
Returns the actual logical DPI for the window on its current display monitor. If the window straddles monitors, it will return the value of one or the other in a platform-defined manner.

Please note this function may return zero if it doesn't know the answer!

class SimpleWindow

Return Value

Type: int

0 if unknown. Otherwise, a rounded value of dots per inch reported by the monitor. It assumes the X and Y dpi are the same.

Detailed Description

On Windows, it returns the dpi per monitor if the operating system supports it (Windows 10), or a system dpi value if not, which will live-update if the OS supports it (Windows 8 and up).

On X, it reads the xrandr extension to determine monitor positions and sizes. On some systems, this is not provided, meaning it will return 0. Otherwise, it will determine which monitor the window primarily resides on by checking the center point of the window against the monitor map.


Probably plenty. I haven't done a lot of tests on this. I know it doesn't automatically just work on linux; you need to set ARSD_SCALING_FACTOR as an environment variable to set it. Set ARSD_SCALING_FACTOR=1;1.5 for example to set it to 1x on the primary monitor and 1.5 on the secondary monitor.

The local dpi is not necessarily related to the physical dpi of the monitor. The name is a historical misnomer - the real thing of interest is the scale factor and due to compatibility concerns the scale would modify dpi values to trick applications. But since that's the terminology common out there, I used it too.

See Also

getDpi gives the value provided for the default monitor. Not necessarily the same as this since the window many be on a different monitor, but it is a reasonable fallback to use if actualDpi returns 0.

onDpiChanged is changed when actualDpi has changed.



Added November 26, 2021 (dub v10.4)

It said "physical dpi" in the description prior to July 29, 2022, but the behavior was always a logical value on Windows and usually one on Linux too, so now the docs reflect that.