1 // FIXME: the audio thread needs to trigger an event in the event of its death too
3 // i could add a "time" uniform for the shaders automatically. unity does a float4 i think with ticks in it
4 // register cheat code? or even a fighting game combo..
5 /++
6 	An add-on for simpledisplay.d, joystick.d, and simpleaudio.d
7 	that includes helper functions for writing simple games (and perhaps
8 	other multimedia programs). Whereas simpledisplay works with
9 	an event-driven framework, arsd.game always uses a consistent
10 	timer for updates.
15 		While arsd 11 included an overhaul (so you might want to fork
16 		an older version if you relied on it, but the transition is worth
17 		it and wasn't too hard for my game), there's still more stuff changing.
19 		This is considered unstable as of arsd 11.0 and will not re-stabilize
20 		until some 11.x release to be determined in the future (and then it might
21 		break again in 12.0, but i'll commit to long term stabilization after that
22 		at the latest).
23 	)
26 	The general idea is you provide a game class which implements a minimum of
27 	three functions: `update`, `drawFrame`, and `getWindow`. Your main function
28 	calls `runGame!YourClass();`.
30 	`getWindow` is called first. It is responsible for creating the window and
31 	initializing your setup. Then the game loop is started, which will call `update`,
32 	to update your game state, and `drawFrame`, which draws the current state.
34 	`update` is called on a consistent timer. It should always do exactly one delta-time
35 	step of your game work and the library will ensure it is called often enough to keep
36 	game time where it should be with real time. `drawFrame` will be called when an opportunity
37 	arises, possibly more or less often than `update` is called. `drawFrame` gets an argument
38 	telling you how close it is to the next `update` that you can use for interpolation.
40 	How, exactly, you decide to draw and update is up to you, but I strongly recommend that you
41 	keep your game state inside the game class, or at least accessible from it. In other words,
42 	avoid using global and static variables.
44 	It might be easier to understand by example. Behold:
46 	---
47 	import arsd.game;
49 	final class MyGame : GameHelperBase {
50 		/// Called when it is time to redraw the frame. The interpolate member
51 		/// tells you the fraction of an update has passed since the last update
52 		/// call; you can use this to make smoother animations if you like.
53 		override void drawFrame(float interpolate) {
56 			glLoadIdentity();
58 			glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
59 			glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
60 			glBegin(GL_QUADS);
62 			glVertex2i(0, 0);
63 			glVertex2i(16, 0);
64 			glVertex2i(16, 16);
65 			glVertex2i(0, 16);
67 			glEnd();
68 		}
70 		int x, y;
71 		override bool update() {
72 			x += 1;
73 			y += 1;
74 			return true;
75 		}
77 		override SimpleWindow getWindow() {
78 			// if you want to use OpenGL 3 or nanovega or whatever, you can set it up in here too.
79 			auto window = create2dWindow("My game");
80 			// load textures and such here
81 			return window;
82 		}
83 	}
85 	void main() {
86 		runGame!MyGame(20 /*targetUpdateRate - shoot for 20 updates per second of game state*/);
87 		// please note that it can draw faster than this; updates should be less than drawn frames per second.
88 	}
89 	---
91 	Of course, this isn't much of a game, since there's no input. The [GameHelperBase] provides a few ways for your
92 	`update` function to check for user input: you can check the current state of and transition since last update
93 	of a SNES-style [VirtualController] through [GameHelperBase.snes], or the computer keyboard and mouse through
94 	[GameHelperBase.keyboardState] and (FIXME: expose mouse). Touch events are not implemented at this time and I have
95 	no timetable for when they will be, but I do want to add them at some point.
97 	The SNES controller is great if your game can work with it because it will automatically map to various gamepads
98 	as well as to the standard computer keyboard. This gives the user a lot of flexibility in how they control the game.
99 	If it doesn't though, you can try the other models. However, I don't recommend you try to mix them in the same game mode,
100 	since you wouldn't want a user to accidentally trigger the controller while trying to type their name, for example.
102 	If you just do the basics here, you'll have a working basic game. You can also get additional
103 	features by implementing more functions, like `override bool wantAudio() { return true; } ` will
104 	enable audio, for example. You can then trigger sounds and music to play in your `update` function.
106 	Let's expand the example to show this:
108 	// FIXME: paste in game2.d contents here
110 	A game usually isn't just one thing, and it might help to separate these out. I call these [GameScreen]s.
111 	The name might not be perfect, but the idea is that even a basic game might still have, for example, a
112 	title screen and a gameplay screen. These are likely to have different controls, different drawing, and some
113 	different state.
116 	The MyGame handler is actually a template, so you don't have virtual
117 	function indirection and not all functions are required. The interfaces
118 	are just to help you get the signatures right, they don't force virtual
119 	dispatch at runtime.
121 	$(H2 Input)
123 	In the overview, I mentioned that there's input available through a few means. Among the functions are:
125 	Checking capabilities:
126 		keyboardIsPresent, mouseIsPresent, gamepadIsPresent, joystickIsPresent, touchIsPresent - return true if there's a physical device for this (tho all can be emulated from just keyboard/mouse)
128 	Gamepads, mouse buttons, and keyboards:
129 		wasPressed - returns true if the button was not pressed but became pressed over the update period.
130 		wasReleased - returns true if the button was pressed, but was released over the update period
131 		wasClicked - returns true if the button was released but became pressed and released again since you last asked without much other movement in between
132 		isHeld - returns true if the button is currently held down
133 	Gamepad specific (remember the keyboard emulates a basic gamepad):
134 		startRecordingButtons - starts recording buttons
135 		getRecordedButtons - gets the sequence of button presses with associated times
136 		stopRecordingButtons - stops recording buttons
138 		You might use this to check for things like cheat codes and fighting game style special moves.
139 	Keyboard-specific:
140 		startRecordingCharacters - starts recording keyboard character input
141 		getRecordedCharacters - returns the characters typed since you started recording characters
142 		stopRecordingCharacters - stops recording characters and clears the recording
144 		You might use this for taking input for chat or character name selection.
146 		FIXME: add an on-screen keyboard thing you can use with gamepads too
147 	Mouse and joystick:
148 		startRecordingPath - starts recording paths, each point coming off the operating system is noted with a timestamp relative to when the recording started
149 		getRecordedPath - gets the current recorded path
150 		stopRecordingPath - stops recording the path and clears the recording.
152 		You might use this for things like finding circles in Mario Party.
153 	Mouse-specific:
154 		// actually instead of capture/release i might make it a property of the screen. we'll see.
155 		captureCursor - captures the cursor inside the window
156 		releaseCursor - releases any existing capture
157 		currentPosition - returns the current position over the window, in pixels, with (0,0) being the upper left.
158 		changeInPosition - returns the change in position since last time you asked
159 		wheelMotion - change in wheel ticks since last time you asked
160 	Joystick-specific (be aware that the mouse will act as an emulated joystick):
161 		currentPosition - returns the current position of the stick, 0,0 being centered and -1, 1 being the upper left corner and 1,-1 being the lower right position. Note that there is a dead zone in the middle of joysticks that does not count so minute wiggles are filtered out.
162 		changeInPosition - returns the change in position since last time you asked
164 		There may also be raw input data available, since this uses arsd.joystick.
165 	Touch-specific:
167 	$(H2 Window control)
169 	FIXME: no public functions for this yet.
171 	You can check for resizes and if the user wants to close to give you a chance to save the game before closing. You can also call `window.close();`. The library normally takes care of this for you.
173 	Minimized windows will put the game on hold automatically. Maximize and full screen is handled automatically. You can request full screen when creating the window, or use the simpledisplay functions in runInGuiThreadAsync (but don't if you don't need to).
