this resource.", true);
321 					}
322 				break;
323 				// and GETting this will read the cookie back out
324 				case "/read-cookie":
325 					// I did NOT pass `,true` here because this is writing a partial response.
326 					// It is possible to stream data to the user in chunks by writing partial
327 					// responses the calling `cgi.flush();` to send the partial response immediately.
328 					// normally, you'd only send partial chunks if you have to - it is better to build
329 					// a response as a whole and send it as a whole whenever possible - but here I want
330 					// to demo that you can.
331 					cgi.write("Hello, ");
332 					if("name" in cgi.cookies) {
333 						import arsd.dom; // dom.d provides a lot of helpers for html
334 						// since the cookie is set, we need to write it out properly to
335 						// avoid cross-site scripting attacks.
336 						//
337 						// Getting this stuff right automatically is a benefit of using the higher
338 						// level apis, but this demo is to show the fundamental building blocks, so
339 						// we're responsible to take care of it.
340 						cgi.write(htmlEntitiesEncode(cgi.cookies["name"]));
341 					} else {
342 						cgi.write("friend");
343 					}
345 					// note that I never called cgi.setResponseContentType, since the default is text/html.
346 					// it doesn't hurt to do it explicitly though, just remember to do it before any cgi.write
347 					// calls.
348 				break;
349 				default:
350 					// no path matched
351 					cgi.setResponseStatus("404 Not Found");
352 					cgi.write("Resource not found.", true);
353 			}
354 		}
356 		// and this adds the boilerplate to set up a server according to the
357 		// compile version configuration and call your handler as requests come in
358 		mixin GenericMain!handler; // the `handler` here is the name of your function
359 		---
361 	Even if you plan to always use the higher-level apis, I still recommend you at least familiarize yourself with the lower level functions, since they provide the lightest weight, most flexible options to get down to business if you ever need them.
363 	In the lower-level api, the [Cgi] object represents your HTTP transaction. It has functions to describe the request and for you to send your response. It leaves the details of how you o it up to you. The general guideline though is to avoid depending any variables outside your handler function, since there's no guarantee they will survive to another handler. You can use global vars as a lazy initialized cache, but you should always be ready in case it is empty. (One exception: if you use `-version=embedded_httpd_threads -version=cgi_no_fork`, then you can rely on it more, but you should still really write things assuming your function won't have anything survive beyond its return for max scalability and compatibility.)
365 	A basic program using the higher-level apis might look like:
367 		---
368 		/+
369 		import arsd.cgi;
371 		struct LoginData {
372 			string currentUser;
373 		}
375 		class AppClass : WebObject {
376 			string foo() {}
377 		}
379 		mixin DispatcherMain!(
380 			"/assets/.serveStaticFileDirectory("assets/", true), // serve the files in the assets subdirectory
381 			"/".serveApi!AppClass,
382 			"/thing/".serveRestObject,
383 		);
384 		+/
385 		---
387 	Guide_for_PHP_users:
388 		(Please note: I wrote this section in 2008. A lot of PHP hosts still ran 4.x back then, so it was common to avoid using classes - introduced in php 5 - to maintain compatibility! If you're coming from php more recently, this may not be relevant anymore, but still might help you.)
390 		If you are coming from old-style PHP, here's a quick guide to help you get started:
392 		$(SIDE_BY_SIDE
393 			$(COLUMN
394 				```php
395 				<?php
396 					$foo = $_POST["foo"];
397 					$bar = $_GET["bar"];
398 					$baz = $_COOKIE["baz"];
400 					$user_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
401 					$host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
402 					$path = $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"];
404 					setcookie("baz", "some value");
406 					echo "hello!";
407 				?>
408 				```
409 			)
410 			$(COLUMN
411 				---
412 				import arsd.cgi;
413 				void app(Cgi cgi) {
414 					string foo = cgi.post["foo"];
415 					string bar = cgi.get["bar"];
416 					string baz = cgi.cookies["baz"];
418 					string user_ip = cgi.remoteAddress;
419 					string host = cgi.host;
420 					string path = cgi.pathInfo;
422 					cgi.setCookie("baz", "some value");
424 					cgi.write("hello!");
425 				}
427 				mixin GenericMain!app
428 				---
429 			)
430 		)
432 		$(H3 Array elements)
435 		In PHP, you can give a form element a name like `"something[]"`, and then
436 		`$_POST["something"]` gives an array. In D, you can use whatever name
437 		you want, and access an array of values with the `cgi.getArray["name"]` and
438 		`cgi.postArray["name"]` members.
440 		$(H3 Databases)
442 		PHP has a lot of stuff in its standard library. cgi.d doesn't include most
443 		of these, but the rest of my arsd repository has much of it. For example,
444 		to access a MySQL database, download `database.d` and `mysql.d` from my
445 		github repo, and try this code (assuming, of course, your database is
446 		set up):
448 		---
449 		import arsd.cgi;
450 		import arsd.mysql;
452 		void app(Cgi cgi) {
453 			auto database = new MySql("localhost", "username", "password", "database_name");
454 			foreach(row; mysql.query("SELECT count(id) FROM people"))
455 				cgi.write(row[0] ~ " people in database");
456 		}
458 		mixin GenericMain!app;
459 		---
461 		Similar modules are available for PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and SQLite databases,
462 		implementing the same basic interface.
464 	See_Also:
466 	You may also want to see [arsd.dom], [arsd.webtemplate], and maybe some functions from my old [arsd.html] for more code for making
467 	web applications. dom and webtemplate are used by the higher-level api here in cgi.d.
469 	For working with json, try [arsd.jsvar].
471 	[arsd.database], [arsd.mysql], [arsd.postgres], [arsd.mssql], and [arsd.sqlite] can help in
472 	accessing databases.
474 	If you are looking to access a web application via HTTP, try [arsd.http2].
476 	Copyright:
478 	cgi.d copyright 2008-2023, Adam D. Ruppe. Provided under the Boost Software License.
480 	Yes, this file is old, and yes, it is still actively maintained and used.
482 	History:
483 		An import of `arsd.core` was added on March 21, 2023 (dub v11.0). Prior to this, the module's default configuration was completely stand-alone. You must now include the `core.d` file in your builds with `cgi.d`.
485 		This change is primarily to integrate the event loops across the library, allowing you to more easily use cgi.d along with my other libraries like simpledisplay and http2.d. Previously, you'd have to run separate helper threads. Now, they can all automatically work together.
486 +/
487 module arsd.cgi;
489 // FIXME: Nullable!T can be a checkbox that enables/disables the T on the automatic form
490 // and a SumType!(T, R) can be a radio box to pick between T and R to disclose the extra boxes on the automatic form
492 /++
493 	This micro-example uses the [dispatcher] api to act as a simple http file server, serving files found in the current directory and its children.
494 +/
495 version(Demo)
496 unittest {
497 	import arsd.cgi;
499 	mixin DispatcherMain!(
500 		"/".serveStaticFileDirectory(null, true)
501 	);
502 }
504 /++
505 	Same as the previous example, but written out long-form without the use of [DispatcherMain] nor [GenericMain].
506 +/
507 version(Demo)
508 unittest {
509 	import arsd.cgi;
511 	void requestHandler(Cgi cgi) {
512 		cgi.dispatcher!(
513 			"/".serveStaticFileDirectory(null, true)
514 		);
515 	}
517 	// mixin GenericMain!requestHandler would add this function:
518 	void main(string[] args) {
519 		// this is all the content of [cgiMainImpl] which you can also call
521 		// cgi.d embeds a few add on functions like real time event forwarders
522 		// and session servers it can run in other processes. this spawns them, if needed.
523 		if(tryAddonServers(args))
524 			return;
526 		// cgi.d allows you to easily simulate http requests from the command line,
527 		// without actually starting a server. this function will do that.
528 		if(trySimulatedRequest!(requestHandler, Cgi)(args))
529 			return;
531 		RequestServer server;
532 		// you can change the default port here if you like
533 		// server.listeningPort = 9000;
535 		// then call this to let the command line args override your default
536 		server.configureFromCommandLine(args);
538 		// here is where you could print out the listeningPort to the user if you wanted
540 		// and serve the request(s) according to the compile configuration
541 		server.serve!(requestHandler)();
543 		// or you could explicitly choose a serve mode like this:
544 		// server.serveEmbeddedHttp!requestHandler();
545 	}
546 }
548 /++
549 	 cgi.d has built-in testing helpers too. These will provide mock requests and mock sessions that
550 	 otherwise run through the rest of the internal mechanisms to call your functions without actually
551 	 spinning up a server.
552 +/
553 version(Demo)
554 unittest {
555 	import arsd.cgi;
557 	void requestHandler(Cgi cgi) {
559 	}
561 	// D doesn't let me embed a unittest inside an example unittest
562 	// so this is a function, but you can do it however in your real program
563 	/* unittest */ void runTests() {
564 		auto tester = new CgiTester(&requestHandler);
566 		auto response = tester.GET("/");
567 		assert(response.code == 200);
568 	}
569 }
571 /++
572 	The session system works via a built-in spawnable server.
574 	Bugs:
575 		Requires addon servers, which are not implemented yet on Windows.
576 +/
577 version(Posix)
578 version(Demo)
579 unittest {
580 	import arsd.cgi;
582 	struct SessionData {
583 		string userId;
584 	}
586 	void handler(Cgi cgi) {
587 		auto session = cgi.getSessionObject!SessionData;
589 		if(cgi.pathInfo == "/login") {
590 			session.userId = cgi.queryString;
591 			cgi.setResponseLocation("view");
592 		} else {
593 			cgi.write(session.userId);
594 		}
595 	}
597 	mixin GenericMain!handler;
598 }
600 static import std.file;
602 static import arsd.core;
603 version(Posix)
604 import arsd.core : makeNonBlocking;
607 // for a single thread, linear request thing, use:
608 // -version=embedded_httpd_threads -version=cgi_no_threads
610 version(Posix) {
611 	version(CRuntime_Musl) {
613 	} else version(minimal) {
615 	} else {
616 		version(FreeBSD) {
617 			// I never implemented the fancy stuff there either
618 		} else {
619 			version=with_breaking_cgi_features;
620 			version=with_sendfd;
621 			version=with_addon_servers;
622 		}
623 	}
624 }
626 version(Windows) {
627 	version(minimal) {
629 	} else {
630 		// not too concerned about gdc here since the mingw version is fairly new as well
631 		version=with_breaking_cgi_features;
632 	}
633 }
635 // FIXME: can use the arsd.core function now but it is trivial anyway tbh
636 void cloexec(int fd) {
637 	version(Posix) {
638 		import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
639 		fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
640 	}
641 }
643 void cloexec(Socket s) {
644 	version(Posix) {
645 		import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
646 		fcntl(s.handle, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
647 	}
648 }
650 // the servers must know about the connections to talk to them; the interfaces are vital
651 version(with_addon_servers)
652 	version=with_addon_servers_connections;
654 version(embedded_httpd) {
655 	version(OSX)
656 		version = embedded_httpd_threads;
657 	else
658 		version=embedded_httpd_hybrid;
659 	/*
660 	version(with_openssl) {
661 		pragma(lib, "crypto");
662 		pragma(lib, "ssl");
663 	}
664 	*/
665 }
667 version(embedded_httpd_hybrid) {
668 	version=embedded_httpd_threads;
669 	version(cgi_no_fork) {} else version(Posix)
670 		version=cgi_use_fork;
671 	version=cgi_use_fiber;
672 }
674 version(cgi_use_fork)
675 	enum cgi_use_fork_default = true;
676 else
677 	enum cgi_use_fork_default = false;
679 version(embedded_httpd_processes)
680 	version=embedded_httpd_processes_accept_after_fork; // I am getting much better average performance on this, so just keeping it. But the other way MIGHT help keep the variation down so i wanna keep the code to play with later
682 version(embedded_httpd_threads) {
683 	//  unless the user overrides the default..
684 	version(cgi_session_server_process)
685 		{}
686 	else
687 		version=cgi_embedded_sessions;
688 }
689 version(scgi) {
690 	//  unless the user overrides the default..
691 	version(cgi_session_server_process)
692 		{}
693 	else
694 		version=cgi_embedded_sessions;
695 }
697 // fall back if the other is not defined so we can cleanly version it below
698 version(cgi_embedded_sessions) {}
699 else version=cgi_session_server_process;
702 version=cgi_with_websocket;
704 enum long defaultMaxContentLength = 5_000_000;
706 /*
708 	To do a file download offer in the browser:
710     cgi.setResponseContentType("text/csv");
711     cgi.header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"customers.csv\"");
712 */
714 // FIXME: the location header is supposed to be an absolute url I guess.
716 // FIXME: would be cool to flush part of a dom document before complete
717 // somehow in here and dom.d.
720 // these are public so you can mixin GenericMain.
721 // FIXME: use a function level import instead!
722 public import std.string;
723 public import std.stdio;
724 public import std.conv;
725 import std.uri;
726 import std.uni;
727 import std.algorithm.comparison;
728 import std.algorithm.searching;
729 import std.exception;
730 import std.base64;
731 static import std.algorithm;
732 import std.datetime;
733 import std.range;
735 import std.process;
737 import std.zlib;
740 T[] consume(T)(T[] range, int count) {
741 	if(count > range.length)
742 		count = range.length;
743 	return range[count..$];
744 }
746 int locationOf(T)(T[] data, string item) {
747 	const(ubyte[]) d = cast(const(ubyte[])) data;
748 	const(ubyte[]) i = cast(const(ubyte[])) item;
750 	// this is a vague sanity check to ensure we aren't getting insanely
751 	// sized input that will infinite loop below. it should never happen;
752 	// even huge file uploads ought to come in smaller individual pieces.
753 	if(d.length > (int.max/2))
754 		throw new Exception("excessive block of input");
756 	for(int a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
757 		if(a + i.length > d.length)
758 			return -1;
759 		if(d[a..a+i.length] == i)
760 			return a;
761 	}
763 	return -1;
764 }
766 /// If you are doing a custom cgi class, mixing this in can take care of
767 /// the required constructors for you
768 mixin template ForwardCgiConstructors() {
769 	this(long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength,
770 		string[string] env = null,
771 		const(ubyte)[] delegate() readdata = null,
772 		void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) _rawDataOutput = null,
773 		void delegate() _flush = null
774 		) { super(maxContentLength, env, readdata, _rawDataOutput, _flush); }
776 	this(string[] args) { super(args); }
778 	this(
779 		BufferedInputRange inputData,
780 		string address, ushort _port,
781 		int pathInfoStarts = 0,
782 		bool _https = false,
783 		void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) _rawDataOutput = null,
784 		void delegate() _flush = null,
785 		// this pointer tells if the connection is supposed to be closed after we handle this
786 		bool* closeConnection = null)
787 	{
788 		super(inputData, address, _port, pathInfoStarts, _https, _rawDataOutput, _flush, closeConnection);
789 	}
791 	this(BufferedInputRange ir, bool* closeConnection) { super(ir, closeConnection); }
792 }
794 /// thrown when a connection is closed remotely while we waiting on data from it
795 class ConnectionClosedException : Exception {
796 	this(string message, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) {
797 		super(message, file, line, next);
798 	}
799 }
802 version(Windows) {
803 // FIXME: ugly hack to solve stdin exception problems on Windows:
804 // reading stdin results in StdioException (Bad file descriptor)
805 // this is probably due to http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3425
806 private struct stdin {
807 	struct ByChunk { // Replicates std.stdio.ByChunk
808 	private:
809 		ubyte[] chunk_;
810 	public:
811 		this(size_t size)
812 		in {
813 			assert(size, "size must be larger than 0");
814 		}
815 		do {
816 			chunk_ = new ubyte[](size);
817 			popFront();
818 		}
820 		@property bool empty() const {
821 			return !std.stdio.stdin.isOpen || std.stdio.stdin.eof; // Ugly, but seems to do the job
822 		}
823 		@property nothrow ubyte[] front() {	return chunk_; }
824 		void popFront()	{
825 			enforce(!empty, "Cannot call popFront on empty range");
826 			chunk_ = stdin.rawRead(chunk_);
827 		}
828 	}
830 	import core.sys.windows.windows;
831 static:
833 	T[] rawRead(T)(T[] buf) {
834 		uint bytesRead;
835 		auto result = ReadFile(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), buf.ptr, cast(int) (buf.length * T.sizeof), &bytesRead, null);
837 		if (!result) {
838 			auto err = GetLastError();
839 			if (err == 38/*ERROR_HANDLE_EOF*/ || err == 109/*ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE*/) // 'good' errors meaning end of input
840 				return buf[0..0];
841 			// Some other error, throw it
843 			char* buffer;
844 			scope(exit) LocalFree(buffer);
847 			// FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM		= 0x00001000
848 			FormatMessageA(0x1100, null, err, 0, cast(char*)&buffer, 256, null);
849 			throw new Exception(to!string(buffer));
850 		}
851 		enforce(!(bytesRead % T.sizeof), "I/O error");
852 		return buf[0..bytesRead / T.sizeof];
853 	}
855 	auto byChunk(size_t sz) { return ByChunk(sz); }
857 	void close() {
858 		std.stdio.stdin.close;
859 	}
860 }
861 }
863 /// The main interface with the web request
864 class Cgi {
865   public:
866 	/// the methods a request can be
867 	enum RequestMethod { GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, // GET and POST are the ones that really work
868 		// these are defined in the standard, but idk if they are useful for anything
870 		// These seem new, I have only recently seen them
872 		// this is an extension for when the method is not specified and you want to assume
873 		CommandLine }
876 	/+
878 	ubyte[] perRequestMemoryPool;
879 	void[] perRequestMemoryPoolWithPointers;
880 	// might want to just slice the buffer itself too when we happened to have gotten a full request inside it and don't need to decode
881 	// then the buffer also can be recycled if it is set.
883 	// we might also be able to set memory recyclable true by default, but then the property getters set it to false. but not all the things are property getters. but realistically anything except benchmarks are gonna get something lol so meh.
885 	/+
886 	struct VariableCollection {
887 		string[] opIndex(string name) {
889 		}
890 	}
892 	/++
893 		Call this to indicate that you've not retained any reference to the request-local memory (including all strings returned from the Cgi object) outside the request (you can .idup anything you need to store) and it is thus free to be freed or reused by another request.
895 		Most handlers should be able to call this; retaining memory is the exception in any cgi program, but since I can't prove it from inside the library, it plays it safe and lets the GC manage it unless you opt into this behavior. All cgi.d functions will duplicate strings if needed (e.g. session ids from cookies) so unless you're doing something yourself, this should be ok.
897 		History:
898 			Added
899 	+/
900 	public void recycleMemory() {
902 	}
903 	+/
906 	/++
907 		Cgi provides a per-request memory pool
909 	+/
910 	void[] allocateMemory(size_t nBytes) {
912 	}
914 	/// ditto
915 	void[] reallocateMemory(void[] old, size_t nBytes) {
917 	}
919 	/// ditto
920 	void freeMemory(void[] memory) {
922 	}
923 	+/
926 /*
927 	import core.runtime;
928 	auto args = Runtime.args();
930 	we can call the app a few ways:
932 	1) set up the environment variables and call the app (manually simulating CGI)
933 	2) simulate a call automatically:
934 		./app method 'uri'
936 		for example:
937 			./app get /path?arg arg2=something
939 	  Anything on the uri is treated as query string etc
941 	  on get method, further args are appended to the query string (encoded automatically)
942 	  on post method, further args are done as post
945 	  @name means import from file "name". if name == -, it uses stdin
946 	  (so info=@- means set info to the value of stdin)
949 	  Other arguments include:
950 	  	--cookie name=value (these are all concated together)
951 		--header 'X-Something: cool'
952 		--referrer 'something'
953 		--port 80
954 		--remote-address some.ip.address.here
955 		--https yes
956 		--user-agent 'something'
957 		--userpass 'user:pass'
958 		--authorization 'Basic base64encoded_user:pass'
959 		--accept 'content' // FIXME: better example
960 		--last-event-id 'something'
961 		--host 'something.com'
962 		--session name=value (these are added to a mock session, changes to the session are printed out as dummy response headers)
964 	  Non-simulation arguments:
965 	  	--port xxx listening port for non-cgi things (valid for the cgi interfaces)
966 		--listening-host  the ip address the application should listen on, or if you want to use unix domain sockets, it is here you can set them: `--listening-host unix:filename` or, on Linux, `--listening-host abstract:name`.
968 */
970 	/** Initializes it with command line arguments (for easy testing) */
971 	this(string[] args, void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) _rawDataOutput = null) {
972 		rawDataOutput = _rawDataOutput;
973 		// these are all set locally so the loop works
974 		// without triggering errors in dmd 2.064
975 		// we go ahead and set them at the end of it to the this version
976 		int port;
977 		string referrer;
978 		string remoteAddress;
979 		string userAgent;
980 		string authorization;
981 		string origin;
982 		string accept;
983 		string lastEventId;
984 		bool https;
985 		string host;
986 		RequestMethod requestMethod;
987 		string requestUri;
988 		string pathInfo;
989 		string queryString;
991 		bool lookingForMethod;
992 		bool lookingForUri;
993 		string nextArgIs;
995 		string _cookie;
996 		string _queryString;
997 		string[][string] _post;
998 		string[string] _headers;
1000 		string[] breakUp(string s) {
1001 			string k, v;
1002 			auto idx = s.indexOf("=");
1003 			if(idx == -1) {
1004 				k = s;
1005 			} else {
1006 				k = s[0 .. idx];
1007 				v = s[idx + 1 .. $];
1008 			}
1010 			return [k, v];
1011 		}
1013 		lookingForMethod = true;
1015 		scriptName = args[0];
1016 		scriptFileName = args[0];
1018 		environmentVariables = cast(const) environment.toAA;
1020 		foreach(arg; args[1 .. $]) {
1021 			if(arg.startsWith("--")) {
1022 				nextArgIs = arg[2 .. $];
1023 			} else if(nextArgIs.length) {
1024 				if (nextArgIs == "cookie") {
1025 					auto info = breakUp(arg);
1026 					if(_cookie.length)
1027 						_cookie ~= "; ";
1028 					_cookie ~= std.uri.encodeComponent(info[0]) ~ "=" ~ std.uri.encodeComponent(info[1]);
1029 				}
1030 				if (nextArgIs == "session") {
1031 					auto info = breakUp(arg);
1032 					_commandLineSession[info[0]] = info[1];
1033 				}
1035 				else if (nextArgIs == "port") {
1036 					port = to!int(arg);
1037 				}
1038 				else if (nextArgIs == "referrer") {
1039 					referrer = arg;
1040 				}
1041 				else if (nextArgIs == "remote-address") {
1042 					remoteAddress = arg;
1043 				}
1044 				else if (nextArgIs == "user-agent") {
1045 					userAgent = arg;
1046 				}
1047 				else if (nextArgIs == "authorization") {
1048 					authorization = arg;
1049 				}
1050 				else if (nextArgIs == "userpass") {
1051 					authorization = "Basic " ~ Base64.encode(cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) (arg)).idup;
1052 				}
1053 				else if (nextArgIs == "origin") {
1054 					origin = arg;
1055 				}
1056 				else if (nextArgIs == "accept") {
1057 					accept = arg;
1058 				}
1059 				else if (nextArgIs == "last-event-id") {
1060 					lastEventId = arg;
1061 				}
1062 				else if (nextArgIs == "https") {
1063 					if(arg == "yes")
1064 						https = true;
1065 				}
1066 				else if (nextArgIs == "header") {
1067 					string thing, other;
1068 					auto idx = arg.indexOf(":");
1069 					if(idx == -1)
1070 						throw new Exception("need a colon in a http header");
1071 					thing = arg[0 .. idx];
1072 					other = arg[idx + 1.. $];
1073 					_headers[thing.strip.toLower()] = other.strip;
1074 				}
1075 				else if (nextArgIs == "host") {
1076 					host = arg;
1077 				}
1078 				// else
1079 				// skip, we don't know it but that's ok, it might be used elsewhere so no error
1081 				nextArgIs = null;
1082 			} else if(lookingForMethod) {
1083 				lookingForMethod = false;
1084 				lookingForUri = true;
1086 				if(arg.asLowerCase().equal("commandline"))
1087 					requestMethod = RequestMethod.CommandLine;
1088 				else
1089 					requestMethod = to!RequestMethod(arg.toUpper());
1090 			} else if(lookingForUri) {
1091 				lookingForUri = false;
1093 				requestUri = arg;
1095 				auto idx = arg.indexOf("?");
1096 				if(idx == -1)
1097 					pathInfo = arg;
1098 				else {
1099 					pathInfo = arg[0 .. idx];
1100 					_queryString = arg[idx + 1 .. $];
1101 				}
1102 			} else {
1103 				// it is an argument of some sort
1104 				if(requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.POST || requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.PATCH || requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.PUT || requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.CommandLine) {
1105 					auto parts = breakUp(arg);
1106 					_post[parts[0]] ~= parts[1];
1107 					allPostNamesInOrder ~= parts[0];
1108 					allPostValuesInOrder ~= parts[1];
1109 				} else {
1110 					if(_queryString.length)
1111 						_queryString ~= "&";
1112 					auto parts = breakUp(arg);
1113 					_queryString ~= std.uri.encodeComponent(parts[0]) ~ "=" ~ std.uri.encodeComponent(parts[1]);
1114 				}
1115 			}
1116 		}
1118 		acceptsGzip = false;
1119 		keepAliveRequested = false;
1120 		requestHeaders = cast(immutable) _headers;
1122 		cookie = _cookie;
1123 		cookiesArray =  getCookieArray();
1124 		cookies = keepLastOf(cookiesArray);
1126 		queryString = _queryString;
1127 		getArray = cast(immutable) decodeVariables(queryString, "&", &allGetNamesInOrder, &allGetValuesInOrder);
1128 		get = keepLastOf(getArray);
1130 		postArray = cast(immutable) _post;
1131 		post = keepLastOf(_post);
1133 		// FIXME
1134 		filesArray = null;
1135 		files = null;
1137 		isCalledWithCommandLineArguments = true;
1139 		this.port = port;
1140 		this.referrer = referrer;
1141 		this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress;
1142 		this.userAgent = userAgent;
1143 		this.authorization = authorization;
1144 		this.origin = origin;
1145 		this.accept = accept;
1146 		this.lastEventId = lastEventId;
1147 		this.https = https;
1148 		this.host = host;
1149 		this.requestMethod = requestMethod;
1150 		this.requestUri = requestUri;
1151 		this.pathInfo = pathInfo;
1152 		this.queryString = queryString;
1153 		this.postBody = null;
1154 	}
1156 	private {
1157 		string[] allPostNamesInOrder;
1158 		string[] allPostValuesInOrder;
1159 		string[] allGetNamesInOrder;
1160 		string[] allGetValuesInOrder;
1161 	}
1163 	CgiConnectionHandle getOutputFileHandle() {
1164 		return _outputFileHandle;
1165 	}
1167 	CgiConnectionHandle _outputFileHandle = INVALID_CGI_CONNECTION_HANDLE;
1169 	/** Initializes it using a CGI or CGI-like interface */
1170 	this(long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength,
1171 		// use this to override the environment variable listing
1172 		in string[string] env = null,
1173 		// and this should return a chunk of data. return empty when done
1174 		const(ubyte)[] delegate() readdata = null,
1175 		// finally, use this to do custom output if needed
1176 		void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) _rawDataOutput = null,
1177 		// to flush teh custom output
1178 		void delegate() _flush = null
1179 		)
1180 	{
1182 		// these are all set locally so the loop works
1183 		// without triggering errors in dmd 2.064
1184 		// we go ahead and set them at the end of it to the this version
1185 		int port;
1186 		string referrer;
1187 		string remoteAddress;
1188 		string userAgent;
1189 		string authorization;
1190 		string origin;
1191 		string accept;
1192 		string lastEventId;
1193 		bool https;
1194 		string host;
1195 		RequestMethod requestMethod;
1196 		string requestUri;
1197 		string pathInfo;
1198 		string queryString;
1202 		isCalledWithCommandLineArguments = false;
1203 		rawDataOutput = _rawDataOutput;
1204 		flushDelegate = _flush;
1205 		auto getenv = delegate string(string var) {
1206 			if(env is null)
1207 				return std.process.environment.get(var);
1208 			auto e = var in env;
1209 			if(e is null)
1210 				return null;
1211 			return *e;
1212 		};
1214 		environmentVariables = env is null ?
1215 			cast(const) environment.toAA :
1216 			env;
1218 		// fetching all the request headers
1219 		string[string] requestHeadersHere;
1220 		foreach(k, v; env is null ? cast(const) environment.toAA() : env) {
1221 			if(k.startsWith("HTTP_")) {
1222 				requestHeadersHere[replace(k["HTTP_".length .. $].toLower(), "_", "-")] = v;
1223 			}
1224 		}
1226 		this.requestHeaders = assumeUnique(requestHeadersHere);
1228 		requestUri = getenv("REQUEST_URI");
1230 		cookie = getenv("HTTP_COOKIE");
1231 		cookiesArray = getCookieArray();
1232 		cookies = keepLastOf(cookiesArray);
1234 		referrer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");
1235 		userAgent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
1236 		remoteAddress = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
1237 		host = getenv("HTTP_HOST");
1238 		pathInfo = getenv("PATH_INFO");
1240 		queryString = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
1241 		scriptName = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
1242 		{
1243 			import core.runtime;
1244 			auto sfn = getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");
1245 			scriptFileName = sfn.length ? sfn : (Runtime.args.length ? Runtime.args[0] : null);
1246 		}
1248 		bool iis = false;
1250 		// Because IIS doesn't pass requestUri, we simulate it here if it's empty.
1251 		if(requestUri.length == 0) {
1252 			// IIS sometimes includes the script name as part of the path info - we don't want that
1253 			if(pathInfo.length >= scriptName.length && (pathInfo[0 .. scriptName.length] == scriptName))
1254 				pathInfo = pathInfo[scriptName.length .. $];
1256 			requestUri = scriptName ~ pathInfo ~ (queryString.length ? ("?" ~ queryString) : "");
1258 			iis = true; // FIXME HACK - used in byChunk below - see bugzilla 6339
1260 			// FIXME: this works for apache and iis... but what about others?
1261 		}
1264 		auto ugh = decodeVariables(queryString, "&", &allGetNamesInOrder, &allGetValuesInOrder);
1265 		getArray = assumeUnique(ugh);
1266 		get = keepLastOf(getArray);
1269 		// NOTE: on shitpache, you need to specifically forward this
1270 		authorization = getenv("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION");
1271 		// this is a hack because Apache is a shitload of fuck and
1272 		// refuses to send the real header to us. Compatible
1273 		// programs should send both the standard and X- versions
1275 		// NOTE: if you have access to .htaccess or httpd.conf, you can make this
1276 		// unnecessary with mod_rewrite, so it is commented
1278 		//if(authorization.length == 0) // if the std is there, use it
1279 		//	authorization = getenv("HTTP_X_AUTHORIZATION");
1281 		// the REDIRECT_HTTPS check is here because with an Apache hack, the port can become wrong
1282 		if(getenv("SERVER_PORT").length && getenv("REDIRECT_HTTPS") != "on")
1283 			port = to!int(getenv("SERVER_PORT"));
1284 		else
1285 			port = 0; // this was probably called from the command line
1287 		auto ae = getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING");
1288 		if(ae.length && ae.indexOf("gzip") != -1)
1289 			acceptsGzip = true;
1291 		accept = getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT");
1292 		lastEventId = getenv("HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID");
1294 		auto ka = getenv("HTTP_CONNECTION");
1295 		if(ka.length && ka.asLowerCase().canFind("keep-alive"))
1296 			keepAliveRequested = true;
1298 		auto or = getenv("HTTP_ORIGIN");
1299 			origin = or;
1301 		auto rm = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
1302 		if(rm.length)
1303 			requestMethod = to!RequestMethod(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"));
1304 		else
1305 			requestMethod = RequestMethod.CommandLine;
1307 						// FIXME: hack on REDIRECT_HTTPS; this is there because the work app uses mod_rewrite which loses the https flag! So I set it with [E=HTTPS=%HTTPS] or whatever but then it gets translated to here so i want it to still work. This is arguably wrong but meh.
1308 		https = (getenv("HTTPS") == "on" || getenv("REDIRECT_HTTPS") == "on");
1312 		// FIXME: what about PUT?
1313 		if(requestMethod == RequestMethod.POST || requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.PATCH || requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.PUT || requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.CommandLine) {
1314 			version(preserveData) // a hack to make forwarding simpler
1315 				immutable(ubyte)[] data;
1316 			size_t amountReceived = 0;
1317 			auto contentType = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE");
1319 			// FIXME: is this ever not going to be set? I guess it depends
1320 			// on if the server de-chunks and buffers... seems like it has potential
1321 			// to be slow if they did that. The spec says it is always there though.
1322 			// And it has worked reliably for me all year in the live environment,
1323 			// but some servers might be different.
1324 			auto cls = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
1325 			auto contentLength = to!size_t(cls.length ? cls : "0");
1327 			immutable originalContentLength = contentLength;
1328 			if(contentLength) {
1329 				if(maxContentLength > 0 && contentLength > maxContentLength) {
1330 					setResponseStatus("413 Request entity too large");
1331 					write("You tried to upload a file that is too large.");
1332 					close();
1333 					throw new Exception("POST too large");
1334 				}
1335 				prepareForIncomingDataChunks(contentType, contentLength);
1338 				int processChunk(in ubyte[] chunk) {
1339 					if(chunk.length > contentLength) {
1340 						handleIncomingDataChunk(chunk[0..contentLength]);
1341 						amountReceived += contentLength;
1342 						contentLength = 0;
1343 						return 1;
1344 					} else {
1345 						handleIncomingDataChunk(chunk);
1346 						contentLength -= chunk.length;
1347 						amountReceived += chunk.length;
1348 					}
1349 					if(contentLength == 0)
1350 						return 1;
1352 					onRequestBodyDataReceived(amountReceived, originalContentLength);
1353 					return 0;
1354 				}
1357 				if(readdata is null) {
1358 					foreach(ubyte[] chunk; stdin.byChunk(iis ? contentLength : 4096))
1359 						if(processChunk(chunk))
1360 							break;
1361 				} else {
1362 					// we have a custom data source..
1363 					auto chunk = readdata();
1364 					while(chunk.length) {
1365 						if(processChunk(chunk))
1366 							break;
1367 						chunk = readdata();
1368 					}
1369 				}
1371 				onRequestBodyDataReceived(amountReceived, originalContentLength);
1372 				postArray = assumeUnique(pps._post);
1373 				filesArray = assumeUnique(pps._files);
1374 				files = keepLastOf(filesArray);
1375 				post = keepLastOf(postArray);
1376 				this.postBody = pps.postBody;
1377 				cleanUpPostDataState();
1378 			}
1380 			version(preserveData)
1381 				originalPostData = data;
1382 		}
1383 		// fixme: remote_user script name
1386 		this.port = port;
1387 		this.referrer = referrer;
1388 		this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress;
1389 		this.userAgent = userAgent;
1390 		this.authorization = authorization;
1391 		this.origin = origin;
1392 		this.accept = accept;
1393 		this.lastEventId = lastEventId;
1394 		this.https = https;
1395 		this.host = host;
1396 		this.requestMethod = requestMethod;
1397 		this.requestUri = requestUri;
1398 		this.pathInfo = pathInfo;
1399 		this.queryString = queryString;
1400 	}
1402 	/// Cleans up any temporary files. Do not use the object
1403 	/// after calling this.
1404 	///
1405 	/// NOTE: it is called automatically by GenericMain
1406 	// FIXME: this should be called if the constructor fails too, if it has created some garbage...
1407 	void dispose() {
1408 		foreach(file; files) {
1409 			if(!file.contentInMemory)
1410 				if(std.file.exists(file.contentFilename))
1411 					std.file.remove(file.contentFilename);
1412 		}
1413 	}
1415 	private {
1416 		struct PostParserState {
1417 			string contentType;
1418 			string boundary;
1419 			string localBoundary; // the ones used at the end or something lol
1420 			bool isMultipart;
1421 			bool needsSavedBody;
1423 			ulong expectedLength;
1424 			ulong contentConsumed;
1425 			immutable(ubyte)[] buffer;
1427 			// multipart parsing state
1428 			int whatDoWeWant;
1429 			bool weHaveAPart;
1430 			string[] thisOnesHeaders;
1431 			immutable(ubyte)[] thisOnesData;
1433 			string postBody;
1435 			UploadedFile piece;
1436 			bool isFile = false;
1438 			size_t memoryCommitted;
1440 			// do NOT keep mutable references to these anywhere!
1441 			// I assume they are unique in the constructor once we're all done getting data.
1442 			string[][string] _post;
1443 			UploadedFile[][string] _files;
1444 		}
1446 		PostParserState pps;
1447 	}
1449 	/// This represents a file the user uploaded via a POST request.
1450 	static struct UploadedFile {
1451 		/// If you want to create one of these structs for yourself from some data,
1452 		/// use this function.
1453 		static UploadedFile fromData(immutable(void)[] data, string name = null) {
1454 			Cgi.UploadedFile f;
1455 			f.filename = name;
1456 			f.content = cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) data;
1457 			f.contentInMemory = true;
1458 			return f;
1459 		}
1461 		string name; 		/// The name of the form element.
1462 		string filename; 	/// The filename the user set.
1463 		string contentType; 	/// The MIME type the user's browser reported. (Not reliable.)
1465 		/**
1466 			For small files, cgi.d will buffer the uploaded file in memory, and make it
1467 			directly accessible to you through the content member. I find this very convenient
1468 			and somewhat efficient, since it can avoid hitting the disk entirely. (I
1469 			often want to inspect and modify the file anyway!)
1471 			I find the file is very large, it is undesirable to eat that much memory just
1472 			for a file buffer. In those cases, if you pass a large enough value for maxContentLength
1473 			to the constructor so they are accepted, cgi.d will write the content to a temporary
1474 			file that you can re-read later.
1476 			You can override this behavior by subclassing Cgi and overriding the protected
1477 			handlePostChunk method. Note that the object is not initialized when you
1478 			write that method - the http headers are available, but the cgi.post method
1479 			is not. You may parse the file as it streams in using this method.
1482 			Anyway, if the file is small enough to be in memory, contentInMemory will be
1483 			set to true, and the content is available in the content member.
1485 			If not, contentInMemory will be set to false, and the content saved in a file,
1486 			whose name will be available in the contentFilename member.
1489 			Tip: if you know you are always dealing with small files, and want the convenience
1490 			of ignoring this member, construct Cgi with a small maxContentLength. Then, if
1491 			a large file comes in, it simply throws an exception (and HTTP error response)
1492 			instead of trying to handle it.
1494 			The default value of maxContentLength in the constructor is for small files.
1495 		*/
1496 		bool contentInMemory = true; // the default ought to always be true
1497 		immutable(ubyte)[] content; /// The actual content of the file, if contentInMemory == true
1498 		string contentFilename; /// the file where we dumped the content, if contentInMemory == false. Note that if you want to keep it, you MUST move the file, since otherwise it is considered garbage when cgi is disposed.
1500 		///
1501 		ulong fileSize() const {
1502 			if(contentInMemory)
1503 				return content.length;
1504 			import std.file;
1505 			return std.file.getSize(contentFilename);
1507 		}
1509 		///
1510 		void writeToFile(string filenameToSaveTo) const {
1511 			import std.file;
1512 			if(contentInMemory)
1513 				std.file.write(filenameToSaveTo, content);
1514 			else
1515 				std.file.rename(contentFilename, filenameToSaveTo);
1516 		}
1517 	}
1519 	// given a content type and length, decide what we're going to do with the data..
1520 	protected void prepareForIncomingDataChunks(string contentType, ulong contentLength) {
1521 		pps.expectedLength = contentLength;
1523 		auto terminator = contentType.indexOf(";");
1524 		if(terminator == -1)
1525 			terminator = contentType.length;
1527 		pps.contentType = contentType[0 .. terminator];
1528 		auto b = contentType[terminator .. $];
1529 		if(b.length) {
1530 			auto idx = b.indexOf("boundary=");
1531 			if(idx != -1) {
1532 				pps.boundary = b[idx + "boundary=".length .. $];
1533 				pps.localBoundary = "\r\n--" ~ pps.boundary;
1534 			}
1535 		}
1537 		// while a content type SHOULD be sent according to the RFC, it is
1538 		// not required. We're told we SHOULD guess by looking at the content
1539 		// but it seems to me that this only happens when it is urlencoded.
1540 		if(pps.contentType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" || pps.contentType == "") {
1541 			pps.isMultipart = false;
1542 			pps.needsSavedBody = false;
1543 		} else if(pps.contentType == "multipart/form-data") {
1544 			pps.isMultipart = true;
1545 			enforce(pps.boundary.length, "no boundary");
1546 		} else if(pps.contentType == "text/xml") { // FIXME: could this be special and load the post params
1547 			// save the body so the application can handle it
1548 			pps.isMultipart = false;
1549 			pps.needsSavedBody = true;
1550 		} else if(pps.contentType == "application/json") { // FIXME: this could prolly try to load post params too
1551 			// save the body so the application can handle it
1552 			pps.needsSavedBody = true;
1553 			pps.isMultipart = false;
1554 		} else {
1555 			// the rest is 100% handled by the application. just save the body and send it to them
1556 			pps.needsSavedBody = true;
1557 			pps.isMultipart = false;
1558 		}
1559 	}
1561 	// handles streaming POST data. If you handle some other content type, you should
1562 	// override this. If the data isn't the content type you want, you ought to call
1563 	// super.handleIncomingDataChunk so regular forms and files still work.
1565 	// FIXME: I do some copying in here that I'm pretty sure is unnecessary, and the
1566 	// file stuff I'm sure is inefficient. But, my guess is the real bottleneck is network
1567 	// input anyway, so I'm not going to get too worked up about it right now.
1568 	protected void handleIncomingDataChunk(const(ubyte)[] chunk) {
1569 		if(chunk.length == 0)
1570 			return;
1571 		assert(chunk.length <= 32 * 1024 * 1024); // we use chunk size as a memory constraint thing, so
1572 							// if we're passed big chunks, it might throw unnecessarily.
1573 							// just pass it smaller chunks at a time.
1574 		if(pps.isMultipart) {
1575 			// multipart/form-data
1578 			// FIXME: this might want to be factored out and factorized
1579 			// need to make sure the stream hooks actually work.
1580 			void pieceHasNewContent() {
1581 				// we just grew the piece's buffer. Do we have to switch to file backing?
1582 				if(pps.piece.contentInMemory) {
1583 					if(pps.piece.content.length <= 10 * 1024 * 1024)
1584 						// meh, I'm ok with it.
1585 						return;
1586 					else {
1587 						// this is too big.
1588 						if(!pps.isFile)
1589 							throw new Exception("Request entity too large"); // a variable this big is kinda ridiculous, just reject it.
1590 						else {
1591 							// a file this large is probably acceptable though... let's use a backing file.
1592 							pps.piece.contentInMemory = false;
1593 							// FIXME: say... how do we intend to delete these things? cgi.dispose perhaps.
1595 							int count = 0;
1596 							pps.piece.contentFilename = getTempDirectory() ~ "arsd_cgi_uploaded_file_" ~ to!string(getUtcTime()) ~ "-" ~ to!string(count);
1597 							// odds are this loop will never be entered, but we want it just in case.
1598 							while(std.file.exists(pps.piece.contentFilename)) {
1599 								count++;
1600 								pps.piece.contentFilename = getTempDirectory() ~ "arsd_cgi_uploaded_file_" ~ to!string(getUtcTime()) ~ "-" ~ to!string(count);
1601 							}
1602 							// I hope this creates the file pretty quickly, or the loop might be useless...
1603 							// FIXME: maybe I should write some kind of custom transaction here.
1604 							std.file.write(pps.piece.contentFilename, pps.piece.content);
1606 							pps.piece.content = null;
1607 						}
1608 					}
1609 				} else {
1610 					// it's already in a file, so just append it to what we have
1611 					if(pps.piece.content.length) {
1612 						// FIXME: this is surely very inefficient... we'll be calling this by 4kb chunk...
1613 						std.file.append(pps.piece.contentFilename, pps.piece.content);
1614 						pps.piece.content = null;
1615 					}
1616 				}
1617 			}
1620 			void commitPart() {
1621 				if(!pps.weHaveAPart)
1622 					return;
1624 				pieceHasNewContent(); // be sure the new content is handled every time
1626 				if(pps.isFile) {
1627 					// I'm not sure if other environments put files in post or not...
1628 					// I used to not do it, but I think I should, since it is there...
1629 					pps._post[pps.piece.name] ~= pps.piece.filename;
1630 					pps._files[pps.piece.name] ~= pps.piece;
1632 					allPostNamesInOrder ~= pps.piece.name;
1633 					allPostValuesInOrder ~= pps.piece.filename;
1634 				} else {
1635 					pps._post[pps.piece.name] ~= cast(string) pps.piece.content;
1637 					allPostNamesInOrder ~= pps.piece.name;
1638 					allPostValuesInOrder ~= cast(string) pps.piece.content;
1639 				}
1641 				/*
1642 				stderr.writeln("RECEIVED: ", pps.piece.name, "=",
1643 					pps.piece.content.length < 1000
1644 					?
1645 					to!string(pps.piece.content)
1646 					:
1647 					"too long");
1648 				*/
1650 				// FIXME: the limit here
1651 				pps.memoryCommitted += pps.piece.content.length;
1653 				pps.weHaveAPart = false;
1654 				pps.whatDoWeWant = 1;
1655 				pps.thisOnesHeaders = null;
1656 				pps.thisOnesData = null;
1658 				pps.piece = UploadedFile.init;
1659 				pps.isFile = false;
1660 			}
1662 			void acceptChunk() {
1663 				pps.buffer ~= chunk;
1664 				chunk = null; // we've consumed it into the buffer, so keeping it just brings confusion
1665 			}
1667 			immutable(ubyte)[] consume(size_t howMuch) {
1668 				pps.contentConsumed += howMuch;
1669 				auto ret = pps.buffer[0 .. howMuch];
1670 				pps.buffer = pps.buffer[howMuch .. $];
1671 				return ret;
1672 			}
1674 			dataConsumptionLoop: do {
1675 			switch(pps.whatDoWeWant) {
1676 				default: assert(0);
1677 				case 0:
1678 					acceptChunk();
1679 					// the format begins with two extra leading dashes, then we should be at the boundary
1680 					if(pps.buffer.length < 2)
1681 						return;
1682 					assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-', "no leading dash");
1683 					consume(1);
1684 					assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-', "no second leading dash");
1685 					consume(1);
1687 					pps.whatDoWeWant = 1;
1688 					goto case 1;
1689 				/* fallthrough */
1690 				case 1: // looking for headers
1691 					// here, we should be lined up right at the boundary, which is followed by a \r\n
1693 					// want to keep the buffer under control in case we're under attack
1694 					//stderr.writeln("here once");
1695 					//if(pps.buffer.length + chunk.length > 70 * 1024) // they should be < 1 kb really....
1696 					//	throw new Exception("wtf is up with the huge mime part headers");
1698 					acceptChunk();
1700 					if(pps.buffer.length < pps.boundary.length)
1701 						return; // not enough data, since there should always be a boundary here at least
1703 					if(pps.contentConsumed + pps.boundary.length + 6 == pps.expectedLength) {
1704 						assert(pps.buffer.length == pps.boundary.length + 4 + 2); // --, --, and \r\n
1705 						// we *should* be at the end here!
1706 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-');
1707 						consume(1);
1708 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-');
1709 						consume(1);
1711 						// the message is terminated by --BOUNDARY--\r\n (after a \r\n leading to the boundary)
1712 						assert(pps.buffer[0 .. pps.boundary.length] == cast(const(ubyte[])) pps.boundary,
1713 							"not lined up on boundary " ~ pps.boundary);
1714 						consume(pps.boundary.length);
1716 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-');
1717 						consume(1);
1718 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-');
1719 						consume(1);
1721 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '\r');
1722 						consume(1);
1723 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '\n');
1724 						consume(1);
1726 						assert(pps.buffer.length == 0);
1727 						assert(pps.contentConsumed == pps.expectedLength);
1728 						break dataConsumptionLoop; // we're done!
1729 					} else {
1730 						// we're not done yet. We should be lined up on a boundary.
1732 						// But, we want to ensure the headers are here before we consume anything!
1733 						auto headerEndLocation = locationOf(pps.buffer, "\r\n\r\n");
1734 						if(headerEndLocation == -1)
1735 							return; // they *should* all be here, so we can handle them all at once.
1737 						assert(pps.buffer[0 .. pps.boundary.length] == cast(const(ubyte[])) pps.boundary,
1738 							"not lined up on boundary " ~ pps.boundary);
1740 						consume(pps.boundary.length);
1741 						// the boundary is always followed by a \r\n
1742 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '\r');
1743 						consume(1);
1744 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '\n');
1745 						consume(1);
1746 					}
1748 					// re-running since by consuming the boundary, we invalidate the old index.
1749 					auto headerEndLocation = locationOf(pps.buffer, "\r\n\r\n");
1750 					assert(headerEndLocation >= 0, "no header");
1751 					auto thisOnesHeaders = pps.buffer[0..headerEndLocation];
1753 					consume(headerEndLocation + 4); // The +4 is the \r\n\r\n that caps it off
1755 					pps.thisOnesHeaders = split(cast(string) thisOnesHeaders, "\r\n");
1757 					// now we'll parse the headers
1758 					foreach(h; pps.thisOnesHeaders) {
1759 						auto p = h.indexOf(":");
1760 						assert(p != -1, "no colon in header, got " ~ to!string(pps.thisOnesHeaders));
1761 						string hn = h[0..p];
1762 						string hv = h[p+2..$];
1764 						switch(hn.toLower) {
1765 							default: assert(0);
1766 							case "content-disposition":
1767 								auto info = hv.split("; ");
1768 								foreach(i; info[1..$]) { // skipping the form-data
1769 									auto o = i.split("="); // FIXME
1770 									string pn = o[0];
1771 									string pv = o[1][1..$-1];
1773 									if(pn == "name") {
1774 										pps.piece.name = pv;
1775 									} else if (pn == "filename") {
1776 										pps.piece.filename = pv;
1777 										pps.isFile = true;
1778 									}
1779 								}
1780 							break;
1781 							case "content-type":
1782 								pps.piece.contentType = hv;
1783 							break;
1784 						}
1785 					}
1787 					pps.whatDoWeWant++; // move to the next step - the data
1788 				break;
1789 				case 2:
1790 					// when we get here, pps.buffer should contain our first chunk of data
1792 					if(pps.buffer.length + chunk.length > 8 * 1024 * 1024) // we might buffer quite a bit but not much
1793 						throw new Exception("wtf is up with the huge mime part buffer");
1795 					acceptChunk();
1797 					// so the trick is, we want to process all the data up to the boundary,
1798 					// but what if the chunk's end cuts the boundary off? If we're unsure, we
1799 					// want to wait for the next chunk. We start by looking for the whole boundary
1800 					// in the buffer somewhere.
1802 					auto boundaryLocation = locationOf(pps.buffer, pps.localBoundary);
1803 					// assert(boundaryLocation != -1, "should have seen "~to!string(cast(ubyte[]) pps.localBoundary)~" in " ~ to!string(pps.buffer));
1804 					if(boundaryLocation != -1) {
1805 						// this is easy - we can see it in it's entirety!
1807 						pps.piece.content ~= consume(boundaryLocation);
1809 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '\r');
1810 						consume(1);
1811 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '\n');
1812 						consume(1);
1813 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-');
1814 						consume(1);
1815 						assert(pps.buffer[0] == '-');
1816 						consume(1);
1817 						// the boundary here is always preceded by \r\n--, which is why we used localBoundary instead of boundary to locate it. Cut that off.
1818 						pps.weHaveAPart = true;
1819 						pps.whatDoWeWant = 1; // back to getting headers for the next part
1821 						commitPart(); // we're done here
1822 					} else {
1823 						// we can't see the whole thing, but what if there's a partial boundary?
1825 						enforce(pps.localBoundary.length < 128); // the boundary ought to be less than a line...
1826 						assert(pps.localBoundary.length > 1); // should already be sane but just in case
1827 						bool potentialBoundaryFound = false;
1829 						boundaryCheck: for(int a = 1; a < pps.localBoundary.length; a++) {
1830 							// we grow the boundary a bit each time. If we think it looks the
1831 							// same, better pull another chunk to be sure it's not the end.
1832 							// Starting small because exiting the loop early is desirable, since
1833 							// we're not keeping any ambiguity and 1 / 256 chance of exiting is
1834 							// the best we can do.
1835 							if(a > pps.buffer.length)
1836 								break; // FIXME: is this right?
1837 							assert(a <= pps.buffer.length);
1838 							assert(a > 0);
1839 							if(std.algorithm.endsWith(pps.buffer, pps.localBoundary[0 .. a])) {
1840 								// ok, there *might* be a boundary here, so let's
1841 								// not treat the end as data yet. The rest is good to
1842 								// use though, since if there was a boundary there, we'd
1843 								// have handled it up above after locationOf.
