
Stops the output thread. Using the object after it is stopped is not recommended which is why this is now deprecated.

You probably want suspend or exit instead. Use suspend if you want to stop playing, and close the output device, but keep the thread alive so you can unsuspend later. After calling suspend, you can call unsuspend and then continue using the other method normally again.

Use exit if you want to stop playing, close the output device, and terminate the worker thread. After calling exit, you may not call any methods on the thread again.

The one exception is if you are inside an audio callback and want to stop the thread and prepare it to be AudioOutputThread.rawJoined. Preferably, you'd avoid doing this - the channels can simply return false to indicate that they are done. But if you must do that, call rawStop instead.

class AudioPcmOutThreadImplementation



stop was deprecated and rawStop added on December 30, 2021 (dub v10.5)