175 	Showing and hiding cursor can be done in sdpy too.
177 	Text drawing prolly shouldn't bitmap scale when the window is blown up, e.g. hidpi. Other things can just auto scale tho. The library should take care of this automatically.
179 	You can set window title and icon when creating it too.
181 	$(H2 Drawing)
183 	I try not to force any one drawing model upon you. I offer four options out of the box and any opengl library has a good chance of working with appropriate setup.
185 	The out-of-the-box choices are:
187 	$(LIST
188 		* Old-style OpenGL, 2d or 3d, with glBegin, glEnd, glRotate, etc. For text, you can use [arsd.ttf.OpenGlLimitedFont]
190 		* New-style OpenGL, 2d or 3d, with shaders and your own math libraries. For text, you can use [arsd.ttf.OpenGlLimitedFont] with new style flag enabled.
192 		* [Nanovega|arsd.nanovega] 2d vector graphics. Nanovega supports its own text drawing functions.
194 		* The `BasicDrawing` functions provided by `arsd.game`. To some extent, you'll be able to mix and match these with other drawing models. It is just bare minimum functionality you might find useful made in a more concise form than even old-style opengl or for porting something that uses a ScreenPainter. (not implemented)
195 	)
197 	Please note that the simpledisplay ScreenPainter will NOT work in a game `drawFrame` function.
199 	You can switch between 2d and 3d modes when drawing either with opengl functions or with my helper functions like go2d (FIXME: not in the right module yet).
201 	$(H3 Images)
203 	use arsd.image and the OpenGlTexture object.
205 	$(H3 Text)
207 	use [OpenGlLimitedFont] and maybe [OperatingSystemFont]
209 	$(H3 3d models)
211 	FIXME add something
213 	$(H2 Audio)
215 	done through arsd.simpleaudio
217 	$(H2 Collision detection)
219 	Nanovega actually offers this but generally you're on your own. arsd's Rectangle functions offer some too.
221 	$(H2 Labeling variables)
223 	You can label and categorize variables in your game to help get and set them automatically. For example, marking them as `@Saved` and `@ResetOnNewDungeon` which you use to do batch updates. FIXME: implement this.
225 	$(H2 Random numbers)
227 	std.random works but might want another thing so the seed is saved with the game. An old school trick is to seed it based on some user input, even just time it took then to go past the title screen.
229 	$(H2 Screenshots)
231 	simpledisplay has a function for it. FIXME give a one-stop function here.
233 	$(H2 Stuff missing from raylib that might be useful)
235 	the screen space functions. the 3d model stuff.
237 	$(H2 Online play)
239 	FIXME: not implemented
241 	If you make your games input strictly use the virtual controller functions, it supports multiple players. Locally, they can be multiple gamepads plugged in to the computer. Over the network, you can have multiple players connect to someone acting as a server and it sends input from each player's computers to everyone else which is exposed to the game as other virtual controllers.
243 	The way this works is before your game actually starts running, if the game was run with the network flag (which can come from command line or through the `runGame` parameter), one player will act as the server and others will connect to them
245 	There is also a chat function built in.
247 		getUserChat(recipients, prompt) - tells the input system that you want to accept a user chat message.
248 		drawUserChat(Point, Color, Font) - returns null if not getting user chat, otherwise returns the current string (what about the carat?)
249 		cancelGetChat - cancels a getUserChat.
251 		sendBotChat(recipients, sender, message) - sends a chat from your program to the other users (will be marked as a bot message)
253 		getChatHistory
254 		getLatestChat - returns the latest chat not yet returned, or null if none have come in recently
256 		Chat messages take an argument defining the recipients, which you might want to limit if there are teams.
258 	In your Game object, there is a `filterUserChat` method you can optionally implement. This is given the message they typed. If you return the message, it will send it to other players. Or you can return null to cancel sending it on the network. You might then use the chat function to implement cheat codes like the old Warcraft and Starcraft games. If the player is not connected on the network, nothing happens even if you do return a message, since there is nobody to send it to.
260 	You can also implement a `chatHistoryLength` which tells how many messages to keep in memory.
262 	Finally, you can send custom network messages with `sendNetworkUpdate` and `getNetworkUpdate`, which work with your own arbitrary structs that represent data packets. Each one can be sent to recipients like chat messages but this is strictly for the program to read  These take an argument to decide if it should be the tcp or udp connections.
264 	$(H2 Split screen)
266 	When playing locally, you might want to split your window for multiple players to see. The library might offer functions to help you in future versions. Your code should realize when it is split screen and adjust the ui accordingly regardless.
268 	$(H2 Library internals)
270 	To better understand why things work the way they do, here's an overview of the internal architecture of the library. Much of the information here may be changed in future versions of the library, so try to think more about the concepts than the specifics as you read.
272 	$(H3 The game clock)
274 	$(H3 Thread layout)
276 	It runs four threads: a UI thread, a graphics thread, an audio thread, and a game thread.
278 	The UI thread runs your `getWindow` function, but otherwise is managed by the library. It handles input messages, window resizes, and other things. Being built on [arsd.simpledisplay], it is possible for you to do work in it with the `runInGuiThread` and `runInGuiThreadAsync` functions, which might be useful if, for example, you wanted to open other windows. But you should generally avoid it.
280 	The graphics thread runs your `load` and `drawFrame` functions. It gets the OpenGL context bound to it after the window is created, and expects to always have it. Since OpenGL contexts cannot be simultaneously shared across two threads, this means your other functions shouldn't try to access any of these objects. (It is possible to release the context from one thread, then attach it in another - indeed, the library does this between `getWindow` and `load` - but doing this in your user code is not supported and you'd try it at your own risk.)
282 	The audio thread is created if `wantAudio` is true and is communicated to via the `audio` object in your game class. The library manages it for you and the methods in the `audio` object tell it what to do. You are permitted to call these from your `update` function, or to load sound assets from your `load` function.
284 	Finally, the game thread is responsible for running your `update` function at a regular interval. The library coordinates sharing your game state between it and the graphics thread with a mutex. You can get more fine-grained control over this by overriding `updateWithManualLock`. The default is for `drawFrame` and `update` to never run simultaneously to keep data sharing to a minimum, but if you know what you're doing, you can make the lock time very very small by limiting the amount of writable data is actually shared. The default is what it is to keep things simple for you and should work most the time, though.
286 	Most computer programs are written either as batch processors or as event-driven applications. Batch processors do their work when requested, then exit. Event-driven applications, including many video games, wait for something to happen, like the user pressing a key or clicking the mouse, respond to it, then go back to waiting. These might do some animations, but this is the exception to its run time, not the rule. You are assumed to be waiting for events, but can `requestAnimationFrame` for the special occasions.
288 	But this is the rule for the third category of programs: time-driven programs, and many video games fall into this category. This is what `arsd.game` tries to make easy. It assumes you want a timed `update` and a steady stream of animation frames, and if you want to make an exception, you can pause updates until an event comes in. FIXME: `pauseUntilNextInput`. `designFps` = 0, `requestAnimationFrame`, `requestAnimation(duration)`
290 	$(H3 Webassembly implementation)
292 	See_Also:
293 		[arsd.ttf.OpenGlLimitedFont]
295 	History:
296 		The [GameHelperBase], indeed most the module, was completely redesigned in November 2022. If you
297 		have code that depended on the old way, you're probably better off keeping a copy of the old module
298 		and not updating it again.
300 		However, if you want to update it, you can approximate the old behavior by making a single `GameScreen`
301 		and moving most your code into it, especially the `drawFrame` and `update` methods, and returning that
302 		as the `firstScreen`.