1845 								pps.piece.content ~= pps.buffer[0 .. $ - a];
1846 								consume(pps.buffer.length - a);
1847 								pieceHasNewContent();
1848 								potentialBoundaryFound = true;
1849 								break boundaryCheck;
1850 							}
1851 						}
1853 						if(!potentialBoundaryFound) {
1854 							// we can consume the whole thing
1855 							pps.piece.content ~= pps.buffer;
1856 							pieceHasNewContent();
1857 							consume(pps.buffer.length);
1858 						} else {
1859 							// we found a possible boundary, but there was
1860 							// insufficient data to be sure.
1861 							assert(pps.buffer == cast(const(ubyte[])) pps.localBoundary[0 .. pps.buffer.length]);
1863 							return; // wait for the next chunk.
1864 						}
1865 					}
1866 			}
1867 			} while(pps.buffer.length);
1869 			// btw all boundaries except the first should have a \r\n before them
1870 		} else {
1871 			// application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json
1873 				// not using maxContentLength because that might be cranked up to allow
1874 				// large file uploads. We can handle them, but a huge post[] isn't any good.
1875 			if(pps.buffer.length + chunk.length > 8 * 1024 * 1024) // surely this is plenty big enough
1876 				throw new Exception("wtf is up with such a gigantic form submission????");
1878 			pps.buffer ~= chunk;
1880 			// simple handling, but it works... until someone bombs us with gigabytes of crap at least...
1881 			if(pps.buffer.length == pps.expectedLength) {
1882 				if(pps.needsSavedBody)
1883 					pps.postBody = cast(string) pps.buffer;
1884 				else
1885 					pps._post = decodeVariables(cast(string) pps.buffer, "&", &allPostNamesInOrder, &allPostValuesInOrder);
1886 				version(preserveData)
1887 					originalPostData = pps.buffer;
1888 			} else {
1889 				// just for debugging
1890 			}
1891 		}
1892 	}
1894 	protected void cleanUpPostDataState() {
1895 		pps = PostParserState.init;
1896 	}
1898 	/// you can override this function to somehow react
1899 	/// to an upload in progress.
1900 	///
1901 	/// Take note that parts of the CGI object is not yet
1902 	/// initialized! Stuff from HTTP headers, including get[], is usable.
1903 	/// But, none of post[] is usable, and you cannot write here. That's
1904 	/// why this method is const - mutating the object won't do much anyway.
1905 	///
1906 	/// My idea here was so you can output a progress bar or
1907 	/// something to a cooperative client (see arsd.rtud for a potential helper)
1908 	///
1909 	/// The default is to do nothing. Subclass cgi and use the
1910 	/// CustomCgiMain mixin to do something here.
1911 	void onRequestBodyDataReceived(size_t receivedSoFar, size_t totalExpected) const {
1912 		// This space intentionally left blank.
1913 	}
1915 	/// Initializes the cgi from completely raw HTTP data. The ir must have a Socket source.
1916 	/// *closeConnection will be set to true if you should close the connection after handling this request
1917 	this(BufferedInputRange ir, bool* closeConnection) {
1918 		isCalledWithCommandLineArguments = false;
1919 		import al = std.algorithm;
1921 		immutable(ubyte)[] data;
1923 		void rdo(const(ubyte)[] d) {
1924 		//import std.stdio; writeln(d);
1925 			sendAll(ir.source, d);
1926 		}
1928 		auto ira = ir.source.remoteAddress();
1929 		auto irLocalAddress = ir.source.localAddress();
1931 		ushort port = 80;
1932 		if(auto ia = cast(InternetAddress) irLocalAddress) {
1933 			port = ia.port;
1934 		} else if(auto ia = cast(Internet6Address) irLocalAddress) {
1935 			port = ia.port;
1936 		}
1938 		// that check for UnixAddress is to work around a Phobos bug
1939 		// see: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/7383
1940 		// but this might be more useful anyway tbh for this case
1941 		version(Posix)
1942 		this(ir, ira is null ? null : cast(UnixAddress) ira ? "unix:" : ira.toString(), port, 0, false, &rdo, null, closeConnection);
1943 		else
1944 		this(ir, ira is null ? null : ira.toString(), port, 0, false, &rdo, null, closeConnection);
1945 	}
1947 	/**
1948 		Initializes it from raw HTTP request data. GenericMain uses this when you compile with -version=embedded_httpd.
1950 		NOTE: If you are behind a reverse proxy, the values here might not be what you expect.... it will use X-Forwarded-For for remote IP and X-Forwarded-Host for host
1952 		Params:
1953 			inputData = the incoming data, including headers and other raw http data.
1954 				When the constructor exits, it will leave this range exactly at the start of
1955 				the next request on the connection (if there is one).
1957 			address = the IP address of the remote user
1958 			_port = the port number of the connection
1959 			pathInfoStarts = the offset into the path component of the http header where the SCRIPT_NAME ends and the PATH_INFO begins.
1960 			_https = if this connection is encrypted (note that the input data must not actually be encrypted)
1961 			_rawDataOutput = delegate to accept response data. It should write to the socket or whatever; Cgi does all the needed processing to speak http.
1962 			_flush = if _rawDataOutput buffers, this delegate should flush the buffer down the wire
1963 			closeConnection = if the request asks to close the connection, *closeConnection == true.
1964 	*/
1965 	this(
1966 		BufferedInputRange inputData,
1967 //		string[] headers, immutable(ubyte)[] data,
1968 		string address, ushort _port,
1969 		int pathInfoStarts = 0, // use this if you know the script name, like if this is in a folder in a bigger web environment
1970 		bool _https = false,
1971 		void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) _rawDataOutput = null,
1972 		void delegate() _flush = null,
1973 		// this pointer tells if the connection is supposed to be closed after we handle this
1974 		bool* closeConnection = null)
1975 	{
1976 		// these are all set locally so the loop works
1977 		// without triggering errors in dmd 2.064
1978 		// we go ahead and set them at the end of it to the this version
1979 		int port;
1980 		string referrer;
1981 		string remoteAddress;
1982 		string userAgent;
1983 		string authorization;
1984 		string origin;
1985 		string accept;
1986 		string lastEventId;
1987 		bool https;
1988 		string host;
1989 		RequestMethod requestMethod;
1990 		string requestUri;
1991 		string pathInfo;
1992 		string queryString;
1993 		string scriptName;
1994 		string[string] get;
1995 		string[][string] getArray;
1996 		bool keepAliveRequested;
1997 		bool acceptsGzip;
1998 		string cookie;
2002 		environmentVariables = cast(const) environment.toAA;
2004 		idlol = inputData;
2006 		isCalledWithCommandLineArguments = false;
2008 		https = _https;
2009 		port = _port;
2011 		rawDataOutput = _rawDataOutput;
2012 		flushDelegate = _flush;
2013 		nph = true;
2015 		remoteAddress = address;
2017 		// streaming parser
2018 		import al = std.algorithm;
2020 			// FIXME: tis cast is technically wrong, but Phobos deprecated al.indexOf... for some reason.
2021 		auto idx = indexOf(cast(string) inputData.front(), "\r\n\r\n");
2022 		while(idx == -1) {
2023 			inputData.popFront(0);
2024 			idx = indexOf(cast(string) inputData.front(), "\r\n\r\n");
2025 		}
2027 		assert(idx != -1);
2030 		string contentType = "";
2031 		string[string] requestHeadersHere;
2033 		size_t contentLength;
2035 		bool isChunked;
2037 		{
2038 			import core.runtime;
2039 			scriptFileName = Runtime.args.length ? Runtime.args[0] : null;
2040 		}
2043 		int headerNumber = 0;
2044 		foreach(line; al.splitter(inputData.front()[0 .. idx], "\r\n"))
2045 		if(line.length) {
2046 			headerNumber++;
2047 			auto header = cast(string) line.idup;
2048 			if(headerNumber == 1) {
2049 				// request line
2050 				auto parts = al.splitter(header, " ");
2051 				if(parts.front == "PRI") {
2052 					// this is an HTTP/2.0 line - "PRI * HTTP/2.0" - which indicates their payload will follow
2053 					// we're going to immediately refuse this, im not interested in implementing http2 (it is unlikely
2054 					// to bring me benefit)
2055 					throw new HttpVersionNotSupportedException();
2056 				}
2057 				requestMethod = to!RequestMethod(parts.front);
2058 				parts.popFront();
2059 				requestUri = parts.front;
2061 				// FIXME:  the requestUri could be an absolute path!!! should I rename it or something?
2062 				scriptName = requestUri[0 .. pathInfoStarts];
2064 				auto question = requestUri.indexOf("?");
2065 				if(question == -1) {
2066 					queryString = "";
2067 					// FIXME: double check, this might be wrong since it could be url encoded
2068 					pathInfo = requestUri[pathInfoStarts..$];
2069 				} else {
2070 					queryString = requestUri[question+1..$];
2071 					pathInfo = requestUri[pathInfoStarts..question];
2072 				}
2074 				auto ugh = decodeVariables(queryString, "&", &allGetNamesInOrder, &allGetValuesInOrder);
2075 				getArray = cast(string[][string]) assumeUnique(ugh);
2077 				if(header.indexOf("HTTP/1.0") != -1) {
2078 					http10 = true;
2079 					autoBuffer = true;
2080 					if(closeConnection) {
2081 						// on http 1.0, close is assumed (unlike http/1.1 where we assume keep alive)
2082 						*closeConnection = true;
2083 					}
2084 				}
2085 			} else {
2086 				// other header
2087 				auto colon = header.indexOf(":");
2088 				if(colon == -1)
2089 					throw new Exception("HTTP headers should have a colon!");
2090 				string name = header[0..colon].toLower;
2091 				string value = header[colon+2..$]; // skip the colon and the space
2093 				requestHeadersHere[name] = value;
2095 				if (name == "accept") {
2096 					accept = value;
2097 				}
2098 				else if (name == "origin") {
2099 					origin = value;
2100 				}
2101 				else if (name == "connection") {
2102 					if(value == "close" && closeConnection)
2103 						*closeConnection = true;
2104 					if(value.asLowerCase().canFind("keep-alive")) {
2105 						keepAliveRequested = true;
2107 						// on http 1.0, the connection is closed by default,
2108 						// but not if they request keep-alive. then we don't close
2109 						// anymore - undoing the set above
2110 						if(http10 && closeConnection) {
2111 							*closeConnection = false;
2112 						}
2113 					}
2114 				}
2115 				else if (name == "transfer-encoding") {
2116 					if(value == "chunked")
2117 						isChunked = true;
2118 				}
2119 				else if (name == "last-event-id") {
2120 					lastEventId = value;
2121 				}
2122 				else if (name == "authorization") {
2123 					authorization = value;
2124 				}
2125 				else if (name == "content-type") {
2126 					contentType = value;
2127 				}
2128 				else if (name == "content-length") {
2129 					contentLength = to!size_t(value);
2130 				}
2131 				else if (name == "x-forwarded-for") {
2132 					remoteAddress = value;
2133 				}
2134 				else if (name == "x-forwarded-host" || name == "host") {
2135 					if(name != "host" || host is null)
2136 						host = value;
2137 				}
2138 				// FIXME: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239
2139 				else if (name == "accept-encoding") {
2140 					if(value.indexOf("gzip") != -1)
2141 						acceptsGzip = true;
2142 				}
2143 				else if (name == "user-agent") {
2144 					userAgent = value;
2145 				}
2146 				else if (name == "referer") {
2147 					referrer = value;
2148 				}
2149 				else if (name == "cookie") {
2150 					cookie ~= value;
2151 				} else if(name == "expect") {
2152 					if(value == "100-continue") {
2153 						// FIXME we should probably give user code a chance
2154 						// to process and reject but that needs to be virtual,
2155 						// perhaps part of the CGI redesign.
2157 						// FIXME: if size is > max content length it should
2158 						// also fail at this point.
2159 						_rawDataOutput(cast(ubyte[]) "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n");
2161 						// FIXME: let the user write out 103 early hints too
2162 					}
2163 				}
2164 				// else
2165 				// ignore it
2167 			}
2168 		}
2170 		inputData.consume(idx + 4);
2171 		// done
2173 		requestHeaders = assumeUnique(requestHeadersHere);
2175 		ByChunkRange dataByChunk;
2177 		// reading Content-Length type data
2178 		// We need to read up the data we have, and write it out as a chunk.
2179 		if(!isChunked) {
2180 			dataByChunk = byChunk(inputData, contentLength);
2181 		} else {
2182 			// chunked requests happen, but not every day. Since we need to know
2183 			// the content length (for now, maybe that should change), we'll buffer
2184 			// the whole thing here instead of parse streaming. (I think this is what Apache does anyway in cgi modes)
2185 			auto data = dechunk(inputData);
2187 			// set the range here
2188 			dataByChunk = byChunk(data);
2189 			contentLength = data.length;
2190 		}
2192 		assert(dataByChunk !is null);
2194 		if(contentLength) {
2195 			prepareForIncomingDataChunks(contentType, contentLength);
2196 			foreach(dataChunk; dataByChunk) {
2197 				handleIncomingDataChunk(dataChunk);
2198 			}
2199 			postArray = assumeUnique(pps._post);
2200 			filesArray = assumeUnique(pps._files);
2201 			files = keepLastOf(filesArray);
2202 			post = keepLastOf(postArray);
2203 			postBody = pps.postBody;
2204 			cleanUpPostDataState();
2205 		}
2207 		this.port = port;
2208 		this.referrer = referrer;
2209 		this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress;
2210 		this.userAgent = userAgent;
2211 		this.authorization = authorization;
2212 		this.origin = origin;
2213 		this.accept = accept;
2214 		this.lastEventId = lastEventId;
2215 		this.https = https;
2216 		this.host = host;
2217 		this.requestMethod = requestMethod;
2218 		this.requestUri = requestUri;
2219 		this.pathInfo = pathInfo;
2220 		this.queryString = queryString;
2222 		this.scriptName = scriptName;
2223 		this.get = keepLastOf(getArray);
2224 		this.getArray = cast(immutable) getArray;
2225 		this.keepAliveRequested = keepAliveRequested;
2226 		this.acceptsGzip = acceptsGzip;
2227 		this.cookie = cookie;
2229 		cookiesArray = getCookieArray();
2230 		cookies = keepLastOf(cookiesArray);
2232 	}
2233 	BufferedInputRange idlol;
2235 	private immutable(string[string]) keepLastOf(in string[][string] arr) {
2236 		string[string] ca;
2237 		foreach(k, v; arr)
2238 			ca[k] = v[$-1];
2240 		return assumeUnique(ca);
2241 	}
2243 	// FIXME duplication
2244 	private immutable(UploadedFile[string]) keepLastOf(in UploadedFile[][string] arr) {
2245 		UploadedFile[string] ca;
2246 		foreach(k, v; arr)
2247 			ca[k] = v[$-1];
2249 		return assumeUnique(ca);
2250 	}
2253 	private immutable(string[][string]) getCookieArray() {
2254 		auto forTheLoveOfGod = decodeVariables(cookie, "; ");
2255 		return assumeUnique(forTheLoveOfGod);
2256 	}
2258 	/++
2259 		Very simple method to require a basic auth username and password.
2260 		If the http request doesn't include the required credentials, it throws a
2261 		HTTP 401 error, and an exception to cancel your handler. Do NOT catch the
2262 		`AuthorizationRequiredException` exception thrown by this if you want the
2263 		http basic auth prompt to work for the user!
2265 		Note: basic auth does not provide great security, especially over unencrypted HTTP;
2266 		the user's credentials are sent in plain text on every request.
2268 		If you are using Apache, the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION variable may not be sent to the
2269 		application. Either use Apache's built in methods for basic authentication, or add
2270 		something along these lines to your server configuration:
2272 		     ```
2273 		     RewriteEngine On
2274 		     RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
2275 		     RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
2276 		     ```
2278 		To ensure the necessary data is available to cgi.d.
2279 	+/
2280 	void requireBasicAuth(string user, string pass, string message = null, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
2281 		if(authorization != "Basic " ~ Base64.encode(cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) (user ~ ":" ~ pass))) {
2282 			throw new AuthorizationRequiredException("Basic", message, file, line);
2283 		}
2284 	}
2286 	/// Very simple caching controls - setCache(false) means it will never be cached. Good for rapidly updated or sensitive sites.
2287 	/// setCache(true) means it will always be cached for as long as possible. Best for static content.
2288 	/// Use setResponseExpires and updateResponseExpires for more control
2289 	void setCache(bool allowCaching) {
2290 		noCache = !allowCaching;
2291 	}
2293 	/// Set to true and use cgi.write(data, true); to send a gzipped response to browsers
2294 	/// who can accept it
2295 	bool gzipResponse;
2297 	immutable bool acceptsGzip;
2298 	immutable bool keepAliveRequested;
2300 	/// Set to true if and only if this was initialized with command line arguments
2301 	immutable bool isCalledWithCommandLineArguments;
2303 	/// This gets a full url for the current request, including port, protocol, host, path, and query
2304 	string getCurrentCompleteUri() const {
2305 		ushort defaultPort = https ? 443 : 80;
2307 		string uri = "http";
2308 		if(https)
2309 			uri ~= "s";
2310 		uri ~= "://";
2311 		uri ~= host;
2312 		/+ // the host has the port so p sure this never needed, cgi on apache and embedded http all do the right hting now
2313 		version(none)
2314 		if(!(!port || port == defaultPort)) {
2315 			uri ~= ":";
2316 			uri ~= to!string(port);
2317 		}
2318 		+/
2319 		uri ~= requestUri;
2320 		return uri;
2321 	}
2323 	/// You can override this if your site base url isn't the same as the script name
2324 	string logicalScriptName() const {
2325 		return scriptName;
2326 	}
2328 	/++
2329 		Sets the HTTP status of the response. For example, "404 File Not Found" or "500 Internal Server Error".
2330 		It assumes "200 OK", and automatically changes to "302 Found" if you call setResponseLocation().
2331 		Note setResponseStatus() must be called *before* you write() any data to the output.
2333 		History:
2334 			The `int` overload was added on January 11, 2021.
2335 	+/
2336 	void setResponseStatus(string status) {
2337 		assert(!outputtedResponseData);
2338 		responseStatus = status;
2339 	}
2340 	/// ditto
2341 	void setResponseStatus(int statusCode) {
2342 		setResponseStatus(getHttpCodeText(statusCode));
2343 	}
2344 	private string responseStatus = null;
2346 	/// Returns true if it is still possible to output headers
2347 	bool canOutputHeaders() {
2348 		return !isClosed && !outputtedResponseData;
2349 	}
2351 	/// Sets the location header, which the browser will redirect the user to automatically.
2352 	/// Note setResponseLocation() must be called *before* you write() any data to the output.
2353 	/// The optional important argument is used if it's a default suggestion rather than something to insist upon.
2354 	void setResponseLocation(string uri, bool important = true, string status = null) {
2355 		if(!important && isCurrentResponseLocationImportant)
2356 			return; // important redirects always override unimportant ones
2358 		if(uri is null) {
2359 			responseStatus = "200 OK";
2360 			responseLocation = null;
2361 			isCurrentResponseLocationImportant = important;
2362 			return; // this just cancels the redirect
2363 		}
2365 		assert(!outputtedResponseData);
2366 		if(status is null)
2367 			responseStatus = "302 Found";
2368 		else
2369 			responseStatus = status;
2371 		responseLocation = uri.strip;
2372 		isCurrentResponseLocationImportant = important;
2373 	}
2374 	protected string responseLocation = null;
2375 	private bool isCurrentResponseLocationImportant = false;
2377 	/// Sets the Expires: http header. See also: updateResponseExpires, setPublicCaching
2378 	/// The parameter is in unix_timestamp * 1000. Try setResponseExpires(getUTCtime() + SOME AMOUNT) for normal use.
2379 	/// Note: the when parameter is different than setCookie's expire parameter.
2380 	void setResponseExpires(long when, bool isPublic = false) {
2381 		responseExpires = when;
2382 		setCache(true); // need to enable caching so the date has meaning
2384 		responseIsPublic = isPublic;
2385 		responseExpiresRelative = false;
2386 	}
2388 	/// Sets a cache-control max-age header for whenFromNow, in seconds.
2389 	void setResponseExpiresRelative(int whenFromNow, bool isPublic = false) {
2390 		responseExpires = whenFromNow;
2391 		setCache(true); // need to enable caching so the date has meaning
2393 		responseIsPublic = isPublic;
2394 		responseExpiresRelative = true;
2395 	}
2396 	private long responseExpires = long.min;
2397 	private bool responseIsPublic = false;
2398 	private bool responseExpiresRelative = false;
2400 	/// This is like setResponseExpires, but it can be called multiple times. The setting most in the past is the one kept.
2401 	/// If you have multiple functions, they all might call updateResponseExpires about their own return value. The program
2402 	/// output as a whole is as cacheable as the least cachable part in the chain.
2404 	/// setCache(false) always overrides this - it is, by definition, the strictest anti-cache statement available. If your site outputs sensitive user data, you should probably call setCache(false) when you do, to ensure no other functions will cache the content, as it may be a privacy risk.
2405 	/// Conversely, setting here overrides setCache(true), since any expiration date is in the past of infinity.
2406 	void updateResponseExpires(long when, bool isPublic) {
2407 		if(responseExpires == long.min)
2408 			setResponseExpires(when, isPublic);
2409 		else if(when < responseExpires)
2410 			setResponseExpires(when, responseIsPublic && isPublic); // if any part of it is private, it all is
2411 	}
2413 	/*
2414 	/// Set to true if you want the result to be cached publically - that is, is the content shared?
2415 	/// Should generally be false if the user is logged in. It assumes private cache only.
2416 	/// setCache(true) also turns on public caching, and setCache(false) sets to private.
2417 	void setPublicCaching(bool allowPublicCaches) {
2418 		publicCaching = allowPublicCaches;
2419 	}
2420 	private bool publicCaching = false;
2421 	*/
2423 	/++
2424 		History:
2425 			Added January 11, 2021
2426 	+/
2427 	enum SameSitePolicy {
2428 		Lax,
2429 		Strict,
2430 		None
2431 	}
2433 	/++
2434 		Sets an HTTP cookie, automatically encoding the data to the correct string.
2435 		expiresIn is how many milliseconds in the future the cookie will expire.
2436 		TIP: to make a cookie accessible from subdomains, set the domain to .yourdomain.com.
2437 		Note setCookie() must be called *before* you write() any data to the output.
2439 		History:
2440 			Parameter `sameSitePolicy` was added on January 11, 2021.
2441 	+/
2442 	void setCookie(string name, string data, long expiresIn = 0, string path = null, string domain = null, bool httpOnly = false, bool secure = false, SameSitePolicy sameSitePolicy = SameSitePolicy.Lax) {
2443 		assert(!outputtedResponseData);
2444 		string cookie = std.uri.encodeComponent(name) ~ "=";
2445 		cookie ~= std.uri.encodeComponent(data);
2446 		if(path !is null)
2447 			cookie ~= "; path=" ~ path;
2448 		// FIXME: should I just be using max-age here? (also in cache below)
2449 		if(expiresIn != 0)
2450 			cookie ~= "; expires=" ~ printDate(cast(DateTime) Clock.currTime(UTC()) + dur!"msecs"(expiresIn));
2451 		if(domain !is null)
2452 			cookie ~= "; domain=" ~ domain;
2453 		if(secure == true)
2454 			cookie ~= "; Secure";
2455 		if(httpOnly == true )
2456 			cookie ~= "; HttpOnly";
2457 		final switch(sameSitePolicy) {
2458 			case SameSitePolicy.Lax:
2459 				cookie ~= "; SameSite=Lax";
2460 			break;
2461 			case SameSitePolicy.Strict:
2462 				cookie ~= "; SameSite=Strict";
2463 			break;
2464 			case SameSitePolicy.None:
2465 				cookie ~= "; SameSite=None";
2466 				assert(secure); // cookie spec requires this now, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite
2467 			break;
2468 		}
2470 		if(auto idx = name in cookieIndexes) {
2471 			responseCookies[*idx] = cookie;
2472 		} else {
2473 			cookieIndexes[name] = responseCookies.length;
2474 			responseCookies ~= cookie;
2475 		}
2476 	}
2477 	private string[] responseCookies;
2478 	private size_t[string] cookieIndexes;
2480 	/// Clears a previously set cookie with the given name, path, and domain.
2481 	void clearCookie(string name, string path = null, string domain = null) {
2482 		assert(!outputtedResponseData);
2483 		setCookie(name, "", 1, path, domain);
2484 	}
2486 	/// Sets the content type of the response, for example "text/html" (the default) for HTML, or "image/png" for a PNG image
2487 	void setResponseContentType(string ct) {
2488 		assert(!outputtedResponseData);
2489 		responseContentType = ct;
2490 	}
2491 	private string responseContentType = null;
2493 	/// Adds a custom header. It should be the name: value, but without any line terminator.
2494 	/// For example: header("X-My-Header: Some value");
2495 	/// Note you should use the specialized functions in this object if possible to avoid
2496 	/// duplicates in the output.
2497 	void header(string h) {
2498 		customHeaders ~= h;
2499 	}
2501 	/++
2502 		I named the original function `header` after PHP, but this pattern more fits
2503 		the rest of the Cgi object.
2505 		Either name are allowed.
2507 		History:
2508 			Alias added June 17, 2022.
2509 	+/
2510 	alias setResponseHeader = header;
2512 	private string[] customHeaders;
2513 	private bool websocketMode;
2515 	void flushHeaders(const(void)[] t, bool isAll = false) {
2516 		StackBuffer buffer = StackBuffer(0);
2518 		prepHeaders(t, isAll, &buffer);
2520 		if(rawDataOutput !is null)
2521 			rawDataOutput(cast(const(ubyte)[]) buffer.get());
2522 		else {
2523 			stdout.rawWrite(buffer.get());
2524 		}
2525 	}
2527 	private void prepHeaders(const(void)[] t, bool isAll, StackBuffer* buffer) {
2528 		string terminator = "\n";
2529 		if(rawDataOutput !is null)
2530 			terminator = "\r\n";
2532 		if(responseStatus !is null) {
2533 			if(nph) {
2534 				if(http10)
2535 					buffer.add("HTTP/1.0 ", responseStatus, terminator);
2536 				else
2537 					buffer.add("HTTP/1.1 ", responseStatus, terminator);
2538 			} else
2539 				buffer.add("Status: ", responseStatus, terminator);
2540 		} else if (nph) {
2541 			if(http10)
2542 				buffer.add("HTTP/1.0 200 OK", terminator);
2543 			else
2544 				buffer.add("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", terminator);
2545 		}
2547 		if(websocketMode)
2548 			goto websocket;
2550 		if(nph) { // we're responsible for setting the date too according to http 1.1
2551 			char[29] db = void;
2552 			printDateToBuffer(cast(DateTime) Clock.currTime(UTC()), db[]);
2553 			buffer.add("Date: ", db[], terminator);
2554 		}
2556 		// FIXME: what if the user wants to set his own content-length?
2557 		// The custom header function can do it, so maybe that's best.
2558 		// Or we could reuse the isAll param.
2559 		if(responseLocation !is null) {
2560 			buffer.add("Location: ", responseLocation, terminator);
2561 		}
2562 		if(!noCache && responseExpires != long.min) { // an explicit expiration date is set
2563 			if(responseExpiresRelative) {
2564 				buffer.add("Cache-Control: ", responseIsPublic ? "public" : "private", ", max-age=");
2565 				buffer.add(responseExpires);
2566 				buffer.add(", no-cache=\"set-cookie, set-cookie2\"", terminator);
2567 			} else {
2568 				auto expires = SysTime(unixTimeToStdTime(cast(int)(responseExpires / 1000)), UTC());
2569 				char[29] db = void;
2570 				printDateToBuffer(cast(DateTime) expires, db[]);
2571 				buffer.add("Expires: ", db[], terminator);
2572 				// FIXME: assuming everything is private unless you use nocache - generally right for dynamic pages, but not necessarily
2573 				buffer.add("Cache-Control: ", (responseIsPublic ? "public" : "private"), ", no-cache=\"set-cookie, set-cookie2\"");
2574 				buffer.add(terminator);
2575 			}
2576 		}
2577 		if(responseCookies !is null && responseCookies.length > 0) {
2578 			foreach(c; responseCookies)
2579 				buffer.add("Set-Cookie: ", c, terminator);
2580 		}
2581 		if(noCache) { // we specifically do not want caching (this is actually the default)
2582 			buffer.add("Cache-Control: private, no-cache=\"set-cookie\"", terminator);
2583 			buffer.add("Expires: 0", terminator);
2584 			buffer.add("Pragma: no-cache", terminator);
2585 		} else {
2586 			if(responseExpires == long.min) { // caching was enabled, but without a date set - that means assume cache forever
2587 				buffer.add("Cache-Control: public", terminator);
2588 				buffer.add("Expires: Tue, 31 Dec 2030 14:00:00 GMT", terminator); // FIXME: should not be more than one year in the future
2589 			}
2590 		}
2591 		if(responseContentType !is null) {
2592 			buffer.add("Content-Type: ", responseContentType, terminator);
2593 		} else
2594 			buffer.add("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8", terminator);
2596 		if(gzipResponse && acceptsGzip && isAll) { // FIXME: isAll really shouldn't be necessary
2597 			buffer.add("Content-Encoding: gzip", terminator);
2598 		}
2601 		if(!isAll) {
2602 			if(nph && !http10) {
2603 				buffer.add("Transfer-Encoding: chunked", terminator);
2604 				responseChunked = true;
2605 			}
2606 		} else {
2607 			buffer.add("Content-Length: ");
2608 			buffer.add(t.length);
2609 			buffer.add(terminator);
2610 			if(nph && keepAliveRequested) {
2611 				buffer.add("Connection: Keep-Alive", terminator);
2612 			}
2613 		}
2615 		websocket:
2617 		foreach(hd; customHeaders)
2618 			buffer.add(hd, terminator);
2620 		// FIXME: what about duplicated headers?
2622 		// end of header indicator
2623 		buffer.add(terminator);
2625 		outputtedResponseData = true;
2626 	}
2628 	/// Writes the data to the output, flushing headers if they have not yet been sent.
2629 	void write(const(void)[] t, bool isAll = false, bool maybeAutoClose = true) {
2630 		assert(!closed, "Output has already been closed");
2632 		StackBuffer buffer = StackBuffer(0);
2634 		if(gzipResponse && acceptsGzip && isAll) { // FIXME: isAll really shouldn't be necessary
2635 			// actually gzip the data here
2637 			auto c = new Compress(HeaderFormat.gzip); // want gzip
2639 			auto data = c.compress(t);
2640 			data ~= c.flush();
2642 			// std.file.write("/tmp/last-item", data);
2644 			t = data;
2645 		}
2647 		if(!outputtedResponseData && (!autoBuffer || isAll)) {
2648 			prepHeaders(t, isAll, &buffer);
2649 		}
2651 		if(requestMethod != RequestMethod.HEAD && t.length > 0) {
2652 			if (autoBuffer && !isAll) {
2653 				outputBuffer ~= cast(ubyte[]) t;
2654 			}
2655 			if(!autoBuffer || isAll) {
2656 				if(rawDataOutput !is null)
2657 					if(nph && responseChunked) {
2658 						//rawDataOutput(makeChunk(cast(const(ubyte)[]) t));
2659 						// we're making the chunk here instead of in a function
2660 						// to avoid unneeded gc pressure
2661 						buffer.add(toHex(t.length));
2662 						buffer.add("\r\n");
2663 						buffer.add(cast(char[]) t, "\r\n");
2664 					} else {
2665 						buffer.add(cast(char[]) t);
2666 					}
2667 				else
2668 					buffer.add(cast(char[]) t);
2669 			}
2670 		}
2672 		if(rawDataOutput !is null)
2673 			rawDataOutput(cast(const(ubyte)[]) buffer.get());
2674 		else
2675 			stdout.rawWrite(buffer.get());
2677 		if(maybeAutoClose && isAll)
2678 			close(); // if you say it is all, that means we're definitely done
2679 				// maybeAutoClose can be false though to avoid this (important if you call from inside close()!
2680 	}
2682 	/++
2683 		Convenience method to set content type to json and write the string as the complete response.
2685 		History:
2686 			Added January 16, 2020
2687 	+/
2688 	void writeJson(string json) {
2689 		this.setResponseContentType("application/json");
2690 		this.write(json, true);
2691 	}
2693 	/// Flushes the pending buffer, leaving the connection open so you can send more.
2694 	void flush() {
2695 		if(rawDataOutput is null)
2696 			stdout.flush();
2697 		else if(flushDelegate !is null)
2698 			flushDelegate();
2699 	}
2701 	version(autoBuffer)
2702 		bool autoBuffer = true;
2703 	else
2704 		bool autoBuffer = false;
2705 	ubyte[] outputBuffer;
2707 	/// Flushes the buffers to the network, signifying that you are done.
2708 	/// You should always call this explicitly when you are done outputting data.
2709 	void close() {
2710 		if(closed)
2711 			return; // don't double close
2713 		if(!outputtedResponseData)
2714 			write("", true, false);
2716 		// writing auto buffered data
2717 		if(requestMethod != RequestMethod.HEAD && autoBuffer) {
2718 			if(!nph)
2719 				stdout.rawWrite(outputBuffer);
2720 			else
2721 				write(outputBuffer, true, false); // tell it this is everything
2722 		}
2724 		// closing the last chunk...
2725 		if(nph && rawDataOutput !is null && responseChunked)
2726 			rawDataOutput(cast(const(ubyte)[]) "0\r\n\r\n");
2728 		if(flushDelegate)
2729 			flushDelegate();
2731 		closed = true;
2732 	}
2734 	// Closes without doing anything, shouldn't be used often
2735 	void rawClose() {
2736 		closed = true;
2737 	}
2739 	/++
2740 		Gets a request variable as a specific type, or the default value of it isn't there
2741 		or isn't convertible to the request type.
2743 		Checks both GET and POST variables, preferring the POST variable, if available.
2745 		A nice trick is using the default value to choose the type:
2747 		---
2748 			/*
2749 				The return value will match the type of the default.
2750 				Here, I gave 10 as a default, so the return value will
2751 				be an int.
2753 				If the user-supplied value cannot be converted to the
2754 				requested type, you will get the default value back.
2755 			*/
2756 			int a = cgi.request("number", 10);
2758 			if(cgi.get["number"] == "11")
2759 				assert(a == 11); // conversion succeeds
2761 			if("number" !in cgi.get)
2762 				assert(a == 10); // no value means you can't convert - give the default
2764 			if(cgi.get["number"] == "twelve")
2765 				assert(a == 10); // conversion from string to int would fail, so we get the default
2766 		---
2768 		You can use an enum as an easy whitelist, too:
2770 		---
2771 			enum Operations {
2772 				add, remove, query
2773 			}
2775 			auto op = cgi.request("op", Operations.query);
2777 			if(cgi.get["op"] == "add")
2778 				assert(op == Operations.add);
2779 			if(cgi.get["op"] == "remove")
2780 				assert(op == Operations.remove);
2781 			if(cgi.get["op"] == "query")
2782 				assert(op == Operations.query);
2784 			if(cgi.get["op"] == "random string")
2785 				assert(op == Operations.query); // the value can't be converted to the enum, so we get the default
2786 		---
2787 	+/
2788 	T request(T = string)(in string name, in T def = T.init) const nothrow {
2789 		try {
2790 			return
2791 				(name in post) ? to!T(post[name]) :
2792 				(name in get)  ? to!T(get[name]) :
2793 				def;
2794 		} catch(Exception e) { return def; }
2795 	}
2797 	/// Is the output already closed?
2798 	bool isClosed() const {
2799 		return closed;
2800 	}
2802 	private SessionObject commandLineSessionObject;
2804 	/++
2805 		Gets a session object associated with the `cgi` request. You can use different type throughout your application.
2806 	+/
2807 	Session!Data getSessionObject(Data)() {
2808 		if(testInProcess !is null) {
2809 			// test mode
2810 			auto obj = testInProcess.getSessionOverride(typeid(typeof(return)));
2811 			if(obj !is null)
2812 				return cast(typeof(return)) obj;
2813 			else {
2814 				auto o = new MockSession!Data();
2815 				testInProcess.setSessionOverride(typeid(typeof(return)), o);
2816 				return o;
2817 			}
2818 		} else {
2819 			// FIXME: the changes are not printed out at the end!
2820 			if(_commandLineSession !is null) {
2821 				if(commandLineSessionObject is null) {
2822 					auto clso = new MockSession!Data();
2823 					commandLineSessionObject = clso;
2826 					foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, Data)) {
2827 						if(auto str = memberName in _commandLineSession)
2828 							__traits(getMember, clso.store_, memberName) = to!(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)))(*str);
2829 					}
2830 				}
2832 				return cast(typeof(return)) commandLineSessionObject;
2833 			}
2835 			// normal operation
2836 			return new BasicDataServerSession!Data(this);
2837 		}
2838 	}
2840 	// if it is in test mode; triggers mock sessions. Used by CgiTester
2841 	version(with_breaking_cgi_features)
2842 	private CgiTester testInProcess;
2844 	/* Hooks for redirecting input and output */
2845 	private void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) rawDataOutput = null;
2846 	private void delegate() flushDelegate = null;
2848 	/* This info is used when handling a more raw HTTP protocol */
2849 	private bool nph;
2850 	private bool http10;
2851 	private bool closed;
2852 	private bool responseChunked = false;
2854 	version(preserveData) // note: this can eat lots of memory; don't use unless you're sure you need it.
2855 	immutable(ubyte)[] originalPostData;
2857 	/++
2858 		This holds the posted body data if it has not been parsed into [post] and [postArray].
2860 		It is intended to be used for JSON and XML request content types, but also may be used
2861 		for other content types your application can handle. But it will NOT be populated
2862 		for content types application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, since those are
2863 		parsed into the post and postArray members.
2865 		Remember that anything beyond your `maxContentLength` param when setting up [GenericMain], etc.,
2866 		will be discarded to the client with an error. This helps keep this array from being exploded in size
2867 		and consuming all your server's memory (though it may still be possible to eat excess ram from a concurrent
2868 		client in certain build modes.)
2870 		History:
2871 			Added January 5, 2021
2872 			Documented February 21, 2023 (dub v11.0)
2873 	+/
2874 	public immutable string postBody;
2875 	alias postJson = postBody; // old name
2877 	/* Internal state flags */
2878 	private bool outputtedResponseData;
2879 	private bool noCache = true;
2881 	const(string[string]) environmentVariables;
2883 	/** What follows is data gotten from the HTTP request. It is all fully immutable,
2884 	    partially because it logically is (your code doesn't change what the user requested...)
2885 	    and partially because I hate how bad programs in PHP change those superglobals to do
2886 	    all kinds of hard to follow ugliness. I don't want that to ever happen in D.
2888 	    For some of these, you'll want to refer to the http or cgi specs for more details.
2889 	*/
2890 	immutable(string[string]) requestHeaders; /// All the raw headers in the request as name/value pairs. The name is stored as all lower case, but otherwise the same as it is in HTTP; words separated by dashes. For example, "cookie" or "accept-encoding". Many HTTP headers have specialized variables below for more convenience and static name checking; you should generally try to use them.
2892 	immutable(char[]) host; 	/// The hostname in the request. If one program serves multiple domains, you can use this to differentiate between them.
2893 	immutable(char[]) origin; 	/// The origin header in the request, if present. Some HTML5 cross-domain apis set this and you should check it on those cross domain requests and websockets.
2894 	immutable(char[]) userAgent; 	/// The browser's user-agent string. Can be used to identify the browser.
2895 	immutable(char[]) pathInfo; 	/// This is any stuff sent after your program's name on the url, but before the query string. For example, suppose your program is named "app". If the user goes to site.com/app, pathInfo is empty. But, he can also go to site.com/app/some/sub/path; treating your program like a virtual folder. In this case, pathInfo == "/some/sub/path".
2896 	immutable(char[]) scriptName;   /// The full base path of your program, as seen by the user. If your program is located at site.com/programs/apps, scriptName == "/programs/apps".
2897 	immutable(char[]) scriptFileName;   /// The physical filename of your script
2898 	immutable(char[]) authorization; /// The full authorization string from the header, undigested. Useful for implementing auth schemes such as OAuth 1.0. Note that some web servers do not forward this to the app without taking extra steps. See requireBasicAuth's comment for more info.
2899 	immutable(char[]) accept; 	/// The HTTP accept header is the user agent telling what content types it is willing to accept. This is often */*; they accept everything, so it's not terribly useful. (The similar sounding Accept-Encoding header is handled automatically for chunking and gzipping. Simply set gzipResponse = true and cgi.d handles the details, zipping if the user's browser is willing to accept it.)
2900 	immutable(char[]) lastEventId; 	/// The HTML 5 draft includes an EventSource() object that connects to the server, and remains open to take a stream of events. My arsd.rtud module can help with the server side part of that. The Last-Event-Id http header is defined in the draft to help handle loss of connection. When the browser reconnects to you, it sets this header to the last event id it saw, so you can catch it up. This member has the contents of that header.
2902 	immutable(RequestMethod) requestMethod; /// The HTTP request verb: GET, POST, etc. It is represented as an enum in cgi.d (which, like many enums, you can convert back to string with std.conv.to()). A HTTP GET is supposed to, according to the spec, not have side effects; a user can GET something over and over again and always have the same result. On all requests, the get[] and getArray[] members may be filled in. The post[] and postArray[] members are only filled in on POST methods.
2903 	immutable(char[]) queryString; 	/// The unparsed content of the request query string - the stuff after the ? in your URL. See get[] and getArray[] for a parse view of it. Sometimes, the unparsed string is useful though if you want a custom format of data up there (probably not a good idea, unless it is really simple, like "?username" perhaps.)
2904 	immutable(char[]) cookie; 	/// The unparsed content of the Cookie: header in the request. See also the cookies[string] member for a parsed view of the data.
2905 	/** The Referer header from the request. (It is misspelled in the HTTP spec, and thus the actual request and cgi specs too, but I spelled the word correctly here because that's sane. The spec's misspelling is an implementation detail.) It contains the site url that referred the user to your program; the site that linked to you, or if you're serving images, the site that has you as an image. Also, if you're in an iframe, the referrer is the site that is framing you.
2907 	Important note: if the user copy/pastes your url, this is blank, and, just like with all other user data, their browsers can also lie to you. Don't rely on it for real security.
2908 	*/
2909 	immutable(char[]) referrer;
2910 	immutable(char[]) requestUri; 	/// The full url if the current request, excluding the protocol and host. requestUri == scriptName ~ pathInfo ~ (queryString.length ? "?" ~ queryString : "");
2912 	immutable(char[]) remoteAddress; /// The IP address of the user, as we see it. (Might not match the IP of the user's computer due to things like proxies and NAT.)
2914 	immutable bool https; 	/// Was the request encrypted via https?
2915 	immutable int port; 	/// On what TCP port number did the server receive the request?
2917 	/** Here come the parsed request variables - the things that come close to PHP's _GET, _POST, etc. superglobals in content. */
2919 	immutable(string[string]) get; 	/// The data from your query string in the url, only showing the last string of each name. If you want to handle multiple values with the same name, use getArray. This only works right if the query string is x-www-form-urlencoded; the default you see on the web with name=value pairs separated by the & character.
2920 	immutable(string[string]) post; /// The data from the request's body, on POST requests. It parses application/x-www-form-urlencoded data (used by most web requests, including typical forms), and multipart/form-data requests (used by file uploads on web forms) into the same container, so you can always access them the same way. It makes no attempt to parse other content types. If you want to accept an XML Post body (for a web api perhaps), you'll need to handle the raw data yourself.
2921 	immutable(string[string]) cookies; /// Separates out the cookie header into individual name/value pairs (which is how you set them!)
2923 	/// added later
2924 	alias query = get;
2926 	/**
2927 		Represents user uploaded files.
2929 		When making a file upload form, be sure to follow the standard: set method="POST" and enctype="multipart/form-data" in your html <form> tag attributes. The key into this array is the name attribute on your input tag, just like with other post variables. See the comments on the UploadedFile struct for more information about the data inside, including important notes on max size and content location.
2930 	*/
2931 	immutable(UploadedFile[][string]) filesArray;
2932 	immutable(UploadedFile[string]) files;
2934 	/// Use these if you expect multiple items submitted with the same name. btw, assert(get[name] is getArray[name][$-1); should pass. Same for post and cookies.
2935 	/// the order of the arrays is the order the data arrives
2936 	immutable(string[][string]) getArray; /// like get, but an array of values per name
2937 	immutable(string[][string]) postArray; /// ditto for post
2938 	immutable(string[][string]) cookiesArray; /// ditto for cookies
2940 	private string[string] _commandLineSession;
2942 	// convenience function for appending to a uri without extra ?
2943 	// matches the name and effect of javascript's location.search property
2944 	string search() const {
2945 		if(queryString.length)
2946 			return "?" ~ queryString;
2947 		return "";
2948 	}
2950 	// FIXME: what about multiple files with the same name?
2951   private:
2952 	//RequestMethod _requestMethod;
2953 }
2955 /// use this for testing or other isolated things when you want it to be no-ops
2956 Cgi dummyCgi(Cgi.RequestMethod method = Cgi.RequestMethod.GET, string url = null, in ubyte[] data = null, void delegate(const(ubyte)[]) outputSink = null) {
2957 	// we want to ignore, not use stdout
2958 	if(outputSink is null)
2959 		outputSink = delegate void(const(ubyte)[]) { };
2961 	string[string] env;
2962 	env["REQUEST_METHOD"] = to!string(method);
2963 	env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = to!string(data.length);
2965 	auto cgi = new Cgi(
2966 		0,
2967 		env,
2968 		{ return data; },
2969 		outputSink,
2970 		null);
2972 	return cgi;
2973 }
2975 /++
2976 	A helper test class for request handler unittests.
2977 +/
2978 version(with_breaking_cgi_features)
2979 class CgiTester {
2980 	private {
2981 		SessionObject[TypeInfo] mockSessions;
2982 		SessionObject getSessionOverride(TypeInfo ti) {
2983 			if(auto o = ti in mockSessions)
2984 				return *o;
2985 			else
2986 				return null;
2987 		}
2988 		void setSessionOverride(TypeInfo ti, SessionObject so) {
2989 			mockSessions[ti] = so;
2990 		}
2991 	}
2993 	/++
2994 		Gets (and creates if necessary) a mock session object for this test. Note
2995 		it will be the same one used for any test operations through this CgiTester instance.
2996 	+/
2997 	Session!Data getSessionObject(Data)() {
2998 		auto obj = getSessionOverride(typeid(typeof(return)));
2999 		if(obj !is null)
3000 			return cast(typeof(return)) obj;
3001 		else {
3002 			auto o = new MockSession!Data();
3003 			setSessionOverride(typeid(typeof(return)), o);
3004 			return o;
3005 		}
3006 	}
3008 	/++
3009 		Pass a reference to your request handler when creating the tester.
3010 	+/
3011 	this(void function(Cgi) requestHandler) {
3012 		this.requestHandler = requestHandler;
3013 	}
3015 	/++
3016 		You can check response information with these methods after you call the request handler.
3017 	+/
3018 	struct Response {
3019 		int code;
3020 		string[string] headers;
3021 		string responseText;
3022 		ubyte[] responseBody;
3023 	}
3025 	/++
3026 		Executes a test request on your request handler, and returns the response.
3028 		Params:
3029 			url = The URL to test. Should be an absolute path, but excluding domain. e.g. `"/test"`.
3030 			args = additional arguments. Same format as cgi's command line handler.
3031 	+/
3032 	Response GET(string url, string[] args = null) {
3033 		return executeTest("GET", url, args);
3034 	}
3035 	/// ditto
3036 	Response POST(string url, string[] args = null) {
3037 		return executeTest("POST", url, args);
3038 	}
3040 	/// ditto
3041 	Response executeTest(string method, string url, string[] args) {
3042 		ubyte[] outputtedRawData;
3043 		void outputSink(const(ubyte)[] data) {
3044 			outputtedRawData ~= data;
3045 		}
3046 		auto cgi = new Cgi(["test", method, url] ~ args, &outputSink);
3047 		cgi.testInProcess = this;
3048 		scope(exit) cgi.dispose();
3050 		requestHandler(cgi);
3052 		cgi.close();
3054 		Response response;
3056 		if(outputtedRawData.length) {
3057 			enum LINE = "\r\n";
3059 			auto idx = outputtedRawData.locationOf(LINE ~ LINE);
3060 			assert(idx != -1, to!string(outputtedRawData));
3061 			auto headers = cast(string) outputtedRawData[0 .. idx];
3062 			response.code = 200;
3063 			while(headers.length) {
3064 				auto i = headers.locationOf(LINE);
3065 				if(i == -1) i = cast(int) headers.length;
3067 				auto header = headers[0 .. i];
3069 				auto c = header.locationOf(":");
3070 				if(c != -1) {
3071 					auto name = header[0 .. c];
3072 					auto value = header[c + 2 ..$];
3074 					if(name == "Status")
3075 						response.code = value[0 .. value.locationOf(" ")].to!int;
3077 					response.headers[name] = value;
3078 				} else {
3079 					assert(0);
3080 				}
3082 				if(i != headers.length)
3083 					i += 2;
3084 				headers = headers[i .. $];
3085 			}
3086 			response.responseBody = outputtedRawData[idx + 4 .. $];
3087 			response.responseText = cast(string) response.responseBody;
3088 		}
3090 		return response;
3091 	}
3093 	private void function(Cgi) requestHandler;
3094 }
3097 // should this be a separate module? Probably, but that's a hassle.
3099 /// Makes a data:// uri that can be used as links in most newer browsers (IE8+).
3100 string makeDataUrl(string mimeType, in void[] data) {
3101 	auto data64 = Base64.encode(cast(const(ubyte[])) data);
3102 	return "data:" ~ mimeType ~ ";base64," ~ assumeUnique(data64);
3103 }
3105 // FIXME: I don't think this class correctly decodes/encodes the individual parts
3106 /// Represents a url that can be broken down or built up through properties
3107 struct Uri {
3108 	alias toString this; // blargh idk a url really is a string, but should it be implicit?
3110 	// scheme//userinfo@host:port/path?query#fragment
3112 	string scheme; /// e.g. "http" in "http://example.com/"
3113 	string userinfo; /// the username (and possibly a password) in the uri
3114 	string host; /// the domain name
3115 	int port; /// port number, if given. Will be zero if a port was not explicitly given
3116 	string path; /// e.g. "/folder/file.html" in "http://example.com/folder/file.html"
3117 	string query; /// the stuff after the ? in a uri
3118 	string fragment; /// the stuff after the # in a uri.
3120 	// idk if i want to keep these, since the functions they wrap are used many, many, many times in existing code, so this is either an unnecessary alias or a gratuitous break of compatibility
3121 	// the decode ones need to keep different names anyway because we can't overload on return values...
3122 	static string encode(string s) { return std.uri.encodeComponent(s); }
3123 	static string encode(string[string] s) { return encodeVariables(s); }
3124 	static string encode(string[][string] s) { return encodeVariables(s); }
3126 	/// Breaks down a uri string to its components
3127 	this(string uri) {
3128 		reparse(uri);
3129 	}
3131 	private void reparse(string uri) {
3132 		// from RFC 3986
3133 		// the ctRegex triples the compile time and makes ugly errors for no real benefit
3134 		// it was a nice experiment but just not worth it.
3135 		// enum ctr = ctRegex!r"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?";
3136 		/*
3137 			Captures:
3138 				0 = whole url
3139 				1 = scheme, with :
3140 				2 = scheme, no :
3141 				3 = authority, with //
3142 				4 = authority, no //
3143 				5 = path
3144 				6 = query string, with ?
3145 				7 = query string, no ?
3146 				8 = anchor, with #
3147 				9 = anchor, no #
3148 		*/
3149 		// Yikes, even regular, non-CT regex is also unacceptably slow to compile. 1.9s on my computer!
3150 		// instead, I will DIY and cut that down to 0.6s on the same computer.
3151 		/*
3153 				Note that authority is
3154 					user:password@domain:port
3155 				where the user:password@ part is optional, and the :port is optional.
3157 				Regex translation:
3159 				Scheme cannot have :, /, ?, or # in it, and must have one or more chars and end in a :. It is optional, but must be first.
