Calls MS Windows' CreateWindowExW function to create a native backing for the given widget. It will create
needed mappings, window procedure hooks, and other private member variables needed to tie it into the rest
of minigui's expectations.
This should be called in your widget's constructor AFTER you call super(parent);. The parent window
member MUST already be initialized for this function to succeed, which is done by Widget's base constructor.
It assumes className is zero-terminated. It should come from a "wide string literal"w.
To check if you can use this, use static if(UsingWin32Widgets).
Calls MS Windows' CreateWindowExW function to create a native backing for the given widget. It will create needed mappings, window procedure hooks, and other private member variables needed to tie it into the rest of minigui's expectations.
This should be called in your widget's constructor AFTER you call super(parent);. The parent window member MUST already be initialized for this function to succeed, which is done by Widget's base constructor.
It assumes className is zero-terminated. It should come from a "wide string literal"w.
To check if you can use this, use static if(UsingWin32Widgets).