303 +/
304 module arsd.game;
306 /+
307 	Platformer demo:
308 		dance of sugar plum fairy as you are the fairy jumping around
309 	Board game demo:
310 		good old chess
311 	3d first person demo:
312 		orbit simulator. your instruments show the spacecraft orientation relative to direction of motion (0 = prograde, 180 = retrograde yaw then the pitch angle relative to the orbit plane with up just being a thing) and your orbit params (apogee, perigee, phase, etc. also show velocity and potential energy relative to planet). and your angular velocity in three dimensions
314 		you just kinda fly around. goal is to try to actually transfer to another station successfully.
316 		play blue danube song lol
318 +/
321 // i will want to keep a copy of these that the events update, then the pre-frame update call just copies it in
322 // just gotta remember potential cross-thread issues; the write should prolly be protected by a mutex so it all happens
323 // together when the frame begins
324 struct VirtualJoystick {
325 	// the mouse sets one thing and the right stick sets another
326 	// both will update it, so hopefully people won't move mouse and joystick at the same time.
327 	private float[2] currentPosition_ = 0.0;
328 	private float[2] positionLastAsked_ = 0.0;
330 	float[2] currentPosition() {
331 		return currentPosition_;
332 	}
334 	float[2] changeInPosition() {
335 		auto tmp = positionLastAsked_;
336 		positionLastAsked_ = currentPosition_;
337 		return [currentPosition_[0] - tmp[0], currentPosition_[1] - tmp[1]];
338 	}
340 }
342 struct MouseAccess {
343 	// the mouse buttons can be L and R on the virtual gamepad
344 	int[2] currentPosition_;
345 }
347 struct KeyboardAccess {
348 	// state based access
350 	int lastChange; // in terms of the game clock's frame counter
352 	void startRecordingCharacters() {
354 	}
356 	string getRecordedCharacters() {
357 		return "";
358 	}
360 	void stopRecordingCharacters() {
362 	}
363 }
365 struct MousePath {
366 	static struct Waypoint {
367 		// Duration timestamp
368 		// x, y
369 		// button flags
370 	}
372 	Waypoint[] path;
374 }
376 struct JoystickPath {
377 	static struct Waypoint {
378 		// Duration timestamp
379 		// x, y
380 		// button flags
381 	}
383 	Waypoint[] path;
384 }
386 /++
387 	See [GameScreen] for the thing you are supposed to use. This is just for internal use by the arsd.game library.
388 +/
389 class GameScreenBase {
390 	abstract inout(GameHelperBase) game() inout;
391 	abstract void update();
392 	abstract void drawFrame(float interpolate);
393 	abstract void load();
395 	private bool loaded;
396 	final void ensureLoaded(GameHelperBase game) {
397 		if(!this.loaded) {
398 			// FIXME: unpause the update thread when it is done
399 			synchronized(game) {
400 				if(!this.loaded) {
401 					this.load();
402 					this.loaded = true;
403 				}
404 			}
405 		}
406 	}
407 }
409 /+
410 	you ask for things to be done - foo();
411 	and other code asks you to do things - foo() { }
414 	Recommended drawing methods:
415 		old opengl
416 		new opengl
417 		nanovega
419 	FIXME:
420 		for nanovega, load might want a withNvg()
421 		both load and drawFrame might want a nvgFrame()
423 		game.nvgFrame((nvg) {
425 		});
426 +/
428 /++
429 	Tip: if your screen is a generic component reused across many games, you might pass `GameHelperBase` as the `Game` parameter.
430 +/
431 class GameScreen(Game) : GameScreenBase {
432 	private Game game_;
434 	// convenience accessors
435 	final AudioOutputThread audio() {
436 		if(this is null || game is null) return AudioOutputThread.init;
437 		return game.audio;
438 	}
440 	final VirtualController snes() {
441 		if(this is null || game is null) return VirtualController.init;
442 		return game.snes;
443 	}
445 	/+
446 		manual draw mode turns off the automatic timer to render and only
447 		draws when you specifically trigger it. might not be worth tho.
448 	+/
451 	// You are not supposed to call this.
452 	final void setGame(Game game) {
453 		// assert(game_ is null);
454 		assert(game !is null);
455 		this.game_ = game;
456 	}
458 	/++
459 		Gives access to your game object for use through the screen.
460 	+/
461 	public override inout(Game) game() inout {
462 		if(game_ is null)
463 			throw new Exception("The game screen isn't showing!");
464 		return game_;
465 	}
467 	/++
468 		`update`'s responsibility is to:
470 		$(LIST
471 			* Process player input
472 			* Update game state - object positions, do collision detection, etc.
473 			* Run any character AI
474 			* Kick off any audio associated with changes in this update
475 			* Transition to other screens if appropriate
476 		)
478 		It is NOT supposed to:
480 		$(LIST
481 			* draw - that's the job of [drawFrame]
482 			* load files, bind textures, or similar - that's the job of [load]
483 			* set uniforms or other OpenGL objects - do one-time things in [load] and per-frame things in [drawFrame]
484 		)
485 	+/
486 	override abstract void update();
488 	/++
489 		`drawFrame`'s responsibility is to draw a single frame. It can use the `interpolate` method to smooth animations between updates.
491 		It should NOT change any variables in the game state or attempt to do things like collision detection - that's [update]'s job. When interpolating, just assume the objects are going to keep doing what they're doing.
493 		It should also NOT load any files, create textures, or any other setup task - [load] is supposed to have already done that.
494 	+/
495 	override abstract void drawFrame(float interpolate);
497 	/++
498 		Load your graphics and other assets in this function. You are allowed to draw to the screen while loading, but note you'll have to manage things like buffer swapping yourself if you do. [drawFrame] and [update] will be paused until loading is complete. This function will be called exactly once per screen object, right as it is first shown.
499 	+/
500 	override void load() {}
501 }
503 /// ditto
504 //alias GenericGameScreen = GameScreen!GameHelperBase;
506 ///
507 unittest {
508 	// The TitleScreen has a simple job: show the title until the user presses start. After that, it will progress to the GameplayScreen.
510 	static // exclude from docs
511 	class DemoGame : GameHelperBase {
512 		// I put this inside DemoGame for this demo, but you could define them in separate files if you wanted to
513 		static class TitleScreen : GameScreen!DemoGame {
514 			override void update() {
515 				// you can always access your main Game object through the screen objects
516 				if(game.snes[VirtualController.Button.Start]) {
517 					//game.showScreen(new GameplayScreen());
518 				}
519 			}
521 			override void drawFrame(float interpolate) {
523 			}
524 		}
526 		// and the minimum boilerplate the game itself must provide for the library
527 		// is the window it wants to use and the first screen to load into it.
528 		override TitleScreen firstScreen() {
529 			return new TitleScreen();
530 		}
532 		override SimpleWindow getWindow() {
533 			auto window = create2dWindow("Demo game");
534 			return window;
535 		}
536 	}
538 	void main() {
539 		runGame!DemoGame();
540 	}
542 	main(); // exclude from docs
543 }
545 /+
546 	Networking helper: just send/receive messages and manage some connections
548 	It might offer a controller queue you can put local and network events in to get fair lag and transparent ultiplayer
550 	split screen?!?!
552 +/
554 /+
555 	ADD ME:
556 	Animation helper like audio style. Your game object
557 	has a particular image attached as primary.
559 	You can be like `animate once` or `animate indefinitely`
560 	and it takes care of it, then set new things and it does that too.