3160 				Authority must start with //, but cannot have any other /, ?, or # in it. It is optional.
3161 				Path cannot have any ? or # in it. It is optional.
3162 				Query must start with ? and must not have # in it. It is optional.
3163 				Anchor must start with # and can have anything else in it to end of string. It is optional.
3164 		*/
3166 		this = Uri.init; // reset all state
3168 		// empty uri = nothing special
3169 		if(uri.length == 0) {
3170 			return;
3171 		}
3173 		size_t idx;
3175 		scheme_loop: foreach(char c; uri[idx .. $]) {
3176 			switch(c) {
3177 				case ':':
3178 				case '/':
3179 				case '?':
3180 				case '#':
3181 					break scheme_loop;
3182 				default:
3183 			}
3184 			idx++;
3185 		}
3187 		if(idx == 0 && uri[idx] == ':') {
3188 			// this is actually a path! we skip way ahead
3189 			goto path_loop;
3190 		}
3192 		if(idx == uri.length) {
3193 			// the whole thing is a path, apparently
3194 			path = uri;
3195 			return;
3196 		}
3198 		if(idx > 0 && uri[idx] == ':') {
3199 			scheme = uri[0 .. idx];
3200 			idx++;
3201 		} else {
3202 			// we need to rewind; it found a / but no :, so the whole thing is prolly a path...
3203 			idx = 0;
3204 		}
3206 		if(idx + 2 < uri.length && uri[idx .. idx + 2] == "//") {
3207 			// we have an authority....
3208 			idx += 2;
3210 			auto authority_start = idx;
3211 			authority_loop: foreach(char c; uri[idx .. $]) {
3212 				switch(c) {
3213 					case '/':
3214 					case '?':
3215 					case '#':
3216 						break authority_loop;
3217 					default:
3218 				}
3219 				idx++;
3220 			}
3222 			auto authority = uri[authority_start .. idx];
3224 			auto idx2 = authority.indexOf("@");
3225 			if(idx2 != -1) {
3226 				userinfo = authority[0 .. idx2];
3227 				authority = authority[idx2 + 1 .. $];
3228 			}
3230 			if(authority.length && authority[0] == '[') {
3231 				// ipv6 address special casing
3232 				idx2 = authority.indexOf(']');
3233 				if(idx2 != -1) {
3234 					auto end = authority[idx2 + 1 .. $];
3235 					if(end.length && end[0] == ':')
3236 						idx2 = idx2 + 1;
3237 					else
3238 						idx2 = -1;
3239 				}
3240 			} else {
3241 				idx2 = authority.indexOf(":");
3242 			}
3244 			if(idx2 == -1) {
3245 				port = 0; // 0 means not specified; we should use the default for the scheme
3246 				host = authority;
3247 			} else {
3248 				host = authority[0 .. idx2];
3249 				if(idx2 + 1 < authority.length)
3250 					port = to!int(authority[idx2 + 1 .. $]);
3251 				else
3252 					port = 0;
3253 			}
3254 		}
3256 		path_loop:
3257 		auto path_start = idx;
3259 		foreach(char c; uri[idx .. $]) {
3260 			if(c == '?' || c == '#')
3261 				break;
3262 			idx++;
3263 		}
3265 		path = uri[path_start .. idx];
3267 		if(idx == uri.length)
3268 			return; // nothing more to examine...
3270 		if(uri[idx] == '?') {
3271 			idx++;
3272 			auto query_start = idx;
3273 			foreach(char c; uri[idx .. $]) {
3274 				if(c == '#')
3275 					break;
3276 				idx++;
3277 			}
3278 			query = uri[query_start .. idx];
3279 		}
3281 		if(idx < uri.length && uri[idx] == '#') {
3282 			idx++;
3283 			fragment = uri[idx .. $];
3284 		}
3286 		// uriInvalidated = false;
3287 	}
3289 	private string rebuildUri() const {
3290 		string ret;
3291 		if(scheme.length)
3292 			ret ~= scheme ~ ":";
3293 		if(userinfo.length || host.length)
3294 			ret ~= "//";
3295 		if(userinfo.length)
3296 			ret ~= userinfo ~ "@";
3297 		if(host.length)
3298 			ret ~= host;
3299 		if(port)
3300 			ret ~= ":" ~ to!string(port);
3302 		ret ~= path;
3304 		if(query.length)
3305 			ret ~= "?" ~ query;
3307 		if(fragment.length)
3308 			ret ~= "#" ~ fragment;
3310 		// uri = ret;
3311 		// uriInvalidated = false;
3312 		return ret;
3313 	}
3315 	/// Converts the broken down parts back into a complete string
3316 	string toString() const {
3317 		// if(uriInvalidated)
3318 			return rebuildUri();
3319 	}
3321 	/// Returns a new absolute Uri given a base. It treats this one as
3322 	/// relative where possible, but absolute if not. (If protocol, domain, or
3323 	/// other info is not set, the new one inherits it from the base.)
3324 	///
3325 	/// Browsers use a function like this to figure out links in html.
3326 	Uri basedOn(in Uri baseUrl) const {
3327 		Uri n = this; // copies
3328 		if(n.scheme == "data")
3329 			return n;
3330 		// n.uriInvalidated = true; // make sure we regenerate...
3332 		// userinfo is not inherited... is this wrong?
3334 		// if anything is given in the existing url, we don't use the base anymore.
3335 		if(n.scheme.empty) {
3336 			n.scheme = baseUrl.scheme;
3337 			if(n.host.empty) {
3338 				n.host = baseUrl.host;
3339 				if(n.port == 0) {
3340 					n.port = baseUrl.port;
3341 					if(n.path.length > 0 && n.path[0] != '/') {
3342 						auto b = baseUrl.path[0 .. baseUrl.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1];
3343 						if(b.length == 0)
3344 							b = "/";
3345 						n.path = b ~ n.path;
3346 					} else if(n.path.length == 0) {
3347 						n.path = baseUrl.path;
3348 					}
3349 				}
3350 			}
3351 		}
3353 		n.removeDots();
3355 		return n;
3356 	}
3358 	void removeDots() {
3359 		auto parts = this.path.split("/");
3360 		string[] toKeep;
3361 		foreach(part; parts) {
3362 			if(part == ".") {
3363 				continue;
3364 			} else if(part == "..") {
3365 				//if(toKeep.length > 1)
3366 					toKeep = toKeep[0 .. $-1];
3367 				//else
3368 					//toKeep = [""];
3369 				continue;
3370 			} else {
3371 				//if(toKeep.length && toKeep[$-1].length == 0 && part.length == 0)
3372 					//continue; // skip a `//` situation
3373 				toKeep ~= part;
3374 			}
3375 		}
3377 		auto path = toKeep.join("/");
3378 		if(path.length && path[0] != '/')
3379 			path = "/" ~ path;
3381 		this.path = path;
3382 	}
3384 	unittest {
3385 		auto uri = Uri("test.html");
3386 		assert(uri.path == "test.html");
3387 		uri = Uri("path/1/lol");
3388 		assert(uri.path == "path/1/lol");
3389 		uri = Uri("http://me@example.com");
3390 		assert(uri.scheme == "http");
3391 		assert(uri.userinfo == "me");
3392 		assert(uri.host == "example.com");
3393 		uri = Uri("http://example.com/#a");
3394 		assert(uri.scheme == "http");
3395 		assert(uri.host == "example.com");
3396 		assert(uri.fragment == "a");
3397 		uri = Uri("#foo");
3398 		assert(uri.fragment == "foo");
3399 		uri = Uri("?lol");
3400 		assert(uri.query == "lol");
3401 		uri = Uri("#foo?lol");
3402 		assert(uri.fragment == "foo?lol");
3403 		uri = Uri("?lol#foo");
3404 		assert(uri.fragment == "foo");
3405 		assert(uri.query == "lol");
3407 		uri = Uri("");
3408 		assert(uri.host == "");
3409 		assert(uri.port == 0);
3411 		uri = Uri("");
3412 		assert(uri.host == "");
3413 		assert(uri.port == 123);
3415 		uri = Uri("http://[ff:ff::0]/");
3416 		assert(uri.host == "[ff:ff::0]");
3418 		uri = Uri("http://[ff:ff::0]:123/");
3419 		assert(uri.host == "[ff:ff::0]");
3420 		assert(uri.port == 123);
3421 	}
3423 	// This can sometimes be a big pain in the butt for me, so lots of copy/paste here to cover
3424 	// the possibilities.
3425 	unittest {
3426 		auto url = Uri("cool.html"); // checking relative links
3428 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html")) == "http://test.com/what/cool.html");
3429 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("https://test.com/what/test.html")) == "https://test.com/what/cool.html");
3430 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/")) == "http://test.com/what/cool.html");
3431 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/")) == "http://test.com/cool.html");
3432 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com")) == "http://test.com/cool.html");
3433 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b")) == "http://test.com/what/cool.html");
3434 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b&c=d")) == "http://test.com/what/cool.html");
3435 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b&c=d#what")) == "http://test.com/what/cool.html");
3436 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com")) == "http://test.com/cool.html");
3438 		url = Uri("/something/cool.html"); // same server, different path
3439 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3440 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("https://test.com/what/test.html")) == "https://test.com/something/cool.html");
3441 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3442 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3443 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3444 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3445 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b&c=d")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3446 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b&c=d#what")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3447 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com")) == "http://test.com/something/cool.html");
3449 		url = Uri("?query=answer"); // same path. server, protocol, and port, just different query string and fragment
3450 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html")) == "http://test.com/what/test.html?query=answer");
3451 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("https://test.com/what/test.html")) == "https://test.com/what/test.html?query=answer");
3452 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/")) == "http://test.com/what/?query=answer");
3453 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/")) == "http://test.com/?query=answer");
3454 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com")) == "http://test.com?query=answer");
3455 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b")) == "http://test.com/what/test.html?query=answer");
3456 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b&c=d")) == "http://test.com/what/test.html?query=answer");
3457 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com/what/test.html?a=b&c=d#what")) == "http://test.com/what/test.html?query=answer");
3458 		assert(url.basedOn(Uri("http://test.com")) == "http://test.com?query=answer");
3460 		url = Uri("/test/bar");
3461 		assert(Uri("./").basedOn(url) == "/test/", Uri("./").basedOn(url));
3462 		assert(Uri("../").basedOn(url) == "/");
3464 		url = Uri("http://example.com/");
3465 		assert(Uri("../foo").basedOn(url) == "http://example.com/foo");
3467 		//auto uriBefore = url;
3468 		url = Uri("#anchor"); // everything should remain the same except the anchor
3469 		//uriBefore.anchor = "anchor");
3470 		//assert(url == uriBefore);
3472 		url = Uri("//example.com"); // same protocol, but different server. the path here should be blank.
3474 		url = Uri("//example.com/example.html"); // same protocol, but different server and path
3476 		url = Uri("http://example.com/test.html"); // completely absolute link should never be modified
3478 		url = Uri("http://example.com"); // completely absolute link should never be modified, even if it has no path
3480 		// FIXME: add something for port too
3481 	}
3483 	// these are like javascript's location.search and location.hash
3484 	string search() const {
3485 		return query.length ? ("?" ~ query) : "";
3486 	}
3487 	string hash() const {
3488 		return fragment.length ? ("#" ~ fragment) : "";
3489 	}
3490 }
3493 /*
3494 	for session, see web.d
3495 */
3497 /// breaks down a url encoded string
3498 string[][string] decodeVariables(string data, string separator = "&", string[]* namesInOrder = null, string[]* valuesInOrder = null) {
3499 	auto vars = data.split(separator);
3500 	string[][string] _get;
3501 	foreach(var; vars) {
3502 		auto equal = var.indexOf("=");
3503 		string name;
3504 		string value;
3505 		if(equal == -1) {
3506 			name = decodeComponent(var);
3507 			value = "";
3508 		} else {
3509 			//_get[decodeComponent(var[0..equal])] ~= decodeComponent(var[equal + 1 .. $].replace("+", " "));
3510 			// stupid + -> space conversion.
3511 			name = decodeComponent(var[0..equal].replace("+", " "));
3512 			value = decodeComponent(var[equal + 1 .. $].replace("+", " "));
3513 		}
3515 		_get[name] ~= value;
3516 		if(namesInOrder)
3517 			(*namesInOrder) ~= name;
3518 		if(valuesInOrder)
3519 			(*valuesInOrder) ~= value;
3520 	}
3521 	return _get;
3522 }
3524 /// breaks down a url encoded string, but only returns the last value of any array
3525 string[string] decodeVariablesSingle(string data) {
3526 	string[string] va;
3527 	auto varArray = decodeVariables(data);
3528 	foreach(k, v; varArray)
3529 		va[k] = v[$-1];
3531 	return va;
3532 }
3534 /// url encodes the whole string
3535 string encodeVariables(in string[string] data) {
3536 	string ret;
3538 	bool outputted = false;
3539 	foreach(k, v; data) {
3540 		if(outputted)
3541 			ret ~= "&";
3542 		else
3543 			outputted = true;
3545 		ret ~= std.uri.encodeComponent(k) ~ "=" ~ std.uri.encodeComponent(v);
3546 	}
3548 	return ret;
3549 }
3551 /// url encodes a whole string
3552 string encodeVariables(in string[][string] data) {
3553 	string ret;
3555 	bool outputted = false;
3556 	foreach(k, arr; data) {
3557 		foreach(v; arr) {
3558 			if(outputted)
3559 				ret ~= "&";
3560 			else
3561 				outputted = true;
3562 			ret ~= std.uri.encodeComponent(k) ~ "=" ~ std.uri.encodeComponent(v);
3563 		}
3564 	}
3566 	return ret;
3567 }
3569 /// Encodes all but the explicitly unreserved characters per rfc 3986
3570 /// Alphanumeric and -_.~ are the only ones left unencoded
3571 /// name is borrowed from php
3572 string rawurlencode(in char[] data) {
3573 	string ret;
3574 	ret.reserve(data.length * 2);
3575 	foreach(char c; data) {
3576 		if(
3577 			(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
3578 			(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
3579 			(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
3580 			c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~')
3581 		{
3582 			ret ~= c;
3583 		} else {
3584 			ret ~= '%';
3585 			// since we iterate on char, this should give us the octets of the full utf8 string
3586 			ret ~= toHexUpper(c);
3587 		}
3588 	}
3590 	return ret;
3591 }
3594 // http helper functions
3596 // for chunked responses (which embedded http does whenever possible)
3597 version(none) // this is moved up above to avoid making a copy of the data
3598 const(ubyte)[] makeChunk(const(ubyte)[] data) {
3599 	const(ubyte)[] ret;
3601 	ret = cast(const(ubyte)[]) toHex(data.length);
3602 	ret ~= cast(const(ubyte)[]) "\r\n";
3603 	ret ~= data;
3604 	ret ~= cast(const(ubyte)[]) "\r\n";
3606 	return ret;
3607 }
3609 string toHex(long num) {
3610 	string ret;
3611 	while(num) {
3612 		int v = num % 16;
3613 		num /= 16;
3614 		char d = cast(char) ((v < 10) ? v + '0' : (v-10) + 'a');
3615 		ret ~= d;
3616 	}
3618 	return to!string(array(ret.retro));
3619 }
3621 string toHexUpper(long num) {
3622 	string ret;
3623 	while(num) {
3624 		int v = num % 16;
3625 		num /= 16;
3626 		char d = cast(char) ((v < 10) ? v + '0' : (v-10) + 'A');
3627 		ret ~= d;
3628 	}
3630 	if(ret.length == 1)
3631 		ret ~= "0"; // url encoding requires two digits and that's what this function is used for...
3633 	return to!string(array(ret.retro));
3634 }
3637 // the generic mixins
3639 /++
3640 	Use this instead of writing your own main
3642 	It ultimately calls [cgiMainImpl] which creates a [RequestServer] for you.
3643 +/
3644 mixin template GenericMain(alias fun, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength) {
3645 	mixin CustomCgiMain!(Cgi, fun, maxContentLength);
3646 }
3648 /++
3649 	Boilerplate mixin for a main function that uses the [dispatcher] function.
3651 	You can send `typeof(null)` as the `Presenter` argument to use a generic one.
3653 	History:
3654 		Added July 9, 2021
3655 +/
3656 mixin template DispatcherMain(Presenter, DispatcherArgs...) {
3657 	/// forwards to [CustomCgiDispatcherMain] with default args
3658 	mixin CustomCgiDispatcherMain!(Cgi, defaultMaxContentLength, Presenter, DispatcherArgs);
3659 }
3661 /// ditto
3662 mixin template DispatcherMain(DispatcherArgs...) if(!is(DispatcherArgs[0] : WebPresenter!T, T)) {
3663 	class GenericPresenter : WebPresenter!GenericPresenter {}
3664 	mixin DispatcherMain!(GenericPresenter, DispatcherArgs);
3665 }
3667 /++
3668 	Allows for a generic [DispatcherMain] with custom arguments. Note you can use [defaultMaxContentLength] as the second argument if you like.
3670 	History:
3671 		Added May 13, 2023 (dub v11.0)
3672 +/
3673 mixin template CustomCgiDispatcherMain(CustomCgi, size_t maxContentLength, Presenter, DispatcherArgs...) {
3674 	/++
3675 		Handler to the generated presenter you can use from your objects, etc.
3676 	+/
3677 	Presenter activePresenter;
3679 	/++
3680 		Request handler that creates the presenter then forwards to the [dispatcher] function.
3681 		Renders 404 if the dispatcher did not handle the request.
3683 		Will automatically serve the presenter.style and presenter.script as "style.css" and "script.js"
3684 	+/
3685 	void handler(Cgi cgi) {
3686 		auto presenter = new Presenter;
3687 		activePresenter = presenter;
3688 		scope(exit) activePresenter = null;
3690 		if(cgi.dispatcher!DispatcherArgs(presenter))
3691 			return;
3693 		switch(cgi.pathInfo) {
3694 			case "/style.css":
3695 				cgi.setCache(true);
3696 				cgi.setResponseContentType("text/css");
3697 				cgi.write(presenter.style(), true);
3698 			break;
3699 			case "/script.js":
3700 				cgi.setCache(true);
3701 				cgi.setResponseContentType("application/javascript");
3702 				cgi.write(presenter.script(), true);
3703 			break;
3704 			default:
3705 				presenter.renderBasicError(cgi, 404);
3706 		}
3707 	}
3708 	mixin CustomCgiMain!(CustomCgi, handler, maxContentLength);
3709 }
3711 /// ditto
3712 mixin template CustomCgiDispatcherMain(CustomCgi, size_t maxContentLength, DispatcherArgs...) if(!is(DispatcherArgs[0] : WebPresenter!T, T)) {
3713 	class GenericPresenter : WebPresenter!GenericPresenter {}
3714 	mixin CustomCgiDispatcherMain!(CustomCgi, maxContentLength, GenericPresenter, DispatcherArgs);
3716 }
3718 private string simpleHtmlEncode(string s) {
3719 	return s.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace("\n", "<br />\n");
3720 }
3722 string messageFromException(Throwable t) {
3723 	string message;
3724 	if(t !is null) {
3725 		debug message = t.toString();
3726 		else  message = "An unexpected error has occurred.";
3727 	} else {
3728 		message = "Unknown error";
3729 	}
3730 	return message;
3731 }
3733 string plainHttpError(bool isCgi, string type, Throwable t) {
3734 	auto message = messageFromException(t);
3735 	message = simpleHtmlEncode(message);
3737 	return format("%s %s\r\nContent-Length: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n%s",
3738 		isCgi ? "Status:" : "HTTP/1.1",
3739 		type, message.length, message);
3740 }
3742 // returns true if we were able to recover reasonably
3743 bool handleException(Cgi cgi, Throwable t) {
3744 	if(cgi.isClosed) {
3745 		// if the channel has been explicitly closed, we can't handle it here
3746 		return true;
3747 	}
3749 	if(cgi.outputtedResponseData) {
3750 		// the headers are sent, but the channel is open... since it closes if all was sent, we can append an error message here.
3751 		return false; // but I don't want to, since I don't know what condition the output is in; I don't want to inject something (nor check the content-type for that matter. So we say it was not a clean handling.
3752 	} else {
3753 		// no headers are sent, we can send a full blown error and recover
3754 		cgi.setCache(false);
3755 		cgi.setResponseContentType("text/html");
3756 		cgi.setResponseLocation(null); // cancel the redirect
3757 		cgi.setResponseStatus("500 Internal Server Error");
3758 		cgi.write(simpleHtmlEncode(messageFromException(t)));
3759 		cgi.close();
3760 		return true;
3761 	}
3762 }
3764 bool isCgiRequestMethod(string s) {
3765 	s = s.toUpper();
3766 	if(s == "COMMANDLINE")
3767 		return true;
3768 	foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, Cgi.RequestMethod))
3769 		if(s == member)
3770 			return true;
3771 	return false;
3772 }
3774 /// If you want to use a subclass of Cgi with generic main, use this mixin.
3775 mixin template CustomCgiMain(CustomCgi, alias fun, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength) if(is(CustomCgi : Cgi)) {
3776 	// kinda hacky - the T... is passed to Cgi's constructor in standard cgi mode, and ignored elsewhere
3777 	void main(string[] args) {
3778 		cgiMainImpl!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)(args);
3779 	}
3780 }
3782 version(embedded_httpd_processes)
3783 	__gshared int processPoolSize = 8;
3785 // Returns true if run. You should exit the program after that.
3786 bool tryAddonServers(string[] args) {
3787 	if(args.length > 1) {
3788 		// run the special separate processes if needed
3789 		switch(args[1]) {
3790 			case "--websocket-server":
3791 				version(with_addon_servers)
3792 					websocketServers[args[2]](args[3 .. $]);
3793 				else
3794 					printf("Add-on servers not compiled in.\n");
3795 				return true;
3796 			case "--websocket-servers":
3797 				import core.demangle;
3798 				version(with_addon_servers_connections)
3799 				foreach(k, v; websocketServers)
3800 					writeln(k, "\t", demangle(k));
3801 				return true;
3802 			case "--session-server":
3803 				version(with_addon_servers)
3804 					runSessionServer();
3805 				else
3806 					printf("Add-on servers not compiled in.\n");
3807 				return true;
3808 			case "--event-server":
3809 				version(with_addon_servers)
3810 					runEventServer();
3811 				else
3812 					printf("Add-on servers not compiled in.\n");
3813 				return true;
3814 			case "--timer-server":
3815 				version(with_addon_servers)
3816 					runTimerServer();
3817 				else
3818 					printf("Add-on servers not compiled in.\n");
3819 				return true;
3820 			case "--timed-jobs":
3821 				import core.demangle;
3822 				version(with_addon_servers_connections)
3823 				foreach(k, v; scheduledJobHandlers)
3824 					writeln(k, "\t", demangle(k));
3825 				return true;
3826 			case "--timed-job":
3827 				scheduledJobHandlers[args[2]](args[3 .. $]);
3828 				return true;
3829 			default:
3830 				// intentionally blank - do nothing and carry on to run normally
3831 		}
3832 	}
3833 	return false;
3834 }
3836 /// Tries to simulate a request from the command line. Returns true if it does, false if it didn't find the args.
3837 bool trySimulatedRequest(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi)(string[] args) if(is(CustomCgi : Cgi)) {
3838 	// we support command line thing for easy testing everywhere
3839 	// it needs to be called ./app method uri [other args...]
3840 	if(args.length >= 3 && isCgiRequestMethod(args[1])) {
3841 		Cgi cgi = new CustomCgi(args);
3842 		scope(exit) cgi.dispose();
3843 		try {
3844 			fun(cgi);
3845 			cgi.close();
3846 		} catch(AuthorizationRequiredException are) {
3847 			cgi.setResponseStatus("401 Authorization Required");
3848 			cgi.header ("WWW-Authenticate: "~are.type~" realm=\""~are.realm~"\"");
3849 			cgi.close();
3850 		}
3851 		writeln(); // just to put a blank line before the prompt cuz it annoys me
3852 		// FIXME: put in some footers to show what changes happened in the session
3853 		// could make the MockSession be some kind of ReflectableSessionObject or something
3854 		return true;
3855 	}
3856 	return false;
3857 }
3859 /++
3860 	A server control and configuration struct, as a potential alternative to calling [GenericMain] or [cgiMainImpl]. See the source of [cgiMainImpl] for a complete, up-to-date, example of how it is used internally.
3862 	As of version 11 (released August 2023), you can also make things like this:
3864 	---
3865 		// listens on both a unix domain socket called `foo` and on the loopback interfaces port 8080
3866 		RequestServer server = RequestServer(["http://unix:foo", "http://localhost:8080"]);
3868 		// can also:
3869 		// RequestServer server = RequestServer(0); // listen on an OS-provided port on all interfaces
3872 		// server.initialize(); // explicit initialization will populate any "any port" things and throw if a bind failed
3874 		foreach(listenSpec; server.listenSpecs) {
3875 			// you can check what it actually bound to here and see your assigned ports
3876 		}
3879 		// server.start!handler(); // starts and runs in the arsd.core event loop
3881 		server.serve!handler(); // blocks the thread until the server exits
3882 	---
3884 	History:
3885 		Added Sept 26, 2020 (release version 8.5).
3887 		The `listenSpec` member was added July 31, 2023.
3888 +/
3889 struct RequestServer {
3890 	/++
3891 		Sets the host and port the server will listen on. This is semi-deprecated; the new (as of July 31, 2023) [listenSpec] parameter obsoletes these. You cannot use both together; the listeningHost and listeningPort are ONLY used if listenSpec is null.
3892 	+/
3893 	string listeningHost = defaultListeningHost();
3894 	/// ditto
3895 	ushort listeningPort = defaultListeningPort();
3897 	static struct ListenSpec {
3898 		enum Protocol {
3899 			http,
3900 			https,
3901 			scgi
3902 		}
3903 		Protocol protocol;
3905 		enum AddressType {
3906 			ip,
3907 			unix,
3908 			abstract_
3909 		}
3910 		AddressType addressType;
3912 		string address;
3913 		ushort port;
3914 	}
3916 	/++
3917 		The array of addresses you want to listen on. The format looks like a url but has a few differences.
3919 		This ONLY works on embedded_httpd_threads, embedded_httpd_hybrid, and scgi builds at this time.
3921 		`http://localhost:8080`
3923 		`http://unix:filename/here`
3925 		`scgi://abstract:/name/here`
3927 		`http://[::1]:4444`
3929 		Note that IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets. If you want to listen on an interface called `unix` or `abstract`, contact me, that is not supported but I could add some kind of escape mechanism.
3931 		If you leave off the protocol, it assumes the default based on compile flags. If you only give a number, it is assumed to be a port on any tcp interface.
3933 		`localhost:8080` serves the default protocol.
3935 		`8080` or `:8080` assumes default protocol on localhost.
3937 		The protocols can be `http:`, `https:`, and `scgi:`. Original `cgi` is not supported with this, since it is transactional with a single process.
3939 		Valid hosts are an IPv4 address (with a mandatory port), an IPv6 address (with a mandatory port), just a port alone, `unix:/path/to/unix/socket` (which may be a relative path without a leading slash), or `abstract:/path/to/linux/abstract/namespace`.
3941 		`http://unix:foo` will serve http over the unix domain socket named `foo` in the current working directory.
3943 		$(PITFALL
3944 			If you set this to anything non-null (including a non-null, zero-length array) any `listenSpec` entries, [listeningHost] and [listeningPort] are ignored.
3945 		)
3947 		Bugs:
3948 			The implementation currently ignores the protocol spec in favor of the default compiled in option.
3950 		History:
3951 			Added July 31, 2023 (dub v11.0)
3952 	+/
3953 	string[] listenSpec;
3955 	/++
3956 		Uses a fork() call, if available, to provide additional crash resiliency and possibly improved performance. On the
3957 		other hand, if you fork, you must not assume any memory is shared between requests (you shouldn't be anyway though! But
3958 		if you have to, you probably want to set this to false and use an explicit threaded server with [serveEmbeddedHttp]) and
3959 		[stop] may not work as well.
3961 		History:
3962 			Added August 12, 2022  (dub v10.9). Previously, this was only configurable through the `-version=cgi_no_fork`
3963 			argument to dmd. That version still defines the value of `cgi_use_fork_default`, used to initialize this, for
3964 			compatibility.
3965 	+/
3966 	bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default;
3968 	/++
3969 		Determines the number of worker threads to spawn per process, for server modes that use worker threads. 0 will use a
3970 		default based on the number of cpus modified by the server mode.
3972 		History:
3973 			Added August 12, 2022 (dub v10.9)
3974 	+/
3975 	int numberOfThreads = 0;
3977 	/++
3978 		Creates a server configured to listen to multiple URLs.
3980 		History:
3981 			Added July 31, 2023 (dub v11.0)
3982 	+/
3983 	this(string[] listenTo) {
3984 		this.listenSpec = listenTo;
3985 	}
3987 	/// Creates a server object configured to listen on a single host and port.
3988 	this(string defaultHost, ushort defaultPort) {
3989 		this.listeningHost = defaultHost;
3990 		this.listeningPort = defaultPort;
3991 	}
3993 	/// ditto
3994 	this(ushort defaultPort) {
3995 		listeningPort = defaultPort;
3996 	}
3998 	/++
3999 		Reads the command line arguments into the values here.
4001 		Possible arguments are `--listen` (can appear multiple times), `--listening-host`, `--listening-port` (or `--port`), `--uid`, and `--gid`.
4003 		Please note you cannot combine `--listen` with `--listening-host` or `--listening-port` / `--port`. Use one or the other style.
4004 	+/
4005 	void configureFromCommandLine(string[] args) {
4006 		bool portOrHostFound = false;
4008 		bool foundPort = false;
4009 		bool foundHost = false;
4010 		bool foundUid = false;
4011 		bool foundGid = false;
4012 		bool foundListen = false;
4013 		foreach(arg; args) {
4014 			if(foundPort) {
4015 				listeningPort = to!ushort(arg);
4016 				portOrHostFound = true;
4017 				foundPort = false;
4018 				continue;
4019 			}
4020 			if(foundHost) {
4021 				listeningHost = arg;
4022 				portOrHostFound = true;
4023 				foundHost = false;
4024 				continue;
4025 			}
4026 			if(foundUid) {
4027 				privilegesDropToUid = to!uid_t(arg);
4028 				foundUid = false;
4029 				continue;
4030 			}
4031 			if(foundGid) {
4032 				privilegesDropToGid = to!gid_t(arg);
4033 				foundGid = false;
4034 				continue;
4035 			}
4036 			if(foundListen) {
4037 				this.listenSpec ~= arg;
4038 				foundListen = false;
4039 				continue;
4040 			}
4041 			if(arg == "--listening-host" || arg == "-h" || arg == "/listening-host")
4042 				foundHost = true;
4043 			else if(arg == "--port" || arg == "-p" || arg == "/port" || arg == "--listening-port")
4044 				foundPort = true;
4045 			else if(arg == "--uid")
4046 				foundUid = true;
4047 			else if(arg == "--gid")
4048 				foundGid = true;
4049 			else if(arg == "--listen")
4050 				foundListen = true;
4051 		}
4053 		if(portOrHostFound && listenSpec.length) {
4054 			throw new Exception("You passed both a --listening-host or --listening-port and a --listen argument. You should fix your script to ONLY use --listen arguments.");
4055 		}
4056 	}
4058 	version(Windows) {
4059 		private alias uid_t = int;
4060 		private alias gid_t = int;
4061 	}
4063 	/// user (uid) to drop privileges to
4064 	/// 0 … do nothing
4065 	uid_t privilegesDropToUid = 0;
4066 	/// group (gid) to drop privileges to
4067 	/// 0 … do nothing
4068 	gid_t privilegesDropToGid = 0;
4070 	private void dropPrivileges() {
4071 		version(Posix) {
4072 			import core.sys.posix.unistd;
4074 			if (privilegesDropToGid != 0 && setgid(privilegesDropToGid) != 0)
4075 				throw new Exception("Dropping privileges via setgid() failed.");
4077 			if (privilegesDropToUid != 0 && setuid(privilegesDropToUid) != 0)
4078 				throw new Exception("Dropping privileges via setuid() failed.");
4079 		}
4080 		else {
4081 			// FIXME: Windows?
4082 			//pragma(msg, "Dropping privileges is not implemented for this platform");
4083 		}
4085 		// done, set zero
4086 		privilegesDropToGid = 0;
4087 		privilegesDropToUid = 0;
4088 	}
4090 	/++
4091 		Serves a single HTTP request on this thread, with an embedded server, then stops. Designed for cases like embedded oauth responders
4093 		History:
4094 			Added Oct 10, 2020.
4095 		Example:
4097 		---
4098 		import arsd.cgi;
4099 		void main() {
4100 			RequestServer server = RequestServer("", 6789);
4101 			string oauthCode;
4102 			string oauthScope;
4103 			server.serveHttpOnce!((cgi) {
4104 				oauthCode = cgi.request("code");
4105 				oauthScope = cgi.request("scope");
4106 				cgi.write("Thank you, please return to the application.");
4107 			});
4108 			// use the code and scope given
4109 		}
4110 		---
4111 	+/
4112 	void serveHttpOnce(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)() {
4113 		import std.socket;
4115 		bool tcp;
4116 		void delegate() cleanup;
4117 		auto socket = startListening(listeningHost, listeningPort, tcp, cleanup, 1, &dropPrivileges);
4118 		auto connection = socket.accept();
4119 		doThreadHttpConnectionGuts!(CustomCgi, fun, true)(connection);
4121 		if(cleanup)
4122 			cleanup();
4123 	}
4125 	/++
4126 		Starts serving requests according to the current configuration.
4127 	+/
4128 	void serve(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)() {
4129 		version(netman_httpd) {
4130 			// Obsolete!
4132 			import arsd.httpd;
4133 			// what about forwarding the other constructor args?
4134 			// this probably needs a whole redoing...
4135 			serveHttp!CustomCgi(&fun, listeningPort);//5005);
4136 			return;
4137 		} else
4138 		version(embedded_httpd_processes) {
4139 			serveEmbeddedHttpdProcesses!(fun, CustomCgi)(this);
4140 		} else
4141 		version(embedded_httpd_threads) {
4142 			serveEmbeddedHttp!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)();
4143 		} else
4144 		version(scgi) {
4145 			serveScgi!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)();
4146 		} else
4147 		version(fastcgi) {
4148 			serveFastCgi!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)(this);
4149 		} else
4150 		version(stdio_http) {
4151 			serveSingleHttpConnectionOnStdio!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)();
4152 		} else {
4153 			//version=plain_cgi;
4154 			handleCgiRequest!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)();
4155 		}
4156 	}
4158 	/++
4159 		Runs the embedded HTTP thread server specifically, regardless of which build configuration you have.
4161 		If you want the forking worker process server, you do need to compile with the embedded_httpd_processes config though.
4162 	+/
4163 	void serveEmbeddedHttp(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)(ThisFor!fun _this) {
4164 		globalStopFlag = false;
4165 		static if(__traits(isStaticFunction, fun))
4166 			alias funToUse = fun;
4167 		else
4168 			void funToUse(CustomCgi cgi) {
4169 				static if(__VERSION__ > 2097)
4170 					__traits(child, _this, fun)(cgi);
4171 				else static assert(0, "Not implemented in your compiler version!");
4172 			}
4173 		auto manager = this.listenSpec is null ?
4174 			new ListeningConnectionManager(listeningHost, listeningPort, &doThreadHttpConnection!(CustomCgi, funToUse), null, useFork, numberOfThreads) :
4175 			new ListeningConnectionManager(this.listenSpec, &doThreadHttpConnection!(CustomCgi, funToUse), null, useFork, numberOfThreads);
4176 		manager.listen();
4177 	}
4179 	/++
4180 		Runs the embedded SCGI server specifically, regardless of which build configuration you have.
4181 	+/
4182 	void serveScgi(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)() {
4183 		globalStopFlag = false;
4184 		auto manager = this.listenSpec is null ?
4185 			new ListeningConnectionManager(listeningHost, listeningPort, &doThreadScgiConnection!(CustomCgi, fun, maxContentLength), null, useFork, numberOfThreads) :
4186 			new ListeningConnectionManager(this.listenSpec, &doThreadScgiConnection!(CustomCgi, fun, maxContentLength), null, useFork, numberOfThreads);
4187 		manager.listen();
4188 	}
4190 	/++
4191 		Serves a single "connection", but the connection is spoken on stdin and stdout instead of on a socket.
4193 		Intended for cases like working from systemd, like discussed here: [https://forum.dlang.org/post/avmkfdiitirnrenzljwc@forum.dlang.org]
4195 		History:
4196 			Added May 29, 2021
4197 	+/
4198 	void serveSingleHttpConnectionOnStdio(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)() {
4199 		doThreadHttpConnectionGuts!(CustomCgi, fun, true)(new FakeSocketForStdin());
4200 	}
4202 	/++
4203 		The [stop] function sets a flag that request handlers can (and should) check periodically. If a handler doesn't
4204 		respond to this flag, the library will force the issue. This determines when and how the issue will be forced.
4205 	+/
4206 	enum ForceStop {
4207 		/++
4208 			Stops accepting new requests, but lets ones already in the queue start and complete before exiting.
4209 		+/
4210 		afterQueuedRequestsComplete,
4211 		/++
4212 			Finishes requests already started their handlers, but drops any others in the queue. Streaming handlers
4213 			should cooperate and exit gracefully, but if they don't, it will continue waiting for them.
4214 		+/
4215 		afterCurrentRequestsComplete,
4216 		/++
4217 			Partial response writes will throw an exception, cancelling any streaming response, but complete
4218 			writes will continue to process. Request handlers that respect the stop token will also gracefully cancel.
4219 		+/
4220 		cancelStreamingRequestsEarly,
4221 		/++
4222 			All writes will throw.
4223 		+/
4224 		cancelAllRequestsEarly,
4225 		/++
4226 			Use OS facilities to forcibly kill running threads. The server process will be in an undefined state after this call (if this call ever returns).
4227 		+/
4228 		forciblyTerminate,
4229 	}
4231 	version(embedded_httpd_processes) {} else
4232 	/++
4233 		Stops serving after the current requests are completed.
4235 		Bugs:
4236 			Not implemented on version=embedded_httpd_processes, version=fastcgi on any system, or embedded_httpd on Windows (it does work on embedded_httpd_hybrid
4237 			on Windows however). Only partially implemented on non-Linux posix systems.
4239 			You might also try SIGINT perhaps.
4241 			The stopPriority is not yet fully implemented.
4242 	+/
4243 	static void stop(ForceStop stopPriority = ForceStop.afterCurrentRequestsComplete) {
4244 		globalStopFlag = true;
4246 		version(Posix) {
4247 			if(cancelfd > 0) {
4248 				ulong a = 1;
4249 				core.sys.posix.unistd.write(cancelfd, &a, a.sizeof);
4250 			}
4251 		}
4252 		version(Windows) {
4253 			if(iocp) {
4254 				foreach(i; 0 .. 16) // FIXME
4255 				PostQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, 0, cast(ULONG_PTR) null, null);
4256 			}
4257 		}
4258 	}
4259 }
4261 class AuthorizationRequiredException : Exception {
4262 	string type;
4263 	string realm;
4264 	this(string type, string realm, string file, size_t line) {
4265 		this.type = type;
4266 		this.realm = realm;
4268 		super("Authorization Required", file, line);
4269 	}
4270 }
4272 private alias AliasSeq(T...) = T;
4274 version(with_breaking_cgi_features)
4275 mixin(q{
4276 	template ThisFor(alias t) {
4277 		static if(__traits(isStaticFunction, t)) {
4278 			alias ThisFor = AliasSeq!();
4279 		} else {
4280 			alias ThisFor = __traits(parent, t);
4281 		}
4282 	}
4283 });
4284 else
4285 	alias ThisFor(alias t) = AliasSeq!();
4287 private __gshared bool globalStopFlag = false;
4289 version(embedded_httpd_processes)
4290 void serveEmbeddedHttpdProcesses(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi)(RequestServer params) {
4291 	import core.sys.posix.unistd;
4292 	import core.sys.posix.sys.socket;
4293 	import core.sys.posix.netinet.in_;
4294 	//import std.c.linux.socket;
4296 	int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
4297 	if(sock == -1)
4298 		throw new Exception("socket");
4300 	cloexec(sock);
4302 	{
4304 		sockaddr_in addr;
4305 		addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
4306 		addr.sin_port = htons(params.listeningPort);
4307 		auto lh = params.listeningHost;
4308 		if(lh.length) {
4309 			if(inet_pton(AF_INET, lh.toStringz(), &addr.sin_addr.s_addr) != 1)
4310 				throw new Exception("bad listening host given, please use an IP address.\nExample: --listening-host means listen only on Localhost.\nExample: --listening-host means listen on all interfaces.\nOr you can pass any other single numeric IPv4 address.");
4311 		} else
4312 			addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
4314 		// HACKISH
4315 		int on = 1;
4316 		setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, on.sizeof);
4317 		// end hack
4320 		if(bind(sock, cast(sockaddr*) &addr, addr.sizeof) == -1) {
4321 			close(sock);
4322 			throw new Exception("bind");
4323 		}
4325 		// FIXME: if this queue is full, it will just ignore it
4326 		// and wait for the client to retransmit it. This is an
4327 		// obnoxious timeout condition there.
4328 		if(sock.listen(128) == -1) {
4329 			close(sock);
4330 			throw new Exception("listen");
4331 		}
4332 		params.dropPrivileges();
4333 	}
4335 	version(embedded_httpd_processes_accept_after_fork) {} else {
4336 		int pipeReadFd;
4337 		int pipeWriteFd;
4339 		{
4340 			int[2] pipeFd;
4341 			if(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, pipeFd)) {
4342 				import core.stdc.errno;
4343 				throw new Exception("pipe failed " ~ to!string(errno));
4344 			}
4346 			pipeReadFd = pipeFd[0];
4347 			pipeWriteFd = pipeFd[1];
4348 		}
4349 	}
4352 	int processCount;
4353 	pid_t newPid;
4354 	reopen:
4355 	while(processCount < processPoolSize) {
4356 		newPid = fork();
4357 		if(newPid == 0) {
4358 			// start serving on the socket
4359 			//ubyte[4096] backingBuffer;
4360 			for(;;) {
4361 				bool closeConnection;
4362 				uint i;
4363 				sockaddr addr;
4364 				i = addr.sizeof;
4365 				version(embedded_httpd_processes_accept_after_fork) {
4366 					int s = accept(sock, &addr, &i);
4367 					int opt = 1;
4368 					import core.sys.posix.netinet.tcp;
4369 					// the Cgi class does internal buffering, so disabling this
4370 					// helps with latency in many cases...
4371 					setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &opt, opt.sizeof);
4372 					cloexec(s);
4373 				} else {
4374 					int s;
4375 					auto readret = read_fd(pipeReadFd, &s, s.sizeof, &s);
4376 					if(readret != s.sizeof) {
4377 						import core.stdc.errno;
4378 						throw new Exception("pipe read failed " ~ to!string(errno));
4379 					}
4381 					//writeln("process ", getpid(), " got socket ", s);
4382 				}
4384 				try {
4386 					if(s == -1)
4387 						throw new Exception("accept");
4389 					scope(failure) close(s);
4390 					//ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, BufferedInputRange)] bufferedRangeContainer;
4391 					auto ir = new BufferedInputRange(s);
4392 					//auto ir = emplace!BufferedInputRange(bufferedRangeContainer, s, backingBuffer);
4394 					while(!ir.empty) {
4395 						//ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, CustomCgi)] cgiContainer;
4397 						Cgi cgi;
4398 						try {
4399 							cgi = new CustomCgi(ir, &closeConnection);
4400 							cgi._outputFileHandle = cast(CgiConnectionHandle) s;
4401 							// if we have a single process and the browser tries to leave the connection open while concurrently requesting another, it will block everything an deadlock since there's no other server to accept it. By closing after each request in this situation, it tells the browser to serialize for us.
4402 							if(processPoolSize <= 1)
4403 								closeConnection = true;
4404 							//cgi = emplace!CustomCgi(cgiContainer, ir, &closeConnection);
4405 						} catch(HttpVersionNotSupportedException he) {
4406 							sendAll(ir.source, plainHttpError(false, "505 HTTP Version Not Supported", he));
4407 							closeConnection = true;
4408 							break;
4409 						} catch(Throwable t) {
4410 							// a construction error is either bad code or bad request; bad request is what it should be since this is bug free :P
4411 							// anyway let's kill the connection
4412 							version(CRuntime_Musl) {
4413 								// LockingTextWriter fails here
4414 								// so working around it
4415 								auto estr = t.toString();
4416 								stderr.rawWrite(estr);
4417 								stderr.rawWrite("\n");
4418 							} else
4419 								stderr.writeln(t.toString());
4420 							sendAll(ir.source, plainHttpError(false, "400 Bad Request", t));
4421 							closeConnection = true;
4422 							break;
4423 						}
4424 						assert(cgi !is null);
4425 						scope(exit)
4426 							cgi.dispose();
4428 						try {
4429 							fun(cgi);
4430 							cgi.close();
4431 							if(cgi.websocketMode)
4432 								closeConnection = true;
4434 						} catch(AuthorizationRequiredException are) {
4435 							cgi.setResponseStatus("401 Authorization Required");
4436 							cgi.header ("WWW-Authenticate: "~are.type~" realm=\""~are.realm~"\"");
4437 							cgi.close();
4438 						} catch(ConnectionException ce) {
4439 							closeConnection = true;
4440 						} catch(Throwable t) {
4441 							// a processing error can be recovered from
4442 							version(CRuntime_Musl) {
4443 								// LockingTextWriter fails here
4444 								// so working around it
4445 								auto estr = t.toString();
4446 								stderr.rawWrite(estr);
4447 							} else {
4448 								stderr.writeln(t.toString);
4449 							}
4450 							if(!handleException(cgi, t))
4451 								closeConnection = true;
4452 						}
4454 						if(closeConnection) {
4455 							ir.source.close();
4456 							break;
4457 						} else {
4458 							if(!ir.empty)
4459 								ir.popFront(); // get the next
4460 							else if(ir.sourceClosed) {
4461 								ir.source.close();
4462 							}
4463 						}
4464 					}
4466 					ir.source.close();
4467 				} catch(Throwable t) {
4468 					version(CRuntime_Musl) {} else
4469 						debug writeln(t);
4470 					// most likely cause is a timeout
4471 				}
4472 			}
4473 		} else if(newPid < 0) {
4474 			throw new Exception("fork failed");
4475 		} else {
4476 			processCount++;
4477 		}
4478 	}
4480 	// the parent should wait for its children...
4481 	if(newPid) {
4482 		import core.sys.posix.sys.wait;
4484 		version(embedded_httpd_processes_accept_after_fork) {} else {
4485 			import core.sys.posix.sys.select;
4486 			int[] fdQueue;
4487 			while(true) {
4488 				// writeln("select call");
4489 				int nfds = pipeWriteFd;
4490 				if(sock > pipeWriteFd)
4491 					nfds = sock;
4492 				nfds += 1;
4493 				fd_set read_fds;
4494 				fd_set write_fds;
4495 				FD_ZERO(&read_fds);
4496 				FD_ZERO(&write_fds);
4497 				FD_SET(sock, &read_fds);
4498 				if(fdQueue.length)
4499 					FD_SET(pipeWriteFd, &write_fds);
4500 				auto ret = select(nfds, &read_fds, &write_fds, null, null);
4501 				if(ret == -1) {
4502 					import core.stdc.errno;
4503 					if(errno == EINTR)
4504 						goto try_wait;
4505 					else
4506 						throw new Exception("wtf select");
4507 				}
4509 				int s = -1;
4510 				if(FD_ISSET(sock, &read_fds)) {
4511 					uint i;
4512 					sockaddr addr;
4513 					i = addr.sizeof;
4514 					s = accept(sock, &addr, &i);
4515 					cloexec(s);
4516 					import core.sys.posix.netinet.tcp;
4517 					int opt = 1;
4518 					setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &opt, opt.sizeof);
4519 				}
4521 				if(FD_ISSET(pipeWriteFd, &write_fds)) {
4522 					if(s == -1 && fdQueue.length) {
4523 						s = fdQueue[0];
4524 						fdQueue = fdQueue[1 .. $]; // FIXME reuse buffer
4525 					}
4526 					write_fd(pipeWriteFd, &s, s.sizeof, s);
4527 					close(s); // we are done with it, let the other process take ownership
4528 				} else
4529 					fdQueue ~= s;
4530 			}
4531 		}
4533 		try_wait:
4535 		int status;
4536 		while(-1 != wait(&status)) {
4537 			version(CRuntime_Musl) {} else {
4538 				import std.stdio; writeln("Process died ", status);
4539 			}
4540 			processCount--;
4541 			goto reopen;
4542 		}
4543 		close(sock);
4544 	}
4545 }
4547 version(fastcgi)
4548 void serveFastCgi(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)(RequestServer params) {
4549 	//         SetHandler fcgid-script
4550 	FCGX_Stream* input, output, error;
4551 	FCGX_ParamArray env;
4555 	const(ubyte)[] getFcgiChunk() {
4556 		const(ubyte)[] ret;
4557 		while(FCGX_HasSeenEOF(input) != -1)
4558 			ret ~= cast(ubyte) FCGX_GetChar(input);
4559 		return ret;
4560 	}
4562 	void writeFcgi(const(ubyte)[] data) {
4563 		FCGX_PutStr(data.ptr, data.length, output);
4564 	}
4566 	void doARequest() {
4567 		string[string] fcgienv;
4569 		for(auto e = env; e !is null && *e !is null; e++) {
4570 			string cur = to!string(*e);
4571 			auto idx = cur.indexOf("=");
4572 			string name, value;
4573 			if(idx == -1)
4574 				name = cur;
4575 			else {
4576 				name = cur[0 .. idx];
4577 				value = cur[idx + 1 .. $];
4578 			}
4580 			fcgienv[name] = value;
4581 		}
4583 		void flushFcgi() {
4584 			FCGX_FFlush(output);
4585 		}
4587 		Cgi cgi;
4588 		try {
4589 			cgi = new CustomCgi(maxContentLength, fcgienv, &getFcgiChunk, &writeFcgi, &flushFcgi);
4590 		} catch(Throwable t) {
4591 			FCGX_PutStr(cast(ubyte*) t.msg.ptr, t.msg.length, error);
4592 			writeFcgi(cast(const(ubyte)[]) plainHttpError(true, "400 Bad Request", t));
4593 			return; //continue;
4594 		}
4595 		assert(cgi !is null);
4596 		scope(exit) cgi.dispose();
4597 		try {
4598 			fun(cgi);
4599 			cgi.close();
4600 		} catch(AuthorizationRequiredException are) {
4601 			cgi.setResponseStatus("401 Authorization Required");
4602 			cgi.header ("WWW-Authenticate: "~are.type~" realm=\""~are.realm~"\"");
4603 			cgi.close();
4604 		} catch(Throwable t) {
4605 			// log it to the error stream
4606 			FCGX_PutStr(cast(ubyte*) t.msg.ptr, t.msg.length, error);
4607 			// handle it for the user, if we can
4608 			if(!handleException(cgi, t))
4609 				return; // continue;
4610 		}
4611 	}
4613 	auto lp = params.listeningPort;
4614 	auto host = params.listeningHost;
4616 	FCGX_Request request;
4617 	if(lp || !host.empty) {
4618 		// if a listening port was specified on the command line, we want to spawn ourself
4619 		// (needed for nginx without spawn-fcgi, e.g. on Windows)
4620 		FCGX_Init();
4622 		int sock;
4624 		if(host.startsWith("unix:")) {
4625 			sock = FCGX_OpenSocket(toStringz(params.listeningHost["unix:".length .. $]), 12);
4626 		} else if(host.startsWith("abstract:")) {
4627 			sock = FCGX_OpenSocket(toStringz("\0" ~ params.listeningHost["abstract:".length .. $]), 12);
4628 		} else {
4629 			sock = FCGX_OpenSocket(toStringz(params.listeningHost ~ ":" ~ to!string(lp)), 12);
4630 		}
4632 		if(sock < 0)
4633 			throw new Exception("Couldn't listen on the port");
4634 		FCGX_InitRequest(&request, sock, 0);
4635 		while(FCGX_Accept_r(&request) >= 0) {
4636 			input = request.inStream;
4637 			output = request.outStream;
4638 			error = request.errStream;
4639 			env = request.envp;
4640 			doARequest();
4641 		}
4642 	} else {
4643 		// otherwise, assume the httpd is doing it (the case for Apache, IIS, and Lighttpd)
4644 		// using the version with a global variable since we are separate processes anyway
4645 		while(FCGX_Accept(&input, &output, &error, &env) >= 0) {
4646 			doARequest();
4647 		}
4648 	}
4649 }
4651 /// Returns the default listening port for the current cgi configuration. 8085 for embedded httpd, 4000 for scgi, irrelevant for others.
4652 ushort defaultListeningPort() {
4653 	version(netman_httpd)
4654 		return 8080;
4655 	else version(embedded_httpd_processes)
4656 		return 8085;
4657 	else version(embedded_httpd_threads)
4658 		return 8085;
4659 	else version(scgi)
4660 		return 4000;
4661 	else
4662 		return 0;
4663 }
4665 /// Default host for listening. for scgi, null (aka all interfaces) for all others. If you want the server directly accessible from other computers on the network, normally use null. If not, is a bit better. Settable with default handlers with --listening-host command line argument.
