Alpha-blending accuracy level
Blend modes
Interpolation methods to apply when scaling images
Blends source into target with respect to the opacity of the source image (as stored in the alpha channel).
Blends source into target with respect to the opacity of the source image (as stored in the alpha channel).
Blends the pixel data of source into target using the requested blending mode.
Limits a value to a maximum of 0xFF (= 255).
Crops an image to the provided size with the requested offset.
Crops an image and stores the result in the provided target Pixmap.
Lowers the opacity of a Pixel.
Lowers the opacity of a Pixmap.
Lowers the opacity of a Pixel.
Adjusts the opacity of a Pixmap.
Lowers the opacity of a Pixmap.
Draws a line
Draws a single pixel
Draws an image (a source pixmap) on a target pixmap
Draws an image (a subimage from a source pixmap) on a target pixmap
Draws a rectangle
Draws a sprite from a spritesheet
Flips an image horizontally.
Flips an image vertically.
Calculates the square root of the normalized value representated by the input integer number.
Calculates the square root of an integer number as an integer number.
Inverts a color (to its negative color).
Inverts all colors to produce a negative image.
Fast 8-bit “percentage” function
Rotates an image by 180°.
Rotates an image by 180°.
Rotates an image by 90° clockwise.
Rotates an image by 90° counter-clockwise.
Scales an image to a new size.
Scales a pixmap and stores the result in the provided target Pixmap.
Transposes an image.
Pixel data container
Advanced functionality.
Advanced functionality.
Advanced functionality.
A subpixmap represents a subimage of a Pixmap.
Advanced functionality.
Advanced functionality.
Unsigned 64-bit fixed-point decimal type
Blends source into target with respect to the opacity of the source image (as stored in the alpha channel).
Blends pixel source into pixel target using the requested blending mode.
pixels := [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] width := 2 pixmap(pixels, width) => [ [ 0, 1 ] [ 2, 3 ] ]
pixels := [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] width := 3 pixmap(pixels, width) => [ [ 0, 1, 2 ] [ 3, 4, 5 ] [ 6, 7, 8 ] [ 9, 10, 11 ] ]
pixels := [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] width := 4 pixmap(pixels, width) => [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ] ]
Colors are stored in an RGBA format with 8 bit per channel. See Pixel for details.
The top left corner of a pixmap is its origin (0,0).
The $(horizontal axis) is called x. Its corresponding length/dimension is known as width.
The letter y is used to describe the vertical axis. Its corresponding length/dimension is known as height.
0 → x ↓ y
Furthermore, length refers to the areal size of a pixmap. It represents the total number of pixels in a pixmap. It follows from the foregoing that the term long usually refers to the length (not the width).
A Pixmap consist of two fields:
This design comes with many advantages. First and foremost it brings simplicity.
Pixel data buffers can be reused across pixmaps, even when those have different sizes. Simply slice the buffer to fit just enough pixels for the new pixmap.
Memory management can also happen outside of the pixmap. It is possible to use a buffer allocated elsewhere. (Such a one shouldn’t be mixed with the built-in memory management facilities of the pixmap type. Otherwise one will end up with GC-allocated copies.)
The most important downside is that it makes pixmaps basically a partial reference type.
Copying a pixmap creates a shallow copy still poiting to the same pixel data that is also used by the source pixmap. This implies that manipulating the source pixels also manipulates the pixels of the copy – and vice versa.
The issues implied by this become an apparent when one of the references modifies the pixel data in a way that also affects the dimensions of the image; such as cropping.
Pixmaps describe how pixel data stored in a 1-dimensional memory space is meant to be interpreted as a 2-dimensional image.
A notable implication of this 1D ↔ 2D mapping is, that slicing the 1D data leads to non-sensical results in the 2D space when the 1D-slice is reinterpreted as 2D-image.
Especially slicing across scanlines (→ horizontal rows of an image) is prone to such errors.
(Slicing of the 1D array data can actually be utilized to cut off the top or bottom part of an image. Any other naiv cropping operations will run into the aforementioned issues.)