561 +/
563 public import arsd.gamehelpers;
564 public import arsd.color;
565 public import arsd.simpledisplay;
566 public import arsd.simpleaudio;
568 import std.math;
569 public import core.time;
571 import arsd.core;
573 import arsd.simpledisplay : Timer;
575 public import arsd.joystick;
577 /++
578 	Creates a simple 2d (old-style) opengl simpledisplay window. It sets the matrix for pixel coordinates and enables alpha blending and textures.
579 +/
580 SimpleWindow create2dWindow(string title, int width = 512, int height = 512) {
581 	auto window = new SimpleWindow(width, height, title, OpenGlOptions.yes);
583 	//window.visibleForTheFirstTime = () {
584 		window.setAsCurrentOpenGlContext();
586 		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
588 		glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
589 		glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
591 		glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
592 		glLoadIdentity();
593 		glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, 0, 1);
595 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
596 		glLoadIdentity();
597 		glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
598 		glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
599 	//};
601 	window.windowResized = (newWidth, newHeight) {
602 		int x, y, w, h;
604 		// FIXME: this works for only square original sizes
605 		if(newWidth < newHeight) {
606 			w = newWidth;
607 			h = newWidth * height / width;
608 			x = 0;
609 			y = (newHeight - h) / 2;
610 		} else {
611 			w = newHeight * width / height;
612 			h = newHeight;
613 			x = (newWidth - w) / 2;
614 			y = 0;
615 		}
617 		window.setAsCurrentOpenGlContext();
618 		glViewport(x, y, w, h);
619 		window.redrawOpenGlSceneSoon();
620 	};
622 	return window;
623 }
625 /++
626 	This is the base class for your game. Create a class based on this, then pass it to [runGame].
627 +/
628 abstract class GameHelperBase {
629 	/++
630 		Implement this to draw.
632 		The `interpolateToNextFrame` argument tells you how close you are to the next frame. You should
633 		take your current state and add the estimated next frame things multiplied by this to get smoother
634 		animation. interpolateToNextFrame will always be >= 0 and < 1.0.
636 		History:
637 			Previous to August 27, 2022, this took no arguments. It could thus not interpolate frames!
638 	+/
639 	deprecated("Move to void drawFrame(float) in a GameScreen instead") void drawFrame(float interpolateToNextFrame) {
640 		drawFrameInternal(interpolateToNextFrame);
641 	}
643 	final void drawFrameInternal(float interpolateToNextFrame) {
644 		if(currentScreen is null)
645 			return;
647 		currentScreen.ensureLoaded(this);
648 		currentScreen.drawFrame(interpolateToNextFrame);
649 	}
651 	// in frames
652 	ushort snesRepeatRate() { return ushort.max; }
653 	ushort snesRepeatDelay() { return snesRepeatRate(); }
655 	/++
656 		Implement this to update your game state by a single fixed timestep. You should
657 		check for user input state here.
659 		Return true if something visibly changed to queue a frame redraw asap.
661 		History:
662 			Previous to August 27, 2022, this took an argument. This was a design flaw.
663 	+/
664 	deprecated("Move to void update in a GameScreen instead") bool update() { return false; }
666 	/+
667 		override this to have more control over synchronization
669 		its main job is to lock on `this` and update what [update] changes
670 		and call `bookkeeping` while inside the lock
672 		but if you have some work that can be done outside the lock - things
673 		that are read-only on the game state - you might split it up here and
674 		batch your update. as long as nothing that the [drawFrame] needs is mutated
675 		outside the lock you'll be ok.
677 		History:
678 			Added November 12, 2022
679 	+/
680 	bool updateWithManualLock(scope void delegate() bookkeeping) shared {
681 		if(currentScreen is null)
682 			return false;
683 		synchronized(this) {
684 			if(currentScreen.loaded)
685 				(cast() this).currentScreen.update();
686 			bookkeeping();
687 			return false;
688 		}
689 	}
690 	//abstract void fillAudioBuffer(short[] buffer);
692 	/++
693 		Returns the main game window. This function will only be
694 		called once if you use runGame. You should return a window
695 		here like one created with `create2dWindow`.
696 	+/
697 	abstract SimpleWindow getWindow();
699 	/++
700 		Override this and return true to initialize the audio system. If you return `true`
701 		here, the [audio] member can be used.
702 	+/
703 	bool wantAudio() { return false; }
705 	/++
706 		Override this and return true if you are compatible with separate render and update threads.
707 	+/
708 	bool multithreadCompatible() { return true; }
710 	/// You must override [wantAudio] and return true for this to be valid;
711 	AudioOutputThread audio;
713 	this() {
714 		audio = AudioOutputThread(wantAudio());
715 	}
717 	protected bool redrawForced;
719 	private GameScreenBase currentScreen;
721 	/+
722 	// it will also need a configuration in time and such
723 	enum ScreenTransition {
724 		none,
725 		crossFade
726 	}
727 	+/
729 	/++
730 		Shows the given screen, making it actively responsible for drawing and updating,
731 		optionally through the given transition effect.
732 	+/
733 	void showScreen(this This, Screen)(Screen cs, GameScreenBase transition = null) {
734 		cs.setGame(cast(This) this);
735 		currentScreen = cs;
736 		// FIXME: pause the update thread here, and fast forward the game clock when it is unpaused
737 		// (this actually SHOULD be called from the update thread, except for the initial load... and even that maybe it will then)
738 		// but i have to be careful waiting here because it can deadlock with teh mutex still locked.
739 	}
741 	/++
742 		Returns the first screen of your game.
743 	+/
744 	abstract GameScreenBase firstScreen();
746 	/++
747 		Returns the number of game updates per second your game is designed for.
749 		This isn't necessarily the number of frames drawn per second, which may be more
750 		or less due to frame skipping and interpolation, but it is the number of times
751 		your screen's update methods will be called each second.
753 		You actually want to make this as small as possible without breaking your game's
754 		physics and feeling of responsiveness to the controls. Remember, the display FPS
755 		is different - you can interpolate frames for smooth animation. What you want to
756 		ensure here is that the design fps is big enough that you don't have problems like
757 		clipping through walls or sluggishness in player control, but not so big that the
758 		computer is busy doing collision detection, etc., all the time and has no time
759 		left over to actually draw the game.
761 		I personally find 20 actually works pretty well, though the default set here is 60
762 		due to how common that number is. You are encouraged to override this and use what
763 		works for you.
764 	+/
765 	int designFps() { return 60; }
767 	/// Forces a redraw even if update returns false
768 	final public void forceRedraw() {
769 		redrawForced = true;
770 	}
772 	/// These functions help you handle user input. It offers polling functions for
773 	/// keyboard, mouse, joystick, and virtual controller input.
774 	///
775 	/// The virtual digital controllers are best to use if that model fits you because it
776 	/// works with several kinds of controllers as well as keyboards.
778 	JoystickUpdate[4] joysticks;
779 	ref JoystickUpdate joystick1() { return joysticks[0]; }
781 	bool[256] keyboardState;
783 	// FIXME: add a mouse position and delta thing too.
785 	/++
787 	+/
788 	VirtualController snes;
789 }
791 /++
792 	The virtual controller is based on the SNES. If you need more detail, try using
793 	the joystick or keyboard and mouse members directly.
795 	```
796 	 l          r
798 	 U          X
799 	L R  s  S  Y A
800 	 D          B
801 	```
803 	For Playstation and XBox controllers plugged into the computer,
804 	it picks those buttons based on similar layout on the physical device.