4666 string defaultListeningHost() {
4667 	version(netman_httpd)
4668 		return null;
4669 	else version(embedded_httpd_processes)
4670 		return null;
4671 	else version(embedded_httpd_threads)
4672 		return null;
4673 	else version(scgi)
4674 		return "";
4675 	else
4676 		return null;
4678 }
4680 /++
4681 	This is the function [GenericMain] calls. View its source for some simple boilerplate you can copy/paste and modify, or you can call it yourself from your `main`.
4683 	Please note that this may spawn other helper processes that will call `main` again. It does this currently for the timer server and event source server (and the quasi-deprecated web socket server).
4685 	Params:
4686 		fun = Your request handler
4687 		CustomCgi = a subclass of Cgi, if you wise to customize it further
4688 		maxContentLength = max POST size you want to allow
4689 		args = command-line arguments
4691 	History:
4692 		Documented Sept 26, 2020.
4693 +/
4694 void cgiMainImpl(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)(string[] args) if(is(CustomCgi : Cgi)) {
4695 	if(tryAddonServers(args))
4696 		return;
4698 	if(trySimulatedRequest!(fun, CustomCgi)(args))
4699 		return;
4701 	RequestServer server;
4702 	// you can change the port here if you like
4703 	// server.listeningPort = 9000;
4705 	// then call this to let the command line args override your default
4706 	server.configureFromCommandLine(args);
4708 	// and serve the request(s).
4709 	server.serve!(fun, CustomCgi, maxContentLength)();
4710 }
4712 //version(plain_cgi)
4713 void handleCgiRequest(alias fun, CustomCgi = Cgi, long maxContentLength = defaultMaxContentLength)() {
4714 	// standard CGI is the default version
4717 	// Set stdin to binary mode if necessary to avoid mangled newlines
4718 	// the fact that stdin is global means this could be trouble but standard cgi request
4719 	// handling is one per process anyway so it shouldn't actually be threaded here or anything.
4720 	version(Windows) {
4721 		version(Win64)
4722 		_setmode(std.stdio.stdin.fileno(), 0x8000);
4723 		else
4724 		setmode(std.stdio.stdin.fileno(), 0x8000);
4725 	}
4727 	Cgi cgi;
4728 	try {
4729 		cgi = new CustomCgi(maxContentLength);
4730 		version(Posix)
4731 			cgi._outputFileHandle = cast(CgiConnectionHandle) 1; // stdout
4732 		else version(Windows)
4733 			cgi._outputFileHandle = cast(CgiConnectionHandle) GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
4734 		else static assert(0);
4735 	} catch(Throwable t) {
4736 		version(CRuntime_Musl) {
4737 			// LockingTextWriter fails here
4738 			// so working around it
4739 			auto s = t.toString();
4740 			stderr.rawWrite(s);
4741 			stdout.rawWrite(plainHttpError(true, "400 Bad Request", t));
4742 		} else {
4743 			stderr.writeln(t.msg);
4744 			// the real http server will probably handle this;
4745 			// most likely, this is a bug in Cgi. But, oh well.
4746 			stdout.write(plainHttpError(true, "400 Bad Request", t));
4747 		}
4748 		return;
4749 	}
4750 	assert(cgi !is null);
4751 	scope(exit) cgi.dispose();
4753 	try {
4754 		fun(cgi);
4755 		cgi.close();
4756 	} catch(AuthorizationRequiredException are) {
4757 		cgi.setResponseStatus("401 Authorization Required");
4758 		cgi.header ("WWW-Authenticate: "~are.type~" realm=\""~are.realm~"\"");
4759 		cgi.close();
4760 	} catch (Throwable t) {
4761 		version(CRuntime_Musl) {
4762 			// LockingTextWriter fails here
4763 			// so working around it
4764 			auto s = t.msg;
4765 			stderr.rawWrite(s);
4766 		} else {
4767 			stderr.writeln(t.msg);
4768 		}
4769 		if(!handleException(cgi, t))
4770 			return;
4771 	}
4772 }
4774 private __gshared int cancelfd = -1;
4776 /+
4777 	The event loop for embedded_httpd_threads will prolly fiber dispatch
4778 	cgi constructors too, so slow posts will not monopolize a worker thread.
4780 	May want to provide the worker task system just need to ensure all the fibers
4781 	has a big enough stack for real work... would also ideally like to reuse them.
4784 	So prolly bir would switch it to nonblocking. If it would block, it epoll
4785 	registers one shot with this existing fiber to take it over.
4787 		new connection comes in. it picks a fiber off the free list,
4788 		or if there is none, it creates a new one. this fiber handles
4789 		this connection the whole time.
4791 		epoll triggers the fiber when something comes in. it is called by
4792 		a random worker thread, it might change at any time. at least during
4793 		the constructor. maybe into the main body it will stay tied to a thread
4794 		just so TLS stuff doesn't randomly change in the middle. but I could
4795 		specify if you yield all bets are off.
4797 		when the request is finished, if there's more data buffered, it just
4798 		keeps going. if there is no more data buffered, it epoll ctls to
4799 		get triggered when more data comes in. all one shot.
4801 		when a connection is closed, the fiber returns and is then reset
4802 		and added to the free list. if the free list is full, the fiber is
4803 		just freed, this means it will balloon to a certain size but not generally
4804 		grow beyond that unless the activity keeps going.
4806 		256 KB stack i thnk per fiber. 4,000 active fibers per gigabyte of memory.
4808 	So the fiber has its own magic methods to read and write. if they would block, it registers
4809 	for epoll and yields. when it returns, it read/writes and then returns back normal control.
4811 	basically you issue the command and it tells you when it is done
4813 	it needs to DEL the epoll thing when it is closed. add it when opened. mod it when anther thing issued
4815 +/
4817 /++
4818 	The stack size when a fiber is created. You can set this from your main or from a shared static constructor
4819 	to optimize your memory use if you know you don't need this much space. Be careful though, some functions use
4820 	more stack space than you realize and a recursive function (including ones like in dom.d) can easily grow fast!
4822 	History:
4823 		Added July 10, 2021. Previously, it used the druntime default of 16 KB.
4824 +/
4825 version(cgi_use_fiber)
4826 __gshared size_t fiberStackSize = 4096 * 100;
4828 version(cgi_use_fiber)
4829 class CgiFiber : Fiber {
4830 	private void function(Socket) f_handler;
4831 	private void f_handler_dg(Socket s) { // to avoid extra allocation w/ function
4832 		f_handler(s);
4833 	}
4834 	this(void function(Socket) handler) {
4835 		this.f_handler = handler;
4836 		this(&f_handler_dg);
4837 	}
4839 	this(void delegate(Socket) handler) {
4840 		this.handler = handler;
4841 		super(&run, fiberStackSize);
4842 	}
4844 	Socket connection;
4845 	void delegate(Socket) handler;
4847 	void run() {
4848 		handler(connection);
4849 	}
4851 	void delegate() postYield;
4853 	private void setPostYield(scope void delegate() py) @nogc {
4854 		postYield = cast(void delegate()) py;
4855 	}
4857 	void proceed() {
4858 		try {
4859 			call();
4860 			auto py = postYield;
4861 			postYield = null;
4862 			if(py !is null)
4863 				py();
4864 		} catch(Exception e) {
4865 			if(connection)
4866 				connection.close();
4867 			goto terminate;
4868 		}
4870 		if(state == State.TERM) {
4871 			terminate:
4872 			import core.memory;
4873 			GC.removeRoot(cast(void*) this);
4874 		}
4875 	}
4876 }
4878 version(cgi_use_fiber)
4879 version(Windows) {
4881 extern(Windows) private {
4883 	import core.sys.windows.mswsock;
4885 	alias GROUP=uint;
4886 	alias LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW = void*;
4887 	SOCKET WSASocketW(int af, int type, int protocol, LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfo, GROUP g, DWORD dwFlags);
4888 	alias WSASend = arsd.core.WSASend;
4889 	alias WSARecv = arsd.core.WSARecv;
4890 	alias WSABUF = arsd.core.WSABUF;
4892 	/+
4893 	int WSASend(SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine);
4894 	int WSARecv(SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRecvd, LPDWORD lpFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine);
4896 	struct WSABUF {
4897 		ULONG len;
4898 		CHAR  *buf;
4899 	}
4900 	+/
4901 	alias LPWSABUF = WSABUF*;
4905 	/+
4907 	alias LPFN_ACCEPTEX =
4908 		BOOL
4909 		function(
4910 				SOCKET sListenSocket,
4911 				SOCKET sAcceptSocket,
4912 				//_Out_writes_bytes_(dwReceiveDataLength+dwLocalAddressLength+dwRemoteAddressLength) PVOID lpOutputBuffer,
4913 				void* lpOutputBuffer,
4914 				WORD dwReceiveDataLength,
4915 				WORD dwLocalAddressLength,
4916 				WORD dwRemoteAddressLength,
4917 				LPDWORD lpdwBytesReceived,
4918 				LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
4919 			);
4921 	enum WSAID_ACCEPTEX = GUID([0xb5367df1,0xcbac,0x11cf,[0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92]]);
4922 	+/
4924 	enum WSAID_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS = GUID(0xb5367df2,0xcbac,0x11cf,[0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92]);
4925 }
4927 private class PseudoblockingOverlappedSocket : Socket {
4928 	SOCKET handle;
4930 	CgiFiber fiber;
4932 	this(AddressFamily af, SocketType st) {
4933 		auto handle = WSASocketW(af, st, 0, null, 0, 1 /*WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED*/);
4934 		if(!handle)
4935 			throw new Exception("WSASocketW");
4936 		this.handle = handle;
4938 		iocp = CreateIoCompletionPort(cast(HANDLE) handle, iocp, cast(ULONG_PTR) cast(void*) this, 0);
4940 		if(iocp is null) {
4941 			writeln(GetLastError());
4942 			throw new Exception("CreateIoCompletionPort");
4943 		}
4945 		super(cast(socket_t) handle, af);
4946 	}
4947 	this() pure nothrow @trusted { assert(0); }
4949 	override void blocking(bool) {} // meaningless to us, just ignore it.
4951 	protected override Socket accepting() pure nothrow {
4952 		assert(0);
4953 	}
4955 	bool addressesParsed;
4956 	Address la;
4957 	Address ra;
4959 	private void populateAddresses() {
4960 		if(addressesParsed)
4961 			return;
4962 		addressesParsed = true;
4964 		int lalen, ralen;
4966 		sockaddr_in* la;
4967 		sockaddr_in* ra;
4969 		lpfnGetAcceptExSockaddrs(
4970 			scratchBuffer.ptr,
4971 			0, // same as in the AcceptEx call!
4972 			sockaddr_in.sizeof + 16,
4973 			sockaddr_in.sizeof + 16,
4974 			cast(sockaddr**) &la,
4975 			&lalen,
4976 			cast(sockaddr**) &ra,
4977 			&ralen
4978 		);
4980 		if(la)
4981 			this.la = new InternetAddress(*la);
4982 		if(ra)
4983 			this.ra = new InternetAddress(*ra);
4985 	}
4987 	override @property @trusted Address localAddress() {
4988 		populateAddresses();
4989 		return la;
4990 	}
4991 	override @property @trusted Address remoteAddress() {
4992 		populateAddresses();
4993 		return ra;
4994 	}
4996 	PseudoblockingOverlappedSocket accepted;
4998 	__gshared static LPFN_ACCEPTEX lpfnAcceptEx;
4999 	__gshared static typeof(&GetAcceptExSockaddrs) lpfnGetAcceptExSockaddrs;
5001 	override Socket accept() @trusted {
5002 		__gshared static LPFN_ACCEPTEX lpfnAcceptEx;
5004 		if(lpfnAcceptEx is null) {
5005 			DWORD dwBytes;
5006 			GUID GuidAcceptEx = WSAID_ACCEPTEX;
5008 			auto iResult = WSAIoctl(handle, 0xc8000006 /*SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER*/,
5009 					&GuidAcceptEx, GuidAcceptEx.sizeof,
5010 					&lpfnAcceptEx, lpfnAcceptEx.sizeof,
5011 					&dwBytes, null, null);
5014 			iResult = WSAIoctl(handle, 0xc8000006 /*SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER*/,
5015 					&GuidAcceptEx, GuidAcceptEx.sizeof,
5016 					&lpfnGetAcceptExSockaddrs, lpfnGetAcceptExSockaddrs.sizeof,
5017 					&dwBytes, null, null);
5019 		}
5021 		auto pfa = new PseudoblockingOverlappedSocket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM);
5022 		accepted = pfa;
5024 		SOCKET pendingForAccept = pfa.handle;
5025 		DWORD ignored;
5027 		auto ret = lpfnAcceptEx(handle,
5028 			pendingForAccept,
5029 			// buffer to receive up front
5030 			pfa.scratchBuffer.ptr,
5031 			0,
5032 			// size of local and remote addresses. normally + 16.
5033 			sockaddr_in.sizeof + 16,
5034 			sockaddr_in.sizeof + 16,
5035 			&ignored, // bytes would be given through the iocp instead but im not even requesting the thing
5036 			&overlapped
5037 		);
5039 		return pfa;
5040 	}
5042 	override void connect(Address to) { assert(0); }
5044 	DWORD lastAnswer;
5045 	ubyte[1024] scratchBuffer;
5046 	static assert(scratchBuffer.length > sockaddr_in.sizeof * 2 + 32);
5048 	WSABUF[1] buffer;
5049 	OVERLAPPED overlapped;
5050 	override ptrdiff_t send(scope const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags) @trusted {
5051 		overlapped = overlapped.init;
5052 		buffer[0].len = cast(DWORD) buf.length;
5053 		buffer[0].buf = cast(ubyte*) buf.ptr;
5054 		fiber.setPostYield( () {
5055 			if(!WSASend(handle, buffer.ptr, cast(DWORD) buffer.length, null, 0, &overlapped, null)) {
5056 				if(GetLastError() != 997) {
5057 					//throw new Exception("WSASend fail");
5058 				}
5059 			}
5060 		});
5062 		Fiber.yield();
5063 		return lastAnswer;
5064 	}
5065 	override ptrdiff_t receive(scope void[] buf, SocketFlags flags) @trusted {
5066 		overlapped = overlapped.init;
5067 		buffer[0].len = cast(DWORD) buf.length;
5068 		buffer[0].buf = cast(ubyte*) buf.ptr;
5070 		DWORD flags2 = 0;
5072 		fiber.setPostYield(() {
5073 			if(!WSARecv(handle, buffer.ptr, cast(DWORD) buffer.length, null, &flags2 /* flags */, &overlapped, null)) {
5074 				if(GetLastError() != 997) {
5075 					//writeln("WSARecv ", WSAGetLastError());
5076 					//throw new Exception("WSARecv fail");
5077 				}
5078 			}
5079 		});
5081 		Fiber.yield();
5082 		return lastAnswer;
5083 	}
5085 	// I might go back and implement these for udp things.
5086 	override ptrdiff_t receiveFrom(scope void[] buf, SocketFlags flags, ref Address from) @trusted {
5087 		assert(0);
5088 	}
5089 	override ptrdiff_t receiveFrom(scope void[] buf, SocketFlags flags) @trusted {
5090 		assert(0);
5091 	}
5092 	override ptrdiff_t sendTo(scope const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags, Address to) @trusted {
5093 		assert(0);
5094 	}
5095 	override ptrdiff_t sendTo(scope const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags) @trusted {
5096 		assert(0);
5097 	}
5099 	// lol overload sets
5100 	alias send = typeof(super).send;
5101 	alias receive = typeof(super).receive;
5102 	alias sendTo = typeof(super).sendTo;
5103 	alias receiveFrom = typeof(super).receiveFrom;
5105 }
5106 }
5108 void doThreadHttpConnection(CustomCgi, alias fun)(Socket connection) {
5109 	assert(connection !is null);
5110 	version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5111 		auto fiber = new CgiFiber(&doThreadHttpConnectionGuts!(CustomCgi, fun));
5113 		version(Windows) {
5114 			(cast(PseudoblockingOverlappedSocket) connection).fiber = fiber;
5115 		}
5117 		import core.memory;
5118 		GC.addRoot(cast(void*) fiber);
5119 		fiber.connection = connection;
5120 		fiber.proceed();
5121 	} else {
5122 		doThreadHttpConnectionGuts!(CustomCgi, fun)(connection);
5123 	}
5124 }
5126 /+
5128 /+
5129 	The represents a recyclable per-task arena allocator. The default is to let the GC manage the whole block as a large array, meaning if a reference into it is escaped, it waste memory but is not dangerous. If you don't escape any references to it and don't do anything special, the GC collects it.
5131 	But, if you call `cgi.recyclable = true`, the memory is retained for the next request on the thread. If a reference is escaped, it is the user's problem; it can be modified (and break the `immutable` guarantees!) and thus be memory unsafe. They're taking responsibility for doing it right when they call `escape`. But if they do it right and opt into recycling, the memory is all reused to give a potential boost without requiring the GC's involvement.
5133 	What if one request used an abnormally large amount of memory though? Will recycling it keep that pinned forever? No, that's why it keeps track of some stats. If a working set was significantly above average and not fully utilized for a while, it will just let the GC have it again despite your suggestion to recycle it.
5135 	Be warned that growing the memory block may release the old, smaller block for garbage collection. If you retained references to it, it may not be collectable and lead to some unnecessary memory growth. It is probably best to try to keep the things sized in a continuous block that doesn't have to grow often.
5137 	Internally, it is broken up into a few blocks:
5138 		* the request block. This holds the incoming request and associated data (parsed headers, variables, etc).
5139 		* the scannable block. this holds pointers arrays, classes, etc. associated with this request, so named because the GC scans it.
5140 		* the response block. This holds the output buffer.
5142 	And I may add more later if I decide to open this up to outside user code.
5144 	The scannable block is separate to limit the amount of work the GC has to do; no point asking it to scan that which need not be scanned.
5146 	The request and response blocks are separated because they will have different typical sizes, with the request likely being less predictable. Being able to release one to the GC while recycling the other might help, and having them grow independently (if needed) may also prevent some pain.
5148 	All of this are internal implementation details subject to change at any time without notice. It is valid for my recycle method to do absolutely nothing; the GC also eventually recycles memory!
5150 	Each active task can have its own recyclable memory object. When you recycle it, it is added to a thread-local freelist. If the list is excessively large, entries maybe discarded at random and left for the GC to prevent a temporary burst of activity from leading to a permanent waste of memory.
5151 +/
5152 struct RecyclableMemory {
5153 	private ubyte[] inputBuffer;
5154 	private ubyte[] processedRequestBlock;
5155 	private void[] scannableBlock;
5156 	private ubyte[] outputBuffer;
5158 	RecyclableMemory* next;
5159 }
5161 /++
5162 	This emulates the D associative array interface with a different internal implementation.
5164 	string s = cgi.get["foo"]; // just does cgi.getArray[x][$-1];
5165 	string[] arr = cgi.getArray["foo"];
5167 	"foo" in cgi.get
5169 	foreach(k, v; cgi.get)
5171 	cgi.get.toAA // for compatibility
5173 	// and this can urldecode lazily tbh... in-place even, since %xx is always longer than a single char thing it turns into...
5174 		... but how does it mark that it has already been processed in-place? it'd have to just add it to the index then.
5176 	deprecated alias toAA this;
5177 +/
5178 struct VariableCollection {
5179 	private VariableArrayCollection* vac;
5181 	const(char[]) opIndex(scope const char[] key) {
5182 		return (*vac)[key][$-1];
5183 	}
5185 	const(char[]*) opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(scope const char[] key) {
5186 		return key in (*vac);
5187 	}
5189 	int opApply(int delegate(scope const(char)[] key, scope const(char)[] value) dg) {
5190 		foreach(k, v; *vac) {
5191 			if(auto res = dg(k, v[$-1]))
5192 				return res;
5193 		}
5194 		return 0;
5195 	}
5197 	immutable(string[string]) toAA() {
5198 		string[string] aa;
5199 		foreach(k, v; *vac)
5200 			aa[k.idup] = v[$-1].idup;
5201 		return aa;
5202 	}
5204 	deprecated alias toAA this;
5205 }
5207 struct VariableArrayCollection {
5208 	/+
5209 		This needs the actual implementation of looking it up. As it pulls data, it should
5210 		decode and index for later.
5212 		The index will go into a block attached to the cgi object and it should prolly be sorted
5213 		something like
5215 		[count of names]
5216 		[slice to name][count of values][slice to value, decoded in-place, ...]
5217 		...
5218 	+/
5219 	private Cgi cgi;
5221 	const(char[][]) opIndex(scope const char[] key) {
5222 		return null;
5223 	}
5225 	const(char[][]*) opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(scope const char[] key) {
5226 		return null;
5227 	}
5229 	// int opApply(int delegate(scope const(char)[] key, scope const(char)[][] value) dg)
5231 	immutable(string[string]) toAA() {
5232 		return null;
5233 	}
5235 	deprecated alias toAA this;
5237 }
5239 struct HeaderCollection {
5241 }
5242 +/
5244 void doThreadHttpConnectionGuts(CustomCgi, alias fun, bool alwaysCloseConnection = false)(Socket connection) {
5245 	scope(failure) {
5246 		// catch all for other errors
5247 		try {
5248 			sendAll(connection, plainHttpError(false, "500 Internal Server Error", null));
5249 			connection.close();
5250 		} catch(Exception e) {} // swallow it, we're aborting anyway.
5251 	}
5253 	bool closeConnection = alwaysCloseConnection;
5255 	/+
5256 	ubyte[4096] inputBuffer = void;
5257 	ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, BufferedInputRange)] birBuffer = void;
5258 	ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, CustomCgi)] cgiBuffer = void;
5260 	birBuffer[] = cast(ubyte[]) typeid(BufferedInputRange).initializer()[];
5261 	BufferedInputRange ir = cast(BufferedInputRange) cast(void*) birBuffer.ptr;
5262 	ir.__ctor(connection, inputBuffer[], true);
5263 	+/
5265 	auto ir = new BufferedInputRange(connection);
5267 	while(!ir.empty) {
5269 		if(ir.view.length == 0) {
5270 			ir.popFront();
5271 			if(ir.sourceClosed) {
5272 				connection.close();
5273 				closeConnection = true;
5274 				break;
5275 			}
5276 		}
5278 		Cgi cgi;
5279 		try {
5280 			cgi = new CustomCgi(ir, &closeConnection);
5281 			// There's a bunch of these casts around because the type matches up with
5282 			// the -version=.... specifiers, just you can also create a RequestServer
5283 			// and instantiate the things where the types don't match up. It isn't exactly
5284 			// correct but I also don't care rn. Might FIXME and either remove it later or something.
5285 			cgi._outputFileHandle = cast(CgiConnectionHandle) connection.handle;
5286 		} catch(ConnectionClosedException ce) {
5287 			closeConnection = true;
5288 			break;
5289 		} catch(ConnectionException ce) {
5290 			// broken pipe or something, just abort the connection
5291 			closeConnection = true;
5292 			break;
5293 		} catch(HttpVersionNotSupportedException ve) {
5294 			sendAll(connection, plainHttpError(false, "505 HTTP Version Not Supported", ve));
5295 			closeConnection = true;
5296 			break;
5297 		} catch(Throwable t) {
5298 			// a construction error is either bad code or bad request; bad request is what it should be since this is bug free :P
5299 			// anyway let's kill the connection
5300 			version(CRuntime_Musl) {
5301 				stderr.rawWrite(t.toString());
5302 				stderr.rawWrite("\n");
5303 			} else {
5304 				stderr.writeln(t.toString());
5305 			}
5306 			sendAll(connection, plainHttpError(false, "400 Bad Request", t));
5307 			closeConnection = true;
5308 			break;
5309 		}
5310 		assert(cgi !is null);
5311 		scope(exit)
5312 			cgi.dispose();
5314 		try {
5315 			fun(cgi);
5316 			cgi.close();
5317 			if(cgi.websocketMode)
5318 				closeConnection = true;
5319 		} catch(AuthorizationRequiredException are) {
5320 			cgi.setResponseStatus("401 Authorization Required");
5321 			cgi.header ("WWW-Authenticate: "~are.type~" realm=\""~are.realm~"\"");
5322 			cgi.close();
5323 		} catch(ConnectionException ce) {
5324 			// broken pipe or something, just abort the connection
5325 			closeConnection = true;
5326 		} catch(ConnectionClosedException ce) {
5327 			// broken pipe or something, just abort the connection
5328 			closeConnection = true;
5329 		} catch(Throwable t) {
5330 			// a processing error can be recovered from
5331 			version(CRuntime_Musl) {} else
5332 			stderr.writeln(t.toString);
5333 			if(!handleException(cgi, t))
5334 				closeConnection = true;
5335 		}
5337 		if(globalStopFlag)
5338 			closeConnection = true;
5340 		if(closeConnection || alwaysCloseConnection) {
5341 			connection.shutdown(SocketShutdown.BOTH);
5342 			connection.close();
5343 			ir.dispose();
5344 			closeConnection = false; // don't reclose after loop
5345 			break;
5346 		} else {
5347 			if(ir.front.length) {
5348 				ir.popFront(); // we can't just discard the buffer, so get the next bit and keep chugging along
5349 			} else if(ir.sourceClosed) {
5350 				ir.source.shutdown(SocketShutdown.BOTH);
5351 				ir.source.close();
5352 				ir.dispose();
5353 				closeConnection = false;
5354 			} else {
5355 				continue;
5356 				// break; // this was for a keepalive experiment
5357 			}
5358 		}
5359 	}
5361 	if(closeConnection) {
5362 		connection.shutdown(SocketShutdown.BOTH);
5363 		connection.close();
5364 		ir.dispose();
5365 	}
5367 	// I am otherwise NOT closing it here because the parent thread might still be able to make use of the keep-alive connection!
5368 }
5370 void doThreadScgiConnection(CustomCgi, alias fun, long maxContentLength)(Socket connection) {
5371 	// and now we can buffer
5372 	scope(failure)
5373 		connection.close();
5375 	import al = std.algorithm;
5377 	size_t size;
5379 	string[string] headers;
5381 	auto range = new BufferedInputRange(connection);
5382 	more_data:
5383 	auto chunk = range.front();
5384 	// waiting for colon for header length
5385 	auto idx = indexOf(cast(string) chunk, ':');
5386 	if(idx == -1) {
5387 		try {
5388 			range.popFront();
5389 		} catch(Exception e) {
5390 			// it is just closed, no big deal
5391 			connection.close();
5392 			return;
5393 		}
5394 		goto more_data;
5395 	}
5397 	size = to!size_t(cast(string) chunk[0 .. idx]);
5398 	chunk = range.consume(idx + 1);
5399 	// reading headers
5400 	if(chunk.length < size)
5401 		range.popFront(0, size + 1);
5402 	// we are now guaranteed to have enough
5403 	chunk = range.front();
5404 	assert(chunk.length > size);
5406 	idx = 0;
5407 	string key;
5408 	string value;
5409 	foreach(part; al.splitter(chunk, '\0')) {
5410 		if(idx & 1) { // odd is value
5411 			value = cast(string)(part.idup);
5412 			headers[key] = value; // commit
5413 		} else
5414 			key = cast(string)(part.idup);
5415 		idx++;
5416 	}
5418 	enforce(chunk[size] == ','); // the terminator
5420 	range.consume(size + 1);
5421 	// reading data
5422 	// this will be done by Cgi
5424 	const(ubyte)[] getScgiChunk() {
5425 		// we are already primed
5426 		auto data = range.front();
5427 		if(data.length == 0 && !range.sourceClosed) {
5428 			range.popFront(0);
5429 			data = range.front();
5430 		} else if (range.sourceClosed)
5431 			range.source.close();
5433 		return data;
5434 	}
5436 	void writeScgi(const(ubyte)[] data) {
5437 		sendAll(connection, data);
5438 	}
5440 	void flushScgi() {
5441 		// I don't *think* I have to do anything....
5442 	}
5444 	Cgi cgi;
5445 	try {
5446 		cgi = new CustomCgi(maxContentLength, headers, &getScgiChunk, &writeScgi, &flushScgi);
5447 		cgi._outputFileHandle = cast(CgiConnectionHandle) connection.handle;
5448 	} catch(Throwable t) {
5449 		sendAll(connection, plainHttpError(true, "400 Bad Request", t));
5450 		connection.close();
5451 		return; // this connection is dead
5452 	}
5453 	assert(cgi !is null);
5454 	scope(exit) cgi.dispose();
5455 	try {
5456 		fun(cgi);
5457 		cgi.close();
5458 		connection.close();
5460 	} catch(AuthorizationRequiredException are) {
5461 		cgi.setResponseStatus("401 Authorization Required");
5462 		cgi.header ("WWW-Authenticate: "~are.type~" realm=\""~are.realm~"\"");
5463 		cgi.close();
5464 	} catch(Throwable t) {
5465 		// no std err
5466 		if(!handleException(cgi, t)) {
5467 			connection.close();
5468 			return;
5469 		} else {
5470 			connection.close();
5471 			return;
5472 		}
5473 	}
5474 }
5476 string printDate(DateTime date) {
5477 	char[29] buffer = void;
5478 	printDateToBuffer(date, buffer[]);
5479 	return buffer.idup;
5480 }
5482 int printDateToBuffer(DateTime date, char[] buffer) @nogc {
5483 	assert(buffer.length >= 29);
5484 	// 29 static length ?
5486 	static immutable daysOfWeek = [
5487 		"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
5488 	];
5490 	static immutable months = [
5491 		null, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
5492 	];
5494 	buffer[0 .. 3] = daysOfWeek[date.dayOfWeek];
5495 	buffer[3 .. 5] = ", ";
5496 	buffer[5] = date.day / 10 + '0';
5497 	buffer[6] = date.day % 10 + '0';
5498 	buffer[7] = ' ';
5499 	buffer[8 .. 11] = months[date.month];
5500 	buffer[11] = ' ';
5501 	auto y = date.year;
5502 	buffer[12] = cast(char) (y / 1000 + '0'); y %= 1000;
5503 	buffer[13] = cast(char) (y / 100 + '0'); y %= 100;
5504 	buffer[14] = cast(char) (y / 10 + '0'); y %= 10;
5505 	buffer[15] = cast(char) (y + '0');
5506 	buffer[16] = ' ';
5507 	buffer[17] = date.hour / 10 + '0';
5508 	buffer[18] = date.hour % 10 + '0';
5509 	buffer[19] = ':';
5510 	buffer[20] = date.minute / 10 + '0';
5511 	buffer[21] = date.minute % 10 + '0';
5512 	buffer[22] = ':';
5513 	buffer[23] = date.second / 10 + '0';
5514 	buffer[24] = date.second % 10 + '0';
5515 	buffer[25 .. $] = " GMT";
5517 	return 29;
5518 }
5521 // Referencing this gigantic typeid seems to remind the compiler
5522 // to actually put the symbol in the object file. I guess the immutable
5523 // assoc array array isn't actually included in druntime
5524 void hackAroundLinkerError() {
5525       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(const(immutable(char)[][])[immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5526       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(immutable(char)[][][immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5527       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(Cgi.UploadedFile[immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5528       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(Cgi.UploadedFile[][immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5529       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(immutable(Cgi.UploadedFile)[immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5530       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(immutable(Cgi.UploadedFile[])[immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5531       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(immutable(char[])[immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5532       // this is getting kinda ridiculous btw. Moving assoc arrays
5533       // to the library is the pain that keeps on coming.
5535       // eh this broke the build on the work server
5536       // stdout.rawWrite(typeid(immutable(char)[][immutable(string[])]));
5537       stdout.rawWrite(typeid(immutable(string[])[immutable(char)[]]).toString());
5538 }
5544 version(fastcgi) {
5545 	pragma(lib, "fcgi");
5547 	static if(size_t.sizeof == 8) // 64 bit
5548 		alias long c_int;
5549 	else
5550 		alias int c_int;
5552 	extern(C) {
5553 		struct FCGX_Stream {
5554 			ubyte* rdNext;
5555 			ubyte* wrNext;
5556 			ubyte* stop;
5557 			ubyte* stopUnget;
5558 			c_int isReader;
5559 			c_int isClosed;
5560 			c_int wasFCloseCalled;
5561 			c_int FCGI_errno;
5562 			void* function(FCGX_Stream* stream) fillBuffProc;
5563 			void* function(FCGX_Stream* stream, c_int doClose) emptyBuffProc;
5564 			void* data;
5565 		}
5567 		// note: this is meant to be opaque, so don't access it directly
5568 		struct FCGX_Request {
5569 			int requestId;
5570 			int role;
5571 			FCGX_Stream* inStream;
5572 			FCGX_Stream* outStream;
5573 			FCGX_Stream* errStream;
5574 			char** envp;
5575 			void* paramsPtr;
5576 			int ipcFd;
5577 			int isBeginProcessed;
5578 			int keepConnection;
5579 			int appStatus;
5580 			int nWriters;
5581 			int flags;
5582 			int listen_sock;
5583 		}
5585 		int FCGX_InitRequest(FCGX_Request *request, int sock, int flags);
5586 		void FCGX_Init();
5588 		int FCGX_Accept_r(FCGX_Request *request);
5591 		alias char** FCGX_ParamArray;
5593 		c_int FCGX_Accept(FCGX_Stream** stdin, FCGX_Stream** stdout, FCGX_Stream** stderr, FCGX_ParamArray* envp);
5594 		c_int FCGX_GetChar(FCGX_Stream* stream);
5595 		c_int FCGX_PutStr(const ubyte* str, c_int n, FCGX_Stream* stream);
5596 		int FCGX_HasSeenEOF(FCGX_Stream* stream);
5597 		c_int FCGX_FFlush(FCGX_Stream *stream);
5599 		int FCGX_OpenSocket(in char*, int);
5600 	}
5601 }
5604 /* This might go int a separate module eventually. It is a network input helper class. */
5606 import std.socket;
5608 version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5609 	import core.thread;
5611 	version(linux) {
5612 		import core.sys.linux.epoll;
5614 		int epfd = -1; // thread local because EPOLLEXCLUSIVE works much better this way... weirdly.
5615 	} else version(Windows) {
5616 		// declaring the iocp thing below...
5617 	} else static assert(0, "The hybrid fiber server is not implemented on your OS.");
5618 }
5620 version(Windows)
5621 	__gshared HANDLE iocp;
5623 version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5624 	version(linux)
5625 	private enum WakeupEvent {
5626 		Read = EPOLLIN,
5627 		Write = EPOLLOUT
5628 	}
5629 	else version(Windows)
5630 	private enum WakeupEvent {
5631 		Read, Write
5632 	}
5633 	else static assert(0);
5634 }
5636 version(cgi_use_fiber)
5637 private void registerEventWakeup(bool* registered, Socket source, WakeupEvent e) @nogc {
5639 	// static cast since I know what i have in here and don't want to pay for dynamic cast
5640 	auto f = cast(CgiFiber) cast(void*) Fiber.getThis();
5642 	version(linux) {
5643 		f.setPostYield = () {
5644 			if(*registered) {
5645 				// rearm
5646 				epoll_event evt;
5647 				evt.events = e | EPOLLONESHOT;
5648 				evt.data.ptr = cast(void*) f;
5649 				if(epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, source.handle, &evt) == -1)
5650 					throw new Exception("epoll_ctl");
5651 			} else {
5652 				// initial registration
5653 				*registered = true ;
5654 				int fd = source.handle;
5655 				epoll_event evt;
5656 				evt.events = e | EPOLLONESHOT;
5657 				evt.data.ptr = cast(void*) f;
5658 				if(epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &evt) == -1)
5659 					throw new Exception("epoll_ctl");
5660 			}
5661 		};
5663 		Fiber.yield();
5665 		f.setPostYield(null);
5666 	} else version(Windows) {
5667 		Fiber.yield();
5668 	}
5669 	else static assert(0);
5670 }
5672 version(cgi_use_fiber)
5673 void unregisterSource(Socket s) {
5674 	version(linux) {
5675 		epoll_event evt;
5676 		epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, s.handle(), &evt);
5677 	} else version(Windows) {
5678 		// intentionally blank
5679 	}
5680 	else static assert(0);
5681 }
5683 // it is a class primarily for reference semantics
5684 // I might change this interface
5685 /// This is NOT ACTUALLY an input range! It is too different. Historical mistake kinda.
5686 class BufferedInputRange {
5687 	version(Posix)
5688 	this(int source, ubyte[] buffer = null) {
5689 		this(new Socket(cast(socket_t) source, AddressFamily.INET), buffer);
5690 	}
5692 	this(Socket source, ubyte[] buffer = null, bool allowGrowth = true) {
5693 		// if they connect but never send stuff to us, we don't want it wasting the process
5694 		// so setting a time out
5695 		version(cgi_use_fiber)
5696 			source.blocking = false;
5697 		else
5698 			source.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.RCVTIMEO, dur!"seconds"(3));
5700 		this.source = source;
5701 		if(buffer is null) {
5702 			underlyingBuffer = new ubyte[4096];
5703 			this.allowGrowth = true;
5704 		} else {
5705 			underlyingBuffer = buffer;
5706 			this.allowGrowth = allowGrowth;
5707 		}
5709 		assert(underlyingBuffer.length);
5711 		// we assume view.ptr is always inside underlyingBuffer
5712 		view = underlyingBuffer[0 .. 0];
5714 		popFront(); // prime
5715 	}
5717 	version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5718 		bool registered;
5719 	}
5721 	void dispose() {
5722 		version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5723 			if(registered)
5724 				unregisterSource(source);
5725 		}
5726 	}
5728 	/**
5729 		A slight difference from regular ranges is you can give it the maximum
5730 		number of bytes to consume.
5732 		IMPORTANT NOTE: the default is to consume nothing, so if you don't call
5733 		consume() yourself and use a regular foreach, it will infinitely loop!
5735 		The default is to do what a normal range does, and consume the whole buffer
5736 		and wait for additional input.
5738 		You can also specify 0, to append to the buffer, or any other number
5739 		to remove the front n bytes and wait for more.
5740 	*/
5741 	void popFront(size_t maxBytesToConsume = 0 /*size_t.max*/, size_t minBytesToSettleFor = 0, bool skipConsume = false) {
5742 		if(sourceClosed)
5743 			throw new ConnectionClosedException("can't get any more data from a closed source");
5744 		if(!skipConsume)
5745 			consume(maxBytesToConsume);
5747 		// we might have to grow the buffer
5748 		if(minBytesToSettleFor > underlyingBuffer.length || view.length == underlyingBuffer.length) {
5749 			if(allowGrowth) {
5750 			//import std.stdio; writeln("growth");
5751 				auto viewStart = view.ptr - underlyingBuffer.ptr;
5752 				size_t growth = 4096;
5753 				// make sure we have enough for what we're being asked for
5754 				if(minBytesToSettleFor > 0 && minBytesToSettleFor - underlyingBuffer.length > growth)
5755 					growth = minBytesToSettleFor - underlyingBuffer.length;
5756 				//import std.stdio; writeln(underlyingBuffer.length, " ", viewStart, " ", view.length, " ", growth,  " ", minBytesToSettleFor, " ", minBytesToSettleFor - underlyingBuffer.length);
5757 				underlyingBuffer.length += growth;
5758 				view = underlyingBuffer[viewStart .. view.length];
5759 			} else
5760 				throw new Exception("No room left in the buffer");
5761 		}
5763 		do {
5764 			auto freeSpace = underlyingBuffer[view.ptr - underlyingBuffer.ptr + view.length .. $];
5765 			try_again:
5766 			auto ret = source.receive(freeSpace);
5767 			if(ret == Socket.ERROR) {
5768 				if(wouldHaveBlocked()) {
5769 					version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5770 						registerEventWakeup(&registered, source, WakeupEvent.Read);
5771 						goto try_again;
5772 					} else {
5773 						// gonna treat a timeout here as a close
5774 						sourceClosed = true;
5775 						return;
5776 					}
5777 				}
5778 				version(Posix) {
5779 					import core.stdc.errno;
5780 					if(errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) {
5781 						goto try_again;
5782 					}
5783 					if(errno == ECONNRESET) {
5784 						sourceClosed = true;
5785 						return;
5786 					}
5787 				}
5788 				throw new Exception(lastSocketError); // FIXME
5789 			}
5790 			if(ret == 0) {
5791 				sourceClosed = true;
5792 				return;
5793 			}
5795 			//import std.stdio; writeln(view.ptr); writeln(underlyingBuffer.ptr); writeln(view.length, " ", ret, " = ", view.length + ret);
5796 			view = underlyingBuffer[view.ptr - underlyingBuffer.ptr .. view.length + ret];
5797 			//import std.stdio; writeln(cast(string) view);
5798 		} while(view.length < minBytesToSettleFor);
5799 	}
5801 	/// Removes n bytes from the front of the buffer, and returns the new buffer slice.
5802 	/// You might want to idup the data you are consuming if you store it, since it may
5803 	/// be overwritten on the new popFront.
5804 	///
5805 	/// You do not need to call this if you always want to wait for more data when you
5806 	/// consume some.
5807 	ubyte[] consume(size_t bytes) {
5808 		//import std.stdio; writeln("consuime ", bytes, "/", view.length);
5809 		view = view[bytes > $ ? $ : bytes .. $];
5810 		if(view.length == 0) {
5811 			view = underlyingBuffer[0 .. 0]; // go ahead and reuse the beginning
5812 			/*
5813 			writeln("HERE");
5814 			popFront(0, 0, true); // try to load more if we can, checks if the source is closed
5815 			writeln(cast(string)front);
5816 			writeln("DONE");
5817 			*/
5818 		}
5819 		return front;
5820 	}
5822 	bool empty() {
5823 		return sourceClosed && view.length == 0;
5824 	}
5826 	ubyte[] front() {
5827 		return view;
5828 	}
5830 	invariant() {
5831 		assert(view.ptr >= underlyingBuffer.ptr);
5832 		// it should never be equal, since if that happens view ought to be empty, and thus reusing the buffer
5833 		assert(view.ptr < underlyingBuffer.ptr + underlyingBuffer.length);
5834 	}
5836 	ubyte[] underlyingBuffer;
5837 	bool allowGrowth;
5838 	ubyte[] view;
5839 	Socket source;
5840 	bool sourceClosed;
5841 }
5843 private class FakeSocketForStdin : Socket {
5844 	import std.stdio;
5846 	this() {
5848 	}
5850 	private bool closed;
5852 	override ptrdiff_t receive(scope void[] buffer, std.socket.SocketFlags) @trusted {
5853 		if(closed)
5854 			throw new Exception("Closed");
5855 		return stdin.rawRead(buffer).length;
5856 	}
5858 	override ptrdiff_t send(const scope void[] buffer, std.socket.SocketFlags) @trusted {
5859 		if(closed)
5860 			throw new Exception("Closed");
5861 		stdout.rawWrite(buffer);
5862 		return buffer.length;
5863 	}
5865 	override void close() @trusted scope {
5866 		(cast(void delegate() @nogc nothrow) &realClose)();
5867 	}
5869 	override void shutdown(SocketShutdown s) {
5870 		// FIXME
5871 	}
5873 	override void setOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOption, scope void[]) {}
5874 	override void setOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOption, Duration) {}
5876 	override @property @trusted Address remoteAddress() { return null; }
5877 	override @property @trusted Address localAddress() { return null; }
5879 	void realClose() {
5880 		closed = true;
5881 		try {
5882 			stdin.close();
5883 			stdout.close();
5884 		} catch(Exception e) {
5886 		}
5887 	}
5888 }
5890 import core.sync.semaphore;
5891 import core.atomic;
5893 /**
5894 	To use this thing:
5896 	---
5897 	void handler(Socket s) { do something... }
5898 	auto manager = new ListeningConnectionManager("", 80, &handler, &delegateThatDropsPrivileges);
5899 	manager.listen();
5900 	---
5902 	The 4th parameter is optional.
5904 	I suggest you use BufferedInputRange(connection) to handle the input. As a packet
5905 	comes in, you will get control. You can just continue; though to fetch more.
5908 	FIXME: should I offer an event based async thing like netman did too? Yeah, probably.
5909 */
5910 class ListeningConnectionManager {
5911 	Semaphore semaphore;
5912 	Socket[256] queue;
5913 	shared(ubyte) nextIndexFront;
5914 	ubyte nextIndexBack;
5915 	shared(int) queueLength;
5917 	Socket acceptCancelable() {
5918 		version(Posix) {
5919 			import core.sys.posix.sys.select;
5920 			fd_set read_fds;
5921 			FD_ZERO(&read_fds);
5922 			int max = 0;
5923 			foreach(listener; listeners) {
5924 				FD_SET(listener.handle, &read_fds);
5925 				if(listener.handle > max)
5926 					max = listener.handle;
5927 			}
5928 			if(cancelfd != -1) {
5929 				FD_SET(cancelfd, &read_fds);
5930 				if(cancelfd > max)
5931 					max = cancelfd;
5932 			}
5933 			auto ret = select(max + 1, &read_fds, null, null, null);
5934 			if(ret == -1) {
5935 				import core.stdc.errno;
5936 				if(errno == EINTR)
5937 					return null;
5938 				else
5939 					throw new Exception("wtf select");
5940 			}
5942 			if(cancelfd != -1 && FD_ISSET(cancelfd, &read_fds)) {
5943 				return null;
5944 			}
5946 			foreach(listener; listeners) {
5947 				if(FD_ISSET(listener.handle, &read_fds))
5948 					return listener.accept();
5949 			}
5951 			return null;
5952 		} else {
5954 			auto check = new SocketSet();
5956 			keep_looping:
5957 			check.reset();
5958 			foreach(listener; listeners)
5959 				check.add(listener);
5961 			// just to check the stop flag on a kinda busy loop. i hate this FIXME
5962 			auto got = Socket.select(check, null, null, 3.seconds);
5963 			if(got > 0)
5964 				foreach(listener; listeners)
5965 					if(check.isSet(listener))
5966 						return listener.accept();
5967 			if(globalStopFlag)
5968 				return null;
5969 			else
5970 				goto keep_looping;
5971 		}
5972 	}
5974 	int defaultNumberOfThreads() {
5975 		import std.parallelism;
5976 		version(cgi_use_fiber) {
5977 			return totalCPUs * 2 + 1; // still chance some will be pointlessly blocked anyway
5978 		} else {
5979 			// I times 4 here because there's a good chance some will be blocked on i/o.
5980 			return totalCPUs * 4;
5981 		}
5983 	}
5985 	void listen() {
5986 		shared(int) loopBroken;
5988 		version(Posix) {
5989 			import core.sys.posix.signal;
5990 			signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
5991 		}
5993 		version(linux) {
5994 			if(cancelfd == -1)
5995 				cancelfd = eventfd(0, 0);
5996 		}
5998 		version(cgi_no_threads) {
5999 			// NEVER USE THIS
6000 			// it exists only for debugging and other special occasions
6002 			// the thread mode is faster and less likely to stall the whole
6003 			// thing when a request is slow
6004 			while(!loopBroken && !globalStopFlag) {
6005 				auto sn = acceptCancelable();
6006 				if(sn is null) continue;
6007 				cloexec(sn);
6008 				try {
6009 					handler(sn);
6010 				} catch(Exception e) {
6011 					// if a connection goes wrong, we want to just say no, but try to carry on unless it is an Error of some sort (in which case, we'll die. You might want an external helper program to revive the server when it dies)
6012 					sn.close();
6013 				}
6014 			}
6015 		} else {
6017 			if(useFork) {
6018 				version(linux) {
6019 					//asm { int 3; }
6020 					fork();
6021 				}
6022 			}
6024 			version(cgi_use_fiber) {
6026 				version(Windows) {
6027 					// please note these are overlapped sockets! so the accept just kicks things off
6028 					foreach(listener; listeners)
6029 						listener.accept();
6030 				}
6032 				WorkerThread[] threads = new WorkerThread[](numberOfThreads);
6033 				foreach(i, ref thread; threads) {
6034 					thread = new WorkerThread(this, handler, cast(int) i);
6035 					thread.start();
6036 				}
6038 				bool fiber_crash_check() {
6039 					bool hasAnyRunning;
6040 					foreach(thread; threads) {
6041 						if(!thread.isRunning) {
6042 							thread.join();
6043 						} else hasAnyRunning = true;
6044 					}
6046 					return (!hasAnyRunning);
6047 				}
6050 				while(!globalStopFlag) {
6051 					Thread.sleep(1.seconds);
6052 					if(fiber_crash_check())
6053 						break;
6054 				}
6056 			} else {
6057 				semaphore = new Semaphore();
6059 				ConnectionThread[] threads = new ConnectionThread[](numberOfThreads);
6060 				foreach(i, ref thread; threads) {
6061 					thread = new ConnectionThread(this, handler, cast(int) i);
6062 					thread.start();
6063 				}
6065 				while(!loopBroken && !globalStopFlag) {
6066 					Socket sn;
6068 					bool crash_check() {
6069 						bool hasAnyRunning;
6070 						foreach(thread; threads) {
6071 							if(!thread.isRunning) {
6072 								thread.join();
6073 							} else hasAnyRunning = true;
6074 						}
6076 						return (!hasAnyRunning);
6077 					}
6080 					void accept_new_connection() {
6081 						sn = acceptCancelable();
6082 						if(sn is null) return;
6083 						cloexec(sn);
6084 						if(tcp) {
6085 							// disable Nagle's algorithm to avoid a 40ms delay when we send/recv
6086 							// on the socket because we do some buffering internally. I think this helps,
6087 							// certainly does for small requests, and I think it does for larger ones too
6088 							sn.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.TCP, SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, 1);
6090 							sn.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.RCVTIMEO, dur!"seconds"(10));
6091 						}
6092 					}
6094 					void existing_connection_new_data() {
6095 						// wait until a slot opens up
6096 						// int waited = 0;
6097 						while(queueLength >= queue.length) {
6098 							Thread.sleep(1.msecs);
6099 							// waited ++;
6100 						}
6101 						// if(waited) {import std.stdio; writeln(waited);}
6102 						synchronized(this) {
6103 							queue[nextIndexBack] = sn;
6104 							nextIndexBack++;
6105 							atomicOp!"+="(queueLength, 1);
6106 						}
6107 						semaphore.notify();
6108 					}
6111 					accept_new_connection();
6112 					if(sn !is null)
6113 						existing_connection_new_data();
6114 					else if(sn is null && globalStopFlag) {
6115 						foreach(thread; threads) {
6116 							semaphore.notify();
6117 						}
6118 						Thread.sleep(50.msecs);
6119 					}
6121 					if(crash_check())
6122 						break;
6123 				}
6124 			}
6126 			// FIXME: i typically stop this with ctrl+c which never
6127 			// actually gets here. i need to do a sigint handler.