The term “image manipulation function” here refers to functions that manipulate (e.g. transform) an image as a whole.
Image manipulation functions in this library are provided in up to three flavors:
Additionally, a “compute dimensions of target” function is provided.
The regular “source to target” function takes (at least) two parameters: A source Pixmap and a target Pixmap.
(Additional operation-specific arguments may be required as well.)
The target pixmap usually needs to be able to fit at least the same number of pixels as the source holds. Use the corresponding “compute size of target function” to calculate the required size when needed. (A notable exception would be cropping, where to target pixmap must be only at least long enough to hold the area of the size to crop to.)
The data stored in the buffer of the target pixmap is overwritten by the operation.
A modified Pixmap structure with adjusted dimensions is returned.
These functions are named plain and simple after the respective operation they perform; e.g. flipHorizontally or crop.
// Allocate a new target Pixmap. Pixmap target = Pixmap.makeNew( flipHorizontallyCalcDims(sourceImage) ); // Flip the image horizontally and store the updated structure. // (Note: As a horizontal flip does not affect the dimensions of a Pixmap, // storing the updated structure would not be necessary // in this specific scenario.) target = sourceImage.flipHorizontally(target);
const cropOffset = Point(0, 0); const cropSize = Size(100, 100); // Allocate a new target Pixmap. Pixmap target = Pixmap.makeNew( cropCalcDims(sourceImage, cropSize, cropOffset) ); // Crop the Pixmap. target = sourceImage.crop(target, cropSize, cropOffset);
Use the “in-place” variant of the operation instead.
Moreover: Do not use the artifacts produced by this as a creative effect. Those are an implementation detail (and may change at any point).
The “source to newly allocated target” wrapper allocates a new buffer to hold the manipulated target.
These wrappers are provided for user convenience.
They are identified by the suffix -New that is appended to the name of the corresponding “source to target” function; e.g. flipHorizontallyNew or cropNew.
// Create a new flipped Pixmap. Pixmap target = sourceImage.flipHorizontallyNew();
const cropOffset = Point(0, 0); const cropSize = Size(100, 100); // Create a new cropped Pixmap. Pixmap target = sourceImage.cropNew(cropSize, cropOffset);
For selected image manipulation functions a special adaption is provided that stores the result in the source pixel data buffer.
Depending on the operation, implementing in-place transformations can be either straightforward or a major undertaking (and topic of research). This library focuses and the former case and leaves out those where the latter applies. In particular, algorithms that require allocating further buffers to store temporary results or auxiliary data will probably not get implemented.
Furthermore, operations where to result is larger than the source cannot be performed in-place.
Certain in-place manipulation functions return a shallow-copy of the source structure with dimensions adjusted accordingly. This is behavior is not streamlined consistently as the lack of an in-place option for certain operations makes them a special case anyway.
These function are suffixed with -InPlace; e.g. flipHorizontallyInPlace or cropInPlace.
These functions do not serve as a performance optimization. Some of them might perform significantly worse than their regular variant. Always benchmark and profile.
const cropOffset = Point(0, 0); const cropSize = Size(100, 100); image = image.cropInPlace(cropSize, cropOffset);
Functions to “compute (the) dimensions of (a) target” are primarily meant to be utilized to calculate the size for allocating new pixmaps to be used as a target for manipulation functions.
They are provided for all manipulation functions even in cases where they are provide little to no benefit. This is for consistency and to ease development.
Such functions are identified by a -CalcDims suffix; e.g. flipHorizontallyCalcDims or cropCalcDims.
They usually take the same parameters as their corresponding “source to new target” function. This does not apply in cases where certain parameters are irrelevant for the computation of the target size.
Pixmap image manipulation
Pixmap refers to raster graphics, a subset of “bitmap” graphics. A pixmap is an array of pixels and the corresponding meta data to describe how an image if formed from those pixels. In the case of this library, a “width” field is used to map a specified number of pixels to a row of an image.