806 	For keyboard control, arrows and WASD are mapped to the d-pad (ULRD in the diagram),
807 	Q and E are mapped to the shoulder buttons (l and r in the diagram).So are U and P.
809 	Z, X, C, V (for when right hand is on arrows) and K,L,I,O (for left hand on WASD) are mapped to B,A,Y,X buttons.
811 	G is mapped to select (s), and H is mapped to start (S).
813 	The space bar and enter keys are also set to button A, with shift mapped to button B.
815 	Additionally, the mouse is mapped to the virtual joystick, and mouse buttons left and right are mapped to shoulder buttons L and R.
818 	Only player 1 is mapped to the keyboard.
819 +/
820 struct VirtualController {
821 	ushort previousState;
822 	ushort state;
824 	// for key repeat
825 	ushort truePreviousState;
826 	ushort lastStateChange;
827 	bool repeating;
829 	///
830 	enum Button {
831 		Up, Left, Right, Down,
832 		X, A, B, Y,
833 		Select, Start, L, R
834 	}
836 	@nogc pure nothrow @safe:
838 	/++
839 		History: Added April 30, 2020
840 	+/
841 	bool justPressed(Button idx) const {
842 		auto before = (previousState & (1 << (cast(int) idx))) ? true : false;
843 		auto after = (state & (1 << (cast(int) idx))) ? true : false;
844 		return !before && after;
845 	}
846 	/++
847 		History: Added April 30, 2020
848 	+/
849 	bool justReleased(Button idx) const {
850 		auto before = (previousState & (1 << (cast(int) idx))) ? true : false;
851 		auto after = (state & (1 << (cast(int) idx))) ? true : false;
852 		return before && !after;
853 	}
855 	/+
856 	+/
858 	VirtualJoystick stick;
860 	///
861 	bool opIndex(Button idx) const {
862 		return (state & (1 << (cast(int) idx))) ? true : false;
863 	}
864 	private void opIndexAssign(bool value, Button idx) {
865 		if(value)
866 			state |= (1 << (cast(int) idx));
867 		else
868 			state &= ~(1 << (cast(int) idx));
869 	}
870 }
872 struct ButtonCheck {
873 	bool wasPressed() {
874 		return false;
875 	}
876 	bool wasReleased() {
877 		return false;
878 	}
879 	bool wasClicked() {
880 		return false;
881 	}
882 	bool isHeld() {
883 		return false;
884 	}
886 	bool opCast(T : bool)() {
887 		return isHeld();
888 	}
889 }
891 /++
892 	Deprecated, use the other overload instead.
894 	History:
895 		Deprecated on May 9, 2020. Instead of calling
896 		`runGame(your_instance);` run `runGame!YourClass();`
897 		instead. If you needed to change something in the game
898 		ctor, make a default constructor in your class to do that
899 		instead.
900 +/
901 deprecated("Use runGame!YourGameType(updateRate, redrawRate); instead now.")
902 void runGame()(GameHelperBase game, int targetUpdateRate = 20, int maxRedrawRate = 0) { assert(0, "this overload is deprecated, use runGame!YourClass instead"); }
904 /++
905 	Runs your game. It will construct the given class and destroy it at end of scope.
906 	Your class must have a default constructor and must implement [GameHelperBase].
907 	Your class should also probably be `final` for a small, but easy performance boost.
909 	$(TIP
910 		If you need to pass parameters to your game class, you can define
911 		it as a nested class in your `main` function and access the local
912 		variables that way instead of passing them explicitly through the
913 		constructor.
914 	)
916 	Params:
917 	targetUpdateRate = The number of game state updates you get per second. You want this to be quick enough that players don't feel input lag, but conservative enough that any supported computer can keep up with it easily.
918 	maxRedrawRate = The maximum draw frame rate. 0 means it will only redraw after a state update changes things. It will be automatically capped at the user's monitor refresh rate. Frames in between updates can be interpolated or skipped.
919 +/
920 void runGame(T : GameHelperBase)(int targetUpdateRate = 0, int maxRedrawRate = 0) {
922 	auto game = new T();
923 	scope(exit) .destroy(game);
925 	if(targetUpdateRate == 0)
926 		targetUpdateRate = game.designFps();
928 	// this is a template btw because then it can statically dispatch
929 	// the members instead of going through the virtual interface.
931 	auto window = game.getWindow();
932 	game.showScreen(game.firstScreen());
934 	auto lastUpdate = MonoTime.currTime;
935 	bool isImmediateUpdate;
937 	int joystickPlayers;
939 	window.redrawOpenGlScene = null;
941 	/*
942 		The game clock should always be one update ahead of the real world clock.
944 		If it is behind the real world clock, it needs to run update faster, so it will
945 		double up on its timer to try to update and skip some render frames to make cpu time available.
946 		Generally speaking the render should never be more than one full frame ahead of the game clock,
947 		and since the game clock should always be a bit ahead of the real world clock, if the game clock
948 		is behind the real world clock, time to skip.
950 		If there's a huge jump in the real world clock - more than a couple seconds between
951 		updates - this probably indicates the computer went to sleep or something. We can't
952 		catch up, so this will just resync the clock to real world and not try to catch up.
953 	*/
954 	MonoTime gameClock;
955 	// FIXME: render thread should be lower priority than the ui thread
957 	int rframeCounter = 0;
958 	auto drawer = delegate bool() {
959 		if(gameClock is MonoTime.init)
960 			return false; // can't draw uninitialized info
961 		/* // i think this is the same as if delta < 0 below...
962 		auto time = MonoTime.currTime;
963 		if(gameClock + (1000.msecs / targetUpdateRate) < time) {
964 			writeln("frame skip ", gameClock, " vs ", time);
965 			return false; // we're behind on updates, skip this frame
966 		}
967 		*/
969 		if(false && isImmediateUpdate) {
970 			game.drawFrameInternal(0.0);
971 			isImmediateUpdate = false;
972 		} else {
973 			auto now = MonoTime.currTime - lastUpdate;
974 			Duration nextFrame = msecs(1000 / targetUpdateRate);
975 			auto delta = cast(float) ((nextFrame - now).total!"usecs") / cast(float) nextFrame.total!"usecs";
977 			if(delta < 0) {
978 				//writeln("behind ", cast(int)(delta * 100));
979 				return false; // the render is too far ahead of the updater! time to skip frames to let it catch up
980 			}
982 			game.drawFrameInternal(1.0 - delta);
983 		}
985 		rframeCounter++;
986 		/+
987 		if(rframeCounter % 60 == 0) {
988 			writeln("frame");
989 		}
990 		+/
992 		return true;
993 	};
995 	import core.thread;
996 	import core..volatile;
997 	Thread renderThread; // FIXME: low priority
998 	Thread updateThread; // FIXME: slightly high priority
1000 	// shared things to communicate with threads
1001 	ubyte exit;
1002 	ulong newWindowSize;
1003 	ubyte loadRequired; // if the screen changed and you need to call load again in the render thread
1005 	ubyte workersPaused;
1006 	// Event unpauseRender; // maybe a manual reset so you set it then reset after unpausing
1007 	// Event unpauseUpdate;
1009 	// the input buffers should prolly be double buffered generally speaking
1011 	// FIXME: i might just want an asset cache thing
1012 	// FIXME: ffor audio, i want to be able to play a sound to completion without necessarily letting it play twice simultaneously and then replay it later. this would be a sound effect thing. but you might also play it twice anyway if there's like two shots so meh. and then i'll need BGM controlling in the game and/or screen.