6128 			if(cleanup)
6129 				cleanup();
6130 		}
6131 	}
6133 	//version(linux)
6134 		//int epoll_fd;
6136 	bool tcp;
6137 	void delegate() cleanup;
6139 	private void function(Socket) fhandler;
6140 	private void dg_handler(Socket s) {
6141 		fhandler(s);
6142 	}
6145 	this(string[] listenSpec, void function(Socket) handler, void delegate() dropPrivs = null, bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default, int numberOfThreads = 0) {
6146 		fhandler = handler;
6147 		this(listenSpec, &dg_handler, dropPrivs, useFork, numberOfThreads);
6148 	}
6149 	this(string[] listenSpec, void delegate(Socket) handler, void delegate() dropPrivs = null, bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default, int numberOfThreads = 0) {
6150 		string[] host;
6151 		ushort[] port;
6153 		foreach(spec; listenSpec) {
6154 			/+
6155 				The format:
6157 					protocol://
6158 					address_spec
6160 				Protocol is optional. Must be http, https, scgi, or fastcgi.
6162 				address_spec is either:
6163 					ipv4 address : port
6164 					[ipv6 address] : port
6165 					unix:filename
6166 					abstract:name
6167 					port <which is tcp but on any interface>
6168 			+/
6170 			string protocol;
6171 			string address_spec;
6173 			auto protocolIdx = spec.indexOf("://");
6174 			if(protocolIdx != -1) {
6175 				protocol = spec[0 .. protocolIdx];
6176 				address_spec = spec[protocolIdx + "://".length .. $];
6177 			} else {
6178 				address_spec = spec;
6179 			}
6181 			if(address_spec.startsWith("unix:") || address_spec.startsWith("abstract:")) {
6182 				host ~= address_spec;
6183 				port ~= 0;
6184 			} else {
6185 				auto idx = address_spec.lastIndexOf(":");
6186 				if(idx == -1) {
6187 					host ~= null;
6188 				} else {
6189 					auto as = address_spec[0 .. idx];
6190 					if(as.length >= 3 && as[0] == '[' && as[$-1] == ']')
6191 						as = as[1 .. $-1];
6192 					host ~= as;
6193 				}
6194 				port ~= address_spec[idx + 1 .. $].to!ushort;
6195 			}
6197 		}
6199 		this(host, port, handler, dropPrivs, useFork, numberOfThreads);
6200 	}
6202 	this(string host, ushort port, void function(Socket) handler, void delegate() dropPrivs = null, bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default, int numberOfThreads = 0) {
6203 		this([host], [port], handler, dropPrivs, useFork, numberOfThreads);
6204 	}
6205 	this(string host, ushort port, void delegate(Socket) handler, void delegate() dropPrivs = null, bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default, int numberOfThreads = 0) {
6206 		this([host], [port], handler, dropPrivs, useFork, numberOfThreads);
6207 	}
6209 	this(string[] host, ushort[] port, void function(Socket) handler, void delegate() dropPrivs = null, bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default, int numberOfThreads = 0) {
6210 		fhandler = handler;
6211 		this(host, port, &dg_handler, dropPrivs, useFork, numberOfThreads);
6212 	}
6214 	this(string[] host, ushort[] port, void delegate(Socket) handler, void delegate() dropPrivs = null, bool useFork = cgi_use_fork_default, int numberOfThreads = 0) {
6215 		assert(host.length == port.length);
6217 		this.handler = handler;
6218 		this.useFork = useFork;
6219 		this.numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads ? numberOfThreads : defaultNumberOfThreads();
6221 		listeners.reserve(host.length);
6223 		foreach(i; 0 .. host.length)
6224 			if(host[i] == "localhost") {
6225 				listeners ~= startListening("", port[i], tcp, cleanup, 128, dropPrivs);
6226 				listeners ~= startListening("::1", port[i], tcp, cleanup, 128, dropPrivs);
6227 			} else {
6228 				listeners ~= startListening(host[i], port[i], tcp, cleanup, 128, dropPrivs);
6229 			}
6231 		version(cgi_use_fiber)
6232 		if(useFork) {
6233 			foreach(listener; listeners)
6234 				listener.blocking = false;
6235 		}
6237 		// this is the UI control thread and thus gets more priority
6238 		Thread.getThis.priority = Thread.PRIORITY_MAX;
6239 	}
6241 	Socket[] listeners;
6242 	void delegate(Socket) handler;
6244 	immutable bool useFork;
6245 	int numberOfThreads;
6246 }
6248 Socket startListening(string host, ushort port, ref bool tcp, ref void delegate() cleanup, int backQueue, void delegate() dropPrivs) {
6249 	Socket listener;
6250 	if(host.startsWith("unix:")) {
6251 		version(Posix) {
6252 			listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.UNIX, SocketType.STREAM);
6253 			cloexec(listener);
6254 			string filename = host["unix:".length .. $].idup;
6255 			listener.bind(new UnixAddress(filename));
6256 			cleanup = delegate() {
6257 				listener.close();
6258 				import std.file;
6259 				remove(filename);
6260 			};
6261 			tcp = false;
6262 		} else {
6263 			throw new Exception("unix sockets not supported on this system");
6264 		}
6265 	} else if(host.startsWith("abstract:")) {
6266 		version(linux) {
6267 			listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.UNIX, SocketType.STREAM);
6268 			cloexec(listener);
6269 			string filename = "\0" ~ host["abstract:".length .. $];
6270 			import std.stdio; stderr.writeln("Listening to abstract unix domain socket: ", host["abstract:".length .. $]);
6271 			listener.bind(new UnixAddress(filename));
6272 			tcp = false;
6273 		} else {
6274 			throw new Exception("abstract unix sockets not supported on this system");
6275 		}
6276 	} else {
6277 		auto address = host.length ? parseAddress(host, port) : new InternetAddress(port);
6278 		version(cgi_use_fiber) {
6279 			version(Windows)
6280 				listener = new PseudoblockingOverlappedSocket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM);
6281 			else
6282 				listener = new Socket(address.addressFamily, SocketType.STREAM);
6283 		} else {
6284 			listener = new Socket(address.addressFamily, SocketType.STREAM);
6285 		}
6286 		cloexec(listener);
6287 		listener.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.REUSEADDR, true);
6288 		if(address.addressFamily == AddressFamily.INET6)
6289 			listener.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPV6, SocketOption.IPV6_V6ONLY, true);
6290 		listener.bind(address);
6291 		cleanup = delegate() {
6292 			listener.close();
6293 		};
6294 		tcp = true;
6295 	}
6297 	listener.listen(backQueue);
6299 	if (dropPrivs !is null) // can be null, backwards compatibility
6300 		dropPrivs();
6302 	return listener;
6303 }
6305 // helper function to send a lot to a socket. Since this blocks for the buffer (possibly several times), you should probably call it in a separate thread or something.
6306 void sendAll(Socket s, const(void)[] data, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
6307 	if(data.length == 0) return;
6308 	ptrdiff_t amount;
6309 	//import std.stdio; writeln("***",cast(string) data,"///");
6310 	do {
6311 		amount = s.send(data);
6312 		if(amount == Socket.ERROR) {
6313 			version(cgi_use_fiber) {
6314 				if(wouldHaveBlocked()) {
6315 					bool registered = true;
6316 					registerEventWakeup(&registered, s, WakeupEvent.Write);
6317 					continue;
6318 				}
6319 			}
6320 			throw new ConnectionException(s, lastSocketError, file, line);
6321 		}
6322 		assert(amount > 0);
6324 		data = data[amount .. $];
6325 	} while(data.length);
6326 }
6328 class ConnectionException : Exception {
6329 	Socket socket;
6330 	this(Socket s, string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
6331 		this.socket = s;
6332 		super(msg, file, line);
6333 	}
6334 }
6336 class HttpVersionNotSupportedException : Exception {
6337 	this(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
6338 		super("HTTP Version Not Supported", file, line);
6339 	}
6340 }
6342 alias void delegate(Socket) CMT;
6344 import core.thread;
6345 /+
6346 	cgi.d now uses a hybrid of event i/o and threads at the top level.
6348 	Top level thread is responsible for accepting sockets and selecting on them.
6350 	It then indicates to a child that a request is pending, and any random worker
6351 	thread that is free handles it. It goes into blocking mode and handles that
6352 	http request to completion.
6354 	At that point, it goes back into the waiting queue.
6357 	This concept is only implemented on Linux. On all other systems, it still
6358 	uses the worker threads and semaphores (which is perfectly fine for a lot of
6359 	things! Just having a great number of keep-alive connections will break that.)
6362 	So the algorithm is:
6364 	select(accept, event, pending)
6365 		if accept -> send socket to free thread, if any. if not, add socket to queue
6366 		if event -> send the signaling thread a socket from the queue, if not, mark it free
6367 			- event might block until it can be *written* to. it is a fifo sending socket fds!
6369 	A worker only does one http request at a time, then signals its availability back to the boss.
6371 	The socket the worker was just doing should be added to the one-off epoll read. If it is closed,
6372 	great, we can get rid of it. Otherwise, it is considered `pending`. The *kernel* manages that; the
6373 	actual FD will not be kept out here.
6375 	So:
6376 		queue = sockets we know are ready to read now, but no worker thread is available
6377 		idle list = worker threads not doing anything else. they signal back and forth
6379 	the workers all read off the event fd. This is the semaphore wait
6381 	the boss waits on accept or other sockets read events (one off! and level triggered). If anything happens wrt ready read,
6382 	it puts it in the queue and writes to the event fd.
6384 	The child could put the socket back in the epoll thing itself.
6386 	The child needs to be able to gracefully handle being given a socket that just closed with no work.
6387 +/
6388 class ConnectionThread : Thread {
6389 	this(ListeningConnectionManager lcm, CMT dg, int myThreadNumber) {
6390 		this.lcm = lcm;
6391 		this.dg = dg;
6392 		this.myThreadNumber = myThreadNumber;
6393 		super(&run);
6394 	}
6396 	void run() {
6397 		while(true) {
6398 			// so if there's a bunch of idle keep-alive connections, it can
6399 			// consume all the worker threads... just sitting there.
6400 			lcm.semaphore.wait();
6401 			if(globalStopFlag)
6402 				return;
6403 			Socket socket;
6404 			synchronized(lcm) {
6405 				auto idx = lcm.nextIndexFront;
6406 				socket = lcm.queue[idx];
6407 				lcm.queue[idx] = null;
6408 				atomicOp!"+="(lcm.nextIndexFront, 1);
6409 				atomicOp!"-="(lcm.queueLength, 1);
6410 			}
6411 			try {
6412 			//import std.stdio; writeln(myThreadNumber, " taking it");
6413 				dg(socket);
6414 				/+
6415 				if(socket.isAlive) {
6416 					// process it more later
6417 					version(linux) {
6418 						import core.sys.linux.epoll;
6419 						epoll_event ev;
6420 						ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLONESHOT | EPOLLET;
6421 						ev.data.fd = socket.handle;
6422 						import std.stdio; writeln("adding");
6423 						if(epoll_ctl(lcm.epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, socket.handle, &ev) == -1) {
6424 							if(errno == EEXIST) {
6425 								ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLONESHOT | EPOLLET;
6426 								ev.data.fd = socket.handle;
6427 								if(epoll_ctl(lcm.epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, socket.handle, &ev) == -1)
6428 									throw new Exception("epoll_ctl " ~ to!string(errno));
6429 							} else
6430 								throw new Exception("epoll_ctl " ~ to!string(errno));
6431 						}
6432 						//import std.stdio; writeln("keep alive");
6433 						// writing to this private member is to prevent the GC from closing my precious socket when I'm trying to use it later
6434 						__traits(getMember, socket, "sock") = cast(socket_t) -1;
6435 					} else {
6436 						continue; // hope it times out in a reasonable amount of time...
6437 					}
6438 				}
6439 				+/
6440 			} catch(ConnectionClosedException e) {
6441 				// can just ignore this, it is fairly normal
6442 				socket.close();
6443 			} catch(Throwable e) {
6444 				import std.stdio; stderr.rawWrite(e.toString); stderr.rawWrite("\n");
6445 				socket.close();
6446 			}
6447 		}
6448 	}
6450 	ListeningConnectionManager lcm;
6451 	CMT dg;
6452 	int myThreadNumber;
6453 }
6455 version(cgi_use_fiber)
6456 class WorkerThread : Thread {
6457 	this(ListeningConnectionManager lcm, CMT dg, int myThreadNumber) {
6458 		this.lcm = lcm;
6459 		this.dg = dg;
6460 		this.myThreadNumber = myThreadNumber;
6461 		super(&run);
6462 	}
6464 	version(Windows)
6465 	void run() {
6466 		auto timeout = INFINITE;
6467 		PseudoblockingOverlappedSocket key;
6468 		OVERLAPPED* overlapped;
6469 		DWORD bytes;
6470 		while(!globalStopFlag && GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, &bytes, cast(PULONG_PTR) &key, &overlapped, timeout)) {
6471 			if(key is null)
6472 				continue;
6473 			key.lastAnswer = bytes;
6474 			if(key.fiber) {
6475 				key.fiber.proceed();
6476 			} else {
6477 				// we have a new connection, issue the first receive on it and issue the next accept
6479 				auto sn = key.accepted;
6481 				key.accept();
6483 				cloexec(sn);
6484 				if(lcm.tcp) {
6485 					// disable Nagle's algorithm to avoid a 40ms delay when we send/recv
6486 					// on the socket because we do some buffering internally. I think this helps,
6487 					// certainly does for small requests, and I think it does for larger ones too
6488 					sn.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.TCP, SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, 1);
6490 					sn.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.RCVTIMEO, dur!"seconds"(10));
6491 				}
6493 				dg(sn);
6494 			}
6495 		}
6496 		//SleepEx(INFINITE, TRUE);
6497 	}
6499 	version(linux)
6500 	void run() {
6502 		import core.sys.linux.epoll;
6503 		epfd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC);
6504 		if(epfd == -1)
6505 			throw new Exception("epoll_create1 " ~ to!string(errno));
6506 		scope(exit) {
6507 			import core.sys.posix.unistd;
6508 			close(epfd);
6509 		}
6511 		{
6512 			epoll_event ev;
6513 			ev.events = EPOLLIN;
6514 			ev.data.fd = cancelfd;
6515 			epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, cancelfd, &ev);
6516 		}
6518 		foreach(listener; lcm.listeners) {
6519 			epoll_event ev;
6520 			ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLEXCLUSIVE; // EPOLLEXCLUSIVE is only available on kernels since like 2017 but that's prolly good enough.
6521 			ev.data.fd = listener.handle;
6522 			if(epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, listener.handle, &ev) == -1)
6523 				throw new Exception("epoll_ctl " ~ to!string(errno));
6524 		}
6528 		while(!globalStopFlag) {
6529 			Socket sn;
6531 			epoll_event[64] events;
6532 			auto nfds = epoll_wait(epfd, events.ptr, events.length, -1);
6533 			if(nfds == -1) {
6534 				if(errno == EINTR)
6535 					continue;
6536 				throw new Exception("epoll_wait " ~ to!string(errno));
6537 			}
6539 			outer: foreach(idx; 0 .. nfds) {
6540 				auto flags = events[idx].events;
6542 				if(cast(size_t) events[idx].data.ptr == cast(size_t) cancelfd) {
6543 					globalStopFlag = true;
6544 					//import std.stdio; writeln("exit heard");
6545 					break;
6546 				} else {
6547 					foreach(listener; lcm.listeners) {
6548 						if(cast(size_t) events[idx].data.ptr == cast(size_t) listener.handle) {
6549 							//import std.stdio; writeln(myThreadNumber, " woken up ", flags);
6550 							// this try/catch is because it is set to non-blocking mode
6551 							// and Phobos' stupid api throws an exception instead of returning
6552 							// if it would block. Why would it block? because a forked process
6553 							// might have beat us to it, but the wakeup event thundered our herds.
6554 								try
6555 								sn = listener.accept(); // don't need to do the acceptCancelable here since the epoll checks it better
6556 								catch(SocketAcceptException e) { continue outer; }
6558 							cloexec(sn);
6559 							if(lcm.tcp) {
6560 								// disable Nagle's algorithm to avoid a 40ms delay when we send/recv
6561 								// on the socket because we do some buffering internally. I think this helps,
6562 								// certainly does for small requests, and I think it does for larger ones too
6563 								sn.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.TCP, SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, 1);
6565 								sn.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.RCVTIMEO, dur!"seconds"(10));
6566 							}
6568 							dg(sn);
6569 							continue outer;
6570 						} else {
6571 							// writeln(events[idx].data.ptr);
6572 						}
6573 					}
6575 					if(cast(size_t) events[idx].data.ptr < 1024) {
6576 						throw arsd.core.ArsdException!"this doesn't look like a fiber pointer... "(cast(size_t) events[idx].data.ptr);
6577 					}
6578 					auto fiber = cast(CgiFiber) events[idx].data.ptr;
6579 					fiber.proceed();
6580 				}
6581 			}
6582 		}
6583 	}
6585 	ListeningConnectionManager lcm;
6586 	CMT dg;
6587 	int myThreadNumber;
6588 }
6591 /* Done with network helper */
6593 /* Helpers for doing temporary files. Used both here and in web.d */
6595 version(Windows) {
6596 	import core.sys.windows.windows;
6597 	extern(Windows) DWORD GetTempPathW(DWORD, LPWSTR);
6598 	alias GetTempPathW GetTempPath;
6599 }
6601 version(Posix) {
6602 	static import linux = core.sys.posix.unistd;
6603 }
6605 string getTempDirectory() {
6606 	string path;
6607 	version(Windows) {
6608 		wchar[1024] buffer;
6609 		auto len = GetTempPath(1024, buffer.ptr);
6610 		if(len == 0)
6611 			throw new Exception("couldn't find a temporary path");
6613 		auto b = buffer[0 .. len];
6615 		path = to!string(b);
6616 	} else
6617 		path = "/tmp/";
6619 	return path;
6620 }
6623 // I like std.date. These functions help keep my old code and data working with phobos changing.
6625 long sysTimeToDTime(in SysTime sysTime) {
6626     return convert!("hnsecs", "msecs")(sysTime.stdTime - 621355968000000000L);
6627 }
6629 long dateTimeToDTime(in DateTime dt) {
6630 	return sysTimeToDTime(cast(SysTime) dt);
6631 }
6633 long getUtcTime() { // renamed primarily to avoid conflict with std.date itself
6634 	return sysTimeToDTime(Clock.currTime(UTC()));
6635 }
6637 // NOTE: new SimpleTimeZone(minutes); can perhaps work with the getTimezoneOffset() JS trick
6638 SysTime dTimeToSysTime(long dTime, immutable TimeZone tz = null) {
6639 	immutable hnsecs = convert!("msecs", "hnsecs")(dTime) + 621355968000000000L;
6640 	return SysTime(hnsecs, tz);
6641 }
6645 // this is a helper to read HTTP transfer-encoding: chunked responses
6646 immutable(ubyte[]) dechunk(BufferedInputRange ir) {
6647 	immutable(ubyte)[] ret;
6649 	another_chunk:
6650 	// If here, we are at the beginning of a chunk.
6651 	auto a = ir.front();
6652 	int chunkSize;
6653 	int loc = locationOf(a, "\r\n");
6654 	while(loc == -1) {
6655 		ir.popFront();
6656 		a = ir.front();
6657 		loc = locationOf(a, "\r\n");
6658 	}
6660 	string hex;
6661 	hex = "";
6662 	for(int i = 0; i < loc; i++) {
6663 		char c = a[i];
6664 		if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
6665 			c += 0x20;
6666 		if((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) {
6667 			hex ~= c;
6668 		} else {
6669 			break;
6670 		}
6671 	}
6673 	assert(hex.length);
6675 	int power = 1;
6676 	int size = 0;
6677 	foreach(cc1; retro(hex)) {
6678 		dchar cc = cc1;
6679 		if(cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'z')
6680 			cc -= 0x20;
6681 		int val = 0;
6682 		if(cc >= '0' && cc <= '9')
6683 			val = cc - '0';
6684 		else
6685 			val = cc - 'A' + 10;
6687 		size += power * val;
6688 		power *= 16;
6689 	}
6691 	chunkSize = size;
6692 	assert(size >= 0);
6694 	if(loc + 2 > a.length) {
6695 		ir.popFront(0, a.length + loc + 2);
6696 		a = ir.front();
6697 	}
6699 	a = ir.consume(loc + 2);
6701 	if(chunkSize == 0) { // we're done with the response
6702 		// if we got here, will change must be true....
6703 		more_footers:
6704 		loc = locationOf(a, "\r\n");
6705 		if(loc == -1) {
6706 			ir.popFront();
6707 			a = ir.front;
6708 			goto more_footers;
6709 		} else {
6710 			assert(loc == 0);
6711 			ir.consume(loc + 2);
6712 			goto finish;
6713 		}
6714 	} else {
6715 		// if we got here, will change must be true....
6716 		if(a.length < chunkSize + 2) {
6717 			ir.popFront(0, chunkSize + 2);
6718 			a = ir.front();
6719 		}
6721 		ret ~= (a[0..chunkSize]);
6723 		if(!(a.length > chunkSize + 2)) {
6724 			ir.popFront(0, chunkSize + 2);
6725 			a = ir.front();
6726 		}
6727 		assert(a[chunkSize] == 13);
6728 		assert(a[chunkSize+1] == 10);
6729 		a = ir.consume(chunkSize + 2);
6730 		chunkSize = 0;
6731 		goto another_chunk;
6732 	}
6734 	finish:
6735 	return ret;
6736 }
6738 // I want to be able to get data from multiple sources the same way...
6739 interface ByChunkRange {
6740 	bool empty();
6741 	void popFront();
6742 	const(ubyte)[] front();
6743 }
6745 ByChunkRange byChunk(const(ubyte)[] data) {
6746 	return new class ByChunkRange {
6747 		override bool empty() {
6748 			return !data.length;
6749 		}
6751 		override void popFront() {
6752 			if(data.length > 4096)
6753 				data = data[4096 .. $];
6754 			else
6755 				data = null;
6756 		}
6758 		override const(ubyte)[] front() {
6759 			return data[0 .. $ > 4096 ? 4096 : $];
6760 		}
6761 	};
6762 }
6764 ByChunkRange byChunk(BufferedInputRange ir, size_t atMost) {
6765 	const(ubyte)[] f;
6767 	f = ir.front;
6768 	if(f.length > atMost)
6769 		f = f[0 .. atMost];
6771 	return new class ByChunkRange {
6772 		override bool empty() {
6773 			return atMost == 0;
6774 		}
6776 		override const(ubyte)[] front() {
6777 			return f;
6778 		}
6780 		override void popFront() {
6781 			ir.consume(f.length);
6782 			atMost -= f.length;
6783 			auto a = ir.front();
6785 			if(a.length <= atMost) {
6786 				f = a;
6787 				atMost -= a.length;
6788 				a = ir.consume(a.length);
6789 				if(atMost != 0)
6790 					ir.popFront();
6791 				if(f.length == 0) {
6792 					f = ir.front();
6793 				}
6794 			} else {
6795 				// we actually have *more* here than we need....
6796 				f = a[0..atMost];
6797 				atMost = 0;
6798 				ir.consume(atMost);
6799 			}
6800 		}
6801 	};
6802 }
6804 version(cgi_with_websocket) {
6805 	// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455
6807 	/++
6810 		Full example:
6811 		---
6812 			import arsd.cgi;
6814 			void websocketEcho(Cgi cgi) {
6815 				if(cgi.websocketRequested()) {
6816 					if(cgi.origin != "http://arsdnet.net")
6817 						throw new Exception("bad origin");
6818 					auto websocket = cgi.acceptWebsocket();
6820 					websocket.send("hello");
6821 					websocket.send(" world!");
6823 					auto msg = websocket.recv();
6824 					while(msg.opcode != WebSocketOpcode.close) {
6825 						if(msg.opcode == WebSocketOpcode.text) {
6826 							websocket.send(msg.textData);
6827 						} else if(msg.opcode == WebSocketOpcode.binary) {
6828 							websocket.send(msg.data);
6829 						}
6831 						msg = websocket.recv();
6832 					}
6834 					websocket.close();
6835 				} else {
6836 					cgi.write("You are loading the websocket endpoint in a browser instead of a websocket client. Use a websocket client on this url instead.\n", true);
6837 				}
6838 			}
6840 			mixin GenericMain!websocketEcho;
6841 		---
6842 	+/
6844 	class WebSocket {
6845 		Cgi cgi;
6847 		private this(Cgi cgi) {
6848 			this.cgi = cgi;
6850 			Socket socket = cgi.idlol.source;
6851 			socket.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.RCVTIMEO, dur!"minutes"(5));
6852 		}
6854 		// returns true if data available, false if it timed out
6855 		bool recvAvailable(Duration timeout = dur!"msecs"(0)) {
6856 			if(!waitForNextMessageWouldBlock())
6857 				return true;
6858 			if(isDataPending(timeout))
6859 				return true; // this is kinda a lie.
6861 			return false;
6862 		}
6864 		public bool lowLevelReceive() {
6865 			auto bfr = cgi.idlol;
6866 			top:
6867 			auto got = bfr.front;
6868 			if(got.length) {
6869 				if(receiveBuffer.length < receiveBufferUsedLength + got.length)
6870 					receiveBuffer.length += receiveBufferUsedLength + got.length;
6872 				receiveBuffer[receiveBufferUsedLength .. receiveBufferUsedLength + got.length] = got[];
6873 				receiveBufferUsedLength += got.length;
6874 				bfr.consume(got.length);
6876 				return true;
6877 			}
6879 			if(bfr.sourceClosed)
6880 				return false;
6882 			bfr.popFront(0);
6883 			if(bfr.sourceClosed)
6884 				return false;
6885 			goto top;
6886 		}
6889 		bool isDataPending(Duration timeout = 0.seconds) {
6890 			Socket socket = cgi.idlol.source;
6892 			auto check = new SocketSet();
6893 			check.add(socket);
6895 			auto got = Socket.select(check, null, null, timeout);
6896 			if(got > 0)
6897 				return true;
6898 			return false;
6899 		}
6901 		// note: this blocks
6902 		WebSocketFrame recv() {
6903 			return waitForNextMessage();
6904 		}
6909 		private void llclose() {
6910 			cgi.close();
6911 		}
6913 		private void llsend(ubyte[] data) {
6914 			cgi.write(data);
6915 			cgi.flush();
6916 		}
6918 		void unregisterActiveSocket(WebSocket) {}
6920 		/* copy/paste section { */
6922 		private int readyState_;
6923 		private ubyte[] receiveBuffer;
6924 		private size_t receiveBufferUsedLength;
6926 		private Config config;
6928 		enum CONNECTING = 0; /// Socket has been created. The connection is not yet open.
6929 		enum OPEN = 1; /// The connection is open and ready to communicate.
6930 		enum CLOSING = 2; /// The connection is in the process of closing.
6931 		enum CLOSED = 3; /// The connection is closed or couldn't be opened.
6933 		/++
6935 		+/
6936 		/// Group: foundational
6937 		static struct Config {
6938 			/++
6939 				These control the size of the receive buffer.
6941 				It starts at the initial size, will temporarily
6942 				balloon up to the maximum size, and will reuse
6943 				a buffer up to the likely size.
6945 				Anything larger than the maximum size will cause
6946 				the connection to be aborted and an exception thrown.
6947 				This is to protect you against a peer trying to
6948 				exhaust your memory, while keeping the user-level
6949 				processing simple.
6950 			+/
6951 			size_t initialReceiveBufferSize = 4096;
6952 			size_t likelyReceiveBufferSize = 4096; /// ditto
6953 			size_t maximumReceiveBufferSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; /// ditto
6955 			/++
6956 				Maximum combined size of a message.
6957 			+/
6958 			size_t maximumMessageSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
6960 			string[string] cookies; /// Cookies to send with the initial request. cookies[name] = value;
6961 			string origin; /// Origin URL to send with the handshake, if desired.
6962 			string protocol; /// the protocol header, if desired.
6964 			int pingFrequency = 5000; /// Amount of time (in msecs) of idleness after which to send an automatic ping
6965 		}
6967 		/++
6968 			Returns one of [CONNECTING], [OPEN], [CLOSING], or [CLOSED].
6969 		+/
6970 		int readyState() {
6971 			return readyState_;
6972 		}
6974 		/++
6975 			Closes the connection, sending a graceful teardown message to the other side.
6976 		+/
6977 		/// Group: foundational
6978 		void close(int code = 0, string reason = null)
6979 			//in (reason.length < 123)
6980 			in { assert(reason.length < 123); } do
6981 		{
6982 			if(readyState_ != OPEN)
6983 				return; // it cool, we done
6984 			WebSocketFrame wss;
6985 			wss.fin = true;
6986 			wss.opcode = WebSocketOpcode.close;
6987 			wss.data = cast(ubyte[]) reason.dup;
6988 			wss.send(&llsend);
6990 			readyState_ = CLOSING;
6992 			llclose();
6993 		}
6995 		/++
6996 			Sends a ping message to the server. This is done automatically by the library if you set a non-zero [Config.pingFrequency], but you can also send extra pings explicitly as well with this function.
6997 		+/
6998 		/// Group: foundational
6999 		void ping() {
7000 			WebSocketFrame wss;
7001 			wss.fin = true;
7002 			wss.opcode = WebSocketOpcode.ping;
7003 			wss.send(&llsend);
7004 		}
7006 		// automatically handled....
7007 		void pong() {
7008 			WebSocketFrame wss;
7009 			wss.fin = true;
7010 			wss.opcode = WebSocketOpcode.pong;
7011 			wss.send(&llsend);
7012 		}
7014 		/++
7015 			Sends a text message through the websocket.
7016 		+/
7017 		/// Group: foundational
7018 		void send(in char[] textData) {
7019 			WebSocketFrame wss;
7020 			wss.fin = true;
7021 			wss.opcode = WebSocketOpcode.text;
7022 			wss.data = cast(ubyte[]) textData.dup;
7023 			wss.send(&llsend);
7024 		}
7026 		/++
7027 			Sends a binary message through the websocket.
7028 		+/
7029 		/// Group: foundational
7030 		void send(in ubyte[] binaryData) {
7031 			WebSocketFrame wss;
7032 			wss.fin = true;
7033 			wss.opcode = WebSocketOpcode.binary;
7034 			wss.data = cast(ubyte[]) binaryData.dup;
7035 			wss.send(&llsend);
7036 		}
7038 		/++
7039 			Waits for and returns the next complete message on the socket.
7041 			Note that the onmessage function is still called, right before
7042 			this returns.
7043 		+/
7044 		/// Group: blocking_api
7045 		public WebSocketFrame waitForNextMessage() {
7046 			do {
7047 				auto m = processOnce();
7048 				if(m.populated)
7049 					return m;
7050 			} while(lowLevelReceive());
7052 			throw new ConnectionClosedException("Websocket receive timed out");
7053 			//return WebSocketFrame.init; // FIXME? maybe.
7054 		}
7056 		/++
7057 			Tells if [waitForNextMessage] would block.
7058 		+/
7059 		/// Group: blocking_api
7060 		public bool waitForNextMessageWouldBlock() {
7061 			checkAgain:
7062 			if(isMessageBuffered())
7063 				return false;
7064 			if(!isDataPending())
7065 				return true;
7066 			while(isDataPending())
7067 				lowLevelReceive();
7068 			goto checkAgain;
7069 		}
7071 		/++
7072 			Is there a message in the buffer already?
7073 			If `true`, [waitForNextMessage] is guaranteed to return immediately.
7074 			If `false`, check [isDataPending] as the next step.
7075 		+/
7076 		/// Group: blocking_api
7077 		public bool isMessageBuffered() {
7078 			ubyte[] d = receiveBuffer[0 .. receiveBufferUsedLength];
7079 			auto s = d;
7080 			if(d.length) {
7081 				auto orig = d;
7082 				auto m = WebSocketFrame.read(d);
7083 				// that's how it indicates that it needs more data
7084 				if(d !is orig)
7085 					return true;
7086 			}
7088 			return false;
7089 		}
7091 		private ubyte continuingType;
7092 		private ubyte[] continuingData;
7093 		//private size_t continuingDataLength;
7095 		private WebSocketFrame processOnce() {
7096 			ubyte[] d = receiveBuffer[0 .. receiveBufferUsedLength];
7097 			auto s = d;
7098 			// FIXME: handle continuation frames more efficiently. it should really just reuse the receive buffer.
7099 			WebSocketFrame m;
7100 			if(d.length) {
7101 				auto orig = d;
7102 				m = WebSocketFrame.read(d);
7103 				// that's how it indicates that it needs more data
7104 				if(d is orig)
7105 					return WebSocketFrame.init;
7106 				m.unmaskInPlace();
7107 				switch(m.opcode) {
7108 					case WebSocketOpcode.continuation:
7109 						if(continuingData.length + m.data.length > config.maximumMessageSize)
7110 							throw new Exception("message size exceeded");
7112 						continuingData ~= m.data;
7113 						if(m.fin) {
7114 							if(ontextmessage)
7115 								ontextmessage(cast(char[]) continuingData);
7116 							if(onbinarymessage)
7117 								onbinarymessage(continuingData);
7119 							continuingData = null;
7120 						}
7121 					break;
7122 					case WebSocketOpcode.text:
7123 						if(m.fin) {
7124 							if(ontextmessage)
7125 								ontextmessage(m.textData);
7126 						} else {
7127 							continuingType = m.opcode;
7128 							//continuingDataLength = 0;
7129 							continuingData = null;
7130 							continuingData ~= m.data;
7131 						}
7132 					break;
7133 					case WebSocketOpcode.binary:
7134 						if(m.fin) {
7135 							if(onbinarymessage)
7136 								onbinarymessage(m.data);
7137 						} else {
7138 							continuingType = m.opcode;
7139 							//continuingDataLength = 0;
7140 							continuingData = null;
7141 							continuingData ~= m.data;
7142 						}
7143 					break;
7144 					case WebSocketOpcode.close:
7145 						readyState_ = CLOSED;
7146 						if(onclose)
7147 							onclose();
7149 						unregisterActiveSocket(this);
7150 					break;
7151 					case WebSocketOpcode.ping:
7152 						pong();
7153 					break;
7154 					case WebSocketOpcode.pong:
7155 						// just really references it is still alive, nbd.
7156 					break;
7157 					default: // ignore though i could and perhaps should throw too
7158 				}
7159 			}
7161 			// the recv thing can be invalidated so gotta copy it over ugh
7162 			if(d.length) {
7163 				m.data = m.data.dup();
7164 			}
7166 			import core.stdc.string;
7167 			memmove(receiveBuffer.ptr, d.ptr, d.length);
7168 			receiveBufferUsedLength = d.length;
7170 			return m;
7171 		}
7173 		private void autoprocess() {
7174 			// FIXME
7175 			do {
7176 				processOnce();
7177 			} while(lowLevelReceive());
7178 		}
7181 		void delegate() onclose; ///
7182 		void delegate() onerror; ///
7183 		void delegate(in char[]) ontextmessage; ///
7184 		void delegate(in ubyte[]) onbinarymessage; ///
7185 		void delegate() onopen; ///
7187 		/++
7189 		+/
7190 		/// Group: browser_api
7191 		void onmessage(void delegate(in char[]) dg) {
7192 			ontextmessage = dg;
7193 		}
7195 		/// ditto
7196 		void onmessage(void delegate(in ubyte[]) dg) {
7197 			onbinarymessage = dg;
7198 		}
7200 		/* } end copy/paste */
7203 	}
7205 	/++
7206 		Returns true if the request headers are asking for a websocket upgrade.
7208 		If this returns true, and you want to accept it, call [acceptWebsocket].
7209 	+/
7210 	bool websocketRequested(Cgi cgi) {
7211 		return
7212 			"sec-websocket-key" in cgi.requestHeaders
7213 			&&
7214 			"connection" in cgi.requestHeaders &&
7215 				cgi.requestHeaders["connection"].asLowerCase().canFind("upgrade")
7216 			&&
7217 			"upgrade" in cgi.requestHeaders &&
7218 				cgi.requestHeaders["upgrade"].asLowerCase().equal("websocket")
7219 			;
7220 	}
7222 	/++
7223 		If [websocketRequested], you can call this to accept it and upgrade the connection. It returns the new [WebSocket] object you use for future communication on this connection; the `cgi` object should no longer be used.
7224 	+/
7225 	WebSocket acceptWebsocket(Cgi cgi) {
7226 		assert(!cgi.closed);
7227 		assert(!cgi.outputtedResponseData);
7228 		cgi.setResponseStatus("101 Switching Protocols");
7229 		cgi.header("Upgrade: WebSocket");
7230 		cgi.header("Connection: upgrade");
7232 		string key = cgi.requestHeaders["sec-websocket-key"];
7233 		key ~= "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // the defined guid from the websocket spec
7235 		import std.digest.sha;
7236 		auto hash = sha1Of(key);
7237 		auto accept = Base64.encode(hash);
7239 		cgi.header(("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " ~ accept).idup);
7241 		cgi.websocketMode = true;
7242 		cgi.write("");
7244 		cgi.flush();
7246 		return new WebSocket(cgi);
7247 	}
7249 	// FIXME get websocket to work on other modes, not just embedded_httpd
7251 	/* copy/paste in http2.d { */
7252 	enum WebSocketOpcode : ubyte {
7253 		continuation = 0,
7254 		text = 1,
7255 		binary = 2,
7256 		// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 RESERVED
7257 		close = 8,
7258 		ping = 9,
7259 		pong = 10,
7260 		// 11,12,13,14,15 RESERVED
7261 	}
7263 	public struct WebSocketFrame {
7264 		private bool populated;
7265 		bool fin;
7266 		bool rsv1;
7267 		bool rsv2;
7268 		bool rsv3;
7269 		WebSocketOpcode opcode; // 4 bits
7270 		bool masked;
7271 		ubyte lengthIndicator; // don't set this when building one to send
7272 		ulong realLength; // don't use when sending
7273 		ubyte[4] maskingKey; // don't set this when sending
7274 		ubyte[] data;
7276 		static WebSocketFrame simpleMessage(WebSocketOpcode opcode, void[] data) {
7277 			WebSocketFrame msg;
7278 			msg.fin = true;
7279 			msg.opcode = opcode;
7280 			msg.data = cast(ubyte[]) data.dup;
7282 			return msg;
7283 		}
7285 		private void send(scope void delegate(ubyte[]) llsend) {
7286 			ubyte[64] headerScratch;
7287 			int headerScratchPos = 0;
7289 			realLength = data.length;
7291 			{
7292 				ubyte b1;
7293 				b1 |= cast(ubyte) opcode;
7294 				b1 |= rsv3 ? (1 << 4) : 0;
7295 				b1 |= rsv2 ? (1 << 5) : 0;
7296 				b1 |= rsv1 ? (1 << 6) : 0;
7297 				b1 |= fin  ? (1 << 7) : 0;
7299 				headerScratch[0] = b1;
7300 				headerScratchPos++;
7301 			}
7303 			{
7304 				headerScratchPos++; // we'll set header[1] at the end of this
7305 				auto rlc = realLength;
7306 				ubyte b2;
7307 				b2 |= masked ? (1 << 7) : 0;
7309 				assert(headerScratchPos == 2);
7311 				if(realLength > 65535) {
7312 					// use 64 bit length
7313 					b2 |= 0x7f;
7315 					// FIXME: double check endinaness
7316 					foreach(i; 0 .. 8) {
7317 						headerScratch[2 + 7 - i] = rlc & 0x0ff;
7318 						rlc >>>= 8;
7319 					}
7321 					headerScratchPos += 8;
7322 				} else if(realLength > 125) {
7323 					// use 16 bit length
7324 					b2 |= 0x7e;
7326 					// FIXME: double check endinaness
7327 					foreach(i; 0 .. 2) {
7328 						headerScratch[2 + 1 - i] = rlc & 0x0ff;
7329 						rlc >>>= 8;
7330 					}
7332 					headerScratchPos += 2;
7333 				} else {
7334 					// use 7 bit length
7335 					b2 |= realLength & 0b_0111_1111;
7336 				}
7338 				headerScratch[1] = b2;
7339 			}
7341 			//assert(!masked, "masking key not properly implemented");
7342 			if(masked) {
7343 				// FIXME: randomize this
7344 				headerScratch[headerScratchPos .. headerScratchPos + 4] = maskingKey[];
7345 				headerScratchPos += 4;
7347 				// we'll just mask it in place...
7348 				int keyIdx = 0;
7349 				foreach(i; 0 .. data.length) {
7350 					data[i] = data[i] ^ maskingKey[keyIdx];
7351 					if(keyIdx == 3)
7352 						keyIdx = 0;
7353 					else
7354 						keyIdx++;
7355 				}
7356 			}
7358 			//writeln("SENDING ", headerScratch[0 .. headerScratchPos], data);
7359 			llsend(headerScratch[0 .. headerScratchPos]);
7360 			llsend(data);
7361 		}
7363 		static WebSocketFrame read(ref ubyte[] d) {
7364 			WebSocketFrame msg;
7366 			auto orig = d;
7368 			WebSocketFrame needsMoreData() {
7369 				d = orig;
7370 				return WebSocketFrame.init;
7371 			}
7373 			if(d.length < 2)
7374 				return needsMoreData();
7376 			ubyte b = d[0];
7378 			msg.populated = true;
7380 			msg.opcode = cast(WebSocketOpcode) (b & 0x0f);
7381 			b >>= 4;
7382 			msg.rsv3 = b & 0x01;
7383 			b >>= 1;
7384 			msg.rsv2 = b & 0x01;
7385 			b >>= 1;
7386 			msg.rsv1 = b & 0x01;
7387 			b >>= 1;
7388 			msg.fin = b & 0x01;
7390 			b = d[1];
7391 			msg.masked = (b & 0b1000_0000) ? true : false;
7392 			msg.lengthIndicator = b & 0b0111_1111;
7394 			d = d[2 .. $];
7396 			if(msg.lengthIndicator == 0x7e) {
7397 				// 16 bit length
7398 				msg.realLength = 0;
7400 				if(d.length < 2) return needsMoreData();
7402 				foreach(i; 0 .. 2) {
7403 					msg.realLength |= d[0] << ((1-i) * 8);
7404 					d = d[1 .. $];
7405 				}
7406 			} else if(msg.lengthIndicator == 0x7f) {
7407 				// 64 bit length
7408 				msg.realLength = 0;
7410 				if(d.length < 8) return needsMoreData();
7412 				foreach(i; 0 .. 8) {
7413 					msg.realLength |= ulong(d[0]) << ((7-i) * 8);
7414 					d = d[1 .. $];
7415 				}
7416 			} else {
7417 				// 7 bit length
7418 				msg.realLength = msg.lengthIndicator;
7419 			}
7421 			if(msg.masked) {
7423 				if(d.length < 4) return needsMoreData();
7425 				msg.maskingKey = d[0 .. 4];
7426 				d = d[4 .. $];
7427 			}
7429 			if(msg.realLength > d.length) {
7430 				return needsMoreData();
7431 			}
7433 			msg.data = d[0 .. cast(size_t) msg.realLength];
7434 			d = d[cast(size_t) msg.realLength .. $];
7436 			return msg;
7437 		}
7439 		void unmaskInPlace() {
7440 			if(this.masked) {
7441 				int keyIdx = 0;
7442 				foreach(i; 0 .. this.data.length) {
7443 					this.data[i] = this.data[i] ^ this.maskingKey[keyIdx];
7444 					if(keyIdx == 3)
7445 						keyIdx = 0;
7446 					else
7447 						keyIdx++;
7448 				}
7449 			}
7450 		}
7452 		char[] textData() {
7453 			return cast(char[]) data;
7454 		}
7455 	}
7456 	/* } */
7457 }
7460 version(Windows)
7461 {
7462     version(CRuntime_DigitalMars)
7463     {
7464         extern(C) int setmode(int, int) nothrow @nogc;
7465     }
7466     else version(CRuntime_Microsoft)
7467     {
7468         extern(C) int _setmode(int, int) nothrow @nogc;
7469         alias setmode = _setmode;
7470     }
7471     else static assert(0);
7472 }
7474 version(Posix) {
7475 	import core.sys.posix.unistd;
7476 	version(CRuntime_Musl) {} else {
7477 		private extern(C) int posix_spawn(pid_t*, const char*, void*, void*, const char**, const char**);
7478 	}
7479 }
7482 // FIXME: these aren't quite public yet.
7483 //private:
7485 // template for laziness
7486 void startAddonServer()(string arg) {
7487 	version(OSX) {
7488 		assert(0, "Not implemented");
7489 	} else version(linux) {
7490 		import core.sys.posix.unistd;
7491 		pid_t pid;
7492 		const(char)*[16] args;
7493 		args[0] = "ARSD_CGI_ADDON_SERVER";
7494 		args[1] = arg.ptr;
7495 		posix_spawn(&pid, "/proc/self/exe",
7496 			null,
7497 			null,
7498 			args.ptr,
7499 			null // env
7500 		);
7501 	} else version(Windows) {
7502 		wchar[2048] filename;
7503 		auto len = GetModuleFileNameW(null, filename.ptr, cast(DWORD) filename.length);
7504 		if(len == 0 || len == filename.length)
7505 			throw new Exception("could not get process name to start helper server");
7507 		STARTUPINFOW startupInfo;
7508 		startupInfo.cb = cast(DWORD) startupInfo.sizeof;
7509 		PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo;
7511 		import std.utf;
7513 		// I *MIGHT* need to run it as a new job or a service...
7514 		auto ret = CreateProcessW(
7515 			filename.ptr,
7516 			toUTF16z(arg),
7517 			null, // process attributes
7518 			null, // thread attributes
7519 			false, // inherit handles
7520 			0, // creation flags
7521 			null, // environment
7522 			null, // working directory
7523 			&startupInfo,
7524 			&processInfo
7525 		);
7527 		if(!ret)
7528 			throw new Exception("create process failed");
7530 		// when done with those, if we set them
7531 		/*
7532 		CloseHandle(hStdInput);
7533 		CloseHandle(hStdOutput);
7534 		CloseHandle(hStdError);
7535 		*/
7537 	} else static assert(0, "Websocket server not implemented on this system yet (email me, i can prolly do it if you need it)");
7538 }
7540 // template for laziness
7541 /*
7542 	The websocket server is a single-process, single-thread, event
7543 	I/O thing. It is passed websockets from other CGI processes
7544 	and is then responsible for handling their messages and responses.
7545 	Note that the CGI process is responsible for websocket setup,
7546 	including authentication, etc.
7548 	It also gets data sent to it by other processes and is responsible
7549 	for distributing that, as necessary.
7550 */
7551 void runWebsocketServer()() {
7552 	assert(0, "not implemented");
7553 }
7555 void sendToWebsocketServer(WebSocket ws, string group) {
7556 	assert(0, "not implemented");
7557 }
7559 void sendToWebsocketServer(string content, string group) {
7560 	assert(0, "not implemented");
7561 }
7564 void runEventServer()() {
7565 	runAddonServer("/tmp/arsd_cgi_event_server", new EventSourceServerImplementation());
7566 }
7568 void runTimerServer()() {
7569 	runAddonServer("/tmp/arsd_scheduled_job_server", new ScheduledJobServerImplementation());
7570 }
7572 version(Posix) {
7573 	alias LocalServerConnectionHandle = int;
7574 	alias CgiConnectionHandle = int;
7575 	alias SocketConnectionHandle = int;
7578 } else version(Windows) {
7579 	alias LocalServerConnectionHandle = HANDLE;
7580 	version(embedded_httpd_threads) {
7581 		alias CgiConnectionHandle = SOCKET;
7583 	} else version(fastcgi) {
7584 		alias CgiConnectionHandle = void*; // Doesn't actually work! But I don't want compile to fail pointlessly at this point.
7586 	} else version(scgi) {
7587 		alias CgiConnectionHandle = SOCKET;
7589 	} else { /* version(plain_cgi) */
7590 		alias CgiConnectionHandle = HANDLE;
7592 	}
7593 	alias SocketConnectionHandle = SOCKET;
7594 }
7596 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
7597 LocalServerConnectionHandle openLocalServerConnection()(string name, string arg) {
7598 	version(Posix) {
7599 		import core.sys.posix.unistd;
7600 		import core.sys.posix.sys.un;
7602 		int sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
7603 		if(sock == -1)
7604 			throw new Exception("socket " ~ to!string(errno));
7606 		scope(failure)
7607 			close(sock);
7609 		cloexec(sock);
7611 		// add-on server processes are assumed to be local, and thus will
7612 		// use unix domain sockets. Besides, I want to pass sockets to them,
7613 		// so it basically must be local (except for the session server, but meh).
7614 		sockaddr_un addr;
7615 		addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
7616 		version(linux) {
7617 			// on linux, we will use the abstract namespace
7618 			addr.sun_path[0] = 0;
7619 			addr.sun_path[1 .. name.length + 1] = cast(typeof(addr.sun_path[])) name[];
7620 		} else {
7621 			// but otherwise, just use a file cuz we must.
7622 			addr.sun_path[0 .. name.length] = cast(typeof(addr.sun_path[])) name[];
7623 		}
7625 		bool alreadyTried;
7627 		try_again:
7629 		if(connect(sock, cast(sockaddr*) &addr, addr.sizeof) == -1) {
7630 			if(!alreadyTried && errno == ECONNREFUSED) {
7631 				// try auto-spawning the server, then attempt connection again
7632 				startAddonServer(arg);
7633 				import core.thread;
7634 				Thread.sleep(50.msecs);
7635 				alreadyTried = true;
7636 				goto try_again;
7637 			} else
7638 				throw new Exception("connect " ~ to!string(errno));
7639 		}
7641 		return sock;
7642 	} else version(Windows) {
7643 		return null; // FIXME
7644 	}
7645 }
7647 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
7648 void closeLocalServerConnection(LocalServerConnectionHandle handle) {
7649 	version(Posix) {
7650 		import core.sys.posix.unistd;
7651 		close(handle);
7652 	} else version(Windows)
7653 		CloseHandle(handle);
7654 }
7656 void runSessionServer()() {
7657 	runAddonServer("/tmp/arsd_session_server", new BasicDataServerImplementation());
7658 }
7660 import core.stdc.errno;
7662 struct IoOp {
7663 	@disable this();
7664 	@disable this(this);
7666 	/*
7667 		So we want to be able to eventually handle generic sockets too.
7668 	*/
7670 	enum Read = 1;
7671 	enum Write = 2;
7672 	enum Accept = 3;
7673 	enum ReadSocketHandle = 4;
7675 	// Your handler may be called in a different thread than the one that initiated the IO request!
7676 	// It is also possible to have multiple io requests being called simultaneously. Use proper thread safety caution.
7677 	private bool delegate(IoOp*, int) handler; // returns true if you are done and want it to be closed
7678 	private void delegate(IoOp*) closeHandler;
7679 	private void delegate(IoOp*) completeHandler;
7680 	private int internalFd;
7681 	private int operation;
7682 	private int bufferLengthAllocated;
7683 	private int bufferLengthUsed;
7684 	private ubyte[1] internalBuffer; // it can be overallocated!
7686 	ubyte[] allocatedBuffer() return {
7687 		return internalBuffer.ptr[0 .. bufferLengthAllocated];
7688 	}
7690 	ubyte[] usedBuffer() return {
7691 		return allocatedBuffer[0 .. bufferLengthUsed];
7692 	}
7694 	void reset() {
7695 		bufferLengthUsed = 0;
7696 	}
7698 	int fd() {
7699 		return internalFd;
7700 	}
7701 }
7703 IoOp* allocateIoOp(int fd, int operation, int bufferSize, bool delegate(IoOp*, int) handler) {
7704 	import core.stdc.stdlib;
7706 	auto ptr = calloc(IoOp.sizeof + bufferSize, 1);
7707 	if(ptr is null)
7708 		assert(0); // out of memory!
7710 	auto op = cast(IoOp*) ptr;
7712 	op.handler = handler;
7713 	op.internalFd = fd;
7714 	op.operation = operation;
7715 	op.bufferLengthAllocated = bufferSize;
7716 	op.bufferLengthUsed = 0;
7718 	import core.memory;
7720 	GC.addRoot(ptr);
7722 	return op;
7723 }
7725 void freeIoOp(ref IoOp* ptr) {
7727 	import core.memory;
7728 	GC.removeRoot(ptr);
7730 	import core.stdc.stdlib;
7731 	free(ptr);
7732 	ptr = null;
7733 }
7735 version(Posix)
7736 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
7737 void nonBlockingWrite(EventIoServer eis, int connection, const void[] data) {
7739 	//import std.stdio : writeln; writeln(cast(string) data);
7741 	import core.sys.posix.unistd;
7743 	auto ret = write(connection, data.ptr, data.length);
7744 	if(ret != data.length) {
7745 		if(ret == 0 || (ret == -1 && (errno == EPIPE || errno == ETIMEDOUT))) {
7746 			// the file is closed, remove it
7747 			eis.fileClosed(connection);
7748 		} else
7749 			throw new Exception("alas " ~ to!string(ret) ~ " " ~ to!string(errno)); // FIXME
7750 	}
7751 }
7752 version(Windows)
7753 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
7754 void nonBlockingWrite(EventIoServer eis, int connection, const void[] data) {
7755 	// FIXME
7756 }
7758 bool isInvalidHandle(CgiConnectionHandle h) {
7760 }
7762 /+
7763 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-wsarecv
7764 https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/181611/socket-overlapped-i-o-versus-blocking-nonblocking-mode
7765 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18018489/should-i-use-iocps-or-overlapped-wsasend-receive
7766 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/fileio/i-o-completion-ports
7767 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/fileio/createiocompletionport
7768 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/mswsock/nf-mswsock-acceptex
7769 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/Sync/waitable-timer-objects
7770 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/synchapi/nf-synchapi-setwaitabletimer
7771 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/Sync/using-a-waitable-timer-with-an-asynchronous-procedure-call
7772 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-wsagetoverlappedresult
7774 +/
7776 /++
7777 	You can customize your server by subclassing the appropriate server. Then, register your
7778 	subclass at compile time with the [registerEventIoServer] template, or implement your own
7779 	main function and call it yourself.
7781 	$(TIP If you make your subclass a `final class`, there is a slight performance improvement.)
7782 +/
7783 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
7784 interface EventIoServer {
7785 	bool handleLocalConnectionData(IoOp* op, int receivedFd);
7786 	void handleLocalConnectionClose(IoOp* op);
7787 	void handleLocalConnectionComplete(IoOp* op);
7788 	void wait_timeout();
7789 	void fileClosed(int fd);
7791 	void epoll_fd(int fd);
7792 }
7794 // the sink should buffer it
7795 private void serialize(T)(scope void delegate(scope ubyte[]) sink, T t) {
7796 	static if(is(T == struct)) {
7797 		foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, T))
7798 			serialize(sink, __traits(getMember, t, member));
7799 	} else static if(is(T : int)) {
7800 		// no need to think of endianness just because this is only used
7801 		// for local, same-machine stuff anyway. thanks private lol
7802 		sink((cast(ubyte*) &t)[0 .. t.sizeof]);
7803 	} else static if(is(T == string) || is(T : const(ubyte)[])) {
7804 		// these are common enough to optimize
7805 		int len = cast(int) t.length; // want length consistent size tho, in case 32 bit program sends to 64 bit server, etc.