1014 	Timer renderTimer;
1015 	Timer updateTimer;
1017 	auto updater = delegate() {
1018 		if(gameClock is MonoTime.init) {
1019 			gameClock = MonoTime.currTime;
1020 		}
1022 		foreach(p; 0 .. joystickPlayers) {
1023 			version(linux)
1024 				readJoystickEvents(joystickFds[p]);
1025 			auto update = getJoystickUpdate(p);
1027 			if(p == 0) {
1028 				static if(__traits(isSame, Button, PS1Buttons)) {
1029 					// PS1 style joystick mapping compiled in
1030 					with(Button) with(VirtualController.Button) {
1031 						// so I did the "wasJustPressed thing because it interplays
1032 						// better with the keyboard as well which works on events...
1033 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(square)) game.snes[Y] = true;
1034 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(triangle)) game.snes[X] = true;
1035 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(cross)) game.snes[B] = true;
1036 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(circle)) game.snes[A] = true;
1037 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(select)) game.snes[Select] = true;
1038 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(start)) game.snes[Start] = true;
1039 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(l1)) game.snes[L] = true;
1040 						if(update.buttonWasJustPressed(r1)) game.snes[R] = true;
1041 						// note: no need to check analog stick here cuz joystick.d already does it for us (per old playstation tradition)
1042 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.horizontalDpad) < 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.horizontalDpad) < -8) game.snes[Left] = true;
1043 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.horizontalDpad) > 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.horizontalDpad) > 8) game.snes[Right] = true;
1044 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.verticalDpad) < 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.verticalDpad) < -8) game.snes[Up] = true;
1045 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.verticalDpad) > 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.verticalDpad) > 8) game.snes[Down] = true;
1047 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(square)) game.snes[Y] = false;
1048 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(triangle)) game.snes[X] = false;
1049 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(cross)) game.snes[B] = false;
1050 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(circle)) game.snes[A] = false;
1051 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(select)) game.snes[Select] = false;
1052 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(start)) game.snes[Start] = false;
1053 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(l1)) game.snes[L] = false;
1054 						if(update.buttonWasJustReleased(r1)) game.snes[R] = false;
1055 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.horizontalDpad) > 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.horizontalDpad) > -8) game.snes[Left] = false;
1056 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.horizontalDpad) < 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.horizontalDpad) < 8) game.snes[Right] = false;
1057 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.verticalDpad) > 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.verticalDpad) > -8) game.snes[Up] = false;
1058 						if(update.axisChange(Axis.verticalDpad) < 0 && update.axisPosition(Axis.verticalDpad) < 8) game.snes[Down] = false;
1059 					}
1061 				} else static if(__traits(isSame, Button, XBox360Buttons)) {
1062 				static assert(0);
1063 					// XBox style mapping
1064 					// the reason this exists is if the programmer wants to use the xbox details, but
1065 					// might also want the basic controller in here. joystick.d already does translations
1066 					// so an xbox controller with the default build actually uses the PS1 branch above.
1067 					/+
1068 					case XBox360Buttons.a: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A) ? true : false;
1069 					case XBox360Buttons.b: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B) ? true : false;
1070 					case XBox360Buttons.x: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X) ? true : false;
1071 					case XBox360Buttons.y: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y) ? true : false;
1073 					case XBox360Buttons.lb: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER) ? true : false;
1074 					case XBox360Buttons.rb: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER) ? true : false;
1076 					case XBox360Buttons.back: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK) ? true : false;
1077 					case XBox360Buttons.start: return (what.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START) ? true : false;
1078 					+/
1079 				}
1080 			}
1082 			game.joysticks[p] = update;
1083 		}
1085 		int runs;
1087 		again:
1089 		auto now = MonoTime.currTime;
1090 		bool changed;
1091 		changed = (cast(shared)game).updateWithManualLock({ lastUpdate = now; });
1092 		auto stateChange = game.snes.truePreviousState ^ game.snes.state;
1093 		game.snes.previousState = game.snes.state;
1094 		game.snes.truePreviousState = game.snes.state;
1096 		if(stateChange == 0) {
1097 			game.snes.lastStateChange++;
1098 			auto r = game.snesRepeatRate();
1099 			if(r != typeof(r).max && !game.snes.repeating && game.snes.lastStateChange == game.snesRepeatDelay()) {
1100 				game.snes.lastStateChange = 0;
1101 				game.snes.repeating = true;
1102 			} else if(r != typeof(r).max && game.snes.repeating && game.snes.lastStateChange == r) {
1103 				game.snes.lastStateChange = 0;
1104 				game.snes.previousState = 0;
1105 			}
1106 		} else {
1107 			game.snes.repeating = false;
1108 		}
1110 		if(game.redrawForced) {
1111 			changed = true;
1112 			game.redrawForced = false;
1113 		}
1115 		gameClock += 1.seconds / targetUpdateRate;
1117 		if(++runs < 3 && gameClock < MonoTime.currTime)
1118 			goto again;
1120 		// FIXME: rate limiting
1121 		// FIXME: triple buffer it.
1122 		if(changed && renderThread is null) {
1123 			isImmediateUpdate = true;
1124 			window.redrawOpenGlSceneSoon();
1125 		}
1126 	};
1128 	//window.vsync = false;
1130 	const maxRedrawTime = maxRedrawRate > 0 ? (1000.msecs / maxRedrawRate) : 4.msecs;
1132 	if(game.multithreadCompatible()) {
1133 		window.redrawOpenGlScene = null;
1134 		renderThread = new Thread({
1135 			// FIXME: catch exception and inform the parent
1136 			int frames = 0;
1137 			int skipped = 0;
1139 			Duration renderTime;
1140 			Duration flipTime;
1141 			Duration renderThrottleTime;
1143 			MonoTime initial = MonoTime.currTime;
1145 			while(!volatileLoad(&exit)) {
1146 				MonoTime start = MonoTime.currTime;
1147 				{
1148 					window.mtLock();
1149 					scope(exit)
1150 						window.mtUnlock();
1151 					window.setAsCurrentOpenGlContext();
1152 				}
1154 				bool actuallyDrew;
1156 				synchronized(game)
1157 					actuallyDrew = drawer();
1159 				MonoTime end = MonoTime.currTime;
1161 				if(actuallyDrew) {
1162 					window.mtLock();
1163 					scope(exit)
1164 						window.mtUnlock();
1165 					window.swapOpenGlBuffers();
1166 				}
1167 				// want to ensure the vsync wait occurs here, outside the window and locks
1168 				// some impls will do it on glFinish, some on the next touch of the
1169 				// front buffer, hence the clear being done here.
1170 				if(actuallyDrew) {
1171 					glFinish();
1172 					clearOpenGlScreen(window);
1173 				}
1175 				// this is just to wake up the UI thread to check X events again
1176 				// (any custom event will force a check of XPending) just cuz apparently
1177 				// the readiness of the file descriptor can be reset by one of the vsync functions
1178 				static if(UsingSimpledisplayX11) {
1179 					__gshared thing = new Object;
1180 					window.postEvent(thing);
1181 				}
1183 				MonoTime flip = MonoTime.currTime;
1185 				renderTime += end - start;
1186 				flipTime += flip - end;
1188 				if(flip - start < maxRedrawTime) {
1189 					renderThrottleTime += maxRedrawTime - (flip - start);
1190 					Thread.sleep(maxRedrawTime - (flip - start));
1191 				}
1193 				if(actuallyDrew)
1194 					frames++;
1195 				else
1196 					skipped++;
1197 				// if(frames % 60 == 0) writeln("frame");
1198 			}
1200 			MonoTime finalt = MonoTime.currTime;
1202 			writeln("Average render time: ", renderTime / frames);
1203 			writeln("Average flip time: ", flipTime / frames);
1204 			writeln("Average throttle time: ", renderThrottleTime / frames);
1205 			writeln("Frames: ", frames, ", skipped: ", skipped, " over ", finalt - initial);
1206 		});
1208 		updateThread = new Thread({
1209 			// FIXME: catch exception and inform the parent
1210 			int frames;
1212 			joystickPlayers = enableJoystickInput();
1213 			scope(exit) closeJoysticks();
1215 			Duration updateTime;
1216 			Duration waitTime;
1218 			while(!volatileLoad(&exit)) {
1219 				MonoTime start = MonoTime.currTime;
1220 				updater();
1221 				MonoTime end = MonoTime.currTime;
1223 				updateTime += end - start;
1225 				frames++;
1226 				// if(frames % game.designFps == 0) writeln("update");
1228 				const now = MonoTime.currTime - lastUpdate;
1229 				Duration nextFrame = msecs(1000) / targetUpdateRate;
1230 				const sleepTime = nextFrame - now;
1231 				if(sleepTime.total!"msecs" <= 0) {
1232 					// falling behind on update...
1233 				} else {
1234 					waitTime += sleepTime;
1235 					// writeln(sleepTime);
1236 					Thread.sleep(sleepTime);
1237 				}
1238 			}
1240 			writeln("Average update time: " , updateTime / frames);
1241 			writeln("Average wait time: " , waitTime / frames);
1242 		});
1243 	} else {
1244 		// single threaded, vsync a bit dangeresque here since it
1245 		// puts the ui thread to sleep!
1246 		window.vsync = false;
1247 	}
1249 	// FIXME: when single threaded, set the joystick here
1250 	// actually just always do the joystick in the event thread regardless
1252 	int frameCounter;
1254 	auto first = window.visibleForTheFirstTime;
1255 	window.visibleForTheFirstTime = () {
1256 		if(first)
1257 			first();
1259 		if(updateThread) {
1260 			updateThread.start();
1261 		} else {
1262 			updateTimer = new Timer(1000 / targetUpdateRate, {
1263 				frameCounter++;
1264 				updater();
1265 			});
1266 		}
1268 		if(renderThread) {
1269 			window.suppressAutoOpenglViewport = true; // we don't want the context being pulled back by the other thread now, we'll check it over here.
1270 			// FIXME: set viewport prior to render if width/height changed
1271 			window.releaseCurrentOpenGlContext(); // need to let the render thread take it
1272 			renderThread.start();
1273 			renderThread.priority = Thread.PRIORITY_MIN;
1274 		} else {
1275 			window.redrawOpenGlScene = { synchronized(game) drawer(); };
1276 			renderTimer = new Timer(1000 / 60, { window.redrawOpenGlSceneSoon(); });
1277 		}
1278 	};
1280 	window.onClosing = () {
1281 		volatileStore(&exit, 1);
1283 		if(updateTimer) {
1284 			updateTimer.dispose();
1285 			updateTimer = null;
1286 		}
1287 		if(renderTimer) {
1288 			renderTimer.dispose();
1289 			renderTimer = null;
1290 		}
1292 		if(renderThread) {
1293 			renderThread.join();
1294 			renderThread = null;
1295 		}
1296 		if(updateThread) {
1297 			updateThread.join();
1298 			updateThread = null;
1299 		}
1300 	};
1302 	Thread.getThis.priority = Thread.PRIORITY_MAX;
1304 	window.eventLoop(0,
1305 		delegate (KeyEvent ke) {
1306 			game.keyboardState[ke.hardwareCode] = ke.pressed;
1308 			with(VirtualController.Button)
1309 			switch(ke.key) {
1310 				case Key.Up, Key.W: game.snes[Up] = ke.pressed; break;
1311 				case Key.Down, Key.S: game.snes[Down] = ke.pressed; break;
1312 				case Key.Left, Key.A: game.snes[Left] = ke.pressed; break;
1313 				case Key.Right, Key.D: game.snes[Right] = ke.pressed; break;
1314 				case Key.Q, Key.U: game.snes[L] = ke.pressed; break;
1315 				case Key.E, Key.P: game.snes[R] = ke.pressed; break;
1316 				case Key.Z, Key.K: game.snes[B] = ke.pressed; break;
1317 				case Key.Space, Key.Enter, Key.X, Key.L: game.snes[A] = ke.pressed; break;
1318 				case Key.C, Key.I: game.snes[Y] = ke.pressed; break;
1319 				case Key.V, Key.O: game.snes[X] = ke.pressed; break;
1320 				case Key.G: game.snes[Select] = ke.pressed; break;
1321 				case Key.H: game.snes[Start] = ke.pressed; break;
1322 				case Key.Shift, Key.Shift_r: game.snes[B] = ke.pressed; break;
1323 				default:
1324 			}
1325 		}
1326 	);
1327 }
1329 /++
1330 	Simple class for putting a TrueColorImage in as an OpenGL texture.
1331 +/
1332 // Doesn't do mipmapping btw.
1333 final class OpenGlTexture {
1334 	private uint _tex;
1335 	private int _width;
1336 	private int _height;
1337 	private float _texCoordWidth;
1338 	private float _texCoordHeight;
1340 	/// Calls glBindTexture
1341 	void bind() {
1342 		doLazyLoad();
1343 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _tex);
1344 	}
1346 	/// For easy 2d drawing of it
1347 	void draw(Point where, int width = 0, int height = 0, float rotation = 0.0, Color bg = Color.white) {
1348 		draw(where.x, where.y, width, height, rotation, bg);
1349 	}
1351 	///
1352 	void draw(float x, float y, int width = 0, int height = 0, float rotation = 0.0, Color bg = Color.white) {
1353 		doLazyLoad();
1354 		glPushMatrix();
1355 		glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
1357 		if(width == 0)
1358 			width = this.originalImageWidth;
1359 		if(height == 0)
1360 			height = this.originalImageHeight;
1362 		glTranslatef(cast(float) width / 2, cast(float) height / 2, 0);
1363 		glRotatef(rotation, 0, 0, 1);
1364 		glTranslatef(cast(float) -width / 2, cast(float) -height / 2, 0);
1366 		glColor4f(cast(float)bg.r/255.0, cast(float)bg.g/255.0, cast(float)bg.b/255.0, cast(float)bg.a / 255.0);
1367 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _tex);
1368 		glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1369 			glTexCoord2f(0, 0); 				glVertex2i(0, 0);
1370 			glTexCoord2f(texCoordWidth, 0); 		glVertex2i(width, 0);
1371 			glTexCoord2f(texCoordWidth, texCoordHeight); 	glVertex2i(width, height);
1372 			glTexCoord2f(0, texCoordHeight); 		glVertex2i(0, height);
1373 		glEnd();
1375 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); // unbind the texture
1377 		glPopMatrix();
1378 	}
1380 	/// Use for glTexCoord2f
1381 	float texCoordWidth() { return _texCoordWidth; }
1382 	float texCoordHeight() { return _texCoordHeight; } /// ditto
1384 	/// Returns the texture ID
1385 	uint tex() { doLazyLoad(); return _tex; }
1387 	/// Returns the size of the image
1388 	int originalImageWidth() { return _width; }
1389 	int originalImageHeight() { return _height; } /// ditto
1391 	// explicitly undocumented, i might remove this
1392 	TrueColorImage from;
1394 	/// Make a texture from an image.
1395 	this(TrueColorImage from) {
1396 		bindFrom(from);
1397 	}
1399 	/// Generates from text. Requires ttf.d
1400 	/// pass a pointer to the TtfFont as the first arg (it is template cuz of lazy importing, not because it actually works with different types)
1401 	this(T, FONT)(FONT* font, int size, in T[] text) if(is(T == char)) {
1402 		bindFrom(font, size, text);
1403 	}
1405 	/// Creates an empty texture class for you to use with [bindFrom] later
1406 	/// Using it when not bound is undefined behavior.