7806 		sink((cast(ubyte*) &len)[0 .. int.sizeof]);
7807 		sink(cast(ubyte[]) t[]);
7808 	} else static if(is(T : A[], A)) {
7809 		// generic array is less optimal but still prolly ok
7810 		int len = cast(int) t.length;
7811 		sink((cast(ubyte*) &len)[0 .. int.sizeof]);
7812 		foreach(item; t)
7813 			serialize(sink, item);
7814 	} else static assert(0, T.stringof);
7815 }
7817 // all may be stack buffers, so use cautio
7818 private void deserialize(T)(scope ubyte[] delegate(int sz) get, scope void delegate(T) dg) {
7819 	static if(is(T == struct)) {
7820 		T t;
7821 		foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, T))
7822 			deserialize!(typeof(__traits(getMember, T, member)))(get, (mbr) { __traits(getMember, t, member) = mbr; });
7823 		dg(t);
7824 	} else static if(is(T : int)) {
7825 		// no need to think of endianness just because this is only used
7826 		// for local, same-machine stuff anyway. thanks private lol
7827 		T t;
7828 		auto data = get(t.sizeof);
7829 		t = (cast(T[]) data)[0];
7830 		dg(t);
7831 	} else static if(is(T == string) || is(T : const(ubyte)[])) {
7832 		// these are common enough to optimize
7833 		int len;
7834 		auto data = get(len.sizeof);
7835 		len = (cast(int[]) data)[0];
7837 		/*
7838 		typeof(T[0])[2000] stackBuffer;
7839 		T buffer;
7841 		if(len < stackBuffer.length)
7842 			buffer = stackBuffer[0 .. len];
7843 		else
7844 			buffer = new T(len);
7846 		data = get(len * typeof(T[0]).sizeof);
7847 		*/
7849 		T t = cast(T) get(len * cast(int) typeof(T.init[0]).sizeof);
7851 		dg(t);
7852 	} else static if(is(T == E[], E)) {
7853 		T t;
7854 		int len;
7855 		auto data = get(len.sizeof);
7856 		len = (cast(int[]) data)[0];
7857 		t.length = len;
7858 		foreach(ref e; t) {
7859 			deserialize!E(get, (ele) { e = ele; });
7860 		}
7861 		dg(t);
7862 	} else static assert(0, T.stringof);
7863 }
7865 unittest {
7866 	serialize((ubyte[] b) {
7867 		deserialize!int( sz => b[0 .. sz], (t) { assert(t == 1); });
7868 	}, 1);
7869 	serialize((ubyte[] b) {
7870 		deserialize!int( sz => b[0 .. sz], (t) { assert(t == 56674); });
7871 	}, 56674);
7872 	ubyte[1000] buffer;
7873 	int bufferPoint;
7874 	void add(scope ubyte[] b) {
7875 		buffer[bufferPoint ..  bufferPoint + b.length] = b[];
7876 		bufferPoint += b.length;
7877 	}
7878 	ubyte[] get(int sz) {
7879 		auto b = buffer[bufferPoint .. bufferPoint + sz];
7880 		bufferPoint += sz;
7881 		return b;
7882 	}
7883 	serialize(&add, "test here");
7884 	bufferPoint = 0;
7885 	deserialize!string(&get, (t) { assert(t == "test here"); });
7886 	bufferPoint = 0;
7888 	struct Foo {
7889 		int a;
7890 		ubyte c;
7891 		string d;
7892 	}
7893 	serialize(&add, Foo(403, 37, "amazing"));
7894 	bufferPoint = 0;
7895 	deserialize!Foo(&get, (t) {
7896 		assert(t.a == 403);
7897 		assert(t.c == 37);
7898 		assert(t.d == "amazing");
7899 	});
7900 	bufferPoint = 0;
7901 }
7903 /*
7904 	Here's the way the RPC interface works:
7906 	You define the interface that lists the functions you can call on the remote process.
7907 	The interface may also have static methods for convenience. These forward to a singleton
7908 	instance of an auto-generated class, which actually sends the args over the pipe.
7910 	An impl class actually implements it. A receiving server deserializes down the pipe and
7911 	calls methods on the class.
7913 	I went with the interface to get some nice compiler checking and documentation stuff.
7915 	I could have skipped the interface and just implemented it all from the server class definition
7916 	itself, but then the usage may call the method instead of rpcing it; I just like having the user
7917 	interface and the implementation separate so you aren't tempted to `new impl` to call the methods.
7920 	I fiddled with newlines in the mixin string to ensure the assert line numbers matched up to the source code line number. Idk why dmd didn't do this automatically, but it was important to me.
7922 	Realistically though the bodies would just be
7923 		connection.call(this.mangleof, args...) sooooo.
7925 	FIXME: overloads aren't supported
7926 */
7928 /// Base for storing sessions in an array. Exists primarily for internal purposes and you should generally not use this.
7929 interface SessionObject {}
7931 private immutable void delegate(string[])[string] scheduledJobHandlers;
7932 private immutable void delegate(string[])[string] websocketServers;
7934 version(with_breaking_cgi_features)
7935 mixin(q{
7937 mixin template ImplementRpcClientInterface(T, string serverPath, string cmdArg) {
7938 	static import std.traits;
7940 	// derivedMembers on an interface seems to give exactly what I want: the virtual functions we need to implement. so I am just going to use it directly without more filtering.
7941 	static foreach(idx, member; __traits(derivedMembers, T)) {
7942 	static if(__traits(isVirtualMethod, __traits(getMember, T, member)))
7943 		mixin( q{
7944 		std.traits.ReturnType!(__traits(getMember, T, member))
7945 		} ~ member ~ q{(std.traits.Parameters!(__traits(getMember, T, member)) params)
7946 		{
7947 			SerializationBuffer buffer;
7948 			auto i = cast(ushort) idx;
7949 			serialize(&buffer.sink, i);
7950 			serialize(&buffer.sink, __traits(getMember, T, member).mangleof);
7951 			foreach(param; params)
7952 				serialize(&buffer.sink, param);
7954 			auto sendable = buffer.sendable;
7956 			version(Posix) {{
7957 				auto ret = send(connectionHandle, sendable.ptr, sendable.length, 0);
7959 				if(ret == -1) {
7960 					throw new Exception("send returned -1, errno: " ~ to!string(errno));
7961 				} else if(ret == 0) {
7962 					throw new Exception("Connection to addon server lost");
7963 				} if(ret < sendable.length)
7964 					throw new Exception("Send failed to send all");
7965 				assert(ret == sendable.length);
7966 			}} // FIXME Windows impl
7968 			static if(!is(typeof(return) == void)) {
7969 				// there is a return value; we need to wait for it too
7970 				version(Posix) {
7971 					ubyte[3000] revBuffer;
7972 					auto ret = recv(connectionHandle, revBuffer.ptr, revBuffer.length, 0);
7973 					auto got = revBuffer[0 .. ret];
7975 					int dataLocation;
7976 					ubyte[] grab(int sz) {
7977 						auto dataLocation1 = dataLocation;
7978 						dataLocation += sz;
7979 						return got[dataLocation1 .. dataLocation];
7980 					}
7982 					typeof(return) retu;
7983 					deserialize!(typeof(return))(&grab, (a) { retu = a; });
7984 					return retu;
7985 				} else {
7986 					// FIXME Windows impl
7987 					return typeof(return).init;
7988 				}
7990 			}
7991 		}});
7992 	}
7994 	private static typeof(this) singletonInstance;
7995 	private LocalServerConnectionHandle connectionHandle;
7997 	static typeof(this) connection() {
7998 		if(singletonInstance is null) {
7999 			singletonInstance = new typeof(this)();
8000 			singletonInstance.connect();
8001 		}
8002 		return singletonInstance;
8003 	}
8005 	void connect() {
8006 		connectionHandle = openLocalServerConnection(serverPath, cmdArg);
8007 	}
8009 	void disconnect() {
8010 		closeLocalServerConnection(connectionHandle);
8011 	}
8012 }
8014 void dispatchRpcServer(Interface, Class)(Class this_, ubyte[] data, int fd) if(is(Class : Interface)) {
8015 	ushort calledIdx;
8016 	string calledFunction;
8018 	int dataLocation;
8019 	ubyte[] grab(int sz) {
8020 		if(sz == 0) assert(0);
8021 		auto d = data[dataLocation .. dataLocation + sz];
8022 		dataLocation += sz;
8023 		return d;
8024 	}
8026 	again:
8028 	deserialize!ushort(&grab, (a) { calledIdx = a; });
8029 	deserialize!string(&grab, (a) { calledFunction = a; });
8031 	import std.traits;
8033 	sw: switch(calledIdx) {
8034 		foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, Interface))
8035 		static if(__traits(isVirtualMethod, __traits(getMember, Interface, memberName))) {
8036 			case idx:
8037 				assert(calledFunction == __traits(getMember, Interface, memberName).mangleof);
8039 				Parameters!(__traits(getMember, Interface, memberName)) params;
8040 				foreach(ref param; params)
8041 					deserialize!(typeof(param))(&grab, (a) { param = a; });
8043 				static if(is(ReturnType!(__traits(getMember, Interface, memberName)) == void)) {
8044 					__traits(getMember, this_, memberName)(params);
8045 				} else {
8046 					auto ret = __traits(getMember, this_, memberName)(params);
8047 					SerializationBuffer buffer;
8048 					serialize(&buffer.sink, ret);
8050 					auto sendable = buffer.sendable;
8052 					version(Posix) {
8053 						auto r = send(fd, sendable.ptr, sendable.length, 0);
8054 						if(r == -1) {
8055 							throw new Exception("send returned -1, errno: " ~ to!string(errno));
8056 						} else if(r == 0) {
8057 							throw new Exception("Connection to addon client lost");
8058 						} if(r < sendable.length)
8059 							throw new Exception("Send failed to send all");
8061 					} // FIXME Windows impl
8062 				}
8063 			break sw;
8064 		}
8065 		default: assert(0);
8066 	}
8068 	if(dataLocation != data.length)
8069 		goto again;
8070 }
8073 private struct SerializationBuffer {
8074 	ubyte[2048] bufferBacking;
8075 	int bufferLocation;
8076 	void sink(scope ubyte[] data) {
8077 		bufferBacking[bufferLocation .. bufferLocation + data.length] = data[];
8078 		bufferLocation += data.length;
8079 	}
8081 	ubyte[] sendable() return {
8082 		return bufferBacking[0 .. bufferLocation];
8083 	}
8084 }
8086 /*
8087 	FIXME:
8088 		add a version command line arg
8089 		version data in the library
8090 		management gui as external program
8092 		at server with event_fd for each run
8093 		use .mangleof in the at function name
8095 		i think the at server will have to:
8096 			pipe args to the child
8097 			collect child output for logging
8098 			get child return value for logging
8100 			on windows timers work differently. idk how to best combine with the io stuff.
8102 			will have to have dump and restore too, so i can restart without losing stuff.
8103 */
8105 /++
8106 	A convenience object for talking to the [BasicDataServer] from a higher level.
8107 	See: [Cgi.getSessionObject].
8109 	You pass it a `Data` struct describing the data you want saved in the session.
8110 	Then, this class will generate getter and setter properties that allow access
8111 	to that data.
8113 	Note that each load and store will be done as-accessed; it doesn't front-load
8114 	mutable data nor does it batch updates out of fear of read-modify-write race
8115 	conditions. (In fact, right now it does this for everything, but in the future,
8116 	I might batch load `immutable` members of the Data struct.)
8118 	At some point in the future, I might also let it do different backends, like
8119 	a client-side cookie store too, but idk.
8121 	Note that the plain-old-data members of your `Data` struct are wrapped by this
8122 	interface via a static foreach to make property functions.
8124 	See_Also: [MockSession]
8125 +/
8126 interface Session(Data) : SessionObject {
8127 	@property string sessionId() const;
8129 	/++
8130 		Starts a new session. Note that a session is also
8131 		implicitly started as soon as you write data to it,
8132 		so if you need to alter these parameters from their
8133 		defaults, be sure to explicitly call this BEFORE doing
8134 		any writes to session data.
8136 		Params:
8137 			idleLifetime = How long, in seconds, the session
8138 			should remain in memory when not being read from
8139 			or written to. The default is one day.
8143 			useExtendedLifetimeCookie = The session ID is always
8144 			stored in a HTTP cookie, and by default, that cookie
8145 			is discarded when the user closes their browser.
8147 			But if you set this to true, it will use a non-perishable
8148 			cookie for the given idleLifetime.
8151 	+/
8152 	void start(int idleLifetime = 2600 * 24, bool useExtendedLifetimeCookie = false);
8154 	/++
8155 		Regenerates the session ID and updates the associated
8156 		cookie.
8158 		This is also your chance to change immutable data
8159 		(not yet implemented).
8160 	+/
8161 	void regenerateId();
8163 	/++
8164 		Terminates this session, deleting all saved data.
8165 	+/
8166 	void terminate();
8168 	/++
8169 		Plain-old-data members of your `Data` struct are wrapped here via
8170 		the property getters and setters.
8172 		If the member is a non-string array, it returns a magical array proxy
8173 		object which allows for atomic appends and replaces via overloaded operators.
8174 		You can slice this to get a range representing a $(B const) view of the array.
8175 		This is to protect you against read-modify-write race conditions.
8176 	+/
8177 	static foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, Data))
8178 		static if(is(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName))))
8179 		mixin(q{
8180 			@property inout(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName))) } ~ memberName ~ q{ () inout;
8181 			@property typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)) } ~ memberName ~ q{ (typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)) value);
8182 		});
8184 }
8186 /++
8187 	An implementation of [Session] that works on real cgi connections utilizing the
8188 	[BasicDataServer].
8190 	As opposed to a [MockSession] which is made for testing purposes.
8192 	You will not construct one of these directly. See [Cgi.getSessionObject] instead.
8193 +/
8194 class BasicDataServerSession(Data) : Session!Data {
8195 	private Cgi cgi;
8196 	private string sessionId_;
8198 	public @property string sessionId() const {
8199 		return sessionId_;
8200 	}
8202 	protected @property string sessionId(string s) {
8203 		return this.sessionId_ = s;
8204 	}
8206 	private this(Cgi cgi) {
8207 		this.cgi = cgi;
8208 		if(auto ptr = "sessionId" in cgi.cookies)
8209 			sessionId = (*ptr).length ? *ptr : null;
8210 	}
8212 	void start(int idleLifetime = 2600 * 24, bool useExtendedLifetimeCookie = false) {
8213 		assert(sessionId is null);
8215 		// FIXME: what if there is a session ID cookie, but no corresponding session on the server?
8217 		import std.random, std.conv;
8218 		sessionId = to!string(uniform(1, long.max));
8220 		BasicDataServer.connection.createSession(sessionId, idleLifetime);
8221 		setCookie();
8222 	}
8224 	protected void setCookie() {
8225 		cgi.setCookie(
8226 			"sessionId", sessionId,
8227 			0 /* expiration */,
8228 			"/" /* path */,
8229 			null /* domain */,
8230 			true /* http only */,
8231 			cgi.https /* if the session is started on https, keep it there, otherwise, be flexible */);
8232 	}
8234 	void regenerateId() {
8235 		if(sessionId is null) {
8236 			start();
8237 			return;
8238 		}
8239 		import std.random, std.conv;
8240 		auto oldSessionId = sessionId;
8241 		sessionId = to!string(uniform(1, long.max));
8242 		BasicDataServer.connection.renameSession(oldSessionId, sessionId);
8243 		setCookie();
8244 	}
8246 	void terminate() {
8247 		BasicDataServer.connection.destroySession(sessionId);
8248 		sessionId = null;
8249 		setCookie();
8250 	}
8252 	static foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, Data))
8253 		static if(is(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName))))
8254 		mixin(q{
8255 			@property inout(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName))) } ~ memberName ~ q{ () inout {
8256 				if(sessionId is null)
8257 					return typeof(return).init;
8259 				import std.traits;
8260 				auto v = BasicDataServer.connection.getSessionData(sessionId, fullyQualifiedName!Data ~ "." ~ memberName);
8261 				if(v.length == 0)
8262 					return typeof(return).init;
8263 				import std.conv;
8264 				// why this cast? to doesn't like being given an inout argument. so need to do it without that, then
8265 				// we need to return it and that needed the cast. It should be fine since we basically respect constness..
8266 				// basically. Assuming the session is POD this should be fine.
8267 				return cast(typeof(return)) to!(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)))(v);
8268 			}
8269 			@property typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)) } ~ memberName ~ q{ (typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)) value) {
8270 				if(sessionId is null)
8271 					start();
8272 				import std.conv;
8273 				import std.traits;
8274 				BasicDataServer.connection.setSessionData(sessionId, fullyQualifiedName!Data ~ "." ~ memberName, to!string(value));
8275 				return value;
8276 			}
8277 		});
8278 }
8280 /++
8281 	A mock object that works like the real session, but doesn't actually interact with any actual database or http connection.
8282 	Simply stores the data in its instance members.
8283 +/
8284 class MockSession(Data) : Session!Data {
8285 	pure {
8286 		@property string sessionId() const { return "mock"; }
8287 		void start(int idleLifetime = 2600 * 24, bool useExtendedLifetimeCookie = false) {}
8288 		void regenerateId() {}
8289 		void terminate() {}
8291 		private Data store_;
8293 		static foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, Data))
8294 			static if(is(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName))))
8295 			mixin(q{
8296 				@property inout(typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName))) } ~ memberName ~ q{ () inout {
8297 					return __traits(getMember, store_, memberName);
8298 				}
8299 				@property typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)) } ~ memberName ~ q{ (typeof(__traits(getMember, Data, memberName)) value) {
8300 					return __traits(getMember, store_, memberName) = value;
8301 				}
8302 			});
8303 	}
8304 }
8306 /++
8307 	Direct interface to the basic data add-on server. You can
8308 	typically use [Cgi.getSessionObject] as a more convenient interface.
8309 +/
8310 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
8311 interface BasicDataServer {
8312 	///
8313 	void createSession(string sessionId, int lifetime);
8314 	///
8315 	void renewSession(string sessionId, int lifetime);
8316 	///
8317 	void destroySession(string sessionId);
8318 	///
8319 	void renameSession(string oldSessionId, string newSessionId);
8321 	///
8322 	void setSessionData(string sessionId, string dataKey, string dataValue);
8323 	///
8324 	string getSessionData(string sessionId, string dataKey);
8326 	///
8327 	static BasicDataServerConnection connection() {
8328 		return BasicDataServerConnection.connection();
8329 	}
8330 }
8332 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
8333 class BasicDataServerConnection : BasicDataServer {
8334 	mixin ImplementRpcClientInterface!(BasicDataServer, "/tmp/arsd_session_server", "--session-server");
8335 }
8337 version(with_addon_servers)
8338 final class BasicDataServerImplementation : BasicDataServer, EventIoServer {
8340 	void createSession(string sessionId, int lifetime) {
8341 		sessions[sessionId.idup] = Session(lifetime);
8342 	}
8343 	void destroySession(string sessionId) {
8344 		sessions.remove(sessionId);
8345 	}
8346 	void renewSession(string sessionId, int lifetime) {
8347 		sessions[sessionId].lifetime = lifetime;
8348 	}
8349 	void renameSession(string oldSessionId, string newSessionId) {
8350 		sessions[newSessionId.idup] = sessions[oldSessionId];
8351 		sessions.remove(oldSessionId);
8352 	}
8353 	void setSessionData(string sessionId, string dataKey, string dataValue) {
8354 		if(sessionId !in sessions)
8355 			createSession(sessionId, 3600); // FIXME?
8356 		sessions[sessionId].values[dataKey.idup] = dataValue.idup;
8357 	}
8358 	string getSessionData(string sessionId, string dataKey) {
8359 		if(auto session = sessionId in sessions) {
8360 			if(auto data = dataKey in (*session).values)
8361 				return *data;
8362 			else
8363 				return null; // no such data
8365 		} else {
8366 			return null; // no session
8367 		}
8368 	}
8371 	protected:
8373 	struct Session {
8374 		int lifetime;
8376 		string[string] values;
8377 	}
8379 	Session[string] sessions;
8381 	bool handleLocalConnectionData(IoOp* op, int receivedFd) {
8382 		auto data = op.usedBuffer;
8383 		dispatchRpcServer!BasicDataServer(this, data, op.fd);
8384 		return false;
8385 	}
8387 	void handleLocalConnectionClose(IoOp* op) {} // doesn't really matter, this is a fairly stateless go
8388 	void handleLocalConnectionComplete(IoOp* op) {} // again, irrelevant
8389 	void wait_timeout() {}
8390 	void fileClosed(int fd) {} // stateless so irrelevant
8391 	void epoll_fd(int fd) {}
8392 }
8394 /++
8395 	See [schedule] to make one of these. You then call one of the methods here to set it up:
8397 	---
8398 		schedule!fn(args).at(DateTime(2019, 8, 7, 12, 00, 00)); // run the function at August 7, 2019, 12 noon UTC
8399 		schedule!fn(args).delay(6.seconds); // run it after waiting 6 seconds
8400 		schedule!fn(args).asap(); // run it in the background as soon as the event loop gets around to it
8401 	---
8402 +/
8403 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
8404 struct ScheduledJobHelper {
8405 	private string func;
8406 	private string[] args;
8407 	private bool consumed;
8409 	private this(string func, string[] args) {
8410 		this.func = func;
8411 		this.args = args;
8412 	}
8414 	~this() {
8415 		assert(consumed);
8416 	}
8418 	/++
8419 		Schedules the job to be run at the given time.
8420 	+/
8421 	void at(DateTime when, immutable TimeZone timezone = UTC()) {
8422 		consumed = true;
8424 		auto conn = ScheduledJobServerConnection.connection;
8425 		import std.file;
8426 		auto st = SysTime(when, timezone);
8427 		auto jobId = conn.scheduleJob(1, cast(int) st.toUnixTime(), thisExePath, func, args);
8428 	}
8430 	/++
8431 		Schedules the job to run at least after the specified delay.
8432 	+/
8433 	void delay(Duration delay) {
8434 		consumed = true;
8436 		auto conn = ScheduledJobServerConnection.connection;
8437 		import std.file;
8438 		auto jobId = conn.scheduleJob(0, cast(int) delay.total!"seconds", thisExePath, func, args);
8439 	}
8441 	/++
8442 		Runs the job in the background ASAP.
8444 		$(NOTE It may run in a background thread. Don't segfault!)
8445 	+/
8446 	void asap() {
8447 		consumed = true;
8449 		auto conn = ScheduledJobServerConnection.connection;
8450 		import std.file;
8451 		auto jobId = conn.scheduleJob(0, 1, thisExePath, func, args);
8452 	}
8454 	/+
8455 	/++
8456 		Schedules the job to recur on the given pattern.
8457 	+/
8458 	void recur(string spec) {
8460 	}
8461 	+/
8462 }
8464 /++
8465 	First step to schedule a job on the scheduled job server.
8467 	The scheduled job needs to be a top-level function that doesn't read any
8468 	variables from outside its arguments because it may be run in a new process,
8469 	without any context existing later.
8471 	You MUST set details on the returned object to actually do anything!
8472 +/
8473 template schedule(alias fn, T...) if(is(typeof(fn) == function)) {
8474 	///
8475 	ScheduledJobHelper schedule(T args) {
8476 		// this isn't meant to ever be called, but instead just to
8477 		// get the compiler to type check the arguments passed for us
8478 		auto sample = delegate() {
8479 			fn(args);
8480 		};
8481 		string[] sargs;
8482 		foreach(arg; args)
8483 			sargs ~= to!string(arg);
8484 		return ScheduledJobHelper(fn.mangleof, sargs);
8485 	}
8487 	shared static this() {
8488 		scheduledJobHandlers[fn.mangleof] = delegate(string[] sargs) {
8489 			import std.traits;
8490 			Parameters!fn args;
8491 			foreach(idx, ref arg; args)
8492 				arg = to!(typeof(arg))(sargs[idx]);
8493 			fn(args);
8494 		};
8495 	}
8496 }
8498 ///
8499 interface ScheduledJobServer {
8500 	/// Use the [schedule] function for a higher-level interface.
8501 	int scheduleJob(int whenIs, int when, string executable, string func, string[] args);
8502 	///
8503 	void cancelJob(int jobId);
8504 }
8506 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
8507 class ScheduledJobServerConnection : ScheduledJobServer {
8508 	mixin ImplementRpcClientInterface!(ScheduledJobServer, "/tmp/arsd_scheduled_job_server", "--timer-server");
8509 }
8511 version(with_addon_servers)
8512 final class ScheduledJobServerImplementation : ScheduledJobServer, EventIoServer {
8513 	// FIXME: we need to handle SIGCHLD in this somehow
8514 	// whenIs is 0 for relative, 1 for absolute
8515 	protected int scheduleJob(int whenIs, int when, string executable, string func, string[] args) {
8516 		auto nj = nextJobId;
8517 		nextJobId++;
8519 		version(linux) {
8520 			import core.sys.linux.timerfd;
8521 			import core.sys.linux.epoll;
8522 			import core.sys.posix.unistd;
8525 			auto fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, TFD_NONBLOCK | TFD_CLOEXEC);
8526 			if(fd == -1)
8527 				throw new Exception("fd timer create failed");
8529 			foreach(ref arg; args)
8530 				arg = arg.idup;
8531 			auto job = Job(executable.idup, func.idup, .dup(args), fd, nj);
8533 			itimerspec value;
8534 			value.it_value.tv_sec = when;
8535 			value.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
8537 			value.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
8538 			value.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
8540 			if(timerfd_settime(fd, whenIs == 1 ? TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME : 0, &value, null) == -1)
8541 				throw new Exception("couldn't set fd timer");
8543 			auto op = allocateIoOp(fd, IoOp.Read, 16, (IoOp* op, int fd) {
8544 				jobs.remove(nj);
8545 				epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, null);
8546 				close(fd);
8549 				spawnProcess([job.executable, "--timed-job", job.func] ~ job.args);
8551 				return true;
8552 			});
8553 			scope(failure)
8554 				freeIoOp(op);
8556 			epoll_event ev;
8557 			ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;
8558 			ev.data.ptr = op;
8559 			if(epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) == -1)
8560 				throw new Exception("epoll_ctl " ~ to!string(errno));
8562 			jobs[nj] = job;
8563 			return nj;
8564 		} else assert(0);
8565 	}
8567 	protected void cancelJob(int jobId) {
8568 		version(linux) {
8569 			auto job = jobId in jobs;
8570 			if(job is null)
8571 				return;
8573 			jobs.remove(jobId);
8575 			version(linux) {
8576 				import core.sys.linux.timerfd;
8577 				import core.sys.linux.epoll;
8578 				import core.sys.posix.unistd;
8579 				epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, job.timerfd, null);
8580 				close(job.timerfd);
8581 			}
8582 		}
8583 		jobs.remove(jobId);
8584 	}
8586 	int nextJobId = 1;
8587 	static struct Job {
8588 		string executable;
8589 		string func;
8590 		string[] args;
8591 		int timerfd;
8592 		int id;
8593 	}
8594 	Job[int] jobs;
8597 	// event io server methods below
8599 	bool handleLocalConnectionData(IoOp* op, int receivedFd) {
8600 		auto data = op.usedBuffer;
8601 		dispatchRpcServer!ScheduledJobServer(this, data, op.fd);
8602 		return false;
8603 	}
8605 	void handleLocalConnectionClose(IoOp* op) {} // doesn't really matter, this is a fairly stateless go
8606 	void handleLocalConnectionComplete(IoOp* op) {} // again, irrelevant
8607 	void wait_timeout() {}
8608 	void fileClosed(int fd) {} // stateless so irrelevant
8610 	int epoll_fd_;
8611 	void epoll_fd(int fd) {this.epoll_fd_ = fd; }
8612 	int epoll_fd() { return epoll_fd_; }
8613 }
8615 /++
8616 	History:
8617 		Added January 6, 2019
8618 +/
8619 version(with_addon_servers_connections)
8620 interface EventSourceServer {
8621 	/++
8622 		sends this cgi request to the event server so it will be fed events. You should not do anything else with the cgi object after this.
8624 		See_Also:
8625 			[sendEvent]
8627 		Bugs:
8628 			Not implemented on Windows!
8630 		History:
8631 			Officially stabilised on November 23, 2023 (dub v11.4). It actually worked pretty well in its original design.
8632 	+/
8633 	public static void adoptConnection(Cgi cgi, in char[] eventUrl) {
8634 		/*
8635 			If lastEventId is missing or empty, you just get new events as they come.
8637 			If it is set from something else, it sends all since then (that are still alive)
8638 			down the pipe immediately.
8640 			The reason it can come from the header is that's what the standard defines for
8641 			browser reconnects. The reason it can come from a query string is just convenience
8642 			in catching up in a user-defined manner.
8644 			The reason the header overrides the query string is if the browser tries to reconnect,
8645 			it will send the header AND the query (it reconnects to the same url), so we just
8646 			want to do the restart thing.
8648 			Note that if you ask for "0" as the lastEventId, it will get ALL still living events.
8649 		*/
8650 		string lastEventId = cgi.lastEventId;
8651 		if(lastEventId.length == 0 && "lastEventId" in cgi.get)
8652 			lastEventId = cgi.get["lastEventId"];
8654 		cgi.setResponseContentType("text/event-stream");
8655 		cgi.write(":\n", false); // to initialize the chunking and send headers before keeping the fd for later
8656 		cgi.flush();
8658 		cgi.closed = true;
8659 		auto s = openLocalServerConnection("/tmp/arsd_cgi_event_server", "--event-server");
8660 		scope(exit)
8661 			closeLocalServerConnection(s);
8663 		version(fastcgi)
8664 			throw new Exception("sending fcgi connections not supported");
8665 		else {
8666 			auto fd = cgi.getOutputFileHandle();
8667 			if(isInvalidHandle(fd))
8668 				throw new Exception("bad fd from cgi!");
8670 			EventSourceServerImplementation.SendableEventConnection sec;
8671 			sec.populate(cgi.responseChunked, eventUrl, lastEventId);
8673 			version(Posix) {
8674 				auto res = write_fd(s, cast(void*) &sec, sec.sizeof, fd);
8675 				assert(res == sec.sizeof);
8676 			} else version(Windows) {
8677 				// FIXME
8678 			}
8679 		}
8680 	}
8682 	/++
8683 		Sends an event to the event server, starting it if necessary. The event server will distribute it to any listening clients, and store it for `lifetime` seconds for any later listening clients to catch up later.
8685 		Params:
8686 			url = A string identifying this event "bucket". Listening clients must also connect to this same string. I called it `url` because I envision it being just passed as the url of the request.
8687 			event = the event type string, which is used in the Javascript addEventListener API on EventSource
8688 			data = the event data. Available in JS as `event.data`.
8689 			lifetime = the amount of time to keep this event for replaying on the event server.
8691 		Bugs:
8692 			Not implemented on Windows!
8694 		History:
8695 			Officially stabilised on November 23, 2023 (dub v11.4). It actually worked pretty well in its original design.
8696 	+/
8697 	public static void sendEvent(string url, string event, string data, int lifetime) {
8698 		auto s = openLocalServerConnection("/tmp/arsd_cgi_event_server", "--event-server");
8699 		scope(exit)
8700 			closeLocalServerConnection(s);
8702 		EventSourceServerImplementation.SendableEvent sev;
8703 		sev.populate(url, event, data, lifetime);
8705 		version(Posix) {
8706 			auto ret = send(s, &sev, sev.sizeof, 0);
8707 			assert(ret == sev.sizeof);
8708 		} else version(Windows) {
8709 			// FIXME
8710 		}
8711 	}
8713 	/++
8714 		Messages sent to `url` will also be sent to anyone listening on `forwardUrl`.
8716 		See_Also: [disconnect]
8717 	+/
8718 	void connect(string url, string forwardUrl);
8720 	/++
8721 		Disconnects `forwardUrl` from `url`
8723 		See_Also: [connect]
8724 	+/
8725 	void disconnect(string url, string forwardUrl);
8726 }
8728 ///
8729 version(with_addon_servers)
8730 final class EventSourceServerImplementation : EventSourceServer, EventIoServer {
8732 	protected:
8734 	void connect(string url, string forwardUrl) {
8735 		pipes[url] ~= forwardUrl;
8736 	}
8737 	void disconnect(string url, string forwardUrl) {
8738 		auto t = url in pipes;
8739 		if(t is null)
8740 			return;
8741 		foreach(idx, n; (*t))
8742 			if(n == forwardUrl) {
8743 				(*t)[idx] = (*t)[$-1];
8744 				(*t) = (*t)[0 .. $-1];
8745 				break;
8746 			}
8747 	}
8749 	bool handleLocalConnectionData(IoOp* op, int receivedFd) {
8750 		if(receivedFd != -1) {
8751 			//writeln("GOT FD ", receivedFd, " -- ", op.usedBuffer);
8753 			//core.sys.posix.unistd.write(receivedFd, "hello".ptr, 5);
8755 			SendableEventConnection* got = cast(SendableEventConnection*) op.usedBuffer.ptr;
8757 			auto url = got.url.idup;
8758 			eventConnectionsByUrl[url] ~= EventConnection(receivedFd, got.responseChunked > 0 ? true : false);
8760 			// FIXME: catch up on past messages here
8761 		} else {
8762 			auto data = op.usedBuffer;
8763 			auto event = cast(SendableEvent*) data.ptr;
8765 			if(event.magic == 0xdeadbeef) {
8766 				handleInputEvent(event);
8768 				if(event.url in pipes)
8769 				foreach(pipe; pipes[event.url]) {
8770 					event.url = pipe;
8771 					handleInputEvent(event);
8772 				}
8773 			} else {
8774 				dispatchRpcServer!EventSourceServer(this, data, op.fd);
8775 			}
8776 		}
8777 		return false;
8778 	}
8779 	void handleLocalConnectionClose(IoOp* op) {
8780 		fileClosed(op.fd);
8781 	}
8782 	void handleLocalConnectionComplete(IoOp* op) {}
8784 	void wait_timeout() {
8785 		// just keeping alive
8786 		foreach(url, connections; eventConnectionsByUrl)
8787 		foreach(connection; connections)
8788 			if(connection.needsChunking)
8789 				nonBlockingWrite(this, connection.fd, "1b\r\nevent: keepalive\ndata: ok\n\n\r\n");
8790 			else
8791 				nonBlockingWrite(this, connection.fd, "event: keepalive\ndata: ok\n\n\r\n");
8792 	}
8794 	void fileClosed(int fd) {
8795 		outer: foreach(url, ref connections; eventConnectionsByUrl) {
8796 			foreach(idx, conn; connections) {
8797 				if(fd == conn.fd) {
8798 					connections[idx] = connections[$-1];
8799 					connections = connections[0 .. $ - 1];
8800 					continue outer;
8801 				}
8802 			}
8803 		}
8804 	}
8806 	void epoll_fd(int fd) {}
8809 	private:
8812 	struct SendableEventConnection {
8813 		ubyte responseChunked;
8815 		int urlLength;
8816 		char[256] urlBuffer = 0;
8818 		int lastEventIdLength;
8819 		char[32] lastEventIdBuffer = 0;
8821 		char[] url() return {
8822 			return urlBuffer[0 .. urlLength];
8823 		}
8824 		void url(in char[] u) {
8825 			urlBuffer[0 .. u.length] = u[];
8826 			urlLength = cast(int) u.length;
8827 		}
8828 		char[] lastEventId() return {
8829 			return lastEventIdBuffer[0 .. lastEventIdLength];
8830 		}
8831 		void populate(bool responseChunked, in char[] url, in char[] lastEventId)
8832 		in {
8833 			assert(url.length < this.urlBuffer.length);
8834 			assert(lastEventId.length < this.lastEventIdBuffer.length);
8835 		}
8836 		do {
8837 			this.responseChunked = responseChunked ? 1 : 0;
8838 			this.urlLength = cast(int) url.length;
8839 			this.lastEventIdLength = cast(int) lastEventId.length;
8841 			this.urlBuffer[0 .. url.length] = url[];
8842 			this.lastEventIdBuffer[0 .. lastEventId.length] = lastEventId[];
8843 		}
8844 	}
8846 	struct SendableEvent {
8847 		int magic = 0xdeadbeef;
8848 		int urlLength;
8849 		char[256] urlBuffer = 0;
8850 		int typeLength;
8851 		char[32] typeBuffer = 0;
8852 		int messageLength;
8853 		char[2048 * 4] messageBuffer = 0; // this is an arbitrary limit, it needs to fit comfortably in stack (including in a fiber) and be a single send on the kernel side cuz of the impl... i think this is ok for a unix socket.
8854 		int _lifetime;
8856 		char[] message() return {
8857 			return messageBuffer[0 .. messageLength];
8858 		}
8859 		char[] type() return {
8860 			return typeBuffer[0 .. typeLength];
8861 		}
8862 		char[] url() return {
8863 			return urlBuffer[0 .. urlLength];
8864 		}
8865 		void url(in char[] u) {
8866 			urlBuffer[0 .. u.length] = u[];
8867 			urlLength = cast(int) u.length;
8868 		}
8869 		int lifetime() {
8870 			return _lifetime;
8871 		}
8873 		///
8874 		void populate(string url, string type, string message, int lifetime)
8875 		in {
8876 			assert(url.length < this.urlBuffer.length);
8877 			assert(type.length < this.typeBuffer.length);
8878 			assert(message.length < this.messageBuffer.length);
8879 		}
8880 		do {
8881 			this.urlLength = cast(int) url.length;
8882 			this.typeLength = cast(int) type.length;
8883 			this.messageLength = cast(int) message.length;
8884 			this._lifetime = lifetime;
8886 			this.urlBuffer[0 .. url.length] = url[];
8887 			this.typeBuffer[0 .. type.length] = type[];
8888 			this.messageBuffer[0 .. message.length] = message[];
8889 		}
8890 	}
8892 	struct EventConnection {
8893 		int fd;
8894 		bool needsChunking;
8895 	}
8897 	private EventConnection[][string] eventConnectionsByUrl;
8898 	private string[][string] pipes;
8900 	private void handleInputEvent(scope SendableEvent* event) {
8901 		static int eventId;
8903 		static struct StoredEvent {
8904 			int id;
8905 			string type;
8906 			string message;
8907 			int lifetimeRemaining;
8908 		}
8910 		StoredEvent[][string] byUrl;
8912 		int thisId = ++eventId;
8914 		if(event.lifetime)
8915 			byUrl[event.url.idup] ~= StoredEvent(thisId, event.type.idup, event.message.idup, event.lifetime);
8917 		auto connectionsPtr = event.url in eventConnectionsByUrl;
8918 		EventConnection[] connections;
8919 		if(connectionsPtr is null)
8920 			return;
8921 		else
8922 			connections = *connectionsPtr;
8924 		char[4096] buffer;
8925 		char[] formattedMessage;
8927 		void append(const char[] a) {
8928 			// the 6's here are to leave room for a HTTP chunk header, if it proves necessary
8929 			buffer[6 + formattedMessage.length .. 6 + formattedMessage.length + a.length] = a[];
8930 			formattedMessage = buffer[6 .. 6 + formattedMessage.length + a.length];
8931 		}
8933 		import std.algorithm.iteration;
8935 		if(connections.length) {
8936 			append("id: ");
8937 			append(to!string(thisId));
8938 			append("\n");
8940 			append("event: ");
8941 			append(event.type);
8942 			append("\n");
8944 			foreach(line; event.message.splitter("\n")) {
8945 				append("data: ");
8946 				append(line);
8947 				append("\n");
8948 			}
8950 			append("\n");
8951 		}
8953 		// chunk it for HTTP!
8954 		auto len = toHex(formattedMessage.length);
8955 		buffer[4 .. 6] = "\r\n"[];
8956 		buffer[4 - len.length .. 4] = len[];
8957 		buffer[6 + formattedMessage.length] = '\r';
8958 		buffer[6 + formattedMessage.length + 1] = '\n';
8960 		auto chunkedMessage = buffer[4 - len.length .. 6 + formattedMessage.length +2];
8961 		// done
8963 		// FIXME: send back requests when needed
8964 		// FIXME: send a single ":\n" every 15 seconds to keep alive
8966 		foreach(connection; connections) {
8967 			if(connection.needsChunking) {
8968 				nonBlockingWrite(this, connection.fd, chunkedMessage);
8969 			} else {
8970 				nonBlockingWrite(this, connection.fd, formattedMessage);
8971 			}
8972 		}
8973 	}
8974 }
8976 void runAddonServer(EIS)(string localListenerName, EIS eis) if(is(EIS : EventIoServer)) {
8977 	version(Posix) {
8979 		import core.sys.posix.unistd;
8980 		import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
8981 		import core.sys.posix.sys.un;
8983 		import core.sys.posix.signal;
8984 		signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
8986 		static extern(C) void sigchldhandler(int) {
8987 			int status;
8988 			import w = core.sys.posix.sys.wait;
8989 			w.wait(&status);
8990 		}
8991 		signal(SIGCHLD, &sigchldhandler);
8993 		int sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
8994 		if(sock == -1)
8995 			throw new Exception("socket " ~ to!string(errno));
8997 		scope(failure)
8998 			close(sock);
9000 		cloexec(sock);
9002 		// add-on server processes are assumed to be local, and thus will
9003 		// use unix domain sockets. Besides, I want to pass sockets to them,
9004 		// so it basically must be local (except for the session server, but meh).
9005 		sockaddr_un addr;
9006 		addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
9007 		version(linux) {
9008 			// on linux, we will use the abstract namespace
9009 			addr.sun_path[0] = 0;
9010 			addr.sun_path[1 .. localListenerName.length + 1] = cast(typeof(addr.sun_path[])) localListenerName[];
9011 		} else {
9012 			// but otherwise, just use a file cuz we must.
9013 			addr.sun_path[0 .. localListenerName.length] = cast(typeof(addr.sun_path[])) localListenerName[];
9014 		}
9016 		if(bind(sock, cast(sockaddr*) &addr, addr.sizeof) == -1)
9017 			throw new Exception("bind " ~ to!string(errno));
9019 		if(listen(sock, 128) == -1)
9020 			throw new Exception("listen " ~ to!string(errno));
9022 		makeNonBlocking(sock);
9024 		version(linux) {
9025 			import core.sys.linux.epoll;
9026 			auto epoll_fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC);
9027 			if(epoll_fd == -1)
9028 				throw new Exception("epoll_create1 " ~ to!string(errno));
9029 			scope(failure)
9030 				close(epoll_fd);
9031 		} else {
9032 			import core.sys.posix.poll;
9033 		}
9035 		version(linux)
9036 		eis.epoll_fd = epoll_fd;
9038 		auto acceptOp = allocateIoOp(sock, IoOp.Read, 0, null);
9039 		scope(exit)
9040 			freeIoOp(acceptOp);
9042 		version(linux) {
9043 			epoll_event ev;
9044 			ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;
9045 			ev.data.ptr = acceptOp;
9046 			if(epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock, &ev) == -1)
9047 				throw new Exception("epoll_ctl " ~ to!string(errno));
9049 			epoll_event[64] events;
9050 		} else {
9051 			pollfd[] pollfds;
9052 			IoOp*[int] ioops;
9053 			pollfds ~= pollfd(sock, POLLIN);
9054 			ioops[sock] = acceptOp;
9055 		}
9057 		import core.time : MonoTime, seconds;
9059 		MonoTime timeout = MonoTime.currTime + 15.seconds;
9061 		while(true) {
9063 			// FIXME: it should actually do a timerfd that runs on any thing that hasn't been run recently
9065 			int timeout_milliseconds = 0; //  -1; // infinite
9067 			timeout_milliseconds = cast(int) (timeout - MonoTime.currTime).total!"msecs";
9068 			if(timeout_milliseconds < 0)
9069 				timeout_milliseconds = 0;
9071 			//writeln("waiting for ", name);
9073 			version(linux) {
9074 				auto nfds = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events.ptr, events.length, timeout_milliseconds);
9075 				if(nfds == -1) {
9076 					if(errno == EINTR)
9077 						continue;
9078 					throw new Exception("epoll_wait " ~ to!string(errno));
9079 				}
9080 			} else {
9081 				int nfds = poll(pollfds.ptr, cast(int) pollfds.length, timeout_milliseconds);
9082 				size_t lastIdx = 0;
9083 			}
9085 			if(nfds == 0) {
9086 				eis.wait_timeout();
9087 				timeout += 15.seconds;
9088 			}
9090 			foreach(idx; 0 .. nfds) {
9091 				version(linux) {
9092 					auto flags = events[idx].events;
9093 					auto ioop = cast(IoOp*) events[idx].data.ptr;
9094 				} else {
9095 					IoOp* ioop;
9096 					foreach(tidx, thing; pollfds[lastIdx .. $]) {
9097 						if(thing.revents) {
9098 							ioop = ioops[thing.fd];
9099 							lastIdx += tidx + 1;
9100 							break;
9101 						}
9102 					}
9103 				}
9105 				//writeln(flags, " ", ioop.fd);
9107 				void newConnection() {
9108 					// on edge triggering, it is important that we get it all
9109 					while(true) {
9110 						auto size = cast(socklen_t) addr.sizeof;
9111 						auto ns = accept(sock, cast(sockaddr*) &addr, &size);
9112 						if(ns == -1) {
9113 							if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
9114 								// all done, got it all
9115 								break;
9116 							}
9117 							throw new Exception("accept " ~ to!string(errno));
9118 						}
9119 						cloexec(ns);
9121 						makeNonBlocking(ns);
9122 						auto niop = allocateIoOp(ns, IoOp.ReadSocketHandle, 4096 * 4, &eis.handleLocalConnectionData);
9123 						niop.closeHandler = &eis.handleLocalConnectionClose;
9124 						niop.completeHandler = &eis.handleLocalConnectionComplete;
9125 						scope(failure) freeIoOp(niop);
9127 						version(linux) {
9128 							epoll_event nev;
9129 							nev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;
9130 							nev.data.ptr = niop;
9131 							if(epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ns, &nev) == -1)
9132 								throw new Exception("epoll_ctl " ~ to!string(errno));
9133 						} else {
9134 							bool found = false;
9135 							foreach(ref pfd; pollfds) {
9136 								if(pfd.fd < 0) {
9137 									pfd.fd = ns;
9138 									found = true;
9139 								}
9140 							}
9141 							if(!found)
9142 								pollfds ~= pollfd(ns, POLLIN);
9143 							ioops[ns] = niop;
9144 						}
9145 					}
9146 				}
9148 				bool newConnectionCondition() {
9149 					version(linux)
9150 						return ioop.fd == sock && (flags & EPOLLIN);
9151 					else
9152 						return pollfds[idx].fd == sock && (pollfds[idx].revents & POLLIN);
9153 				}
9155 				if(newConnectionCondition()) {
9156 					newConnection();
9157 				} else if(ioop.operation == IoOp.ReadSocketHandle) {
9158 					while(true) {
9159 						int in_fd;
9160 						auto got = read_fd(ioop.fd, ioop.allocatedBuffer.ptr, ioop.allocatedBuffer.length, &in_fd);
9161 						if(got == -1) {
9162 							if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
9163 								// all done, got it all
9164 								if(ioop.completeHandler)
9165 									ioop.completeHandler(ioop);
9166 								break;
9167 							}
9168 							throw new Exception("recv " ~ to!string(errno));
9169 						}
9171 						if(got == 0) {
9172 							if(ioop.closeHandler) {
9173 								ioop.closeHandler(ioop);
9174 								version(linux) {} // nothing needed
9175 								else {
9176 									foreach(ref pfd; pollfds) {
9177 										if(pfd.fd == ioop.fd)
9178 											pfd.fd = -1;
9179 									}
9180 								}
9181 							}
9182 							close(ioop.fd);
9183 							freeIoOp(ioop);
9184 							break;
9185 						}
9187 						ioop.bufferLengthUsed = cast(int) got;
9188 						ioop.handler(ioop, in_fd);
9189 					}
9190 				} else if(ioop.operation == IoOp.Read) {
9191 					while(true) {
9192 						auto got = read(ioop.fd, ioop.allocatedBuffer.ptr, ioop.allocatedBuffer.length);
9193 						if(got == -1) {
9194 							if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
9195 								// all done, got it all
9196 								if(ioop.completeHandler)
9197 									ioop.completeHandler(ioop);
9198 								break;
9199 							}
9200 							throw new Exception("recv " ~ to!string(ioop.fd) ~ " errno " ~ to!string(errno));
9201 						}
9203 						if(got == 0) {
9204 							if(ioop.closeHandler)
9205 								ioop.closeHandler(ioop);
9206 							close(ioop.fd);
9207 							freeIoOp(ioop);
9208 							break;
9209 						}
9211 						ioop.bufferLengthUsed = cast(int) got;
9212 						if(ioop.handler(ioop, ioop.fd)) {
9213 							close(ioop.fd);
9214 							freeIoOp(ioop);
9215 							break;
9216 						}
9217 					}
9218 				}
9220 				// EPOLLHUP?
9221 			}
9222 		}
9223 	} else version(Windows) {
9225 		// set up a named pipe
9226 		// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724251(v=vs.85).aspx
9227 		// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-wsaduplicatesocketw
9228 		// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winbase/nf-winbase-getnamedpipeserverprocessid
9230 	} else static assert(0);
9231 }
9234 version(with_sendfd)
9235 // copied from the web and ported from C
9236 // see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2358684/can-i-share-a-file-descriptor-to-another-process-on-linux-or-are-they-local-to-t
9237 ssize_t write_fd(int fd, void *ptr, size_t nbytes, int sendfd) {
9238 	msghdr msg;
9239 	iovec[1] iov;
9241 	version(OSX) {
9242 		//msg.msg_accrights = cast(cattr_t) &sendfd;
9243 		//msg.msg_accrightslen = int.sizeof;
9244 	} else version(Android) {
9245 	} else {
9246 		union ControlUnion {
9247 			cmsghdr cm;
9248 			char[CMSG_SPACE(int.sizeof)] control;
9249 		}
9251 		ControlUnion control_un;
9252 		cmsghdr* cmptr;
9254 		msg.msg_control = control_un.control.ptr;
9255 		msg.msg_controllen = control_un.control.length;
9257 		cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
9258 		cmptr.cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(int.sizeof);
9259 		cmptr.cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
9260 		cmptr.cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
9261 		*(cast(int *) CMSG_DATA(cmptr)) = sendfd;
9262 	}
9264 	msg.msg_name = null;
9265 	msg.msg_namelen = 0;
9267 	iov[0].iov_base = ptr;
9268 	iov[0].iov_len = nbytes;
9269 	msg.msg_iov = iov.ptr;
9270 	msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
9272 	return sendmsg(fd, &msg, 0);
9273 }
9275 version(with_sendfd)
9276 // copied from the web and ported from C
9277 ssize_t read_fd(int fd, void *ptr, size_t nbytes, int *recvfd) {
9278 	msghdr msg;
9279 	iovec[1] iov;
9280 	ssize_t n;
9281 	int newfd;
9283 	version(OSX) {
9284 		//msg.msg_accrights = cast(cattr_t) recvfd;
9285 		//msg.msg_accrightslen = int.sizeof;
9286 	} else version(Android) {
9287 	} else {
9288 		union ControlUnion {
9289 			cmsghdr cm;
9290 			char[CMSG_SPACE(int.sizeof)] control;
9291 		}
9292 		ControlUnion control_un;
9293 		cmsghdr* cmptr;
9295 		msg.msg_control = control_un.control.ptr;
9296 		msg.msg_controllen = control_un.control.length;
9297 	}
9299 	msg.msg_name = null;
9300 	msg.msg_namelen = 0;
9302 	iov[0].iov_base = ptr;
9303 	iov[0].iov_len = nbytes;
9304 	msg.msg_iov = iov.ptr;
9305 	msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
9307 	if ( (n = recvmsg(fd, &msg, 0)) <= 0)
9308 		return n;
9310 	version(OSX) {
9311 		//if(msg.msg_accrightslen != int.sizeof)
9312 			//*recvfd = -1;
9313 	} else version(Android) {
9314 	} else {
9315 		if ( (cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg)) != null &&
9316 				cmptr.cmsg_len == CMSG_LEN(int.sizeof)) {
9317 			if (cmptr.cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET)
9318 				throw new Exception("control level != SOL_SOCKET");
9319 			if (cmptr.cmsg_type != SCM_RIGHTS)
9320 				throw new Exception("control type != SCM_RIGHTS");
9321 			*recvfd = *(cast(int *) CMSG_DATA(cmptr));
9322 		} else
9323 			*recvfd = -1;       /* descriptor was not passed */
9324 	}
9326 	return n;
9327 }
9328 /* end read_fd */
9331 /*
9332 	Event source stuff
9334 	The api is:
9336 	sendEvent(string url, string type, string data, int timeout = 60*10);
9338 	attachEventListener(string url, int fd, lastId)
9341 	It just sends to all attached listeners, and stores it until the timeout
9342 	for replaying via lastEventId.
9343 */
9345 /*
9346 	Session process stuff
9348 	it stores it all. the cgi object has a session object that can grab it
9350 	session may be done in the same process if possible, there is a version
9351 	switch to choose if you want to override.
9352 */
9354 struct DispatcherDefinition(alias dispatchHandler, DispatcherDetails = typeof(null)) {// if(is(typeof(dispatchHandler("str", Cgi.init, void) == bool))) { // bool delegate(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi) dispatchHandler;
9355 	alias handler = dispatchHandler;
9356 	string urlPrefix;
9357 	bool rejectFurther;
9358 	immutable(DispatcherDetails) details;
9359 }
9361 private string urlify(string name) pure {
9362 	return beautify(name, '-', true);
9363 }
9365 private string beautify(string name, char space = ' ', bool allLowerCase = false) pure {
9366 	if(name == "id")
9367 		return allLowerCase ? name : "ID";
9369 	char[160] buffer;
9370 	int bufferIndex = 0;
9371 	bool shouldCap = true;
9372 	bool shouldSpace;
9373 	bool lastWasCap;
9374 	foreach(idx, char ch; name) {
9375 		if(bufferIndex == buffer.length) return name; // out of space, just give up, not that important
9377 		if((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_') {
9378 			if(lastWasCap) {
9379 				// two caps in a row, don't change. Prolly acronym.
9380 			} else {
9381 				if(idx)
9382 					shouldSpace = true; // new word, add space
9383 			}
9385 			lastWasCap = true;
9386 		} else {
9387 			lastWasCap = false;
9388 		}
9390 		if(shouldSpace) {
9391 			buffer[bufferIndex++] = space;
9392 			if(bufferIndex == buffer.length) return name; // out of space, just give up, not that important
9393 			shouldSpace = false;
9394 		}
9395 		if(shouldCap) {
9396 			if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
9397 				ch -= 32;
9398 			shouldCap = false;
9399 		}
9400 		if(allLowerCase && ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
9401 			ch += 32;
9402 		buffer[bufferIndex++] = ch;
9403 	}
9404 	return buffer[0 .. bufferIndex].idup;
9405 }
9407 /*
9408 string urlFor(alias func)() {
9409 	return __traits(identifier, func);
9410 }
9411 */
9413 /++
9414 	UDA: The name displayed to the user in auto-generated HTML.
9416 	Default is `beautify(identifier)`.
9417 +/
9418 struct DisplayName {
9419 	string name;
9420 }
9422 /++
9423 	UDA: The name used in the URL or web parameter.
9425 	Default is `urlify(identifier)` for functions and `identifier` for parameters and data members.
9426 +/
9427 struct UrlName {
9428 	string name;
9429 }
9431 /++
9432 	UDA: default format to respond for this method
9433 +/
9434 struct DefaultFormat { string value; }
9436 class MissingArgumentException : Exception {
9437 	string functionName;
9438 	string argumentName;
9439 	string argumentType;
9441 	this(string functionName, string argumentName, string argumentType, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) {
9442 		this.functionName = functionName;
9443 		this.argumentName = argumentName;
9444 		this.argumentType = argumentType;
9446 		super("Missing Argument: " ~ this.argumentName, file, line, next);
9447 	}
9448 }
9450 /++
9451 	You can throw this from an api handler to indicate a 404 response. This is done by the presentExceptionAsHtml function in the presenter.
9453 	History:
9454 		Added December 15, 2021 (dub v10.5)
9455 +/
9456 class ResourceNotFoundException : Exception {
9457 	string resourceType;
9458 	string resourceId;
9460 	this(string resourceType, string resourceId, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) {
9461 		this.resourceType = resourceType;
9462 		this.resourceId = resourceId;
9464 		super("Resource not found: " ~ resourceType ~ " " ~ resourceId, file, line, next);
9465 	}
9467 }
9469 /++
9470 	This can be attached to any constructor or function called from the cgi system.
9472 	If it is present, the function argument can NOT be set from web params, but instead
9473 	is set to the return value of the given `func`.
9475 	If `func` can take a parameter of type [Cgi], it will be passed the one representing
9476 	the current request. Otherwise, it must take zero arguments.
9478 	Any params in your function of type `Cgi` are automatically assumed to take the cgi object
9479 	for the connection. Any of type [Session] (with an argument) is	also assumed to come from
9480 	the cgi object.
9482 	const arguments are also supported.
9483 +/
9484 struct ifCalledFromWeb(alias func) {}
9486 // it only looks at query params for GET requests, the rest must be in the body for a function argument.
9487 auto callFromCgi(alias method, T)(T dg, Cgi cgi) {
9489 	// FIXME: any array of structs should also be settable or gettable from csv as well.
9491 	// FIXME: think more about checkboxes and bools.
9493 	import std.traits;
9495 	Parameters!method params;
9496 	alias idents = ParameterIdentifierTuple!method;
9497 	alias defaults = ParameterDefaults!method;
9499 	const(string)[] names;
9500 	const(string)[] values;
9502 	// first, check for missing arguments and initialize to defaults if necessary
9504 	static if(is(typeof(method) P == __parameters))
9505 	foreach(idx, param; P) {{
9506 		// see: mustNotBeSetFromWebParams
9507 		static if(is(param : Cgi)) {
9508 			static assert(!is(param == immutable));
9509 			cast() params[idx] = cgi;
9510 		} else static if(is(param == Session!D, D)) {
9511 			static assert(!is(param == immutable));
9512 			cast() params[idx] = cgi.getSessionObject!D();
9513 		} else {
9514 			bool populated;
9515 			foreach(uda; __traits(getAttributes, P[idx .. idx + 1])) {
9516 				static if(is(uda == ifCalledFromWeb!func, alias func)) {
9517 					static if(is(typeof(func(cgi))))
9518 						params[idx] = func(cgi);
9519 					else
9520 						params[idx] = func();
9522 					populated = true;
9523 				}
9524 			}
9526 			if(!populated) {
9527 				static if(__traits(compiles, { params[idx] = param.getAutomaticallyForCgi(cgi); } )) {
9528 					params[idx] = param.getAutomaticallyForCgi(cgi);
9529 					populated = true;
9530 				}
9531 			}
9533 			if(!populated) {
9534 				auto ident = idents[idx];
9535 				if(cgi.requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.GET) {
9536 					if(ident !in cgi.get) {
9537 						static if(is(defaults[idx] == void)) {
9538 							static if(is(param == bool))
9539 								params[idx] = false;
9540 							else
9541 								throw new MissingArgumentException(__traits(identifier, method), ident, param.stringof);
9542 						} else
9543 							params[idx] = defaults[idx];
9544 					}
9545 				} else {
9546 					if(ident !in cgi.post) {
9547 						static if(is(defaults[idx] == void)) {
9548 							static if(is(param == bool))
9549 								params[idx] = false;
9550 							else
9551 								throw new MissingArgumentException(__traits(identifier, method), ident, param.stringof);
9552 						} else
9553 							params[idx] = defaults[idx];
9554 					}
9555 				}
9556 			}
9557 		}
9558 	}}
9560 	// second, parse the arguments in order to build up arrays, etc.
9562 	static bool setVariable(T)(string name, string paramName, T* what, string value) {
9563 		static if(is(T == struct)) {
9564 			if(name == paramName) {
9565 				*what = T.init;
9566 				return true;
9567 			} else {
9568 				// could be a child. gonna allow either obj.field OR obj[field]
9570 				string afterName;
9572 				if(name[paramName.length] == '[') {
9573 					int count = 1;
9574 					auto idx = paramName.length + 1;
9575 					while(idx < name.length && count > 0) {
9576 						if(name[idx] == '[')
9577 							count++;
9578 						else if(name[idx] == ']') {
9579 							count--;
9580 							if(count == 0) break;
9581 						}
9582 						idx++;
9583 					}
9585 					if(idx == name.length)
9586 						return false; // malformed
9588 					auto insideBrackets = name[paramName.length + 1 .. idx];
9589 					afterName = name[idx + 1 .. $];
9591 					name = name[0 .. paramName.length];
9593 					paramName = insideBrackets;
9595 				} else if(name[paramName.length] == '.') {
9596 					paramName = name[paramName.length + 1 .. $];
9597 					name = paramName;
9598 					int p = 0;
9599 					foreach(ch; paramName) {
9600 						if(ch == '.' || ch == '[')
9601 							break;
9602 						p++;
9603 					}
9605 					afterName = paramName[p .. $];
9606 					paramName = paramName[0 .. p];
9607 				} else {
9608 					return false;
9609 				}
9611 				if(paramName.length)
9612 				// set the child member
9613 				switch(paramName) {
9614 					foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(allMembers, T))
9615 					static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, T, memberName).offsetof)) {
9616 						// data member!
9617 						case memberName:
9618 							return setVariable(name ~ afterName, paramName, &(__traits(getMember, *what, memberName)), value);
9619 					}
9620 					default:
9621 						// ok, not a member
9622 				}
9623 			}
9625 			return false;
9626 		} else static if(is(T == enum)) {
9627 			*what = to!T(value);
9628 			return true;
9629 		} else static if(isSomeString!T || isIntegral!T || isFloatingPoint!T) {
9630 			*what = to!T(value);
9631 			return true;
9632 		} else static if(is(T == bool)) {
9633 			*what = value == "1" || value == "yes" || value == "t" || value == "true" || value == "on";
9634 			return true;
9635 		} else static if(is(T == K[], K)) {
9636 			K tmp;
9637 			if(name == paramName) {
9638 				// direct - set and append
9639 				if(setVariable(name, paramName, &tmp, value)) {
9640 					(*what) ~= tmp;
9641 					return true;
9642 				} else {
9643 					return false;
9644 				}
9645 			} else {
9646 				// child, append to last element
9647 				// FIXME: what about range violations???
9648 				auto ptr = &(*what)[(*what).length - 1];
9649 				return setVariable(name, paramName, ptr, value);
9651 			}
9652 		} else static if(is(T == V[K], K, V)) {
9653 			// assoc array, name[key] is valid
9654 			if(name == paramName) {
9655 				// no action necessary
9656 				return true;
9657 			} else if(name[paramName.length] == '[') {
9658 				int count = 1;
9659 				auto idx = paramName.length + 1;
9660 				while(idx < name.length && count > 0) {
9661 					if(name[idx] == '[')
9662 						count++;
9663 					else if(name[idx] == ']') {
9664 						count--;
9665 						if(count == 0) break;
9666 					}
9667 					idx++;
9668 				}
9669 				if(idx == name.length)
9670 					return false; // malformed
9672 				auto insideBrackets = name[paramName.length + 1 .. idx];
9673 				auto afterName = name[idx + 1 .. $];
9675 				auto k = to!K(insideBrackets);
9676 				V v;
9677 				if(auto ptr = k in *what)
9678 					v = *ptr;
9680 				name = name[0 .. paramName.length];
9681 				//writeln(name, afterName, " ", paramName);
9683 				auto ret = setVariable(name ~ afterName, paramName, &v, value);
9684 				if(ret) {
9685 					(*what)[k] = v;
9686 					return true;
9687 				}
9688 			}
9690 			return false;
9691 		} else {
9692 			static assert(0, "unsupported type for cgi call " ~ T.stringof);
9693 		}
9695 		//return false;
9696 	}
9698 	void setArgument(string name, string value) {
9699 		int p;
9700 		foreach(ch; name) {
9701 			if(ch == '.' || ch == '[')
9702 				break;
9703 			p++;
9704 		}
9706 		auto paramName = name[0 .. p];
9708 		sw: switch(paramName) {
9709 			static if(is(typeof(method) P == __parameters))
9710 			foreach(idx, param; P) {
9711 				static if(mustNotBeSetFromWebParams!(P[idx], __traits(getAttributes, P[idx .. idx + 1]))) {
9712 					// cannot be set from the outside
9713 				} else {
9714 					case idents[idx]:
9715 						static if(is(param == Cgi.UploadedFile)) {
9716 							params[idx] = cgi.files[name];
9717 						} else static if(is(param : const Cgi.UploadedFile[])) {
9718 							(cast() params[idx]) = cgi.filesArray[name];
9719 						} else {
9720 							setVariable(name, paramName, &params[idx], value);
9721 						}
9722 					break sw;
9723 				}
9724 			}
9725 			default:
9726 				// ignore; not relevant argument
9727 		}
9728 	}
9730 	if(cgi.requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.GET) {
9731 		names = cgi.allGetNamesInOrder;
9732 		values = cgi.allGetValuesInOrder;
9733 	} else {
9734 		names = cgi.allPostNamesInOrder;
9735 		values = cgi.allPostValuesInOrder;
9736 	}
9738 	foreach(idx, name; names) {
9739 		setArgument(name, values[idx]);
9740 	}
9742 	static if(is(ReturnType!method == void)) {
9743 		typeof(null) ret;
9744 		dg(params);
9745 	} else {
9746 		auto ret = dg(params);
9747 	}
9749 	// FIXME: format return values
9750 	// options are: json, html, csv.
9751 	// also may need to wrap in envelope format: none, html, or json.
9752 	return ret;
9753 }
9755 private bool mustNotBeSetFromWebParams(T, attrs...)() {
9756 	static if(is(T : const(Cgi))) {
9757 		return true;
9758 	} else static if(is(T : const(Session!D), D)) {
9759 		return true;
9760 	} else static if(__traits(compiles, T.getAutomaticallyForCgi(Cgi.init))) {
9761 		return true;
9762 	} else {
9763 		foreach(uda; attrs)
9764 			static if(is(uda == ifCalledFromWeb!func, alias func))
9765 				return true;
9766 		return false;
9767 	}
9768 }
9770 private bool hasIfCalledFromWeb(attrs...)() {
9771 	foreach(uda; attrs)
9772 		static if(is(uda == ifCalledFromWeb!func, alias func))
9773 			return true;
9774 	return false;
9775 }
9777 /++
9778 	Implies POST path for the thing itself, then GET will get the automatic form.
9780 	The given customizer, if present, will be called as a filter on the Form object.
9782 	History:
9783 		Added December 27, 2020
9784 +/
9785 template AutomaticForm(alias customizer) { }
9787 /++
9788 	This is meant to be returned by a function that takes a form POST submission. You
9789 	want to set the url of the new resource it created, which is set as the http
9790 	Location header for a "201 Created" result, and you can also set a separate
9791 	destination for browser users, which it sets via a "Refresh" header.
9793 	The `resourceRepresentation` should generally be the thing you just created, and
9794 	it will be the body of the http response when formatted through the presenter.
9795 	The exact thing is up to you - it could just return an id, or the whole object, or
9796 	perhaps a partial object.
9798 	Examples:
9799 	---
9800 	class Test : WebObject {
9801 		@(Cgi.RequestMethod.POST)
9802 		CreatedResource!int makeThing(string value) {
9803 			return CreatedResource!int(value.to!int, "/resources/id");
9804 		}
9805 	}
9806 	---
9808 	History:
9809 		Added December 18, 2021
9810 +/
9811 struct CreatedResource(T) {
9812 	static if(!is(T == void))
9813 		T resourceRepresentation;
9814 	string resourceUrl;
9815 	string refreshUrl;
9816 }
9818 /+
9819 /++
9820 	This can be attached as a UDA to a handler to add a http Refresh header on a
9821 	successful run. (It will not be attached if the function throws an exception.)
9822 	This will refresh the browser the given number of seconds after the page loads,
9823 	to the url returned by `urlFunc`, which can be either a static function or a
9824 	member method of the current handler object.
9826 	You might use this for a POST handler that is normally used from ajax, but you
9827 	want it to degrade gracefully to a temporarily flashed message before reloading
9828 	the main page.
9830 	History:
9831 		Added December 18, 2021
9832 +/
9833 struct Refresh(alias urlFunc) {
9834 	int waitInSeconds;
9836 	string url() {
9837 		static if(__traits(isStaticFunction, urlFunc))
9838 			return urlFunc();
9839 		else static if(is(urlFunc : string))
9840 			return urlFunc;
9841 	}
9842 }
9843 +/
9845 /+
9846 /++
9847 	Sets a filter to be run before
9849 	A before function can do validations of params and log and stop the function from running.
9850 +/
9851 template Before(alias b) {}
9852 template After(alias b) {}
9853 +/
9855 /+
9856 	Argument conversions: for the most part, it is to!Thing(string).
9858 	But arrays and structs are a bit different. Arrays come from the cgi array. Thus
9859 	they are passed
9861 	arr=foo&arr=bar <-- notice the same name.
9863 	Structs are first declared with an empty thing, then have their members set individually,
9864 	with dot notation. The members are not required, just the initial declaration.
9866 	struct Foo {
9867 		int a;
9868 		string b;
9869 	}
9870 	void test(Foo foo){}
9872 	foo&foo.a=5&foo.b=str <-- the first foo declares the arg, the others set the members
9874 	Arrays of structs use this declaration.
9876 	void test(Foo[] foo) {}
9878 	foo&foo.a=5&foo.b=bar&foo&foo.a=9
9880 	You can use a hidden input field in HTML forms to achieve this. The value of the naked name
9881 	declaration is ignored.
9883 	Mind that order matters! The declaration MUST come first in the string.
9885 	Arrays of struct members follow this rule recursively.
9887 	struct Foo {
9888 		int[] a;
9889 	}
9891 	foo&foo.a=1&foo.a=2&foo&foo.a=1
9894 	Associative arrays are formatted with brackets, after a declaration, like structs:
9896 	foo&foo[key]=value&foo[other_key]=value
9899 	Note: for maximum compatibility with outside code, keep your types simple. Some libraries
9900 	do not support the strict ordering requirements to work with these struct protocols.
9902 	FIXME: also perhaps accept application/json to better work with outside trash.
9905 	Return values are also auto-formatted according to user-requested type:
9906 		for json, it loops over and converts.
9907 		for html, basic types are strings. Arrays are <ol>. Structs are <dl>. Arrays of structs are tables!
9908 +/
9910 /++
9911 	A web presenter is responsible for rendering things to HTML to be usable
9912 	in a web browser.
9914 	They are passed as template arguments to the base classes of [WebObject]
9916 	Responsible for displaying stuff as HTML. You can put this into your own aggregate
9917 	and override it. Use forwarding and specialization to customize it.
9919 	When you inherit from it, pass your own class as the CRTP argument. This lets the base
9920 	class templates and your overridden templates work with each other.
9922 	---
9923 	class MyPresenter : WebPresenter!(MyPresenter) {
9924 		@Override
9925 		void presentSuccessfulReturnAsHtml(T : CustomType)(Cgi cgi, T ret, typeof(null) meta) {
9926 			// present the CustomType
9927 		}
9928 		@Override
9929 		void presentSuccessfulReturnAsHtml(T)(Cgi cgi, T ret, typeof(null) meta) {
9930 			// handle everything else via the super class, which will call
9931 			// back to your class when appropriate
9932 			super.presentSuccessfulReturnAsHtml(cgi, ret);
9933 		}
9934 	}
9935 	---
9937 	The meta argument in there can be overridden by your own facility.
9939 +/
9940 class WebPresenter(CRTP) {
9942 	/// A UDA version of the built-in `override`, to be used for static template polymorphism
9943 	/// If you override a plain method, use `override`. If a template, use `@Override`.
9944 	enum Override;
9946 	string script() {
9947 		return `
9948 		`;
9949 	}
9951 	string style() {
9952 		return `
9953 			:root {
9954 				--mild-border: #ccc;
9955 				--middle-border: #999;
9956 				--accent-color: #f2f2f2;
9957 				--sidebar-color: #fefefe;
9958 			}
9959 		` ~ genericFormStyling() ~ genericSiteStyling();
9960 	}
9962 	string genericFormStyling() {
9963 		return
9964 q"css
9965 			table.automatic-data-display {
9966 				border-collapse: collapse;
9967 				border: solid 1px var(--mild-border);
9968 			}
9970 			table.automatic-data-display td {
9971 				vertical-align: top;
9972 				border: solid 1px var(--mild-border);
9973 				padding: 2px 4px;
9974 			}
9976 			table.automatic-data-display th {
9977 				border: solid 1px var(--mild-border);
9978 				border-bottom: solid 1px var(--middle-border);
9979 				padding: 2px 4px;
9980 			}
9982 			ol.automatic-data-display {
9983 				margin: 0px;
9984 				list-style-position: inside;
9985 				padding: 0px;
9986 			}
9988 			dl.automatic-data-display {
9990 			}
9992 			.automatic-form {
9993 				max-width: 600px;
9994 			}
9996 			.form-field {
9997 				margin: 0.5em;
9998 				padding-left: 0.5em;
9999 			}
10001 			.label-text {
10002 				display: block;
10003 				font-weight: bold;
10004 				margin-left: -0.5em;
10005 			}
10007 			.submit-button-holder {
10008 				padding-left: 2em;
10009 			}
10011 			.add-array-button {
10013 			}
10014 css";
10015 	}
10017 	string genericSiteStyling() {
10018 		return
10019 q"css
10020 			* { box-sizing: border-box; }
10021 			html, body { margin: 0px; }
10022 			body {
10023 				font-family: sans-serif;
10024 			}
10025 			header {
10026 				background: var(--accent-color);
10027 				height: 64px;
10028 			}
10029 			footer {
10030 				background: var(--accent-color);
10031 				height: 64px;
10032 			}
10033 			#site-container {
10034 				display: flex;
10035 				flex-wrap: wrap;
10036 			}
10037 			main {
10038 				flex: 1 1 auto;
10039 				order: 2;
10040 				min-height: calc(100vh - 64px - 64px);
10041 				min-width: 80ch;
10042 				padding: 4px;
10043 				padding-left: 1em;
10044 			}
10045 			#sidebar {
10046 				flex: 0 0 16em;
10047 				order: 1;
10048 				background: var(--sidebar-color);
10049 			}
10050 css";
10051 	}
10053 	import arsd.dom;
10054 	Element htmlContainer() {
10055 		auto document = new Document(q"html
10056 <!DOCTYPE html>
10057 <html class="no-script">
10058 <head>
10059 	<script>document.documentElement.classList.remove("no-script");</script>
10060 	<style>.no-script requires-script { display: none; }</style>
10061 	<title>D Application</title>
10062 	<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, width=device-width" />
10063 	<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
10064 </head>
10065 <body>
10066 	<header></header>
10067 	<div id="site-container">
10068 		<main></main>
10069 		<div id="sidebar"></div>
10070 	</div>
10071 	<footer></footer>
10072 	<script src="script.js"></script>
10073 </body>
10074 </html>
10075 html", true, true);
10077 		return document.requireSelector("main");
10078 	}
10080 	/// Renders a response as an HTTP error with associated html body
10081 	void renderBasicError(Cgi cgi, int httpErrorCode) {
10082 		cgi.setResponseStatus(getHttpCodeText(httpErrorCode));
10083 		auto c = htmlContainer();
10084 		c.innerText = getHttpCodeText(httpErrorCode);
10085 		cgi.setResponseContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
10086 		cgi.write(c.parentDocument.toString(), true);
10087 	}
10089 	template methodMeta(alias method) {
10090 		enum methodMeta = null;
10091 	}
10093 	void presentSuccessfulReturn(T, Meta)(Cgi cgi, T ret, Meta meta, string format) {
10094 		switch(format) {
10095 			case "html":
10096 				(cast(CRTP) this).presentSuccessfulReturnAsHtml(cgi, ret, meta);
10097 			break;
10098 			case "json":
10099 				import arsd.jsvar;
10100 				static if(is(typeof(ret) == MultipleResponses!Types, Types...)) {
10101 					var json;
10102 					foreach(index, type; Types) {
10103 						if(ret.contains == index)
10104 							json = ret.payload[index];
10105 					}
10106 				} else {
10107 					var json = ret;
10108 				}
10109 				var envelope = json; // var.emptyObject;
10110 				/*
10111 				envelope.success = true;
10112 				envelope.result = json;
10113 				envelope.error = null;
10114 				*/
10115 				cgi.setResponseContentType("application/json");
10116 				cgi.write(envelope.toJson(), true);
10117 			break;
10118 			default:
10119 				cgi.setResponseStatus("406 Not Acceptable"); // not exactly but sort of.
10120 		}
10121 	}
10123 	/// typeof(null) (which is also used to represent functions returning `void`) do nothing
10124 	/// in the default presenter - allowing the function to have full low-level control over the
10125 	/// response.
10126 	void presentSuccessfulReturn(T : typeof(null), Meta)(Cgi cgi, T ret, Meta meta, string format) {
10127 		// nothing intentionally!
10128 	}
10130 	/// Redirections are forwarded to [Cgi.setResponseLocation]
10131 	void presentSuccessfulReturn(T : Redirection, Meta)(Cgi cgi, T ret, Meta meta, string format) {
10132 		cgi.setResponseLocation(ret.to, true, getHttpCodeText(ret.code));
10133 	}
10135 	/// [CreatedResource]s send code 201 and will set the given urls, then present the given representation.
10136 	void presentSuccessfulReturn(T : CreatedResource!R, Meta, R)(Cgi cgi, T ret, Meta meta, string format) {
10137 		cgi.setResponseStatus(getHttpCodeText(201));
10138 		if(ret.resourceUrl.length)
10139 			cgi.header("Location: " ~ ret.resourceUrl);
10140 		if(ret.refreshUrl.length)
10141 			cgi.header("Refresh: 0;" ~ ret.refreshUrl);
10142 		static if(!is(R == void))
10143 			presentSuccessfulReturn(cgi, ret.resourceRepresentation, meta, format);
10144 	}
10146 	/// Multiple responses deconstruct the algebraic type and forward to the appropriate handler at runtime
10147 	void presentSuccessfulReturn(T : MultipleResponses!Types, Meta, Types...)(Cgi cgi, T ret, Meta meta, string format) {
10148 		bool outputted = false;
10149 		foreach(index, type; Types) {
10150 			if(ret.contains == index) {
10151 				assert(!outputted);
10152 				outputted = true;
10153 				(cast(CRTP) this).presentSuccessfulReturn(cgi, ret.payload[index], meta, format);
10154 			}
10155 		}
10156 		if(!outputted)
10157 			assert(0);
10158 	}
10160 	/++
10161 		An instance of the [arsd.dom.FileResource] interface has its own content type; assume it is a download of some sort if the filename member is non-null of the FileResource interface.
10162 	+/
10163 	void presentSuccessfulReturn(T : FileResource, Meta)(Cgi cgi, T ret, Meta meta, string format) {
10164 		cgi.setCache(true); // not necessarily true but meh
10165 		if(auto fn = ret.filename()) {
10166 			cgi.header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="~fn~";");
10167 		}
10168 		cgi.setResponseContentType(ret.contentType);
10169 		cgi.write(ret.getData(), true);
10170 	}
10172 	/// And the default handler for HTML will call [formatReturnValueAsHtml] and place it inside the [htmlContainer].
10173 	void presentSuccessfulReturnAsHtml(T)(Cgi cgi, T ret, typeof(null) meta) {
10174 		auto container = this.htmlContainer();
10175 		container.appendChild(formatReturnValueAsHtml(ret));
10176 		cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString(), true);
10177 	}
10179 	/++
10181 		History:
10182 			Added January 23, 2023 (dub v11.0)
10183 	+/
10184 	void presentExceptionalReturn(Meta)(Cgi cgi, Throwable t, Meta meta, string format) {
10185 		switch(format) {
10186 			case "html":
10187 				presentExceptionAsHtml(cgi, t, meta);
10188 			break;
10189 			case "json":
10190 				presentExceptionAsJsonImpl(cgi, t);
10191 			break;
10192 			default:
10193 		}
10194 	}
10196 	private void presentExceptionAsJsonImpl()(Cgi cgi, Throwable t) {
10197 		cgi.setResponseStatus("500 Internal Server Error");
10198 		cgi.setResponseContentType("application/json");
10199 		import arsd.jsvar;
10200 		var v = var.emptyObject;
10201 		v.type = typeid(t).toString;
10202 		v.msg = t.msg;
10203 		v.fullString = t.toString();
10204 		cgi.write(v.toJson(), true);
10205 	}
10208 	/++
10209 		If you override this, you will need to cast the exception type `t` dynamically,
10210 		but can then use the template arguments here to refer back to the function.
10212 		`func` is an alias to the method itself, and `dg` is a callable delegate to the same
10213 		method on the live object. You could, in theory, change arguments and retry, but I
10214 		provide that information mostly with the expectation that you will use them to make
10215 		useful forms or richer error messages for the user.
10217 		History:
10218 			BREAKING CHANGE on January 23, 2023 (v11.0 ): it previously took an `alias func` and `T dg` to call the function again.
10219 			I removed this in favor of a `Meta` param.
10221 			Before: `void presentExceptionAsHtml(alias func, T)(Cgi cgi, Throwable t, T dg)`
10223 			After: `void presentExceptionAsHtml(Meta)(Cgi cgi, Throwable t, Meta meta)`
10225 			If you used the func for something, move that something into your `methodMeta` template.
10227 			What is the benefit of this change? Somewhat smaller executables and faster builds thanks to more reused functions, together with
10228 			enabling an easier implementation of [presentExceptionalReturn].
10229 	+/
10230 	void presentExceptionAsHtml(Meta)(Cgi cgi, Throwable t, Meta meta) {
10231 		Form af;
10232 		/+
10233 		foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, func)) {
10234 			static if(__traits(isSame, attr, AutomaticForm)) {
10235 				af = createAutomaticFormForFunction!(func)(dg);
10236 			}
10237 		}
10238 		+/
10239 		presentExceptionAsHtmlImpl(cgi, t, af);
10240 	}
10242 	void presentExceptionAsHtmlImpl(Cgi cgi, Throwable t, Form automaticForm) {
10243 		if(auto e = cast(ResourceNotFoundException) t) {
10244 			auto container = this.htmlContainer();
10246 			container.addChild("p", e.msg);
10248 			if(!cgi.outputtedResponseData)
10249 				cgi.setResponseStatus("404 Not Found");
10250 			cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString(), true);
10251 		} else if(auto mae = cast(MissingArgumentException) t) {
10252 			if(automaticForm is null)
10253 				goto generic;
10254 			auto container = this.htmlContainer();
10255 			if(cgi.requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.POST)
10256 				container.appendChild(Element.make("p", "Argument `" ~ mae.argumentName ~ "` of type `" ~ mae.argumentType ~ "` is missing"));
10257 			container.appendChild(automaticForm);
10259 			cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString(), true);
10260 		} else {
10261 			generic:
10262 			auto container = this.htmlContainer();
10264 			// import std.stdio; writeln(t.toString());
10266 			container.appendChild(exceptionToElement(t));
10268 			container.addChild("h4", "GET");
10269 			foreach(k, v; cgi.get) {
10270 				auto deets = container.addChild("details");
10271 				deets.addChild("summary", k);
10272 				deets.addChild("div", v);
10273 			}
10275 			container.addChild("h4", "POST");
10276 			foreach(k, v; cgi.post) {
10277 				auto deets = container.addChild("details");
10278 				deets.addChild("summary", k);
10279 				deets.addChild("div", v);
10280 			}
10283 			if(!cgi.outputtedResponseData)
10284 				cgi.setResponseStatus("500 Internal Server Error");
10285 			cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString(), true);
10286 		}
10287 	}
10289 	Element exceptionToElement(Throwable t) {
10290 		auto div = Element.make("div");
10291 		div.addClass("exception-display");
10293 		div.addChild("p", t.msg);
10294 		div.addChild("p", "Inner code origin: " ~ typeid(t).name ~ "@" ~ t.file ~ ":" ~ to!string(t.line));
10296 		auto pre = div.addChild("pre");
10297 		string s;
10298 		s = t.toString();
10299 		Element currentBox;
10300 		bool on = false;
10301 		foreach(line; s.splitLines) {
10302 			if(!on && line.startsWith("-----"))
10303 				on = true;
10304 			if(!on) continue;
10305 			if(line.indexOf("arsd/") != -1) {
10306 				if(currentBox is null) {
10307 					currentBox = pre.addChild("details");
10308 					currentBox.addChild("summary", "Framework code");
10309 				}
10310 				currentBox.addChild("span", line ~ "\n");
10311 			} else {
10312 				pre.addChild("span", line ~ "\n");
10313 				currentBox = null;
10314 			}
10315 		}
10317 		return div;
10318 	}
10320 	/++
10321 		Returns an element for a particular type
10322 	+/
10323 	Element elementFor(T)(string displayName, string name, Element function() udaSuggestion) {
10324 		import std.traits;
10326 		auto div = Element.make("div");
10327 		div.addClass("form-field");
10329 		static if(is(T : const Cgi.UploadedFile)) {
10330 			Element lbl;
10331 			if(displayName !is null) {
10332 				lbl = div.addChild("label");
10333 				lbl.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10334 				lbl.appendText(" ");
10335 			} else {
10336 				lbl = div;
10337 			}
10338 			auto i = lbl.addChild("input", name);
10339 			i.attrs.name = name;
10340 			i.attrs.type = "file";
10341 			i.attrs.multiple = "multiple";
10342 		} else static if(is(T == Cgi.UploadedFile)) {
10343 			Element lbl;
10344 			if(displayName !is null) {
10345 				lbl = div.addChild("label");
10346 				lbl.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10347 				lbl.appendText(" ");
10348 			} else {
10349 				lbl = div;
10350 			}
10351 			auto i = lbl.addChild("input", name);
10352 			i.attrs.name = name;
10353 			i.attrs.type = "file";
10354 		} else static if(is(T == enum)) {
10355 			Element lbl;
10356 			if(displayName !is null) {
10357 				lbl = div.addChild("label");
10358 				lbl.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10359 				lbl.appendText(" ");
10360 			} else {
10361 				lbl = div;
10362 			}
10363 			auto i = lbl.addChild("select", name);
10364 			i.attrs.name = name;
10366 			foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, T))
10367 				i.addChild("option", memberName);
10369 		} else static if(is(T == struct)) {
10370 			if(displayName !is null)
10371 				div.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10372 			auto fieldset = div.addChild("fieldset");
10373 			fieldset.addChild("legend", beautify(T.stringof)); // FIXME
10374 			fieldset.addChild("input", name);
10375 			foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(allMembers, T))
10376 			static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, T, memberName).offsetof)) {
10377 				fieldset.appendChild(elementFor!(typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)))(beautify(memberName), name ~ "." ~ memberName, null /* FIXME: pull off the UDA */));
10378 			}
10379 		} else static if(isSomeString!T || isIntegral!T || isFloatingPoint!T) {
10380 			Element lbl;
10381 			if(displayName !is null) {
10382 				lbl = div.addChild("label");
10383 				lbl.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10384 				lbl.appendText(" ");
10385 			} else {
10386 				lbl = div;
10387 			}
10388 			Element i;
10389 			if(udaSuggestion) {
10390 				i = udaSuggestion();
10391 				lbl.appendChild(i);
10392 			} else {
10393 				i = lbl.addChild("input", name);
10394 			}
10395 			i.attrs.name = name;
10396 			static if(isSomeString!T)
10397 				i.attrs.type = "text";
10398 			else
10399 				i.attrs.type = "number";
10400 			if(i.tagName == "textarea")
10401 				i.textContent = to!string(T.init);
10402 			else
10403 				i.attrs.value = to!string(T.init);
10404 		} else static if(is(T == bool)) {
10405 			Element lbl;
10406 			if(displayName !is null) {
10407 				lbl = div.addChild("label");
10408 				lbl.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10409 				lbl.appendText(" ");
10410 			} else {
10411 				lbl = div;
10412 			}
10413 			auto i = lbl.addChild("input", name);
10414 			i.attrs.type = "checkbox";
10415 			i.attrs.value = "true";
10416 			i.attrs.name = name;
10417 		} else static if(is(T == K[], K)) {
10418 			auto templ = div.addChild("template");
10419 			templ.appendChild(elementFor!(K)(null, name, null /* uda??*/));
10420 			if(displayName !is null)
10421 				div.addChild("span", displayName, "label-text");
10422 			auto btn = div.addChild("button");
10423 			btn.addClass("add-array-button");
10424 			btn.attrs.type = "button";
10425 			btn.innerText = "Add";
10426 			btn.attrs.onclick = q{
10427 				var a = document.importNode(this.parentNode.firstChild.content, true);
10428 				this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this);
10429 			};
10430 		} else static if(is(T == V[K], K, V)) {
10431 			div.innerText = "assoc array not implemented for automatic form at this time";
10432 		} else {
10433 			static assert(0, "unsupported type for cgi call " ~ T.stringof);
10434 		}
10437 		return div;
10438 	}
10440 	/// creates a form for gathering the function's arguments
10441 	Form createAutomaticFormForFunction(alias method, T)(T dg) {
10443 		auto form = cast(Form) Element.make("form");
10445 		form.method = "POST"; // FIXME
10447 		form.addClass("automatic-form");
10449 		string formDisplayName = beautify(__traits(identifier, method));
10450 		foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, method))
10451 			static if(is(typeof(attr) == DisplayName))
10452 				formDisplayName = attr.name;
10453 		form.addChild("h3", formDisplayName);
10455 		import std.traits;
10457 		//Parameters!method params;
10458 		//alias idents = ParameterIdentifierTuple!method;
10459 		//alias defaults = ParameterDefaults!method;
10461 		static if(is(typeof(method) P == __parameters))
10462 		foreach(idx, _; P) {{
10464 			alias param = P[idx .. idx + 1];
10466 			static if(!mustNotBeSetFromWebParams!(param[0], __traits(getAttributes, param))) {
10467 				string displayName = beautify(__traits(identifier, param));
10468 				Element function() element;
10469 				foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, param)) {
10470 					static if(is(typeof(attr) == DisplayName))
10471 						displayName = attr.name;
10472 					else static if(is(typeof(attr) : typeof(element))) {
10473 						element = attr;
10474 					}
10475 				}
10476 				auto i = form.appendChild(elementFor!(param)(displayName, __traits(identifier, param), element));
10477 				if(i.querySelector("input[type=file]") !is null)
10478 					form.setAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data");
10479 			}
10480 		}}
10482 		form.addChild("div", Html(`<input type="submit" value="Submit" />`), "submit-button-holder");
10484 		return form;
10485 	}
10487 	/// creates a form for gathering object members (for the REST object thing right now)
10488 	Form createAutomaticFormForObject(T)(T obj) {
10489 		auto form = cast(Form) Element.make("form");
10491 		form.addClass("automatic-form");
10493 		form.addChild("h3", beautify(__traits(identifier, T)));
10495 		import std.traits;
10497 		//Parameters!method params;
10498 		//alias idents = ParameterIdentifierTuple!method;
10499 		//alias defaults = ParameterDefaults!method;
10501 		foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, T)) {{
10502 		static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, obj, memberName).offsetof)) {
10503 			string displayName = beautify(memberName);
10504 			Element function() element;
10505 			foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes,  __traits(getMember, T, memberName)))
10506 				static if(is(typeof(attr) == DisplayName))
10507 					displayName = attr.name;
10508 				else static if(is(typeof(attr) : typeof(element)))
10509 					element = attr;
10510 			form.appendChild(elementFor!(typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)))(displayName, memberName, element));
10512 			form.setValue(memberName, to!string(__traits(getMember, obj, memberName)));
10513 		}}}
10515 		form.addChild("div", Html(`<input type="submit" value="Submit" />`), "submit-button-holder");
10517 		return form;
10518 	}
10520 	///
10521 	Element formatReturnValueAsHtml(T)(T t) {
10522 		import std.traits;
10524 		static if(is(T == typeof(null))) {
10525 			return Element.make("span");
10526 		} else static if(is(T : Element)) {
10527 			return t;
10528 		} else static if(is(T == MultipleResponses!Types, Types...)) {
10529 			foreach(index, type; Types) {
10530 				if(t.contains == index)
10531 					return formatReturnValueAsHtml(t.payload[index]);
10532 			}
10533 			assert(0);
10534 		} else static if(is(T == Paginated!E, E)) {
10535 			auto e = Element.make("div").addClass("paginated-result");
10536 			e.appendChild(formatReturnValueAsHtml(t.items));
10537 			if(t.nextPageUrl.length)
10538 				e.appendChild(Element.make("a", "Next Page", t.nextPageUrl));
10539 			return e;
10540 		} else static if(isIntegral!T || isSomeString!T || isFloatingPoint!T) {
10541 			return Element.make("span", to!string(t), "automatic-data-display");
10542 		} else static if(is(T == V[K], K, V)) {
10543 			auto dl = Element.make("dl");
10544 			dl.addClass("automatic-data-display associative-array");
10545 			foreach(k, v; t) {
10546 				dl.addChild("dt", to!string(k));
10547 				dl.addChild("dd", formatReturnValueAsHtml(v));
10548 			}
10549 			return dl;
10550 		} else static if(is(T == struct)) {
10551 			auto dl = Element.make("dl");
10552 			dl.addClass("automatic-data-display struct");
10554 			foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(allMembers, T))
10555 			static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, T, memberName).offsetof)) {
10556 				dl.addChild("dt", beautify(memberName));
10557 				dl.addChild("dd", formatReturnValueAsHtml(__traits(getMember, t, memberName)));
10558 			}
10560 			return dl;
10561 		} else static if(is(T == bool)) {
10562 			return Element.make("span", t ? "true" : "false", "automatic-data-display");
10563 		} else static if(is(T == E[], E)) {
10564 			static if(is(E : RestObject!Proxy, Proxy)) {
10565 				// treat RestObject similar to struct
10566 				auto table = cast(Table) Element.make("table");
10567 				table.addClass("automatic-data-display");
10568 				string[] names;
10569 				foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, E))
10570 				static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, E, memberName).offsetof)) {
10571 					names ~= beautify(memberName);
10572 				}
10573 				table.appendHeaderRow(names);
10575 				foreach(l; t) {
10576 					auto tr = table.appendRow();
10577 					foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, E))
10578 					static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, E, memberName).offsetof)) {
10579 						static if(memberName == "id") {
10580 							string val = to!string(__traits(getMember, l, memberName));
10581 							tr.addChild("td", Element.make("a", val, E.stringof.toLower ~ "s/" ~ val)); // FIXME
10582 						} else {
10583 							tr.addChild("td", formatReturnValueAsHtml(__traits(getMember, l, memberName)));
10584 						}
10585 					}
10586 				}
10588 				return table;
10589 			} else static if(is(E == struct)) {
10590 				// an array of structs is kinda special in that I like
10591 				// having those formatted as tables.
10592 				auto table = cast(Table) Element.make("table");
10593 				table.addClass("automatic-data-display");
10594 				string[] names;
10595 				foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(allMembers, E))
10596 				static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, E, memberName).offsetof)) {
10597 					names ~= beautify(memberName);
10598 				}
10599 				table.appendHeaderRow(names);
10601 				foreach(l; t) {
10602 					auto tr = table.appendRow();
10603 					foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(allMembers, E))
10604 					static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, E, memberName).offsetof)) {
10605 						tr.addChild("td", formatReturnValueAsHtml(__traits(getMember, l, memberName)));
10606 					}
10607 				}
10609 				return table;
10610 			} else {
10611 				// otherwise, I will just make a list.
10612 				auto ol = Element.make("ol");
10613 				ol.addClass("automatic-data-display");
10614 				foreach(e; t)
10615 					ol.addChild("li", formatReturnValueAsHtml(e));
10616 				return ol;
10617 			}
10618 		} else static if(is(T : Object)) {
10619 			static if(is(typeof(t.toHtml()))) // FIXME: maybe i will make this an interface
10620 				return Element.make("div", t.toHtml());
10621 			else
10622 				return Element.make("div", t.toString());
10623 		} else static assert(0, "bad return value for cgi call " ~ T.stringof);
10625 		assert(0);
10626 	}
10628 }
10630 /++
10631 	The base class for the [dispatcher] function and object support.
10632 +/
10633 class WebObject {
10634 	//protected Cgi cgi;
10636 	protected void initialize(Cgi cgi) {
10637 		//this.cgi = cgi;
10638 	}
10639 }
10641 /++
10642 	Can return one of the given types, decided at runtime. The syntax
10643 	is to declare all the possible types in the return value, then you
10644 	can `return typeof(return)(...value...)` to construct it.
10646 	It has an auto-generated constructor for each value it can hold.
10648 	---
10649 	MultipleResponses!(Redirection, string) getData(int how) {
10650 		if(how & 1)
10651 			return typeof(return)(Redirection("http://dpldocs.info/"));
10652 		else
10653 			return typeof(return)("hi there!");
10654 	}
10655 	---
10657 	If you have lots of returns, you could, inside the function, `alias r = typeof(return);` to shorten it a little.
10658 +/
10659 struct MultipleResponses(T...) {
10660 	private size_t contains;
10661 	private union {
10662 		private T payload;
10663 	}
10665 	static foreach(index, type; T)
10666 	public this(type t) {
10667 		contains = index;
10668 		payload[index] = t;
10669 	}
10671 	/++
10672 		This is primarily for testing. It is your way of getting to the response.
10674 		Let's say you wanted to test that one holding a Redirection and a string actually
10675 		holds a string, by name of "test":
10677 		---
10678 			auto valueToTest = your_test_function();
10680 			valueToTest.visit(
10681 				(Redirection r) { assert(0); }, // got a redirection instead of a string, fail the test
10682 				(string s) { assert(s == "test"); } // right value, go ahead and test it.
10683 			);
10684 		---
10686 		History:
10687 			Was horribly broken until June 16, 2022. Ironically, I wrote it for tests but never actually tested it.
10688 			It tried to use alias lambdas before, but runtime delegates work much better so I changed it.
10689 	+/
10690 	void visit(Handlers...)(Handlers handlers) {
10691 		template findHandler(type, int count, HandlersToCheck...) {
10692 			static if(HandlersToCheck.length == 0)
10693 				enum findHandler = -1;
10694 			else {
10695 				static if(is(typeof(HandlersToCheck[0].init(type.init))))
10696 					enum findHandler = count;
10697 				else
10698 					enum findHandler = findHandler!(type, count + 1, HandlersToCheck[1 .. $]);
10699 			}
10700 		}
10701 		foreach(index, type; T) {
10702 			enum handlerIndex = findHandler!(type, 0, Handlers);
10703 			static if(handlerIndex == -1)
10704 				static assert(0, "Type " ~ type.stringof ~ " was not handled by visitor");
10705 			else {
10706 				if(index == this.contains)
10707 					handlers[handlerIndex](this.payload[index]);
10708 			}
10709 		}
10710 	}
10712 	/+
10713 	auto toArsdJsvar()() {
10714 		import arsd.jsvar;
10715 		return var(null);
10716 	}
10717 	+/
10718 }
10720 // FIXME: implement this somewhere maybe
10721 struct RawResponse {
10722 	int code;
10723 	string[] headers;
10724 	const(ubyte)[] responseBody;
10725 }
10727 /++
10728 	You can return this from [WebObject] subclasses for redirections.
10730 	(though note the static types means that class must ALWAYS redirect if
10731 	you return this directly. You might want to return [MultipleResponses] if it
10732 	can be conditional)
10733 +/
10734 struct Redirection {
10735 	string to; /// The URL to redirect to.
10736 	int code = 303; /// The HTTP code to return.
10737 }
10739 /++
10740 	Serves a class' methods, as a kind of low-state RPC over the web. To be used with [dispatcher].
10742 	Usage of this function will add a dependency on [arsd.dom] and [arsd.jsvar] unless you have overriden
10743 	the presenter in the dispatcher.
10745 	FIXME: explain this better
10747 	You can overload functions to a limited extent: you can provide a zero-arg and non-zero-arg function,
10748 	and non-zero-arg functions can filter via UDAs for various http methods. Do not attempt other overloads,
10749 	the runtime result of that is undefined.
10751 	A method is assumed to allow any http method unless it lists some in UDAs, in which case it is limited to only those.
10752 	(this might change, like maybe i will use pure as an indicator GET is ok. idk.)
10754 	$(WARNING
10755 		---
10756 		// legal in D, undefined runtime behavior with cgi.d, it may call either method
10757 		// even if you put different URL udas on it, the current code ignores them.
10758 		void foo(int a) {}
10759 		void foo(string a) {}
10760 		---
10761 	)
10763 	See_Also: [serveRestObject], [serveStaticFile]
10764 +/
10765 auto serveApi(T)(string urlPrefix) {
10766 	assert(urlPrefix[$ - 1] == '/');
10767 	return serveApiInternal!T(urlPrefix);
10768 }
10770 private string nextPieceFromSlash(ref string remainingUrl) {
10771 	if(remainingUrl.length == 0)
10772 		return remainingUrl;
10773 	int slash = 0;
10774 	while(slash < remainingUrl.length && remainingUrl[slash] != '/') // && remainingUrl[slash] != '.')
10775 		slash++;
10777 	// I am specifically passing `null` to differentiate it vs empty string
10778 	// so in your ctor, `items` means new T(null) and `items/` means new T("")
10779 	auto ident = remainingUrl.length == 0 ? null : remainingUrl[0 .. slash];
10780 	// so if it is the last item, the dot can be used to load an alternative view
10781 	// otherwise tho the dot is considered part of the identifier
10782 	// FIXME
10784 	// again notice "" vs null here!
10785 	if(slash == remainingUrl.length)
10786 		remainingUrl = null;
10787 	else
10788 		remainingUrl = remainingUrl[slash + 1 .. $];
10790 	return ident;
10791 }
10793 /++
10794 	UDA used to indicate to the [dispatcher] that a trailing slash should always be added to or removed from the url. It will do it as a redirect header as-needed.
10795 +/
10796 enum AddTrailingSlash;
10797 /// ditto
10798 enum RemoveTrailingSlash;
10800 private auto serveApiInternal(T)(string urlPrefix) {
10802 	import arsd.dom;
10803 	import arsd.jsvar;
10805 	static bool internalHandler(Presenter)(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Presenter presenter, immutable void* details) {
10806 		string remainingUrl = cgi.pathInfo[urlPrefix.length .. $];
10808 		try {
10809 			// see duplicated code below by searching subresource_ctor
10810 			// also see mustNotBeSetFromWebParams
10812 			static if(is(typeof(T.__ctor) P == __parameters)) {
10813 				P params;
10815 				foreach(pidx, param; P) {
10816 					static if(is(param : Cgi)) {
10817 						static assert(!is(param == immutable));
10818 						cast() params[pidx] = cgi;
10819 					} else static if(is(param == Session!D, D)) {
10820 						static assert(!is(param == immutable));
10821 						cast() params[pidx] = cgi.getSessionObject!D();
10823 					} else {
10824 						static if(hasIfCalledFromWeb!(__traits(getAttributes, P[pidx .. pidx + 1]))) {
10825 							foreach(uda; __traits(getAttributes, P[pidx .. pidx + 1])) {
10826 								static if(is(uda == ifCalledFromWeb!func, alias func)) {
10827 									static if(is(typeof(func(cgi))))
10828 										params[pidx] = func(cgi);
10829 									else
10830 										params[pidx] = func();
10831 								}
10832 							}
10833 						} else {
10835 							static if(__traits(compiles, { params[pidx] = param.getAutomaticallyForCgi(cgi); } )) {
10836 								params[pidx] = param.getAutomaticallyForCgi(cgi);
10837 							} else static if(is(param == string)) {
10838 								auto ident = nextPieceFromSlash(remainingUrl);
10839 								params[pidx] = ident;
10840 							} else static assert(0, "illegal type for subresource " ~ param.stringof);
10841 						}
10842 					}
10843 				}
10845 				auto obj = new T(params);
10846 			} else {
10847 				auto obj = new T();
10848 			}
10850 			return internalHandlerWithObject(obj, remainingUrl, cgi, presenter);
10851 		} catch(Throwable t) {
10852 			switch(cgi.request("format", "html")) {
10853 				case "html":
10854 					static void dummy() {}
10855 					presenter.presentExceptionAsHtml(cgi, t, null);
10856 				return true;
10857 				case "json":
10858 					var envelope = var.emptyObject;
10859 					envelope.success = false;
10860 					envelope.result = null;
10861 					envelope.error = t.toString();
10862 					cgi.setResponseContentType("application/json");
10863 					cgi.write(envelope.toJson(), true);
10864 				return true;
10865 				default:
10866 					throw t;
10867 				// return true;
10868 			}
10869 			// return true;
10870 		}
10872 		assert(0);
10873 	}
10875 	static bool internalHandlerWithObject(T, Presenter)(T obj, string remainingUrl, Cgi cgi, Presenter presenter) {
10877 		obj.initialize(cgi);
10879 		/+
10880 			Overload rules:
10881 				Any unique combination of HTTP verb and url path can be dispatched to function overloads
10882 				statically.