1407 	this() {}
1409 	private TrueColorImage pendingImage;
1411 	private final void doLazyLoad() {
1412 		if(pendingImage !is null) {
1413 			auto tmp = pendingImage;
1414 			pendingImage = null;
1415 			bindFrom(tmp);
1416 		}
1417 	}
1419 	/++
1420 		After you delete it with dispose, you may rebind it to something else with this.
1422 		If the current thread doesn't own an opengl context, it will save the image to try to lazy load it later.
1423 	+/
1424 	void bindFrom(TrueColorImage from) {
1425 		assert(from !is null);
1426 		assert(from.width > 0 && from.height > 0);
1428 		import core.stdc.stdlib;
1430 		_width = from.width;
1431 		_height = from.height;
1433 		this.from = from;
1435 		if(openGLCurrentContext() is null) {
1436 			pendingImage = from;
1437 			return;
1438 		}
1440 		auto _texWidth = _width;
1441 		auto _texHeight = _height;
1443 		const(ubyte)* data = from.imageData.bytes.ptr;
1444 		bool freeRequired = false;
1446 		// gotta round them to the nearest power of two which means padding the image
1447 		if((_texWidth & (_texWidth - 1)) || (_texHeight & (_texHeight - 1))) {
1448 			_texWidth = nextPowerOfTwo(_texWidth);
1449 			_texHeight = nextPowerOfTwo(_texHeight);
1451 			auto n = cast(ubyte*) malloc(_texWidth * _texHeight * 4);
1452 			if(n is null) assert(0);
1453 			scope(failure) free(n);
1455 			auto size = from.width * 4;
1456 			auto advance = _texWidth * 4;
1457 			int at = 0;
1458 			int at2 = 0;
1459 			foreach(y; 0 .. from.height) {
1460 				n[at .. at + size] = from.imageData.bytes[at2 .. at2+ size];
1461 				at += advance;
1462 				at2 += size;
1463 			}
1465 			data = n;
1466 			freeRequired = true;
1468 			// the rest of data will be initialized to zeros automatically which is fine.
1469 		}
1471 		glGenTextures(1, &_tex);
1472 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
1480 		glTexImage2D(
1481 			GL_TEXTURE_2D,
1482 			0,
1483 			GL_RGBA,
1484 			_texWidth, // needs to be power of 2
1485 			_texHeight,
1486 			0,
1487 			GL_RGBA,
1489 			data);
1491 		assert(!glGetError());
1493 		_texCoordWidth = cast(float) _width / _texWidth;
1494 		_texCoordHeight = cast(float) _height / _texHeight;
1496 		if(freeRequired)
1497 			free(cast(void*) data);
1498 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
1499 	}
1501 	/// ditto
1502 	void bindFrom(T, FONT)(FONT* font, int size, in T[] text) if(is(T == char)) {
1503 		assert(font !is null);
1504 		int width, height;
1505 		auto data = font.renderString(text, size, width, height);
1506 		auto image = new TrueColorImage(width, height);
1507 		int pos = 0;
1508 		foreach(y; 0 .. height)
1509 		foreach(x; 0 .. width) {
1510 			image.imageData.bytes[pos++] = 255;
1511 			image.imageData.bytes[pos++] = 255;
1512 			image.imageData.bytes[pos++] = 255;
1513 			image.imageData.bytes[pos++] = data[0];
1514 			data = data[1 .. $];
1515 		}
1516 		assert(data.length == 0);
1518 		bindFrom(image);
1519 	}
1521 	/// Deletes the texture. Using it after calling this is undefined behavior
1522 	void dispose() {
1523 		glDeleteTextures(1, &_tex);
1524 		_tex = 0;
1525 	}
1527 	~this() {
1528 		if(_tex > 0)
1529 			dispose();
1530 	}
1531 }
1533 /+
1534 	FIXME: i want to do stbtt_GetBakedQuad for ASCII and use that
1535 	for simple cases especially numbers. for other stuff you can
1536 	create the texture for the text above.
1537 +/
1539 ///
1540 void clearOpenGlScreen(SimpleWindow window) {
1542 }
1545 /++
1546 	History:
1547 		Added August 26, 2024
1548 +/
1549 interface BasicDrawing {
1550 	void fillRectangle(Rectangle r, Color c);
1551 	void outlinePolygon(Point[] vertexes, Color c);
1552 	void drawText(Rectangle boundingBox, string text, Color c);
1553 }
1555 /++
1556 	NOT fully compatible with simpledisplay's screenpainter, but emulates some of its api.
1558 	I want it to be runtime swappable between the fancy opengl and a backup one for my remote X purposes.
1559 +/
1560 class ScreenPainterImpl : BasicDrawing {
1561 	Color outlineColor;
1562 	Color fillColor;
1564 	import arsd.ttf;
1566 	SimpleWindow window;
1567 	OpenGlLimitedFontBase!() font;
1569 	this(SimpleWindow window, OpenGlLimitedFontBase!() font) {
1570 		this.window = window;
1571 		this.font = font;
1572 	}
1574 	void clear(Color c) {
1575 		fillRectangle(Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Size(window.width, window.height)), c);
1576 	}
1578 	void drawRectangle(Rectangle r) {
1579 		fillRectangle(r, fillColor);
1580 		Point[4] vertexes = [
1581 			r.upperLeft,
1582 			r.upperRight,
1583 			r.lowerRight,
1584 			r.lowerLeft
1585 		];
1586 		outlinePolygon(vertexes[], outlineColor);
1587 	}
1588 	void drawRectangle(Point ul, Size sz) {
1589 		drawRectangle(Rectangle(ul, sz));
1590 	}
1591 	void drawText(Point upperLeft, scope const char[] text) {
1592 		drawText(Rectangle(upperLeft, Size(4096, 4096)), text, outlineColor);
1593 	}
1596 	void fillRectangle(Rectangle r, Color c) {
1597 		glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1598 		glColor4f(c.r / 255.0, c.g / 255.0, c.b / 255.0, c.a / 255.0);
1600 		with(r) {
1601 			glVertex2i(upperLeft.x, upperLeft.y);
1602 			glVertex2i(upperRight.x, upperRight.y);
1603 			glVertex2i(lowerRight.x, lowerRight.y);
1604 			glVertex2i(lowerLeft.x, lowerLeft.y);
1605 		}
1607 		glEnd();
1608 	}
1609 	void outlinePolygon(Point[] vertexes, Color c) {
1610 		glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
1611 		glColor4f(c.r / 255.0, c.g / 255.0, c.b / 255.0, c.a / 255.0);
1613 		foreach(vertex; vertexes) {
1614 			glVertex2i(vertex.x, vertex.y);
1615 		}
1617 		glEnd();
1618 	}
1619 	void drawText(Rectangle boundingBox, scope const char[] text, Color color) {
1620 		font.drawString(boundingBox.upperLeft.tupleof, text, color);
1621 	}
1623 	protected int refcount;
1625 	void flush() {
1627 	}
1628 }
1630 struct ScreenPainter {
1631 	ScreenPainterImpl impl;
1633 	this(ScreenPainterImpl impl) {
1634 		this.impl = impl;
1635 		impl.refcount++;
1636 	}
1638 	this(this) {
1639 		if(impl)
1640 			impl.refcount++;
1641 	}
1643 	~this() {
1644 		if(impl)
1645 			if(--impl.refcount == 0)
1646 				impl.flush();
1647 	}
1649 	alias impl this;
1650 }