10884 				Moreover, some args vs no args can be overloaded dynamically.
10885 		+/
10887 		auto methodNameFromUrl = nextPieceFromSlash(remainingUrl);
10888 		/+
10889 		auto orig = remainingUrl;
10890 		assert(0,
10891 			(orig is null ? "__null" : orig)
10892 			~ " .. " ~
10893 			(methodNameFromUrl is null ? "__null" : methodNameFromUrl));
10894 		+/
10896 		if(methodNameFromUrl is null)
10897 			methodNameFromUrl = "__null";
10899 		string hack = to!string(cgi.requestMethod) ~ " " ~ methodNameFromUrl;
10901 		if(remainingUrl.length)
10902 			hack ~= "/";
10904 		switch(hack) {
10905 			foreach(methodName; __traits(derivedMembers, T))
10906 			static if(methodName != "__ctor")
10907 			foreach(idx, overload; __traits(getOverloads, T, methodName)) {
10908 			static if(is(typeof(overload) P == __parameters))
10909 			static if(is(typeof(overload) R == return))
10910 			static if(__traits(getProtection, overload) == "public" || __traits(getProtection, overload) == "export")
10911 			{
10912 			static foreach(urlNameForMethod; urlNamesForMethod!(overload, urlify(methodName)))
10913 			case urlNameForMethod:
10915 				static if(is(R : WebObject)) {
10916 					// if it returns a WebObject, it is considered a subresource. That means the url is dispatched like the ctor above.
10918 					// the only argument it is allowed to take, outside of cgi, session, and set up thingies, is a single string
10920 					// subresource_ctor
10921 					// also see mustNotBeSetFromWebParams
10923 					P params;
10925 					string ident;
10927 					foreach(pidx, param; P) {
10928 						static if(is(param : Cgi)) {
10929 							static assert(!is(param == immutable));
10930 							cast() params[pidx] = cgi;
10931 						} else static if(is(param == typeof(presenter))) {
10932 							cast() param[pidx] = presenter;
10933 						} else static if(is(param == Session!D, D)) {
10934 							static assert(!is(param == immutable));
10935 							cast() params[pidx] = cgi.getSessionObject!D();
10936 						} else {
10937 							static if(hasIfCalledFromWeb!(__traits(getAttributes, P[pidx .. pidx + 1]))) {
10938 								foreach(uda; __traits(getAttributes, P[pidx .. pidx + 1])) {
10939 									static if(is(uda == ifCalledFromWeb!func, alias func)) {
10940 										static if(is(typeof(func(cgi))))
10941 											params[pidx] = func(cgi);
10942 										else
10943 											params[pidx] = func();
10944 									}
10945 								}
10946 							} else {
10948 								static if(__traits(compiles, { params[pidx] = param.getAutomaticallyForCgi(cgi); } )) {
10949 									params[pidx] = param.getAutomaticallyForCgi(cgi);
10950 								} else static if(is(param == string)) {
10951 									ident = nextPieceFromSlash(remainingUrl);
10952 									if(ident is null) {
10953 										// trailing slash mandated on subresources
10954 										cgi.setResponseLocation(cgi.pathInfo ~ "/");
10955 										return true;
10956 									} else {
10957 										params[pidx] = ident;
10958 									}
10959 								} else static assert(0, "illegal type for subresource " ~ param.stringof);
10960 							}
10961 						}
10962 					}
10964 					auto nobj = (__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx])(ident);
10965 					return internalHandlerWithObject!(typeof(nobj), Presenter)(nobj, remainingUrl, cgi, presenter);
10966 				} else {
10967 					// 404 it if any url left - not a subresource means we don't get to play with that!
10968 					if(remainingUrl.length)
10969 						return false;
10971 					bool automaticForm;
10973 					foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, overload))
10974 						static if(is(attr == AddTrailingSlash)) {
10975 							if(remainingUrl is null) {
10976 								cgi.setResponseLocation(cgi.pathInfo ~ "/");
10977 								return true;
10978 							}
10979 						} else static if(is(attr == RemoveTrailingSlash)) {
10980 							if(remainingUrl !is null) {
10981 								cgi.setResponseLocation(cgi.pathInfo[0 .. lastIndexOf(cgi.pathInfo, "/")]);
10982 								return true;
10983 							}
10985 						} else static if(__traits(isSame, AutomaticForm, attr)) {
10986 							automaticForm = true;
10987 						}
10989 				/+
10990 				int zeroArgOverload = -1;
10991 				int overloadCount = cast(int) __traits(getOverloads, T, methodName).length;
10992 				bool calledWithZeroArgs = true;
10993 				foreach(k, v; cgi.get)
10994 					if(k != "format") {
10995 						calledWithZeroArgs = false;
10996 						break;
10997 					}
10998 				foreach(k, v; cgi.post)
10999 					if(k != "format") {
11000 						calledWithZeroArgs = false;
11001 						break;
11002 					}
11004 				// first, we need to go through and see if there is an empty one, since that
11005 				// changes inside. But otherwise, all the stuff I care about can be done via
11006 				// simple looping (other improper overloads might be flagged for runtime semantic check)
11007 				//
11008 				// an argument of type Cgi is ignored for these purposes
11009 				static foreach(idx, overload; __traits(getOverloads, T, methodName)) {{
11010 					static if(is(typeof(overload) P == __parameters))
11011 						static if(P.length == 0)
11012 							zeroArgOverload = cast(int) idx;
11013 						else static if(P.length == 1 && is(P[0] : Cgi))
11014 							zeroArgOverload = cast(int) idx;
11015 				}}
11016 				// FIXME: static assert if there are multiple non-zero-arg overloads usable with a single http method.
11017 				bool overloadHasBeenCalled = false;
11018 				static foreach(idx, overload; __traits(getOverloads, T, methodName)) {{
11019 					bool callFunction = true;
11020 					// there is a zero arg overload and this is NOT it, and we have zero args - don't call this
11021 					if(overloadCount > 1 && zeroArgOverload != -1 && idx != zeroArgOverload && calledWithZeroArgs)
11022 						callFunction = false;
11023 					// if this is the zero-arg overload, obviously it cannot be called if we got any args.
11024 					if(overloadCount > 1 && idx == zeroArgOverload && !calledWithZeroArgs)
11025 						callFunction = false;
11027 					// FIXME: so if you just add ?foo it will give the error below even when. this might not be a great idea.
11029 					bool hadAnyMethodRestrictions = false;
11030 					bool foundAcceptableMethod = false;
11031 					foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, overload)) {
11032 						static if(is(typeof(attr) == Cgi.RequestMethod)) {
11033 							hadAnyMethodRestrictions = true;
11034 							if(attr == cgi.requestMethod)
11035 								foundAcceptableMethod = true;
11036 						}
11037 					}
11039 					if(hadAnyMethodRestrictions && !foundAcceptableMethod)
11040 						callFunction = false;
11042 					/+
11043 						The overloads we really want to allow are the sane ones
11044 						from the web perspective. Which is likely on HTTP verbs,
11045 						for the most part, but might also be potentially based on
11046 						some args vs zero args, or on argument names. Can't really
11047 						do argument types very reliable through the web though; those
11048 						should probably be different URLs.
11050 						Even names I feel is better done inside the function, so I'm not
11051 						going to support that here. But the HTTP verbs and zero vs some
11052 						args makes sense - it lets you define custom forms pretty easily.
11054 						Moreover, I'm of the opinion that empty overload really only makes
11055 						sense on GET for this case. On a POST, it is just a missing argument
11056 						exception and that should be handled by the presenter. But meh, I'll
11057 						let the user define that, D only allows one empty arg thing anyway
11058 						so the method UDAs are irrelevant.
11059 					+/
11060 					if(callFunction)
11061 				+/
11063 					auto format = cgi.request("format", defaultFormat!overload());
11064 					auto wantsFormFormat = format.startsWith("form-");
11066 					if(wantsFormFormat || (automaticForm && cgi.requestMethod == Cgi.RequestMethod.GET)) {
11067 						// Should I still show the form on a json thing? idk...
11068 						auto ret = presenter.createAutomaticFormForFunction!((__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]))(&(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]));
11069 						presenter.presentSuccessfulReturn(cgi, ret, presenter.methodMeta!(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]), wantsFormFormat ? format["form_".length .. $] : "html");
11070 						return true;
11071 					}
11073 					try {
11074 						// a void return (or typeof(null) lol) means you, the user, is doing it yourself. Gives full control.
11075 						auto ret = callFromCgi!(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx])(&(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]), cgi);
11076 						presenter.presentSuccessfulReturn(cgi, ret, presenter.methodMeta!(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]), format);
11077 					} catch(Throwable t) {
11078 						// presenter.presentExceptionAsHtml!(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx])(cgi, t, &(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]));
11079 						presenter.presentExceptionalReturn(cgi, t, presenter.methodMeta!(__traits(getOverloads, obj, methodName)[idx]), format);
11080 					}
11081 					return true;
11082 				//}}
11084 				//cgi.header("Accept: POST"); // FIXME list the real thing
11085 				//cgi.setResponseStatus("405 Method Not Allowed"); // again, not exactly, but sort of. no overload matched our args, almost certainly due to http verb filtering.
11086 				//return true;
11087 				}
11088 			}
11089 			}
11090 			case "GET script.js":
11091 				cgi.setResponseContentType("text/javascript");
11092 				cgi.gzipResponse = true;
11093 				cgi.write(presenter.script(), true);
11094 				return true;
11095 			case "GET style.css":
11096 				cgi.setResponseContentType("text/css");
11097 				cgi.gzipResponse = true;
11098 				cgi.write(presenter.style(), true);
11099 				return true;
11100 			default:
11101 				return false;
11102 		}
11104 		assert(0);
11105 	}
11106 	return DispatcherDefinition!internalHandler(urlPrefix, false);
11107 }
11109 string defaultFormat(alias method)() {
11110 	bool nonConstConditionForWorkingAroundASpuriousDmdWarning = true;
11111 	foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, method)) {
11112 		static if(is(typeof(attr) == DefaultFormat)) {
11113 			if(nonConstConditionForWorkingAroundASpuriousDmdWarning)
11114 				return attr.value;
11115 		}
11116 	}
11117 	return "html";
11118 }
11120 struct Paginated(T) {
11121 	T[] items;
11122 	string nextPageUrl;
11123 }
11125 template urlNamesForMethod(alias method, string default_) {
11126 	string[] helper() {
11127 		auto verb = Cgi.RequestMethod.GET;
11128 		bool foundVerb = false;
11129 		bool foundNoun = false;
11131 		string def = default_;
11133 		bool hasAutomaticForm = false;
11135 		foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, method)) {
11136 			static if(is(typeof(attr) == Cgi.RequestMethod)) {
11137 				verb = attr;
11138 				if(foundVerb)
11139 					assert(0, "Multiple http verbs on one function is not currently supported");
11140 				foundVerb = true;
11141 			}
11142 			static if(is(typeof(attr) == UrlName)) {
11143 				if(foundNoun)
11144 					assert(0, "Multiple url names on one function is not currently supported");
11145 				foundNoun = true;
11146 				def = attr.name;
11147 			}
11148 			static if(__traits(isSame, attr, AutomaticForm)) {
11149 				hasAutomaticForm = true;
11150 			}
11151 		}
11153 		if(def is null)
11154 			def = "__null";
11156 		string[] ret;
11158 		static if(is(typeof(method) R == return)) {
11159 			static if(is(R : WebObject)) {
11160 				def ~= "/";
11161 				foreach(v; __traits(allMembers, Cgi.RequestMethod))
11162 					ret ~= v ~ " " ~ def;
11163 			} else {
11164 				if(hasAutomaticForm) {
11165 					ret ~= "GET " ~ def;
11166 					ret ~= "POST " ~ def;
11167 				} else {
11168 					ret ~= to!string(verb) ~ " " ~ def;
11169 				}
11170 			}
11171 		} else static assert(0);
11173 		return ret;
11174 	}
11175 	enum urlNamesForMethod = helper();
11176 }
11179 	enum AccessCheck {
11180 		allowed,
11181 		denied,
11182 		nonExistant,
11183 	}
11185 	enum Operation {
11186 		show,
11187 		create,
11188 		replace,
11189 		remove,
11190 		update
11191 	}
11193 	enum UpdateResult {
11194 		accessDenied,
11195 		noSuchResource,
11196 		success,
11197 		failure,
11198 		unnecessary
11199 	}
11201 	enum ValidationResult {
11202 		valid,
11203 		invalid
11204 	}
11207 /++
11208 	The base of all REST objects, to be used with [serveRestObject] and [serveRestCollectionOf].
11210 	WARNING: this is not stable.
11211 +/
11212 class RestObject(CRTP) : WebObject {
11214 	import arsd.dom;
11215 	import arsd.jsvar;
11217 	/// Prepare the object to be shown.
11218 	void show() {}
11219 	/// ditto
11220 	void show(string urlId) {
11221 		load(urlId);
11222 		show();
11223 	}
11225 	/// Override this to provide access control to this object.
11226 	AccessCheck accessCheck(string urlId, Operation operation) {
11227 		return AccessCheck.allowed;
11228 	}
11230 	ValidationResult validate() {
11231 		// FIXME
11232 		return ValidationResult.valid;
11233 	}
11235 	string getUrlSlug() {
11236 		import std.conv;
11237 		static if(is(typeof(CRTP.id)))
11238 			return to!string((cast(CRTP) this).id);
11239 		else
11240 			return null;
11241 	}
11243 	// The functions with more arguments are the low-level ones,
11244 	// they forward to the ones with fewer arguments by default.
11246 	// POST on a parent collection - this is called from a collection class after the members are updated
11247 	/++
11248 		Given a populated object, this creates a new entry. Returns the url identifier
11249 		of the new object.
11250 	+/
11251 	string create(scope void delegate() applyChanges) {
11252 		applyChanges();
11253 		save();
11254 		return getUrlSlug();
11255 	}
11257 	void replace() {
11258 		save();
11259 	}
11260 	void replace(string urlId, scope void delegate() applyChanges) {
11261 		load(urlId);
11262 		applyChanges();
11263 		replace();
11264 	}
11266 	void update(string[] fieldList) {
11267 		save();
11268 	}
11269 	void update(string urlId, scope void delegate() applyChanges, string[] fieldList) {
11270 		load(urlId);
11271 		applyChanges();
11272 		update(fieldList);
11273 	}
11275 	void remove() {}
11277 	void remove(string urlId) {
11278 		load(urlId);
11279 		remove();
11280 	}
11282 	abstract void load(string urlId);
11283 	abstract void save();
11285 	Element toHtml(Presenter)(Presenter presenter) {
11286 		import arsd.dom;
11287 		import std.conv;
11288 		auto obj = cast(CRTP) this;
11289 		auto div = Element.make("div");
11290 		div.addClass("Dclass_" ~ CRTP.stringof);
11291 		div.dataset.url = getUrlSlug();
11292 		bool first = true;
11293 		foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, CRTP))
11294 		static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, obj, memberName).offsetof)) {
11295 			if(!first) div.addChild("br"); else first = false;
11296 			div.appendChild(presenter.formatReturnValueAsHtml(__traits(getMember, obj, memberName)));
11297 		}
11298 		return div;
11299 	}
11301 	var toJson() {
11302 		import arsd.jsvar;
11303 		var v = var.emptyObject();
11304 		auto obj = cast(CRTP) this;
11305 		foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, CRTP))
11306 		static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, obj, memberName).offsetof)) {
11307 			v[memberName] = __traits(getMember, obj, memberName);
11308 		}
11309 		return v;
11310 	}
11312 	/+
11313 	auto structOf(this This) {
11315 	}
11316 	+/
11317 }
11319 // FIXME XSRF token, prolly can just put in a cookie and then it needs to be copied to header or form hidden value
11320 // https://use-the-index-luke.com/sql/partial-results/fetch-next-page
11322 /++
11323 	Base class for REST collections.
11324 +/
11325 class CollectionOf(Obj) : RestObject!(CollectionOf) {
11326 	/// You might subclass this and use the cgi object's query params
11327 	/// to implement a search filter, for example.
11328 	///
11329 	/// FIXME: design a way to auto-generate that form
11330 	/// (other than using the WebObject thing above lol
11331 	// it'll prolly just be some searchParams UDA or maybe an enum.
11332 	//
11333 	// pagination too perhaps.
11334 	//
11335 	// and sorting too
11336 	IndexResult index() { return IndexResult.init; }
11338 	string[] sortableFields() { return null; }
11339 	string[] searchableFields() { return null; }
11341 	struct IndexResult {
11342 		Obj[] results;
11344 		string[] sortableFields;
11346 		string previousPageIdentifier;
11347 		string nextPageIdentifier;
11348 		string firstPageIdentifier;
11349 		string lastPageIdentifier;
11351 		int numberOfPages;
11352 	}
11354 	override string create(scope void delegate() applyChanges) { assert(0); }
11355 	override void load(string urlId) { assert(0); }
11356 	override void save() { assert(0); }
11357 	override void show() {
11358 		index();
11359 	}
11360 	override void show(string urlId) {
11361 		show();
11362 	}
11364 	/// Proxy POST requests (create calls) to the child collection
11365 	alias PostProxy = Obj;
11366 }
11368 /++
11369 	Serves a REST object, similar to a Ruby on Rails resource.
11371 	You put data members in your class. cgi.d will automatically make something out of those.
11373 	It will call your constructor with the ID from the URL. This may be null.
11374 	It will then populate the data members from the request.
11375 	It will then call a method, if present, telling what happened. You don't need to write these!
11376 	It finally returns a reply.
11378 	Your methods are passed a list of fields it actually set.
11380 	The URL mapping - despite my general skepticism of the wisdom - matches up with what most REST
11381 	APIs I have used seem to follow. (I REALLY want to put trailing slashes on it though. Works better
11382 	with relative linking. But meh.)
11384 	GET /items -> index. all values not set.
11385 	GET /items/id -> get. only ID will be set, other params ignored.
11386 	POST /items -> create. values set as given
11387 	PUT /items/id -> replace. values set as given
11388 		or POST /items/id with cgi.post["_method"] (thus urlencoded or multipart content-type) set to "PUT" to work around browser/html limitation
11389 		a GET with cgi.get["_method"] (in the url) set to "PUT" will render a form.
11390 	PATCH /items/id -> update. values set as given, list of changed fields passed
11391 		or POST /items/id with cgi.post["_method"] == "PATCH"
11392 	DELETE /items/id -> destroy. only ID guaranteed to be set
11393 		or POST /items/id with cgi.post["_method"] == "DELETE"
11395 	Following the stupid convention, there will never be a trailing slash here, and if it is there, it will
11396 	redirect you away from it.
11398 	API clients should set the `Accept` HTTP header to application/json or the cgi.get["_format"] = "json" var.
11400 	I will also let you change the default, if you must.
11402 	// One add-on is validation. You can issue a HTTP GET to a resource with _method = VALIDATE to check potential changes.
11404 	You can define sub-resources on your object inside the object. These sub-resources are also REST objects
11405 	that follow the same thing. They may be individual resources or collections themselves.
11407 	Your class is expected to have at least the following methods:
11409 	FIXME: i kinda wanna add a routes object to the initialize call
11411 	create
11412 		Create returns the new address on success, some code on failure.
11413 	show
11414 	index
11415 	update
11416 	remove
11418 	You will want to be able to customize the HTTP, HTML, and JSON returns but generally shouldn't have to - the defaults
11419 	should usually work. The returned JSON will include a field "href" on all returned objects along with "id". Or omething like that.
11421 	Usage of this function will add a dependency on [arsd.dom] and [arsd.jsvar].
11426 	Really, a collection is a resource with a bunch of subresources.
11428 		GET /items
11429 			index because it is GET on the top resource
11431 		GET /items/foo
11432 			item but different than items?
11434 		class Items {
11436 		}
11438 	... but meh, a collection can be automated. not worth making it
11439 	a separate thing, let's look at a real example. Users has many
11440 	items and a virtual one, /users/current.
11442 	the individual users have properties and two sub-resources:
11443 	session, which is just one, and comments, a collection.
11445 	class User : RestObject!() { // no parent
11446 		int id;
11447 		string name;
11449 		// the default implementations of the urlId ones is to call load(that_id) then call the arg-less one.
11450 		// but you can override them to do it differently.
11452 		// any member which is of type RestObject can be linked automatically via href btw.
11454 		void show() {}
11455 		void show(string urlId) {} // automated! GET of this specific thing
11456 		void create() {} // POST on a parent collection - this is called from a collection class after the members are updated
11457 		void replace(string urlId) {} // this is the PUT; really, it just updates all fields.
11458 		void update(string urlId, string[] fieldList) {} // PATCH, it updates some fields.
11459 		void remove(string urlId) {} // DELETE
11461 		void load(string urlId) {} // the default implementation of show() populates the id, then
11463 		this() {}
11465 		mixin Subresource!Session;
11466 		mixin Subresource!Comment;
11467 	}
11469 	class Session : RestObject!() {
11470 		// the parent object may not be fully constructed/loaded
11471 		this(User parent) {}
11473 	}
11475 	class Comment : CollectionOf!Comment {
11476 		this(User parent) {}
11477 	}
11479 	class Users : CollectionOf!User {
11480 		// but you don't strictly need ANYTHING on a collection; it will just... collect. Implement the subobjects.
11481 		void index() {} // GET on this specific thing; just like show really, just different name for the different semantics.
11482 		User create() {} // You MAY implement this, but the default is to create a new object, populate it from args, and then call create() on the child
11483 	}
11485 +/
11486 auto serveRestObject(T)(string urlPrefix) {
11487 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11488 	assert(urlPrefix[$ - 1] != '/', "Do NOT use a trailing slash on REST objects.");
11489 	static bool internalHandler(Presenter)(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Presenter presenter, immutable void* details) {
11490 		string url = cgi.pathInfo[urlPrefix.length .. $];
11492 		if(url.length && url[$ - 1] == '/') {
11493 			// remove the final slash...
11494 			cgi.setResponseLocation(cgi.scriptName ~ cgi.pathInfo[0 .. $ - 1]);
11495 			return true;
11496 		}
11498 		return restObjectServeHandler!T(cgi, presenter, url);
11499 	}
11500 	return DispatcherDefinition!internalHandler(urlPrefix, false);
11501 }
11503 /+
11504 /// Convenience method for serving a collection. It will be named the same
11505 /// as type T, just with an s at the end. If you need any further, just
11506 /// write the class yourself.
11507 auto serveRestCollectionOf(T)(string urlPrefix) {
11508 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11509 	mixin(`static class `~T.stringof~`s : CollectionOf!(T) {}`);
11510 	return serveRestObject!(mixin(T.stringof ~ "s"))(urlPrefix);
11511 }
11512 +/
11514 bool restObjectServeHandler(T, Presenter)(Cgi cgi, Presenter presenter, string url) {
11515 	string urlId = null;
11516 	if(url.length && url[0] == '/') {
11517 		// asking for a subobject
11518 		urlId = url[1 .. $];
11519 		foreach(idx, ch; urlId) {
11520 			if(ch == '/') {
11521 				urlId = urlId[0 .. idx];
11522 				break;
11523 			}
11524 		}
11525 	}
11527 	// FIXME handle other subresources
11529 	static if(is(T : CollectionOf!(C), C)) {
11530 		if(urlId !is null) {
11531 			return restObjectServeHandler!(C, Presenter)(cgi, presenter, url); // FIXME?  urlId);
11532 		}
11533 	}
11535 	// FIXME: support precondition failed, if-modified-since, expectation failed, etc.
11537 	auto obj = new T();
11538 	obj.initialize(cgi);
11539 	// FIXME: populate reflection info delegates
11542 	// FIXME: I am not happy with this.
11543 	switch(urlId) {
11544 		case "script.js":
11545 			cgi.setResponseContentType("text/javascript");
11546 			cgi.gzipResponse = true;
11547 			cgi.write(presenter.script(), true);
11548 			return true;
11549 		case "style.css":
11550 			cgi.setResponseContentType("text/css");
11551 			cgi.gzipResponse = true;
11552 			cgi.write(presenter.style(), true);
11553 			return true;
11554 		default:
11555 			// intentionally blank
11556 	}
11561 	static void applyChangesTemplate(Obj)(Cgi cgi, Obj obj) {
11562 		foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, Obj))
11563 		static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, obj, memberName).offsetof)) {
11564 			__traits(getMember, obj, memberName) = cgi.request(memberName, __traits(getMember, obj, memberName));
11565 		}
11566 	}
11567 	void applyChanges() {
11568 		applyChangesTemplate(cgi, obj);
11569 	}
11571 	string[] modifiedList;
11573 	void writeObject(bool addFormLinks) {
11574 		if(cgi.request("format") == "json") {
11575 			cgi.setResponseContentType("application/json");
11576 			cgi.write(obj.toJson().toString, true);
11577 		} else {
11578 			auto container = presenter.htmlContainer();
11579 			if(addFormLinks) {
11580 				static if(is(T : CollectionOf!(C), C))
11581 				container.appendHtml(`
11582 					<form>
11583 						<button type="submit" name="_method" value="POST">Create New</button>
11584 					</form>
11585 				`);
11586 				else
11587 				container.appendHtml(`
11588 					<a href="..">Back</a>
11589 					<form>
11590 						<button type="submit" name="_method" value="PATCH">Edit</button>
11591 						<button type="submit" name="_method" value="DELETE">Delete</button>
11592 					</form>
11593 				`);
11594 			}
11595 			container.appendChild(obj.toHtml(presenter));
11596 			cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString, true);
11597 		}
11598 	}
11600 	// FIXME: I think I need a set type in here....
11601 	// it will be nice to pass sets of members.
11603 	try
11604 	switch(cgi.requestMethod) {
11605 		case Cgi.RequestMethod.GET:
11606 			// I could prolly use template this parameters in the implementation above for some reflection stuff.
11607 			// sure, it doesn't automatically work in subclasses... but I instantiate here anyway...
11609 			// automatic forms here for usable basic auto site from browser.
11610 			// even if the format is json, it could actually send out the links and formats, but really there i'ma be meh.
11611 			switch(cgi.request("_method", "GET")) {
11612 				case "GET":
11613 					static if(is(T : CollectionOf!(C), C)) {
11614 						auto results = obj.index();
11615 						if(cgi.request("format", "html") == "html") {
11616 							auto container = presenter.htmlContainer();
11617 							auto html = presenter.formatReturnValueAsHtml(results.results);
11618 							container.appendHtml(`
11619 								<form>
11620 									<button type="submit" name="_method" value="POST">Create New</button>
11621 								</form>
11622 							`);
11624 							container.appendChild(html);
11625 							cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString, true);
11626 						} else {
11627 							cgi.setResponseContentType("application/json");
11628 							import arsd.jsvar;
11629 							var json = var.emptyArray;
11630 							foreach(r; results.results) {
11631 								var o = var.emptyObject;
11632 								foreach(idx, memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, typeof(r)))
11633 								static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, r, memberName).offsetof)) {
11634 									o[memberName] = __traits(getMember, r, memberName);
11635 								}
11637 								json ~= o;
11638 							}
11639 							cgi.write(json.toJson(), true);
11640 						}
11641 					} else {
11642 						obj.show(urlId);
11643 						writeObject(true);
11644 					}
11645 				break;
11646 				case "PATCH":
11647 					obj.load(urlId);
11648 				goto case;
11649 				case "PUT":
11650 				case "POST":
11651 					// an editing form for the object
11652 					auto container = presenter.htmlContainer();
11653 					static if(__traits(compiles, () { auto o = new obj.PostProxy(); })) {
11654 						auto form = (cgi.request("_method") == "POST") ? presenter.createAutomaticFormForObject(new obj.PostProxy()) : presenter.createAutomaticFormForObject(obj);
11655 					} else {
11656 						auto form = presenter.createAutomaticFormForObject(obj);
11657 					}
11658 					form.attrs.method = "POST";
11659 					form.setValue("_method", cgi.request("_method", "GET"));
11660 					container.appendChild(form);
11661 					cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString(), true);
11662 				break;
11663 				case "DELETE":
11664 					// FIXME: a delete form for the object (can be phrased "are you sure?")
11665 					auto container = presenter.htmlContainer();
11666 					container.appendHtml(`
11667 						<form method="POST">
11668 							Are you sure you want to delete this item?
11669 							<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" />
11670 							<input type="submit" value="Yes, Delete It" />
11671 						</form>
11673 					`);
11674 					cgi.write(container.parentDocument.toString(), true);
11675 				break;
11676 				default:
11677 					cgi.write("bad method\n", true);
11678 			}
11679 		break;
11680 		case Cgi.RequestMethod.POST:
11681 			// this is to allow compatibility with HTML forms
11682 			switch(cgi.request("_method", "POST")) {
11683 				case "PUT":
11684 					goto PUT;
11685 				case "PATCH":
11686 					goto PATCH;
11687 				case "DELETE":
11688 					goto DELETE;
11689 				case "POST":
11690 					static if(__traits(compiles, () { auto o = new obj.PostProxy(); })) {
11691 						auto p = new obj.PostProxy();
11692 						void specialApplyChanges() {
11693 							applyChangesTemplate(cgi, p);
11694 						}
11695 						string n = p.create(&specialApplyChanges);
11696 					} else {
11697 						string n = obj.create(&applyChanges);
11698 					}
11700 					auto newUrl = cgi.scriptName ~ cgi.pathInfo ~ "/" ~ n;
11701 					cgi.setResponseLocation(newUrl);
11702 					cgi.setResponseStatus("201 Created");
11703 					cgi.write(`The object has been created.`);
11704 				break;
11705 				default:
11706 					cgi.write("bad method\n", true);
11707 			}
11708 			// FIXME this should be valid on the collection, but not the child....
11709 			// 303 See Other
11710 		break;
11711 		case Cgi.RequestMethod.PUT:
11712 		PUT:
11713 			obj.replace(urlId, &applyChanges);
11714 			writeObject(false);
11715 		break;
11716 		case Cgi.RequestMethod.PATCH:
11717 		PATCH:
11718 			obj.update(urlId, &applyChanges, modifiedList);
11719 			writeObject(false);
11720 		break;
11721 		case Cgi.RequestMethod.DELETE:
11722 		DELETE:
11723 			obj.remove(urlId);
11724 			cgi.setResponseStatus("204 No Content");
11725 		break;
11726 		default:
11727 			// FIXME: OPTIONS, HEAD
11728 	}
11729 	catch(Throwable t) {
11730 		presenter.presentExceptionAsHtml(cgi, t);
11731 	}
11733 	return true;
11734 }
11736 /+
11737 struct SetOfFields(T) {
11738 	private void[0][string] storage;
11739 	void set(string what) {
11740 		//storage[what] =
11741 	}
11742 	void unset(string what) {}
11743 	void setAll() {}
11744 	void unsetAll() {}
11745 	bool isPresent(string what) { return false; }
11746 }
11747 +/
11749 /+
11750 enum readonly;
11751 enum hideonindex;
11752 +/
11754 /++
11755 	Returns true if I recommend gzipping content of this type. You might
11756 	want to call it from your Presenter classes before calling cgi.write.
11758 	---
11759 	cgi.setResponseContentType(yourContentType);
11760 	cgi.gzipResponse = gzipRecommendedForContentType(yourContentType);
11761 	cgi.write(yourData, true);
11762 	---
11764 	This is used internally by [serveStaticFile], [serveStaticFileDirectory], [serveStaticData], and maybe others I forgot to update this doc about.
11767 	The implementation considers text content to be recommended to gzip. This may change, but it seems reasonable enough for now.
11769 	History:
11770 		Added January 28, 2023 (dub v11.0)
11771 +/
11772 bool gzipRecommendedForContentType(string contentType) {
11773 	if(contentType.startsWith("text/"))
11774 		return true;
11775 	if(contentType.startsWith("application/javascript"))
11776 		return true;
11778 	return false;
11779 }
11781 /++
11782 	Serves a static file. To be used with [dispatcher].
11784 	See_Also: [serveApi], [serveRestObject], [dispatcher], [serveRedirect]
11785 +/
11786 auto serveStaticFile(string urlPrefix, string filename = null, string contentType = null) {
11787 // https://baus.net/on-tcp_cork/
11788 // man 2 sendfile
11789 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11790 	if(filename is null)
11791 		filename = decodeComponent(urlPrefix[1 .. $]); // FIXME is this actually correct?
11792 	if(contentType is null) {
11793 		contentType = contentTypeFromFileExtension(filename);
11794 	}
11796 	static struct DispatcherDetails {
11797 		string filename;
11798 		string contentType;
11799 	}
11801 	static bool internalHandler(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Object presenter, DispatcherDetails details) {
11802 		if(details.contentType.indexOf("image/") == 0 || details.contentType.indexOf("audio/") == 0)
11803 			cgi.setCache(true);
11804 		cgi.setResponseContentType(details.contentType);
11805 		cgi.gzipResponse = gzipRecommendedForContentType(details.contentType);
11806 		cgi.write(std.file.read(details.filename), true);
11807 		return true;
11808 	}
11809 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler, DispatcherDetails)(urlPrefix, true, DispatcherDetails(filename, contentType));
11810 }
11812 /++
11813 	Serves static data. To be used with [dispatcher].
11815 	History:
11816 		Added October 31, 2021
11817 +/
11818 auto serveStaticData(string urlPrefix, immutable(void)[] data, string contentType = null) {
11819 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11820 	if(contentType is null) {
11821 		contentType = contentTypeFromFileExtension(urlPrefix);
11822 	}
11824 	static struct DispatcherDetails {
11825 		immutable(void)[] data;
11826 		string contentType;
11827 	}
11829 	static bool internalHandler(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Object presenter, DispatcherDetails details) {
11830 		cgi.setCache(true);
11831 		cgi.setResponseContentType(details.contentType);
11832 		cgi.write(details.data, true);
11833 		return true;
11834 	}
11835 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler, DispatcherDetails)(urlPrefix, true, DispatcherDetails(data, contentType));
11836 }
11838 string contentTypeFromFileExtension(string filename) {
11839 		if(filename.endsWith(".png"))
11840 			return "image/png";
11841 		if(filename.endsWith(".apng"))
11842 			return "image/apng";
11843 		if(filename.endsWith(".svg"))
11844 			return "image/svg+xml";
11845 		if(filename.endsWith(".jpg"))
11846 			return "image/jpeg";
11847 		if(filename.endsWith(".html"))
11848 			return "text/html";
11849 		if(filename.endsWith(".css"))
11850 			return "text/css";
11851 		if(filename.endsWith(".js"))
11852 			return "application/javascript";
11853 		if(filename.endsWith(".wasm"))
11854 			return "application/wasm";
11855 		if(filename.endsWith(".mp3"))
11856 			return "audio/mpeg";
11857 		if(filename.endsWith(".pdf"))
11858 			return "application/pdf";
11859 		return null;
11860 }
11862 /// This serves a directory full of static files, figuring out the content-types from file extensions.
11863 /// It does not let you to descend into subdirectories (or ascend out of it, of course)
11864 auto serveStaticFileDirectory(string urlPrefix, string directory = null, bool recursive = false) {
11865 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11866 	assert(urlPrefix[$-1] == '/');
11868 	static struct DispatcherDetails {
11869 		string directory;
11870 		bool recursive;
11871 	}
11873 	if(directory is null)
11874 		directory = urlPrefix[1 .. $];
11876 	if(directory.length == 0)
11877 		directory = "./";
11879 	assert(directory[$-1] == '/');
11881 	static bool internalHandler(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Object presenter, DispatcherDetails details) {
11882 		auto file = decodeComponent(cgi.pathInfo[urlPrefix.length .. $]); // FIXME: is this actually correct
11884 		if(details.recursive) {
11885 			// never allow a backslash since it isn't in a typical url anyway and makes the following checks easier
11886 			if(file.indexOf("\\") != -1)
11887 				return false;
11889 			import std.path;
11891 			file = std.path.buildNormalizedPath(file);
11892 			enum upOneDir = ".." ~ std.path.dirSeparator;
11894 			// also no point doing any kind of up directory things since that makes it more likely to break out of the parent
11895 			if(file == ".." || file.startsWith(upOneDir))
11896 				return false;
11897 			if(std.path.isAbsolute(file))
11898 				return false;
11900 			// FIXME: if it has slashes and stuff, should we redirect to the canonical resource? or what?
11902 			// once it passes these filters it is probably ok.
11903 		} else {
11904 			if(file.indexOf("/") != -1 || file.indexOf("\\") != -1)
11905 				return false;
11906 		}
11908 		if(file.length == 0)
11909 			return false;
11911 		auto contentType = contentTypeFromFileExtension(file);
11913 		auto fn = details.directory ~ file;
11914 		if(std.file.exists(fn)) {
11915 			//if(contentType.indexOf("image/") == 0)
11916 				//cgi.setCache(true);
11917 			//else if(contentType.indexOf("audio/") == 0)
11918 				cgi.setCache(true);
11919 			cgi.setResponseContentType(contentType);
11920 			cgi.gzipResponse = gzipRecommendedForContentType(contentType);
11921 			cgi.write(std.file.read(fn), true);
11922 			return true;
11923 		} else {
11924 			return false;
11925 		}
11926 	}
11928 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler, DispatcherDetails)(urlPrefix, false, DispatcherDetails(directory, recursive));
11929 }
11931 /++
11932 	Redirects one url to another
11934 	See_Also: [dispatcher], [serveStaticFile]
11935 +/
11936 auto serveRedirect(string urlPrefix, string redirectTo, int code = 303) {
11937 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11938 	static struct DispatcherDetails {
11939 		string redirectTo;
11940 		string code;
11941 	}
11943 	static bool internalHandler(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Object presenter, DispatcherDetails details) {
11944 		cgi.setResponseLocation(details.redirectTo, true, details.code);
11945 		return true;
11946 	}
11949 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler, DispatcherDetails)(urlPrefix, true, DispatcherDetails(redirectTo, getHttpCodeText(code)));
11950 }
11952 /// Used exclusively with `dispatchTo`
11953 struct DispatcherData(Presenter) {
11954 	Cgi cgi; /// You can use this cgi object.
11955 	Presenter presenter; /// This is the presenter from top level, and will be forwarded to the sub-dispatcher.
11956 	size_t pathInfoStart; /// This is forwarded to the sub-dispatcher. It may be marked private later, or at least read-only.
11957 }
11959 /++
11960 	Dispatches the URL to a specific function.
11961 +/
11962 auto handleWith(alias handler)(string urlPrefix) {
11963 	// cuz I'm too lazy to do it better right now
11964 	static class Hack : WebObject {
11965 		static import std.traits;
11966 		@UrlName("")
11967 		auto handle(std.traits.Parameters!handler args) {
11968 			return handler(args);
11969 		}
11970 	}
11972 	return urlPrefix.serveApiInternal!Hack;
11973 }
11975 /++
11976 	Dispatches the URL (and anything under it) to another dispatcher function. The function should look something like this:
11978 	---
11979 	bool other(DD)(DD dd) {
11980 		return dd.dispatcher!(
11981 			"/whatever".serveRedirect("/success"),
11982 			"/api/".serveApi!MyClass
11983 		);
11984 	}
11985 	---
11987 	The `DD` in there will be an instance of [DispatcherData] which you can inspect, or forward to another dispatcher
11988 	here. It is a template to account for any Presenter type, so you can do compile-time analysis in your presenters.
11989 	Or, of course, you could just use the exact type in your own code.
11991 	You return true if you handle the given url, or false if not. Just returning the result of [dispatcher] will do a
11992 	good job.
11995 +/
11996 auto dispatchTo(alias handler)(string urlPrefix) {
11997 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
11998 	assert(urlPrefix[$-1] != '/');
11999 	static bool internalHandler(Presenter)(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Presenter presenter, const void* details) {
12000 		return handler(DispatcherData!Presenter(cgi, presenter, urlPrefix.length));
12001 	}
12003 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler)(urlPrefix, false);
12004 }
12006 /++
12007 	See [serveStaticFile] if you want to serve a file off disk.
12009 	History:
12010 		Added January 28, 2023 (dub v11.0)
12011 +/
12012 auto serveStaticData(string urlPrefix, immutable(ubyte)[] data, string contentType, string filenameToSuggestAsDownload = null) {
12013 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
12015 	static struct DispatcherDetails {
12016 		immutable(ubyte)[] data;
12017 		string contentType;
12018 		string filenameToSuggestAsDownload;
12019 	}
12021 	static bool internalHandler(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Object presenter, DispatcherDetails details) {
12022 		cgi.setCache(true);
12023 		cgi.setResponseContentType(details.contentType);
12024 		if(details.filenameToSuggestAsDownload.length)
12025     			cgi.header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\""~details.filenameToSuggestAsDownload~"\"");
12026 		cgi.gzipResponse = gzipRecommendedForContentType(details.contentType);
12027 		cgi.write(details.data, true);
12028 		return true;
12029 	}
12030 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler, DispatcherDetails)(urlPrefix, true, DispatcherDetails(data, contentType, filenameToSuggestAsDownload));
12031 }
12033 /++
12034 	Placeholder for use with [dispatchSubsection]'s `NewPresenter` argument to indicate you want to keep the parent's presenter.
12036 	History:
12037 		Added January 28, 2023 (dub v11.0)
12038 +/
12039 alias KeepExistingPresenter = typeof(null);
12041 /++
12042 	For use with [dispatchSubsection]. Calls your filter with the request and if your filter returns false,
12043 	this issues the given errorCode and stops processing.
12045 	---
12046 		bool hasAdminPermissions(Cgi cgi) {
12047 			return true;
12048 		}
12050 		mixin DispatcherMain!(
12051 			"/admin".dispatchSubsection!(
12052 				passFilterOrIssueError!(hasAdminPermissions, 403),
12053 				KeepExistingPresenter,
12054 				"/".serveApi!AdminFunctions
12055 			)
12056 		);
12057 	---
12059 	History:
12060 		Added January 28, 2023 (dub v11.0)
12061 +/
12062 template passFilterOrIssueError(alias filter, int errorCode) {
12063 	bool passFilterOrIssueError(DispatcherDetails)(DispatcherDetails dd) {
12064 		if(filter(dd.cgi))
12065 			return true;
12066 		dd.presenter.renderBasicError(dd.cgi, errorCode);
12067 		return false;
12068 	}
12069 }
12071 /++
12072 	Allows for a subsection of your dispatched urls to be passed through other a pre-request filter, optionally pick up an new presenter class,
12073 	and then be dispatched to their own handlers.
12075 	---
12076 	/+
12077 	// a long-form filter function
12078 	bool permissionCheck(DispatcherData)(DispatcherData dd) {
12079 		// you are permitted to call mutable methods on the Cgi object
12080 		// Note if you use a Cgi subclass, you can try dynamic casting it back to your custom type to attach per-request data
12081 		// though much of the request is immutable so there's only so much you're allowed to do to modify it.
12083 		if(checkPermissionOnRequest(dd.cgi)) {
12084 			return true; // OK, allow processing to continue
12085 		} else {
12086 			dd.presenter.renderBasicError(dd.cgi, 403); // reply forbidden to the requester
12087 			return false; // and stop further processing into this subsection
12088 		}
12089 	}
12090 	+/
12092 	// but you can also do short-form filters:
12094 	bool permissionCheck(Cgi cgi) {
12095 		return ("ok" in cgi.get) !is null;
12096 	}
12098 	// handler for the subsection
12099 	class AdminClass : WebObject {
12100 		int foo() { return 5; }
12101 	}
12103 	// handler for the main site
12104 	class TheMainSite : WebObject {}
12106 	mixin DispatcherMain!(
12107 		"/admin".dispatchSubsection!(
12108 			// converts our short-form filter into a long-form filter
12109 			passFilterOrIssueError!(permissionCheck, 403),
12110 			// can use a new presenter if wanted for the subsection
12111 			KeepExistingPresenter,
12112 			// and then provide child route dispatchers
12113 			"/".serveApi!AdminClass
12114 		),
12115 		// and back to the top level
12116 		"/".serveApi!TheMainSite
12117 	);
12118 	---
12120 	Note you can encapsulate sections in files like this:
12122 	---
12123 	auto adminDispatcher(string urlPrefix) {
12124 		return urlPrefix.dispatchSubsection!(
12125 			....
12126 		);
12127 	}
12129 	mixin DispatcherMain!(
12130 		"/admin".adminDispatcher,
12131 		// and so on
12132 	)
12133 	---
12135 	If you want no filter, you can pass `(cgi) => true` as the filter to approve all requests.
12137 	If you want to keep the same presenter as the parent, use [KeepExistingPresenter] as the presenter argument.
12140 	History:
12141 		Added January 28, 2023 (dub v11.0)
12142 +/
12143 auto dispatchSubsection(alias PreRequestFilter, NewPresenter, definitions...)(string urlPrefix) {
12144 	assert(urlPrefix[0] == '/');
12145 	assert(urlPrefix[$-1] != '/');
12146 	static bool internalHandler(Presenter)(string urlPrefix, Cgi cgi, Presenter presenter, const void* details) {
12147 		static if(!is(PreRequestFilter == typeof(null))) {
12148 			if(!PreRequestFilter(DispatcherData!Presenter(cgi, presenter, urlPrefix.length)))
12149 				return true; // we handled it by rejecting it
12150 		}
12152 		static if(is(NewPresenter == Presenter) || is(NewPresenter == typeof(null))) {
12153 			return dispatcher!definitions(DispatcherData!Presenter(cgi, presenter, urlPrefix.length));
12154 		} else {
12155 			auto newPresenter = new NewPresenter();
12156 			return dispatcher!(definitions(DispatcherData!NewPresenter(cgi, presenter, urlPrefix.length)));
12157 		}
12158 	}
12160 	return DispatcherDefinition!(internalHandler)(urlPrefix, false);
12161 }
12163 /++
12164 	A URL dispatcher.
12166 	---
12167 	if(cgi.dispatcher!(
12168 		"/api/".serveApi!MyApiClass,
12169 		"/objects/lol".serveRestObject!MyRestObject,
12170 		"/file.js".serveStaticFile,
12171 		"/admin/".dispatchTo!adminHandler
12172 	)) return;
12173 	---
12176 	You define a series of url prefixes followed by handlers.
12178 	You may want to do different pre- and post- processing there, for example,
12179 	an authorization check and different page layout. You can use different
12180 	presenters and different function chains. See [dispatchSubsection] for details.
12182 	[dispatchTo] will send the request to another function for handling.
12183 +/
12184 template dispatcher(definitions...) {
12185 	bool dispatcher(Presenter)(Cgi cgi, Presenter presenterArg = null) {
12186 		static if(is(Presenter == typeof(null))) {
12187 			static class GenericWebPresenter : WebPresenter!(GenericWebPresenter) {}
12188 			auto presenter = new GenericWebPresenter();
12189 		} else
12190 			alias presenter = presenterArg;
12192 		return dispatcher(DispatcherData!(typeof(presenter))(cgi, presenter, 0));
12193 	}
12195 	bool dispatcher(DispatcherData)(DispatcherData dispatcherData) if(!is(DispatcherData : Cgi)) {
12196 		// I can prolly make this more efficient later but meh.
12197 		foreach(definition; definitions) {
12198 			if(definition.rejectFurther) {
12199 				if(dispatcherData.cgi.pathInfo[dispatcherData.pathInfoStart .. $] == definition.urlPrefix) {
12200 					auto ret = definition.handler(
12201 						dispatcherData.cgi.pathInfo[0 .. dispatcherData.pathInfoStart + definition.urlPrefix.length],
12202 						dispatcherData.cgi, dispatcherData.presenter, definition.details);
12203 					if(ret)
12204 						return true;
12205 				}
12206 			} else if(
12207 				dispatcherData.cgi.pathInfo[dispatcherData.pathInfoStart .. $].startsWith(definition.urlPrefix) &&
12208 				// cgi.d dispatcher urls must be complete or have a /;
12209 				// "foo" -> thing should NOT match "foobar", just "foo" or "foo/thing"
12210 				(definition.urlPrefix[$-1] == '/' || (dispatcherData.pathInfoStart + definition.urlPrefix.length) == dispatcherData.cgi.pathInfo.length
12211 				|| dispatcherData.cgi.pathInfo[dispatcherData.pathInfoStart + definition.urlPrefix.length] == '/')
12212 				) {
12213 				auto ret = definition.handler(
12214 					dispatcherData.cgi.pathInfo[0 .. dispatcherData.pathInfoStart + definition.urlPrefix.length],
12215 					dispatcherData.cgi, dispatcherData.presenter, definition.details);
12216 				if(ret)
12217 					return true;
12218 			}
12219 		}
12220 		return false;
12221 	}
12222 }
12224 });
12226 private struct StackBuffer {
12227 	char[1024] initial = void;
12228 	char[] buffer;
12229 	size_t position;
12231 	this(int a) {
12232 		buffer = initial[];
12233 		position = 0;
12234 	}
12236 	void add(in char[] what) {
12237 		if(position + what.length > buffer.length)
12238 			buffer.length = position + what.length + 1024; // reallocate with GC to handle special cases
12239 		buffer[position .. position + what.length] = what[];
12240 		position += what.length;
12241 	}
12243 	void add(in char[] w1, in char[] w2, in char[] w3 = null) {
12244 		add(w1);
12245 		add(w2);
12246 		add(w3);
12247 	}
12249 	void add(long v) {
12250 		char[16] buffer = void;
12251 		auto pos = buffer.length;
12252 		bool negative;
12253 		if(v < 0) {
12254 			negative = true;
12255 			v = -v;
12256 		}
12257 		do {
12258 			buffer[--pos] = cast(char) (v % 10 + '0');
12259 			v /= 10;
12260 		} while(v);
12262 		if(negative)
12263 			buffer[--pos] = '-';
12265 		auto res = buffer[pos .. $];
12267 		add(res[]);
12268 	}
12270 	char[] get() @nogc {
12271 		return buffer[0 .. position];
12272 	}
12273 }
12275 // duplicated in http2.d
12276 private static string getHttpCodeText(int code) pure nothrow @nogc {
12277 	switch(code) {
12278 		case 200: return "200 OK";
12279 		case 201: return "201 Created";
12280 		case 202: return "202 Accepted";
12281 		case 203: return "203 Non-Authoritative Information";
12282 		case 204: return "204 No Content";
12283 		case 205: return "205 Reset Content";
12284 		case 206: return "206 Partial Content";
12285 		//
12286 		case 300: return "300 Multiple Choices";
12287 		case 301: return "301 Moved Permanently";
12288 		case 302: return "302 Found";
12289 		case 303: return "303 See Other";
12290 		case 304: return "304 Not Modified";
12291 		case 305: return "305 Use Proxy";
12292 		case 307: return "307 Temporary Redirect";
12293 		case 308: return "308 Permanent Redirect";
12295 		//
12296 		case 400: return "400 Bad Request";
12297 		case 401: return "401 Unauthorized";
12298 		case 402: return "402 Payment Required";
12299 		case 403: return "403 Forbidden";
12300 		case 404: return "404 Not Found";
12301 		case 405: return "405 Method Not Allowed";
12302 		case 406: return "406 Not Acceptable";
12303 		case 407: return "407 Proxy Authentication Required";
12304 		case 408: return "408 Request Timeout";
12305 		case 409: return "409 Conflict";
12306 		case 410: return "410 Gone";
12307 		case 411: return "411 Length Required";
12308 		case 412: return "412 Precondition Failed";
12309 		case 413: return "413 Payload Too Large";
12310 		case 414: return "414 URI Too Long";
12311 		case 415: return "415 Unsupported Media Type";
12312 		case 416: return "416 Range Not Satisfiable";
12313 		case 417: return "417 Expectation Failed";
12314 		case 418: return "418 I'm a teapot";
12315 		case 421: return "421 Misdirected Request";
12316 		case 422: return "422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)";
12317 		case 423: return "423 Locked (WebDAV)";
12318 		case 424: return "424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV)";
12319 		case 425: return "425 Too Early";
12320 		case 426: return "426 Upgrade Required";
12321 		case 428: return "428 Precondition Required";
12322 		case 431: return "431 Request Header Fields Too Large";
12323 		case 451: return "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
12325 		case 500: return "500 Internal Server Error";
12326 		case 501: return "501 Not Implemented";
12327 		case 502: return "502 Bad Gateway";
12328 		case 503: return "503 Service Unavailable";
12329 		case 504: return "504 Gateway Timeout";
12330 		case 505: return "505 HTTP Version Not Supported";
12331 		case 506: return "506 Variant Also Negotiates";
12332 		case 507: return "507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)";
12333 		case 508: return "508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)";
12334 		case 510: return "510 Not Extended";
12335 		case 511: return "511 Network Authentication Required";
12336 		//
12337 		default: assert(0, "Unsupported http code");
12338 	}
12339 }
12342 /+
12343 /++
12344 	This is the beginnings of my web.d 2.0 - it dispatches web requests to a class object.
12346 	It relies on jsvar.d and dom.d.
12349 	You can get javascript out of it to call. The generated functions need to look
12350 	like
12352 	function name(a,b,c,d,e) {
12353 		return _call("name", {"realName":a,"sds":b});
12354 	}
12356 	And _call returns an object you can call or set up or whatever.
12357 +/
12358 bool apiDispatcher()(Cgi cgi) {
12359 	import arsd.jsvar;
12360 	import arsd.dom;
12361 }
12362 +/
12363 version(linux)
12364 private extern(C) int eventfd (uint initval, int flags) nothrow @trusted @nogc;
12365 /*
12366 Copyright: Adam D. Ruppe, 2008 - 2023
12367 License:   [http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt|Boost License 1.0].
12368 Authors: Adam D. Ruppe
12370 	Copyright Adam D. Ruppe 2008 - 2023.
12371 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
12372    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
12373 	http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
12374 */